HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-4-16, Page 5PIO. SUTHERLAND & SCRS le.t.,ness Carats LIMITED JA8 ANDS', SON, to ylJN)au'�Gvtsa 1 VE ERINARY URGEON. I EDAL AND CONVEYANCING, )ItOUDEOO'1`, HAYS &'1iILTiOEAN 13 AR1118'L111 P BtLii01'EURH, NOTARIES O. W. PRopaYooT,LL, O. It 0, Aare a, L, UILLORAN rli5oee-Those Iornlerly nooupied by bloaar0 113m0ron & Holt 091'1((11. n oaanIoa, onssam . ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers - equipped with overt comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or 14 the Allan Line, Torpnto W. H. KERR, A gent Allan Lino, Brussels, n`. A%4✓OeIYAeSAraYilvSylxvdryGv3rpAr f' >> Before you Step Look Ahead 13, rale you Dot. plan 01,d 11,0 High I oo alo 3,, r,,. A Superior Business lr0.1 Education you will be h,okag 10- (, 1 ward the • 471'eoti476q(..e...*'. • TORONTO, ONT. Th. ,-1 ss of wortank �th b hub of Lino n rble13 o work that heft s thesis/op of 'Hu,ehi"1'1ty " Open all , oar En le. any time, Handsome ontologlle out pi on ['stillest Oar Tol iii and tt W. J. ELLIOTT, t • Alexander eta. S Principal. • 't'a•..9WAVa4F!a'rr2k-F^19Ft+avrt'ayaa ave rA+.%`4t% is^ay�`4A'�PaC'A Ava'i Rsa`9�aY�aVsA sa`4� t(� p��pk UEi9�l f1NL 1 STRATFORD.• ONT e7 Barone a epoellBrt in Blsinoan, T6 ;1.4 offers more opportuni,l,H than Any l Otho• culltug, '10 roup rho full Mean- oro of 13300013130 yottnlnat km's aha bent 't- risible training This iso Ontario's 43,nt uBnuasttne01n0ioHne.bo1o041 mWay8t0e elatee, r• et nay 1.11,1,'. ho tea Depart. s 4 menta, Oommercial,te Shorthand. ml .end \ Telegraphy. Waite at 0008 or 0111 S9 free nnteloxuo co. D.A. MCLACHLAN, Principal w1'.' Se4e133 rigi rest msecse.%vi raetterettee rEntev,v'6ri✓Av.;rAvsr1v0Sr,! t.v'AynyA '4v(� %�Av.�, ,. r r 1 Lis6o1Y & Business€ c pj` College Ar Any time u AND r hS Grow with us. E VA For particulars address- • €. EDWIN 0.. MATTHEWS, Prin. /, . e1 131 0..sesaemZm l -e niastetaresOMerstree�t' I11•111111111111MINEEE. THE t` Best Brains GESOMBEIDNIMINXIMEnielailiNOMENIEWO in Canada knvo participated hl Utopia. past(,,* of One splendid Home Steel) 0801)1013 in Banking, Bo0nold0a, Wisher A000nnting Coiumoi'cinh Art, .Show -Oard Writing, Phhotography, journal. it )sal, Short Story Writing, Shorthand iA and Booklu'0pillg. Select the work which moat interests yon and write us 17 for particulars, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391-T Vongo 8t., Toronto I -lave You Bilious .Attacks? Chamberlain Tablets keep the liver r,ght up to nor- mal all the time --and ti(at's why they are so effective in cure of Stomach Disorders, Fermentation, Indigestion, and all ailments which- are the fore- runners of biliousness. Try them. 25c. a bottle -Druggists and Dcalers or by Mail. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto 7 BEST '111/',HCl Blue Pills no Longer Used. When 1)10 stomach *300(48 cleansing, the bowels 111creaeed aeLlvity, the liver additional power, don't ase. inercilral trills, 1l'y Dr. 11 tirillL01i's, Vegetable et ion °8 lrellel LILbI ° 1111 )t Nit T , y mild, yet 0111.0 kir flush r ht all int - purities eaul.wastos, no remedy to so Well adapted roe family net Pnsttive. I atOgre for biliousness and sick head - 11(+h0, unfailing in cotstipatLinla and bolvel l,outdo,'ex1epticm1111y good 14101113134(11111, no utedieiao is 00 tinlVo0o' ally needed in every home as Di', 1fatniltatr's rills. Good for 1110pal ug, 4)111 *.1d, the sick and well 01100, he bellellts , n)' 1)r, llnniillml'a !'ills Kee wauif()ld, Soli (Wery0 hero in Ms holtt%tlr ' 9(100eneol' uo nI. L ,mora t Amur" x11)1 drum, !Avery stnblo, Straa0ela,Ofltou A101ophotte' , No, 18, OR, T, T, M'RAE 80vholur of Alodiviue, University of Torout0 3 Lieontiate and Graduateofthe College of Pay sloiune mud Burgeons, Ont. ' Post -graduate Chloago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, 111. - Ex•ilouoo Surgeon to 53. 31ic11- nel'tj Hospital, Toronto. Ofhoe over F. 12. Smith's Drug Store, Tele- •'innle pennectlen with Oranhruok at 101) sous. • i R T. SRYA-NS '1noh01or of iii edlulne, University of Toronto.; 1,001, 411(11, of Uollego of Phyaelatie and ''1111 g111'A I.1„ 1 ,'X4r111ee' 01111811 Snl•grnn ,'•• 01'11 100auital. Toronto 01800,, of Into Dr A M'•K»vr•y smith Hlmrk, Hrewarie. Rural phone Ab, a F X 1'.t K t.tir.- Y M 8.--, seC.P8S.(, 1111* n un 84 ..1.1 Nn 1 1'• rIlo l Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat ;lotion! as.tetent 111 Ear, Nose and 'linnet de. 01.1numl New (}eneral Hospital, '1'ornnt• 'oat Graduate Ho,'vnrd. Mod lonl Heil ooi , B" o, tet,, '1,0101' Itualdant Hurg.•gn 011180, IS, 13 ((lar roil' mnry • Into t''linicnl aa1.i011n't 11 Vose and Thr.nut depe,'tment Mase Geo Hot• 1113(1 ; late House Surgeon Toronto Genera' oinapltol o: le Brnsse(0 by appointment. DR. M FER(USON ETHEL, ONT. °h)1sielati and Surgeon : Post Graduate courses 'uidon (Ens;.), New 'York and 0110010 Hos- Male. 81100181 attention todisease of opo, ear, 'loco and throat. Eyes tested for gla0080, W ROSS, D D.S-, L.D S Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. "'ens of Ontario and Graduate University of reroute Vnon ity of Dentistry. Office in leard Block, Wingham Phone 248 Post Met, box 278 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Bpocialty DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate 'of the Ontario Veterinary ' nilege. Day�and night calla. Office opposite lour Mill, Ethel. MAUD 0 SHY .'rvS OPHTH ALMOLOGh2 r 'ento(al graduate Department of °ppasha ,b,gy, un '01'mi011 8081081 College, 11h1nng.,. 11 , 1,1 prepared t0 taxa nye, and 111 glasses et' Inc nnf01' over Grower's Restaurant, Brussel, n Tlotrsduy. Friday and Bnturdeyy of ever, veek Olaoe hours 1 to 0 p m Forenom ' 'r appointment, Phone (215. T. R. BENNE-TT• - Will give better ,,stisfaotion to bothbuyer ant teller than any other Auctioneer and only •Ir• a wenn is r014 e Salto; e0na i my whore in Ontario. Pare bred stook m11100 't specialty, Write or 'phone 2B Wroxetor. - fatal fi.etvsons Ulysses Pelton, son of, Fred Patton. o' Pat Heron, formerly of Brit sols, has opened a shoe store in Port Huron He 'aas been in business to South Bend, Ind , for some time Qurrs RAILROAD Lh''a - Palmerston Spectator ; A Pennington, who hits' been connected with the G. T. R.. as '.ondector for many wears, has severed connections with railroad lite, and will we understand, take up his residence in the thriving city of Windsor in the near future, Do You Foot the. Pinch R Not of poverty, but of cornu, 0.111110, thrtt can be °need by Putnam', (Jinn Extl'actm' P Don't suffe1, us ' Pnlmutl's"-sold eveiywhOIu m 250 bottles. Now is the time to look fm the first appearance of the terrible fly Swat ((int now and save money on fly paps( this Summer The Winter fly 4s the uarent of Summer's destructive swarms. end the hibernating fly that has been taleep in some obscure nook in your h"use will sten wake up and produce ole large family. Juts 4'1311 -Toronto Huron 0 d Boys rave deotded to hold the annual ex clrsion on Sal =flat, Tale 4. the terminal points being God. rich Nu1)- Winy;ham. The fare is slightly higher 'titan heretofore 41 le entirely to ail' ad- vance by the railways, but it is expected that theexoursioe•wilt be as well patronized as ever, I. was decided to hold a picnic at Centre Island. 'Toronto stmt: tinge in August and a strong com- mittee of ladies Was to look after this, Mrs. Joseph Beck being chairman. Doctors Change Their Mothode. Years ergo they fongh* catarrh by internal dosing .• They sate this ruin- ed the stomach and changed to the ()zonated alt cure, better known ata "Oatarrhnzoue." This treatment, is sn1 a to cure. IL goes to the source of 1110 disease ; it destroys 1.Iae Canoes 11)111; olalntairl catarrh and. evenin. the word eases permanent cute is genial stied, Failure with 'Catarrh— mono is impossible. Antis:kind°, heal. ing is far-Iettehillg, it's betted --to (tore tIVelTlime, Endo, sea by more than 20,000 phynen ns i0 Anleriea 111111 iOrel .:1411 in 2Se and $1 00 sizes by all dealers. Itev. loll11 Holmes, who Ki -'s re -t - •hent of Brussels ...eve' al ems :leo when pastor of he Methodist enurch, 111118 been sta'iohed at 'ratbo)vtlle, for the u'esc term 11- pi, 011 es 11(1!1'•' mt1(11at!n ,. 111.8' tune aid will lake up res (1 1 ce to LAmhe' 1 wh• re he has bough' x home. Mrs Ilobne' health Inas rmp",v,(1 tan shierehly ' II is ever 411 years Sm0e R-e..Mo Holmes entered the nnui0'y M"Inv old h•ien'10 ill Brussels and Ineal!ty will *8)411, Rry and Mis Holmes romfortab'e yearn in their new home A 1, tta t' tine W R 13e rieo f;u, 1 feud, B1101111(1. former'y of Ilan' 11 under (lite of Merck q 11, atm. , wile' thine, S11,s;-'P (lie is Leal Sp 41,1. weel her and )n1' l y sh,ubs and 11000 ale iu binnm. No doubt a few cold d'.y ore still in store for Canadian people,. I an, sending a copy of the bails Telegraph, the newspaper having the largest C the world r t Irculatmn t t it is 014)(4 Aside from this the paper is, 111Aneeerl 1 % the oldest and most 110110r. ed 0f Editors nn(1 tts writers are noted for bath fluoney an(1 sat1ndness of Ju(g- nieet. 'rhe nn)y-difference I have le express Is the polities but 'politics dere at present 11118 a similarity to Canadian affairs just previews to the last election *Ole Liberate etand)ug for the peolrles' welfare (melee* the landlords het ltampper13)1 In cerrving 0313 its mans by ihr.it iah (Ifil 'ttliv which no one seems tin MOW hots tndsni Willie . HAIR UI SM'i Dlt AILI OMEN IT BAB TO OE MIMEO Heir often cutitiettes 30 live and rne. lung after the (heath of the body. But it is often killed through ueglecL or misuse. Ahunst always the tvota1411 to man whose hair is falling out, or is stringy, lll'alese and dull -linking, ix entirely to blame les, cense of not giving it proper cave, IL is easy to take care of the"hair, Use 11 astutely Hair Beanti(tel to (make 11 gl,lssy, ti(afl. 0111(3 silky', (1)3(1 liremony Shaulprin to keep 11)1+1. laud 1 eoalp thoroughly clean. It is delight- fully p311uuted with true lime, Sprinkle It little tot your hair each titer berme blushing it. (Joinable le no 1141, and will 11311 change color of hair, (1331.4hlrkei gray To keep pito' bruit' and setllp elan - 111•1111' Ir,e ,Lad clean, Ilse 11(11 wooly S.1 I11)1: -u- '1'1,14 pure knit! abnlupon 1110.1 t:olivi'uia•ul lu use, giVIllg an 0181 ,nttauielure club, t'nauliog hither 11uu, immediately itenetta les to every )1)1rl of the hide told selnlp, inerwheg quirt., 1l,,, ugh rlirais1113 111101(0(1 1 1)1i' ju.t. a, (meetly, 1lie entire ''per- (((m,, tlal(1',, 01,18 I( few moments. (kenning nothing that (.1111 helm the hair, arid leaves no hittslulexs n1' stickiness, Both pi eparatione come in odd - shaped, very 01'na0ne1Na1 bottles, Leith sprinkler tops. harmony Hair Benutitier, 81 00. Hauvuany Shampoo 50e. Both gnat) 11ee'd L(1 8)11(0fy you 111 every nal), m et ur money back. Said • only at the more. than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in thitown only by us. F. R, Smith, Di nggist. REy. W. McDonagh, of 232 Pearson Ave , Toronto, celebrated his 870 birthday a few days since about a dozen ministers beteg his guests. While he is in the best of health ordin- arily he is a cripple and confined to his room, an injury ile sustained to bis knee some tears ago keeping him con. fined. Mrs McDonagh WAS formerly Mi.. Annie Rosa, a one time resident of Hrueeels. Why Cheat Colds arc Dangerous, 'l'lley lead, to pleurisy and pnt'u• Illlnht. Pnliow 111e 1Ld11Ce of W. H, Vowels of Powers Corners, Ont., who says : "I used to be subject to at- tack,: )1111! although 111sed1 most evely- t bin nailinging elievedq quickly till I discovered Nervilioe. 1 have nsed it for pleurisy and sure cheat and f"nnd 11 just the proper 1tiuK F(0. lune ,ago 111' Neuralgia We quirk as light- ning. I cheerfully reeouuneed Nurvi- line. " Strongest, clew test, most pails .lestroyingliniment on eaatth is Poi- son's Nervtline, 25c bottles sold every - e1 het 0. A letter from Los Angeles, California, from Miss Emma Wacker, formerly of H,tissels, says in part :-We are delight- ed to get TUE P0.,T each week. I' has a familiar lookalthough so many years have passed since we left Brussels It still sounds good to us Mother 3tu1.I are both well. We have left b"Artling at the beel and have gone to house. kerp'ng ' We were 8 years at the hotel but while I liked it mother slid not, You better come to the Beg Fair in 1915. Heprng tins finds Mrs Kerr and your- self in the enjoyment of good health, Yours Sincerely. MISS GERTRUDE Ross' CLASS WIN- NERS -The Prince Albert (Sask.) Deily Herald of April 60, gives the fohowing sport in which Miss Gertrude Ross, daughter of D. C. and Mrs. Ross, Brussels, carried off the honors at A Physical brill competition The first amulet physical drill competili0ns Held in the city under the auspices of the Strathcon8 Trust Fund closed at the Drill Hall on, Saturday afternoon when 1110 lower grades of the public schools of the cite contester) for honors. First place was WOO -hy a class of . Grade 2 anti 3, hu0s and girls from Queen Mary school .8 charge of Miss Rose. By virtue of its vicbny the cla50 now be comes holder of a.speoiel trophy along wish Prinuipel'W. C. - MairiotI Selaeeof Grade 7, -hois and Rids e1 C'entr'al school which won oltt 111 t)fe senior. Wlmpeti-' tions. three weeks ago. Saturday's competitions were' in reality a 40litfnll- ation'of the junior section ct mmeniced a week • previous when children of Aredes 4 and '5 met in contest), anti at the close of which Miss Headricit's, class frotn Queen Mary school was en- jeying a substantiallead of points. Grades t and' 2 were taken in con• junction with these and after careful adjudication second place Was given to Miss-Headrick's class while Miss Foster's class of Oracle 2 .scholars from Con- naught ec110o1 seemed third , place, The complete results are now as fol- lows : ollows: Senior class comp titian -1, Principal Marriott, Central: 2, Prin- cipal Lewis, Connaught ; 3, Miss '1'!na McGregor, Central. junior class com- petition -1, Miss Ross, Queen Mary 1 2, Miss Headrick, Queen 'Vary ; 3. Miss Foate', Connaught, That the competitions have been an et qualified Mitt'eaa goes without saying Ito• the children of the various schools have. hro en Ih, mashies heart and soul _into then' tank Keen r'vslry has. sprung p he'wee,: 'Ire 111 as N it -sill' mid the r ' novae. n e :'1 111, di nit pt.ve a •n' i01A 01 muse:, 111 tat* trench of the. 41.11 1 ,m. - - ' • Morris SC11110f, l)'mom F,i)lnu ice is the rep I 1 , 1 I l,•,s i' Ni oto 11 I ex. (11133„ r... ,s ' '13 10 a .1, 1' V \ . R ' 1S7 )11 11. r, (l4 r I;,,1t 14' l 111,I1 'I`n ' 08 idly h .' -n) 112 (1+1.1,.'1 Fe n 62 11.1' 'Bio 49, Vey ,n. ),-1111.o.. 373 )r 11 -- Spaelnitr J.01,1.1 1111 74 .I11,11ot rh.ase i10). halts 13'Ines i e'x'minn 1b.,,. I1. Mo13lt0, 1''•. ('her (ioderiCh Bowling 311111 Ines 1.135)1)liz'd The town hoteliers olid luuoln are - Inerrhalrls have adopted the cash system of doing 1, sinees •ahc1 slay it 13 0rl141 fltto, Godeeieh 1,11111341 nn expending81400 to' install wnl(. 111,11 light for 'the *,,)ll 11)1' camp TI I jet ( u rue:,r obs mild ti"t this 1•,111' 111' ',i' 1(11 , fret's th pay inulf, OF OGLE AGE k Mrs.DoucetteTells of her Dia. treasing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief, Belleville, Nova Scotia,Can.--"Three years ago I was suffering badly with what the doctors '111111 }1111!1 tj46'1;llp�I' called Change of 1) Lite, I was so bad ;' that I had to stay in bed. Some friends told mo to takeLydia sii;' E, Pinkham's Vege- !':i!I table Compound and it helped me from the first. It is the only medicine I took that did help me and T recommend It You don't know how thankful and grateful I am. I give you permission to publish what your good medicine has done for me." -Mrs. SIMON DOUCETTE, Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation,hot flashes,headaches,back- aches,dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks -before the eyes, irregu- larities,' constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak- ened nervous system. It has carried many women safelythrough this crisis. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkhaln Medicine Co. (eonfi• dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, reed and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. It cost the town ' about $130.00 to send the delegation to Ottawa. Dr, Si•nug, IOHpeclil Tom and H. t "di -legatee en from R. Lr 111 t 1101.11esent the (marl Public Library 13nl11 tl to the Provincial Association (meeting at '1`oron tn. Thursday and 'Friday, April 30 and ;Rey 1st, the \\'ext• 11111'1111 Tea(.hers' AHsn11in(i1,11 will hold their t1.11 1111E1 1.1111 Ventl"li in Victoria. Srh.'nl, Gude. rich. when Prof. 71 l'Cl-t'lL(I y, • Director of the Teaching of Agrir0lUn'e in the schools of Ontario, will be present And deliver it 11IIIIIIle1' 11f practical address- es 1111ng this 11110. IIN'T GLOW BAUD Soo Parisian SACC If your hair is getting 1Lin, losing ha mama} valor, nr has 111;11. teat t ed, lifeleHH apt] 811'ttggy 3(ppearcuec, the 1'331081n11 iH evhleut'-daudrull' 1011(1 reil- 11t(s to keep the 111111' tome properly mime: rel Pal$xinn Sage applied daily for It week 1111(1 then oceasi0nnlly ie 1111 1 hat is needed. It 1.1'1113100)1 d,u1111 nf1 %..lib one application; nhuns1 iomedieiely atop8 fallieg hair aid it head l' invigorates 111e x(ILII)1111(1 171111PS dull, stelegy h,lil' Heft, abundant, and mull Tutt with life Equally gond for men, women, or 0111d 1eh-every"ne (leech it. A large bottle of Ills delightf111 heir Louie can be had reran .lits Fox or any drug 0.13(1,11 el' for 50 (mute. Y: in will x11101, like Parisian Sage. '!'here is no other, "Just as good" --grey it now, Grey Smoot, REPORT,-Pollnwllig is the result of promos iO1) extune. in S. S. No. 6, Grey. The names are entered in the proper classes for alter Eaxter : -Ent -G. Anom, 11. Hall, ei, Hnll. Hr. IV.- Total 725 Paas 435 0. 51100111110 441, Jr, IV.- 'fond 725 Pass 435. 18, Ames 531. Sr. III - Total 000 P1188 090 E. Lowe 409, R. 3,tcklin 445, W. Hoy 437, 0, Ale - Callum 893, Jr. IT[. -Total 025 Pass 375 L. Sinclair 530, 0. Hall 424. E. Somers 414, T. Jacklin 407, I. Rase 375. Sr. II,- 'Total 505 Paas 330 L Lowe 406, J, hltu'tio 390 Jr. II.- Lyla Ames Gond, Sr. I -IT. Rose, S. Rayn'u'd, M. Jaeklin, G. Lowe. Jr. I. -E. Hoy, L. Hose, J. Ravnard, A. Martin. 1, FaAiS, Teacher. Atwood . -Spring Show last Friday, Hugh Richmond was Napoli' led Oollecto' of taxes for the township of 111ma for the 3713(11' 1014. Following olHaers %vete elected for the Bowline Club :- Hol. -President, L. Pelton 1 President, W. Blackwell ; Hon.vice-President, A. M. 11veet011 ; Vice -President, Thos. Dirltson 1 Secretary 'I`reaastu ee, (000. Loehhead Auditors, E. 11. Swing and R. A. Thompson t Hon. -Members, H. B. !Murphy, K. 0. M. P., Jas Torrance, M. P. P., and P. W. Hay. The otleers of the Foot Ball team ale as follows: Hon. President, U vice -President, Gen_ Lorl,h1'eu1 ; Bon. c e -President , Hugh Porter; President, E. 0, 0ng11110 ; vice -President, E. 11, Swing Seeretil'y, M. 11 Morrison ; Treasurer, L. A. Valiance ; Manager, Jas. A. Robb. Maonging committee cousista of Pt esideut. Manager, Oap- thin, Secretary and T. G. Ratcliffe, Ground 00111)Dittee- Jas. E1 skim:, Oleve. Riles, R. Banners, Randolph Erskine and F. 0,ulter, It was de- cided to enter a team in tine Inter- SPeCial suits to Order, 018 and urp eFret.+3tttttttve Wanted T have many mail enquiries and calls from fere for Semi -,toady Clothes. I want a local Salesman to join me and make money in selling Suits in town and roundabout. I provide a complete Tailoring Outfit; wherever there is no merchant selling Semi -ready Tailoring on account of the close -to -cost price and aha: label in the pocket, a splendid business can be dont'. It is easy to ook orders; the order forms are illustrated and descriptive; 380 cloth samples—all English weaves of the finest woollens. Perfectly fitting Suits can be guaranteed; delivery within a week. Call and see me, or write me at once for full particulars. I can make the position permanent, and you can demon- strate the market for high-class tailoring at close profits. Murex G. HAY The Semi -ready Store, iss ironae street, Toronto mediate series of the W. F. A., to be composed of all home boys. Ditto. -At. his home on Saturday evening Alexander Forrest passed peacefully away at the age of 56 years, 7 months and 2 days. Owing to ill health he was compelled t0 sell his farm a few years ago and moved to Atwood with his family. Although able to he around he never gained hack his health, and during a walk Saturday' afternoon in Brune manner fell into a ditch bark of the cement mill and before t•eaelling home he became ehilled which caused his sudden death. Besides a devoted wife he leaves a daughter and a son, both at home, One:, sisters, ono brother and an aged mother who live in the village. 4 ted flour this.oven-tested � Buy Your oven will certainly pro- duce more bread and better bread as a result of our oven test. From eac'1 shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a ten -pound sample. It is ground into this'flour, hi four. W e bake bread from PURrrupIf this bread is h in se g g and'lar in quantity we quality „eq Y use the shipment of wheat from \ which it came, Otherwise, we sell N. it. le The baking quality of flour hid under this name is therefore ani► exact certainty. Buy's and bent. ! �./ "More Bread and iietterAread'r and tt Better‘'z-._stryToo" 627 ‘,/ O THIS simple rule of health is daily called attention to by every deetor in the land, whose first question to the patient almost invariably is. "Are your bowels regular?" Yet there's not one person in fifty who this fooli.:lllect is nine -tenths of all ill -health. neglect takes proper care of the bowel ,.. % ,nd tile. 10,11111 of g p if today you are unable to free your body of waste natter at the usual time, or.if the act causes straining, pains and discomfort, don't let that condition OCola1 again tomorrow. Unless your bowels can carry away the waste materials left after food is digested, deem y sets in, the poisons of which, taken up by the blood, increase the risk of Typhoid Fever, Appendicitis, and i. -any other serious diseases. In treating constipation, there is a right way and a wrong way. The wrong way is to take harsh purga- tives which even though they do clear the bowels,'cause griping and nausea, injure the delicate tissues, and so disturb the normal functions as to cause the return of constipation. The right way is to help Nature to produce natural movement, without pain or discomfort; by using 131 ti. More Than One Hundred Million.. Were Sold Last Year This enormous quantity was used with good results by busy men who suffered from constipation, due to lack .of exercise,Or indigestion caused by overwork—by children whose parents realize the harmful effect of com- mon purgatives—by old people whose sys- tems cannot stand anything harsh—by women during pregnancy, and after child- birth, hil-birth, when any medicine with a violent action would be particularly dangerous. 1N'a; ny of these people are your neighbors and frea ds. Ask anyone who has ever used them—they'll tell you Rexall Orderlies satisfied and helped them. sat "see -t w ,• r , a'f w 777- S-7,74741417Cr77.tr: •—a gentle laxative in the form of a c' -n0' Il t c -110111)4[ tablet . (?110 of these tablets eaten just: he10'i'e i')1.. ; 1:, l'c (l will 11013) to restore your bowels to r>0tlnul lc+tl\tly' of (1 ait,a :!•hen, yolir body - tieing at rest, the )nedis; n,' nun do tax beyl tr*,r1,•. 1; t tcstll1. of taking that tablet (or t;, 3WO. if your ctl:,e is qb- stinate),your Ittocels 11'111 more est'il , and naturally 1118, vtorialag . 'rule use of 1;1 :1 t'rt't Ales , yh fora few(1'tys ,,l h..'\vaLrd wit) restore nor- °' mal regularity. Eveni chronic consti �3 e pation is benefited by them, and a, is not necessary to continuo the treatment for a long time, be- cause, instead of driving Nature,ihey simply help her to, help herself. Sold only at the more than '7,000 Rom!' Stores: and in this town only by us. In.vost pocket tin boxes, 10c, 250, 50e .This Is Our ',uaar ilatee— Yo u spa Nooney If Itexall Orderlies do not make your bowels act right, tell us so and we'll give back your money without asking a single question. There is no red tape to this guarantee. It means just what it says, -, You sign nothing. We won't hesitate, or ask ,you any ques- tions. Your word is enough. If Rexall Orderlies do not do all you expect . them to —if you don't feel better after using them and find that they are the pleasantest -acting' and best laxative you have ever used, we want you to tell us and get your money back. F. R. Smith DRUGGIST ed,lrAs'r'1" l iO.'OF ALE' — 0 BRU0SE b