HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-4-16, Page 4r� i l��1tr ala Tel UR,DAY, APRIL 16, 1914 ' Come 1 Gentle Spring, Ruston ens- it that the provincial 1,1 -1.11„113 in Ontario will take place dur- hit; next Sentiel* or the early -Fall. w TettrettaNCe people in Michigan are going into •a State wide Prohibition :campaign with 8 slogan of "A dry Re nblic IT. is a good sign to see n touch wider 'nterest behig awakened in the School nos, 'Teachers. School trustees and 'Maeente Should lake right Vold of the ovement and thereby make it an as• lei red success. • AMONG prubabilii es coneerniug the griouiturist5 of Northerly Ontario is tl311 opening of an 1 xnerinteut:li Farm ';fear ( ocln•ane, or speaking more exact $ tageograpby, Ground ting River. on the Transcontinental railway is the pro• dosed site for the new farm. It should o good • THE firming community received +l;ttle more than a "pug" in the nose by he proposed amendments to the tariff, a outlined ty Hon, Mr. White in the ,ommnns last week. We often wonder rlity the farmer M P's do not show a ttle favor to their brother agriculterists, last and West by giving them a square BOTH the Dominion and Provincial governments have made donations to te disaster that followed the New- tundland. seal hunters wheret'V so r reach, a an lives were log, the numb e ly 110 wA$ voted h least s too i at eas � Y ,g 9i to Federal parliament And $5,000 be ie Legislature. ;FtARAIeTxa Proltdfoot, M P. P.. fat entre Heron. quizzed W. IC Snider, i'ovinciai License Inspector, as to his toearance in Huron and o her ('011(1 'es during the recent Canada Temper Me Act campaign and his in erte.encr 1th --t the same. It was d, tided til' mtnMute could cult deal with 1913 Tents MI Snider play ,d his little rd thin year, I•e'lee the wheew•tsh. BRUCE 1', unto Province', 0'.u'. 1)a, ei- . mat:.l1S (4. 1,,.3.1) n9t :h-• p'o 40,1 g,-• y 0''.1d -r A, nn' t`+'. sends rev C, s +v.s the"• alt'h.111 '118 d f.31 e 5.:. ..the tag 1.•.n. '11 p t'srn •k2rtortol• 'I'1•,• :: ante to tcs hill h, tet that hteHliug'"„' h ,1 t see are n, y Ir t p Iles n omp'1: 00010 L. . a'' Il. la uar> v \T1" 3'el, is the date se) b 4 ,n le for an eve' 11 'lv al Teems p p Y urcit. 10,11140 people at the services i1 standout set by the promoters ese stir -ups should do good and mid encourage to all every-Stieday church. There's a part that must overlooked by pastor and people en the crowd is corralled. and that ighs more than is ounces to the And, ie an interest and hearty wel tie and svmpathv born of the Divine 3urrs properly the produce dealers end making a difference in the price new laid eggs s and the more ancient riely, An egg 3o days after date or io which, perchance, embrvotic !try may have already set up house vpiug, should not command the 'rket value of a positively fresh one 3 heuef(t of the new regulation will the mare frequent marketing and telly closer contact and attention to flock. Canada's egg business is a anti growing one and good will be night by the plan proposed. delegation of young Conservatives, 'resenting the Ontario Young Man ?�d Association of Toronto, waited on s Provincial Cabinet and presented a litinn with000 names asking that 9, g liquor shops, bar and club houses in e Province be abolished, &c. Hon Foy may be a great statesman but reply to the delegation was of rather vishy washy variety, a summary being ;follow,: -Mr. Fos 1 nlc the position It the Govsrument was as much 300 - ed about the liquor question as ever, t it w told be useless to proceed In act - floe of public Opinion. "We know 0 evils of intemperance as well as 80V - ,le," NIu, Foy tattled, "autl we wish as lett as any pera0u to minimize (hose ;Is, to check the n0e of intoxicants 10 dry possible Nay. Any law which we sect calling for total prohibition gild not he wotth the paper it was it'en o1), so.'the question which re tin: to 1111 is to find the best way of ockiug the evil Ido not believe that here was complete abolition of the is there would be less drinking in the titre than there is now. ebody w nihl still . he en - 1 ''n t o ':i v •1n lett t, b leg in �qu0r for l s own con 111 pi on 1 00u ,t1 resin '1)t 'he in. Tate of 1)1.11 1 p es and 1 gem dives anti SUnon coots if 1, ploy nee wish 111 111':11 1S 3.111 meet et, ten anti 111e 3) 00111,11110 1111110 " -111:(1 Mr. It 5001 ..11(11 he Govrt()Mott had e,. taw qn 'l :Psislpol:u uhrler con-. le3a'iau -'n thy,•, woe ll'r ni a pose.. n t,; utnl( ,t -.Nemirow ,.n le :431)3 et the 11t(sent lime" It I, a It•'p,fu1 ,rt of 11 10(0.11 when the gn,ng men both 111rt100 stand hehhrd the ;Nuys irreeptetive of l.arty lunttlall. NERE°S GOOD NEWS FOR DYSPEPTICS We have good Clews for every person in 11113 tuwu 0111(1 has any furtu of $tnulath Rouble. It le about a mutely for indigestion and dyspepsia that we have so 11)11eh 1'11.11 1n as to uffee it to you with our pereoual guaraolee that it it does not relieve yon and satisi'v you 111 every way", we will refund the money you pttiel for it without question of etegutue.I4 of any kind. You leak nothing 1 either Rex/t11 Dyspepsia Tablets will relieve your etuulae11 ailments or the money you paid fur thele will be hand- ed hack to you. 'There is no trod tape about nut guarantee. It gleans just what it says. Your word is enough. If Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets don't satliefy you, the [Hooey is yours and the want, you to have it. asocial Dyspepsia Tablets soothe the Militated stomach, cheek heartburn and distress, stimulate a healthy seceeti(1u of gastric juice, aid i1) rapid and comfortable digestion of the food, and help to quickly, restore the stomach to a emeloltable, easy acting, healthy state. They also aid greatly in promoting regulul bowel action. Rexall Dyspepeilt 'r3blete at'e sold only at the 7,000 Resell Stores, and in Lids town only by us, i 'three sizes, 25e, 50e and $1.00, F. R. Smith, Druggist, 13ruseels. WE like the sentiments expressed by a son of Edward Carson and a nephew of Jno. Redmond over the Monte Rale question in Ireland :-"Gentlemen of the older generation, we of the newer have already shaken hands anti politics and religion alike can Only suffer from these personal recriminations and racial distrusts, which, for the most part, are merely the wreckage of ,controversies Iong since dead and of grievances long since remedied " If people could be in - doted to shake h Ild 111 the right spirit be buried o ' many an old grudge could s deep it would never have a resurreotfou. This is the day of brotherhood and ile• • spite all opposition "Love one another" is going t0 win the day. Many a cloud will he rifted 1)1(1 1011111' a long borne burden laid down when this spirit d ,mivates the world Standing field Crop Competition East Huron Ageiculttual Society offers $75 00 to be divided its follows : -820, $15, $12, $10, $8, $8 and $4 for the hest. Held 01 op of Oats. The Oeitat i1) DepltrtInolit of Agrieul- tur4 will furnish the judges. Nature 4)1 Coin petition - Each Society Y t e will be limited to one crop. Fields entered for rnnlp4tit(„4( roust c0llsist of tint less than 5 tweet icor 1111)1'4' than 20. O.'111petitors-Coulpetition will be limited t0 menthe]s of East 11111011 Agricultural Society. Competitors tan (1niy enter in one Society enol but one eon can be (nude by coulpet- Roe. Any individual can make en- try for this cawpetition by becom1og a member of the Society. A11 competitors west be within 15 miles of Brussels and will have plivi- leers of exhibiting sheaves atTohmito Fair and oats at Guelph Winter Fair. All applications Must be in by Mon- day, 27th clay of Ap1 il, Entry forms only be had by apply- ing t0 MALCOLM BLACK, Secretary, Brussels. REV. 1 G. POWELL MADE HURON HELD SECRETARY The Huron County Branch of the Dn11111)iUn Temperance Alliance in a speri t conv4ntinu at Clinton Tuesday appointed a Field Sect'eLar•y. A pro- posal had been made to have a. Joint Secretary for Huron and the adjoin.• ing County of Perth, but it was thought that there was as much work in the 28 municipalities of Huron as one main could reasonably attend to and the convention so de- rided, Rev. E. G. Powell, of Exeter, was appointed at $1,500 per year and expenses and will enter at once on his ditties. A resolution was carried with great enthusiasm, heartily endorsing the actio: of the license commissioners 0£ North Huron in refusing any ex- tension of licenses after May 1, and asking that deputations be appointed on tate commissioners of to wait Centre and South Hu•ol, protesting against any extension of the Licenses in any part of the County, Every effort is to be made to have the Local and Federal Governments do their ut- most to have the Cuticula !Peewee/mice Act thoroughly .enforeed and certain amendments are to be asked 101 in alder to secure 111e b-'st results. Resolutions were also passed urging tempel'auce people to go into the primaries or their respective patties to secure the nomination and election of candidates who are straight on the temperanceuestion, The President, A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, occupied the chair and air most every municipality of the County was represented. APRIL WEATHER TROUS ' RS :1'Ilybbetrlin 1V3-adeato•ltteritilti'e Trousers are always well made and honestly tailored. They hang well and retain their shape. You can choose from several hundred patterns in fancy and plain effects. Worsteds —Cheviots—Tweeds. Every new stripe, check, or plain effect. To Measure W. P. Fraser, Agent, Brussels e), ideating weather following into those regions , Mutely, behind the th s try) unto y I sun ms. S+ rev n: 1 ' may he known. Lhrl r are no indications of ttlnlnrntnl 9(014[10111' weather rntldil ions at this blue, except pro bethililiea of veey cool nights and I'rosls. 1111 two ht three ',writings, after the al(11'i115 have gone East of given lnealilies. The outlook is for generally favorable Cnllllit1r11a for centime work. A react111ury slot 1)l period 11 ren- 1•741'hem the 8111 11) the 11111. Storni 0Ond1)100e will show enrich -el develop- inents-01)1101) warmer, Solidi winds and low bewail el er, merging into electrical91urn15 with rain, hail and wind very prnhable in \Vestey[ sec- tions as early ha the 81 b. 011 that date the moon is 011 the .celestial equator, llpproarhing pl'l'igee and frill moot on the 10111. Atntnsphel10 con- ditions will be exceptionally favorable for hail atotens for two or forte days, beginning on the 8L11. These disturb- ances, it must he ren14[hher ed, like all other 811(1113 developments have their origin ill Western extremes, e111'ly 111 the petiod, thence trltversinlg the country Y'elu 6 est to East timing successive days of the period. Wan 11) “Weather-ht•eeditlg " days with fair weather and falling tett ()meter, go before the,-111(11)41,!)1Pa:, with rising bt(rnntetet. anti clearing, cooling. weather following behind the storms. This gives melt Tonality. let us repeat as at fide, during t111' time elapsing be- tween the beginning nfone stern) period and the beginning of the next storm .pel'ind, (lest, at few :lays 01 growing warinlh, fife and failing barringee. Weeterly winds, and elem., cooler weeth1)'. A regular storm period extends A regular einem period envoys the first week In April, having its center 1)u Friday the 81,d. During the lst and 21111, marked change to wa0'tner will appear in Western regions, winds will chtulge 10 Easterly incl Smither- ly, the barometer' will begirt falling and by the 81(1, cloudiness will ensue 1111d areas of wind, thunder and rain will take app I heir (nevelt from West to hast. By the 4111 and 5111 these 1(411$ of storm 0.11(1 preeipltiettoll will have teethed the een1'nl Valleys of the M19;0110e and Mississippi rivers, followed on Western fiiauke by e14a1" ing aid mach cnolet' weather, By 111e 511** to the 7th, Stalin Metal 44111 *'013011 1OhttAttatltlo 30arit11451014e) with 0014.1 from the 18111 to the 17111. With the exception tio0 of the expiring influence len4 e Of Perth's vel (1111 equinox, Wended with the 4ubsitling Jupiter period, there are fete disluthing, clauses, beating on this and the remaining 1)0(11 is i11 April. This pelted >viil come 10 its cosi0 on and t11urhiug l.he 14111, 15111 and 10111. Look flest for the (Mange to warmer, followed by daintiness, falling bat1un'tee and rain, winking tip 1111.1i rising Imeoneetee, \1 -1st 4(1ucl atdl Frail, cleat ing Weal her. Apeit showere, [nixed with nc•atteri114 hail HtIl tins, will visit 111at11y eeeti 111: as these (1istueliatlm'$ push their way, clueing the (lays mulled, frig) West, LO East: ((cross 1.1111 country. 51(11'h (motet nights, 311.eo(lt'd by possible frost 00 et. cell 1rn1 111 Northern sec- tions, will 1111110)1' for several clays -say np t0 til• 10th. A relati11)t'y storm period falls centrally on the 20th, 2181 and 22115. On and 1'4,11(11111g these days, 10(111 for a lnarke(1 return of 11111rnm conditions-- much enditions-much wet met, South winds, derided fall of the barometer and storms of thnndm. and rain. On and touching the 22dsevere thendei erects and violent, mall 1(411 stones will be very will ex 141•i411r4 611011 1' 1. (l Il l natural. S. , 1 phenomena In ynnl• own locality, OP you will Li on r ah0111 them Oil .1,11e, other 1ellotv'4 Botch. Suppose you note thi, predlclinn 11115 Ivhtch. A ream heitu'y 411 )1)) peeled extends Over I. he hien' week i(1 April, having its center on tie 2011: .The Mercury period titan blends with this regulae Vulett.ti period, thus adding to lite pr'nhllhClit.ies 1,f worse Ilam. o•dinary April sh1wels at this time, 'Phi.; monies nnnj)nui1011 with earth and sun, w11i011 le the new 100011, falls on TIIE FORL) — The Lightest, SurI'st, Most Economical—the very essence of Automobiling-'-and all Canadian, rd0D1f.L T Runabout f. o. b. Fold 011 Lat)1( J. H. GALBRAITH, Agent, BRUSSELS Paper r tinging Eggs far Hatchin4 1 malt'ruf xs'Att of Wliia,+ isletlate ,•i 'teem hip „f 6,11201200ertletiettflt, John Lunn Painter, Paper Hanger Grainer and Decorator A Trial Solicited 11 st-Claes Work Phone 41x - T homr11 Strreet, l3rllssels Oe00®1 e,e®If00Cthp''�e8 meeesese ® Harcn e or or Specialty re Farm 0 BRUSSELS ,;1 Brooder of 0 a es Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks 9 and White leghorns These birds have proven to be. A Winter layers. Eggs ream any • ® of my pens et e g $1.00 for 15 or $5.00 per 100 : 0) Ohae. Oroosflold, A18 Sleeker, Q 0 11Alitnagrr. Qtt•Uet. •111B OO OS 0000000000000001100s1.0 the 25111, with moon travelling to its i North declination. Thr temperelture will rise at the beginning of this prlied, 1lie h(Lreun'ler tti11 fall and 11 1 \ l l 4'.11 •1114 1 " e L, 81•111.2I l I t l m , 'I i n e, v e s 11 b Hi I remit 1\e I t Eton. A t, y 11.11 111.11 W111.1111 11 utll leach a crisis, ellhtlihating lei H„rte lumens of thus diet, rain, hail 1111(1 whirl from the 28th to the 201 h, These slot ma will he followed by high barometry hod very 1lght4-frost to the Northward 1 as we pans Into Steyr. The first aelslnie period for April is evident 1111 thy• 1011), extending frog) ahem the 7311 to the 12111. The quad- 0(11ure8 of Maims an the 1011) and Neptune on the 18111. will increase the seismic strain at this period. The second seismic period in -April will' be (111111311 nn the 25111, reaching from the 22)161 to 20111, Blyth Miss Annie Taylor, who is teaching at A01011, Ont., is h0111e for her vantt- tioAnconn. r the 1)t Etas le victims is 1517. McS(iIlan. 'The'. 1'l(ill(1I' Lhttt he thigh t• go 10 Clint 00 hospital Ln be 1110sse1 over the ailment is not cc—meet. GRAND 11I ASTER AT BL1Ta.-:The: lilyth 0)15F lItws' Lodge held a gala night in their vomits Tuesday evening, the wmasion being the visit of Dr. Coo Mend, of St. M11) 3'$, Genial Master of Outarid. About 211 br4lln'en in ail 01111,1110N rrprr)enla1iv4) being present front Clinton, I3,Orefield,• Hen:all, Dungannon and 130119801s. '1'111, Inoue 11(551' - 11(1611 red the fleet degree on a llMiley 111 It splendid manlier and wee highly eomfnented for its FM0(4le11t 11(11'1• hod s4rret work. Gimlet Master in his address took up the secret work of the 'Order and showed a ('0mpnehensive idea of it. ile is veryanxious that more uui- foetntty in this work shouid prevail atu"ngst the differetlt ludgee. - D 1). ,\letatel' M1'l'aggnl't gave 1t short ad- dress on the Ivotic in the diet•ict•. Grand Representative S. A. Pnple- stone gave a splendid ameountof the work 111 the Sovereign (rand Lodge. AiARRED-n (1(1(11 r tie01 Cetre er- aL4 11(1111131(105 the billowing Remittal of Ilse nlarri1geof Mist; Zolla Calder, 'L fin1nel Blyth young lady 3-011 Saturday 1111.011 14111, iv Mount For - at, at the hone of F. A.. and Mrs. Lewis, WItte'100 eI1.04t;'the 0111 riaga of Mies Zeile Gamier, daughter of the late Dl. 11111 Mts..D: D. 0e edet', of 1311'111, to W. H. Green, of 0(tigary, tett) s)lett111ized by Rev. W.' li. Hart- ley, ,f 1)411.1111(11, fllfnteely rentor at Blyth. At 1 4I'eln111 the pride hand- somely attired in white satin \viii weedless of embroidered chiffon and c)11(3)ng It sheaf of r08ea, entered the deeming 0"(111 on the eon of her br111hee-inday. F. A. Lewis, to the 83('ni11411f he Wedding Mith,-pleyed Inv het' sister, Sl his Ell nn (110(1(x, The deems, Lions were ctunietl 0111 in 311111mid whiled cal mll ttlna, 4)Illlax (111(1 lel n). 74) happy temple left nti the 4 811 tenni for 11141: 110)0e in Calgary, visit -1141 (1 Glliengo, Si. Paul end NIit,- etcher' al Ent 1Ilwvt Irmr`k1T1:i,; .t B1ayYourS k. ends From a House ' ,i of PRESTIGE ) ./ �j41;` There'. o bis dlRvence ern 10 twecn B e , , l bou9hr from kt csaab thoss. bong SIb me11 and thea bousht from n k:. house of no particular pres' III [lee: to 1.. Sow to Brown Use our !1t k e e t o d sceda. Write for �� itandtorne Illustrated Cata• t: love A post card brtnaa w,. It by return mall. Valuable 1?remrom l:1. A With your first order we ,�„ send you. absolutely fre01 o1) tlti.. attractive pre nI 1 la 111 See J' page one of our CanloauC Darch &Hunter Sere Box 1224 London, Ont flegal atralll White Wyandottes 11114N,s, 1 & 21(11141.•1 111'12 pullets i1) en011, st healed rutin it flock of 80 mei maned with tt ('1el( bird and r(1c11rel from 920 toll 912 1g}; revert] hens. Ponos Nns. 13 C i enmisl. of 12 pill - leis iii vmt'1>, selected IS nil balance 1)f Int -Joel.: mill mated with cunt bird r+,l r.,•rl.,rel front 1!101 ruin lilieeeneti 1'11•. Provincial farm Strain of Bred to lay Barred flocks Two l0' 1 • :'I ,elect 141 pillets -remit it 4dt 1)t WO alit! 111..l1 011 11iti 2 coelcer- els of heavy 1Jlyin r 11111111.4, Grey? in the (`ouuly dl Huron, Province ofOnta to, N+rnte•', rle- eensed 1 Nutteelahereby elven pursuant to Fee- 06, 01151. III, or the statutes or unterto, 1. Geo•ge V, 410(11111111mons Moine un3 01,11', ng31)153 Gingiva.. William Kine,11who 1; el ,•11 or about Inasen1) 1))41)1oet prepaid of or oris deliver it 1110 Itell1'.•r l Soot t, Brtaselx Putt other, A gen) for John lilag. told .teh,1 Itnt uv0'113114141,111'.11.11: Tal Or u 1,611r/1'0411 tha rate u' n l' w i l l i, m Mmes mml addiottecto and full In etieularx 111 wrlttne or thoir•elenei'• 4 , 14018 the Ilrs1 My of 111ny, 1114, s1101.which dote the said Rxrratnrn ' winprlseed to di trihtlle tilen,art., of the spiel deceased among the pnrwono entitled thereto Intl -toe regard only to the claims of which theyahnll then bavohm! not1ne and that they • will poi, 110noes ter th” setts motet' or any ( 31nhnEi oohou ner ptndfwhw ('lanhen flstod at Brussels 191+ tient Any s(April, 11)14. P, Sewer, Agent for Executors Eggs per setting of 16 1 - Peu 1 White\1`vundnttra ,......., $2 50 ®r 1rr. a Sale Pen 2 2 0(1 Pen '1 •' ".. 1 50 i 1)I'' Pon .1 " 1 W - Pens 13arted ilockcs 1 W Valuable Farm Property in the hi of Morris 75% 100001 y a1(11 square ileal guaran- W ed. .Only a limited quantity nl' \Vyandnite eggs for stile rip to May1. Riverside Farm Phone 66 or 24x R. THOMSON Brussels. • was of Copenhagen crepe 1.10111 with hal to nletteh, A11)01}st the guests preatwt 1'00,1) h distltnec were Rev. rout Sire, Ha1)l(y, 0111 111111) t Mr and 111 Collis, Lon•loo : F (- tris.. , Tor• cwt.' t d , C. \I 'rheum:ai , Stint - (mu ; .tit ..1lgIu•;, Jai vis , .111s, 1'(101', 111%141111.4i. Coca illor Choler received word 111' the death of his brother, Jimies, at Claremont, Utah The tato 111r. Qar- ter, who Mae i1) 1115 68,11 year of his age, wits horn in 'hick Plena111 J'own- :a.ip'1' b.,.• his -lwyh,., 11 dn.) well. w ,.'Ile c f Blyth ,1, 11 ,1 n r i 1 1. I 1 I e no 1)l 47 el � 1150 mud Nn14 11110 f It y t 111! 11 I 3 \ n boil le Illi mill bidet( 1)t 1 t 1 111 1 it here, knowathen 118 the 1Vhinh4al 111111 Lett yaar he visited his brother here: After leaving lily111 he resided L) vitelmna planes but fort he that 1111r11 - her of years 11110 lived 111 Claremont, He leaves to 11)0)11)1 his loss a wife, three sous alai one daughter. Does your Heart Flutter 7 You 1)1(011' heau't t1 ening cleans you're not as well rte you should be. It's all evidence of impaired 110010 tool inesculee power. 7'o (1a1'11(1 cut e, ti•y' Ferrozune 1 it. }1119 11 allte'ial net ion 011 the hetu't 1111 00011 ill 1110 ('x131 oaf Thos. Quiver or Cole Harbor, N. S., who says : "Ir i exerted myself it would bring palpitation. TO carry any heavy' weight or go quickly up. 5111110 00111 pletely knocked Ice 0111. \Vhen bad 1tutuks 1.1111( 00 I 110ed i1) I 111 suer v fear of sudden death. I't � gave mt• heart the very as8ista114e it need- ed' and now I tun quite well." Lor Inoue' 01' nerves it's hard to excel Fee - ermine:, 50e per box at all dealer[. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills owe their singular effectiveness in curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of stimulating and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organs to thoroughly filter from the blood the uric acid (the product of waste matter) which gets into the joints and muscles and causes these painful diseases. Over half a century of constant use has proved conclusively that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills strengthen weak kidneys and U Cure Rheumatism ile A good supply of 3, 4 and 5 inch Tile still on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Henfryn Brick& Tile Yards BOLE & DOUGHERTY, Proprietors Attention of the formic Community y I have full lint's of the tai snit) 1\;;- 0X"11110111 Implements in 511.)11 111111 sin (.1114 Ir, supply the tweets of till on 111101'1. notice. See one Steel Low Hay . Down Loaders Spreaders They (01) '1 be beaten, Nigh Grade Pianos Phonographs Sewing Machines Stock of First-class Buggies Homestead Fertiilxer is I.he hest: oil, 1114 market,, Oct y4,111, :empty now end be ready for Hitting mowing. Ir you require anything in tiny line ling phone 8'2 o1 mall (1t -toy wa)'eroom. yon ave always welcome. S. Carter, Brussels Towns p Thera will be offered for solo 117 Pal1li4 A0etlon on Tuesday. Apt it 28111, 1.)4 at 11 u'elo.k in the forenoon, at the A nla•ienn lintel Brussels, by vb. ltie of n Powe). a3 811et contained In t( esrtnin mortgage which will Le produced at the Hale, the following proper- tyT;- he NFolr(B01fofLot 01 0f the mid, 'l'own' In the Fourth Conces4ion of 1110 said Town- aldaof 3(0(•014, eontatnhlg one hundred acres - more or less. Thu following inglrnvcmenta are said to 115 on the property ;--About 80 acres cleared; nbnitt 26 agree slash and pasture land; balnnes mixed tinder; Ing dwelling with. framelean- to • ean•tot ",nno hark horn Ytnnet foundation; (sun, I . 10. 1".:11) 10 en or. 110112 P111'11 • , •1 o, th'• pnrchese mm 1.l In h.- e• Id d w . 1111 111" doe of sale. Far en+s :a to it, 0111 he node known of the +flit For farther t 2 tinalnrs anal' to 10305 & LEONARD. 50NARD, Solleltoro, IH Toronto Street, ol'o, or to 10930 LEt'K1E, Eat(, BruTaaelns, tmOnt, Hog for Service e for s vine0.00 The undersigned Morels, will keep n n r at 1 f 6 1 16 lige 7, rimy Il then noted Hl(lll '1 1111 Pedigree finy bo s, en on nnnnrxtim, Trues 9) 1.0 pa amble at tit u of set vieo wl'il privilege of returning If neoe0s1111. P. SPARIZIN, 20.4' Proprietor, The People's Column Y01)11(HIRE sOWO FOR SANS -Thom' bred Yor0sld re Sown, mulling first litter, for sale, Terme to snit purrhnsrrs, .1 AS /WEIR,Phone 108, Lot ae, Ont 0, Norri, PASTDRI01"ARM TO R1)N'13.--One or the best 1011 erre farms in Gray to rent. Lot 22. Con. 0. Running Spring writer in trough the year r01n" and lots or shade, will rent to DAVID) 1117 NE pl h 1, Ont r lmy, Apply OR SA f,.-ouse and Lot situoted nu Lot F EH 1, Con 1, (trey Hoose 1s 00 x 00 ft. Stable i s ll 24, with anro of la(nd. Or will sell bmlettg without hand JOHN WRIGHT, Brussels. F011 BALE. -The undersigned bosh gnnullty of nuts for rale, Phone 12 on 110 remnant ('et,1,,d DAVID OI OUT(IHEON, Mo. Killen Twp., 40101ton P. 0. FARM FOR SALE beingI01.tl HOP of Lot 20, Cott 11..Grey township, Huron (lo., eon toinhlg 311 neves, If not sold by the bit of April will bet rented. for genes 114 the 19tan. 15 seeded down, On (110 aronisas Is a frame house tmd re good wood steed, hank barn with stone stabling and orchard. Good wed at the hoexe )11112 n spring at timbal -n.50 verse clear- ed, 233 miles.. from Ethel Mallon, 1% miles from school and chnrcll. Possession cal bet given litany time, I1 snap for quick nate Ba'the - proprietor, Angne l'nmpbell, is in the West. For further partieulnrs apply on Lot 20, Con. 10, Grey, Monerieff P, 0 e' phone 4701. .TAMES 8I0KAY, e0. FARM FOR SALE, bring MULot 13, Oou. 8. Norris Township, H00011 00 , contnhling 100 acres On the 311 entsen is'a good 0-rounled. name henna and woodshed, bank barn 90x00, straw shed 00x611, poultry house 15x40. and mg ren There 1s considerable timber on farm Lonntion 1eabout in mile front church and s0ilool For further pplwtieola•P apply o11 the promisee or to RO1T, NSW(`0MBIO, Blyth Rural phone 619 R. R. No. 31 Blyth STOREHOUSE FOR SALE OR T011ENT.- No, 1, Produce warehouse Int pelmets Station G. T.11. Norpar138tienOa1,Il4 apply 10 .1. li:, Braal.xlx. 1.----DAI( LAWN FAR1m" FOR BALK.-- c The undersigned offeivefor Rale Ilia lino 1110 Bora ferns, being North Bolt Lot 20.Oon. 8. Morris towualnp, Baron 00. Nnrnl is Ma good Plate of cultivation, well fenced, and 1101) on it a ileo briolr 0.,1100 that mint $0,800 Good lawn surrounded by ostler fledge Darn 02x 80 feet on stone fonndnteon. (good °echoed and 10 acre•' of hardwood bush Farm is only a mile frena th0 splendid mnrnet than of Brussels and is 134 miles from school, Good commun- ity. PosHelsioin nt once For further particu- lars, price, torus, tee.. apply on rho premisett or to .101510 MOON MY, Proprietor, Sentinels P,0. t9.4....�..d\..,nh....6...ste.-r6..4...4L-41..edb....A. C.' W. H. LQV.E .� r Director Funeral r ® c o and Embalmer , , 4 Orders pr(IpIly hod vale -' filly' attended to night4•1. day, Pion( 2.28. 1 F_ TF -1 L, CANT. `JI COLLEQE AT HOME sem.-.:.•s.o•..+w.m,...®e.. Thousands of eimbl1to on young ileo• pie a•1. fust peel n11ng 1)l their own 1111111es to 01n0114y 111.111,11vl 111,v1t101(01i11 Nn.aa 191oleo., book 101021.11. plows, 11111 'ter "ante, 1'cE every either() of netivittee, fog mos, rtdsl1 at nonage 11 yyou sd wish, P,1P111e10 8111,1 an toed. lgalercollege, tiny any. - Indi- vidend-inatrilntion: Menest t.Rolto•s 'J1hb'ty pen's' experience !hyaena trniner0 in Daman Seven colleges. S iaeihl bows() 1'01' teachers. A f1lltal eel with Commercial Ramon. tor'a Asxoolntirn, al (18111100 Nun 11'(10 School 85 Marmon') Spotto513na11,008 001. 1020, TL011do1. Winghem Business College 110.:'"An'rmAttyy W, 111 111,, T, . Preaid'ent. P14nripal.