HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-5-14, Page 8Facei 1,.
Chamois .Freeodak
Ou Friday and Saturday of this week
we Will give away a Fee° Chamois with
a tin of Talcum Powder This bargain
will be more titan ordinarily acceptable
-j tut when the waren weather is at lynx
-and you will -most, certainly require a
new tin of Talcum, 'Here are the choice
of odors :
Yuct:a--Brand new package In Flesh
and White Liens.
Violet Dolce -Flesh and White.
Trailing Arbutus -White only.
Harmony Rose -White and Flesh..
Violet -White and Flesh,
These are all high class Talcums, de-
lightfully perfumed, anti are sure to
,please you. They are priced at 250 and
in order to have you know them better
we will give away a face chamois with a
purchase of one of them. Secure one
of them.
Out -door clays
are doubly pleasant
when you Kodak,
All Out -doors
invites your Kodak.
Before you accept the invitation
we invite yon to inspect our
stock of all that's best iu Kodaks
at,cl Supplies.
Bring your Films to us tor de-
veloping and priming and be
assured of the best results.
Everything for Photography
The ri S Store F. ■ 8 An
royal gam Items
LOTS of May flowers in the bush.
Roume bills printed on short notice at
Ttsz PosT Publishing House.
Delays/ties of coat are already b ing
rnate- tor next Winter's consumption.
Scouts of Ethel have challenged
Scouts of Brussels to a game of Foot -
Ai:m urou r, local news on page 5.
Sometimes you miss that page al-
. together
HARVEY Bite ws found his lost collie
through the advt. iu THE POST, It was
at ,Jamestown.
SPEAK a good word for Pope & Son's
machine shop. They are here to do
business and are doing it.
THE port of fishing in the Maitland
was reduced to a minimum l:y closing
the waste gates on the Easterly end of
the dam.
IT is expected that a contingent of
Brussels Orid Fellows will go to Wing -
ham next Sunday evening to attend the
annual sermon,
A fine new placer piano has beet in-
stalled in connection with R Iy1 Sin-
clair's motion Picture • Show. He is
determined to have everything A I.
SOME Timms,- Wednesday a mon-
ster snapping turtle was captured be
low the mill darn that plumped down
the scales at 37 pounds. It resented
any interference with its liberty.
COMPLAINTS are made by the business
men about tete dust blowing on Main
street. The street watering business
should have been art anged three months
ago so as to be ready when required
FRIDAY of this week will be the 15111,
the day on which the Sanitary Inspector
is expected to call at d see your premises
-both fore and aft. Are you ready for
his visit in ease he should call ?
MONDAY forenoon the funeral service
of the late Thos. St. Amour, who lived
near Henfryn and died Friday, need 76
years, took place in the R. C. church,
Brussels. It was conducted by Rev.
Fr. Blair.
Coat Otr. STOVES. -On Wednesday,
May 271h, there will be a demonstration
of what can be:done by using coat oil
stoves instead of wood or coal stoves, at
Wilton & Gillespie's. Call at the shop
and be convinced of tbe economy and
comfort of coal oil.
IVEw names added to the list of 'Rural
Telephone subscribers and changes
made on some of the Ines are indicated
on page 4 of this issue. There will
soon be the round r,000 on the roll.
It's a Wonderful accommodation to the
people Rud the Central office employees
are very anxious to give the best pos-
sible service if every subscriber will
SIIPPRR-lir 'Powe HALL.- Instead of
serving supper on the manse lawn on
Monday, Ailey 25th, as aouounced on the
posters, the Ladies' Aid of Melville
church will tee the Towe Hall so that
people may be more comfortable than
they would be outdoors, particularly it
weather is cool or damp. Supper will
follow the corner stone laying pro-
f ceedings,
semeuG in this !sane it will be seen
that the annual Excursion to Detroit by
the fine steamer Greyhound is slated for
Friday, June 12th, good to return on
the follotviug Monday. Return fare
front Goderich to, Detroit is only ,ir.so,
thus affording a delightful outing at
small cost, A I Base Ball games are on
the program at the City of tbe Straits.
Are you intending to go?
Mstvttr. CHURCH R U Cft -
Mx551'5. Park &
Brown, of Cromarty, Perth Co., oou-
tracto's for he stone and brick work of
the new Melville church, are busy tins
week on the basement of the new
chttrch,'putting in cement for founda-
tion t0 stone walls. It will mean a bast
season before the new edifice to tip
loo, Adams & Son, of Wroxetsr, end
etaff are )lard at work on the new ce-
ment llot'ee'sheds for Melville church.
Shed will be 5o x 2s0 beet with walls 6
feet high; Metallic roil' will be put on.
PRE bricklayers wilt veneer Jno.
s Hary residence, Messrs. Baker
& McDonhtd,:of Cranbrook, have been
given the work. A slate roof le to be
nut on bya tr tf
S n old contractor. Mr.
Ewan is saving 110 expense to have the
property fixed up to No. I manner.
He prmposes putting a cement rotor•
dation under tile old frame hoose in the
rear of the lot and will sheet it outside,
It is •to be utilized for a stable and
poultry house. When all tine improve.
mento are completed it will mean quite
tra or psf mation to that corner.
BAD EGDs. -Some youths in Brussels
are, on the sure road to trouble unless
they mend their ways. Their "diver -
41o1" consists in visiting certain prent-
isee and stealing eggs. 'I he nettles of
oerta!u parties_ are Said to be on the list
of suepecte and if corroborate proof can
be, got Reeve Leckie will have a job in a
Magistrate's case. People clout have to
submit to thegS raids by impudent young
fellows who should know better. It
may be a dear lot of eggs ttntess they let
tip Ott the Stealing bpsineta. -
SOME maple tree pruning is being
done by Caretaker Oliver on some of
the streets and quite an improvement is
being made A -most all the shale trees
could stand a topp.iug off of lower
branches without detriment to them,
CARPENTERS are bu y this week a'
the roof, f the new hr,rse shed for the
Methodist church. The iuterior of the
shed was nicely levelled last Saturday
end the frame shed at the church,
built 38 years ago, was takeu down the
same day by a bee. -
A good coating of cinders has filled in
some Dad places on James street near
the Pryne Flour mill. There's room
for some attention by the Council in a
contribution of gravel on the same.s'reet
if the roadway is to remain passil le in
wet weather next Fall and Spring to the
Loam, -A pendant, in form of °rose, set with
brilliants, with fine gold chain attached. Find.
er will greatly oblige by having it at Tait
0024rn pups for sale. Also seed potatoes.
Los 24, Con, 12, Grey, Gso. E. SORMRAN,
Phone 6611,
Nowt-mt.-The undersigned is prepared to do
all kinds of ou0-horse teaming such as plow-
ing gardens, removing ashes and rubbish
cleaning lavatories, &e Orders left at Jae..
Ballnntyne's store will receive prompt at.
tentlon. Jan, TR18IDNAn.
To not Pronto. -I have improved my work-
shop and will keep se one open from S a. m. to
6 p m. deity. Will sharpen and repair saws
and lawn mowers to your fancy I have anis
class of goods for sale or will exchange same
when desired
T. MCGnanon, Brussels, Ont.
Have received n shipment of Baby chick
food. Specially prepared. Nothing so good.
for young chicks. Try a package. Pryne
Milting So.
EGDs EOR HATCH/MG.-R. 0. R. I. Reds
From N.ov. 1st to April 14th SO hefts laid 549.00
worth of ERAS, 505 for setting of 18. I. A
McKelvey, phone 860, Ethel
FLEURY, Wilkinson, Caokeltntt end Frost &
Wood plow repairs and those of the Deering
and Frost & Wood implements in stock and
Gold by E, Plum at Blacksmith shop, Brussels.
Tanis year old heavy draft gelding for sale,
EMT. HENDeaeole, Brussels,
A CARD, -We the undersigned hereby agree
to sell n pectres° of five standard 50 boxes of
Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty Dents.
Quality guaranteed, Jas, Ballantyne, Geo,
Thomson and W. J. McCracken,
Fon SALE -General parpose Ally 8 years
o14, JAS. D. MoNAra, Lot 22, Con, 18, Grey.
phone 490.
EGGS son HMTontsG,-Good laying strain of
White Wyandottes. Eggs 8100 for setting of
35. Jona MEJDOwa, Brussels.
THE Chi Namel Demonstration at
Wilton & Gillespie's store last week at-
tracted a good many peoplewho were
much interested in the many and varied
uses that Chi-Namel could be pot to and
at small cost. Samples of work may be
seen at the store at any time, -
-During g the meths of June, e'July and
August the Following will be the Sum
mer (tour schedule followed and to
which he reading public are asked to
take note :-Library will be open Tues-
day. 'Thursday and Saturday afternoons
and Wednesday and Saturday evenings,
for o same hours as now obtain. Kindly
Dote that the change takes place on June
1st and wile continue to September sat
Monday evening the representatives of
Clinton Wroxeter and Brussels In
tetme lle Foot fiati teams met in town
and drafted the schedule for the firs)
round of games in connection with this
season's sport, Dates were arranged ns
follows ;-
Brussels at Clinton, May 22
Clinton at Wroxeter, " 25
Wroxetert "
n Bi a tsels, zg
Clinton et Brussels, June 5
Wroxeter at Clinton, " 12 '
Brussels a Wroxeter, Vroxeter, " to
This should make a good series of games
es both CI:ntou and Wroxeter ere old
hands at the game. Clip out this list for
future reference. •
evening the Public Lithely Board met
in the Board room, with I. F. Rowland,
F. S Scott, F. H Gilroy, A C. Dames,
B. S. Scott and W. H. Kerr present
Minutes of last meeting' read and
adopted. Communication was read
from Secretary of the District Library
Association for address or paper at next
Institute, to be hold iu November at
Walkerton. Either Principal 'Scott or
W. H, Kerr will take part. Tree urer
Rowland reported don the finances of
Winter's lest 5 WI is G
(.nurse over
X30 oo being cleared of the series"In
addition to affording the people tile
opportunity or attending four good
Concerts at a very nominal charge.
The Summer (tours at the Library for
June, July and August were fixed the
same 110 last year viz :- Ope.t on nes-
e*, Thursday and "Saturday afternoons
and Wednesday and Saturday uighle.
An order for 00 ton of furnace coal for
Library was given to Wilton & Gilles-
pie. It was 'agreed to purchase -eel-
clitional new boolcs so as t0 have them
of the shelves by September. Secretary
was instructed to write Counens of
Grey and Morris asking sttlall grants to
Library in view of tine. numerous read
etre resident in these municipalities.
Board discussed gtle511015 of Concert
Course for next season atttl Will seek
iuftrinatirsu concerning the name,
the •
Metropolitan Bank
Omaha! Paid up - • 51,000,000,00
ReeCrve Fund - - 1,260,000.00
Undivided proflie -
Joint 'Deposit -Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially, for Farmers or those living out
of town, Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
The Annual meeting of the Last
Huron Reform Association will be
held in the Town Hall, Brussels, an
Tuesday, May ' 26th, at 2 p. in. A
large attendance is asked for.
A big acreage of potatoes will be
planted this Spring.
FOURTH Division Court was held
Wednesday of last week, with judge
Holt presiding. The CE -A of Baill e vs.
Greig, resulted in a non -suit. Three
other cases were adjourned. -
Selmer. Board met last Friday even.
ing in the Board room in the Public
Library The year' supply of coal for
the school building was ordered from
R Henderson.
evening the annual congregational
meeting was held in the Methodist
church, Rev D Wren M. A , pre-
sidiuv. Eeceuraging reports were
presented by Mrs Skelton for the
Woman's Missionary Society ; Mrs,
Geo. Lowry for the Ladies Aid ; Miss
Laura Leathet•dale for the Epworth
Leagues; W H Kerr for the Sabbath
'School Following Society Repre-
sentatives were elected by acclamation :
-W. Pryne. G. C Manners, John
Cunningham S 1'. Plum John Bateman
and Jas Ca 'diff. George Menzies was
re elected for Cranbrook congregation
The duties of llistrict visit/es were out•
lined and duly impressed A direussion
on financesensned and plans ou'lined for
he cnm'ng year. J. F. •Rowland and
R. A. Pryne were chncen as auditors of
church accounts Prospects are very
encouraging for the (there and the
church is in good heart The pastor is
renderiug faithful and effective service.
People We Talk About -
Miss Janet McKay is visiting in town
Miss May Birt is visiting with friends
in Galt
Miss Miriam Wood (nurse) has taken
ui, residence in Brussels.
Mrs. Thuell sr. is back from a visit
with relatives in Buffalo N Y.
Rev. George Jetvit' and Miss Etta, of
B'v b, were in town on Monday.
Will. Bell did the limp act for several
days owing to an injured ankle.
Miss Ruby Plum is holidaying with
friends at Stratford, Mitchell and t lin-
Mrs. 1 Leckie is home from her visit
in Landon feeling touch improved in
Dan. Denman has returned to the
West where he will likely spend the
Miss Marguerite Wilton was visiting
her sister, Miss Kathleen, at Stratford,
for a fete days.
Robert Thomson has been off duty
for the past few weeks but we hope he
will soon be 50 gnarl as goi 1
C. Wallis enRemelt,Clinton,d E of lint
were in town on Wednesday. Thev,
crone by the farmer's car
Mrs anti Miss Richards, who spent
the Winter here, have returned to their
Summer home at Ras field,
Earl Ament has been on the sick list
with h con eUt
on Of the It
nes but we
hnpe Ile will sons be convalescent.
Mrs. Jessie Kerr is in Toronto this
week. She accompanier) her sister,
MMiss Jo. Ross to the Queen city last
n' day,
Mr w'
Mrs D Ewan was an the sick list.
during the pest week hut we hope she
mite be speedily restored to her usual
gond health.
Geo and Mrs Ferguson, of 'Toronto,.
and Miss Jean Ferguson (nurse) nt - L"n•
don, were calling oh old friends in
la-ct week.
Jne Wilton of the Stan lard Bank
staff at Midland, is hoer' for his,
VACAtl Ott q
Hi work evidently 1 s v dt.ntly
ing well with hien
Jn•. and Mrs Patterson. of Harrislre,
were calling on old friends in Brussels
Sunday. Mr. Patterson is well
pleased with his new situation.
Welter Lowry is hone from a business
Trip to the, sorest He sm•s everybody
he called to see who were former Brim
settles, kinked Well and were rining we
Jonathan Kitchen, of Brantford. whn
Was an old resident of Brnseein was call
Ing an old friends here Monday of Ih's'.
week, He stands the passing years like a
Robert Fox, Whet. of 'Dr!15018t Fnx,
is hardly ah well As usual but we hone
he will soon improve Mr Fox is past
0re r of
re a sbut age
b t 1 te
as been.wonder.
s Hart
nerMvteidt 'Pio
and Frank Srnt
home from the faculty of
Education, Toronto, Net Saturday, The
results of the exams will he published
about the first of June.
Miss 13 Griffin, a graduste burse front
Oid London, arrived in town last week,
and is making leer home at the residence
Of Ina. and Mrs. Lunn, 'who are old
friends of tine new arrival,
Mrs M. Buchanan bas not been en-
joying very rugged health for several
Months but we hope the arrival of the
"gond old Summer tinge" will aid in
her complete convalescence,
Alt,' Raeker and W.' A. ' and Mrs. ,
G'•ewm' motored to Clinto't with 1:. H. -
Galbraith on Prides, The former at-
tended a meeting of Centre Huron
Lioonse Board and kr, and Mrs.
Gnawer Visited Monde,
A son of Photographer Maitland has
been in Leland writing up the condition
of affairs in Ulster for the Daily Star,
Toronto He is on his return trip now,
Mrs Price, of Merrill, Mich„ and
Mrs. N F. Kilpatrick, of Baltle Creels,
Mich. were here this week combining
business and pleasure: The ladies are
daughters of the late D. Maxwell, of
' A Clifford correspondent of last week
says :-W. J. and Mrs Kyle, G T. R.
Agent, left on 'Tuesday morning for a
two weeks vacation, and will visit
Toronto, N'agara Falls, Hamilton,
Brussels and Chesley before returning.
Bert Raiz nt-ravistock, !•sail d on
James Anderson, V S., Brussels, las,
Friday They were nld friends ,vhen
the leiter followed his profession in
'I'avi5tnck, Mr. Rate is engaged in the
flouring business and is traveller for the
D. A. Lowry, of Toronto, was re-
newing old friendships in Brussels for a
few days during the pew week He has
prospered in the Query cit i. We are
sorry to learn that hire datiehter, Ndiss
"tarn, was not having veru good health
but we hope she will soon be fully re-
Mrs. 12 F. Downing went to Fervus
on Monday for an operation at the
hnspilat in c•'nneetinn with 5'swelling-
nn her neck Ir resulted ascoessfullt
and we hope to see Mrs Downing home
5g in in the course of a few were..
She was accompanied by M'ss L'zzie
Downing and Dr Bri•ans
"Bob" Wei:wick did well at the
School of Practical Sci'hce, Tor"nto,
where he is taking a course in C'vi
Engineering. Ile talk Honors in his
recent exam We cnngrntula•e hint on
his success. Mr Wo',rl of Kincardine,
and Mr 41e,L ean, of Palmer•, oi, 'ere
also students from thio part of. Ontario
Mr. Marsden Smith and Miss Martha
are visi'i:tg in Toronto with L ltd
Mrs Stark and P and Mrs Robert
'Tile latter couple are ening to a new
mission station at Indian River, in
Peterhoro' locality, and their Brussels
relatives desired to see them before
they went Best We wish Mr, and
Mrs. Robert marked success in their
Church Chimes
Rev. R E Pure was away at Cargill
and Pinkerton last Sunday preaching on
behalf of Missions
Maitland Presbytery and the Presby-
terial will meet in Kincardine Tuesday
of next week.
Sermons on Sunday at St. John's
church morning and evening will be
preached by Rector
At the Y P. S C. E. of Melville
church last S rbbath evening Dr Me -
Rae g,,ve an interesting paper nn
'•Health hints to right living "
Thursday 'of this week Rev, R E.
Page is attending Rural Deacana'
meeting an(1 S . S Convention a' Sea -
forth where he is eiving a paper on
"M:esioner'y Li'era'ure,"
ren -t Friday Rev 1 ii. Dyke, former
ly of Belgreve, was here arranging fen
a free illustrated lecture in 1u'y nn
Tuberculosis end° the Muskoka rani
Goderich to Detroit
and Return
GOING FrooGeth JUNE 12`
RETURN -ruo°,"m">JUNE -15
BALL CAMES ISth and 14th;
In Detroit
The interning Truro front Kii-
'•n.tdinr, NI' melte a and %lay
stations 1n L't.drsboan', will
make r•ontiectinit at Ulinlem
%villi the "Boat 7`rtEiu't frost
Shutt ford. nn the 121h.
®11' CLS4L1HllfA RA
ESD oppr t,
J. F. Rowland, 0 Min Manager.
THE business man who has
customers in various parts
of Canada or elsewhere will
find the services of this bank of
invaluable assistance in collect-
ing drafts, etc. 233
Preparations are being made for a
b:g crowd at the corner stone laying of
Melville church on Monday, 25th fnet.,
at 2.30 p m Rev Dr. MacDonald, of
jl'oronto. will be here to perform the
inlportant.ceremonv and will give an
address, followed by al her speakers and
musical progs•am. Tea served In the
Town all
Last Sabbath Rev, A J, Mani 13, A ,
preached two fine sermons from Acts
26-1o." I was not disobedient to the
heavenly vision." Iu the morning he
dwelt 011 the Heart. representative 01
Love 1 and the Soul, indicative of
Faith. In the evening continuing the
subject he dealt with the Mind, relating
to Progress; and the Moral Nuure, ex.
presslve of Ditty. -
The cervices last Sundey in St John's
church were conducted by Rev. Mr.
Appleysrd, of London, who gave very
interesting Mt:scionary discourses both
mnrningand !evening, It being special
tlIselooa"v Day throughout the Diocese.
Mr. Anpleysrd, who is the District
S,cretary Lf the A Y. P A. Society
rave an interesting address at their
meeting. Tne tope for next Sunday
• veuing is "Lessons from Inc Trees"
token by Miss Ina Brrana
m -eters; of the 0111mei Board of Brus-
s'!s Metholist church was held'l'ues4ay
evening of las• week and considerable
nosiness transacted F tl Gilroy was
elected lav representative to the Wing -
'nam D,s'rict meeting, which meets in
Corrie on May 26 mitt 27 J 'I' Wood
alternative. Stewards are R Leather -
/tale, J T. blond. F. 13 Gilroy, H L.
l rckson, R A Pyne, A 1, Helm, F.
Rruida z• and W H. Kerr Local
Pre •cliers' license;, were renewed to Eli
Smith, 1, Grainger, J. '1` Wood, F H,
Gilroy. F Radcla'z and W. H. Ker•.
District visitors, who are also members
"1 the Board, are aq follows :-R. 3
'hover, S Carter, Herbert Manning.
Batley, J. J. Gilpin, Mrs. R.
Leatherclale, .Mrs. Geo. Banken, Mrs,
Rands, Mrs. Baiter. Mrs. Hill, Mrs. J.
l' Wood and Miss Mttrtlia Smith
irinaucial report showed a good Year and
books are expected to close with all
claims met Pastor was granted month
of July for vacation and Committee to
a-raneepulpit 'supply chosen WAS pas-
tor, If. H. Gilroy. G. C. Manners and W.
H Kerr. Congregational meeting was
set for'1`uesclev May i21h to hear reports
from the different organization of the
church tor the past Conference tear
Last Sunday morning Mothers' Day
wee observed in the Methodist church
when Rev. Mr, Wren gave a most ap-
propriate discontse from the text "As
one whom his mother comfortetlt so will
I comfort you " Solos were nicely ren
dered by .Miss Lizzie Downing, Miss
Eva Cantlnn aid A E Hersey, in keep
ing with the subject. Many white car-
nations were iu evidence of Motl;eis'
Day At the evening service the theme
was the Prodigal Son and the text
"When he came to himself" fromwhich
a strong sermon teas delivered. A stale
quartette sang " Velcome flowers of
May" very nicely and Miss Beatrice
Whitfield contributed s choice solo,
"Songs in the niglit," in good voice.
Joseph F, Eby, President of Eby,
Blain Co„ Limited, Toronto, died after.
a short illness. -
Rev John McNeill, of Cooke's .church
Toronto, urged the churches to take up
open-air work,
The Duke of Connaught aucl party
visited St. Catherines and inspected the
work nu the Welland ship canal.
William Harris, President of the Har-
ris Abattoir Co., and a widely known
bve s oak man, died after a lengthy ill
F G Inwood has resigned the Sac-
rrtart ship of. the General Reform As.
s,e,at!0n to become identified with the
A 0 U. W., as Gland Res soler.;
FRIDAY, MAY 2250 -Fenn stock, Imola--
meets, &c , 10%S Lot 18, Con. 0, Morris town-
ship Hale enroserv.ed at I p- m w Jeek•an,
H. Jackson and A. Laidlaw, Executers of the
hate Gee; Jackson, F. S. Scott, Auctioneer.
DTrAvoamn -In McLeod. Alta., on May 6111, to
Mr and Mra R. Russell Dilworth, a eon
Robert )
FA Gras Fordwinh, on April 28th, 1014, to
Mr. and 51.re, Elmer Pallia, a daughter.
MaWnAta-In Hanover, on March 20th, 1914,
to Rev Walter and Mrs, McLean, a
Ron 1 taloa -In Edmonton, on May 81 d.1914, to
Mr. and Mrs, Ned by Robinson formerly of
Grey, a dao i;er,
Bmgwwam -rn Vabtveoaver, lis Con may 4th,
to Mr. and Aire, Alexander 'R, Stewart, a
STinr1e -In Pudraaa, lifanttoba, on April 18t11,
to lir. and Mra. Adam Steles, a daughter,
8 ••••e•• •• •••O••••••• • ••• II
• •
• Nya�,s •
• •
• 10
t Blood
Pu r�ifier
O 55
p No one earl' question the •
a groat value of a reliable •
0 Blood Purifier.and Blood qdj
13uiltler as it fael01' in the o
cum and pieveutinn or the s4
ordinu'ydiseases. The blood e
current permeates every tt
rotation of the body so if the ,e
be impure and ititpnv-
• erished it cannot help but ret
o vitiate one's health. We e9*
• renonmteucd Nyal'e Blood .0
G Pit Its an efficient and e
• tellable remedy for all dis-
• orders of the blood. ea
• 81.00 per large bottle :
•0o •-AT- w
o •
•FOX "
• •
GAYNOR-Ire Grey township on May 1211t,
Elizabeth, beloved wife of John Gaynor,
aged 00 years, 2 months end 19 days.
Sm. AMon14daysn.-In Grey township, on May 818,
1914, Thomas St. Amour, aged 70 Sears and
SmotRY.-In MelSiltop tow=sl , on May 11th,
1911, John -Storey, in hie 06th year,
GRA9AM,-In.Hawlok, on May 5th, 1914, Alex-
ander Graham,10th eon., aged 74 years.
Wheat 2100 5100
Cato 40 40
Barley 00 00
Butter 19 20
8 00 8 00
Hay 16 00 10 00
FARM FOR SALE. -The 60 acre farm ad•
joining the Village of Brussels, owned by
George Robb. Good Buildings, let class land
In good state of oulttvation. For particulars
x tply to J. LEMUR, Brussels,
(Owner will be )fere on 26th inst.)
Drumburle Chief
No.5010, Vol. 14, (t 15, A., Contain,
Nu, 14724, Vol, 28,0 S. of Great Britain and
En robe ent No, 1020 - Lnspected and approved
J. W. KING, Proprietor
Following route will be taken this season by
the above horse :-Monday will leave hie own
stable, Bltevale, and proceed by Ord Con. Mor -
Hs, to Sos. Miller's, for night. Tuesday to Jas,
H. Sellers', Con. 8, Morris, for noon ; then via
Brussels to Elston Oardtff'e, 5th line Norris,
for night. Wednesday by way of Robb. Scott's
to Arab Elision's, Oen 14, Grey, for noon ;
than to Oliver Turnblill's. Oen 16, Grey, for
night Thursday to bong's Hotel, Cranbrook,
for noon ; then to Robert Hoover's, Oon, 0,
Grey, for night. Friday to PeterA McArth-
ur's.8th Oen, Grey, for noon 'then to Bernlao'
Payne's, 2nd Cott, Grey, for night. Saturday
to Joseph Smithe'a, tat line at orris, for noon ;
then to his own stable until the following Mon-
• ••••••••••••••a••••s•••••• •••••s•••••••••••••••••••• •••i•••••••••••••••••••••••
sGruss is Daylight ht Store
® re'V''t"V"t°t" „.,.. Vr,..,„„ V,'V� 61V; Is'lirls'V'W,,. V,'tt'!I'W'Vlt,„,... 'V,'t,'t•VM INIVtsViWi V, ndhrlr w4d,t .i..1 ,',10ItOtPl,rt'4i IUh,'61,10, 4JOi ta',I. V,161g•% V,'VAtrt,V 11,Vld,
®• •
• •
Sale ® •
d t S iG A
dStlitS •
o lr •
o For 10 Days only
r i .,
o i:� 1 :,t j o
at I ,f' .j ,^l 0
• 1' l'1 ' OMEN'S and Misses' Suits away a
regular below rices. We have / 8
® them in this season's best styles s
\\ I't�•'
es Worsteds and
Fine Fr
® Venetian Cloths assorted colors ; silk 2
Qaa linings ' • for Misses16 18 and znyears 1 et4
s for Ladies sizes34, 36, 38 and 40. All oa
• /'. t.. be cleared atf4
o ver much less than reg-':
,t a
G. N. McLaren. a
..�, 9.00, 9.50, 10.00. & 11.00
• Call and See them. These rices are worth whit S
• p e Scarcely necessary to say �
that these prices are for Cash. •
LMOST everyone knows PROGRESS B •
better to be hail at atnv ries,, We have a fine stock in Tweeds, W -.i' e • ` ®..
p . e a st ds and •
Serer('S. Perfect t*In ,_-
:, 1Ii �', They keep their shape and the prices •
• are ver treasonable indeed, all and see 1 '- p •
�, Y O t tem. Compare qualities with' prices slid. • .
a we're sure you will be pleased.
• All sizes and kinds of Boots
and Shoes. Prices the Lowest.
Highest prices
Ill L• r
•i•••s•6•tiss•••ctis•s••s3••••Niii011.00•s••11i b•i•M•;3