The Brussels Post, 1914-4-9, Page 5JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS Business Cards
a „ aPt CIVA (e CE
p°$PdcZsPIP 0.1V Ifni@ Sacinealor to AI. 11, Moore. OCioe at Ander.
sou drue. Livery entitle, Brussels. Telephone
....._ I Nu, 69.
Bnohelop of Dtedioine, University of Toronto
T U13L.To, ETO,
PilOunrooT, E. 0, R 0. BAYS
J. L. Ii1Ar,OnAN
Mines -Those lormerlyy oa0UPled by Memo
Cameron ds Holt.
OAa)li0n, Oe9'A1uc
For beautiful
booklets showing the
luxury of tho largo
Allan Liners, apply
agents, or write
ue direct.
95E145 St.W. Toronto
Agent Allan Line. Brussels.
'5,1A kaasea4ts,at.sAte,4Nagetaasvas..S.eas..
Before you Step look Ahead
Before you not, plan end atm high It 1,
yoc nim to get A Superior Duolnosn
Education you will be looking to. ۥ
ward the
0I The School thathna lhj4ftnblt of doing y'
e class of work that >Oeu.o the stamp of
•'Sanorinrity " Olen 1111 r p ,'
F No Enter y
• any Huls, Handsome OPtelOglte eonE �,
on , oncost i,
;; Cot. Yong midi t W. J. ELLIOTT, ,�
a Aloxnnder Hco. 1 Principal. F
r4'a Ali E'a 1P,Pr-Vita • Rt'aPt7tW9WWR7a rOZWP:'
tl� J 1/
( Become n special... in Bu-Ilee.x. 1t
- Q oilers more opportunidox then any 1
,; other nailing 7:o reap the fall .meas•
ore of nuccen. you Nuel have the best 0
Q hopo xlblo training Thal is (mtnrio'H
rst Buxinens school We give in. 9
t divi(Ilm1 attention. You may tarter our
01..a., n
x t any time. Three r
1'h I D un
�o S t
G, P
menta,. 1,t' Write
ono. 10 and Q� Telegraphy Write at ones for our le
))1i free °Malacca
l D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal.
YY,W0 a✓ 1/497M.S MS74 VA SYMI.VMS'Mt,3Y,'v.1YArii
f Enter
•3 Busfness1
D Listowel
Any time
Grow with us. g
For part(00(060 nddreHs-
Vs1aS x?rvrna4a'ay.'��r� zcollcQa'VxrSVtma'!>�
Best Brains
In Canada have participated in the pre-
paration of our splendid borne Study
00m•nae in Banking, 3emio lien, 131 eh."'
Accounting, Onn, mercial Art. Show
Card Writing. Photography, Joulnnl-
Isnl,'ShortBtory Writing, Shorthand
and Bookkeeping, Soleot the work
w111011 moat intermits yon and write us
for pnrtIonlnrs, Address
391-7 Vongo St.,Toronto
Licentiate end Graduate of the College of Phy•
010111101 and Sargeons, Ont. • Poet -graduate
Uhi. ngq;Tye, Enr, Nose mid Throilt licephab
Uhlcaxo, Int fix•Iionoo burgeon tp St, nlluh-
061. Hospital, Toronto,
0(1100 over r', R, Smith's Drug Store, Tele.
'none a0nnoetlon with Urnnhrook at nil bourn,
Inohelor of Medicine, Unlverafty of Toronto ;
doouthlto of College of Physicians told Sur-
'euns, Ontario ; ex•Senior Boux1 Surgeon of
Visitant Hospital, Torobto. Offices of late Dr.
A.MaKevey, Smith Blook, Brussels,
Rural phony 46,
M.B., •M. O. P. & S. O..
103 Blom. street East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
alnlcul aa-Ieto,t in Em', Nose and 1hroat•tle-
arta.ent New General Hospital, Toronto ;
'oat Graduate iinrvard Medical School, Bose
on late 9rntor Resident Surgeon Mops, Eye
q 4111. infirmary ; Inas Clinical nxsistant in
9oi,e and '1'(r' i,1 deportment Utast Gen Ens -
null : Into Hone Surgeon Toronto General
In'pitnl 1-, In Brussels by appointment.
'hyslatan and Surgeons Pont Graduate ooursoe
Onndon (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hoe-
'litale. Special attention todiseene of eye, ear,
'tone and throat. Eyes tested for glannes.
G. H ROSS, D D.S., L.0 S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur-
renn.ofOntario and Graduate University of
[`oronto Penalty of Dentistry.
Office In hard Block, Wingham
Phone 240 Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario 9
College. Day and night onlla. Glace opposite
','lour M111, Ethel.
Personal graduate Department of Opphthal-
lology, Ma0ormiol( Medionl College, Chinese,
Hl., fs prepared to test 1.3.1311 and lit glasnewnt
1110 cribs over Grswa.-', Restnrirent, Brpn1019,
m Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
reek Office hours 1 to 6 p m Forunoo nr
,y appointment. Phone 1019.
will give better satisfactio,, to hath buyer and
than any other Auot(Oneer and only
-•large what 1" reasonable$111114.4 I reds stook
ulywhero In Ontario. pore bred etnrk 11x10* n
*nada Wr.
Write or 'phrens 2µ.Wroaeter. •
Girls and women of all ages want
to be betlutiful and uttraetive, but tut -
half ly, thin Ila p'e pretty
destroys EVERYTHIN
hull' the beauty 0f a pretbq face.
II' your Bair Is loshig Its ultimo.]
coin,', is fulling out, dull, streaky,
full or (ittntlfulr, too (h #,}•, o1' If the I For YearsRestoredTo Heal
,pualp itch** and burls do not be le I f
lartned, use Parisian Sage, Rub it by Lydia E.Pinkhan•I's Ve
well into the scalp, It will gu right
to the hater roots, nourish them, and
' stimulate the hair to grow long and
beautiful, It tettmees dt6nc1('eft Willi
one ti•ilplicatio)I, snoops itching 11(1.11,
falling hair and lnelkes the head fuel
Purloin') Sage supplies the hair with
what is needed to snake it soft, fluffy,
thlelc and gloriously radiant. 1t is
sold in filly emit bottles by Jas. Fox
and at all deng roomers, Look for
the trade 6)1!6! k -"The Girl with the
Auburn Hair." Accept no other.
6011ic1) Is a genteel decrease from lust
year of 80,817 96.
A despatch flour Ottatta say's :-
The military opel'tttions will take plate
Ude yea' 11 oat August 17 to 28. The
Main onion, that for 160 lural regi-
ments, will he held lit Goderich, open-
ing on the 171 h. A hveelt later the
city regilneato of \•Vesteln Ontario,
having iobilixed at London, will leave
the city and proceed in the direction
of Godet'ieh, meeting the rural carps
aid engaging in military operations
over a large area of country for four
Invitations have been issued for the
Rester choice to be held in the mu81c
hail; Listowel, on Monday evenhlg,
April 13.
UI noo 13.
Sharpe left lea week
n 1'
P 1 Toronto, 11 to whoar Ie
1 hex
position es Assistant Opel Moor atthe
Tomtit() Station of the Idydrn-
Electl'ic Power Oimmieeion of
A8 soon a8 the present class of
instruction now being held at the
Ieietowel artllm•y 19 completed the
Onlupltny is to be recruited to full
ut•I•eltuth ta(I(1 the members will be en-
titled tllall the privileges of the Lionel
Arinnieles. Shower bath, rile
gItllery, reading rooms, etc. The
Armouries will be ripen every even-
ing, with ane. night given In drill.
John Bamford has completed the
pintos a.
for the 1P•
1 e eel IPd In
L 1"tiwel 1 1 L'
r the nem. future. The de-
mitilent will advertise for lenders
for the erection of the building. The
new drill halt will likely he built
daring the present year and when
completed will be a fine structure
and a getett advenllelge to the local
omps and credit to the Milit11, De-
artnlen t,
strict telm
SCHOOL REPORT -Following in the
remits of S H. No. 6, Weds, foie the
wool h of March. Those mut ked
wigged Iigged 11110 01• 111o11'(• ex,tlltlne4111)110 :-
Examined in Arithmetic Sr. IV.-
Genrge kleAethur 60. Geography,
Spelling, Coen pnsilinn, Ari 6!Inlet ie
old {lietory-.I1' IV.- Lily ,Iarksen
_*, .
59J r. *
TFL Got S ,
a Ic01111 ono !Ell Mt
11e(1n11 74, Berl Walloon 88, *Glen
K„IIv 59. eEr11(sl Hod is 54 Sr. 1 L -
Viola 'Wynrt. 73. General Work -Pt.
If -Ross But ten 420. Mary Readmits
339, .Toe Readmit» 818 Primer -Kittle
Laidlaw 341. Most menthol of perfeet
lessors -Edna M,'On11.
A special meeting nl' HOwick 'I'(nvn.
ship Oen oeil was held In the hotel
here haat. Ftlday,
The telephone gang which has heen I
working here for the past couple of 1
weeks left for Wroxeter.
The Bell Telephone Company have L
installed I*IP(111t1118n in the re8fdunees R
of James Rowe and Rev. A. 13. Dob- L
Tho Origin of Gall Stones
'They are simply dried bile, trade
np of ceyst)81lf0e rntlstftuOnts of that
faint. Very cnuuion is this disease
among merehanls, clergymen, shop
gil'la and those 0f sodenLal•y 117tbits,
Prevention 11 CllllR• 1
Is s in maintaining
) nun
entreat 11451011 oil the liver 91111 bowel.,
wMelt is best-aceoilplishud by Dr,
Hamill t 1 i's Pills. Ni person using
this nl01dieine need free gall -stones,
note will they Orel. be bilious. Sound
1119e1tin13, good appetite, !a dell. 1'11101•
will evfd*ace the health giving
pronerLies of Do. Hamilton's Pills,
which are the sitfest and nest for
geut'i'nl family use. Insist on having
only Dr. Hluuiltnm'r Pills of Man-
drake and Butternut, 25c per box at
all dealers.
-Sea crth
()lrarles Rodolph returned from
modnn, England, recently. 1411•-
olph Rpent the Winter in the Old
and visiting Ireland, Scotland and
John Lynn, of Calgary, who has
spent 1 he 1Vinter at the home or his
parents here, left last week to return
to the \Vest.
While operating a dweller saw at
Ed. Armstrong's 1erently Jack
Barbee, or Lhe 86.11 con., Hotvick, met
with a bad ac0ldent by which he lost
the two Hest fingers of his right hand
which ,'.sine in contact, with the state.
Althnuglt the injury is very painful
he is doing as well as 0t111 be expected. •
Health For Run -Down Women
Front bile experience of Mrs. Jno.
-b++++++4+++4,+++++++++.6-4.•4+ Plcnlce, Saskatoon, nothing compares
7 4. with Ferrozone, "At times I was
I 4' confined LO my bed and couldn't do
Machine Seo `N loth teen nit' appetite
down in flesh,
'1 �,4. lot ' 60188th, all %-VfiLP failed, my
color was palid. Wenty and cast
to be opened
1 -- ''f�e-Get tic James Mach-
., flee Shop, Brussels, is t0 be
+ opened on April 0th by 0.
�, Pope & Sion, Boller Makers 4.
s. ;C and MA0111111360, (5111) will 4,
131(61(e rt 5peei111 ('i111 or 1•e- 4'
pairs to all hinds or Alto irul- o
4. tonal Implements, 56 ,ti'I,t 11- 82'
4` eey and Threshing Outfits.
We' will give cowered el.le'n-
o tion l0 Auto nilbile Re lltirs
4• • and will (Inial in all 'k hale of
`F Liatvn .h6 wn% gr11(1»(1 and
.4. set
Robot ( t 13Pnity, who removed his
family from Varna to Egnollldville
retlntly, left last week for Vitt mho,
Ont., where he hag token the position
of principal of the public, school of
that, place.
Howard Hoary, who for 9 ye16rs
has been book keeper at the T3e11 En -
ie and Tlu•18hir Works, tae :te-
nted a situation with the-Sntner-
11' Box Company in LondOi 181111 in -
MIS ,'.-Moving to (btu city shortly,
Alex. Lowery, who has been fole-
tut in '1'he Expositor °fine for
veral 1,'ear5, has in company tvitll
8 blather, Gen. Lowery, (eased the
ash faun of 150 1101.1s 1111 the third
Ilneltei011 of M4Killnp, for three
en's 3( id will beat a on "I his land."
\Vitt. Scot 1, of 1604 town, veveived
telegram gram) last week rot vl'rin(! the
tl 1ilelli9en.e of the death of his
t(1, Nes. (Dv ) ()alder, of (lh4ysvilhl,
i('higan, Mee. Calder's maiden
ane was Maly. 110, earlier years
ere spent on Burnside Farm, Mc -
She hots many retool lyre mid
tl !,'rids in this virility 16h0 Will
o down, it seemed I couldn't catch up, via
• 1orroznne0(69(6 dia new kind• or lire M
4 in my !Mimi, built me up, vitalized in
,l, and st1'engthetied my nerves, 11(11 w
�4 ppmtlly cured my belayt and stomach K
'.;0 11as npennil vitiate 1), female ailments. ,e
4. Send everywhere in 50c boxes ; try 1
16(18 ' 1+'Prrl'znn4 is as rebuilds( that it
gree to learn of her demise,
Good workmanship 9u1uehl-
* teed.
\V.' 5,1)6('66. villa patronage. '1)
4` Pope 8c So..
�e n�
Ni ill Stn eel:,- BI'Jsaele. Ct
++++44+++++++++++++++ +++++
OId Offender Caught
Ii11p10"ihle to escape being *need
If ygt1 apply Putnam'* 'Own Ex -
I ream Lot he ton's) ants) 011 V0001'11.
I'1ti((le84, safe anti Coot v(dy 41,-'iltl7ittor
low dt'tlg Atoydr •
It is nnderstnnd that Reynolds
13rt15,, pw,p(ietors (d' the 13ritish Ex•
clewige hotel Isere, have brought the
lfing hllwmood lot el in Guelph.
One of the 111081, )1°puhtr young men
of (1itdeeicll passed away on'I'hin'sdlty,
Mouth 191.1), in the parson of OIiestPr
It„id 1i',Irruty, 111 his 3016 vette, after a
Pang, LPdiooa illn01ss, '1'Ii, deeen8ed
1511e the only Bon of Asher IParrow,
11, 1100101.6 0.11.1 nip,
\ n ((n" P4,IP, I„ir4nivll 11 ill he els.
e,1 111 I)1 • Viol 61 i'1 On'rn li nee nn 1110
primula .6 r\g,'il 18 h, nude,' 1h1' 11118-
11 to.,
1118-p.i"•- 111' The G10,51011 11111•❑ 'rronil1
('loth, A nor' .1. et (l(yel will he .riven
I I'
I til ,I •110tv'" Ynhl I Ibnly"? incl
+"'1 „' 11,rie1,1 noel 1111,'141)1 11ill hP
0,asl1mPd It' a "inning nl' v011119
11001110, \i•ho Ore busy tilt It lnesods,
'Chet the ((ade of Gooch,' ich Is in.
114',1.ning 15 show 111 1 h 11)0111111 le.
I urns 1'or Ila Hsr'nl yeln• oecolitog Xlio ell
31x1„ tvhid) shoo'* (lint' (ln111'ril'h has
itlart'itecel 38,577.05 over Net sem'.
The. ('('(111na 110 15sewf 6t' 11ie lore]
e1141111tts1;111100,111, Ash,',' Fill erne, 111'1'
111,1(11111• 1111111 I'M (lris flip (l,1l,(,'I(
and its five onltwirl e,(Ili nt(111 S'nford
4Y,.,z1„,tet 6(1 , 11,,.• 1 "1 �i„'a i
t1t41jf6ali 8tttottnL04 ttt fk11441,1455.1i
II' you oily k11015 as 111111•h as we
and t.heee who hove used. !Item do
about Roxali Orderlies, you a'rlmla be
a01'11) i1Llsianl i0 ((114,111 reenlml(uddn9
them 1(8 We 1811', 'They Caste j1114t II 11
1'11111131 11111 161.1 so rosily 54111: 11ra811111•'
I4 that took ii91hr1)1 is a pietism P
R.'x,tll Ovoid -hes have 11 •a1111ai1111
11)1110,. ('(00?Ming -nod at emitheling ef-
fect upon I ht• Isovel., 'They Itef (r free
Ihes\sl(rnand keep it rive from il•-
rowil4' or 1111101 ire bow('I) 1't(.,• 110
11114 (lnietty, 151161ent griping, nlu.ern,
1111' III rel e
u ar ti�ivc I I nsror.a. n >, 1 )a
,h (6(4)” liter' 585 511y 11111) d' 1111-
nPrey. ,1(1 1 he dint i11111.,1 1101,•11r I/IIV"irs
',Vt. don't (1811 you 111 lake 4.11r 111)1
P"r ills tiVe 5, 551 1'1111= 10 (1,01,1' 1111
111 live 11, 711,11 111 1141 rnxl 111 5.1(1
1311,1 a hnx 111' 13ex811 01(lel 111•$. II'
not 6111111,119111v satisfied, tell u'•, and
we sill rel t111) yo1n, money 11111)1101
quest inn, Tn Vest, pooltel till boxes;
1Or. 25e 50e.Yon r'Ln lav Tlex,lll 01)11 ll's only
116 '6`lle lir'k,111 SI et es, nI rl its ,this 6,110
.1 .r41 V It '3,,4.11,, 11:'16'1„',x.
etable Compound.
Canadian women are continually writ-
ing us such letters as the two following,
which are heartfelt expressions of grad -
hale for restored health:
Glanford Stiction, Ont. -"I have ta-
ken Lydia F Pinkham's Vegetable Co
II(;l li')r ir,•r pound and n e s
ofV r�l� r i found any medics
if. I had ulcers with
and fa
Mr. Davies away bock in the 70's
owned large tracts of land In Elmira
When that municipality was a foreeL
from which 110 1'etnnved the timber,
In aseoclatfon with the late Frederick
GBroughton, general manager of the ;
Cheat Western Railway, they laid
out the village of Henfpyu, expecting
that it with the advent of the
tit Wellhlgtntl, Go Py and Bruce Rail-
way, would become a prosperous
town, '"' expectation that watt not
realized. When the timber was re-
tuoved he also removed to the Weeds
Mr. Davies married a sister of the
Tate Mark Wade at Goderich, who
with a family of three daughters live
iu Chicago. 141E. Davies is remember-
ed by Lite old residents of this locality.
Lr his earlier days Mr. Davies was
a groat lover of athletic sponte and
was it good hand at various game,
m- „r
er Stomach Medicine ie Useless
ne Impossible to cure catarrh in the
it. 11080 by dosing the stomach. Send
0- the healing vapor of Oatarrhozone
f ing of womb a
Tiff doctors did me
good. I suffer*
dreadfully for ye
until I began takl
your medicine. I
so recommend it f
nervousness and i
digestion." - 113
HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station. On
nd after the germs and you at once ac -
no coinplish good. Any case of catarrhd i8 incurable, -all that's necessary is to
ars inhale Qatari hoz0ie-You stop hawk -
lug, nostrils are cleaved, throat is
healed told freed of phlegm ; every
al- vestige of the Womble is forever
or driven from the system. If you want
n- perm anent 001•e for carat rte, throe
.s, rs, trouble or bronchitis, Oatarrhozone
t, is a stand-by. Two sizes, 25c and
$1.00 at all dealers.
Cher erville, Ont. - " I heard your
medicines highly praised, and ayear ago DIAMOND WEDDING Of
I began taking them for falling of wom
and ovarian trouble.
"My left side pained me all the time
and just befere my periods which were
Irregular and painful it would be wors
To sit down caused me pain and suffe
ing and I would be so nervous some-
times that I could not bear to see any
one n or
hear any onespeak.
ttle specks
would float before my oyes end I was
always constipated,
"I cannot say too much for Lydia E.
Pi')Icham's Vegetable Compound and
rj:er Pills, for there are no medicines
i're them, I have taken them and I
rseemnlend them to all women. You may
r' ' lish this testimonial." - Mrs. STE.
r^'av J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario,
r -
E. Forrester, who has been living
in town for the Fast I1vn years, and
who ,'*('eptly sold the O'Keefe ?arm
011 Lhe Huron rood d East„ has pur-
chased I( fine farm in the ownship of
14nlon within three miles. horn Kin-
car•cliue and will remove with his
family next week to locate in their
new home.
3no.irr t
I I 11 n, 15th eon. Elmer, has re-
turned home after visiting tvitll
friends in Begland,
Harry Ziltnul and family left, last
week for Pi08t.11n where they will in
future reside, 51,'. Zielnan has been a
resident of Atwood for the past 25
yenta and dating that time has been
engaged Hs inRnth for J) u
. RoeI
CHANGED DATE -On arrn0nt of
Ligt"wel Sprint,' *nil cis Fe being Apl'il
15nl'd Fait• 1ns 6010))
rlia(11.ngedIhle l0 GAlnotvd Pri(hty, A1pril 10th.
Ample 0)P"mnl(dlgifll ie being pen.
sided and a pond show is -1Lnticipated.
Adam Willnnghy happened with a
painful neeidenl on Thursday of lent
week. While trying to pull a blanket
mo a hnr5P width herl partly come eta,
he wits kicked over the right. eve
causing a deep gush which neeeseitut-
ed several Rif elms, 1411'. Will(111bhhy
had a close call from being instantly
0. K (htvies, of Chicago, was in
I rat 11'
S f rd recently, the guest of 610
mete Airs. George Kay, and left to
visit his old Canadian home at
Henfryn. after an absence of 32 years
He 61)45 just (r'6ufne(1 from a visit to
the scenes of hie youth ,in Oxford,
England, of which he leas graduate.
t ) o
• fir? .' o
r Z
S3 ,C •
AY either Elgin,Re- t
Rink, Waltham or •
•°' Hampden to us,
o and we will show you as
good Watches as ever a
$ man owned,
We bank noon any of these •
• nitlkes plerisi.19- ten nut of i
• len of Onr (Mummers -and ♦
o• they do it. o
t3ecti3100 they embody all
• that is (maul by it 'perfect •
• \V'a(Ph,•
• - •
• •
How much do you s
•hive to P •
♦ ay
e 1+'re10 0.110 I n $25 00 -just as. '
• eeldillg to glade. All sizes •
•• and "Iylel "I' M(800. Will •
,• yon 11010111 ns to 34otite you,. •
• •
J. R Wendt
* Jeweler and Di graver
ld Wroketef •
alma Pioneers Celebrate Unique Event
at the Homo ofThoir Son, Stratford
Surrounded by their children,
grand child veil 111
1/1 !minima fci u
numbering in all about 35, Jun. and
Mr's. Gray celebrated the sixtieth
tuluiversary nl' ureic mai t'l(ge, on
March 17th, at the home of their son,
A d. James A. Gray, Brunswick
8tJ'eet, Stratford. The 000118101/ is a
vett' unique one. While quite a
number reach the 50th auuivereary
01 Golden Wedding, very few ate
spared, as have been Mr, and Mrs..
Gray, to ennnneuin'tlte sixty years of
wedded life aid .luring the ahem/inn
1a large number of ft Miele called upon
the aged couple to extend heelty
cut tat Illations.
In the v
I evening, tLl. o'clock, 7 cl ck dinner
seised, 1'olh,tvinb whirl) address-
es Were delivered by several ul' those
preset t.
A very pleasing incident was the
presentation to Me. and Mrs. Gray of
*purse of gold each. The address
Was read by XV. W. Getty, while Mrs.
Donaldson and Mrs. Richmond, two
daughters 1
ado the
\I r. Glu on behalf n
f 111[218 1
Grayof and
Moo. Gray, briefly thanked those pre-
sent for their kbodiless.
The following is the address :
"We Lake this oppsrt(u,ity on this,
yam• sixtieth wedding anniversary, to
express to von in some tangible formt
the esteem in which you erre held by
Its. \Ve can recall the many anxious
hours you spent in eating for Dur
spiritual and bodily welfare, the (u-
dumis. labor you performed dulfng
the early 11011Ieniont of this country,
the many hat &hips you 8)6(11(61.66
without a murmur or complaint, of
the kindly assistance and advice
given (114 at all times. When. we re -
null the past, we would not be doing
par duty at this time did we int do
something on this the crowning
clay of your lives, to show out ap
predation of the Many kind acts
done for us. We would now task you
to accept "these purses of gold" as a
small token of the gratitude we feel
to, wet ds yin. and our earnest wishes
are that you may live a few more
ye)u's to enjoy the fruits of your
In the reminiscent 1 ascent
addresses by
neighbors a Lhs
many kindlydlfnets
Al and Mos Gray were referred
also the feet that any success which
has chole to the family was due to
the splendid home tt(tiliug- given
them by their father and mother,
who were noted in the nomutuuity
for their integrity and kindness of
Musical selections by several of
those present contributed to the en-
joyment of the evening.
John Getty was born in 100chin.
Fnrfarshire, Scotland, on March 10th
1830 On March 24, 1854, he was
Milted in marriage to Margaret Wil- -
Next time you go to the theatre 0r
to the "movies" just. notice, iF you
please, how many or nor house Indies
have. beautiful hair -ghost', 108tr111)0,
end Well -4(.88(.41. Them if yon will
Welt out five 0r tali (of Ihose whose
111811 seer,,* to be pl4•titulltely pretty
and %will ask then) .shat they use on it,
we feel Rule that at least, 111111* then
half if them will say "'too irony Hair
Beautifier." 11 is fust bet:noling the
rage with bolts oleo and W11010(1 w1(4)
are p14'tirnlu• about the appearance
of thrl'.hail.
Sprinkle a IIIle Harolr4Fly Bair
Beautifier 011 yoln' heir each time be-
fore in 11561119 it. Contains no oil 1
Will not change color of hair nor dark-
en 9(1437 ]
'141 peep hair and scalp danch'nff.
free 18na clean, lt5(4 Hna•rnn,V Shane -
poo. 'I'lli9 pule tigllid 51390mp1111 given
1611 instnnhulen1s rich lather 11nat iil-
nt01tl intelypenetratestoevelypm't 0f
hair and 3ca60, insuring a quirk, Chot-
all rll (d I' y
an5fn \� ash*d
elf joist as
g 1
qtirkly, lin emits,i1e (met a takes
only a Pew 111nnlrnl9, (10,1110110 no-
thing that eon her i1 the 11141' ; leaves
110 lu4shooss rn' stickiness-joet 1
Sweet elect di11Pa6,
131111 preii4sttion0 come in odd.
shaped, very nrnatttwltal lint) les,
with sprinkler lops. Hermony Hair
13etaotifler, 31,00. Harmony Shane,
pun. 50e, Roth guaranteed to slt.iefy
you in every wry, or your (1)0140137
hark. Sold Only at the ono'(! than
7.000 R)'#111 SLnr018, and in this town
only by us, 1P, If, Smith, Draggle!,
For .Baking Succers
—This Oven Test
Success on some baking days
can be expected no matter
what flour you usr;. But con-
stant success is rarer. It can
be aoi;ured in only one way.
The miller must select his
wheat by oven test.
So from each shipment of
wheat we take ten pounds as
a sample. We grind this into
flour. Bread is baked from
the flour.
If this bread is high in quality,
large in quantity, we use the
shipment from which it came.
Otherwise we sell it.
Constant baking success comes
as a matter of course from
gQu. bearing this name
"More Brea ®and Better Bread" and
`i Bettef s astry/i'oo 1f 528
locks, who was born in Edinburgh
011 Murat 17, 1880. They wove nlat•-
1 sod at Bre hit 1
Rev. Jt
c 1 1
y Imes
Gibson, father of Munro Gibson, of
London, England. The following
month on April 416, to be exact, the
young couple decided to leave the old
sod for Oanada. Sailing from Mont-
rose, they arrived at liaulilton on
June Std, after a stormy passage of
seven weeks. Mr. Gray was a master
nleeh111,10 stone cutter, and worked at
his trade 111 Hamilton, under the late
John Whyte, of Mitchell, father of
John Whyte, of Stratford. Mr, Gray
cut the list stone 011 the North-east
comer of the railway bridge across
the Avon in Stratford in 1857.
Iu the Fall of 1854 the land P a 1d d1
Emla township 1
t sh Wail !Mt u o`
f t sale
and Mr. Gray purchased Io.L) 4 on the
10163 concession, moving there with
his tinnily in 1855. At, that time the
now feetilo township was almost an
unbroken forest. There were no
roads, . the blazed trait being the
only guide for the wayfater.
Mr, a,,d Mrs. Gay have many re-
miniscences. cif the } which
n4dshi s
they endured during g their early life
in the country, but like many old
settlers they pereeveled, and now
have the satisfaction of witnessing
the wonderful tri 0526)1 motion from
the unbroken forest to the richly pro-
ductive farms of Perth County.
After 89 t'ern's residence in Elton,
Mr. and Mrs. its. Gra
y moved to Sta•at-
ford where they Have lived retired
for the past 20 years.
A fondly of nine blessed the happy
union, seven of whom tare living. All
were present with Weil wives except
Mrs. Richer(' Gray and Mrs A. W.
Gray, together with some 23 grand
children. The members of the family
are :-14Ir•s. Ralph Donaldson, SLrat-
A Fri
Constipation is the bane of old
age -harsh cathartics aggra-
vate, avoid them and use Cham-
berlains Tablets, the mildest and
gentlest oflaxatives-best for the
young, the middle aged and the old.
7Sc. bottle -Druggist, and Dealers.
or by mail, 6
CY,mbnl,ta Medic;oe Co. Toronto. V/P
1See ot?
ford ; Mrs. Hugh Richmond, Atwood 1
:Aid. James A. Gray, President of the
& Grav
Co. and director of
Whyte Packing Co, ; W. W., Vice-
president R. M. allantyne Go, ;
Richard, director and manager
Whyte Packing Go,, wholesale branch,
Montreal ; A, W., manager Huntley
Dairy Co., Bartlett, Ill. ; Dr. S. B.
Gray, Toronto.
In addition to members of the
family, the following were present at
Ole celebration 1 'Jno. Graham, At-
wood; an old neighbor ; W. and Mrs.
atomism), and R. and Mrs. Anderson,
Atwood ; Mre, David McLaughlin,
GOwaustown ; H. and Mrs. Rich-
mond, Elam ; W. D. Angus, Strata'
• Despite thei •1
t advanced age, IIs.
p d
and Mrs. Gray are in good ealth
and spirit, a continuance of which is
the earnest wish of their many
t9N66e 6664•0 aa66i!(NM66N
a 6
a Breeder of
Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks
and White Leghorn
These birds have proven to be
• Winter Mayers. Eggs from any '
• of my pens at
• •
$1.00 for 15 or
• Chas. Orossfleld.
MOO per 100
Alf. Sleeker,
A good supply of 3, 4 ands`
inch Tile still on hand.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Hellfrys Brick & Tile Yards
't I 16 is, IVs •\C C•\l:
THE FORD — The Lightest, Surest,
Most Economical—the very essence of
Automobiling—and all Canadian,
Ron 0.bout
f. o, b. Fund
011 t11r'in