The Brussels Post, 1914-5-7, Page 4the lirit"itsstts
' HulR-1?AY, MAY 7. I914
GoDELMOH has revived the Curfew
law, which gives the hint that it b re-
garded AS beneficial.
Hort. De; PyNIs was preseuted with a
cabinet of silver for the eare taken of
Premier Whitney during his severe 111
CnATUA11's population is placed
12,465, a slight decrease se compared
with f he fignres of rms. Bent's capital
is a stesdygoer and is destined to forgo
Some say the Dosninion Redistribu-
tion measure may not be put throueb
thin session Possibly some of the M.
P's think possession is better for an-
other term than the possibility of defeat
if an election contest bad to be met,
Tisa "dry" territory continues to grow.
In East Sent there is not a licensed
hotel in any township and Blenheim
town is also in the same category.
There is no report however of that
territory "going to the dogs" because
of such a record.
ADVANTAGE is to be taken of the next
Industrial Exhibition at Toronto by
Kent County Publicity Committee by
making a County exhibit. This is a
comparatively new feature but should
do good if properly arranged. Huron
Conoty might take the hint and show to
the throngs et the Toron'o Fair the
products of one of the best Counties in
the Province.
PRIVATE banking institutions received
a very black optic by the closing up of
the Dale bank at Madoc, Hastings Co.
The shortage is reported at $132 000,
with expectations of paving a probable
dividend of 75 certs ou the dollar. The
Dale downfall was caused by land specu-
lation in the West and when these
flattened out down came the crash al
home. Tiny carried hence deposits.
SIR SANTORn FI.EMING ruLlst a-sliftall'
belong•u, tilt teal old stock Aihough
now S7 rears of age be has been re
elected to the Chancellorship of Queen's
University far the conning 3 veer terns
Fie has already served 36 years in the
sasue honorable otll,ie, Sir Sanford has
bad a long and busy life but apparently
has 00 notion of hauliug down the flag
yet. 1Ii; is trruly a ray 11 old age.
l.As'1' week's Far me,'s Advocate sug-
gest that tit, stack t me alter seeding
would be a good period for farmers to
gravel their lanes Iu a good many
instances first-class driveways are now
is nse but in other cases a little at-
tention t0 the work designated would
be a great improvement Loth as to ap
pearauce and improved conditions.
An oceasioual day's work wuu'd make a
great difference.
DID it die a natural death or is it still
lingering ? 'Phis gnery is made
et ncernion the pr,posLti radial elec(ric
railway in Ilan on County, a report of
'Which was to have been presented to the
Lo. Council last December. We have
heard it said "Great bodies move slow-
ly" and if this is reason possibly there
may be information at the Jane session
of the County Council. "Hope defer
red makes tete heart sick" so you Hy-
dro -Electric fellows bad better get a
)love on you.
Our of 16,459 automobiles owned in
Canada last year 5000 of them belonged
to farmers. 3,16r were the property of
people in rural localities. When 194
figures are compiled the number of
ureters driven by the farming com-
munity will, no doubt, be far in ad-
vance of last year's record. While:there
is tntich that is pleasurable about a car
the question of utility in advancing
business interests weighs to a larger
WATER uR ou. to keep down the dust
is often a subject or discussion especi-
ally in the smaller places. We notice
that the town of Blenheim, Kent Co.,
has decided to oil a utile and a half of
streets at a cost of $600 where there
is a heavy auto traffic the applicatiou of
water appears to soon lose its value un
less it is put 00 10 large enough quenti
ties to make the streets a mucl puddle_
Guess the oil is all right, if the right
kind is secured and it is applied pruper-
QUITS a strong body f Presbyter inns,
who ere iu the objective moots, will at
tend the coming session of the Assembly
and will disparage and discourage
organic church union, They need not
worry thenseivea very much over the
gtestion, however, -because the prob"
abilities are the other denominstionss ins
terested would be quite as averse as they
to join hands with' people so strongly
opposed to what must be a cordial and
brotherly, joining of forces or not at all,
There are still thousands who'belieee a
'Union would very much better advance
the Master's 5 l sptloftr.
is a tel hslty that the Your Oven Gains
Ontario Pi'ovinciel Elections will be Your
brought on before the 1st of July, 1f so ------
it will be a brief but tvernl campaign,
A rush of uunhivatiug Conventions will I
be in order now.
A very sorry bungle has been made
by the Provincial Government over the
question of greeting hotel licenses in
Huron CO. Wily Hon. Mr. Hanna did
not lay down souse rule that would
govern the question naafis ago N a
puzzle to both the temperance people
and ht tsl1 o lieepe rs
Plan of Work for Co.
field Secretary Powell
Rev, E. G, Powell, Field Secretary
of the Huron County Temperance Al-
liance has embodied in a cit'cular tut
idea of the work which is Rioted at
accomplishing and if the Secretary
Meets with any degree of success his
efforts will not be in vain. However
the work can only be accomplished
by Lite hearty co-operation of the
temper twee workers. Following is
plan of the work.
1. Law Htforcenseut—We do not
purpose acting as a detective no' at-
tempting law enforcement, but we
do aim at placing the strengt h of our
splendid orgauizatiou at the back of
the Government to strengthen their
hands and see to it, that they enforce
the law—This is their work, we must
back theta up. In order to accom-
plish this I will visit regularly the
different organizations to receive in-
formation and to give information
from otlhet municipalities as to the
state of one work.
2. Preach, and deliver addresses
and give illustrated Lime Light Lec-
tures, on different phases of the tem-
perance question.
8. Perfect our organization in
every municipality and seek to unify
our forces.
4. Look after the revision of Vot-
ers' Lists and lend my services at the
Court of Revision when requested.
5. Organize "No Booze Club,."
0. Conduct tc County wide Pledge
signing campaign among old and
7. Put literature in Press and Bill
8. Train and bring out young leen
to speak on the temperance question
on the public platform. With this in
view oration contests will be held.
9. Attempt to secure by-laws in
every rnuninipali1y restricting the
cigarette habit.
10. Help local organizations when
requested its the adjusting and provid-
ing for better hotel accommodation.
11. Seek to have Constables, Jus-
tices of Peace and other officers ap-
pointed from time to lime who are
friends of the Temperance cause.
12. Keep all kinds of Temperance
information before the public and do
temperance work in general.
The cost of the cam.,rpaign it is es-
tlnoted will be abcmt $2.900 and this
will be raised by contribution and it, is
hoped and experted that at least 2500
Wren and women will contri bole at
le est one dotter, each.
Where Does Consumption Begin?
That fleet little tickle becomes a
cough, the cough grows severe, is neg-
lected and travels down to the lungs.
Treat threat trouble before it gets
severe. Gatatehozone heals, allays
inflammation, cures throat and
bronchial trouble quickly. A marvel
worker is Catatrhnzone which pre-.
vents thousands of Oatal'1'h victims
from contracting consumption.
Reromitended by doctors, proved by
time to be nufailing. Calm rhr,zone
is just what you need. 26c and $1.00,
sold everywhere.
A.reactiouary storm period is cen-
tral of the 1st, 2nd and 8Ni, being cen-
tral with the Rle•r.nty chainbtutue.
May will cone with low barometer,
and cloudy, mnrity conditions and
from the 1st to the 4th, thick cloudi-
ness will prevail over. most parts of
the country. Wide areas of Rlercuri-
al, drizzling raids will work from
Western to Raster) sections 01 the
country, breaking into heavy down-
pours in malty localities. These
rains will be attended and followed
after they have passed Eastward, by
very cool weather, with danger of
frost at night if the clouds disappear,
a thing improbable to any great de-
ffree as long as the Mercury influence
Is dominant.
A regular sten to period covers the
5th to the 10511, having its center err
the 7th. On and touching the 0111,
7th, 8th and 9th, there will be threat-
ening variations in the readings of
the thermometer tints barometer, and
thele will be danger of violent storms
in proportion to the extreme indica-
tions of these faithful instrnmeuis.
The moon is on the celestial equator
on the 0th, in perigee ou t.he. 8th, and
full of the Oth. These facts greatly
increase probabilities of very active
atorrns about those dates, The Mer-
cury and Jupiter periods will ttlso add
foto fierceness P
h fici"en .ss of atmos heeie and
electrical perturbations at this time.
Change to much cooler, followed by
frost Northward, may reasonably be
counted on, in the wake of told for
several nights after the storms. See
if awave of abnormally cold weather
does not spread fionl the Northwest,
far into the Eastern and Southeastern
Sections of the country, from about
the 0th to the lith of May,
A ecactinnary storm period i5 cen-
tral on the 12th, ISth, and 14th. Be-
hind the reactionary storms of Ilkperiod, look Inc rising barometer:,
SVesteely wf,tds.arsd fair, cool weath-
er, too cool f01' entire safety, from
frosts in Nottheen parts of the
A regular storm peeled SOvere the
17th to the 22nc1, leaving its een110 on
II i abut the time
the 1951E i is s t t
when a series of May 'thunder and
fait stottns are Common throughout
the tier of Middie States, 'Phew
fitrtl'fft9 Ofte i rimae, 111 elft+ ;'Atm ne
by Our Oven Test
Your oven becomes a
certainroducer of more
bread and better bread:
We can promise that.
For from each .shipment
of wheat delivered at our mills
we take a ten pound sample.
We grind it into hour. We
bake the flour into bread..
If this bread is high in
quality and targe in quantity,
we use the shipment. Other-
wise we sell it.
There is no . guess -work
about our promise of more
bread and better bread from
fl ms hearing this name.
"More 1 'read and Better Bread" and
B® "Better Pastry Too" 525
daily cycles. for several clays in 500 -
cession. Some times a double daily
cycle, one in the forenoon and one in
the afternoon and early evening, will
repeat themselves. These storms are
attended by very black, thick clouds,
spreading Eastward from a leaden
bank in the West with vicious light-
ning, thunder and heavy rain and
hail, As long as the winds blow
warm and humid from the South, and
the barometer remains below normal,
these daily -cyeses will continue to re-
turn about the same hours of the day,
but when the wind changes to sh'nng
and coni front the West and the bar-
ometer takes a'deteenlinecl turn up-
ward, you may know that the series
of storms ie broken and that clearing
weather will follow. Stich a spell is
probable on and touching the 18th,
19th, 20511 and 21st of May, although
'there is no combination of causes out
of the ordinary at this limo. At all
events high barometer and cooler, fair
weal her tray be expected,-prngr'es-
sively fermi West to East about the
21st to 281.d.
A. reactionary stoma period lsns its
centre on the 2411, 25t91 and 20511.
The new i1oon being on the 24t11,
Change to very warm with falling
barometer, ending ie rain and thund-
er storms, with some wild dashes and
gusts cif wind, may be figneed on,
moving Eastward rinroesthe country,
on and touching Sunday, Monday niha
Tuesday. the 24th, 25th and 2651.
Meon is at extreme North declination
on the 20th, causing atmospheric tides
to swing Northward and bringing
into high latitudes some very warm
equatne'ial weather. Such conditions
will excite very intense electrical
storms. Should the barometer fall to
very low readings—a thing to be ap-
prehended—there will be probable
danger of tnrnadic storms.
A regular storm period is central on
the 80th, extending from the 28th
throe to foul' days into Jttne.
Rev. Arthur 0. Riley began his
duties as pastor of the Baptist church
last. Sunday.
Miss Mabel Bennett, of Walton,
was visiting at the home of her uncle,
S. Bennett..
Rev. J. Dimwit, rentor of Markdale,
will have charge of the work in con-
nection with St. Paul's church to' the
month of May.
The, assessment of 'Winglram Ihis
yPILI' is n011sidet'ably 111g11e1' than Inst
year. The total assessment for 1913
was $841,584, and this year it is
$019.408 Ref netts for 1913 shoved a
population of 201e and this year the
figure ie 2628, an increase of 9,
The l;utelut Bible Stacy Class held
their regular semi-tutnual Meeting on
Sunday afternoon, when the follow- I.
lag nffietr's were elected : Pr'esident,
IV, J. Greer ; Vice -President, EL. E.
Isard ; Teaches', J. A Morton ; Secre-
tary, J. W. Hewer ; l'teaauter, Jno.
Have Your Suit
Made to Measure
Every garment that comes from these wonderful
HobberIin Tailor Shops is created for the man who
intends to wear it. The garments are cut indiviiitlal#r
and shaped to the exact measurements. That is the
proper way to buy your clothes—and the best kind of
clothes to wear.
Frons $20 to $40.
P. Fraser, Agent, Brussel
Eggs for Hatching
!legal Strain White Wyandattes
Pens Noe, 1 tC 2 eonsiet, of 12 pullets
in each, selected front a;loclt of 80 aitd
mated with tt cock bird and cockerel
from 220 and 212 egg peened hens,
Pens Nus, 8 & 4 rttttsiet of 12 pul-
lets in each, eeleeted from halal lee of
toy stock aid mated with cock bled
aid cockerel from 200 and 190 recoed
hens, -
Provineial Farm Strain of
Bred to lay Barred flocks
Two pens -24 selected pullets—from
Hock of 100 and stated with 2 cocker-
els of heavy l sytog steatite.
Eggs per setting of 16
Pen 1 White Wyandotles $2 50
Pen 2 " t' 2 00
Pen 8 " at 1 Gil
Pen 4 " ti • 1 00
Pens Barred Rocks.. .... 1 00
75% fertility and square deal guaran-
teed. Only a limited quantity 01'
Wyandotte eggs for sale up to May 1.
Riverside Farm
Phone 66 or 24x R. THOMSON
McOool ; Beads of Committees,—De-
votional, Mrs. Brock ; Social, Miss
PowelI ; Mein ber'ship, 1111'. Bailey ;
Visitation, M1.9. AI'n1Ntr'otig.
At tt special anti well attended sleet-
ing of L. 0, L. No. 704, Rev. 19. H.
CI'oley, rector of St. Paul's Anglican
church, who was about to sever con-
nection with this parish, removing
to Port Barwell, was made the recipi-
ent of it handsome reclining chair, ac-
companied by an address. He was
also made the Teeipient of a handsome
travelling bag by the scholars of 85.
Paul's Sunday School. Suitable re-
plies were made.
A very serines accident happened
near Hanover alt Satnrday afternoon
April 2611, to Gordon Griffin, manager
of the 13e0 Factory, Oheslev, and son
of 0. N. Griffin, town. It appears
Mr. Geiffla and Mr. Tucker itad gone
to Ayton to bring back the Tatter's
cur and while of their return journey
the ear in some manner eel ght in 0
rut in 111e road, overturning the cit'
and throwing both occepaltts nut.
Mr. Griffin unfortunately was pinned
under the machine anti sustained a
very serious fraotnt a of the jaw. 13e
Was removed immediately to a nearby
Mem hoose where the ttnfort(Mate
mean lay unc0nseious for several hours
before medical aid could be procured.
Mr. Gl'ii'.Irn was taken to' Chesiey the
following morning and N now doing
as well as could be expected tinder the
el1'cuitlst tutees.
The house and on awe of land be-
lnnt;ing to Mts. Wiley, late of 13e1 -
grave, will be offered by private sale
, on Someday, May 9th, at 2 p. tit.
Reeve Shoetreed, of Morris, and In-
speelurTorrance. of Clinton, can give
find her information.
The Dramatic Soniety of '.1`i bitty
chtu'eh, Myth, will produce in 4 acts
"Volley 'ram," a domestic drama by
Ar Cline Lewis Tubbs, in the Foresters'
Bole; rave, Friday evening, May
8th. This promises to be one of the
most claseitot.l productions of its kind
presetited for some time to an
tusdienoe in Relgraave. Funis in aid
of Trinity elan ch, Belgrave. Pro.
main cnlnlnencea at 8 16 AO mission
25 mid 15 eehts, E. D. Robinson,
Presklept ; De. J. A. McTaggart,
The Hamilton Women's Liberal As-
sociation wES org'aized.
Paper Hanging
John Lunn
Admiuistratrix's Sale
Farm in the Township of Grey
and House In Ethel
le. S. Scott, Anetiotieer, has htstruotions
from the undersigned to ogee for stile by pole
he rood°, tit the premises, in Ethel, on Wed•
ttos(hty, the 18th day of May, 11114, at the hour
of two o'elontt, p m , the following property
belonging to the estate of John McIntosh, late
of the Village of Ethel, Municipal Ulerk, de,
(Tatted, mantels s -Parcel 1 -The Best half of
Lot number fifteen (161In the 111(th Coneessiot,
of the Township of Grey, in the °entity of
Flume, coetnl IIag fifty Boras. There IS a brick
hoose, bank barn and driving shed on the
property. Good orchard and about ten acres
of bush The land is well drained end well
Penned nod is about three miles front the VII.
lege of Ethel,
Parcel 2 -hot number Three (8) in 0obe'e
Survey in the Village of Ethel. Here 1s n
frit ole bons. and nfllre built of emit ens op the
property, and contains an0-gttnrter of an acre
of lend,
The p01 rrheser will take the property anbject
to the existing leases, and tetra proportionate
part of rent
Towns of Rale -Ten per cent of the pnrahaso
money on the day of rule and the balance
within thirty days thereafter.
The sale to be euhject to reserved bid to be
fixed by 1e W Harcourt. Esq , 10 (1., Official
Guardian for Infante, and the sale to be made
with bis approval
Auctioneer. Adminiatratrix,
Dated this 18515 day of A pr11, 1014.
Notice to Creditors
In the natter of the estate of George
lacktoi, fele of the Township of
Morris, in the County of Huron.
Farmer, deceased
Notice le hereby given, pursuant to the
Stature in that behalf, that all creditors and
ethers, havin,7 cl8tns against the estate of the
said George Jackson, Who died on or [bout the
eleventh day of A mil A, D 1814, are required
on or before the Ninth day of alas, A. D 1919,
to send 193- omit, nrepald, or deliver to W. M
Sin stair, of the Village of Brunets, County of
Huron, Sotiottor for William Jaakaon.
Henry ,Jackson .and Andrew Laid.
law, the executors of the last will
and Testement of the deceased, their
Christian names and surnames, addresses and
descriptions, the fell particulars of their
claim and the nature of the securities if any
held by them.
And further take notice that after spelt lest
mentioned date, the said Exeentors will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto. Loving re-
gardonlytothe Maims of which they shall
then have notice and the Raid Exeentors will
tnot be liable for the said assets or any part
hereof, to anyerson or persons of whose
claims otion shall not have been received by
them at the time of such distribution
Dated the Twenty-second day of April A.
D. 1919,
Solicitor for the Executors.
The new $so,000 building for the
Ntfrses' Home in Woodstock was form.
ally opened.
Another graft scandal looms up, iu
eouneetiou with the Marine Department
at. Quebec, lhadding of pay lists being al -
Ie. P. Gutelius has asked r2 United
States firms to submit tenders for a
year's supply of coal for the I. C. R. and
P E. I Railways.
Mrs. Clark Murray launched at West -
mount, Qtte., a scheme to draw the
parts of the Empire closer together by
action pictures in sue schools.
Jumping with Nerve Pain.
That's haw you feel with neuralgia.
tint why ltty awake at night, gtnmble
or complain—get busy with a bottle
of Nerviliue. It does act like magic,
seeks out the pilin and destroys it.
Plarinleae (51151 certain, blatant ii ef-
fect, nothing is sit popular as Nel'vi-
lhle far eehes aid mane of all kinds.
Try it fur lumbago, test it in rlienma-
tistn, prove it to neuralgia, pleurisy
or colds. Ynn'll soon acknowledge
that Polsnn's Nerviliue beats thein
all. Sold everywhere in large 25c
• •
• Specialty
• s5
e Breeder of
• •
: Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks
and White leghorns
= These birds have proven to be fd
Painter, Paper Hanger a Winter layers. Eggs Iron» any n
Of 1)1y pelts at
Grainer and Deoorator ® $1,88 for 15 or $5,88 per igo
A Trial
Notice to Creditors
111 the matter of the estate of Thomtts
Newsom, late of the Village of
Brussels, in the Counly of Pluton
and Province of Ontttrte, contractor,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Boo. 66,
(Map, 211 of the S11(11tee of Ontario, T George
P, dull ell persona hoeing tiny plat/Ile 5)01)05
the Bili Thamms Nen'eom, who died on or
nb0ut the Fourth day of 1lnreh, 1014, loo
required to send by post prepaid or deliver to
if, S. Seott, Brussels Post officio Agent MP
Alex. Brynuc, Brunets and Elisabeth Erie.
Gregor, rn'nssels, the10xeoutors of the es•
tete of the said Thomas Noweolil, their
nailee and addrepnea and tel) p111tallbre
in writing of their Matins, before the
Twentieth day of Slay, 101.4, niter which
to tdistributeei the Resets 0! the sill aid do
eeaeed among the persons untitled thereto
having regal'd only to the Walnut of which they
ahnll thou have hall 110)155 and that they wilt
not he liable for the said 1100050 0P ;my pert
thereof to any person of whose ohdhn they.
shell not that have received 11051ce.
Dated at; Bressols this Eighteenth day' of
April, 1014,
F. S. Rom's..
Agent for Executors.
Notice to Creditors
In else matter of the estate of Edward
Bryans, late of the Township of
Grey; in the County of Huron,
Province of Ontario, farmer, de-
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Seo. 66,
Ohne7,. 20, of the Statutes of onterio, 1. George
V, that ell persons having cry algins against
the sad Edward Bryan), who died on or about
bile Twentieth day of March, 1914, are repaired
to send by poet prepaid or deliver to 1t'. S.
Scott, Bressels Post Office, Agent for R. T.
Bryan, Brussels end Alex, 13ryans BraxselS,
Exolutow of the estate of Edward Brynns,
their fumes and addresses and roll pertirnlers
ht writing of their olainls before the Twentieth
day of May, 1014, after which date the said
Irxeentnrs will proceed to distribute the assets
of the said deceased among the persons en-
titled thereto having regard only to the
Maims of which they shall then have had
notloe and that they will not be lhrble for
rho said assets or tiny art thereof to any
person of whose Maim they shall not then.
received notice.
Dated et Brussels this Eighteenth day of
April, 1919,
F. S. SooTT,
Agent for Executors,
Tenders Wanted
Balk and separate Tenders sealed and mark-
ed "Tenders," and addressed to the Secretary
of the Board of malingers, Ethel Presbyterian
church, will be received until Monday, May
11th, 0t 8 o'clock p. m , for the erection of
Concrete hose sheds with ntotnllia covered
circular roof, at the Presbyterian church in
the vitiege of Ethel. All ,ferias to be sup -
idled by the Board. Plans nifty be Seen at the
011ioe of the .eerertry of the Board et Ethel,
Ont. The lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily e000pted. A H. MACDONALD,
Sec. Board of Managers.
The People's Column
fired Yorkshire Sows, carrying first litter,
for sale. Terms to snit purebosers.
JAS. SNE11t,
Phone 100. Lot Ol, Oon. 0, Morris,
FARM FOR SALE, being N% Lot 18, Con. 0,
Morris Township, Buren Co., containing
100 aures. Oa the premises is n good 0 -roomed
frame house end woodshed, bunk barn 40x10,
straw shed 80x60, poultry house 18x40, and pig
pen There Is considerable timber on, farm
Imeatiou is about it mile frau church and
school. For further 1mrti nears apply on the
premises Or to R0*T, NEW COM BE,
Blyth Rural phone 814 R. R. No. 2 Blytlt
No. 1, Produce warehouse at Brussels
Station G.T. R. For particulars apply to
J. Lowrie, Brussels.
The undersigned °flare for Pale Melillo
700 acre farm, being North Half Lot 20, Oon. 0,
kiorrie towuahtp, Enron Co. Farm is in a good
state of cultivation, well fenced, and has on it
n fine brick house that soot 40,606 Good lawn
surrounded by cedar hedge. Barn 62x 00 feat
on stone fonndetioo. Good orchard and 10
acres of hardwood bush Penn is only a mile
from the splendid market town of Brussels
and is I34 miles from school. Good commun-
ity. Possession at once. For further partien-
lnrs, price, terms, ao.. apply on the premises
or to JOHN M00NEY, Proprietor, Brussels
P, 0.
is prepared to supply the hest
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pninps- and Stable
Fittings, 9uc11 as Piping, WVat-
er Bowls for stock, tttcc. '
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call.
r�qq A, iiAYMANN, Cranbrook
Solicited First -Class Worker
• Chas. Croeseleid, Alf. Backer, •
Phone 41x - Manager. Owner, S
Thor as Street, Brussels• e
•••••as•6•••o•easearlsoo as'ensemea'maee•••s•m••oomq•em
d �°11.11 SEASON 4 1100 its
09 Buggies hand for .the sale of
ca Buggies and all inleud
® ing purchasers will do well
Ralai save money by calling at
• D. 1><1VAN'S UP-T(}DATE
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