HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-5-14, Page 4be jsittssels 1905t
J, rpm; ft1DAy, MAY 14, 19x4
NOOTH HURON .1.10212,M. CONV2NT1011
ii The Annual meeting of North Huron
ILibernl Assoaintioh'will be held le the
`awn. Hail, Wingham,on Friday, May
lend, at 2 p. 111: to addition to the
$lection of office bearers for the conning
;erns a Candidate will be selected to
Tarry the Lihetel standard in the next
LJrovincial election, Five delegates
Isom each of the polling (livieiolls are
lsked and n good turn out of Liberals
3sirec1 South Iltirou Liberals coy-
eue at Hensel! on Weduesday 201 11
'nst., with shriller obj'+cts in view stud
't is qnite likely that before the close of
May Literal candidetea will be well
lined up for the coming fray.
CITIES, towns and villages visited
Qast week by the Duke of Connaught
and Princess Patricia will think they are
'rr now we are sure. Don't get big
head, though people, as } ou may ret
he go.by yourselves soma day,
ANOTHER vacaucy was caused among
Che Ontario Senators by the decease of
senator Gibson, of Grimsby. 'ibis is
;,'Ise third in the Province now. It is a
political com-
plexion of thi venerable body changes
when a Government goes out of busi-
PREF. MCCREADY says rural Ontario
'requires public (boots of a new kind if
Pie young people of the farming com-
nunity, who are the balance wheel, are
continue on the farm, It is one of
the problems, that the Education de-
partrnent of the Province should not
lodge but go at it determined to work
rout a solution.
A peculiar accident happened at
.Blenheim in a collision between an
luto and a horse and buggy. Oue of
the shafts of the latter struck a lady
passenger of the car and fractured a
It is just as well to give a wider
berth on the King's highway shan run
;he risk of having your ries tickled so
is 'LADIES are comiug to the frout. The
other day in Windsor Miss M. A.
,Dickinson was nppoiuted assistant city
_Clerk by. the Council. She has been a
,pewspaper woman so will be well
qualified. It looks as it the men folk
'would soon be crowded off this
:ontinent, They should learn to swim.
A. bog feeding coutest is one of the
Sew features of farm life in Essex Co.
be engaged in this Summer.
prizes will be awarded and a set of rules
Said regulations governing the competi-
;ion has been framed. The hog indus-
try is one of the most important ou the
`arm and it seems a very proper thing
,hat the best methods passible should be
earned by those engaged in this re-
etunetative side of terming. .
Ter Duke of Argyle, son -in -late of
he late Queen Victoria and former
Governor-general of Canada, died Sat-
trday night, May 2nd, of pneumonia at
East Cowes, aged 6g. By marriage he
Yas an uncle of King George. John
Douglas Sutherland Campbell, ninth
Duke of Argyle, former Marquis of
-Lorne and Kintyre and governor -
to ral of Canada,was born in London
In August 1845. By bis marriage to
Princess Louise, a daughter of the late
ween Victoria, in 1871, the then
Marquis of Lorne was brought promin-
ently into British social and political
As a Liberal he represented
Argyleshire in the British House of
Commons from 1868, to 1878 and as a
Unionist he represented South Man-
,che-ter from 1895 to I9oe, The Mar-
uis of Lorne was appointed governor-
general of Canada iu 1878 end retained
that office until 7883.
Another of the prominent and high-
ly esteemed residents of this section
passed away on Monday aftefuoon of
last week at his !tome in Whitechurch
in the person of H. D. Henderson, in
his 76111 year, following a serious illness
of some 3 weeks. The subject of this
notice was born in the Township of
;Clark, near the town of Port Hope. In
early life he graduated as a school
teacher and upwards of 5o years ago he
regime to Western Ontario, teaching
,school first at Walkerton then at Lang -
side and later in the school at Kinloss,
North of Whitechurch, Solite 40 years
ago be gave up school teaching and for
'Years purchased and shipped from
,'Whlteohureh large quantities of cord -
:wood and tau bark. Shortly after going
'to Whitechurch he engaged in the gen•
oral merosotfle business, continuing
,quite active until a few weeks ago. Be
had been Supenit1tendet 05 tile Presby-
terian. Sunday School at Whitechurch
Lor many years and resigned the posi-
tion only a short time ago. 1)e was
,fol' 32 years a church Rider. Mr.
tiHeudere0n took an active interest in
`the affairs of the Whitechurch Cream
lery and had been salesman for the cam-
'pany since the establishment of 1110
creamery'up to !fiat Fall 'cad foe, some
twentyyears had beet Treasurer and as
0ou111Were always neatly and properly
'kept,.In fraternal society worst he had
betetf an enthusiastic and devoted Meet-
, OM of the CaIRdien'Order of Foresters,
Jives for years Chief Rangel' of hilt
Use Parisian Sage
It's entirely needless to have un-
sightly, matted, thin ur faded bale.
y e
A little eneeded Ss all that is 1 e clad t o
make it thiole, soft, pretty, perfectly
healthy and free front dench•ntf,
Use Parieiau Sage—it supplies hair
needs and is absolutely harrliless. It
quickly stops itching head and failing
hair turd is one of the beat tonics to
invigorate the scalp and make the
hair grow long and beautifni.
Get a bottle of Pat'ieiau Sage to -day
from Jas. Fox or at any drug counter.
It costs but. 51) rents. Rub it into
(lie scalp—all dandruff disappears—
your head feels line—the hair is pretty
and perfectly healthy,
local Court nod. bad for years been a
mender of High Court Executive
Committee as well as filling the poli
tion of High Vice Chief Ranger and a
few years ago 11ad the honor of Past
High Chief Ranger conferral upon him.
Mr. Henderson was a good; citizen. a
man highly esteemed by all people who
knew him Strictly honorable and up-
right in all his dealings, a man who fill
ed a large place in his community and
a man who will be greatly missed in
Whitechurch. Air, Henderson was at
the time of his death. postmaster in
Whitechurch and was ever faithful in
the discharge of his duties. In politics
' i' •
he t as a (.ons
alta ne. Early ln
gri'etl Elizabeth
011 111. 1
61 r. Henderson
Hamilton, who with a family of 2 sous,
'Phomas, of Whiteobureh and Robert,
of Detroit, and a daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)
D Jamieson, of Whitechurch survive,
One son, Charles and one daughter,
Miss Sarah, passed away some years
ago. The family will have the sympal l y
of a large circle of friends in their
bereavement. The funeral to .k place
on Wednesday afternson to Wingham
cemetery, interment being made in the
family plot.
When Long peasants Hurt
You know that troubles exist which
need quick attention. Proper action
consists in a vigorous rubblug of the
chest and side with Nerviline which
sinks into the tissues where the pain
is seated, ancl gives relief in a few
minutes. No liniment so clean, so
strong, so powerful. Results guttt•atl-
teed with every 25c bottle of Nervi -
line. Get it today.
Canadian News
The new license laws went into force
iu Quebec Province.
A seat on the Montreal Stock Ex
change sold for $24,000
Lightning destroyed Tilos. Mc\lee-
kin's barn, near Blenheim. killing fifty
three cattle, horses and hogs,
'rhe schooner lamieson, believed lost
on Lake Ontario, reached Napanee
safely, having sheltered at Timber
Isl and,
Major Garnet Hughes, sot of Col. the
Hon. Sam. Hughes, has been appointed
second resident engineer on Vancouver
The Montreal 13 pard of Control adopt-
ed the plan for the George Etienne
Cartier memorial, and voted $s1,5oo to
complete it.
Phe 'rorouto, Niagara & Western
Railway bill was again talked out in the
Private Bills Committee of the Com
Fire nearly wiped out the village of
Tara on Saturday morning, May and
doing damage placed at fully 820,00o
C. Malotte, of Kingsville, a lineman,
was almost instantly killed by a high
tension wire failing sud swinging
against him while at work near Leam-
Henry Palmer, of Baq.lam, pleaded
guilty to burning the building of his
neighbor, A. D. Stoner, on March 17,
and was sentenced to two fears in the
J. H. Burnham, (Peterboro), proposed
in the Commons discussion of the Wel
• na
land and Georgian Ray Canals that en
airship transportation be established in
stead of canals.
H. C. Chappell, of Sarnia, inspector
on the Northern Navigation Company's
steamer throttle; died 'on board the
vessel at Fort William from a gash in
the arm, believed self inflicted.
The Railway Commission overruled
Toronto's objections regarding the Un-
ion Station plans, and ordered the work
to be begun within thirty days, or ninety
let en bloc ticcord
if the contracts are -
ing to the draft agreed on.
Airs. George Kelis, of Petrolea, was
fatally injured by jumping from a bulgy
whet] the horse, frightened by a passing
m .torcycle, got beyond control. In a
similar accident at Harrlston Mr.' and
Mrs. Eecly wee: senlously injured.
'Phe western Ontario tour of his Royal
Highness the Duke of Connaught was
not be altered on account of the death
of the Duke of Argyle, his Majesty hav-
ing expressed the wish that the people
should not be disappoint d.
Capt. John Smith, of the Hamilton
fire brigade, has been Ili pointed Chief
of the Guelph brigade at a salary of
81,300 per annum, Fie assumed
control of the brigade on Monday,
May trlh, and succeeds Chief Leslie G.
Finch, who has put in a very stortny
five years there,
Thomas McLelland, of Fergus, a
brother of the man 'Oho was found dead
in a swamp in 1LramosaTownship about
2 weeks ago, went to Guelph on Satur-
day preparatory to attending the. in-
quest into the death of his brother, He
got drunk itlslead ;and was Arrested,
charged with committing an indecent
assault on a married wotnan. He was
sentenced to six months in the Central
"Mother I just fell off the top of
that building," set() little Eddie Wood
to Ills mother, in Brampton pointing
to the top of a two-story structure.
Felling 20 feet wee the sport this little
five-year-old indulged In with no harm
to himself and he wondered why his i
anxious mother made such a careful
examination of all his holies. Volum
Wood, who is a eon of John Wood ,
btacksnith, climbed to the top of tine
house being erected 0h Hemlock Street,
lighting fu' a pile of amid he scrambled
up end rushed to hia mother. He
landed -in gush tt position that he sues
tanned 110 itJuvys
The first Persian Babel wedding over i
celebt'ated oh the American contineut
was solemnized at Montreal. a Syrian
girl, Zeenat Khanum, from (-tetra,
1'aleatine, being married to Dr. Zia
Bagcladi, of Chicago.
A unique wager was made by meta
berg of the "Within the Law Company"
at London on Sunday, mid ss a result
Catherine 'rower, Matte Iritzgerald,
Geo. Lelingwell Jessie Hairston, Jttue
Seymour and N Foster were a little 10
the good Monday. 'rhe six members
'wade a bet that they cou'd walk from
London to St Thomas within a certain
time '1'he party left toe Forest Lily at
It o'clock in the.IIIOrnine, stayed at
Latnbton for au hour end a halffor
lunch, and reached St. Thomas at 6
o'clock. The distance is about 18 miles.
t`he pedestriaus all stood the tramp
New Phones and Changes
Following are new telephones and
changes made in connection with the
Brussels,_ Grey and Monis Rural
Telephone On, Ont this list out and
paste it in your Directory.
2319 Armstrong, Wm.
4519 Alcock, Richard
4212 Alcock, Henry
.5110 Amman, Lloyd
1414 Boyle, Rev. A. AI.
2819 Caste, \It's, Alice
37x Carr, B. F.
42x Ca, B. F. House
38x Deadman, G. A.
a o W
5412 Davidson, Wm.
4319 Evans, Lynn
1413 Geddes, Wm.
44126 Hudson, Win.
89x Kreuter, Gen.
1808 Kernaghan, Jas,
41x Lunn, John
417 Lnutitt, John
5011 Lindsay, Richard
246 Mitchell, John
1210 Maxwell, Jas.
8819 Morrison, J, W.
6028 McInnes, Wm.
4818 McNeil, John
1410 McOallutn, Jas. & D.
895 McCallum, Jas.
4719 McKay, Jaa,
6x Pope & Sons
2424 Porter, Lloyd
2026 Piu•ks, Gideon
55316 Pollard, Ed .
2519 Robertson, Rug.
1012 Robb. N. H. •
1415 Scapdrett, Thos.
4211 Stevenson, John
40x Stewart, Maggie C.
5210 Trewin, John T.
1911 Waghor'n, Dr.
484 Williamenn, Thos.
43x Wood, Alias Miriam, at
Mrs. Harris'
Party Line No. 35
Con. 8 & Henfryn
3518 Bateman, Geo.
356 Bremner, Robt.
354 Cole, S. S.
355 Oole & Canniughtun
-357 Collis, Ed.
3519 Dobson, Harvey
858 Engler, Jos.
859 Kerr, Thos.
3512 -Mute, Henry
3514 McKee, Andrew
8511 Rowland, Ed.
8510 Thomson, Wm.
Party Line No. 22
Village of Ethel
2211 Chambers, Geo. M.
225 G. T. R.
226 Bansuld, Mrs. U.
2217 Kreuter, Jacob
228 Love, Wtu.
2215 Mitchell, Geo. AI.
2213 McDonald, Aechd.
2212 McDonald, John
•229 Spence, Wm,
224 Sanders, W. E. House
2214 Sandet'e, W. E.
2210 Vodden, 'Thos.
Party Line No. 59
Village of Ethel
694 Dilworth,'Robert
5912 Fel gust De. M.
596 Fletcher, Ed.
5919 Hnllenbeek, Jacob
598 Gibson, Lobt
595 Gill, Grover
5916 Mills, Richard
597 McDonald, A. H.
5917 McDonald, A. It
5910 Pollard, G. W.
5918 Rttynard, Olu•is,
599 Parsonage, Methodist chnt•ch
5911 Wardlaw, Thos. D.
Eggs for Hatching
Regal Strain White Wyantlottes
Pens Nos. 1 & 2 consl't of 12 pullets
In each, selected from aflock of 80 and
mated 11'itl1 it cock bird:aud ooekerel
frmn 220 and 212 egg record bens.
Pens Nos. 3 & 4 consist of 12 pul-
lets in each, selected from baktuce 01'
my stock and muted with cock bird
ttnd cockerel (rout 200 and 798 record
Provincial farm Strain of
Bred to Lay Harrod Ranks
'14vo pens -24 selected pullets—from
Hook of 100 and mated with 2 oockee-
els of heavy laying attains.
Eggs per setting of 18'
Pen 1 While \Vvaudotiee $2 60
Pen 2 " .....,, 2 00
Pen 3 1 50
Pen " 100
Pens Barred Rocks . 1 00
76% fertility and square deal guaran-
teed. Only a limited quantity of
Wyandotte eggs for sale up to May 1.
Riverside Farm
Phone 66 or 24x R. THOMSON
Tile Delivery
Those who wish to pur-
chase Tile around Brus-
sels are requested to send
order to Henfryn P. 0. or
Phone 355. Upon receipt
of enough orders we will
send a car load to Brus-
sels station.
Cole & Dougherty
An effort was made last week by
Capt. Malcolm McDonald to locate
the vessel that is supposed In have
gone down in Lake Huron nff Naftel's
Point between Godeliett and Bayfield,
in the disastrous storm! of Nov. 9.
After the great storm and while the
lake was still raging, Charles Naftel
saw, far out from shore, whit he took
to be -1 he hull of alarge vessel in the
trough of the sea. Itis supposed that
this object was either the Wexford or
the MeGean. Bodies of members of
the Wexford crew drifted into shore
below Bayfteld, which is 7 miles South
of Naftel's Poi tit, while several bodies
of the crew of the McGean floated
ashore between Naftel's and Bayfleld.
It was at Naftel's that the bodies of
first engineer and second engineer of
the McClean were recovered, and it
A. year ago
he couldn't eat
I I,
t1 1
eat three square
he can q
meals and sometime
"extra" because Chamberlain's
Tablets cured Stomach Troubles
End gave. him a good digestion.
You try them. 25c. a bottle.
All Druggists and Dealers or by
Jo Mail. 3
Chemherlain Mediciao Co., Toronto
For Baking Success
—This # b Oren Test
Success on some baking clays
can be expected no matter
what flour you use. But con-
stant success is rarer. It can
be assured in only one way.
The miller must' seleott his
wheat by oven test.
So from each shipment . of
wheat we take ten pounds as
a sample. We grind this into
flour. Bread is baked from
the flour.
If this bread is high in quality,
large in quantity, we use the
shipment from which it came. e
Otherwise we sell it.
Constant baking success comes
as a matter of course from
gQ8J; bearing this name /
t /~
'lOaralp- l pph p[
1 \
C11`J Fawn AMITY
There aro good points in near-
ly all snakes of watches—
thero ars 5 1w t'alt are bad
in every rospoct. In REGINA
WATCHES you will fir.d em-
bodied ALL the good points a
watch can have, judged from
the stendptlits of SOLIDITY,
AY either
Kin Re o
ging, Waltham or 9
Hampden to us,
and we will show you as
• good Watches as ever a ;
4 man owned,
• We bank upon any of these
•• makes pleasing ten out of
• len of our Oustolnees—cud
6 they do it.
• For VVhy ?
• Because they embody all
that is meant by a perfect
• Watch.
(e •have to Pay?
From 5.00 5+
to '25:00j
— flat ac-
'o r to grade.
All sizes
S cording and styles of cases. Will
• you permit us to show you.
• How much do you
L. Blake, Walton .
also was near thee!. a that Lhree bodies
t s
belonging to tire McGean crew were
picked up, lashed to a raft. Capt.
Malcohn McDonald and his nephew,
Roy McDonald, with another, rowed
out for 271 miles while Mr, Naftel sig-
nalled the course to thein front the
shore .with a flag. The water was
beautifully calx,, but not sufficiently
clear to render anything visible for 6
feet below the surface. Nothing de-
veloped frorn the trip except the es-
iablieliment of a range for fuhue
operation which must apparently be
pursuedata further dist[tnee nut from
shore. The water at 2 exiles straight
out from shore of 2,} miles southeast
of Nea'tel's Point, was only 42 feet
deep. Il would require More than
that depth of water ul cover to any
depth either lite 'Wexford or the Mc-
Graw. The lake was vel y rough when
Auction Sales
1OIPLEnterme, dto.. the property of the
late George Jaokson F. S *Soutt, Auchoncri•,
11118 reed ved instructions frmn the under,,
ed Executors to sell by public suction 11t N.
half 1,05 18, Con, 0, Morris, Friday May 22,
at 1 o'clock, -the following valuable property •
—1 aged mare, 1 mare 7 years old in foal, 1.2
year old filly, 2 two-year old calcines, 1 fresh
calved cow, 1cow doe to cx ve June 12th, 1
cote due to calve June 205h, 2 sows in pig to
farrow in July. 12 pigs 10 weeks old, 1 Mnssey-
Anrrie hinder? ft out new, I Mower Frost &
Wood 0 ftant nervily new, 1 mower, 1 Elmira
!nay loader, 1 Frost Sc Wood onitivator neatly
new, 1 hay rake, 1 drill 10 hoes, 1 di -o harrow,
1 set iron harrows, 1 Chatham fanning mill
with bagger, 1 wagon, 1single boggy covered,
1 Portland cutter nearly new, 1 cutter, 1 pair
bob -sleighs, 1 stook rack, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel
box, 1 pig crate, 8 set of whiflletrees and neelt-
yon'es, 1 set double harness nearly new, 1 set
plow harness, l eat single harness pew, 1 set
single harness, 1 set fly meta, I single plow.
Oliver make new, 1 walking plow, 1 two -far-
row plow, 1 set beam settles, plow,
scales 11100
Iba., 11•ap truck, 1 lel, el of telt.1 et n,1 reed
•ower, 11aud roller, 1 hay folk, sling- and
ropes, 1 pulper. 1 grab, cradle, 1 snuffler. 2
wheelbarrow's, ba rials and feed box, 1 oat box,
1 e,,eiina fork,1 ditching scoop. 1 grindstone,
a quantity of We and pone, 1 Sprayer, 1 eros-
cut saw, 1 apple barrel prase, 1 wire stretcher,
a number of grain bags, 1 rack lifter, 1 wagon
jack, 1 work bench, some carpenter tools,
scythes, forks, rakes, ehovele, chains and
other articlee too numerous to mention.
Sale without reserve as the farm has been
sold, Terms—All sums of 81000 -and under
cash; over that amount 8 months credit given
on furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per
cent per nnnnnp off for cash on credit a-
Wtt. JAc1ESON,
Ham fry .TAOreoON, Executory.
J. R. Wendt
Jeweler and Engraver
Afr, Naftel saw the object which 11e
described as a vessel. Ile claims to
have seen it deep in the trough of the
sea dtllring the 1'(llgh weather late In
the Winter. In this case it wonld
seem that the 0 Orient nate craft must
be cotisideiably farther out than two
The range being now well establish-
ed en effort will be Made to secure a
Covet nnlett lug to that mighty cover
the territory. Capt. McDonald has
been asked by the marine department
to make a repol•t to the lake carriers'
association. He has tt very serious
personal interest in the location or
the crani. His son, Donald, was a-
board the Wexford as a; passenger,
while the body of his nephew, Mur-
doch, brother of Roy McDonald
was taken from the icy lake along
with other metubers of the Wexford
Mr. Naftel has just received a letter
from an Indian named Samuel J.
Walker, of the Sarnia reserve asking
that he be informed when any at-
tnnptis male in raise the Steamer
Ale -Germ. 88111011 Walker believes
that it was the MCGetues 11011 that
At'. Naftel situ' after 111e stOrtll. His
stepbrother, George L. Smith, was
wheelman, and his friend, Thomas
SI 011P, was a member of the Mc-
Gean's crew. Those bodies were [-
hong those taken from the raft off
•N[tftel's petit•, and Samuel Walker is
anxious to recover the effects of his
friends should the boat be raise(!.
Farm i
Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks
Paper HanqingO
Brooder of .
John Lunn I and white Leghorns• • p
••• 'These birds have proven to be 2,
Painter, Pa er Han er b Witt' er layers. Eggs from any •
p g s of my pens at •
Grainer and Decorator $1,00 for 15 or $5..00 per 100
A Trial Solicited First -Class Work
Phone 41x
Thomas Street, l3russelg
Ohas. Orosefleld, Alf. Booker, .
Manager. Owner.
eeeesseeeeee••0600S4.Oe0000••S ••So••••emeseeeeeese•••
• 1-117 SEASON is now at o
• T hand for the sale of p
• Buggi'es
Jlu • Ila and [411 intend- e
Buggies Ng purchasers will do well 0
• and save money by calling at
• •
i Buggies We take no back seat and •
0 are always o11 1110 lead for:an •
up-to-date Buggy: •Our Bpg- •.
gies Ilaye stood the lest of all •
competitors for close to 30 0
years, 'which should be a ::.
gnarantoe in itself. One •
Raye mere up.to-data 11uu1 all met/ties years, .17vcrybndy is made
s S welcome to examine 0111' $1101V1100(08 11,111 purchase a Ewan Buggy.
• "Yon Will gat flrst•olass satisfaction as well as encouraging home
o trade.
o° Wood Work done in all 118 branches;
•nd Civeted toggles re•Painted•md BuggYrl
elook as good as new at reasonable prices.
• Buggies
?Styles and Material LI1is year Ise
"More Br td and Better Bread" and •
".het eto astrv:#.1'0°" 826
D Ewa's CarriageFactory
a• it•sS0O•SSI••SSS•••••••••a••••••0•00e00•••••••4t4%
CAM, C. R. Crowe, of the 301h Regi.
hent, Welliugloln Rifles, has resigned
1,10 place on the Birley teem, mid Major
W. G. King of the 461h Durham Regi
meat, has been selected to fill the
Cumberland Gem (Imp.)
100781 1160801
Proprietor Walton P. 0.
W111 stand for the improvement of stock dur-
1, g the season at his own stable,
Lot 22, Con.13, McKillop
Terms -$12,00.
Stallion Enrolment
The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario
certifies that the mumu, description and pedi-
(401e"t(ilmp.), registered 1 inan "Oein1110 Canadian
Olydosdale23tud Book as Na 18078, owned by
John J. hisGnvbo, of Walton, and foaled In
1010. has bean enrolled in accordance with
Chapter 87 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George
V, the Enrolment Na, being 1807.
10. W. \Vans, SOaretnry.
Peseta MIME, Chairmen,
Toronto, March test, 1914.
Loudon) FavoriteIm .
1118121 (110701
Proprietor Walton P. 0.
Will stand for the improvement of stook dar-
ing the season at his own stable,
Lot 22, Con. 13, McKillop
Stallion Enrolment
The en Board of Ontario
' n m t
a Stnlllon Enrol
name, dc. ora tion and Ind,.
that Clydesdale
nn t
certifies t i
e 1 desdnle Stallion.`Londmre
Favorgees of ," 0 Y
Olydo'd Sap.) registeredItsNo fn the wCanadian
,Folin dale Shad Book 11812owned by
John J MoGnvin of Walton,and fooled in
1904, has been enrolled in accordance with
Ohapter 87 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George
V, the Enrolment 8.
15 W bBWADE, Secretary.
PETER Wanes, Chairman.
Toronto, Month gist, 1914,
The People's Column
3 fors le SHORT Hots 20 and HOE, Con. 0
Morris, Phone 100. JA8. SPEIR
BOX 207. llrussels,
Notice !
The Court of Revlelort at the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Grey will be held at
the Township Holl, Ethel, on *Saturday, the
28rd day of May, next, et 1080 a. tn. All par.
ties interested will cleave take notice and gov-
ern themselves ,ace, dhngly
A. A MACD0NALD, Olerk,
'Ethel, May 0th, 1011.
Notice !
The Court of Revision on tho Assessment
Roll of the Township of Morris will be hold in
the Township 01011 on Monday, the 2811, day of
May, next, at 10 o'clock it. In, All parties 1n-
terested will please take notice and govern
themselves accordingly.
A. 30EWEN, Olerk.
Morris, May 851, 1914.
FOR SALE, being 34 Lot 18, Con. 0,
Morris Township, Eleven 00., containing
100 acres. On the premises is a good 9 -roomed
frame house and woodshed, bank barn 40x00,
straw shed 80x60, poultry house 18840, and pig
pen. There is considerable timber on farm
Location 10 about 34 nine from church and
school. For further particulars apply on the
premises or to ROST. NEW COM BE,
Blyth Rural phone 814 R.R. No. 2 Blyth
No. 1, Produoe ,warehouse at Brussels
Station G, T. R. For ppartionim•s apply to
d. L110x1E, Brussels.
if 150813 LAWN FARM" FOR SALE.—
C The undersigned offers for Bale his fine
100 sore form being North 11015 Lot 28, Con, 0,
Morris township, Huron Co, Farm ie in a good
state of cultivation, well fenced, and hos on it
a fine brick house that cost $8,000. Good lawn
Surrounded by cedar hedge. Born 62 x 80 feet
on stone foundation. Good orohm•d. and 70
awes of hardwood bush. Form is only a mile
from the splendid market town of Brussels
and Is 154 miles from school. Good commun.
By. Possession at ones. For further partion-
lare, price terms &c., apply on the premises
or to MIEN MOONEY, Proprietor, Bruseele
P. 0.
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock -slim
Repairs to 'Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call.
A. RAYMANN, -Cranbrook
At your home without
pain, danger or operations.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless, cases no
nutter what your age is
or how long ruptured,
Why wait until your rup-
turebeconies strangulated
1 be cured you canedP
Do not wait - fill in coupon
Age...... Time Rup-,:,..:.
Single or Double
Name :. .
Address .:.....
• add return to •
SS Oafoponla 9t.
Dept. A Stratford, Ont,