The Brussels Post, 1914-4-16, Page 112 ). 42
W. H. KERR, Proilte or
New Advertisements
eiip-4 "1"le
13 ri W
). R 1 1,
IP.. net) W le • r110000
mom, ri, 1?WI'S
It sin r41 run P0),T.
N0.1.0)) li A 110D )11 d &C.)
Egg tai1. trldnr—Pio pont,
Eve. f hit 11 g-1 A V. elwy
,711 stri rt ams
Mts.; Oota Forbes is home for her
Easley holidays.
Miss Jennie 13. McKee spent the
Easter holiday in \V hi1 by.
Ines. 117. A. DUIKI(1/1 Spent ilinStar 111
Toronto with her daughter tied other
J. Dennis has LI1S 1040k all home rot
his new veilidence which lie expects to
build this &miner.
Austin and Miss McLean, of Damn -
ton, spent. Easter at the- home of W.
N. and Mee. Kneelitel.
P. 13. and 13 is. Gtiedi tier and
daughter, Teta, visited with Mends in
Stratford over Sit ndity.
The Box Social held Thursday last,
melee the atiepices cif the 1,eiteintry
school, was a geeitt, succeed. Pt o-
eeeds amounted to over $50. Miss
Brown is to be complitnented on the
excellent peogett in,
Ai, parties Indebted to R, A, McDonald &
Co,. ate asked to arrnnce settlement on or be-
fore AprIl 211th,
C. Black spent. the Easeer holidays
in Totena0.
P, Jeschke visited friends. In Detroit
during Santee holidays,
Miss Emma and Chris. littetlew
went to Stniefotel on !recede y.
Missile A. Pnecietand J. Menefee are
home horn Nneinal for &eget,.
The Mises Switzet. and Mi, and
'IL's. Pollard spent Easter week here.
0, Procter and his Moeller of 13e1 -
grave, were visiting le lends here this
811.. And NIL'S, Naylor and chilcit•en,
of Seaford', are visiting relatives and
f deeds here.
Menary has purchased the
old wagon shop Lo be used in et -acting
it house on 1115 91.11 con,
ells. Urquhart and dtmgliter, of
Owen Sound, and Gen. Berry, of
Orton, were Easter visitors at the
SCHOOL EXPORT.— P11011101.11011 ex-
aminations. Pass 60% Honors 75%
Senior room. Jr. IV o Si'.
Kreuter 75, Ida Hittite'. 65, A. Knight
62. Se. III to Jr. TV,—Evelyti Baker
71, R. Hunter 65, E. Baker 61 je. 111
to Se. Knight 68, J Stnall-
don 61, lef Stella') 50, A. Speen iig 48
Junior enom. Sr. II to Jo M.—P.
Schnook 70, H. Pennington 60, G.
Alderson 57. Ir. II to Si. 1I.—E.
leitelt 70, P. Aldervoit 71, L. Knight,
08 L, levainev 71, L. Beefelz 62, C.
56, le ep trail 88, L Baker
45 le • .1 0 48 Pi. eieteti ti.
Speletut..A.. Sparlittg, st Better.
1 It Tortvux Prin.
F. A. 1,01.7feroet, Asst.
SI uevale
MATRIMONIAL —A quirt lett polity
w emelt; was tel. noosed al the limit'
O l\ m awl Mrs. Meelieintel, Ole -
• on Weiltiesdity, April 8111, at 0
o'clock, when their eicletit detightee,
%de, %VIM tIllited 111 intieviage to Hugh
Sitinintini. The wedding pat ly took
their places in the parlor to the
straine of the wedding netech played
by Mrs. (Rev.) Cooke while Bev. J.
8. Cooke spoke the Mystic words that,
united two hearts in one. Bride was
daintily attitecl in a dress of white
embroidered voile with neck frilling
or- Brussels net. After congeneu-
lateens all sat clown tea dainty wed-
dingsupper. Guests included only
the mmediate flintily of the bride.
'['he groom's gift to the bride Wits a
let or Trish table linen and to the
organist a table service of hand paint-
ed l'elpott china, The. many en esetits
received by the beide tee' ify to her
popularity tooting her friends. Mt.
and Airs, Sitinimon will reside 11.1.
I•ers, Lowery; of Seaforth, spent the
holidey with her sister, Mrs. Sprout.
Mrs. Oharlesworth Procter spent
Thursday with her friend Mrs. Dan.
Geddes, Lontleeboroe
Ales. L Coultas, of Toronto, was
vleiting.. her brother, Jas. Anderson,
5th line, Movris, and other friends at
Belgrave during the past week.
A. large congregation should avail
themselves of the opportunity next.
Sunday morning of hearing Rev. MP.'
Boyle in Knox church speak against
"Illillenitun Dawn."
_Misses Ruby Mid Irene Clegg are
visiting under the parental roof for
the Easter holidays. Miss Ruby from
New Dundee, where she Is teaching
and Irene from Hamilton Not mal.
Milts Bella %nolo, of Belgrave, an-
cotupanied by Sproat Whaley, and
Miss • Nellie Anderson, spent the
Easley holidays with her sistei Mts.
Routledge and other feiencla at Sea -
Mos. Sproat recently returned from
lethel locality where she had been
visiting hey friend, Mrs. J. McCartney,
who passed away last Thursday after
a long illness. Interment took place
ott Friday 111 Brussels cemetery.
The debate which was given in
Knox Nevelt last Friday night on the
subjecie "Resolved that a poor man
can do Mire With his genius than a
Neil man with his money was de-
cided in favor of the negative by ie
siuitll margin. Willie the judges
were giving their decision P. W. Scott
•••••••••••••••••••e•eese• co••••••••••••••••••••••••
• ,
I Lion Brand Clothing
••IAN • HEN you buy a LION BRAND Boy's
VV Suit you get the most cleverly tailored
2 and the most distinguished Boy's Cloth-
• •
ing made in Canada. LION BRAND is in a
class by itself.
It is not intended for people who look for 2
2 price only.
2 Everything about a LION BRAND Suit
4111 : is good, just what should be in a Boji's Suit,
a- , •
••-,..,, 2
,-, ,
• The Linen Canvas.
The Hand'Shaped
and Lapels.
The Double Seats and Double
Knees in the Knickers'.
, .
The Strong Linings.
ne And ' the big, easy, roomy -fitting Suits make
s LION BRAND Clothing for Canadian Boys
naturally very popular and in big demand.
The Soft Haircloth.
The Fine Padding.
6 , •
0 . Easter holidays.--Setnitel mei Mee,
O Willis, iif Lottdon, twiner Yeeielvas
* 0 here, atinnitneed the inaveitige of theit
O oill daughter, Allwelet eud to
ett The Big $tore, Brussels Y,
Weiler' T, Wytitie of lege% sole %Ail+
took piers at thole home on Attie' 80).
4) Highest P1100 for Butter and Eggs; " • 2 —Al iss Lulu Rol hevfoi (1, (if Gerold
5 Valley, Is 'mine fie die 'leveler race.-
0 epateeeteeeeremeogegomeeeteeeeogmeeedisieseutee................. tioubaqiulltuti Inottleoft, Of Chute.
presided and vocal selections were
giveo by Milers Coates, Jetioy Cole
ail TrHtiii`
L1141 811.111 Itev. 130
le 'vie pi ettelled it very touebing Ro-
tten) ft ont 1111' text "If a. teen 11III 8111211
Ilti live agate P" Boyle le an
impeetivive and itaereethig expounder
of 1111' Trot It
Miss Jew.' Hood milled cm old
1. hods here Imo si eek. Site lis re-
tie lied 110111Q to Blyt h having spent,
the ie, sv it it relet iVeH III 13InCi11/1W4
leeteciit, Pads and Guelph. She aleo
venewed old friendeld es with Rev.and
MVS. Small ab Flespeler end Iter.
811'. Thyne at Palmerston.
Mrs, Barkley, a respected resident
()I' this place, is very ill at the home of
her (laughter in Detroit. Little hope
is entevtained of bee veenvery as she
is 1141/11.11e06 in the eighties. MVS.
RarlileV has many friends here where
Ow has spent. most or her life who
',egret to iii' of tweedier's illness.
Help ave WOM11.11'S Institute will
meet Tuesday, 2let; met , tIlis
Foresters' Hall ta 230 p. Mee.
Tames Taylne will give a paper on
"The preparation of vegetables • in
sitlads tlid their value," Mrs, J. H.
Vanramp 00 "The preparation of
vegetables for the table." mem.
bees will each give . 'mine method
either in the way of growing or pre.
paving foi use. All ladies invited.
Robeet Thompson, of the West, en
old Elma boy, Mu; returned and -pine
ellfteed :141009 Kendall'e 50 acres on
Con. 4, Elem.
Report has been received of the
death of Andrew Storey, of Gaseon,
Gee. The deceased was an old resi-
dent of Molesworth and left here (wee
40 years ago.
Wes glad to see the Editor's letter
last week and to fled he is getting
Mi'. Toll. teacher at S. S. No. 9, is
spending his vacation with his parents
near Blyth.
W. E. Hanley, of the Royal Bank.
Toronto, wait the guest of hie parents
during Easter.
Win. and Mee. Tarr are spending
the Easter holidays with relatives
and frietids in Stratford.
efre. A. Campbell is visiting her
son Andy, of Stiettford, foe few
(lave during the holidays.
• We am pletteed to state that Eddie.
von of Wm. Meehan, has recovered
hem an attack if pileutimitia.
At the Mitchell Spring Fair on
Thursday JI1A. Battle was !mauled
the red ticket for single roadster.
It. was shown in a class of seven. Mr.
Raetin is a Inver of good horses.
Merchant Schnook desires to sell
the Innecrieff store and post -office end
general stnek if goods. Re purposes
removing to Illiehign 11 where he hap
1111 cipmirtonity. A nice teade is done
at Moiler ieff.
NEWSIC NOTES.--Pred. Davey made
11 businese 11 1p 11) Telma() last. week.
—IJ el. eValker, 1 Niagara Pella, 1-
spoiallog Eivitor week with his lanai h-
er nod 1.1 ner relittives here. -1\11.-0
410rtio, or exoor, 19)18 11 visitor with
Ills. T. Hemphill Au several days
ntly.—T. Unison, of Torool,,,
Agent Frailty 0. ti Sal urdity til,1t olo
ft ISIS'S 11SIM 68 I? Rae is spetelieg
the le tamer Vnlint.11111 With I P1101909 to
,elartelii.-110ees Oliten Rut bettenei
and Alva leupfer, or strai riu-d N0111011
School, a. e visititig their parents
membete of the' Young
People's Society of .the PI esbyterian
church, had a Mock Trial in the base-
ment ef the chetah Wednesiley
evening when a prieonet wee tried fei
the ciente of impoverishing his home
• and country by coliteibuting too
hugely for the support, of foreign
Missions. .A. 111.11111/611 of ;v10105889
were milled on both side e mei were
ably supported by their tawyers, 0
M.:Naughton and R. McKeielleV„
Though each nide defended thole
cause well it WAS 12 foi'goiie conclusioli
11)11,1. 1.1)8 priecinet woeld 1101
guilty and wits honmably nequitte(1.—
el vs. D. Oampbell eettil'Iled to Wing -
ham on l'uesday.. :fleet. visithig her
sister, Mrs. D, 1" pe. -8I les Caseie
Heyde. of '1'1)141'1Y.... was tile guest 111'
her mother, Mes Geo. llio PIS, over
Easter Sunday —Jen. and Mrs. flat 1.
ley, of Van kleek Bill, Etre visithig
ee I ai VI's 11) Hose ielt.—W ni. Golan er
retitened oil Monday rrono 11 VlSI 1, 1111-
(11.11 1110 parental tool' at teatime).—
Mist; Jeannette Black was 11. visitor 11-1
Toronto last week --Two rink8. ef etti.
lent frien here 11)11 22 -friendly game le
HarrieLon on the afternoon of Good
Feiday.—Miss Wenger, of Aytein, is
the gmest of Mrs, lie Davey. -1). D.
and Mei. Stwideeson visited relatives
in 'reronto for seeded (legs recenely.
—Miss Janie Howe, of Muncey, and
MISS 13eatrice Howe, of Leamingtom
are spending the Eastet vacertioe at
their home 1101'0.—J J. and Mrs. Dor-
is Vaill'iled on Tuesday front 410111
Miss Daisy Wilson spent Easter Sun-
day at her home in Britseels —3. N.
Anne was a visitor it 'Emote(' last.
week.—Mrs, B. Whitneive, of Harris -
ton, is the guest, of bee dinette, Re
and Mos. Black , 1011 Ales, 815-
ICerchey left fcit, Wombingiou lest lei 2 -
day w have they will spend two weeks.
—J, Knelt( tl, ie visiting
his ineither-italaw„ ienvire; llowe.—
Mieses D1l, Ba in lid( ge ne id Delicate
teachets, left for theiv homes 1(1
Thovold, Wat Int d and Drayton
Medley where they ttre epetalleg Lhe
worth, is the guest of his parents
here.—M ise Jennie end Harry Town
are veutore Hamilton tttis week,—
Mrs. Rebel. Balls and eighteen, of
Hoe lek, Wee e greeds or reltaiveii In
'leironto and Hamilton recently. -13
13. Rieglet., uf Hespelet turd hits, D.
K'ug, of Tilltionburg, visited their
1)13)8)) 1.8. 13 and NI ea Itiligler for eever-
ub days,—Rev, T. M Weeley, Spent
1)1,111 Thuteday till Saturday svith his
palpate at New ineeket.—Stewert Mc-
Naught:oil bed charge of the Young
People's meeting is eminectime with
the Preeby idiom dumb on Sunday
evenieg, He was assisted by Burns
Moffatt. The topic was Rural De-
population, -e -A. redeye show held in
the Tit we Hall on Monday evening
was well latetitled,—Rev Mr. Roberts
of the Epiecopal church, preached a
sermon to the members of the 0, 0.
Ile Lodge on Sunday afternoon, taking
for his texe. "I ton the resurrection
and the life."
Peter and Mrs. Jackson, who were
Yenewing old friendships here, left
last week for their home in the West
A number of men are being placed
by D. Smith 59 helpers for the local
?ateliers. He is the Government
Ernest and Miss Hazel Wizen, of
Cilium, were visitovs with Herbert
and Mte. Maiming. The ladies are
Misr; Matgaret Caldhick, daughtet
of Sheriff George Oaltibick, of Halley -
1)21)0, is visiting at her uncle's, David
Smith's, fith line, and with other
An auction sale of the Willows
Farrow 10011010 farm, 81.ti line, will be
held at the American Hotel, Brussels,
on the forenoon oe Tuesday, April
28(1), 111 11 o'clock.
There should be a large 11st of Mor-
ris farmers in the Standing Oat Field
Crop Competition under the auspices
of Emit Huron Agricultural Society.
'Elie growing -of clean mops is a wor-
thy ambition.
We are sorry to hear that John
Mooney, 1111 (11(1 and well known resi-
dent nf the 5th line, had a stroke of
paralysis Wednesday of last week,
effecting his left side. W. R. Mooney
his son, of Toronto is home. It, is 10
be hoped a change for the better will
speedily ensue.
Mts. Harvey McGowan and children
lel't for tittle home at Keltield, Sask.,
test Fyiday, afeer an extended visit at
he home of her father, George
Henderense 81.6 line. Mr. McGowan
Ited preceded her a few weeks
011141008 With 12 car of stock and
other effeets,
Sowoor, REPORT.— Promotinit
,exattiv. S. S. No, 6, Morris, Honore
75% Pass 60% 1V to Sr. IV. -
81,114' ROWIIIII.11 67, Gettle Bone 61,
Sam, Yitill 60. Jr. Ilto Sr. —
Harold Sett1ees 60 Se 1to Jr. 111 —
Norman Sliest. 69. Jr. IT to Sr. IL—
(beat Roue 83 Eitel Settees; 69, Lillian
13 Ilei. 60. .11- f to Si' Il —Sem Rare
BEATRICE, NI cluRRY. Teacher.
SCHOOL REPORT 1-12'iillowing bs
lie result of the Easter 11110-
111001111 111/251111llat1(1118 held April 718,
8,11 avid 9th foe S. S. Not 4 2 --Front
le IV to Sr. IV Total 700 Pees
420. Honys' 425.—Clavton Jordon
562, Annie Thuell 510. Penni Jr III
t» Sr::'Voted 600 Pass 896
Hotiones 495.—Wesley Meenteheon
550, Hera Gray 460, 'Prom Sr. IL to
.le III. Total 600 Pees 360
lemming via—Susie Lattimer 520.
Helen Scott 460, George Oakley 430.
Cote NI cUutetwon 325. Jr.'II—
Harold Smith. Pt. He Good—Oa vim
Smith, Hart V White, leehriain Parish.
L—Excellent—Ella Timell, Verna
SicCutchecitt. Good— Charlie Smith.
liotili. 8th nee, Mortis township, at
5.30 p. m., last Saturdity, the summons
1.1) which none cast say Nay came to
George JACIV41111, alt old and worthy
resident, and peacefully he tespotided.
He was the eldest of 0 sons of the
late John Jackson, who died over 30
years ago, and was born it, Yorkshire,
England, coming to Canada, with his
pat ents, when Meta 4 years of age.
The family lived near Elmira, Watee.
too Cie, for 6 years and then took up
200 acres of bush lend, Lots 18 and 19,
Small half Con. 8, entries township,,
whets many a strenuous day was put
in in converting the ravine into tillable
land, About 42 years ago deceased
lit tight the 100 ;owe farm of John
Morran, being North 3. Lot 18 Cele 9
and elioetly tense married Miss Jane
Litidlaw, of Tnekeyettah, and brought
his bride to the newly aceptived prop-
erty. Hoe they lived, labored and
peospered until the subject of this
entice was called away to a better
place than the best earthly home.
Three children .weee born to them Ine,
all (lied in theie infancy. In menthe'
to farming operations Mr. Joe:keine
following teaming and citepenteving
and many of the 1)011809 told bents
Mimes stand today as symbols nf
work welb dotie. For long years de.
cooed was an official member of the
M(11110(14% church and did much by
word end deed to feethet. the interests
1)1 tlie Jeekson church. SAVV1111
I (n1111.1 Mr.' ;Nekton sat at the te1111111-
eipal !lotted tte 0outinillor and render-
ed faithful service. He WHO III/01 Of
01. I OV(11. Vend y to fetid
at 11331111; 'his judgment, was
1 iti el y 11,2 tholightful huSbitinl
an A 1 11165111 OV 11116 honorable in MN
(lealingS. Ills life might be safely
eopied by many a youth. Last 1>861
Jackteine, health showed hurntiv.,
1(1011 t end 111)0111 Develtilier the ce 1190
W88 diagnosed as 01311.01' Of III1
sIn,tinh. NV it eti eppeieed of the ti 18
notelition he Nattily etiticipeted the
end 1111(1 see his teremesa Wane in
melee. A t Limes he aoffered eon-
eldentble »MO -awl he felled enpidly
the del f'11111114 1>1111 0,1115V8
11141 %/IMPS (411(1 11 011114 Of Moil19;
Jim, and Peter In the We14t 1 and
Wine of 131y1.h, and-the111(24139105sietees hies, Wm. cCall, MI'S, 13.
Feel 21126 Mre. A, Smith, peeing the
petit few yeare Ale. and Ales, Jtiekson
took several extended pleasure tripe
im•luding one to Califeenia and an-
other to the Great West, They
were meth in one another's company
tool ite a consequence Ales, jeckson
will feel the lose all the gmee keenly.
Funded was largely tatended and
took plane Wednesday afternoon,
Rev. (ledge Jew itt, deceased's pastor,
conduceleg a very appropt late ser-
vice. Interment was made in. Brus-
sel." cemetery. Pellbearees weee 1—
.1. R. Bell, Thos, Marshall, W. Skel.
ton, W. Taylor, T. 3. McCaughey and
John Jackson. Deceased was in his
68th yea:. Widespread sympathy is
extended to the beveaved.
SCILOOL ERPORT.—Followilig is the
result. of the Promotion Examinednes
held in S. 8. No. 5, Morris ;—Ent.
Class-- Florence Procter 80. Gordon
Ferguson 76. Moto Jr. IV to Sr.
IV.—Oota Armstrong 86. From Sr.
III to Se. IV.— Myrtle Johnsoit 80.
From Jr. III to Se. III.-111aucle 13e11
69, Edwin Martin 64. Front Sr. II in
Jr. Hr.—Violet Andersen 75, Ernest
Martha 62. From Pt. II to Jr. II.—
Nellie Andersen, Mildred Russell,
Nora. Vancarap, Willie Stubbs,
Angela Kelly, Lulu Peocter. From
Sr. I to Pt, II. --Wilbert Procter and
Roy Armstrong. From Jr. I to Sr.
L—Anna Kelly and Weide Procter.
.be: el. FAILAX, Teacher.
SCHOOL REPORT.— Result of Pro-
motion Examinations for S. S. No. 8,
Morris :—Jr. IV.— Beneetine Belle's
81, Medico Kerney 78. 'Levee Tityvey
70, George Brewer 61. Charlie Sour!'
61. Se. III.—Cameron Mustard 70,
Cheerier Bosnian 69, Elva Warwick 60,
Cora Souch 60. Jr. III.— Going,.
teen 85, Ethel Gazelles 82, Feenk
Derides 77, Wilmer Kerney 75. Sr.
IL—Harry °erase '75, Elmer Furber
74, Marjorie Grasby 70, Whiffle Allen
69. Jr. IT.— May Warwick 157,
Alfred Johnston .141, Fred. Brower
Jim Turvey 138, Jack Allee 127 Jr.
Pt. IL—Janet 511ioVettie 169, Lillian
Garniss 160, Walter Sellers 159.
FtItSVI. Mustard 157, Bertha Soueli 157,
Adella Turvey 148, Charlie 'War wick
126, Doris Allen 90
P4. E. FaYxoettee, Tea
Oneen's VIcToRY.—An event of
letesb took place at the home
Henry and Mrs.Sellers, '8iel Hoe
Morris on Wednesday, April 8111,
when their youngest daughter. Ethel,
19115 united in raiwriage to George
BMW, also of the 8rd line. PIS/MIA ly
,at,3 o'clock the wedding party elite] ed
the parlor to the steams of the Wed-
ding March played hy Mts. Cooke,
Rev. J. E. Cooke, of Bluevale, per-
formed the cevettemy, le1
who was given away by her father,
wits daintily attired in a deem of 4105
blue brocaded umusseline with mine
mings of shadow lace and crystal.
banding. She carried a, shower bo-
quet. of white carnations. After con-
teralulations the guests, numbeeing
ale mt. 40 repitived to the dining rode
where a tastefully avragned supper
07It5 Revved. Mr, and Mrs. Bone ee-
ceived mitny beautiful and useful
preeents testifying to theft, popularity
emong their friends. They will re-
side 00 the 3rd line at present.
Groom's girt to the organist was a
set e.f cut glass salt and pepper
shakers with stetting silyer tops,
. Mrs John McDonald visited het
sisteet in Toronto lad week.
Miss Eden McLennan leaves this
week for Auburn where she will
teach sehool. We wish her vnecesa.
Russel Love, of Ingersoll, Miele Ella
Henstild, of Charing °t1114% and Moe.
les Mr:Leeman, of Tovoitto, visited
here over Nester.
Daniel Eckmier, of Clinton, was
renewing old friendship.; in end
about. Ethel over Easter. 11 18 10 cii
12 years since Mr. Eektnier lived
here. lie is well pleased with
uitit of Mrs. C. Etaytutrd died
recently. She was a Blanshard town-
ship pioneer and was in her 88th
yeay. Her name was Mrs. ,Tolinston
Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong pre-
deeetteed. her scene years ago, An
adule family suevivee. Mis. Arm-
eleotig was a fine type of womanhood
5116 118(1 a wide circle of friends.
FARM Bouteiree— Arch, 1 Mc-
Doald has puecheeed what is known
as the Robert ROse fawn, being lot
23. Con. 5, Grey, and will use it foe.
gilizing purposes. The sale was merle
hy F. S. Scot t, of Eleussels, . and the
piece paid $2,625.00.
*School will ve-open next Monday,
James Smillie 111113 been melee the
clod cites care of late but. will ;mon be
able to be ebout as usual.
We are sorry to state that 81.
Alex Gardinev lied the TuNr.,11111..,
rrnrtorp a1 Unit) while getting out of
beet: y. May het, rtnewery he eye (is,
nith, daughter or IV. 11 mit
Alva Shoetree() has boon 84'( ev
but we are glad to report con,liler
able hem ovemetit is now evee i
and we hope speedy bon valeseenee
Will PlIfitler
Feegniseisen and Miss Ic .1e
Tette'. left on his 11 etlt
foe Provost, Seek , 4 here Hwy I/111,
00141 ine king their hrane. ' 811,
r/LVC11111/1 VS011 preceded them, , We
'wee) there pensperity.
°Whig In the itirliSpoSil ion of Rev,
Mr, Page, Me, 11,1111e, of London, was
the twenehee last Sunday aft memo')
n St. George's Mimed). while Mr.
Page vestrieted himself to offieho i lig
111. 11)14 Holy Cotieettelliti.
The annual vestry meetitig wee held
Motiday 1ncomiection with St.
George's chute!). Reports or (4115108
Wardens told various societies were
Very satiefitetovv. T. Holger was an.
mint ra Routor'i Wn111011 nod Joe
Peopit't Witi.tieto
C. Case WAN elected Delegate to
SeefOOL REPORT.—PtilloWing IS the
reeult of the Ziemer Test Exams.
Settler Room S. S, No. 11 MOISib.
75% )101101.11'0, pass 60%. V,—(3. Mc-
Callum 78, G. Waghtten '75, Sr, IV.—
E. Waeleirti 82, R. McOallum '78, A.
MeLaughlin 77, F. Bennett. 66, M.
Edinunde 69. Jr. 1V.—L. Knight 52,
E. Knight 51. Sr. Ill.—Madeline
Ryan 77, Marie Rya» 70, G. Miller 88,
le. Stioldiee 65, B. McLeod 48, 0.
Ryan 46 Jr. I1L-16, Shorereed 77,
K. McLaughlin 64, 0, Bolger 54, Hat-
tie Bolger 62 Harry Bolger 43, B.
Amdevemt 36, Sr. 11.—V. Olark 07.
A, McCallum, 65, Be Shnldice 60, 11.
Hauls 59, 13. Ryan 57. Jr. IL—L
Edmunds 72, N. eicLitughlin 70. E.
13olger 62, O. Mame, 40.
Next meeting of Lhe Township
Council will be held on April 271.11,
'rltePOST telephones are No. 131 and
82. Call us up if you have a newsy
Miss Bertha Armstrong, 10th con,
has been quite poody from an attack
of mumps,
Mrs. D. Marsh has returned from a
vieit u?8 weeks with her sister, Advs.
J. H. Coughlin, of Sagluarv.
Spring work is now claiming 'the
attention of the farming community
and the rush of seeding will soon be
Misses Jessie Menzies, Teeple Dick -
eon and 011it Aelust.rong and Harvey
Hoover were home from Stratford
Normal Schou! to eat theit Elute'
Tno POST is pleased to state that
ex -Reeve Jas. eLeateibull is somewhat
improved in health and IL is to be hop-
ed Ite will continue GO gain mail fully
Now is the time to vend in your en -
Mee foe the Standing Field Crop
Competition being deleted on by East
Huron Agtinieltural Society. Oats
will be the dem again 11119 year.
1V. J. Hemingway and daughter
(vete visitors at Witighana Gime!
Friday. Mr. Hemingway sr. of that
town WnS MIMI visiting his sons in
(4rey township clueing the past week
Mitia JeitilieRands, teacher, is home
from Govrie for her vacation. She
ball very unpleasant experience foi
a holiday or any othei time roe that
matter, a bielditig in one of her eats.
WV WW1 her a speedy velease.
Cann ox THANR8.--8Ve, desire,
through pity columns, to thank the
many friends and neighbors for their
'natty acts of kindness and sympa-
thizing words svhich has helped much
to lessen one burden all through the
serious illness and demise of he:theme
and father. MRs. EDWARD BRTANS
Owing 1.6 the resignation of Miss
Kate Telfer, as teacher in Puttee's
sehool, owing to her intention to go
West, the . Trustees have engaged
Wilbur '1')) '01)1111, snit of Olivet. and
Mrs. Turnbull, 16211 Oon., to °deplete
the Levin. He commences work next
Monday. We wish him success and
hope he will enjoy the work.
Sonoor., ,Reerozer.—Results 01 pro -
'widow examinations of S. S. No. 3,
Grey. Nantes arranged 111 alphabed-
eel order :—Sr. III to Jr. IV. ---Albert
Oardiff, Jas. McFarlane, Chas Smith.
Si'. 11. to Jr. III.—Annie Deitner,
Willie McDonald, Willie Smith,
Mary Young. Jr II to Se. II.—Chas.
Deitner, Rov McFarlane, Elsie Smith.
Sr. I to Jr. IL—Willie Bishop, Clifford
Onediff, Elizabeth Smith, Cameron
Strachan, T. AntesTudeer, Teacher.
Sonoor, Berme -- Following is a
eepoet of the standing of the pupils
in 8, S. No. 8, Grey its it result of the
Promotion and Review examinations
held on April 7th, 8th and 9L1e Sr.
IV.—Toial 760 PASO 420 Minnie
Barron 439. Jr IV.— Mabel Car-
michael 433, Flora McLean 420. Sr.
I1L—Total 860 Pass 396 John Mc-
Taggart 428. Jr. III.— Total 625
Pass 376 Alex. McNabb (honors)
J411108 McTaggart 447, Sadie McNair
438, Adrian McTaggart 424, JO1111.8
Oatenichael 412. Jr. 11.—Total 565
Pass 339 John MoNttught 260, Pt.
IL—George Monett., VelIt McNaught.
1)0. I.—Fergus Mnaggatit.
Kerte Isrerent,
week 1.1113/ Poem made a brief re-
feyetiee to the demise of the late Vino.
Ilatemati, at Toronto en the 2nd inst„
14, his 81st yea,. He died ttt the home
of his gi andson, Joshua Attwood,
with whom he miede hts home. He
lied been ill in February but had' rale
lied cotisidestably and was only ill bed
at dee .when the end came, Heart
trouble Wall 1.11V (1411130, Eintentlan
WAS born in Englund where lie vette
;deo moteried rivet, 60 years ago to
Elite Blackwell toe) they Minn. to
1171,1111 atunita eolo. erten- They
qv; (1 nen) 881)12 (19 for 11. time, Ma
le iteneiti king 1 I nth omling,
57 •I ll' 11 ey ineto ed en
1, 13 0..1 then a
1111-1 )1„ 1
:,1 '..1). 8•13),,utr:).,1:1).,
th. 1 1i• 1 ) •
11,1 tv, -106 $.1.111,1'
111.41111 e ;. V; 1iort1
Il, ,' 1 ,'.i,ye01,1 1).101114021
1 0 I 110 lb 11).111v, 1101 1
helot tuilt ott f..til) When lite late
Rev. R, Pent was pastor year
In Intel, voile Lite etiteleet of ibis.'
notice alive himself with the 13(115(1-
11,1 Allay. '111S sons Were John. of
Bruesele 130e1(0ut, of Tomtit() ; Henry
niid este; deeeased. Mrs. Hervey
Attwood, of Brutieele, turd 8118, F.
Pi 01111111, Of TOI mite, are the deugh-
tees. Mis Atevond grit to the Queen
City before bel father paceed
away. The funeral took piece from
Brueeels G. T. 11 depot Friday eh
arrival of the 2 p. 80 Ueda.
Bev, 13, Wisti onneleetet1 the tete/lee
and 111(1 pallet:etre Were atitittet Mee
IKay, Jno, King, Peter McArthur,
Geovge Tornbell, Jesse eVilbee and
Robt Dougherty. Interment was
58120(4 311 the family plot in Brunetti
cemetery. Mrs, Freemen, Joehutt
Bateman and Joshua Aetwood, of
Toronto, accompabiecl the remains
from Ts/retitle, Deceased was indult.
trued', thrifty and of It sunshiny typo
and had a wide circle of Mende.
We are pleased 1.0 1355 Hugh Lamont,
10th con., able to be ebout once more.
He was a prisoner to Lhe house a
good share of the pest Winter but
his health is considerably improved
now which will be good news eo many
old friends.
So89001, REPOR/L—The following is
the report of the standing of pupils
in the uniform peotnotion examine -
done in U. S. S. No, 12, Grey & Me.
%Mop. Class V.—Total 900 Reeds
675 Pass 540. Donald Buchanan 574,
From Jr. IV to Sr. IV,— Total 860
Honors 887 Pass 510. George MUD..
say 688, Ella Case 511. Front Sr. III
to Jr. IV.— Total 850 Honors 837
Pass 510, Gertrude McKenzie 620,
Lisabell Suiter 586, Nelson Fulton
581, Jim Sauter 532. Front Sr. I to
Jr. II. ---Total 750 Bodies 680 Pass
460. 'Jennie Ritaie 668, Ruby Mc-
Rae 574, Johnnie. Seam 622. From
Primer to Sr. I.—Total 600 Honors
875 Paso 300. Angus McBee 446
Kittle Williamson 384. Primer Sr. --
Clifford Ritchie, Mark Hamilton,
Willie Sutter., George Williamson,
J, B. ROBB, Teacher.
The Pancake Social held in the
school -room of the Union church last
Monday evening, under the auspices
of the Ladies Aid was a success. The
pancakes, as well as the maple syrup
and other eatables, were first-class
and were heartily partaken of. Fol-
lowing program was 1 endered
Hymn ; prayer by Rev. I. A. Mc-
Kelvey ; solo, Mies Bertha Speiran ;
gramophone selection, Wm, Kitchen ;
solo, Hartley Menzies ; reeitadon, ,
Miss Mary Meehan '• instrumental
quartette, M PRIM 84 Frank Boyd,
George Evens, Melvin Cummingsand
Will Speirtut ; solo, Mabel Speiran ;
'Peel tlari011, Mis. TO111 Doberty
gt amophntie select id) ; recitation,
Mary Medium ; quartette, MisseS
Lams, mei Myt de Speirtni and WIll
end Alex. •Speivati ; reeltation, Mrs.
Tom Doherty ; solo, Havtley Men-
zies; instrumental quartette. Pro-
ceeds $27 80. A very social eveting
was brought to a chew by the singing
nf the National Anthem, &lid the
Assessor for the Township of Mc-
Killop, IlaS completed the assessment
Roll for 1914 the totals of which are
as follows ;—Total. assessment, $2253,-
620 00 ; on Lands $1,695,44600 ; on
Buildings $556,575 00; Businees Assess-
ment $1,500.00 •, Income 5100.00; value
of Churches, Schools and Halls in-
cluding lands $42,600.00 ; No. of child-
ren between 5 and 16 years of age
318 ; Population 2,068 ; No. days
Statute Labor 3,299 ; No. Dogs 308.
81. RIIIRDTB, Clerk.
April 7t1r 1914.
To the readers of TRH POsZ—
Accompanied by Mts. Kerr I ar-
lived home from my 4 weeks' stay at
the Gnat Hospital, Clinton, (or as a
friend writing me styled It "The
Gunn Reconstruction Camp") on Good
Friday. I said Good-bye to the
hospital Thursday afternoon, at 4 p.
in. and we made a shall, visit at the
Ontario street Methodist ehureh
parsonage, Rev S. .T. Alii, formerly
of Brussels being the pastor, and at
the home of J. Leslie 11ert. (our sot)
with whom Mrs. Kerr stayed when
tenet the hospital. Friday's 11 a. in.
train brought us to Wingham, ar-
riving at Brussels at 3 p. m. We
were fortunate to have with us as
travelling companions Rev. Flo Blair,
of Wingham, and D. Eclonier, of
Olintoe, en route to Ethel, who lent
us Valuable assistance in getting on
and off trains. Reaching J3russels,
through the thoughtfulness and kind-
ness of friends, a carriagewas in
waiting al, the depot t0lid on being
riven nine found fires on, ks12bie
boiling and table set with a nicely
prepared bill of fare. We said "god
blsesoentilarefokikitsidspLyeciii;11%"posT jaff gob
along so well without the Editor that
one promised bodily preseece will be
like putting 5 wheels en a wagon.
Nothwithstandieg thie I will lend
looked ahem by the various puttees of
the inmates of the lioepital are well
tne,tie, litt.„ hand.
veteransMethodist ininieter of 80
Clinton, while Rev, Mr. Dteene,
Olitirri011 ill "OW WO1Ild 1)5'14 ilk
yerl 1•8, hold.; a Joint eVeslii rebe-
1 neglected to say last week that
' Tee Noe Eva kept MS 441
saltpli011 2(1 v end. 81 e
er% ,nanin s and 1,1)0 elde LOP ,.4• I( 4,
11011AV V181101.. calling fet gii. es,
eve) y any.
Of ('111 '1, 1 WIt glad to gel ,1•01.0
,120/. ))).) nie1 1011114' 0821 1111
it 0501 tlii ty tie lye; oe
1..1:ilotie,"1:1)11011,1113tte 1eeetr.:el peel; yet 1 :egaiiimg thy
horn IV 85 lorrellI, With best Wishee 10
Tim Poste veadete,1 41(1 11i..xvieoitten,
Booele tied tie world honets with vote
kismet, tied you've on the shelf, fot tile
world gets sick of one who'll leek, end
With011 he'd kick 1) inself Roc', end
the world boosts With you. boost evilett
It stern; to tale, df veil beppen to fall
don't lie there and bawl, get ap and
boost agate, 13cost for your owu
vancement, betiet tot thinge sithiluse, foe
the clifiti tha 's foiled oe the to Meat
tonna Is l banister avow