HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-5-7, Page 8etere Rause - Cleaning Time Many of its "heads are very much in otar line Honsehold Ammonia—A great cleanser nod fine for taking spots out of ear. pets, &o, toe bottle. To clean windows use lion An 15e. Good Dlsiufeetants-Formaldehyde 25c bottle ; Zenoleum, 2;c bottles and 5o0 tins ; Powdered Coperas, Inc lb. ; Chloride of Lime, Io and 150 tins. Washing Fluid—We keep the ingred- ients for filling this recipe—Powdered Borax, Gillett's Lye, Salts of Tartar and Ammonia. Cailstie Soda—Makes the finest of Lauu- dry Soap at a small cost, and at the same time will use up tallow or grease that has collected during the Winter - 5 Ib. tin 45c; 3 lb. tin 30c, Moth Balls and Red Ceder Flakes— Moth Preventatives for putting under carpets and with Winter things wheu storing them away. Wall Paper A customer the other day, wheat baying a room of Wali Paper, said she wished site had two or three rooms to do instead of only the one, as the Papers were prettier than usual this year. This at. ems to be the general expression of opinion, itnion so if you have any rooms that need Papering this is a good time to do them. Bedroom Papers There are three kinds that are very popular— CHENTZPAPERS THE VEILED PATTERNS 'l'HE PLAIN STRIPES These mostly have borders that can be cut out and come at from 9 to 170. ?fie a„tm e.4,6e4s Store DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. F. R. SMITH ai Etivs 4tents ARE you ready for the Sanitary In- spector's call ? - Till lawn mower Is once more on the regular program. MANY fine catches of fish are on the program at the dam this week. INTERESTING local news may he foetid on page 5 ot this issue. FOURTH Division Court was held in tbe Town Hall Wednesday of this week, Judge Holt presiding. VICToltIA Day will be celebrated on Monday May 25th on aecount of the 24111 falling on a Sundae. SPRING seeding is about finished al- though vegetation is very slow this sea- son awing to the coldawtahrbread de TOM SNIDER, jr. put e livery van on the road in conueotion with his store business In B,usst ls. ANUMBEta 01 Odd'ellnws frotn 'own attended the 6ou1ety Senmeu at BA 13 un Sabbath evening tact. 'they lepers u very interesting set vele No'1WITHe'rANDiNG the fact that this is the second week of May a Rudd many furnaces are Stu' in use l0 vartues homes o,viee to the chilly weatitet. A PINE new up -cu cla,e sudswatr Satin'a:a has been purcnased b. S. C. Wilson for his restaurant and Was t stalled last week. He is dere' mined to be tip to the 00105. CHI-NAMEL —1Jo you know what It is? See the demonstration Thursday and Friday of tuts week at the state UL W tl ton & Gilles pie Toe lady 10 change. will explain what can be done with it. Go and see. nos week John Hunter and men are erecting the new residence of John Etvan, corner of Market and James streets. It will Le veueered with pros- ' sed brick and will be a neat comfortable home, on a good site. A sucessl ut operation was performed at Clinton Hospital on May, the young daughter of Louis and M A. Hollinger, James street, Brussels, and she is mak- ing good progress. The trouble was a swelling back of one of her ears. DIED IN TORONTO.—In rorouto last Friday Mrs, Wm. Mundell, sister to Mrs, Wm. Pryne, of Brussels, passed away to her reward. fine was 54 Years of age and was married in 1575, her husband pre deceasing her. There are no children, The funeral took place Monday of this week, Rev. Richard Hobbs, of Toronto, conducting the service. Heart trouble was the cause of Mrs. Mundell's death. She was a fine woman and beloved by a wide circle of friends, Mrs, Pryne attended tbe funeral. TUESDAY George Barkley and staff completed the cement walls of the new horse shed being built by the Methodist church. The building is 55 x 120 feet and a firstelaes job bas been done and without any delay. Metallic roof will now be put on and the building com- pleted, A convenience not often found in other sheds is a good well with a pump in it. When finished the Methodist church will have an A 1 property in church, parsonage and shed and all out ot debt after next November When subscriptions to the shed are to be paid. D. EWAN will build a cement garage locating it alongside Alfred Bseker's stable, Flora street. It will be a cement building. Contract has been let to George Barklay. FLETCHER SPARLING purpoSeS raising his residence, on Church street, and putting in a cellar, A drain is being dug to tate river Maitland by R Car- diff ditching machine this week. DIED IN LONDON.— Mrs, Wm. Mc- Cullough died at her home in London on Wednesday of this week. She was a former resident of Brussels, where her husband died and will be well remem- bered by the older people. Mrs. Mc- Cullough was a fine woman and had many warm friends. An adult family survives. -0— Goon Durham cow for sale. D. 0, Rose, 00001 s pupa for sale. Also seed potatoes. Lot 24, Con. 12, Grey. Guo. E. SParnAN, Phone 5511. Next -Oa -The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of one-horse teaming such as plow- ing gardens. removing sputa and rubbish cleaning lavatories, &c Orders left at 755, Ballantyne's store will receive prompt at- tention. JNO. T01HllEAn. Sunt of looney found. Engaire at Twit Peer. COLLAR dog lout. Tan in color with white breast and feet end narrow white strip on face. Answers to name of "Collie " Any 111- formation 10formation leading to his recovery will be thankfully received. Telephone Mural route 76. BAUTRY BRYANO, Brussels. Pon SALA.—A heavy draft mare. 5 veers old ; also a driving horse rising 6 years Both are sound, Lot 10, 000.7, Grey Phone 2118. 44-2 0nAs. r.Ane"N9' To mon PDnnro.—I have improved my Work- shop and will keep same open from 80 m. to 6 p m. daily Will sharpen and repair saws and lawn mbwers to your fancy I have this class of goods for saleor will exchange same when desired THE LATE MES, JAS. WILSON.—Last week THE POST macre brief reference to the su:iden demise of Mrs. James Wilson, Elizabeth street, Brussels. The funeral took place Saturday after- noon and was conducted by Reeds. Messrs, Page and Maim. Iutermeut was Made in the family plot Brussels cemetery, Deceased was the only child of Thomas and Margaret McComlghy and waft born at Green dill, Refoe, Ireland, 75 years ago, When about 17 she came to Blanshard township, Perth 00., to bet grandmother. The subject of this notice was married twice, her first husband beteg Wnl. Inman, of Stratford, Out , and the second, Tames Wilson, then of Eden Mills, Ont. They cense to Brussels 111 1872 and two years later moved to tike comtortable home 'where` Mrs Wilson died, Durtug Mr. Wilson's life deceased attended tete Presbyterian church but latterly. she worshipped at St. John's (Anglican) which eliurch she lead joined before' letvine'Ireland The surviving niem- buis if, +he family ere 1—Miss Elle In tom l 1115015 ; Mrs, J A Falconer, 0 r, Park, I11..; Mrs. D McDonald, and two daughters (Mrs Parr, Bradwar- 1 „1='t,t own ; Fred. F., Toronto 1 and dine, Manitoba.; and Miss Carrie, al :Hiss Myrtle 13., at Home. Mrs. Wilson home) Stirdive. 'Phe fttueral took place wet a true wife, a loving mother and 'rtesrlay afternoon when an appropriate one of the kindest of neighbors, She service was coudueted by Rev. D. wisi'tdns'riaua, agood manager and a Wren. Burial was made in Biuspels j .yeOS uear.ed woman what}' you were cemetery Mr, Hingaton was of a quiet 1115 better' of meeting, Her demise is turn but was highly esteemed by the deeply regretted and the deep sympathy ' community. The hereevecl are aocorded of the oommun(t/ extended to the the sylnp5tbv of many old friends,MTh e bereaved. The children were all home brothers of deceased are Geo , n , for the funeral as was Mrs. I+red, 1. Wash, ; Thos., of Everett, ClWsgilof Wilson anti Miss 'Muriel Brothers, a Aatl,ur, Spokane, Wash, ; , daughter, of Toronto. -Mrs Alsask, Sask. ; and Dr. Jas , in Chicago grand therl ' Miss L. . Hfttgstot1, a sister is located weso❑ s pleasant face and mo y J Will sat soon be forgotten by a 5t Seattle, Wash Mr, Hiugeton was wideavyd one of the Old fesidente living here over circle of friends many of whom 116 been associated With her for near 40 6o Viers and Was born in merkhanf ether t0wp0h115. T. MOGano0n, Brussels. Oct HAva received a shipment of Baby chick food. Specially prepared. Nothing ao good 91111Eyyg Cu chicks. Try a package. Pryne Boos FOR HATO0TNO.—B. C. R I. Reds From Nov. 1st to April 14th 80 hens laid 049,00 worth of Eggs. 50c for setting of 18, I. A McKelvey, phone 865, Ethel FLEURY, Wilkinson, Oocicshutt and Frost & Wood plow repairs and those of the Deering and Frost & Wood implements in stock and sold by E. Plum at Blacksmith shop, Brussels. Tamen year old heavy draft gelding for sale. ROHM. HENDEa5ON, Brussels. The Metropolitan Back 4 Capital Paid up - Reserve Fund - • Undivided Profits - $1,000,000.00 1,250,000,00 182,547,61 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can deposited ited or withdrawn tib Y any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER R, THOMSON bas set out roo more young apple trees, McIntosh Reds, on his farm, Queen street, West. He is determined to have a choice selection and as the orchards are favorably locat- ed they should do well. NEXT Sabbath morning congregational representatives will be nolninat"d by the Methodist congregation for seals at the Ofcial Board. Six of the number will be elected by ballot at a Congre- gational meeting to be held next '1'ues- day evening at 8 o'clock. ACARD.—We the -undersigned hereby agree to sell a package of five standard 6c boxes of Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents TT'holmsonnandsW. T. guaranteed, Jas. Geo. Eaos FOR HATCHING: Partridge Wynn- dottes—good laying strain. 76e, for setting of 1s. W. D. SAnare, Brussels. Fon 5,, .11 —General punpose filly 8 years old. JAS."). MCNAIR, Lot 22, Om, 111, Grey. 'phoneEGGS FOR RATORING.—Good laying strain of White Wyendottes. Eggs 31,00 for setting of 16, 30115 MBADOWa, Brussels. —o— SEAFORTH STAGE OFF.—On the last day olAprii the old and well establishedstsge route between Brussels and Seaforth came to a termination. It had been in existence for nearly 5o years, served the purpose well au I will be greatly missed, Mail intended for Walton will now go via Blyth or Guelph. Mr. Oakley, the stage proprietor, has the rural route on Cons. so and 12 Grey township. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.— Friday after- noon, May 15111, at 2 3o o'clock, the regular meeting of Brussels Women's Institute will be held in the Audience room of the Pttnlie Library. The topic will be "Lessons from the life of Queen Victoria," to be introduced by Mrs. S. Walker. At this meeting election of of- ficers for the coming year will also take place. A special request is merle for a large attendance so that the year meV Conclude with a wide iutereet manifest. May Isth remember, R. T. HINGSTON RESPONDS TO THE CALL,—An old and well known resi- dent of this locality was summoned to his long home last Saturday. in the person of Richard T. Hingaton, Mill street, in his 76th year. He l:ad an at- tack of pneumonia but Its he appeared to be itnproving no alarm was lett 011th the collapse came. He was the second sin 011118 late W. G. Htogston, au old time resident of Morris township, and learned the carpenter and joiner trade. fie was a competent workm n and spent the most of his life in Brussels. While Sot enjoying rugged 11051/11 for a camber of yeers he was usually able to get about. 47 years ago deceased was 11(111 1 in marriage to Miss Harriet Hay croft, of town, who with three 80115 (Aciclis0n, of Wingham ; Will , of Van- (louver; an1'Charliei in Outlook, Saslc ) People We Talk About Mrs. E. C. Lowry is back from her visit to Loudon. Mrs. J. F, Rowland and children ar rived home from Piston this week. Archer Grewar had a wrestle with an attack of the croup but is better again. F. Fitzgerald, of the Linwood Metro politan Bank, was a visitor in Bru sets last week. Will, Lowry, of London, is spending a fete days in town visiting relatives and ARE YOU READY FOR 'THE INSPECTOR? old friends. Friday of next week is tbe date of the Alex and Mrs. J Walker, of Seeforile Sanitary Inspector's visit to find out were renewing old friendships in 13i us - how well you have cleaned up your cels and locality Joseph Gordon, of Orangeville, is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Paul and Miss Gordon, Princess street. THE POST is pleased to report pro grecs in the health of Miss Pipe, Queen street, who has been seriously ill. H. B. and Mrs. Churchill were here for a short visit at tbe parental home er the latter, George and Mrs. Edwards S. T. and Mrs. Plum and Herbert and Mrs. Manning and children visited the Rozell family at Clinton over Sun da Mrs. John Ferguson, Jean and Mack were visitors with relatives at Annum. They motored in R. A. McDonald's car, Dr Will. Cameron, of Palmerston, was calling on relatives and blends in Brussels and locality during the past week. W and Mrs. Jackson and dauebter, 01 Bltth, were visiting A. and Mrs. Smith. John street, Brussels on Wed- nesday. W, E. and Mrs. liaise, of Atwood, were visiting at Ole parental home over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hoist were former latusselites. Mrs Edward Lowry, da.nehter and son, of Wroxeter, were calling on rela- tives and old friends in Brussels dur- ing the past week, Miss Rebecca Sburrie was quite ill last week with pneumonia but is regain- ing his heaith now her many friends will be pleased to learn J. H. Kerney, of Guelph, is spending It few days in town. He has been off duty Giving 10 a touch of ser eons prcts- premises. Are you ready for him ? Some toll dump their old cans, bottles, etc., in the nearest vacant lot Forgetting that there is a municipal dump ground to wbich all such refuse should 1 e haul- ed FOOT BALL.— Fnilowing are the grouping of the Intermediate Foot Ball teams in this locality :—Group 1—Owen Sound. A bye. Group 2— Hanover, Medmey Walkerton and Chesley, Con- vener, Herman Wendorf, Meet at Hanover. Group 3—Listowel, Monk - ton, Attvnod and Poole. Convener, t: Bamlorcl, Listowel Meet at Listo- wel. Group 4—Brosse 1, Wroxeter and Chit on. Convet er, J. Bellantt•ne• Meet at Brussels There are 22 clubs in to Intermediate A•sociation and some 111 1'mes are expected before the el.mp'onslrlp is settled. ANOTHER BLANe HARD PIONEER DE PA(71 —'Cite St. Marys Jeureal says :— ' e'er the past seven years lames Ctaw fetid one of Blaushard's oldest and most respected residents bas made his Home ;u town and the dignifi, d manly figure anti fi' in step of oils quiet old clan has been familiar to most of our citizens A a:eek or more ago he was out for his •rh• walk as usual test sickness came d the frailty of old age was sone in evident:. and he was gone. Mr. Craw- ford was respected by young and old in town and out of town. He was a man without en enemy, frugal, in- dustrious. quiet in his language and iu All his ways. He leaves a family of sons who are filling responsible positions in lire and are a credit to the township nae has sent out to the world so many [ration trom overwork clever anti useful men Mr Crawford L. and Mrs. Wright 0f Mellor was bot n in Donegal, Ireland He Satik ,were visiting relatives and friend - mune as a young 1man to Blanshard and in Bntssels 611'1 Grey township. his, resided on the lath concession from those early days until seven years ago He owned at one lime some 480 acres which he sold off by degrees. His widow who came front the same 1• wn in Ireland its her husband and eight ehiltren survive him, namely :—W. C. Crawford, Tilbury ; J 13. Crawford. hardware merchant, Dutton ; Samuel, of Dutton : John 'r„ Mathematical Master, Toronto; Mrs. Kinsman, Saginaw, Mich ; Mrs John. Slack, Ed- monton ; Mrs. Odemever, Saskatoon ; and Miss S J Crawford, St. Marys. His only remaining brother is David of Walton and Mrs, John Fulton, of Walton is a sister. The de- ceased was a strictly temperate man, throughout his lite a member of the Methodist church and a Conservative in politics. The remains were today in- terred in St. Marys cemetery De- ceased was a brother to the late Samuel Crawford, formerly of Brussels ANNUAL MEETING.— Friday evening of last week the anuual meeting of Brussels Methodist Sabbath School was held in the lecture room, preceded by a Teachers' tea at which 3o people sat down, at 6 3o o'clock, to well spread tables. Following this social hour the pastor, Rev. D. Wren; M. A., called for reports From the Superintendent, Associate, Secretary and Treasurer. from which were gleaned facts and figures that showed the school to be a live de- partment of work in the vineyard, with a tidy surplus after all expenditures had been provided for. Election of officers was proceeded with and the following chosen :—Superintendent, W fl, Kerr ; Associate Superintendent, F. H Gihoy; Secretaries, W. J McCracken and Ernest Plum ; 'Treasurer, R A Pryue 1 Leader of Orchestra, H. L Jackson ; Paperarian,, Mlsses Millie Pryne told Jessie Cunningham ; Home Department, resident, Mrs. W. Rands ; Cradle Roll Department, Mrs. H, L. Jackson and Miss L Downing ; Superinteedent's Cabinet, Pastor, Associate Superin- tendent, Presidents ,Home Dept. and in the lakeside town. Cradle Roll and Primacy class leacher , Melville Sabbath School met for the Missionary Committee, A, E Hersey first 'time at to o'clock last Sabbath and Misses Bneker, Cnnt,itigham and morninir. This will be continued dur- Hunter. On' the teaching staff are : ing the Stunmer months. F H Gilroy, S. Bailey, Mrs. Rands, The Ladies' Ad of Melville church Mrs Parker, Mrs A J Lowry, R A met last Monday to arrange for the sup- Pryne, Misses Martha Smith Ida per to be served on May 25th after the Bailey, Addie Cardiff, Pearl .Backer, corner stone ',yin of (leo 11010 chateau. Clara Hunter, LfzAie Downing and At the Epworth League meeting ,next Carrie Hi,011e0si. Associate teachers, Monday evening the topic will be "'rhe M, -sea Bnchanau, Cunningham, Walk, fife and work of Dr.'I`hos, Crosby, mis er, Pryne, LeathMcCra, Wheeler and lifsioe to the fDr.Lichens ,st B C.," and Centlto, W, J. McCracken, Chester' will be in charge of Mfss Myrtle Hunter. Armstrong, Dr. Br'ytins,. J T, Wood Too ate in ch charge views will bo thrown an Dr. Hamilton em eras a close of the thrown to 1165. Mrs Rands, Chester ' This 'will be the monthly Missionary B rt Lott Harold Lowry Ruby Ylum CI THE.. ESTABLISHED Cly' CANADA SAD OFFIc,, TORONTO BRUSSELS VPEEPING a bank account for 11. "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for r eve r1paymentm est and does not require a large deposit to begin with. .ss BRAN C 11, J. F. Rowland, ® Er ® Manager. `., alt Next Sabbath morning, Mothers Dal ry Moved by R. A. Pryne, seconded by will be obeetved in the Methodist J. Hewitt, that the Methodist Ohuech et church when the sermon and musical be permitted to build eel Ill 0.1 I. s o selections will bear on the subject step in front or church. 0 u tied A white carnation is the emblematic In connection with sti vet wittering fit CS) 9 et flower. In the evening the third ser- the Reeve t•eporled that tt steel ttW,k , ® mon of the series on the Prodigal Son 10 x IU feet hail been a,rderecl from . $ DRUG STORE 9 will he given the subject heing "The Gerry & Walker at 5110 ounsider- Prodigal's resolve to go home " table time was used up in tbl cashing j !®etioY©®®OOea®di®YOY®61OIN��® Cue of the most interesting meetings out the question of tomtit -tit ,Lull anent, - of this years term of the A Y. P A. Mg steady pntliping of supply to tank. ef'St, John's church was held last Sm1 The business then were asked to ar. day evening. The topic on "The place range with T. Ritchie or someone else 0•41000000001190.100000000.00 NyaI's119 H Q'4 ® Blood Purifies~ N Q O ,ob No one 5011 question the el o great value of a reliable W S Blood Purifier' and Blood e It Builder as tt f00lor in the a cure and prevention of the s s diseases. The blood ti 011111 111 g. (lutrent permeates every 0 portion or the body so if the CZ fl blood be Impure and iulpov- o erielt'd it catwot help but ee ,v n vitiate one's health, We 2, fa recommend Nyal's Blond ti§ p Purifier as ae efficient and gt teliltble remedy for all dire $ ordors of the blood, m t65 d 5a m $1.O0 per large bottle —AT— . e of young people in the work of the church" was taken by 1'rs. W W. Harris, in which she' pi) need out the necessity or training for such work from childhood up. A short address was given by Rev. Mr. Page. The paper next Sunday evening will be -The sp'esdorthe churrh in the first centu.y " taken by Miss E. Colvin. Al the Mon.hly Missionary Day in °mine°.i 1n with the Methodist Sabbath Seltoal last Sunday afternoon a reading WAS given by Fred Hilison and a choice solo by Mrs Howson entitled "Lead LindlylLight, The offering was 56 43 The Missionary standard for the school this year is 576.00 In the auditorium, at 3 o'clock the pastor nddressed a mass tneetitlg of men. at which 65 were present, on the subject "'the Divine Challenge " There was "grip" in it. TP Wood sang an appropriate solo. hese mens' meetings will be Held four times a year at least, the next heing slated for the first Sabbath afternoon of August. Brussels Council The regular monthly meeting of Brussels Council was held Monday evening with Reeve land Councillors Muldoon, Pryne, McGuire and Hewitt present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Accounts were presented as fol- lows R. Thuoll, electric lamp $1 50 Alex. Anderson, fire dept Jno, Wright, miscellaneous Frank Bolt, R. Oliver, salary " Jno. Long, sultry, Assessor' Wright is extetrding her stay F, L 501111, Field manager of the Maple Leaf Lyceum Bureau, Belleville, was in 10105 on Wednesday in co'i- nection with next Fall's and Winter Concert course. T. Hamilton aud-"Mrs D. Mein. of Shakespeare, and Mrs. Walter Patter- son. of Stratford, were here attending tue funeral of the late Mrs Tames Wil- son last Saint day. Mrs. Pope airived here • during tile past week and Mitt Mr, Pope and son are living in the aparttnetlts over B. F Carr's store, in the Richards block. We welcome them as residents of Brest sell. D. C. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Tees water, sud H. and Mrs, Lloyd, of Wiogham, were here 011 Tuesday et - tending the funeral of the late R.. T Hingslon. Addison snd Mrs Hines ton, of the latter town, were also here. A welcome visitor to llrussels and locality for a few days last week was Rev. 1). B, McRae, or Armow, former- ly of Cranbrook. He was returf ing from the Synod. Dr. T '1` McRae and Mrs: Jno Ferguson, of town ere son and daughter of the reverend gentleman. He Is enjoying its worst at Armow and the congregation Is rorgine ahead. After next June Armow will belong to Maitland iustend nl Bruce Presbytery. It will be much more convenient. Church Chimes 1 00 90 8 50 40 0(1 50 (10 Rev. Mr, Appleyv'd, of Londnu, will preach at the morning and eveub g service in St. John's church next Sun day. Next Tuesday. Wedresd ,t and Thum clay Mrs (Rev ) Mann will be in 'Potion - to attending the annual Convention of the W,?,M S Maitland Presbytery will be held at Kincardine o • 'tuesdav tech inst. The preslyterial will meet011 the same day and t epurtto Courted so as to be able to place tank. Jas. Ballantyne, J. Simmons and C. Seel addressed the Council as to more light. on Queen street, East. Re- quest lvae granted and an extra lamp will be installed. Reeve stated that R. Kirkby's Solicitor had served the writ against the co1•pm'ation for a claim of about $700 over the John Street sewer con- tract. 'A defence has been put in and the case will come up for hearing at Godes ieh. After a chat over the question of the reduced power of some of the street lamps from the contract Council adjourned after a long drag- gecl out session. BORN Mtr1,sn.—In Morris township, on May 8rd, I914, to Mr. and hire. George Miller, a son —Samuel Alvin. MARRIED PATTERSON—SlnlntoNB.—In Wroxeter, on April 29111, 1014, by Rev, Mr. Lackland, Miss Victoria Simmons to Mr. William G. Patterson, all of Wroxeter. DIED Enessmo5. In Brussels, on May 2nd, 1914, Richard T. Megaton, 1n his 75th year. kaDW'o Mundell, need 64 years. iat, 1914, Mrs, Moved by R. A. Pipits, seconded by Geo. Muldoon, thew the above ac- counts be sassed. entitled By -Law passed. 4, 1914, was read and passed appointing Wnf. Cameron. Director' of the Telephone Board in place of Edward Blyans, deceased. R. Oliver repm'ted receipts from scales for the month of April as 512,65. A petition signed by the majority of owners was presented by Jas. Jones asking for a sewer. Moved by A. McGuire. seconded by J. Hewitt, that the Reeve be instructed to sign the petition, asking for a sewer Ott Tnrn- berry street and that Clerk prepare necessary By -Law. &o. Carried. Moved by R. A. Pryne, seconded by Geo. Muldoon, that Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for 1914 he held on the first Monday of June at 8 o'clock p. tn. Carried. Pletcher Spading asked „permission to dig a drain froth his house to the river on Church street. Request was granted, work to be done satisfactory to the Council, The question of instituting the Out• few bell in Brussels came up and the Statute was t ead. After considerable disenssirm it was moved by Jno. flew itt, eecnnded by Geo. Muldoon, thel no tuition be taken until further in- quiry made: Councillors McGuire and Pryoe voting for action now. Motion carried. cu Cam on the canvas at the subject. d N R d Cl p' Arrn4troug e rif hG Peal Dark 1d Will Hoover. Supplies g oar' 51 01 for teachers and school were ordered for Wednesday evenieg of this week the 000111lg term 91d the Pastor and Rev. W J. Smith, 'Toronto, Secretary seit erintendents Appointed a Committee of the Social end. Moral Reform work ',n cotltleef 1011 witte. 5. S. Excursion. of the Methodist church, 5900 0 very 575 00 Was raised leaf Conference year instrtelive :and most interesting address for Missions and itts 0o was voted to the in the Methodist church, Brussels. Ald and Extension Ptund. Meeting This is a Very important department of concluded deciding to meet In the Work and more so not than ever, The duass inittalti reverend gentlethau IN well fitted for hid conree er; a itltl 1(% to no propelled IetW6rd lflsVeflte6ttll i 15AaMciglr Q6 tt Cumberland Cam; (Imp,) (18078) 1180601 JOHN J. McOAVIN Proprietor Walton. P. 0. Will stand for the Improvement of etoelc dur- ing the season at his own stable, Lot 22, Con. 13, McKillop Terms—$12.00. Stallion Enrolment Tho Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario martinet] that the name, description and man.. ggroe of the Clydesdale Ste111on "Cumberland Gem , (Imp. 1,. registered in the Canadian Olydesdnle Stud Book tie No, 10978, owned by John J. McG,Vlu, of Walton, and fooled iq 1010, hoe been enrolled in nocorSauce with Chnppter 67 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George. V,tiheEnrolment lN ,being 11107. Secretary. PaviaOWRITS, Ohateman. Toronto, Mara 61et,1 l 0 udo ' ■ Fa�101"It)e 1(Imp) JOHN J:, McOAVIN Proprietor Walton Q, 0. Will stand for the the season at hila own stable, Of etook dor• u Lot 22, Con. 13, 1NcKiliop Torras -38.00. Stallion Enrolment The Stallion Enrohnent Beard of Ontario oertifles that the nnm0, description and 11edl• gees of the Clydesdale Stallion, " Lotuien's gree (imp.) registered in the Oonadlan Clydesdale Stud Book tie leo. 11812, oWne5 by John J, MaGnvin, of Walton, and foaled hs 19 4 99 loon onrolled 111 acemdanoe with (Wepster. 7 of the Statutes of On tell°, 2 George Vt the Enrolment No. liable 868. Ii, WW�4ltk,013515105 Pnmttu wrlt�Ei Ohairfaan, 1404442tiiet ildareh 81041914, BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat -- 5100 01 Oats 90 Peas 00 60 Barley 20 21 Butter 19 21 Eggs - 16 05 16 00 Hay The People's Column CHOICE SHORT SOHN GRADSI COWS 3 for sale. Apply Leta 29 and B0, Con, 2 Morris. Phone 100. JAS. oo 207, Brussels. Notice ! The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the Township of Grey will be held at the Township Hall, Ethel, on Snturda the 28rd day of Slay, next, atl080a.tn. Allper- ties interested will please take notice and gov- ern themselves accordingly. A. H. MACDONALD, Clerk. Ethel, May 0th, 1914. Notice ! The Oour£ or Revision on the Aasosement Boll of the Township of Morrie will be Held In the Township Ball on Monday, the 2611' day of May, next, at 10 o'clock a.m. All -parties in- terested will please take notice and govern themselves accordinglyA MOEWEN, Clerk, Morrie, May 0th, 1914. Colored Varnish Clear Varnish. Whine Enamel Colored Enamel Chi-Narnel Varnish is waterproof - and heel proof—made in all colors of wood. Use it for floors, linoleum, fur- niture and woodwork. Colored Enamels for .porch and out -door furniture. One coat hides the color and gives a durable hard finish that never softens after once dry. Use thiscoupon 20c cou on DURING OUR 'DEMONSTRATION Good for one 20c can of Chi-Namel Varnish any color you select if holder will purchase anew 106 brush with which to give it a fair test. Good during Special Demonstration at our afore on At Wilte's ®f"1 & Calues Thursday y May 7th & 8th