HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-5-14, Page 5JNO. SUTHERLAND 86 SONS
frbtrag.10 aviii`ad8'lo
W. PaouDROOT, E. 0, R 0, HAYe
J, L, grLLonAN
Ofl es--'1'heeo formerly nocupled by tteeera
ljIWcronw Holt
monramoa, ONTARIO.
Fine, modern 'towel.
ere - equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
or 14
the Allan Line, Toronto
Agent Allan Line. Brussels.
'API r,r!A6t.t. v4W y.(v�'',.s.AWAYaYA E
If you expect High Grade Employ-
ment you 'oast Anka High Grade
Preparation. One School that 1s
well-known throughout Canada for
strictly superior trete ing 1s the
TORONTO, ONT.' tGieniuntrs. of this School readily ob.
twin omploymont branu0r Chez a arr
e3 ,o ands of e edo a In thin city
every year and we Are, Dolled upon to r
all more than we can, r
Enter Any time Open all year. t.
Catalogue rent on rem -lest Y
Cor. Young and r W. J. ELLIOTT, l
Alexander Sta. S Principal. 0E -
fa evaeolet{eereeee ilea eteeeteeeteeete rlteetec•
nwr,o1r69a'4Ath r.'a. iva'Asareilir t�9 ;'N.
Baoono n epecinlist ht Business. It
1(1 offers more opportuniotes than any
outrhn eorf csaulolionag. yTo meuap t hhavefull e mbas
povalble tran,ing. Tlris 4s. Ontario's
Best eminent School. glue in -
✓ d()lessee l attention. You may enter our
at any time. ThreeDepart-
ments, Oommorelnl, Shorthand and end
Telegraphy. Write at 01100 for our
t• • free antnlogne
• . D. A-JNCLACHLAN, Principal.
;vpMAv rA M .rAy41v,)A4E,A AaYai r0 ,
-..x .,.....6...r3 sr✓...iV,;A.
't0Wa Businessl
i i College 3-
AND - re
Grow with us.ez
For partioulare address -
4 EDWIN Q. MATTHEW$, Prin. 0
Y '
P�•axvaa9aa'PmA.�Ana Asa
Any time
Best Brains
In Canada have pertiolpit ted in the pre-
pparatio3i of our splendid Hone Study
Memos in Banking, Economics, Higher
Accounting, Oo eleroial Art, , Snow
Bard wr1bIni, Photography, � Journal-
ism, Short Story Writing, rlhorthend
(Ind, Bookkeeping, Select the work
which most interests yon and write us
for partlonlars. Address
391.7 Yongo St., Toronto
Thousands et ambitions young peo-
ple are feet preparing- in their own
001nea to.Op011py lucrative position. its
etenogrlphere, bookkeepers, telegra-
phers, civil servants in fact every
ep tare or activities, You may fiadnh et
college If voneo;wieh. P,aitinne guar-
anteed. Enter college any day. Inds•
viduni instruction. Export teachers.
Thirty 708011' experience. Lm•geet
trainers in Canada. Seven retinues
Special course for teerhero
Affiliated with Connneroiel Edwin
tor's Aisoclntimt of 011 0110, Sun mer
Soaool at Noone Spotton Baalnasa Ord
lege, London,
Wingham Business College
GEO. 9POWu0N. W, T. Moltenl,
President, Pri,clpnl
• JL./...•.ela....n:/r.�..•._.I►e
Funeral Direptor
and Bmbalmere .
Orders promptly and care
Putty attended to night or
day. • ]?lions 228,
grHEL., (DOT,
Business Oards
Suaoeseor to M. H, Moore, 01800 111 Ander.
1001 tiros, 1+101.7 stable, 13russels, Telephone
No, 29.
aaaohelor of Medicine, Univereiey of Toronto
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy.
alctaas and surgeon;, Oho • Post -graduate
Uhlengo 1970, Ear, NoHo and Throat HOapltal,
Uhlcat o, 111. Ex -House burgeon to St. Mich.
eel's Hospital, Toronto.
Office over F. It. Smith's Drug Store, Tele-
phone connection with Uraubrook at 00 hours.
1300helor of Modielne, University of Toronto ;
Licoutiote of College of Physicians and Sur.
scone, Ontario ; ex -Senior Honso Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto, Offices of late Dr.
A M,Kevee, Smith Bloch, Brussels.
Rural phone 46,
M.B., M. O. P.,t S, O.
198 13loor street East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
Clinical tier Is tent In Ifo'Nov,' 01111Throatde-
artulrart Now Gotte',:I Hospital, Toronto ;
-.ant Gra duets Harvard. M wilco) School, 'Bo-
ron ; Into Senior Resident Hergron MAWEye
& Ear Infirmary ; late Clinical assistant in
Close and 1'h root dep'or'tment Maea Gen. lime
Whit ; late Boase Surgeon Toronto General
Bospintl. i_-r'In Bruseele by appointment.
Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses
Loudon (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat. .Byes tested far glasees. '
G. H. ROSS, D D.S,, L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal college of Dental Sur-
geeiln of Ontario and Graduate University of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
Office in Ward Block, Wingham
Phone 290. Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night galls. Office opposite
ielour Mill, Ethel.
Personal graduate Department of Opphthal-
eology, Mauormlok Medical Oollegge, Chicago,
+ll., in prepared to test eyes and at glaaeee et
Her Omoe over Grower's Reateurant, Brussels,
mr Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. Office hours 1 to 9 p. m. Forenoon.
',y appoint,m out. Phone 1219.
Will g
Ivobeta r satiatn tion to both buyer and
seller than any other Auctioneer and only
,hale what is reneonable rees conducted
nnywrere in Ontario. Pure bred stock sales
Write or 'phone 2E3 Wroxeter.
gond t.etus Ittnits
EVERYTHING growing great.
'PHE f.)ot bridge was placed in
position for this seRsou. It is a great
convenience to many.
LISTOwEL Standard :- Miss Isabel
Strachan and Miss Verne Walker, of
Brussels were the guests of Miss Mabel.
Kemp on Friday and Saturday.
J. T. Woos has received a large order
for knitted goods from Winnipeg which
will keep the staff of the Excelsior
I{nitting Factory hustling for some time.
Vivienne Park got a great levelling
daring the past week by ,the road grad-
ing machine. It will be seeded down
now so as to be ready for next season's
Tint salary of Rev. H. M Lang -Ford,
rector of Christ church, Listowel has
been increased $200. The reverend
gentleman was a former rector of St.
lohn's church, Brussels. -
DoN'T forget that in August lgr5,
Brussels is to hold an Old Boys' Re-
union. Part of the preparation should
be done this year in the line of im-
THE Wingham District meeting of
the Methodist church will be held in
Gerrie on Mae 26t11 and 27[11. F. H.
Gilroy will be the lay representative
froth Brussels.
THE B.ivth Standard speaking; of an
Entertainment in the Methodist. church
Bays :-Mention should be nlade of Miss 13.
Johnston, of Westfield, and Miss Minnie
Walker, of Brussels whose numbers on
the program were well rendered and
highly appreciated.
Go0ERICH Star says of a former
Brusselite:-F. Barlow Holmes wash)
town for few days on his way to his
Summer's duties in the C. P. R. offices
et Port McNichol. Fred. says it's good
to'see the old town once more, and that
he has not seen any other place of its
size looking as well as Goderich just
DATE --People are always on the look.
•'01 . for the anneal Excursion to the.
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph
"1'his'year the date will be Thursday,
June tStJ, ''special train ruuning that
day to accomodate the people. It takes
in from Kincardine to Henfeyn, iu•
elusive, and is a very popular outing.
'Pllne table and rates will be issued
shortly. This should hen slack season
of the year among the farming comm
unnlity WO twill nn doubt embrace the
opportunity of seeking pleasure and in-
formation by a day's Visit at the 0. A.
C. Keep tab on the date so as to keep
it cleat foe the trip,
RAG' F oc.
Each Tuesday until October 27th, Inclusive.
Winnipeg and Return $35.00
Edmonton and Return - 49,00
West Stations w and
Front Toronto; and
North of Toronto.Proportionate taros
from Stations East of Toronto,
Rcttc;t Limit two Months.
I'Srtlapplare refolding RAIL or OCEAN tickets
.Tont Cenadihn Pacific Ticket Agents or write
MURPHY', D.P.A,,0,P, Ry,, TorOitto.
L. JACKSON, Agent itilOSSEL8
Bor's, if you chance to have °ata
putts in your possession, sell 'em, It
will be cheaper, Ira Yost, of Stratford,
who on Sunday morning, accidently hit
Arthur Comity instead of the telegraph
post. at which he was aiming, has been
fined alto And $4 costs, by Magistrate
O'L oane. '
The Adjourned Vestry Meeting of St,
James' Church, St. Marys, was held
recently. The financial statement was
the beat issued in the history of the
Pellet]. An honorarium of $20o was pas-
sed unanimously to Rev. Mr. Taylor es
a small token of esteem and alpprecie-
tiou of his good services during the
past year.
WOM1tN's INs'l7Tu'rE.- Friday after-
noon. May 15th, at 2 30 o'clock, tate
regular meeting of Brussels Women's
Institute will be held in the Audience
room of the Puolic Library. The topic
will be "Lessons front the life of Queen
Victoria," to be introduced by Mrs S.
Walker. At Ibis meet ng election of of-
Gficers for the coming rear will also take
place. A special request is made for a
large attendance so that the year may
conclude With al wide interest manifest.
May esth remember,
Another Great Discovery
.A. well knew gentleman in Black
Baty, Ont„ John Cowan, has discover-
ed an absolute specific for Rheumaa-
ttetn, and writes : "I wits affected
tviLh Sciatic and chronic Rheumatism
which I contracted years ago. The,
iliaertee lied tt great hold in ray blood,
and it was hard to make any im-
pression on it. Reading of Ferrozone
I was convinced of its merit and it's
certainly the best I have tried. Why
it just drove away the Rheumatism.
Even stiffened old sufferers will ex-
perience quick results. The reason is
that For rezone acts through the blond
mod thereby destroys the cause of the
disease. Price 60c pet. box at all
The Acton Free Press speaks as
follows of a former well known resi-
dent of Bluevale t -VV. H. Stewart,
principal of Otte' seat of learning. was
elected r 'd n of theConti n
Pisl e t
School Section of the Educational
Association at the recent meeting in
Toronto. As a scholar 161r. Stewart
has high abilities.
eleaforlb races July 14, 15 and 16.
Mrs. 'J. Dunford, . who has been
undergoing treatment in the Oliuton
hospital, has veturned triune.
ales. \V. B. MacKay, of Halifax,
u ie visiting her
nee Mies 724 Melds. I la LI 1
n.cif sI v t,
pupil( .1. D. ttu3.l NI re. Dodds, Gode-
rich street., Seaforth.
1..'1'. Delacey, who for smile year's
past has been Manager of the Ogilvey
Flour Mills here hats severed his coir
uectioi with that firm.
Miss Margaret Kennedy, wltn has
been the very efficient book-keeper
for the Greig Clothing Oo., for some
year's, left for Regina.
Rev, J. W. Hodgins, rector of St.
Paul's church, Stratford, and former-
ly of St. 'l'horne% .church, Se+Lforth,
has hard his stipend raised to $1400 a
A Citizen's Committee has been
01g+uliza'd and the following gentle-
men compose this r0lillnit1ee:-W.
Battey, A. F. Clutf, J. Finlayson,
Alex. Wilson n and R. S Hays, +
uan, The duties of these gentlemen
will 1>e In make 0 tone of inspection
and advise'aud suggest impnnvemenLs
that might be made to enciauuce the
beauty of the lawns and boulevards.
Curfew bell now rings at 9 o'clock
each evening.
Dan Nicholson has successfully
passed his second year in the School
of Mines of Queen's University, King-
The Presbyterian Summer School
will be held in Goderich from June
29 to. July I6.
The 36th annual Convention of the
West Huron Teachers' Aesoniation
was held in Victoria Public School,
Godericlr, on 'Thursday and Friday,
Api il 30tH toad May 1st.
Lieut. Col. Mactlimell, D. S. 0
General Staff officer of the Fleet
Division, visited Goderich and con-
ducted, with the efiles% of 33111
Hn,ou•Regt., a series of regimental
field exercises.
A request frorn the local barbers
that the Council pass a bylaw fixing
certain closinghours, Which it was
said all the barers but one agreed on,
was left over to be dealt with by
Special committee if the petition was
laid before them..
Settlement out of court has been
effected in the action entered for trial
at the recent Assizes at London, by
Fred. G. ltuurball, of Goderich, a-
gainst the Phoenix Company to re-
cover 1115111'1Lnc° upon Ilia ftll'ili hit's
factory in Goderich to the amount. of
$1,500. The amount of settlement has
not been Made public.
O. C. Lee has the contract fpr fitting
up the handsome Altrill residenceiu
Ridgewood Park, recently purchased
by 0. 1f. Fleiniugt of Windsor, with to
e tricatl a u1 meat for lighting,
heating anti cooking,. The caretaker's
residence will also be thus modernly
equipped. Mr,Fleming's family will
spend theSnrnmer seasons here.
At a sleeting held at Seaforth a
new tennis, league was fol sled com-
posed of Goderich, Clinton and Sea -
forth. The following officers were
elected : Piesidin1, Malcolm Mc.
Taggart, Clint nn ; vice 'Ptesideut,
Rev, J. 13, Fotheriugliain, Goderich
Secretary 14'eaenrer, VV. Peoudfoot
jtin,, Goderich; IilxeculiveConmittee,
Mr, Colmar, Seafori11, Mr, H401 pion,
Clinton, and M'r, Naylor, Seafo'tii,
The Stratford 01ule is 110(0 asking to
George Morrow aged 60 it teamster.
wits 'serioesly injured last week
through being trampled upon by +t
train of horses belonging to Robert
Johnston, While driving on the
Herein road the whiflletrees heWtfnt'
loosened from the wngoo longue ant'
(heliport and Mia Mtn I'OW WAS al'atugr(1
tinder lr
Off the
14)3(1 and Cru the hf 1e0'
foo fly I lw 1 eine eaugllt hy the dung
ling whflleirees. 'Unfortunate man
r , + was :)inked
was dragged 200 feet. t., 11c s 1
up in a setni-ennecions condition awl
talon home. 71's left 1),P75A5 t
ed, i11" light mut Anil eiglit leg 1uo11,
Iarevnttd he 13t ,1•e effvels ,'f 11
Ilo5ete' lioefe.
May Find Help in This
Swan Creek, Mioh.-"I cannot speak
too highly of your medicine. When
through neglect or
overwork T get run
down and my appe-
tite is poor and I
have that weak, lan-
guid, always tired
feeling, I get a bot-
tle of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and it
builds me up, g'ivco
me strength, and re-
stores me to perfect
health again. It is truly a great bless-
ing to women, and I cannot speak too
highly of it. I take pleasure in recom-
mending it to others." -Mrs. ANNIE
CAMERON, R.P.D., No. 1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer Relieved.
Hebron, Me. -"Before taking your
remedies I was all run down, discour-
aged' and had female weakness. I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and used the Sanative Wash, and
find today that I am an entirely new
woman, ready and willing to do my
housework now, where before taking
your medicine it was a dread. I try to
impress upon the minds of all ailing
women I meet the benefits they can
derive from your medicines." --Mrs.
CHARLES RowE, R. F. D., No. 1,
Hebron, Maine.
Ifu o
special ectal advice
to Lydia a >C. ]Pinkham Med-
icine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Tour letter wil be opened,
read and answered by a Woman
and held in strict confidence.
Hugh Dunlop has so far recovered
from his paralytic stroke that he is
table to be taken about town in a
wheel chair.
The mimed district meeting of the
Girdertold District will be held in the
North St. church, Goderich, on Thurs-
day and Friday, May 21s5 and 22nd.
The Goderich Collegiate Institute
cadets are receiving the final touches
preliminary to the inspection by
Mn;jnr McOrimmon, inspector of
cadets' corps for the first milittu'y
division of Western Ontario. Thurs-
day they paraded 55 strong arid were
put through company drill in Agri-
cultural Park by Instructor H. 0.
The contract for street sprinkling
was let, to W. A. Gray at 374c per
Public Works Departulent at
Ottawas have advertised for teudersfor
the Listowel Drill Hall.
• J. W. Snelling has disposed of his
barbering business to N. A. Gibson
and 11, Sinden, who took possession
on NI nudity.
W. el. Ellis, an employee of S. S.
Jennings market gardener, had the
cartilage of his right knee dislocated
Sunday afdelondon.
Listowel merchants and clerks will
have a half holiday on Wednesday
afternoonofeach week during the
months of July and August.
Perth Onnnty Sunday School As-
sociation will hold the annual conven-
tion in the Listowel Methodist church
oil F11(11(y afternoon anti eveuiug,
tiny 15. A un tribe'. of good speakers
will he present including P. G. Orwig
of Toronto.
The re -organizing meeting of Christ.
Church' baseball club was held and
the following are the 1,ffieet s elected :
Pees., 11, E. Elliott ; vire Pres., Rev.
H. 1\I. Lang -bold; 11arutgee, De. E.
A. Roos.; Captain to be, elected ; Sec.,,e
Treas., Rota. Geoghegan ; Executive
Cont., President, Manager, Captain,
H. C. Roos and S. J. Kelup, Di, E. A.
Roos was appointed representative
en the town league execrative. '1'he
joining fee ivies placed at 60 cls.
1' 151
few People
Outside of those who have made a
study of it, are able to design or
choose the right, memorial for a
pttftiottlar purpose.
My business is that of helping my
patrons to select a monument, it
headstone nr' other moniker for a
;pave or a plot th;tri will please
people. by its harmony with its
surroundings and by its expressive
appeal to memory. -
My encomia in Choosing alight is
more to 1(111 than dollar's and coots.
With me inonumelitaal work 18 a
profession, a life work. I feel the
enure pride in a beautiful design
that as artist in water enlnl' feels
in an artistic landscape,
IfY ou will 0.01118. to me aid talk
ahont what you would like to get.
[ will rustle yoni' wishes my own
and they carried hilt in
shall il h0 Ca I
the way 'that,will secure right te-
ns. - - -
Brussels Granite & Marble Works
ALLAN E. HERSEY, Prapr1etor
J, A. Kelly won fleet prize at the.
Toronto Horse Show with his driver
10 roadster class 13-2 and under.
J, A. Schinbein Is spending a short
Lime lit .Preston, He is undergoing
treatment for rheumatism,
Robert Scott, of I)nrharn, has
opened a training stable in the burns
lately occupied by McIntyre & Gabel,
Wallace etreet,.
Cho kson Long, who went under a
very critical nperaliuo forappemt1icitie
at the Stratford hospital some time 3
ago, has arrived home and ie looking
While playing football tat. the Liste-
wel i1igll School Albert Riddell, of
Milverton, had the misfortune to
fc'aelure his arm.
When Women Suffer
Lank out for weakness of disease.
See if there is not a sideacbe, head-
er:he, restlestnees and the "blues."
'these symptoms indicate that you
need the gent le. assistance of D3'.
Iiamilton's Pills. They toe tvouen'a
greatest relief, prevent functional de-
rangements, renew the 'lire of the •
blood, purify and clean the system
throughout. No tonic so potent, 110
results so marked as follow the tree of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 'Price 250 per
box at all dealers.
Harty Ratcliffe arrived hone from
Toronto hospital.
Rev. Jae. Hussar, pastor of the
Methodist church, has been invited by
the quarterly board to remain for it
Ihird year.
Rev. J. D7. Sliaw, the Augli can
clergyman, Atwood, has sent in his
resignutlon which will take effect in a
couple of weeiis.
The executive of the IVestern Foot-
ball 'Association met in Stratford and
arranged the groups. Intermediate -
Group No. 3, -Listowel, Monkton,
Atwood and Poole.
R. A. Thompson took in the horse
show at. Toronto and exhibited his
roadster, "Cheer Up," receiving 3rd
prize frorn a °lass of 16 horses.
Council will meet 111 the
ex Agiic
In, al Hall,Alw)
1, on T
or dav
May 231h at 10 o'cak for the gement
township business, as Court of Re-
vision on the Hummoud drain By-law
and at 2 o'clock as a Conrt of Revision
on the Assessment roll.
Geo. Buuston went fishing and
landed a trout which Measured 1I
James Hunted' has been laid up for
the past t e ka w
ith a severe
attack or sciatica.
Mrs. Wilmot Mahood and daughter,
Miss Ruth, who have been spending
several months with relatives:here,
left Monday of last week for their
Summer home in Michigan.
Herman Albrecht, 2nd Cone recent-
ly lost a valuable pig in a peculiar
manner. He was away from home
and upon returning found the animal
dead. He cut off the head and found
a full-grown hen, which it had tried
to swallow, stuck in its throat. The
hen was also dead, of course.
Fire in the saw -mill yard here early
Sunday morning of last week did be-
tween $200.00 and $300.00 damage.
It is thought to have started from a
spark which had smouldered in the
ll s he belting,art of
aavutpde, All t P
which was new, the frame work of
the saw, an edging saw, a slab naw,
pats of two wagons, 16 cods of slabs
and the ends of a number of lumber
pales were destroyed. The loss is a
heavy one to the proprietors and will,
cause quite a delay to the sawing
operations. There was no insurance.
Tho Deaf Made To Hear
Deafness because usually due to
catarrh, is quite curable. In a
thousand eases this is proved absolute.
ly true. Success invariably attends
the use of Calarrhozoue which has
cured catarrhal deafness of twenty-
five years standing. Penetrating
through the passages of the ear, the
soothing vapor of Oatarrhozone re-
lieves the iiuflarnniation, destroys the
seeds 'of cannel' and thereby allows
nature to re -assist - herself. Try
Oatarrhozone yourself, 25c and $1.00
sizes sold by all dealers.
Several cases of whooping cough
are reported in town at the present
W, 13, Elliott, of the North Huron
Telephone Cotnpally, has purchased a
new Ford touring car.
W. S. Currie, of Toronto, has taken
0 position with his brother, R. A,
Currie, furniture dealer and under-
Dr. G. J. Musgrave, of Niagara
Falls, brother of A. 13, Mnsgn ove, M.
P. P., of town, is the Conservative
candldaate in the Niagara Falls
riding of the county of Welland. '
Tuesday evening of last week a
large plate glass in the front of W. J.
Boyce's store was broken by being hit
With a laet'nase ball.. The name of the
bay whit dill the jilt) cannot b
atslPd' I,l i n,'d.
A new aurbulahnP seemed by the
Hospital Board in Toronto, has been
received here. The vehicle has rubber
tires and is neatly ophnlstered inside
to assure every comfort in the trans-
ferring of the patients to the hospital.
'Vingham bee sold the Electric
Light Improvement debentures to the
extent of $2720 10 J. 'Walton Mc-
Kibbon, of town, at it price of 100,12
cents on tine dollar. There were 10
tondos for the debentures, Dat. Mc-
IKibbon's being the highest. ,
Since the closing of the hotels here
the National Hotel has been labelled
closed anti the boarders have gone to
other. quarters. Mr. Doyle, the pro-
prietor, iet.or, trill leave in about five days
foe Arthur, where he has bought aun-
otitre hotel. The Exchange and
Dinsley houses are about to close acid
the other two the Queen's and, 13euns-
wiclt, Will retnaaiu as temperance
RER1tY Hereat -.The road thn'ougil the
el•'' n vita ri n has
t amt i11 Turnb t Z t 1
Y 1
been visited by 'large number of pen-
plc since it was closed by the Council
after falling again, At one end
flit) g in
the space is 40 feet greater than it
was before: and George Bryce states
that the swamp which is about sixty
antes Must have it subterranean
stieapl through it, ats there le at Pres.
Hobberlin Made -to -measure Trousers are always
well made and honestly tailored. They hang well and
retain their shape. You can choose from several
hundred patterns in fancy and plain effects. Worsteds
—Cheviots—Tweeds. Every new stripe, check, og
plain effect. To Measure
W. P. Fraser, Agent, Brussels
ent about 40 feet of water running
through and some have seen fish.
The water, he states is very clear.
Two men tried to dig a ditch about
two rods from the hole and only dug
about two feet. down when water
arose and they could put down a pole
about 15 feet in nothing but sand and
water. They have now decided to
1 filling and will
petition the
give up i g
Council to grant permission for an-
other roadway about one mile and a
quarter Prom the old one.
Never Slit Your Boots
That doesn't cure the corn. Just
apply the old standby, Putnam's
Dorn Extractor. It acts like magic.
Kills the pain, cures the 'torn, does it
without burn or scar. Get she best
-it's "Putnam's."
Blyth •
A number of the members of Blyth
A. F. & A. M. attended the dedication
of the new Masonic Temple at Gode.
Miss Lily Carr has returned from
Toronto where she has just passed
tvitil honors as a Deaconess, having
secured an average of 82 per cent
during the year.
The fanners are being kept back
with thed seeding operatiofs on ac-
count of the recent heavy rains, but
the present prospects are for a heavy
yield of hay, fruit, etc,
Rev. D.. W. Collins took the services
in Trinity church, Blyth morning and
evening, of Sunday and Belgeave in
the afternoon. Dir, Collins preached
in the interests of Missionary Cam-
paign of this Diocese. Rev. T. H.
Farr preached Missionary sermons in
Dr. Allison is now comfortably
situated in the quarters lately vacated
by Dr, Charlesworth.
Annual meeting of the lot holders
of the Union Cemetery, will be held
in Industry Hall, Thursday evening,
May 21st at 8 o'clock.
Miss Annie Spafford has passed her
final examination at the St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, and is now a
qualified trained nurse. She received
her degree at the hospital on Friday,.
At the annual meeting of the Blyth
Epworth League, the following of.'
&cer'a were elected for the coming
year :- Hon. President, Rev. Q
Jewitt; President, Miss Florence
Mills ; 1st vice President, E. Bender;
2nd vice President, Mise S. Bentley ;
3rd vice President, Miss L. Taylor;
4t11 vice ' President, H. Horsey ; -
Secretary, Miss Annie Maines ;
Treasurer, Miss Alice Gillespie ;
Pianist, Miss Ena Jewitt ; Assistant
Pianist, Miss Pearl Gidley.
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