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The Brussels Post, 1914-4-30, Page 8
Hous Cleaning ` Time Many of its Needs are very much in Household Ammonia -A great cleanser and fine for tatciug spots out of car• pets, &o: l ao bottle. To clean windows use Bou Ami, 15e. Good Disinfectants-Formeldehyde e5e bottle ; Zenoleum, z -•c bottles and see tins Powdered Coperas, Ion ib. ; Chloride of Lime, to and l5o tins, Washing Fluid -We keep the ingred. ients for ruling this recipe -Powdered Borax, Gillett's Lye, Salts of Tartar and Ammonia.• Ceustic Soda -Makes the finest of Laun• dry Soap at a small host, end at the 'active tittle will use up tallow or grease that hos collected duriug tate Winter- s lb. tin 45C ; 3 lb, tin 30e, Moth Balls end Red Cedar Flakes - Moth Preventatives fur putting under carpets and with Winter things when storing them away. oxer line Wail Paper A eustomer the other day, when buying a room of Wall Paper, said she wished she had two or three rooms to do iustead of only the one, as the PaPers were prettier than usuni this year. This s, ems to be the geueral exuression of opinion, so if you have ARV rooms that need Papering this is a good time to do them, Bedroom PaT;)are There me three Iciuds that are very popular- CHEN'I'Z PAPERS THE VEILED 1 A'l"TERNS THE PLAIN STRIPES These mostly have borders that can be cut out and conte at from 9 to 17c Thise�C 2s store R may DRUGGIST AND Si AMBER. Amu. tocat Jews Items Gardening is going ahead at a lively rate, Local news on page 5. Have you read it ? WsAT abut replacingtbe Foot bridge at the old flax milt site? THE Fire engiue was out for a test ou Tuesday and worked fine, FOURTH Division Court will be held in Brussels Wedneenny of teen weep. VICTORIA Park la receiving attention from Tindall Ritchie. He has been (riving it it good double tlmrowing which is aiding iu the levelling. H. Giannta1TR, local agent, has staid a 9 passenger Ford car to Stewart Sem, of Molestvortb, the inventors of the well lznnwn stools loader, 'Par: stable on the Jas. Sharpe proper- ty. Qct en street, has been moved to make roots for the rew cement horse shed to be built for Melville church. ' Helen Sunday several membets of the .1 0. 0. F. Order, Brussels, will go to Blyth to join in the annual service there to the brethren of Friendship, Love and !Truth. A Garden Party ruder the auspices Gt the Y. P. S. of Melville church, will be given at the home of Walter Yuill, z§ miles North of Brussels, on lune 3. Further announcement later. FRiDAv evening of this week the annual meeting of the Methodist Sab bath School will he held A 'Teachers' tea will be served in the school room at 6 p. m„ the business meeting following 1t. Miss FLORENCE BUCIHANAN, Primary teacher in Brussels Public school, has not been caving very gt.utl health of late and Miss less;e Elliott is relieving her at the present. We hope Aiiss Buchanan will soun be as hearty Rs ever. CHI-NA:$eI. DEMONSTRATION.- Dont fail to see the demonstration at our store Thursday and Friday of next Weep, May 7'h and Sib, of Chi-Nenel. The demonstrator will explain the wonderful things that eau be done. Wilton & Gillespie, Brussels. ARRANGEmSNTs are being completed for the ceremony of laying the founds tion stone of the new Melville church on Monday, Mac 25th in addition to the coming of Rev Dr. MacDonald, of Toronto, the local M, P's and M. P. P's are being iuvited as well es the neigh- boring clergy. Following the Afternoon program supper will be served and in the evening a public gathering will be held in the TGWU Hall. AsouT $40.00 was taken in at the concert given by the A Y P. A of St. John's church at the Town Hall last Friday evening. The following was the program :-Instrumental selection, Mrs, (Dr'.1 Holmes ; duet, Marjory and Bobs Campbell ; solo, J. G. Janes ; comic sketch, Miss E Colvin and Roy McKay; violin selection, D Taylor ; N'aree, "Her Busy Day," Consisting 0f le characters ; solo, Mr. Jones ; comic sketch ; selections were also played ou a phonograph kind- ly lent by S. Carter. 1. 0 0. F Seesio ,-Last Sunday evening snout 70 members of Western Star Lodge and visiting breth- ren with Robt. Henderson .it Marshal, Marched to the Town Hall to attend the annual Society service. Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., chose the familiar story of Jonathan and David as his subject of discourse. Ile handled it well and set otic a iine of action that could not fail to be beneficial to the 3 linkers, or anybody else, who follow it. The sermon Was most appropriate to the occasion. At- tendance of Brethren from ,Nroxeter, Winghsn and Blyth was much appreci. ated by the officers and members of Western Star. The Lodge meets every '1'hursd;ty evening in their snnriOus Hall in'l ills Pose Finck. Ines. James Miens. DIPS stitTENl.V - 'r1IR POST is very sorry to have to ollrouiele the sudden .demise of Mrs. James Wilson, en old and highly es- teemed resident of hlieabeth street, ivtticii took place Wednesday night about re 30. She had been extra well on Wednesday and retired to bed tit 7.30 and t as reaclingcolt for some time. MS A boolt At 9 45 she called her daughter Myrtle and complained of shortness of breath and iutiniated that she had receivedthe call. A physician was telephoned for but on arrival deceased. Was neatly pttlaelese and :passed away peacefully AS above stated Mrs, Wilson was in her 77t1 year and was Otte of the kindest and most sunshiny women you 'could meet w'th. Everybody had n good word for tier. She is survived by one soft toted of Toronto, attd four dottgh- tore. Mrs. Trahcotter, of Chicago Mr's. D. McDoualyd, Jamestown ; Miss Intim And Miss Myrtle. Mr Wilson died some years ago. else Wilson had 1•e-. snouted during the' clay some of the eueldeu depattgree of =inhere of her Yarnity and It c a enr' As if she had Wo ltld pp 91 prettionitiou of Wbat - Wa8 Coitritig. Thee family share itt lite cheep gym/tidily of Miley uttloeketfor bereave. siietlt, Pit Petal Will likely be held Sets tirtlry rfternoon. Howicx Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Directors will sleet in monthly session at Wroxeter next 'Tuesday. A new Ford touring car has been purchased by John Oliver who will utilize it in connection with his livery business. CHI NAbIEL puts a finish on floors, furniture, walls and makes them look like new, White Euamel, gold and aluminum paint, varnishes, ete. See the demonstrator tit Wilton & Gillespie's store Thursday and Friday of next weelr. Dont miss it. • ---- 0 SIM of wen* Petted. t:neture et 1ttl'OiT, COLrItt dog lost. Tan in color with White breast and feet end narrow white. strip on face, Answers to name of "Col te.' Ari in• formation lending to his recovery will be thankfully received. Telephone R}lrat route 15. HAnvse BAYANs, Brussel), A fate bales of goad hey for salt, i'3. A, DaADMAS, Rrnesele. FOR SALE -A heavy draft mere, 6 years' old ; also a driving horse rising 8years Both are sound. Lot 10, Con. 7, Grey. phone 2118. 44.2 5 1.00. LAMONT. To TSE PunLto.-i have improved my work- shop and will keep same open from 8 a. in. to 3 p m. daily. Will sharpen and repair caws and lawn mowers to your fancy I hove this class of goods for sale or will exchange same when desired T. Moeumnon, Brussels. Ont. HAve received a shipment of Baby click food. Specially prepared. Nothing so good for young chicks. Try a package. Pryne Bliuiag Co. Gtont found. Owner may have it by prov- ing property and paying for this notice at Tei. POST. S. 0. ANCONA eggs for hatching. Tide breed is one of the best laying strains one is possible to get. Eggs from selected pen at $1.00 per 15. Guaranteed 80 Fe fertile. BAttltY AMENT. Brussels. EGOS FOR HATCn1N0,-R. C. R I. Reds From Nov. 1st to April 19019 hens Laid $40.00 worth of Eggs. 30e. for setting of 18. 1..A. McKelvey, phone 050, Ethel FLRL'11Y, \Yill[insun, C"Ntshutt and Frost Ja %Yuod plow repair. and those of the Deering nod Frost & Wood implements in stook mid sold by E. Plum at Blacksmith shop, Brussels. TllitES year old heavy draft gelding for sale. ROnT, ERNLEntl05, Brussels. A CARD -We the undersigned hereby agree to sell a package of five standard 5c boxes of Saver Ftp Silent matches rnr ttt'enty cents (�tuality guaranteed. Jns. Rsllantyne, Geo. Rhomson and W. J. McCracken. Boos Fou HATGerNo.-Partridge Wynn - dotter -goad laying strain. 75c, for setting of 11. W. D. HARMS, Brussels. FOR SALE -General purpose filly 8 years old. JAB. D. MONAnt, Lot 22, Cott. 18, Grey. 'phone 485. eon 10n HATOMING,-Goon Isying strain of White Wyondottes. Eggs 11 00 for setting of 15. JON x MEADOWS, Brussels. GOOD clean, two•rowed seed barley for sale, Also n quantity of good hay. WM, MONAIR, Lot Il, Con. 10 Grey, Phone 2410, EGOS FOR 13A505150.-0. A. 0. strain of Barred Rocks. 750 per setting of 16. JAS, SWIRLS, Phone 9816. R.R. No, 2, Brussels. 0— — See the graining that CAR be done by Mantel. Free Demonstration et Wilton & Gillespie's Thursday attd Friday of next week Hardly a need iu the line of finishing that Chi.Namel sloes not supply Jost the thing for carriages, automobiles, etc. Ladies should attend without fail on dates named. So11R THINGS WR MAY EXPECT. - Rhubarb pie. Garden Parties. Early swimming. 'Che Sanitary lnsnector, Barefoot boys and girls, People complaining of heat. Music from the lawn mower, Bowl MIS IN LINK.- Brussels Bowlers chose the following officiary for 1914 !- Hot). President, Thos, Farrow, Coiling - wood ' President, J. '1' Duncan ; vice President, S. T. Plum ; Secretary - Treasurer, A. Strachan ; Executive Committee, R. T.entherdale C J. G Jones, It, 1 , Downing, A R. Carrie ad 1) C. Ross 'Phe Bowling green will be put :u good shape and a good season's sport is looked forward to. Brussels has a Cine lot of howlers who have olten proven their ability in rearm contests with crock teams. 3 M,.,N Ll19 ttx'rl'NSl,N - H011. Mr. Hauun lit reply to an itainfry from Mr. Rowell ir. the Legislature said: -"In Manitoulin the license holders were given an extension of three Mouths and then cut t ff Mr. Hanna said that be told the Ottawa authorities that be would follow the same method with re- gard to the organized counties that might pass favorably on the measure. So far its Peel and Huron are concerned an extension of licenses may be granted for three months but that will he 'tire limit," That means that the licenses in Huron County will cense on August rat. 1914 Tenets Cunt ORuANu,tie,-A meeting of the '1'•nnia Club was held last Friday in las, Fox's slate to organize for the coming season. Following oMaers were elected :- Iron• Pres., ,John Leckie ; Pres:, A. • G. McDermott ; vice -Pres„ Miss Peari !limiter ; Sec. Tress, Vernon Committee,Ross; Managing Committee, A, G. Mc- Dermott ; It. 31. Sinclair, Jos. Pox ; Refreshment Committee, Missos leal'el Sn'achnn. I ovine Sinclair and Minerva Jones ; Caretaker, Stuart Fox. New players joining the Club ate to be oltm'g• 81 SI for genllenie't and 501 foe ladies For otters the fee in the pulse An Inst 1 The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid up • $1,000,000.00 Seaerve Fund • - 1,2110,000,00 Undivided Profits • - - - 182,547!..,81 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can he deposited or Withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $f.Oo OR MORE OPENS AN A000UNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER Tette a look at the large display of REv. J. 51. Henna Dies.-- News of buggies in the show room of D Ewan, the death of Rev. 1 H Hector, tniver- Brussels.1 sol y kuowu as the Black I{ltigbt, at his Go'r HAND P]NC11ED - Wednesday, home, York, Pa., bas reached the On while J. T. Wood wee working about ttu•io•Branch of the Dominion Alliance machine iu his factory lie had the lnls- ile was very well lcnotvn in Toronto as fortune to have the second flutter of his iu many other cities, as m, influential tight baud badly squeezed. Fortunate. temperance speaker. He was the sou ly for hint he is left handed so that of negro slaves, and although lie had whatever disabling there !nay be for to little educatlou. wits a gifted speaker. while will not be as serious as if it was After fighting as a volun'eer in the Civil the other hand. We hope he will soon War iu the U. S., And being employed be 0, k. ns a railway engineer. be became a min- ister of the Airman Methodist Episcopal People We Talk About Zion chard]. • DR McCann A10DER'ATCR.-Rev Dr. Aliso Simmons, 05 Wroxeter, is visit- D L. McCrae, pastor of the. Hamilton ing with Mrs. Juo. Simmons, of Bees. Road Preodan eburt:l, London, sets, was electedd Modefa or of the Presbc- Aiiss Margaret Hirons was a Visitor at I erten Synod, which was field itt Knox.cher home in Blyth for a couple of days evenin bu1Ap,1 St,^'tl Thomason 11 Monde X11 OFF/e.6 TORONTO BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. F. Rowland, ®O-!7 Manager. CCURITY for both principal and interest is the first essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Beak is au ideal form of investizteat. '9•i Dir. and Mrs. Purvis went 50 Toron- to on Saturday, Mr, Purvis retut'ned on Tuesday. An egg was brought into 011e of the stores weighing 18 oz. and Measuring 0'J and 111tnches, S. Dunn las ineproved his propetty by having the trees on the hill East of the. barn cut down, Walter Penning• Lon hard the contract, ILLUSTRATED ADDRESs,- Ft'icl try evening, May 8th, in the Methodist chorch iters, the pastor will deliver an illustrated address entitled "Up and down the Pacific Coast with Dr, Thos. Crosby." The address will be illustrated by 100 viewsgivlug pictures of the magnificent scenery tilting the Pacific 00ast, Iuditut village pioneer life, etc. Admission 10 cents. last week. g' P g Walton Mrs John Howard has returned to ;, session until Wednesday evening, Ell and Mrs. McLaughlin and son town and resumed housekeeping lis her jute Synod includes the territory of home Ptu'uberry street, p g Hamilton to rho lakes and North to tbo Allan spent Monday with Robtl unit Georgian BAf, Work of the past peat' Alts. ltttehio, or 12eaforth, Al"I110- \Vm, Wilton is still confined toer his was reviewed, and the induction of Lauebiitt and Mrs. Ritchie *00118ius, tet but w' hope the good weather will Rev. Chas 1?,v•tnn as pastor of St Paul's I r n s t1 nt_pew Fats . Presbyterian church Went London Teestvater ews Fats :-Runnel Fergtr son arrived home on Mondav night too place. Rev. Dr McCraw ie a from Vancouver on a few weeks visit, Dirs. Ben Walker has been seriously ill during the past week with pneumonia but is improving nicely now we are pleased to state. alias Kate Deadntau purposes homing for Toronto where she will pursue a training course as nurse preparatory to entering the Mission field. Mrs. Wm. Piyue was called to Tor on'o °Wing 10 the serious illness of her sister, Mrs W Mundell. Heart weak• ness is the cause of the illness. We are sorry to state that leo. Wilton has not been As well es usual during tate pest week hu' we hope the arrival of Sprint wi;1 he'p trim recruit R. M. Sinclair spent a few days et Dresden this week iuterviewing his to pound son We guess Ronald thinks the 11'w Ronald is the only boy. We are pleastd to notice hat Ilev, K. .1 Beal on, B A , now of 'I'oron'o, tth goes to China next Fall, won the Rob vallace prize for Ne v'l'eslttatent 'tun: duction at Victoria university Miss to Ross, of Toronto, and Mr R. McAlpine, of St Mat 5. here on Wednesday of this week an' will spend a week or two At the home 0 their mother, Mrs Wm Ross, Willian street Weduesday of this week C. R. and airs Bennett andcbtldreu left for Ar- cola, Sisk., where they purpose spend- ing the coming Sumpter They expect to return to town next Fall, We wish them a pleasant time. Dr J. H McNattghton, of Pen Yen, N Y., WAS here fora few dots during the past week owing to the illness of his father, Ronald McNaughton, Princess street. The Dr. was a former well known resident. Last week's Teeswater News speaks as follows'-RevJ. JHaviock will preach in the Methodist chttrcli on Sun day night. As Mr. and Vias llaylock are leaving town shortly this will be hi. farewell appearance in a pulpit in Tees water. R. and Mrs. Robinson and Miss Robinson innved to Brussels last week from the 14811 con., of Grey township and have taken possession of the home purchased on Queen street from Efdirnd Baeker some months ago We weiconie ,hent to town and hope they will enjoy themselves in Bruserl i, Mr. Robinson's sou has taken charge of the homestead in Grey and brought to h his bride . who was a Miss Hastings of Mornington township. , • Church Chimes Rev W. A Bradley, Presbyterian minister of 'feestoater, bas purchased a Ford touring car. Melville Sabbntb School will meet at u da morning i temp 10 o'clock nett .nit 1 I 1 Ila of at 3 p. m, and twill Sunday egthis ar- rangement during the Summer months Mothers' Day was observed at the Junior League Monday afternoon when a choice program suitable to the occasion was presented. There was a good at tendance. Rev. Dr. Barber, Methodist minister of Listowel, has been granted 6 months leave of al settee and las gone to Germany to 'pursue a course at College i A college student is supplying bis work The paper given at the A. Y P A meeting in St John's church last Sun- day Liteof Bis it a cele .ort theLte .bon Crony% was taken by George Manning, and dealt within an interesting manner The topic foe next Sunday evening is to be given by Mrs W W. Harris on "The place of young people in the work of the church•" Next Sabbath morning the mintiest, Communion will he observed at the Methodist church. Fellowship service at 111 o'clockq preaching at 11 followed by the Saoratneut of the Lord's Some' In the evening the pastor's subject tv. he "Ina far couture," e, I sing the eee011t1 s0rntotl 00 the Pro tlitideon In addition to flee regtttar session of tiro Sabbath School A' 2,3o p m in the Methodist church tt muss meetiligof men will be held in the Auditorium to be aidressetl by the pastor on the subject "The Divine Challettee t' It will be the 110111hly Missionary Day in the school and a duet will he sting by Miss Alta And R. A. Pryne Anda sole by Mrs, Rbwton, former Brussels old boy whom we are pleased to see honored eranbrook \Vill. Blanton was at Listowel last wee. Mrs. Dining visited friends here during the week. Rev, A4'. Wren wits a caller in the village on Tuesday. A. Reymann and Jas. Noble went to Loddon lin Monday. Rev. and Mrs. Bell, of Molesworth, were visitors at the manse this week. 31r. Rothwell took his son to \Ving- harn on Monday to attend' Business College. Clinton Als-nnoue AMIOVT Si5il,-3xtretneano- hity is felt litre for 1110 safety of Wil- liam B. H.alee, who Is in Vora 01111 and from wItotn no sword has been re- ceived since the breaking not of hostil- ities between Mexico olid the United States. 311'. Hales is a brollies' of Charles B. Bales, and was born in Clinton, 38 years ago. lie left Clin- ton ten year's ago, becoming first en- gaged with some reletri'aph linemen and of recent years holding tt position as electrical engineer in the employ of the 1Mexinan Govern 'tient. After making his home in Vera Cetiz he had Ina,ny thrilling experiences. About fine years ago when the town was bombarded a shell went through itis 1M21614., R4 A 20c size can of Colored Varnish Clear Varnish White Enamel Colored Enamel Chi -Name) Varnish is'waterproof and heel proof—made in all colors of wood. Use- it for floors, linoleum, fur- niture iture and woodwork. Colored Enamels forporch and out -door furniture. One coat hides the color and gives a durable hard finish that never softens after once dry. Use this 20c coupon DURING OUR DEMONSTRATION Good for one 20e can of Chi•Nam e! Varnish any color you •aeleat ifof holder will pu rchase a new IOc brush with which to give it d fair test. Good during Special Demonstration at our store on Data At Wilton Thursday & Friday, residence destroying it, lie and his wife and family barely escaped with their lives. In Itis Inst letter to his brother about a mouth ago DI r, Hales stilted that the cost of living had soared to dizzy heights. Shoes cost 1515 a pair and lodging had beruun' se expensive that tt workingman had difficulty in getting genitors. Ale. Hales is a son of the hila Horatio Hales, M. A., the linguist and writer, who lived iu Olin ton in 1850 said died in 1890 and 1a a grandson of the late Mrs. Sarah Josephine Bales, of Phila- delphia, writer of children's poems. Appalling increase Of Cigarettes 1100 100.000,000 1000 ................1)0,000,000 1001. 121,000,000 . 1002 134,000,000 1908 .............. 170 000,000 1904 20 804,041 1005 26 ;800,587 1900 ,,• ;8S9,0s0 1007 912,137 1900!01.. ............. ..,.20s,700 1010,7139351 3001 191 19122 .,., ,....... „ 8,,70, O�,......,,... 1oo;3O 1913 ......... ,:.. :07(15,,71 ,111020735 increase frola previous yet 20,985, 002 This report from the ptyge ''of the Inland revenue blue book s pita he ettrttling enongle to cense all ottght- 1'nl people to parse, thiulc, tilt and tall Sunday School teachers IA •study and pray, Leach- and work earnestly endeavor to awaken all who corne 'within the radius of their influence to twalizettion of tate fetu'fnl havoc\; to loopy, mind and spitit which is belog wrought by this habit and , vice to oat' ttatinn'e best asset -its youins peoiile. A physician in charge cif a Itu;,•e .tnittu•inrn in the West ,says Hiatt •ht, e-HI'Ibs of 2111 the 1ipen fibs c•aule- I" the Institution within A, year to be 1'118 ell of the opium, morphine 0l• •'onaiut' habit have beencigarette smokers and that sixty .pen cent of these pleaded as their only exCneethe need of a. stronger stimulant Hutu Ille cigarette. !!Grea-t 0 gb, • • ♦ • • IMcDonad • ��j'/ •,C ANB OOK • To' be Continued until Further Notici g • 6 0• Thousands • f Doli . rs worth P • • NyaI's ►Qf'od a e•• Purifier pe No mu' VIM tjueatiun the areab value 05 It i'eliebin A �ln0(1 Purifier and Blond o 13111111er an a faetor in the o cute and pteventlmt of the 0 ordinary diseases. The blood a euvret11 pertneettes every P portion of the body so if the o mmol he inipnre and 'motiv- e ittpnve erished 11: rltunot help but W vitiate one's health. we 0 t aoonntuend Nytil's 131nnd e 1 urilier els an efficient and o reliable remedy for till chis - t. 0 01(10114 of the blood. 0 0 81.00 per large bottle • tf -AT- 0 0 • m 0 0 m aDRUG STORE F OX'S et t0' cs €s 00 09 cD u 1! a s 3 • a • .. • e•eesese•oeeeoseeeeeeeesoa Perth County There will be no public reception of His Royal Highness the Duke of 0ontiaught tt hsiStratford 0110 week frotvhem. Frideayvi, ts A drive a- round the country or something ltka that would be touch more to his lik- ing, In a letter to Mayor Sohn Stevenson he suggested that the public reeeptisu be out out of the peogtttln. The reception committee stet in the pity hall to oonsider an- other forte ill which to tribute to the dignity of the visitors. The new program will be submitted to Rio Royal ITIg11110FR tvIt110tit delay, Nothing in it earl be tt110011nced for a while but 1t is altogether likely that the Dulte will lay the corner stone of the new Knox chinch and that of the Avon school BORN DotIOr,Ao.-1, Brussels on. April 27th, 1014, 1 o Bir. find Mrs. Roht. Brussels, los, a son. LEnon,-l. Morris, 011 April 28rd. 1014. to fur, and Mrs. J. Leech, a ttanghter. Srncr, is -lit Dresden, on April 20th, 1019, to Blr..and Ars R. Al, Sinclair., of nruesela, n ROIL (Ronald MnaalleldJ• BnAr.•-Iii Grey township, WIrl,a0'u - Atd11°h 101.1, , Mary Jane Reward ho1wiftntWIl- houe.-BlaityB,rin11ea9;o1n1A1t .4 ., iOTA,BIr" James Wilson,1n liar iiL)t your. •, -� BRUSSELS M'ARKE.T. ',neatri Oats Pons Barley Batter .. Egan Hoge OF THF 10 50 13 00, 15.00 • , • ♦9 nestossewissigigissmatiewsmsalf a \• • ♦ e • Bigger and Better Bar •ails than Ever g • yet to be Sacrificed , s 121r. Alt Musnns, ytl,.. • 07 Shl'edde 1 Wheat Bisenits.,, 08 ♦ 111 tri ttu i yes, reg, 50e for 25 .. o 10e tin Stovepipe Enamels. 05 ' ♦ Comfort Snap, 5 pities for 38 • Safety Pius per dozen 03 • lfic Reversible Cretonne,10 • 75 0 25e Fancy China.,,, .,08 • 15c Galatea 1D 4.00 Men's Long Boot••, • size 0 ... 1 98 • 15c 0oinre1',Saieens ..,..,... 08 s 0 foot Flom. 'Oilcloths, reg- ♦ t , Mar OOc forfor' 45 Royal Peimle Poultry Spec - fie, regular 50c now 34 • Rexitii Dyes, 10e pkgs for,03 • Safety 17nolcsand ]lyes, dos, 01 Molasses Meal' per bog 1 O0 1' 9 18 tb 20e 14Ien's "01 POW linin 13 121c \VrttppertLle :mil able ' ter Quilt lining, now Alt .'fi.}}' Zaut-Bilk, regular 50c coif., 2,0 35e Sleek and Green 7ta now 2211, ou 5 lbs fors.1 All 2511 Pills, now,....... ,.,.. 1,00 'White and gold Plates per dozen 'Pape et' btllwh Bane pit. per tit a .,.'.L.,,.. 01 Plsl I g ]5e Ribbons, note per vtl 09 (l, foot i i toleinn, re I. 000,. . 08 Lot of men's Gloves,' 75 Salts erlb.. 03 .; per erviline re 25e o es . 13 N t Iz t Fowler's Extinct;'ei lT''iid Sy.awberry„ 1'egulttr25e, 50.............................38 . Wall Paper at Less thal Manufacturer's' Prices. For Paints of all kiinds see us. Special P1 -ices on all Garden and Field.Seeds, J. T. TRWI IVs • • Successor to A. McDonald Cranbrook illlespie,!s g t�,�1 Open evenings till e.:cp tTuesdays and Thursdays May 7th 8t hl j ♦••1.1011/4111i1••toiir1•.4),4 iiiili111iN111 i1.111i14 ®}', •a' ' l 5- a' {,• © • ;. • • 8 • • • 41 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 4, • 's1