The Brussels Post, 1914-4-30, Page 7,. lieeleaeleBalleellelleSelepeleeleate Fashion Hints Tid-.lilts of Inform mlion. Paris can never get away from black and white, and this year tete magpie cum bination is oi'Len seen, 1't is always a good choice, especial- ly for the woman who realizes that she is nob an adept at combining cclurs. This is nothing to be ashamed of—but something to be acknowledged and coped with wise- ly. It may be u sort of color blind- ness and need net be necessarily a rack of taste. Black and white ;are always sure bo harmonize. with :uric other, and, •ro odes, they ;ere always smart when used together. One .of the interesting develop- ments of the spring styles is the blouse of chiffon or crepe de chine which shows •a little tucked vest of organdy or linen with a folding .or flaring organdy or linen collar. The nse of handkerchief linen with chif- fon strikes one a.s e little heavy ab first, but the combination is really attractive, Fruits are used on some of the new hats. A certain red and yellow apple is especially popular. It ap- pears on many smart fiats of simple shape. Sometimes it is placed en .a band of ribbon about the crown, sometimes ib stands'above the crown on a wired sten. Small fruits like the tiny chiffon and satin flowers can now be bought in these fabrics by the yard, Like the ribbon flowers, these fruits are used to trim evening frocks, negli- gees, boudoir caps and thin blouses, The linen collar .and cuff is .a feature of many of the street snits 'of taffeta, gabardine, serge and other heavy fabrics, The collar is made in many fashions, so that cue becoming to every type of face can be found. For the young girl nothing pret- tier for summer wear could be found than a hat made of figured chiffon mounted over a wire frame. Tie strings of velvet thab go either under chi chin or under the hair give character to such a hat. Neb embroidered with beads of colored glass, rhinestone, jet beads and tiny sequins of metal is much used. Sometimesit forms the whole bodice of a frock, sometimes ie is introduced to give an interesting touch bo the bodice. A good many of the new skirts have shown a silhouette which strongly suggests the Turkish trou- ser. But upon examination the ef- fect is shown to he produced by gathers, cleverly manipulated, and folds of material about the ankles. The hip yoke on some of the new -skirls is a marker! feature. This yoke is not tight. It'really suggests the same line given by the rather loose hip girdle, But it does serve to hold in the fullness of the skirt at the waistlind and it is quite satis- factory: The waistcoat is in line for much use. Tlie waistcoat belt is a feat- ure of some of the summer frocks and a most comfortable feature it is, too. lit is simply the bottom of a waist coat, with the points that extend below the w•aiseline, cut off and fastened to a belt, Ib is odd, by the *ay, that the btetterfiy pens'ists. It still appears in ornaments for the dbair, in lace medallions on underwear and blouses, and in designs in silk and crepe. " 4!. A BENZINE MANIAC. Curious Case Described by Austrian Savant. 'A peculiar ease of benzine mania was described the other day by Dr. Schmalz to the Medical Association cif Vienna, Austria. 'Bbs victim was the 12 -year-old daughter of a widow who kepta clothes cleaning estab- lishment and who, in the course of . her business, user1 a great quantity of benzine. The child always showed a great partiality to the benzine b.ottles, and was frequently smelling them; but the mother did , not pay any.particular atbenition to this abran'ge taste. Whem the girl was about 10 the mother gave up the business, and the benzine supply was stopped. A year a£berwarcls the mother began to nodes that when the girl re- turned from errands about the town she had a peculiar look about the eyes, hes' twee was flushed and she smelt of benzine. It was then found , that the child spent all her pocket; money on the guff,which she pour- I ed on her handkerchief and then inhaled.. She amid that whenuncles the imflettmco of benzine she saw beautiful landscapes, , people and animals and heard lovely voicds. Medical; trecten enc proved un- avaiulimg, but Dr. Schmalz was able` to owe her in a very abort Limo by using hypmotie influemoe. Ile cie- scribed the case as a variant of ether -mania, which some time ago Was a wldlies,prpad viae among young girls in Ansdmia,, Theft Origin, Willie—Paw; where 'do jailbirds cons from? Paw?lihey are :raised liy laeke, fetebe, and reeellows, my•Vie. SPRING IMPURITIES IN THE . BLOB A Topic Medicine is a Neces- sity at This Season. 1)r. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pule People are en all ,year round tonic, blood -builder anti norveeresborcr. ]3u1 they are especially valuable in the epring when. Rhe system is load- ed with impurities as a result of the indoor life of the winter months. There is no other season when the blood is so much in need of purify- ing and enri•dllling, and every dose of these pills helps to make new, rich, real blood. In the .spring one feels weak and tired—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give strength, In the spring the appetite is often poor -- Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills develop the appetite; tone the stomach and aid weak digestion. It is in the spring that poisons in. the blood find an outlet in disfiguring pimples, erup- tions and boils -Dr, Williams' Pink Dille speedily clear the ekin because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In the spring a•naemie.; rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia, erysipelas and many other troubles arta most persistent because of poor, weak blood, and it is at this time when all nature takes on now life that the blood most seriously needs attention. Some people dose them- selves with purgatives at this sea- son, but these only further weaken themselves. A purgative merely gallops through the syetom, empty- ing, the bowels; bat it does not cure anything. On the other hand Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood which reaches every nerve and organ in the, body, bring- ing new strength, new health "and vigor to weak, easily tired men,' women and children. Try Dr. Wil- liams' Pinlc Pills this spring—they will not disappoint you. Sold by all medicine dealers or sone by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil - hems' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BULLET .IN THE HEART. Man Who Tried to Encs Life Saved by Curious Operation. A bullet in the heart is no longer a neoesearily mortal lesion. This has been proved by Dr. Finiisterer, who presented the other clay to the Vienna Medical Society the case of a man who attempted suicide and who was found shot in the. street. Brought to the nearest police eta - ton, the man was from all appear- ances in a hopeless condition, the pulse having all but stopped. Dr. Finisterer first injeoted cam- phor and then placer] the pabienb under the Roentgen rayls to ascer- tain tho exact location of the wound. It teas fottncl that the bul- let. hacl lodged in .the right ventri•ole and moved about freely with each expansion . and coneraotion of the major organ. After satisfying himself that the extraction of the bullet would mean almost certain death to the patient Dr. Finisberer sewed up th•e heart externally,. with the result that after a fortnight; the operation .was pronounced a com- plete success. -- Four weeks later the bullet had become firmly fixed in the tissues of the lower pat of the ventricles; whefe it is causing no diienomifor't worth mentioning to the patient, who will carry the memetlto for the rent of his life. Smiles Usually show up with Post Toasties. And why not, when the famous "toastie" flavor begins opera- tions! There's a deal of skill re- quired in cooking and toast- ing these thin bits of 'corn so that every one of the millions of crinkly flakes has the delicious Toasties taste "that invites one to call for more. Post Toasties come in sealedpackages- fresh, crisp and appetizing— Ready to eat with cream or good milk, and a sprink- ling of sugar if you like. Post Toasti es t'f!; ,, r --sold by Grocers, Ogaadian Poatdta Cereal Oo., Ltd. Windsor, Ontario. 11D * A. IRS C7 N] 1.7, -iia. .')lie, FIELD D1'.' WATERLOO. Bill Ptisse4 Io Pirevept Any Pm -- tiler Denvoiofion. As has bean already announced, the Belgian Government have de- ofded to preserve the field of Was teeloo from any further de sterol ion, and have passed a hill to that effect, 16 was especially intended, sage it Brussels correspondent, to Beliefs British sentiment, which demanded that the featureii of the famous fighting grounds should inidergo no fresh alterations. The House agreed to the bill, and passed it without discussion five 'minutes after inbyu duction, whereupon ib was sent up to the Senate, which ratified ie as promptly, 11is probable that no )x'opoead has ever become law eo quickly. The hill prohibits large plantation of trees, the ccrostructiu•n of houses or farm, or the working +]f quarries and diggings of away kin oa the battlefield. It empowers th Government to buffy ftp any filet t ground at Waterloo it may choose, and to prevent the landlords there exercising ordinary proprietorial rights, th a el opei 'a -tion of such rights Co be reasonably compen- sated by the Belgian Treasury. 1• Dogs Distribute Disease. She Has The Very -,' . Best Of Reasons 1i'Itl' '17sis Manitoba Lady Remit - mends • Dod d's Kidney Pills. Mrs. Bouiboniei're had many trou- bles, all of,,il'hieil were Caused by Sieh Kidneys, and •She -Pound a Simple and Complete Cure. . St. Bose du Lae, Man., Apr. -20th (Special).—Mrs. D, J. :Bourbon- ierre, an estima-ble lady of this pi nee, is ]oein•g no opportunity, to praise Dodd's Kidney Pills to her friends. And she has a reason. IIere it is in her own words. I suffered very much from my Kidney,," Mrs, Bourhonderro says: d "I was tired and nervoua and my e memory was failing. I had heart f.1 fhriterings, my bank was sore and I this - troubled with headaches. Rheunta.ti•sm was finally added to my sufferings and I was in a bad way indeed. "I tried cme medicine, but it did me no good, and then I was ad- vised to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I am very glad that I clod, for now after taking four boxes I am a well woman again," - Dodd's Kidney Pills cured Mrs. Bourbcnierre_because all her trou- bles came from sick Kidneys. Sicic Kidneys cannot do their work of training the. impurities out of the blood, and the result is sickness, depression and lassitude all over the. bodya Dodd's Kidney Pills cured the Kidneys: the purified blood did the rest. Two of the most learned French professors of the Pasteur Institute have issued the fcildobving warning: "Beware of your pet dog." Street dogs of Marseilles have been found suffering from -the dreadful Indian "black pest," In India this disease usually attacks dogs, and as many as ninety-eight per cent. die from its ravages, The southern ports of Italy and Algeria know the disease under the name of the "Mediter- ranean pest." This disease does nob confine itself to the dogs them- selves, but is carried by parasites to human beings, and, singularly- enough, nearly always attacks chil- dren from the ages of six months to three years, The child becoenes fev- erish and nervous, goes into a de- cline, and gradually wastes away. .Out of three hundred cases under special study only two per cent. have recovered. At the present time Great Britain is immune from any danger in this direction, and sufficiently protected against any Such likelihood by the complete pro- hibition of the importation of dogs.. CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION Constipation is one of the most common ailments of childhood, and no child suffering from ib thrives well. To banish ie no other medi- cine acts so promptly and surely as Baby's Own Tablets. They never fail to bring relief. Concerning them Mrs. Dominique Ferland, St. Michel, Que., writes: "I consider Baby's Own Tahlebs- a marvellous remedy for Balcones. I gave them to my baby for constipation and they soon made him well again." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. d• THE PROPER DINNER P11111. French Savant Says 7.30 O'Clock A.N. Is Right Time. The Lancet, the famous medical periodical, upsets London by de- claring through the mouth of its Paris corre•apo•ndent that',learned s'cientis'ts have ,proved that the pro- per time for dinner is half -past se- ven o'clock in the morning. It seems that Professor Darsonval 'communicated to the Academie dee Sciences recently the results of M. Bergonie's studies on .the subject, ehioh, he said, proved that "the east suitable hours for meals are between noon and 1 o'clock and be- tween 7 and 8 in the evening." These are precisely the hours that Europe has sot apart for meals, According to 11. Begonia, tete meal hours im a system of rational hygiene would be as fellows: The principal metol of the day at 7.30 aerie or as soon after than time as possible, so as to obtain all the ne- oeseary energy for tihe clay's work and restore the liver, emptied by the night's absibinence; a second meal of 300 to 400 calories, consist- ing of milds, sugar, and cakes, at 4.30; a light repast of 700 to 800 calories at 8,30 or 9 p.m. M. Bergionie gives details show- ing the exeellent results of the regi- men in a family thiols followed it for six years. d' Convict Makes $5,000 a Year. 1 Pero la Oapinette murdered a rrian in a jealous passion a quarter of a century ago in Paris and was sent to Naw Caledonia, A eemimis- sion was recently sent out ±0 inspect the convict prison and inquire into the Government lands that are al- imttecl to oonviots who are released for good conduct. They found Pere la Oapiniattez yb,Lteshe t'cd,,�iet�stto- Ient, Ln tl"eweiabll.±, tvibli 1s seten- ty years, surrounded by his sons, whom he had brought f rem reaiilee. He showed the comnnissioneee over the coffee plantation on which he bad settled after his release, "I ani making $1,000 a your chow," iso ex- plainedi and then he added, with a, eigh, "if only I had committed my murder twenty years earlier I should have been s millionaire by 15uw," N DRESSED THEM IN RUGS. Children Neglected by Parents Had No Clothing. Evidence of persistent cruelty to children extending over two months was given at St. Helens, in Lon- don, England, recently against John Francis Morgan, of Jersey Street, and his wife, Louisa, who were sentenced to six months' im- prisonment. It was alleged that four of the five children of prisoners had beet cruelly treated, and that two boys had not been out of a bed- room for two months. They had not attended school, and their ex- istence was not known to the school authorities. For the prosecution it was stated that at mid-day Inspec- tor Cooper, of the N.S.P.C.C., and Sergb. Bates were investigating an- other casae when the discovered the Morgan family occupying one bed- room. The officers, on entering, found four children, aged respec- tively eight, seven and five years, and two years and eleven months, huddled together on a dirty bed, practically without clothing. The ehildren were pale and ill - nourished. The little girl was un- abls to open her eyes from severe and neglected in'fiaanmaition, and the boys were extremely timid and nervous. The elder lad, said that he had not been bathed for a year, and the parents admitted that the two elder boys, hard not beet out of the bedroom for more than -aim months, There was not scrap .of clothing, it was stated and the children had to be removed to the workhouse in Itorae.rugs. The parents wild that the children had nob been able to go out of ;the mouse because fles- hed lieyhad no clothes. Dr. Green, the workhouse medical officer, said that such treatment was likely to make the children timid and even de- mented. • q•. Liquid Cough Mixtures Can't Cure Bronchitis But the Healing Fumes of Catarrh. ozone, Which are Breathed to the Furthest Recesses of the Bronchial Tubes, Being Quick Relief and Sure Cure. Every sufferer from coughs, colds, bronchitis and all throat and chest ailments needs a soothing, healing medicine which goes direct to the breathing organs in the Chest and lungs, attacks the trouble at the source, disperses the germs of dis- ease, and cures the ailment thorough- ly, And this medicine is "Catarrh - ozone." The germ -!tilling balsamic vapor mixes with the breath, de5eend's through the throat, down the bron- chial tubes, and fnal!y reaches the deepest air cells in the lungs, All parts are soothed with rich, pure, medicinal essences, whereas with a syrup the affected parts could not be reached, and harem would result through' benumbing the stomach with 41 ii gs. "1 have been 'a chronic sufferer from Catarrh In the nose and throat for over eight ,years. I think I have. spent four hundred dollars frying to get relief. 1 have spent but nix dol- lars 211 �at rrhozbne, and have been comp story curer!, -and, In fact, }nave been wolf for comb time. Ca- tarrhozone Is the only medicine I have been able to find that would not only give temporary relief,. but will always cure permanently. Yourii sin. eerely (Signed), WILLIAM feAGAN, Brockville, Ont" For absolute, par'snailellt cure esti Catarrhozono. Two months' outfit costs $1,00; smaller size, 50c., et all dealers, or the (vatarrliozene Com- pany, Buffalo, N.1:, and Kingston, Canada, UT=' CHINO'S JIEAEJ In Several Places. Blister Raised Up, Swollen and Scaly, Hair Fell Out. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured in Four Weeks, Lorne, Que. —"Nly little son; aged nine years, was afflicted with ringworm in several places about his bead. The ringworm began with a few pimples and as 11: grew worse it leas one dark colored blister raised up and swelled. It was kind of scaly. The worst place was behind his right ear, 15 was about the slag of a sliver dollar, darer and swelled, the worst kind I ever saw. It used to pain so he could not rest. It looked very badly. Ills hair fell out gradually. "Finally I sent for a sample of Outleura Soap and Ointment. X used to take real hot water and the Cuticura Soup and that used to clean it cif, Then I would put the Cuticura Ointment on the affected part. There was 1)0510 the sores and the Cutleura Ointment drew that out and healed at the same time, We saw the Cuticura Soap and Ointment were very good so I gotsome more and it was four weeks from the time I started using the Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment t111 he was completely cured," (Signed) sirs. Thos. Bagley, May 20, 1913. FOR RED, ROUGH HANDS Chapped and bleeding hands, with itch- ing, burning palms, shapeless nails and pain- ful Anger -ends, a one-night Cuticura treat. meet works wonders. Soak hands, on retiring, in hot water and Cuticura Soap. Dry, anoint with Cuticura Ointment and wear old, loose gloves during the night. Cutleura Soap and Ointment sold every- where. For liberal free sample of each, with 32-p, book, send post -card to Potter Drug do Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. 8. A. • MILLIONS LOST IN S'T'RIKES. What the Workingmen of Great Britain Have Lost. Eighty-seven million dollars in wages have been lost by the work- ingmen of the United Kingdom in the past ten years on account of stoppage due to industrial disputes of all kinds, according to statistics prepared from the Government Board of Trade returns, supple- mented by details furnished by union leaders in the principal trades. ° A.gainst this figure is placed a net gain in wages as the result of such disputes of $13,000,000. Also, itis estimated that the laboring classes as a whale have secured advances in wages in the sone period aggre- gating .$78;000,000, bat; the greater proportion of these have been ob- tained through the medium of work- ing agreements and conciliation boards. Fifty percent. of the strikes of the past ten years have bean won by the employers; 25 per cent. by the workers, and the other 25 per cent. were compromised. P DON'T USE THE KNIFE That's the barbarous way of treating corns—dangerous too—any corn can be removed painlessly by Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor in twenty-four hours. Use only Putnam's Extractor, 25c. at all dealers. • it This Board Unique. The local government board of the British Cabinet, where Herbert Samuel, postmaster general, is to succeed John Burns as president, dates only from 1871, when it was created to take over the supervi- sion of sanitary laws, local govern- ment, and the poor law, previously. administered by privy council, the home office, and the poor law board, The•board consists of exalted func- tionaries and secretaries of state, batt never meets, and all the busi- ness is transacted by the president and his parliamentary seeretar;y. Mlnard's Liniment Co. Slontlenien:—1 had my log badly hurt, the paih Was very severe and a large swelling came above the knee. T expected it Would be serious Y rub- bed it with MINARD'S LINIMENT. which stomped the pain and roamed the swelling very quickly. T cannot speak too highly of MTN- A13D'S L)N1MENT. Port flood Island. AMOS T. SMOris. Told to Keep Away, After nearly a week's absence James presented himself at his france's home. "Oh," she murmur- ed icily, from her scat at the piano, "you ?" "Yes, only me,'' meekly amsveerecl Sams. "Wonder you troubled to come," she remarked' in am interlude, of her playing, dis- dainfully ignbming tho five -pound box of chocolates that had been pieced on the piano top, "I couid- n't; the doctor wouldn't let me, dear," "I7ootor wouldn't let you," dlie sl,s eared, a oriifnlly "And on't `deal' nth, please f 1'"Be i.1ea• sortable, sweetheart," he innplored "1 bad dyspepsia so badly that the doctor strictly forbade any seeing yeill" "Poor thing l" she answered laftrly. '!,And why was I not to be eenr, pray 1" "Iio told MD tlo •keep away from all sweet things, darl- ing:" he echoed. Anybody Who tries to get rich of his faults' by advertising thein makes a Inistalte, I,0,1 L (LRC1,I;,i3 LACK GIRLS. !fillet's of Eufopi' Alarmed at Daughters' Eitttnleipalion. The birth of a son to the, Duchess of Brunswick, the only daughter of the German Emperor, recall;! the diet that, in one please of society there, are actually too few girls. This elioerfnl and quite unusual state of things is in the ranks of the princesses of Europe, There is an equal surplus of eligi- ble princes, who are unable to find wites----so they say. Be this as it may it is a fact that both the young nen and women of royal circles, show a distinct disinclination ward matrimony to order. ]'rincrs•s Pat] ieia (Pie! l 1t is well known, is the despair of many i uitors. It is said that much alarm is felt anl'ing royal pare its at their dangh- tc 1 s emancipation. Among the "too few" princesses on the Conti- nent the elder daughters. of the Czar, notably the Grand Duchess Tatiana, the beauty of the family, and Princess Elizabeth of Rumania, are considered the mesa interesting. The latter is a really beautiful girl. Any debutante might envy her per- fect features, her cloud of lovely hair and the deep, expressive eyes, holding something of a tragic inten sity. Both she and her younger sister. Princess Marie, have inherited the wonderful Coburg elegance, and have, besides, something of the half gay, half sad, charm of their native land. The citizens of Bucharest are justly proud of their Princesses, Death Nearly Clauned New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Family When Hope Had Gone, St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th.—At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex- erted myself it was terribly intensified. If 1 caught cold the pain was unen- durable, I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- stead of being bowed down with pain, to -day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood —cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Every woman should use these pi115 regularly because good health "pays, and it's good,vigorous healththat comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. *— Both Covet Mistakes. A pompous physician who was inclined to criticize others was watching a stonemason build a fence for his neighor. "Jim," he said, "mortar covers up a good many mistakes, doesn't it 1" "Yes, doctor,°' calmly replied the man, "and so does the spade." Mtnard's Liniment for Gala everywhere. Beard on the Common. She—"Those dear old trees ; I never see them but they remind me of the past." He—"The only tree that reminds me of the .past is the birch." L To Caro a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROM(): QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money 1f it falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S. signa- ture is on each box. 25e. Helped Him. "Doctor, I want to thank you for your valuable medicine," "It help- ed you, diol it " said the doctor. "It helped me wonderfully," "How many bottles did you find it neces- sary to take?" "O11, I didn't take any of it. My 'uncle took one bot- tle, and I am his sole heir," Mlnard'e Liniment auras Dandruff. A kissable girl always pretends that she doesn't want to, Lots of men would rather have a political job than earn an honest living. Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. - IAr1ms Fon SALE. N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Delbert,' Streit;. Toronto, TF YOU WANT TO BUT OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain, or »airy Farm. write H, W. Dawson. Brampton. ar 91 Colborne St.. Toronto. N. W. DAWSON, Colborne SL, Tolman. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, GUOD WEEKLY.IN LIVE TOWN IN York County..Statipnery. and Hook liusines4 in connection. Price only, 54,000, Terms liberal. Wilson Publish, ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. attICELLANanlin !l, NIO1I OitOli nRsl, 01:10 X4Ti;RA- , ll lure re onion weed+!re.. It. 13. Bruner, Oitnda, Oct, Gt ANCEIL TUMORS, LUMPS, Internal and external, oared with. out pain byourhome treatment. Writs • es before too late. »r. Wellman Bedfast Co., Limited, Collingwoad Ont. ESTAB'D 1856 Used by success- ful planters for over half a century Ourlargeand beautifullyillustrated CATALOGUE FREE J. A. SIMMERS, Limited TORONTO, ONT. tight: "Now, my little boys," asked a school teacher, "can any of 'you name a liquid that doesn't freeze?" There was a moment's silenee, and then a voice answered: • "Please, teacher, hot water 1" Piles Cared In s to 14 Days Drugglate refund money If PAZ() OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind. or Protruding Piles, First application gives relief. SOc, And You Get Taken In. "What is this kleptomania 1 read so much about in the papers! Is it catching 7" "No, it is taking." Minard's Liniment Cures Burns,Eta. Hard Lnek for Pa. "Ma, has .your tongue got legs?" "Got what, child?" "Lege; mai" "Certainly not; but why do you ask that silly question 1" "Well, I heard pa say your tongue was running from morning till night 1" Try Murine Eye Remedy,, If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes fir Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye •j'ain. Druggists Sell Munroe Eve Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 501.' Marine Eve Salve hi Aseptic Tubes 25e, 50e. Eye Books Free by itlaft.l• An Eye Tont, (sed for An Cyon that Need Core I Murton Eye Memedy Co,.' Chicago Nothing Against Illus. Bniggs ---Bilkins writes best sell.: ers, doesn't he Griggs --Yes,' but he's all right. He's a first-rate scot. When you get to know hips you don't mind That he writes," Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. These Honest, Time -Tried Ingredients- are the bulwark of RaA,MSAY� QUALITY' In RAMSAV PAINT you get the most accurate and thcrouglt, combination of approved raw materiels; Master painters will tell. Yoe lie bettor I materials exist, 'leer own good judgment will tell you that attendee machine Mixing is adperini' to gaaasacerk and "baud f<idllling,'; , fipeNTY ltnniesyfur yonrnc'[Cbltt-job-•sue] far the odd lobe you da ynnrselt get the right iisalsayfibisii, Splendid. service front the ioca112am9uydealer on sittthe insnufactucerd.: - (b3 A. RAMSAY 84 SON CO. (Catablishei 1842) MONTREAL Quri4 Msaar M'