HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-4-16, Page 8Wan Paper Rush
The real Spring weather this week has put people right in the uatlon for doing
apering at once, Wute buyers will make their selections now wbile our stock
is at its best.
Styles in waif Paper
Did you ever notice that there: are styles in Wall Paper just the same as there
are iu most other things? We have tried to catch on to the tread iu public
taste and esa result we think our Wall Papers contain the latest goods on Or
tnarket. There are new, bright, up -to the -minute designs and colorings that
will cost yon 0o more than goods that are oat of elate.
Bedroom Papers -The new Chintz Papers are in use again after being oat
for • great nnmoer of years, auti &nine at tic, t$c and 17c per roll. At a cheap
er price there aresome dainty stripes with vitt out borders to :Hatch.
Living Rooms and Dining Rpoms-Some veru nice patterns in shades of
brown and inn from toe a roti up. Also Oatmeal Ingrains with beautiful
matching borders.
Parlors --Cream Colorings and the Pattern Papers in Cream and Gold take the
lead, from tie a roll up.
We also have a good assortment of the cheaper Pnpers at 6c. 70 and 80 per roll
Briug in the measuremente of your rooms and let us give you an estimate at
what they can be re'papered.
Formaldehyde -Don't forget this great germ -smut killer, Lb, bottles One.
k Ib. bottles 25c.
The GiXc L Store
Loma! fftws . rn
SCHOOL& will re open next Monday.
BAITER Millinery was in evidence last
LoaAL news of a very readable
character on page 4 but dont bother
turning to le
HOWtoa Fire Insurance Company
held the monthly mooting at Wroxeter
Tuasdav of last week.
'l'iiara was skating ou the rink Thurs
day evening of fast week Thia Is some
thing unusual for April.
A wedding or two on the program but
you need not ask us who they are be.
cause we aro sworn to secrecy at present.
CONCERT on Friday, April 04th in
t John's irhurch A.
dY.er thl Aptvif
you wnt a folly time don't mist[ It See
the Mita fur further particulars
Doe e. tot get the Cooking Demonstrne
tion uexi'1'pe,sday- Ptddingr, desserts
and "lett overs" will le oonsidered
45 ladies were in attendance Tuesdai
pf this week and a fine time was spent.
WORKMEN have been busy at Robt.
r Thomson's poultry farm fitting up the
tarn with incubator, brooders &e., for
the season's hatch Mr Thomson will
have an up -to date plant when com-
NO EWAN has the excavating done
for the cellar or his proposed new resi
deuce, corner of J"mes and Market
streets He is determined to hustle the
work, Geo. Birt is drilling a well for
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE -- Regular meet.
ing of the Women's Institute on Friday
afternoon of this week in the Public
Library. Subjects "Contagious
Diseases" hy Dr. McRae. and "Our
Bird and Insect Friends" by Principal
CENTRE Huron Liceuse Commission
ers meet at Goderich on Friday of
this week. Last year t4 licenses and 2
extensions were granted but the passing
•of the Canada !temperance Act last
January will cancel all of these still in
existence. Alfred Baeker, is a
member of the Beard.
AUCTION SALE -Saturday afternoon
of this week at the Central Hotel,
Brussels, there will be an auction sale of
well bred Durham grade stock, cousist-.
ing of cows, yearling steers and heifers
and calves, Sale will will commence at
1.3o o'clock Catnphetl & Best are the
AT the Poultry farm of Alfred Baek
er upwards of loo chicks have been
hatched already this Spring, They are
White Leghorns and Barred Rocks
Mr, Barker received a setting of White
Leghorn eggs from England last week.
"Barney" is determined to have the best
going. That's the Way to succeed
HYMENEAL, -On March ash George
McLauehlin, of Fort William, a former
Brusselite, was united in marriage with
Miss Margaret Langford, of the same
Smith and Mss iMabel
airy, Basil
Havetoft were groomsman and brides
plaid Old friends here wish the happy
couple prosperity. The groom is a
brother to Mrs. Rabt. Thomson and R.
MoLanchlin, of Brussels:
GOOD Rziuiem -Some weeks ago the
Ladies' Aid of Melville church issued
folders and forwarded them to former
member& asking a contribution. The
financial results were $8o 5o. Last
'Sabbath the loose collections at the regu-
lerservices were banded to this same
organization which added $314o or a
total of Self 9o, The ladies have plane
of large dimensions iu connection with
their share to the new church and will
succeed without a doubt.
Mks. DEWAR DECEAs5D.- At the
Alexandra Hospital, Fergus on Sunday
morning after a long illness. the death
took place of Agues Richardson, wife
:of E. H. Dewar, proprietor of the
'Harrigan Review. The deceased was a
;woman of exemplary character, and
held in high esteem by a large circle of Secretary, Mrs Geo, Lowry ; treasurer.
'friends. She was the only daughter of Miss Martha Smith The past rear has
the late Robert Richardson, of Minto. been a successful one nearly Sion. 00
-Besides her husband, she is survived by corning into the treasury.
Ater only son, Robert L„ her mother
2tnd two brothers, Thomas of Minto and W C T U. A meeting of the
James in Harriston, The funeral which t Woman's Christian Temperance Union
Oyes private took place to the Harrlstou l also all those who are interested in the
Cemetery on Monday afternoon' We wont of Moral and Social Reform will
tender sympathy to Editor Dewar. be in the audience room of the Public
BAClt atan+CIUPTIONS DUE 'T1111 Pose,- Library en Monday, April 211111 at 3
iommenning next week we are going o'clock Miss McLeod of Catnsvllle,
Into a Clearing up of past due sub- Unt, will address the meeting and with
GET ready for the visit of the Sanitary
Inspector by having your premises
cleaned up.
THE curlers had the pleasure of the
last game of the season on the rink
Friday forenoon of lest week.
KEEP the 24th of April clear to attend
the Cou'lert to be given by the A Y P
A of St. lohn'e church in the 'yawn
Hall. Don't some if you omit laugh
B1to1E 1128 A816 rhe many old
friends of Mrs Thus Moore, of Strat-
ford, formerly of Brussels, will he sorry
to hear that she had .the misfertune to
break one of her arms in two pinese
We wish her a speedy recovery end the
restoration of the arm as gaud 179 ever.
ltoaatftaa bit BOARDERS Wanted, Applf at
Tisk Poa0. 42 k
s. CA ANGOt4 . eggs fOr h'ttnhlne, ThlP bred
Is 0110 of the best laying strains anti is g eiblo
'Meat Ae.s from,.elent, 0 pen at 61.00 per
12, Guaranteed 80 ;t fertile. HAMM AMUST.
Myatt wnteh found, Owner may have
same by proving property and paying for this
EOG. FOR HATCHING. --11. 0 R I. Reds
From Nov 1st to April 14th 50 hens laid $49,00
worth of Bgee, 60n for setting of 18. I. A
MoEelvey,phone 869. Ethel
WANTED To HUE - Twn general purpose
mares. J. W. MoiMaiON. Walton,
Roos FOR HAToIING,-Iniprevod Belgium
Silver Campine& They are great font gore and
layers, non•slttera- Begs 51 50 for 15, Gnar•
anteed 851 fertile. Will nay gond price for
setting hens, Phone7x. Jac). T. DUNCAN,
Brawn, Wilkinson, Cockshntt and Prost &
Wood plow repairs and those of the Deering
and Frost & Wood Implements in stole and
sold by E Plum at Blacksmith shop, Brussels,
THREE year old heavy draft gelding for sale,
ROHT. HENDERaON, Brnaaela.
LAMONT, Lot 10, Con 7. Grey Phone 2118
A CARD, -We the undersigned hereby agree
to sell a package of live standard 5c boxes of
Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents
Quality guaranteed. Jae Rallentyne, Geo,
Thomson and W.J. McCracken,
BOOS FOR HATOHING - Partridge Wyen•
dotter-goodlayingatrain 5100 for setting
of 1'. W, D, HAREM, Brussels.
FOR SALE -General purpose illy 9 years
old. JAB. D. M0NAIR, Lot 22, Con. 19, Grey.
'phone 489.
Bees FAR HATOaTNG.-Good laying strain of
White Wyandotte_ Eggs $t 00 for setting of
15. JOHN MEADOW+, Bru'.pets.
(3000 clean, two•rowed need barley for sale,
Also a uantity of good hay. Wee M0NAra,
Lot 11, Con. 10 Grey. Phone 2410.
EOGs FOR HATCHING -0. A, 0. strain of
Barred Roche. 760 per setting of 15.
Phone 4016, R. R No. 2, Brussels.
8 Goon roomou
s over Witt'a store. Im•
mediate possession. Apply to ALF, BARKER,
8ERPANT wanted Apply to
8850 GRAIN Fon SALE. -Improved Siberian
and Gold Drop Oats and O. A C. No 21,
barley, Ail good clean seed. Also some hey
for sale. Marlin McNair, Lot 15. Oon. 16,
Grey, Brnaaela R .R. No. 2. Phone 2818 if.
Will gum, set end Ole circular or any caw
now with the latest saw toots. Tom McGreg-
or, Brussels, Ont,
BOUGHT HOUNE -A R. Currie, John
street, purchased the old frame house
adjoining his property and is removing
it. It will mean quite an improvement
to Mn. Currie's home, both as to ap-
pearance and freedom from danger from
Tete reviler monthly meeting of the
W C. T U will be held in the audience
room of•the Public Library on Friday
afternoon, April 2411), at 3 o'clock. The
topic "Franchise" will be in charge of
Miss lewitt and Mrs, McGuire. Visi-
tors always welcome,
HAD To GIVE UP SCHOOL. -Owing t0 a
sort of nervous collapse the Dr hes
ordered AtholMcQnerrie to desist trnm
his studies and seek Occup tion in the
open air. lie will spend the Summer
near Goderich on a fruit and poultry
farm and his many friends here trust he
will soon be as well as ever.
LADIES' AD). -The Mittel meeting of
the Ladies' Aid of Brussels Methodist
church was held 'Tuesday afternoon.
Last year's office bearers were re elected
fee follows :- President, Miss Pipe ;
Vice President, Mrs S T. Plum ;
4criptfons to 'TEE PoeT. They total permiselon of School Board will ad -
al in the hundreds ilE dollars, hence are dress the public school Tuesday after•
of considerable importance to our 1100n.
$nancee, Willall who are in arrears Ho ! FOR DETROIT 7 -The Greyhound
'neke an effort to aid es in this cam- excursion 1814 an outing, going to have
la;gu and,posslbly 5800 0s t11e trouble nearly three clays for the Detroit visit
tnd expense of notifying you. We Leave Goderich 9 go a. in. Fridav, June
4otiae a number of weekly: papersare reth, arriving In Detroit at 5 and for the
'wharging• $ 25 where subscription is return trip, leave Detroit at 1 p. m ,
of paid inadvanoe or int 5o when not Monday lane 15th, arriving In Goderich
etIleti before expiration, of year. TILE et g This is one of the most delightful
nsr still &treks to the Sr an but would tripe a person can tette andalreadv plans
iikteto have it paid a.s early in the year are, being laid by a goodly number in
tie possible. A few long peat due slab- this locality to dike it ie. June I21111AS
who trve been wilted seyorabeen
marked nS the dee on
e t
tittles to Settle will have to do so tltrou`gh' they os neat to eve 1 cite{, res
f r Grey -
hs Division Uourt, we guess, as they hound le 171 excellent heel and :the
11 to re and to nor fasiuest6. winery 5n totge 8 panoramht of'Iro y,
The Me'troDohitan Bank!
Capital Paid up -
Roaorvo Fund -
Undivlded Profits -
• 182,507.01
joint Deposit Accounts aro a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town, Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
Notice to Dur Patrons
Fallowing our euaton' in, the past
after MAY lot the following Prices
will prevail for the Summer inonths-
Milk........-... 6c per quart
Crean , ,,..,, 15e per pint
Our Motto:
"Purity, Quality and Cleanliness"
"The Maples" Wm, Armstrong
• Phone 2819
THY PosT gives the neto s 6o cents
gets it to lanuary est, 1915.
READ the particulars of the Sanding
Field Crop cotnnelitioh, under cusp ccs
or East Huron Ag''lcrilrural Snooty and
make void' entry at once. '191e 11515
close on May 101 M Black. Secretary.
Treasurer will receive the names.
WEDN1'.OAY of last week Mies Jose.
phine Doll, second daughter of M. and
etre Dull, wan united In marriage to A
Mr Moore, of 'Pornnto, it winch city
1.y Wil reside, The cat enmity took
piece in Hamilton Miss Doll a•ne a
stenographer. May their joys be many,
Aram 231d is the cyte of the Old
Fashioned Sapper to be given by the
urlies of the Methodist church at the
home of Mrs, S T,' Prim -Supper
served from 5 to 8/, olr•ck '1`h •to will
els° be for sale home-msde baking aud
candy Admission 15 cents Every -
bo 1y welcome.
EDITOR O'BEIRNE, of Stratford, has
keen 23 y ars at the helm of the Daily
Beacon and has been so good a seaman
he has not only kept the craft off the
rocks but bas reached many a pleasant
harbor in the long voyage 'THE POST'
wtsnes him smooth sailing for the years
to come. The Beacon is a live daily
BURIED ON WEDNRVDAV -\batt ienttie
Rose 01 Chester, daughter of the late
Thomas Rose, who was G T R Agent
heir 37 years ago, was hurled in Brits -
sets cemetery on Wednesday She died
in the General Hospital, Toronto. after
a long Illness from hear' trouble She
was 377 years of age. Mrs Kilbourne,
of Toronto. and Miss Bertha Rose. of
Chesley, attended the funeral, The
p8ren s and a brother of deceased were
buried in Brussels cemetery.
MEASLES - The Listowel Banner of
last week saes: -"'Trowbridge public
school has been closed for the past t wit
weeks on account of measles ')'here
ere some forty or more scholars who
attend the school and of these fully ot,e
hill come from homes where there it a
case of measles. The school will not
re open until atter the Easter holidays
Harry Moue of Listowel is the teacher
He misted the .measles and is leaving a
Pleasant holiday," lust like Harry.
Thomas McGillicuddy of Toronto the
Sunday morning last Tltntuas Mc.
Gilliru d
Y Put it itil Art 1-
d of the v Ic
1 i N
1 Toronto, V t
n D
eat tine rt 1 t
v melt
the preacher to the Methodist el
After the Introductory plat of the
Service, cendueted by the pastor, Mt,
McGillicuddy annnunned his theme,
"Diamonds fu the rough” which 11e
handled in an unique Hamner teach-
ing many practical lessons to Sab-
bath 501001_ workers. He pointed
out that (1) Diltmnnels had to he
found and (2) they had to be ground
to show their gvalillett. The polished
diamonds of Seriplure were referred
to and David. 1•lttmgat, Moses Eltsha,
etc„ given as inatanr&s, Iti modern'
life the story of such lives as Moody,
Livingstmt, Carey, Bunyan tend
othere was told. -He enuolnded his
address by a clog) application its to
the diamonds waiting Lo be eliscnvei'-
ed by the Sabbath School and &botch
and the great work that is to be done
in title behalf in winning the boys
and girls for the Master. Mr. Ale-
Gilliendciv has had many years ex-
perience in the vineyard mid has been
Very successful in his labors, '1'lie
addresses will not soon be Inigntten,
In connection will& 111e Habitant
School solos were well sung by Miss
Mat garet Wilson and Mise Lizzie
Downing ; a letter read renin the
Snperhrtendent ittit1 an ntlrlress by
Mr. McGillicuddy. The Mission/try
offering Was $10.46 eomple11tlg the
$15,00 set for the school last May. •
On Monday evening lelr•. Mti4111i-
nuddy delivered &Leetttre bearing the.
title "Out Neighbors." Ile descrthecl
many clessee of tteighbot's such its
sth,gY, genmvins. fault finding,
Oimmiian, ere,. anti Nuked with well
Cold atnt'ie%anti amnaing meet ente th
interest was 88011 511,1.121netl aS vitr•intt
charnel ern wet 1elhieat ed. '1't)
e t'' b li lee Over will) wi
s kei ft.hl tt b t
Milt rutty a tail ie driven along ivit•h
tike fort. Rev. Mr'. 'Wren pieeidfed
with hie netut g-ttidiity. A fine due
"e liq b in O t' a Tiro
was reud(t c1 q i12 S Cit 11 g
sten stud Aries Attu Pryrla. talk n
tpaeu forbids 10 Mote aiitntltie4 hotted
People We Talk About
t-'1 Wood spent Easter at Erin mitt)
his brother.
Garr )amieeon, of Simcoe, was home
for a holula7 visit.
Brien Scott has been visiting under
the parental roof
Eli Smith has gone to Loudon where
be nlsy take a situation,
Miss Anna Hunter was visiting
relatives rat iiervie last week
G. C. and Mrs. Manners visited
friend, over Easter at 'Toronto,
A'liss Beatrice Harris is home this
week from Stratford Collegiate
Leslie L•Iwry was 11'1171177 ing with
1'0' onto l elaa rues .over Easter.
R. K R tee, of Toronto, W 4 here on
a visit with relatives over the Eastertide
Mrs. W. H Peter, of Bervie. was
visiting at the home of her Lather, John
Miss Elsie Wilton, who Is t• aching at
Part Stanley, is home thie ween for a
Gro-ge Edwards jr. spent a few days
with H and Mrs, Churchill at 41cQaw,
Huron Co,
dviiss Amy Brett, teneher at Preston,
is t he guest of Mra (Dr.) McHAtlghtu51,
her sestet'
Gen, Barkley Wan called to Detroit on
Saturday owiug to the serious illness of
Ills mother,
Jno. Hunter, John street, was ill last
week with Meting. but is feeling better
this week.
Prtne'pel 13. S. Scott has been enjoy-
ing the Easter vacation at .his home in
Miss Thurntou, of Woodstock, is Ole
guest of her sister, Mrs D. lyl Scott,
Tilos. and Mrs Friendship, of 'Tees -
Water, were renewing old friendships in
town last week
Aran Mann, Of Woodstock College, is
A welcome visitor at Melville manse
with Itis pare,i'a.
G them and Mrs Stevens, or Wing
ham visited ,vitt) R and VI s H.trknes-:
chittie the paet week •
8.m ., of Shelbornr,ep -o' G and
1'rid'y 81,11 his out friend Harry Jam'•s
at me Ame' kali hotel,
Misers Naz -t L''ty and ICathleet,
Wilton are home from S' rat lord Memel
For the Erode) vacation
Hiss Kite Auleut aud Miss Coutts, nl
London, enjoyed :i few holidays at the
hudro of the tut mer fu Brussels
Miss Minora Dunfot(1 was vt.iIngher
friend Miss Lona Addison, of Mount
Forest, during the Easter holidays
Miss Li y Conley lets been 111 with an
attach of paeunnnita but is considerably
better now we are pleased to state.
Mrs. Walter Sharpe, 01 Goderich.
waS an Easter visitor with James and
Mrs Shuttle. The visitor to a sister
Noemau McGee e. of the Milverton
Nems staff, w'1s home for a tew dvys
with Cou•tc,ll„r and'itirs, McGuire
Will 13 Strachan Muir 'Thomson,
Frank Seim and Inn Henderson ale
Laa•et urs tors from Toronto thin week,
Spence Hem...Voile hit+ been tai 1 un
mot r lrflaintltal my I'hrtt 111a'telrl but W.
hope he will soon be tree front such a
reuhlesome companion.
heed Lowry, of Pert Huron, wee
here t visit his mother, Mrs E. C
Lawry, and oilier r, -let ves and old
fri-'ids. He s a Brussels old ho ,
„ v .`teles.
hies Pay ,r GA t.ul M S
I W , �I
were -bol d+ visa ,g with m n.
Mrs Wilton Mr Wilton 1. sill cu -
fined to the hone we rev ra to save
F Rowland accompamr.
'd his rhre
laughterit to P'0ton- where diet• will re-
nt in with Mrs Rowland who put p . es
spending a month or so with her two her
A. 1, Lowry has not been feeling in
first-class fettle dtu•ine the pas' Werk
int we (tope the introduction of better
weather w/l aid in his complete resettle.
Alex McLehnan, of the Commercial
Hotel, Seaforth, went to Winnipeg Ins'
week, to attend the funeral of Itis
brother. Rudy. who -died in that city
the week previous.
Mleoes J, All and Violet McGuire of
Clinton ; Mrs D dds and babe, of
Mitchell and Mrs R. R'otkin, Of Vine-
hairewere Easter vi -iters at Councillor
M'Guire's, W{INat11 street. •
Stanley Campbell, assistant circulation
representative on the 'London tree
Pre s and Mg stater, Mr's Chae Mason,
see, of the Forest city, were hnlitlav
visitors at the Itotne of Angus amt Mrs.
Campbell their parents, Mi11 street.
Miss Marutu'et Kennedy, who made
an extended visit at the Monte of torn
W. H, McCraelten, returned to her
Immo in 'Toronto Inst week. She is a
bright yoiln1 lassie and 171 tie nlan'/
Irtends here,
A flying trip was made last week to
Owen Send by A, W, L Gilpin, who
was here from (-Menge to visit hie par. O
ants, to see his uncle, Dr Cavanagh., O
who is in poor health Fred left here •
for home on :far many
1 t: •
®l�' a NADA
D OF•odOt,
�"tAV1NQS deposited in this bank
po) draw the highest current rate of
interest. Withdrawals of part or the
whole amount may be made when.
ever desired without delay.
J. F. Rowland, IBJ El El Manager.
Misses Hattie Downing, Cnrrio Mc-
Cracken and Berva Btyaus are Blume
from Toronto for the Easter holiday.
The trio fill important posts 0u the
teaching staff of the Queen city
M's N F Gerry and Harold spent
the Easter hohtleys with the tornler's
parents, Al P, and Mrs. Stewart, at
0 tkwood, 8 miles from Lindsay where
they touk up residence a short tome ago,
Miss Olive (curse) Bailee, of Edmon-
ton, MIS off .lnIy through illness l.ut 's
regaining her health a the Horne of her
sister. Mrs Arthu. Smith. Mies Baf ey
is a daughter of S. and Mrs. Bailer, of
Bah Leckie, son of Reeve and Mira.
Leckie, weal to Stratfa,d wb re lie has
taken a pu.uf01tuu the staff of the Daily
Beacon We wish him -.access and hope
he will find newspaper 'ork conttenial.
The Siratfatd folk will find Mr. Leckie
a worthy ' ming gentlemen
eteG,Ihcudd', of ruronlo, wee a
vigil or at the home al G A. and Mrs,
Deadman over Easter, Mr, Mac -also
called on many old friends of the long
ago and his visit was a mutual pleasure.
The late Mrs McGillicuddy was Mrs.
Deadman'& sister,
'Pee newly organized Foot RRIl foam
at Clinton haw Harty Bartldf and J
Leslie Kerr, both formerly of Brugge's.
on the 'tSeutry. If the other ufliuers
put the."snngo' Into the management
ee our olil boys are sure to do there
should be something doing toward silver
were honors
Miss Reta of
Mrs Will, [,awry and M .
London, were visitors at the home of
A. 1. and etre Lewey , Mrs. Lowry - is
a daughter of James Sharpe and a sister
ro Mrs: A J Lowry Mrs. 'E C.
Lowy accompanied Mrs L.ow y back
to London for a holiday visit. In the '
meantime Walter Lowry is .away 011 a
3 or 4 weeks' business trip to Wiut.tpeg
tr d the West
Church Chimes
wee kitten h,ve been eneag d 'his
week in rxrav, ing for the 114+•e'1,ent
of he nee Mely Ile c um 1
List sou"..alt evening Rev. A J
Manu, B A , preach, d a sp vial des-
c nu•.e to y,un(; in,n, The etti jeer WAS
"Tire Mae, of Hie young man 171 Naiwn
nudrhug. It 'ANS lull of pion feel sug-
gestons, l'he sithj ct next Sunday
eveutng will lie address+1 to the young
88010"' of the ''11 ,'gal ion
C'ORNRR &TONE LAYING .-'l'11e dale has
temp set for laving the corner stone of
the new Melville church, which will be
M,mdar, May 25'1,. Rev. Dr: Mae
Denaltl Edit.), of the 'Toronto Globe,
Ilan consented to calor and pet farm the
interesting' cereroouv A choice pro-
gram of addresses music, etc , •will be
t,reae'I ted.
Owing to Ilte indisposition of the
ree'ol' a student frl,m Huron College
came up over Easter to assist in St,
lobo's church Mr Mills preached at
both Services while the teethe took
charge of the Communion service. Att
anthem, "Tlie GI sinus Hope" was sung
h, the &hon• and a solo WAS sung by 1•
G tones,
Sunday next in the Methodist church
the pastor will have for hie subject at
rt Ir, m. "The sidetracking of a great
elan" and at 7 p m the closing se701011
in series to young men, "Phe young
man and his church "
A contingent of men Wetrtto work on
'Tuesday and dug the trenches aur the
foundan(.0 of the new enclosed horse
shed to be bent by the Methodist
church congregation. It will be 55 x 120
feet, and located on James oireet, uearty
apposite the Pryne Co. Flour Mite
Cunt -au or Berkey will go on with the
00(11111 walls at an early dale The
tomer shed adjoini ,g the church will
be taken down lord the Itimbe1. used In
new btuldiug.
An exerlleut paper' on "Easter Jo 8"
was read by Mos H. laules at the
meeting of he A Y P A to St John's
Mimeo basement It dealt with the
memories Meth cling to the day ; the
h pe given unto man Froin the first
&ruler dawn; and the necessity of dying
to the world and rising to a new life.
Miss Emma Colvin preeicled, Retnarks
oouceruiug Rester were made by Mr
Jones and the recto', while Mr. Mills
react a few remarks sent by Miss M
Wilson, The paper next Sunday will
be on "The Reformation In the Nether-
lands" to be taken by. Miss Myrtle W11.
the annual meeting of the Methodist
'Transfer Committee held in Toronto on
Thursday of last week, the following
transfers were made affecting London
conference t-1 '1' C•, Moms, Loudon
to Hamilton ; E: A. Pearson, Hamilton
to London ; fl E Perry. - London to
Montreal ; M G R'thinson, elective! to
Looduu ; Rev D F. Mattie, foltnerly
of Stratford, Laudou w 21atnilt ,n ; tx.
A King, Hamilton to .Landon; S J
Bitdgette, Muut'eat to Loudon; H.
Hetherington, Loudon to Manitoba
W W Shoup, Mrwitoba to London.
Snperatintla'ed-Richard Hobbs, Lou-
don .0 'I'oronto
A Dollar Saved
Is a
Bohr Gained
brei httrldellytle le a Mittel, Slaving
tout& when applied to your Seed
511i.i11 The us& of till. now,' rid
get to killer 1s 1e1 101 g loner
papular runty yew. ilesidnythe
grew 1' 801'ur1 it gives duelug 1110
threshing (pet adults it saves
dearly 1'.i ttt('a elle ttlult('y spent. in it
lit gaud clear gutty, We goanut-
tee nor formaldehyde In b(' full
goveruuu'nt strength and we
Clave no hesitation 111 Slating that;
it le Stt'ielly fleet class in evely
bU th:Mae. Pitt up in one pound
ottles sufficient for 100 bushels,
10e. Haff pound bottles sufficient
for 50 bushels, 25e.
X' sl
ginning) wilt salve you money in the
end. This new compound is called
Rexall Olive oil Nmuisiou, It is the
best remedy, when you are run-down
tired out, nervous -un matter' what
the cause, It doesn't merely stimu-
late you and uutke you feel goad for
a few hours, but takes hold of the
weakness and builds you up to a
healthy, normal condition, it is a
tient nerve -food tonic turd builder of
good blood, strong muscle, gond
digestion. It contains Hypuphos-
phltea, which tone the nerves, and
pure Olive 011, which nourlshes the
nerves, the blood and the entire
system. Pleasant to take, Contains
no alcohol or habit.formtng drugs.
We proruise that If yyart aro not
pperfsotly satisfied with It, we'll gate
beak tinct' money as soon no you toll
US. Inld only at the 7,000 0exall
Stereo, and in this town only by us,
$1.00. 11' R. Smith, Drugglet.
HAemitt-In Turnberryy, on April 12th to 12,'.
and 51re. Gordon Plastic, a daughter.
1 bei n
Boa ll-9Ernaae.-At the . .1 B. the bride,
on April 8th, by Rev. J E. Coope, Mr,
Geoge Bone, to Miss Ethel, youngest
daughter of Mr and airs. Henry Sellers,
all of Morris township
SINNIJtaN-MC11TOrIARL.-Attlhereeidenee of
Me bride's pet'ents, by Rov, J. E. Cooke,
on A Aril 8211. Mr Hugh Sinn 'mon to Miss
Ada, eldest daughter of Mr. and Afre, Wm.
7UnwiT'r.-In Rlytlt, on April 4th, 1014, Ed-
ward Haggai, ar., aged 06. years and 1
JACKSON -lit Morris townehin, on Ayril 11011,
1914, George ;Nelms, in his 68th year.
We are druggists right here it) roue ?/hent 0 es s 85
town and make tt living out of theefi St 94 ,
drug business, but it 'because popple. Peas Fl5 i u0
have to have drugs and not because Borley 60 68041
we like to sett people suifel•-We don'1. EBe�ner Ti. ,e
Our cluty is to 1 ender best service Hoge 8 95 n5
we can, and when someone is ailing, Boy.. l4 no 18008
we are interested in seeing them take l
the best medicine t'tere is for theit.1
perticulttr tronble. We don't recnm-
uteud "cure-itlls," as we don't believe
there etre such things. We don't ONa mDOFF GENERAL 9To,(5 with stock,
810111 you to spend more than ,you. -tdt+tore fittings and dwelling house for
have to. Snore of you get small
•sale. For further particula,'Rapply to R.F.
wages, and when you're sick, none tit L008500x. 810 ref 1? C.
all, and you should get the most roti
The People's Column
can for rune money.
We teeming cattle across a new
Bull for Service
remedy fat increasing strength and
The undersigned —will beep for Pel'vioe at
Y g 6 Lot 22 Con r0, Grey, the -51
-bred Short
building up people 8110 are run-down Horn Nutl, "Gordon," m986n4;o. Terme $ts0
told emaciated. We know that.aitobepnedntiimeotr•erv'eewith privilege of
slight tl'onble sometimes grows into
'-tett 1ti41ng left
f nooeARULirD. AIOi.EAN,
Sei•lOus 0110, and tt stop it in the I Proprietor.
a® 4,
Y 4
'• ?
a HE last two weeks of the Great -Slaughter Sale of the McDonald Stock, Cran- m
rook will be better than the first. There will be a cyclone of 13cu-gains, and :
bo Y a
a we can give you better attention than at the opening. We apprt:ciate very ,,
many had to wait hours to be served, Come morn
much the path ace exhibited, as n a y
iugs when possible. •.
of bargains, You m
'It is hard to give you a good idea.in print of ..the hundreds f, L e
must conic and see. for .yourself.. Come' often, there will be a surprise for you every •
time you come.
J G JO1tea and Walter Williamson
renrese ted Western S'ar Lodge,
Brinetels, at an 1 0 0 F detninisir+
tion at Myth one evett5(17 last west.
'r'n's' report a good time ahold
o Mester Couplatol, of St. Marys, was
s there.
Mies Mayfr'id A11ln, set'ond (Infighter
I., of Rev S 1 and Mee Allis, of Clinton,
hoe twee pi. el it fine position as book.
keeper with a firth in Regtett Her
t sister, 'Mrs. 'Turnor (fornieriy Mies
• Fertile) reait fi.1i thestn
f Ain Will
no doubt fill 'he pb,Y iii n 'I
We with het sutad4SA,
A Few of the Many Specials •
1" 4
to and 12IC Ribbons, per yd.
Men's 2 00 Leather Leggings 1
to and 12ic Linings, per yard
Maple Syrup, Quart bottle
25c Grey Flannel, per yard
Eiderdown Wool, were 15c bunch
Misses' Heavy Wool Hose, pair
Mot's She. Ties25
Some odd colors in Paint, Qt, can 23
5oc Silks for per yard 28.
Lot of Fancy China, per piece 08
06 75c and $1.00 Corsets, now 45
25 Misses' Ribbed Cotton Hose, pair 13
05 Ladies' 1.75 & 2 0o Fine Oxfords' 1 19 0
19 Pills, all the 25c lines 1 1 a",,,
17 ^ Gal Butte Crocks
09 .25c and doc Ribbons, per yard
15 Men's Heavy Gum Rubbers
were 1,75 and 2,00 for 1 20
Men's Loa Wool Underwear.
Boys' 2 00 Fitts Shoes
Boys' 1,50 Heavy Gum Rubbers
17 to.
1 45
'Misses' and Children's Fine Wool Underwear, all sizes, exactly Halt Price. ,
Remernber—Everything is liberally Reduced with Extra Specials every day.
J T TR WINCr°anbrook
Come eltiithnetll.i
when I
Philtra melees' haveeareftllat
closes at 0 o'elnelt dttril1g
• 4ttli' except, Seeitie1050.
Successor tip Ai, McDonald
0 •'b4+d•wii4+s•+F•eiiiiaiioe+b04tt'••e'iY•i•'•e4tsiitlle+es•+rlrai'fYib i••i'ifri*0ilieeiooeliYYlt+•6461,!'