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The Brussels Post, 1914-4-2, Page 8
K t o Easter Cards R© Room that needs With Gaster next week volt ing are no :'.. doubt looking for what is 10 be had in Easter Cards, &C... Never Easter Booklets Purple holders with Envelopes in `Retie color to match are 106 each. Also at this price we have two or three other lines to choose from, Flo Easter Booklets 4111115 price there is a very pretty Easter Booklet, with a place to en - Mose your own personal visiting card. Easter Post Cards Hand Painted yards, Padded Cards, Cards with Booklet attached, 5e each. Very pretty Cards at 2 for 5c All have a suitable Easter design, such as Chickens, Rabbits, Violets, &c. Also gond choice of Easter Novelties at 5c and Inc each, Brighten up the home with some new Wall Paper. It will take away the gloom and make everything bright aud new. We have just the. Wall Papers for the purpose so pay us a visit, We nre safe in saying our stock of Paper was never so large or contained as many desirable pat- terns. The very newest and the beet on the market and at the right price. The e4S.A.Cae Store F. R. SMITH UIRUGGIST AND STATIONER. anal S.ebu S Items APRIL, SPRING birds are here. EARLY gardening comes next. "CLEAN Up" is now the word. WATCH Out for Spring titbits. even Reil next Monday Bat/earls Council ing. • TEPasDAY of this week is Clinton's big Spring Fair. il' oHOOL Board will meet Friday even- ing of next week. Wong, of levelling and improving "Victoria" Park, Brussels, will likely proceed at once, Lallans—IVLallans-IV Concert Thursday evening of this week to Brussels Town Hall. An A x program Take it in. A canvas wan made of the business men of the town last week to raise the necessary flnancee in the expectation of celebrating the xsth of July in Brits• sets this year. Foote BALI. —A meeting for 'he pur- pose of re -organizing the Brussels Foot Ball Club will be held in the Council Chamber on Friday evening of this week commencing at 8 o'clock. A good attendance is asked for. TALENT TEA —A Talent Tea will be held at the Methodist Parsonage on ' Friday evening of this week Tea will be served from 3 to 6 o'clock Admission so cents. There will also be offered for rale home-made brearl and buns, cakes and candy. Everybody welcome THE brick walls of Melville church are now all down. Ropes were used and one section at a time pulled over. The work of excavation will be cam menced as soon as the debris can be cleared away_ The Milton pressed brick has arrived and is now on the ground • CORRECTION.— An item appeared in THE PosT last week stating that Miss Kate Telfer had gone to Stratford to undergo an operation. We are pleased to be aele to state that this was an en- tire tnistakeand that Miss 'Telfer is en joving the best of health and has no intentions of undergoing au operation. Two beautiful silver cups donate I by Rink Proprietor Trench to the Brus- sels Curling Club arrived here last week and are on display in D. C. Ross' store window. Mr. Rosa is the owner - of one having won the, recent "singles" competition, The other will be com peted for next Winter. Mr. Trench never does anything by halves DEWITT HOLMES, formerly Of Brits- , sets, has gone into business on his own account in Wingham, where he has . held a good position for several years, He has fitted up a "Quick Shoe Re. pair" shopp and has a aired it with all thelatest electric power machinery, the object of whish is to repair shoes while you wait. We wish him every success in his eaten prise. A pleasant soci tl bout was enjoyed by a.very large number of the Juniors in the lecture room of the Methodist church on Monday afternoon of this 'week wben the Junior League very pleasantly entertained the members of Melville church Mission Band. A very fine program was given by the mem• bers of the Mission Band, Miss Kate Deadman occupied the chair. Re- f regiments were served at close of pro• gram and a good time was enjoyed by sell. DIED AT UPWARDS OF 90 — Friday of a last week Mrs, 'Tames Brown, mother to i George Brown, of 'Toronto. formerly of Brussels, died at the home of her slaughter, Mrs. Reading, Leamington, Ont., at the advanced age of over go years She had been in poor health for i some time caused by a fall and her'temise was not unexpected. Mr. Brown pre- deceased his wife by about 8 years, ' Pour sons and two daughters survive, Mrs. Brown lived tor some time at the borne of her son here after the death of he husband. She was a bright, smart. kindly turned Woman and enjoyed the esteem of a wide circle of friends, DEATH OF J. C. NORTH —The P.atou 'correspondentto the "Toronto Globe of Thursday of last week says concerning Alm sadden death of J. C North, father ,01 Mrs. 1, le Rowland, of Bruesele J. C. North, a prominent shoe mer- ebtat of this town, died very suddenly, at 7.30 o'clock this morning of heart failure at his home, Mary street, Re- side;; an invalid wife he leaves two • ehiidretk--•• Mrs, J. F. Rowland, of Breesels, wife of the manager of the Standard Batik there, and Charles, eleseelated with his father here. Mr. North\Was a school trusteefor some Methodist in religion, a 1 tee e ares• �i g , Y i if llt Liberal In 'polities t es ad a pOmin C Mason, having b n /t'r'easurer of Prince ssde'ard Lodge fate the past se years. Perth county hes decided on a cath >:Ie was also pees dent of Glenwood paign for Canticle Temperanee Act and Cemetery CompanSr lets -woe All I a suggestion Wet been made-fo have One enthusiastic Member of the • Mortieul- t Secretary act for both counties. Other ttlral Sootety." Mr. al d Mrs: Rowland . matters of considereble importance will. atteilcted the funeral blob took place a180 be discussed at the big Convention Ott Satttrdey'afternoon. Mrs. Rowland in Clinton, Huron county association Will tauten 'at Plotonfor some time is a federation of all eberches and lzwinte to the eeriou ilihenr of her xoaietlee interested. in the tetupefaner McAbee. tetttset Ce31ue1ttllatl np ua 8t 10 at 01, 'run Annual Military Camp will be held at Goderich this year, opening on June rstll. SINGLE fare on the railways for Easter. Ticke s good going and re' urning April loth only. Fare and one third tickets gond going April q. to, n and 12, with return limit 14th Inst, —n -- ONoitA7eyoi,88A6, LAMOT, Pees lNOR GrPhone811 A OARD,—Wa the undersigned hereby agree to sell iv package of five standard 6e bows of Silver Tip Silent matches fol• twine) 081111 Quality guaranteed, 351 Aallantgna. Geo. Thomson and W. J. hteOracken, BOOS FOR RAmcerna — Partridge Wynn. dotter—good loving ,train it 6a for setting of 1•, w, D. a uhitOS, Brussels, 10 or 10 tons of good timothy hay for sale 8. MOQUAHIIIE, Lot 12, Oen. 4, Grey,'- Pea SALE —General purpose lilt, 8 years old, Jas. D. Moffeen, Lot 82, Oen 118, Grreey. Rao. Iron HAmontat —Good laying strain of White Wyandnttes Eggs 21 00 for netting of 15 Joni MEAnowe, Brussels, Goon Olean, two',•owed seedbn ries for sale. Also a quantity of good hay. W. MONAIB, Lot 11, Con. 10 Grey, Phone 2410. Etas POR HAWN-INC —O. A. C. strain of Barred Rooks. 765 per setting of 16. JAs. 8111ELe. Phone 4816. R.11 No. 2, Brussels. ti soon rooms over Wilson's store. Im• mediate possession. Apply to ALF. BAERER, Brussels. BEavANT wanted Apto ems.W M. SINAL AIR. BRED GRAIN Pon SAnw.—Improved Siberian and Gold Drop Onto and O. .A 0. No 21. barley. All gond clean seed.. Mao some hay for sale. Martin McNair, Lot 18. (Ion. lb, Grey, Brussels R R No. 2. Phone 2816 tf. Will gem, set and file circular or any caw now with the latest saw tools. Tom McGreg- or, Brussels, Ont. —o— HEAR the well known Sherlock Con cert Party, Toro to, 'Town Hall. Brus sets, 'Thursday evening of this week First-class program, Plan of Hall at Fox's drag store. FIRE in a chimney over W, J. Mc- Cracken's store, about 7 o'clock 'Dues day evening, brought out 'he fire engine and a large crowd. There was very little damage done. FRIDAY of next week will be Good Fttdey and consequently a Public Holiday. The Banks and other busi- ness places will be closed and the regu- lar holiday hours observed at Brussels Post office CONCERT —A concert in which about 6o children will take part under the auspices of the Little Stars Mission Band of Melville church will be given Town Hall on the evening the w of Good Friday, April lath. Keep this date in mind and come and help us Proceeds for tete Building Fond of the new church. Members of the Band tree. Children, roc ; adults. 250. s:—"Wm A Kincardine reporter sa y . Habkirk, of Teeswater, has taken a position in the furniture sto?e of W. T. Moirison. Mr, Habkirk comes to Kincardine with twenty wo tears of experience. This week Mr. Habkirk is in Teeswater preparing to move his family to Kincardine, having secured the Boyd house on Russel street " Mr Habkirk is a former well known Brits selite. He is a COOein to janitor Henderson, of Brussels Public School. LECTURE.— On Monday. evening April 23th, Thos. McGillicuddy, of Toronto, will deliver his popular lecture entitled "Your neighbors" in tine Methodist church Admission single tickets, roc ; family ticket- 250. The Daily 131: fie, Toledo, Ohio, in cum• mentiog upon the lectures delivered ly Mr. McGihicuddy, save : "He delight- ed the large audience by his hap; y and pointed illustrations. Sometimes they laughed heartily, and again they were moved to tears. 'There are few leclur ere that have elements more calculated various emotions in so to bring tin ont tile v I tt g srikngatrimmer in " i WOMEN'S INcmITnTE—'1'l1e COnt9e of lessons 00 cooking. Bec , given by Mist McKenzie, of the Institute Department, commenced on Tu sday evening of last week. The con se consists of r0 es ens two lessons being given each evening The first lesson .was 'Frun" and last Tuesday's subject was "'rbe conking and Preparation of Vegetables and Meats." rhe lessons tobe taken alt next week , i11 be "Milk and Cheese Miss McKenzie is a good speaker and well posted In her work. All the ladies ere welcome, the price of a double lesson being only 300 Meetings are held in the Public Library and com- mence et 7 o'clock every Tuesday even- ing. HURON COUNTY TO BR THegoUGHLV ORGANIZED,*Atthe County Convention to be hold in Wesley Methodist church, Clinton, next 'Tuesday, it le expected that Wens will be laid tor a more re eom I@ a organization of the County under the charge of a Field Secretary ' The Metropolitan Bank � Capital Pad 'up • • Reserve Fund - - + 1,260,000.00 undivided Profit's • • • • 182,847,61 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO $1,000.000,00 Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account ifi Qi3:ened. $i.00 OR MORE OPENS AN .AOCOI.%Nt' BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Huron e i Specialty s Farm a • • BRUSSELS• • • Brooder of 0 • = e • Bred -to -lay Barred Backs 0 • • and White Leghorns 0 bite These es ds have proven to be s • Winter layers, Eggs front any • ✓ of my pens at • 2, $1.011 for H or $5,00 per 100 O 0 • Chao. OroectTield, AIR clacker, • ® lyluuuge.f, Owner. • • Tse ice on the mill dam broke up early last Sunday morning and went down the river with little or no damage be'ng done. SOMMER SCHOOL AT GODERICH.—An- I1VUtteetttent Is made that toe Summer school, under bite direction of the Syuod of Hamilton and London. will be held in Gndrric during the week commenc- ing Monday. June 29.1 Arrangements have been completed whereby Hotel Sunset has been secureel as the place for meeting and accommodation This hotel, situated on the hank overlooking Lake Huron, is adrnirab y suited for such a school. There is ace•nnm"dal on fur 200 guests. exuellent rqu'pmeot for class -room work, and evely Fecth'y for recreation and enjoi merit The rale of �io.00 for the week, will include hoard. accommodation, registration and wising of railway ttekets, The program is now being prepared and till he issued in a few weeks The best .peakers available are bring arranged fur and specialists in church life and work will be secured. Inquiries for further information should e addressed to Rev. Geo, 111 Ross, at Goderich. DEATH OF A FORMER BRUsstI.ITE — 'I'uesdav morning of lest week. at Toronto, Mrs Anna Christina Struthers, horn in 1829, in the reign of George IV, died at the residence of her son, Dr W. E Struthers, Chief Medical Inspector of the public ucbnols Mrs. Struthers caught cold before Christtnas which rapidly developed . into pneu- monia. She recovered from this but it left her In a weakened condition and I Born in was not unexpected. herdeath t '91 Cape Breton In 1829, she came 0 this pravinue in 1873 She used to tell of the juulnee' in the stage coach out to Brussels, in the coumy of Huron, where elle took up her residence. '%'hen she moved to Hayfield where most of her life was spent A brother and a sister still live in Bayfield. For the past foto' vets Mrs. eStruthers has been living well her son Dr Struthei5 in 'Poronte In religio•i she was a Presby el ion, at tending College street church. In ad dilion to the brother and sister in Bay field those who survive are teles sons and four daughters, lohn McLeod and Mrs. Isabella Thompson, Mrs Burchill and Mrs. Garrioch. of '1'hessnlon, yrs Belle Tarahoss and Miss Hanna Struthers of Chicago, and Dr. Struth ers, of 'Toronto. . People We Talk • About Miss Emm•t Colvin and George stent Sunday in Ethel. Mrs. Geo. A Best was a Guelph, visitor on Wednesday. Ernest' Mozell, of Clinton, was a_ visitor in town over Sunday. las, Sherrie spent several days in Goderlelyduring the past week Athol McQnarr'e was renewing old •r r u fntanees in Gdot ch to t t ree acquaintances Mrs. Rev. Hibbert, of Wingham, is a visrtar with Wm, and Mrs. Pryne this week. Miss Belle Dark Is home on a week's vaca ion from Byron where she holds a posblon G A. Deadman is away to Mrilin tilts Week looking alter his interests =tit the bee business there. Miss Elsie Feat arrived hone la'+t Monday after a mouth's Visit at Lott tion and other points. - S Bell, who hes been the manager of the skating t ink timing the past season returned to hie home in Teetweter last Friday, Miss Agnes Walker, of Toronto, was. a visitor With Mrs D C. Ross and other old friends in town, for a short time last week 'NIS POST 11 triad 'o' hear that Editor •Bradwite of the Goderich Signal, who was laid aside several months through K illness is back to work again Mrs D t Ross WAS a visitor' i11 Ethel for n few lists last week, Het' t Towner] mother, Mrs Samuel Ames r tntRe with her and enjoyed a few days in town. Reef. II ivi Lang -Ford, of Listowel, formerly of Brussels, has been elected HoteraryPreaident of the foot ball team iit that toted for the ebsltittg tiele1011, We are sorry to report that Mrs Thos. Maunders; of Detroit. a former resident of titin locality has been quite poorly but many old friends here hope for aspeedv convalescence Miss Lizzie Downing was, at Gnde rich last week attending the funeral of Ches'er Parrott:, an old friend and .one time neighbor. Deceased was a nephew of 'Phos Farrow, formerly Postmaster of Brnsssels Miss Lizzie Brown, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels 1155 been visiting her sister. Mrs T. le Kerr, at Clinton for the pact trey weeks The latter's health Is not very good at present we are entry 10 Mote w F R. o and Mrs linemen and t T children, of Toren o. arrived in town of 'I'ueedav of this weekaprl will spend the Summer here having:Maga the com- for,able home of M11l9 Gen. Rogers on Frerle'•ick Street. inn. Shaw, of (•Iln'on, formerly the well known Principe% of Bruscele Public School hes hear pirtiatiy lair% up from a fail hut Will soon he o It, we hope Mr ShsW wears 'like leather", and is as bright as a dollar Councillor Mnldnnn 'and ex Councillor A C Dame' represented Brussels and locality at the Greet Waterway 'tele ga'ion to wait 1100n tiie Dominion Government at Ottawa It was a mammoth affair and will do good with - nut any dnuht, C R Bennett left on Monday of this week for Arcola, Seek., le response to 5 tel 'gram intimating that his mother was very ill. The old lady is upwards of 8o years of age. Mr Bennett went lit. way of C P R. irons Walton. A mes- sage on Tuesday afternoon hrnnght 'he tidings of Mrs Bennett's death which secured early that morning. Thos McGillicuddy, or Toronto, who i to be in Brussels Easter Sunday and Monday for Anniversary services in the Methodist Sabath School, is a former Brusselite He and his hrnther, est•.'blished THE ReuesiL4 POST in 1873 and afterlivinl: here for several year- snld out_ to the p„esent Proprietor. The visitor is a brother- in law in G. A. and Mrs Deadman, of Brussels Mr Gillicmddy is an excellent speaker and should be heard bylnany. Church Chimes April tot!), being Good Friday, ser. vice will be held in St, John's church. "The Crass of Christ" Is it nothing to you all ye that ;:ass by. A very acceptable number entitled "Because He Prc.m'res Me" las render- ed by the Brussels Methodist Male Quartette at lest Stntdey evening's service. 'Phe A, P. A. of St1 . hn's church r r ' > e't lit the town ' r 1(1 ivl n t.cnc en el g }, Hal on Nei idol•, April 2411 , 'rhe 'pro. gram wie cuusist of "t'leerce" and some sketches Beth music. At the Ale'hodiei churcih next Sun, dot evening Rev. Mr. Wren will preach his third sermon in the series it, 1 ein • "The „ u mea the subject b u v j g Man and his Suer' " Young Al g Letue Service next Friday evening at 8 o'clock in St lobe's chute, Sub- ject, "Knox end the Scottish Reforms tion " At the close of the service choir practice will be held in preparation for East er At the nteeting111 the Anglican ereung People's Society held list Sunday after evening service to St John's chtrch 'a paper um lite teaciene of Clues? was read by the remit.. It dealt with the meth oil and language used by Cltrist and sub: divided his re.veltl.inn concerning the Father, His own nattire tttel the Temgdont of God. Next Spud 'y the paper will 1}e on "Gellisemtiae" by Mrs, Alex. Btvans. o r��4(1 ANK ESTAauslfED 1828 clavAnit ep,'p OFF/CF TORONTO THE business man who has customers it various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. .3, BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. F. Rowland, O In El Manager. Next Sunday being Palm Sunday the morning sermon in St, joint's church will be ou "51111st's entry into Jerusal- em." In the evening • 'An uunamed ypung man " Holy Chnanuuion will be observed at the close of the morning ge rViCO Rev. W. H. Avisot M. A., of the ['aisles Memorial Methodist church, Guelph, rtes received a uuantmous pall to the pastorate ut the Charlene street Metitudts' church, Peterboro', in suc- cession to the late Rev 'e J. Mansell. A delegation from the Quarterly Board of tete Pe t rbnru' chu• ch went o Guelph to hear Mr Avisou, and their report te- sutted W the • x'ensee • of a igemen1u call M. Avisou. is well known here e having taught number of school lura yew s 0 lin y township Special Easier services will be render- ed to the Methodist eh tech on Easier Sunday. In the morning rhos, Me Gnl'ouddy, of 'rot onto a 13, eseels old b. y tett tome, Edam, . E 'rile P't:,T, w''. be the speako', He .'tll speak on •'Retet1 Demoted," 'Phis melt cshas been deny, red 'Paroles pulp's over thirty ' me , ked many bents by re -- crest, Iu the alt rm on he will speak u an open session of the Sunda) School. In the evening the pastor wtl' preach his sutjeut being ,"Phe Victor Or Hearth " Special Easter music will be Liven at both services Listowel Philip Schttde, of 14lonkton, appear- ed befut•e Magistrate Terhnne here hist Monday moreing charged with selling Heiner in a local option mttuiei- FFtaliLy. He was found guilty and fined $200 and costs. This was his Hest olfemx. Seven kegs of liquor were emrtIseated by Provincial Officer Phippen, or 4Vinghttm. These will be (lesttoyed. Henfryn There will be a. eelebtation of the Holy Cntnntnition in St. David's church, I3eofeyn, on Sunday next, Apt 11 6th, at 8 p. nt. Rev, F. K, Hughes, rector of Millbank, is ex- pected to be celebrant and preacher. All the members are t:artiestly re- quested to try to be present at this service. Wingham NIEAIsLY DROWNED,—All dititger_ Of to serious flood on the Malthuml ended Sunday afternoon when the ice began to pass quietly clown. The river rose considerably bet as Chief Allen had all the stop logs nut in plenty of time at the dam there was nu flood.. Two drowning aucideets welts narrowly averted Saturday night. Littclsay Mitchell, while Mantling on the ice watching the 1 Ivor, reached dot to @ . ] that wet san- t *rah a br incl t t try and Y 1P, il1K down and f'+II in. 19e was bring carried dawn by the strove current when John Allen ['aught him and pulled Niru to aatfety. In the after- noon some lads were playing on tt raft they had made when it was car- ried title into the cnevettt. All jump- ed to safety but, Ches. Iaacn k, aged 18. He was carried out, some disIulre and then jumped and naught hold nf.,tt post which was visible above the writer. He 10118 soonexhatiatecl by the icy water line was rescued before he fell off by Joint Rae:lewgtl, of the electric light statins, who was notified or what had happened by the other boys. • DIED • BDOHANAN,—In Grey, on ttlareh 2061i, Miry ttewat•t, wife of Alexander Buchman, 1n er 60rd ea BRYANO —Ill yG''er.r, on Marek 001h, Edward Repine, aged 72 yearm. Menztxe,-1n Morris, on March 27th, Arehi- haid Menzies, aged 58 years, 4 months and 5 days. !emote—In Morrie, 011 March 27111, Edward Whl on, aged 74 years. Notelet -In Pluton, on March 200i, J 0. North, father of Mrs. 3, F- Rowland, of Brussels. AUCTION SALES FRIDAY. APRIL BRD—Farm stock, Imple• manta, dna., at Orenbrook. Sale unreserved at 2 °Week. A. McDonald, Proprietor, F. $, Scott, auctioneer. TUESDAY. AVM, 7mn —Farm stock, imple- m eta, &c at Lot 26, Con. 10.Grey. Sale un • xrved at 1 o'clock. F. 8. Scott, auctioneer. Bothwell, Proprietor, Wheat Oats Pane 05 Butter - 17 lingo 8 60 Hay xp, 14 00 BRUSSELS MARKET $ 84 BORN - :'.•I tl85 00 82 28 Hog for_ Service 1600 The undersigned will keep for service at Lot 15 Oen 7, M0,118, a thoro'•bred Berkshire hog, Pedigree may he scan on snothral ion Terms Wall Paper Sensate 19111 The etateulene that each season's stunples 5080110 alt pass 118 prtel WWH• sot's is certainly tt fact when referring to our stock Pur the present stetson, 'We nee! Satisfied that mil ,Leek front the very cheapest lines 10 one best varleIies far Beeli4' in value tutything we have been able en show l'or setae Lime. Apar 1 from nor regular stook we have taro epeeittl books of Inipovt papers containing entity hstutlsouoo designs and colorings. These we can peocuee at very slung; notice. Thus giving a very extensive range of samples t0 sponse from: We will be very glad to have yon look over ODE samples whether you wish to purchase of not —A',T- F O 9 DRUG STORE YOItBSBIRE SOWS FOR BALE—Thorn' bred Yorkshire $owa, carrying first litter, for sale. Terms to suit puJraeladtaSrs. Phone 166. Lot 80, Oon 0, Morris. PASTTYIIE FARM '1'O RENT.—One of the best 100aore fares In Grey to rent. Lot 22 , Con. Running sr • er in troughh the year roan, and otabade. Will rent the whole lot or keep 10 sores for hay, Apply to DAVID MTLNE, Ethel, Ont. FOR SALE,—House and Lot situated on Lot 1, Con 1, Grey. Rouse is 86 x 88 ft. Stable 18 x 24, with b§ cors of land, Or will sellbullding without 1 JORN W1¢IGHT mussels, 21 00, payable nt tine of nervfee with,pprivheoe of returning if necessary. F. BRNES, 1 EI40.4, Proprietor, Mortgage Sale' OF Valuable Farm Property In the Township of Morris There will be offered for wile by Public Auction on Tuesday. April 28th, 1t114 nt 11 e'etoak in the forenoon, at the Auterioan Rotel, Brussels, by virtue of n Power of Sale contained Inn (tertian mortgage which will bo produced itt.the male. the following proper- ty: The North Half or Lot Number Twenty.tw'o in the Fourth Crowe -Mon of the said Town- ehtpofMort le,containing ono hundred acres mora 0r less. The following improvements are said to br of the property:—About 00 acres cleared; shoot 26 nom slash and pasture land ; beliner nixed timber; log dwelling with frame lean- to; frame eanto;-frame bank berm on ,tons foundation: Moue drive barn; small orchard. Terms:—Ton per emit of the purchase money to be paid down 011 the day of ant.•. Por balance terms will be made known at the sale. Per further pneticulnra ripply to JONES & LEONARD, Solicitors, 18 Toronto Street, Toronto. or to JOHN LECKIE, Etta , Brussels, Ont. Notice to Creditors I: thr cinder of the (Wale of William King, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Pro :ince of Onta io, faster, de-' erased Notice is hereby elven pnraennt to Sec. 50, Oha t. s6, of the statutes of Ontario. 1. George V, that nit per 8011s havingany rioting ug,hist the sn. d Whthrm Rine. Who died on er about the sixteenth tiny or alsrrh.1814 are rrqu[rrd to mend by post pt'epnid or deliver to F, S. Seatt, Brnesels Post Office, Agent for John Meg Ethel, end John Bateman, Beuesals, Ex,tcntore of the estat a of William Kin • them none. and addresses and frill. particulars in writing of their olefins before tris first day of May, 1014, after which date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they stall than have had notice and that they will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose aluim they shall ;not there have received notice - Dated at BrnsseeIsg hiss BrCOTit day of April, 1014. F. .A gent for IExeotttore. ••os••see•s••oesofas•oevenee••••00000000000•0000000•0 • Brussels Daylight Stare G. Ni McLaren en • • lu'Ir't"lis4'9;'1. aP4�'114,md4de,'epsiie'tllamr'trh'4;'12'I'tt"n'Ir'4�'t"I,'t19e'I„4dlry,'.n,'4,'la'brt'V,'ti lu't''Ir'LV,eh"L e • . Ladies' and Misses' • s o Ladies' and Misses' e• SuringC�",ots Y� • • Advance eltntvhrg of Spring Cotte, end • Suits. New colors and new styles +':'I�'e • • have asplendid assorttnent'Lo choose from e in both Cowls and Suits. at • 10.00, 12.50, 18.50 and 515.00 We would lie `leased to show them p New Spring Suits • Bnnourtp—In Brussels, on Novell Both, to • er and etr•a, Fred Rttrrbill,-n son'. 0 UAvtns,tN-1n Stoughton, Seek., on Morel% •. - W , isth to Mr, and Mrs Robert Dnyidson, a' daughtp' SMITH• —Ln Brussels, on Maroh 8th, to Mr. •. Nl er. en 1- nd and Mrs, 8.E. Smith, a daughter., • • • 494's+••i'••.•'1.•'t••.1•!•1'04O•t-••E•'rMN•ti•40+0+*+0+49+.0+ +•ii•r•+� ® .. •t • Ie sic • 0. W � o 4• 4• 0' �IIinert►sSpring y s's. N • •• is extended CORDIAL INVITATION I'ATION • 4 locality •y to ladies Brussels and to file"lad e • • visit our Show Rooms and see the new .1. s creations in Spring Millinery: • • $ Following the custom in other places` we u are not holding a formal Opening this .Spring and are now ready to ,carefully look after the • wants of our customers. 4.n Our Prices are • Our Showing will Reasonable. 4. Interest you. ea • We will be pleased to have you cold. 0. 4' M. Er ROSS eni4 44 Rickards Week Brussels ii Pt • 8 e s y. 8 • 0. ' e a• oys' New Spring Suits Y e have received elft' Spring Suits for Men and Boys, A enmlplete t ange of PILO- G:RESS BRAND CLOTHING—None Bet- ter—anal ul very leasonttble prices. All the newest ate Its and the wni•kunalship is gnattn- teetl, Conte in and see thein. Special at - 101005 12100 134 50 & 15.00 i Highest Prices for Produce.- • 0 • • •• • e 0 • • • • 0 • • • • A e m s 0 • s 0 s is fe • • g9 69 • • 0 • 12 0 0 0 • • • • 0 • 0 0 • 0 • 0 • • • • • • 0 0 • • 0 0 0 • 0 0 • • • • • • • • G. NI McLaren • • • i\, P. S.—Our Men's and Boys' Spring r • } Y L €7 411 Hats are in stock also the new • • �? Boors and Shoes, • • s •a,a •4 i ilrtltf/••Mti••iti•tall®at/(sM11t1•t1ait1111•tr/tYi•N(1•dttttAH6t f•p•Is•t9 iiN`'NbN+AiNi'NYiI t►'t"•�'i'rr4' re* I