HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-4-2, Page 4elle truss4s post ,GIVE THAT PUNY CHILD THIS GUARANTEED REMEDY PH1.18. DAY, APRIL 2, 191:) ------------------ - _- I you yochild In under -height, 11st- less ailul liable to *et sick easily, it needs a 11040111e to build its weight and site igth, For this puiptele there is nothing else we know of that we ENGLAND AND COMMENDS can strop • endorse as Rexttii g) remarkable " (r Info) The I llv 011' Et In t . Olive WINTER FARMING IN e ' t g' To tllo Editor of Tee Pose : success of this splendid medielee, is due to the fast that it contains lug -ie- DasAR; :SIR - In it letter • tO ytfl,U (limits that trine the beeves, eovich the paptir tissi.iribing Copenhagen laudblond and furnish to the shite system meutinutngtlie litice of vases at the the strength, weight and health•huild- DelpF) Win Its 1t should have read lug substances it needs. And it does $10000to $500 00, ilietead of $1.00 Lo all title without. injuring the stomach. $5,00 each. In fact fi.exall Olive 011 Bhuulsion is Since .welting you I have agent not only pleasant. to take, but even some time in Geeniatly along the ; the most sensitive stomach is beteflt- I(hi)ie an adorable emu,11')'. end early ted by it, and the digestion improved, in,Jannery visited Auetei,l spending On the other htaltl it con tains nn al- e week it Vienna, 0 eit•yseltheti y,isit, coholi' habit-I'otming di ata, which ed by ,Simuner tourists, ,The.ttavelleimost patents object to giving their who pushes off the beaten track will cliildr'en. It does its good work by be well repaid by teaming aside to taking hold of the weakness and builds such places, penetrating really new the body up to its natural strength, fields little understood by Cluuulians at the sante time making it strong to or Anie'detuw. 'Phete are innumerable resist disease, interesting thiugeto tell about Anstri't, If Hexell Oil Emulsion doesn't build even to the hitching of 11 single horse your child up, feed the stunted, puny to one Hide of a pole or tongue instead muscles, and tualte the lit tie one lively, of between shafts, which at first, strong, well and full of the animal sight seems awkward but later you spirits children ate meant by mature discover its advantages the vehicle to have, conte back and tell us and always being ready to bitch on a get your mouey back. We don't second horse should the load require it. Perhaps at some future time I shall say a Word about conditions in Austria relative to soldiering, taxes aid the church as it effects the people. Just now a few reckless people in Canada etre endeavoring to saddle on the country an Octupue European Nations ate struggling to be free of, the pond is the place for prospective M. P.'s who endeavor to ;take us believe its a loyalty cry. What I really want to tell you a. bout is the advantages these English Partnere enjoy over the Oanacliens during the Winter months. A Western Oanadian who spends a year in England will likely think of going in search of a Winter i he will many times during the WInter season heat people say •"tis a beastly cold day" or "The week has been bitterly cold," when the fact is there would not be even a sign of frost. Had these people houses heated after the fashion of American homes life here wnnid beat continual Summer; their worst weather would scarcely reach so low a temperature as an Ontario Novem- ber, but with fireplaces slighly cool weather causes drafty 1001)111 and certainly chilling halls. As to weather conditions the fact that farmers and gardeners have not suspended work on the land for an entire whole week during this Winter speaks for itself anti besides cultivation of the soil proves the mildness of the climate. Hedges of sone species, shrubs and several trees burst out in bloom during the last days of February. Al this date, Mar.. 10111, almond trees ate fragrant with beautiful pink blossoms. November in the Southern and Eastern part of England is somewhat similar to October in Ontario, sowing oats and Winter wheat being general and marigolds were taken up, the season for this work lasting fully a month which of course allows 11 farmer to do this work leisurely. During the season in Canada for lifting the root crop the boys step lively,.I venture to say its a rush Lime on moat Ontario hums whilst bee most of the tuluips are taken up on mild days throughout the entire Winter. What a comfort attending stock ; no doubt the mild weather and freedom fattening cattle enjoy as- sists very materially in the pro- duction at choice beef, at least feeding cattle should $Wish un less grain here than in our severe clhnete which requires considerable pain to keep up the necessary animal warmth. \Vith the feeding of sheep and lambs it is almost all dune by portable en- closers m) fields of Swedes and Grey - stones supplemented with oats and as the enclosure becomes bale the flock is given new patetnl'ee. This system results in finishing off lambs to per- fection. With December very little change was uoticelable fu tempetattuee fem- me continuing to 9010 Winter oats and wheat whilst galdeners planted various kinds of garden sass for use clueing March and April. With the ,ushering in of the New Year came a couple of weeks of wintery weather especially in the North hut in the Smith we had no snow and but a couple of days of precatinns ekating, During January, the coldest month, plowing was held up not more than a week or ten days. February, what an opening week in this month. Por eight days we had eoutinUoue sunshine with at temperature Dunning from 50 to 65 .degrees, this of course led farmers to again Commence sowing grain, peas, oats and bailey being put iu under tdt ideal land conditions, c tinna ' 1u1'nt C 'towards the latterat'tof p the month farmers even moved their men lively. March is generally supposed to be blustery in an ) y y of »nLt•y and even 'here ib does bare testimony In that fact to a considerable degree, but. winds storm in England are at worst of but short devotion ; storms 1p parelitly are tempered by the time they have messed the Atlantis and even a Northern gale is of short life, Just now homers and gardeners are applying themselves vigorously to the cultivation of the land) very little Bowing and planting will be left for April 10 many districts, although to- viewds I,he North and int Scotland April will \ be a bus time. 'Tho. 1? y Opinion „of the welter is that lees tow- ing should be clime during Winter months hitt instead simply cultivate the surface soil when weeds make a good showing, then when warm days Crane' the , lattera' tt of Moth and April! grain seeds if put in will germinate (.!sickly; thus eecuritng gond root aiid preventing slnothet'ing with weeds aas happens in many iltsttences ort Winter sowiltg where weeds will come whilst grain makes but little heal way.',TO avoid choking out With Weeds farmers are eons - Veiled td take great care to drill °Velar lb leder that the gt'ptvlfti# want you to loose a cent, We think this is no moire than faits and it leaves you no cause to hesitate, For old people also -for convalescents -for all who are nervous, tired out, l'utl down, no platter what the cause -we offer Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion with the salve guarantee of entire satisfaction or Money back. Sold only at the 7,000 Rexall Stores and in this town only by F. R. Smith. $$1.00. crop can be cultivated with the weeds, Vett' few persons here apparently atop to consider oattse and effect of cowing at ally time but those who agues it out tell me ply contention le o. it. as not It few have adopted tide plan. Was it not that I intend to take advantage of high prices of live stock in Canada and low priced grain this 0ctlutry would do pre. We are apt to think In Ontario that there 01 a fete, if any, large farms being operated in England by the individual farmer. Such is not, the case. Of course there are innumer- able stnall farms of twenty to one hundred acres, but there seems to be a fair proportion of farms of 200 acres to 400 ac) es. 600 acres to 1000 mites are common whilst farms of 2000 acres tate not U1100111111O1l 1111(1 are fanned intensively. These farmers for the most part pay $5.00 to $7.50 per anre in rent, besides will likely have to purchase fertilizer to the value of $2.00 per acre, snaking a total rent of $0 50 per acre. What weui(1 we poor fanners i11 Oanada do on a rental of this magnitude 1 We would go under most assuredly, but �/ not so these farmers who til ive at it. i • pe On a farm of 400 acres 80 cows may be kept, a flock of 200 sheep, 75 pigs and a couple of dozen hot'ses and shnnid he sell good barley the price will be $1.00 to $1 25 t peas, 51.20 ; wheat, $1.00 to $1.15. The price of live•stuck runs (about the same as that paid in Ontalio. The impression we have of these down -trodden wretches is all wrong. If you will meet a gathering of these fat niers at the market or Fanners' Union meeting very likely, if not told their calling, you'll take them to be business men and sportsmen, and the better you become acquainted with theta the more reason you will have to admire them. Just now I have an invitation to spend a few days in Have Your Suit Made to Measure Every garment that comes from these wonderful Hobberlin Tailor Shops is created for the man who intends to wear it. Thearments are cut individually g Y and shaped to the exact measurements. That is the proper way to buy your clothes—and the best kind of clothes to wear. WE ARE SHOWING NEARLY 500 LINES OF HOBBERLIN SUITING S. From $20 to $40. Fraser, Agent, Brussels sale mainly caused, I believe, by the policy of Lloyd George. Had the present adinitlistl'ation no vexed Irish problem to attempt to solve the change in holdings and Many walks of life in England would be a marvel to English ideals. 11 real shock to society. Land in England, except near cities, is not so high in price as you might. think it to be. Pltuty of splendid farms can be had at $100 00 per acre ; better at 5150,00; and the best you could wish for at $200 to $250 gel acre. The latter price is not ridiculously high when we compare land values in the States of Illinois, the North of England, the guest of a Indiana and New York. Many Palmer who cultivates 2000 acres, and farmers dispose of land in the two with Lold Lura::, owns a ttc[tt - factory, capacity 1000 hogs per week,• Fol the destt•ucticn of weeds this farmer uses a novelandextremely useful plow or plows. It is three plows following directly in line and rutting a l'urrough 14 inches wide and 20 inches deep, effectually btu'ying nut of sight twitch -grass incl other pests. Only deep sidle can be treated in this 1101.1100r. This gentleman uses traction ellg ive s for most of heavy work and plowing. It may enrollee tl . I yon, but its a fact, the farm labor dlft3udty is being felt: here very seriously and last week 1 met a manuf(Lrturee who has spent much time and money endeavoring to build a sheaf loader but failed to secure results of the right kind. He told me there was a demand here for such a machine. Well, I did not tell hint he was discussing the matte' with tory uncommon person bet I told him there was but one loader in the world originated by three famed Canadians tared pioneered by his guest, his humble servant. He remarked that the person who held the fort long enough h Y launch to sureesafull ch a • it n complicated machine and avoid disaster deserved a Carnegie Medal. Anyway, should y person have an itching feelin new that enterprises are the onlyroyalroad to leisure, he should try It. As to the English farmer ever own- ing most of the land it is quite pos. Bible as in every direction hind is for BEAUTIFUL HAIR --A CLEAN, COOL SCALP Use Parisian sage, it Makes rho Hair Fluffy and Abundant It IS needless for you to have hair that 1 t is an thio short of 'f Y g pet act,If itis failing out, losing colors splitting, or if the scalp burns and jtchee, im- inediatelylget from Jas, Fox or any drug mullet, at 50.00111 bottle of Parisian Sage -use it frequently -the Hist application tion r ernoves can r tff, invigorates the scalp, and beautifies the hair until itis gloriously ,radiant, Parisian Sage supplies hair needs - is perfectly harmless, It 00ntaine the exact elements Oequired to notice the hair soft, wavy, glossy and to Matte it mete/ thick and beautiful. 'You will surely like Parisian Sege. It Is 008 of the hest and most delight. fill hail' tolls tlo Vl fir t former mentioned States et $200 per acre and emigrate to the Ouuulitul West. Granting all the hand in Great .Britain cotild be purchased 110 reasonable prices do not initagine people would simply r11sh after tt. e Not by any meads, berallse unttise- lnenls and sociability 01 the teens with the weekly pay is proving a strong (ar(1 against fat al life even Lhtugh with Snell 1.011(113 turd proximity to large towns one would think they should exe'eise inure e0111111011 sense by leaking stun of ownership of something. Readers of foreign papers, espertially Americans, would imagine things in this cotton y u eve going tn. the dogs, ft Belk, oso irtb } yr 71. II a:t'; *A OPPORTUNITY knocks once at every man's door.. She's knocking at your door now .so take heed! Ask us to send you our big 80 -page Cata- logue of Seeds, Bulbs,ruits Garden Tools, Insect Destroyer, Fertilizers, IPOW- try and Ike Supplies, A post Cardwin-bringIt to ... .... R you. Write todnri DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO. LTD. sox 122.1.. LONDON,OR'T., CANADA. ld 't`i: ` 414, ",;sti „kw VIP :Air 11 Valuable Premium given -4i b e o. !Moly 7RBE... with each order.. Page oneof Catalogue tells how to get it, Int? '4 440* opols 400 Agood supply pC lJ of J and inch Tile still 011 Band, Sat isfItctiOn £ U1lr)l11 teed. 5 Henfryn Brick It Tile Yards 001,1E & DOUGHERTY, Proprietors a I[atl midi Won of vevtitand anarchy. Fee I'vein it, the rause of mush talk concerning 13t'itttln's internal Matins. 10118 18 because very little restraint is put on any perreut who imagines the country owes hitt a free living minim exei Lion, lienee the man who has at i differe oe with the country publicly ' declaims against it, changing all ' manner of injustice up to those in powee, whilst the careful reader of London Dailies, w110 reads Police Court news, is amazed at the iul- partiality shown men of position. The man, though Sir, 1)nke or Lord promptly receives sentence as the poorest citizen is dealt with, the one policy 61 judges here is to hand out the late just as they receive it having no regard to whore it may effect. Questions of the moment to people here me looked upon as to rule by twit differing parties just as in Canada where proposals of making any change or serious change is adw'ays the signal for Politicians to charge I Charge someone or some where, it doesn't matter much so long as the cry catches. the people. A very good Illustration was that during the late election 1n Canada tvhett the hurtle spy lune. scuttled "Lyalty to the Enquire." Of (1001.5e farmers realised that. 500 00 per head for fat cattle under la loyal gove'nutent teas better tlte,t $100.00 per head for the shute annual if living under the flag of traitors, so 1(11 the villtws went. But what of the after part-? Why every- one of these men who thought 5100 cattle would ruin 11118144 ape onw bunk, ing the 840 pet' head, stile first teal prttlts ever obtained o11 a Lhree year old steer. Certainly no great change takes place for the people's good in any tenantry without a struggle, though those wino introduce the improvement may not be able to participate in the reform. The words of a greet General called Napoleon still held g(pd : "Thole can be 110 progress unless opposed." ' \V. R. 13ELDrgN. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE GENERAL ELECTION ' Leery hid daunts points to. agtvleral [lection in Onttuit, possibly in June and at any rate not. later than the 1+'a11. The Qoverlttneut has 113-1101' been as weak as this yea!', The Wase is abs1lntel y ivil limit it leader and confusion is reigning; 1111881, Of the Lime With the result, that I he Govern- ment, already in the !bet month of the Session has n)tuie an astonishingly large tunihel of blunders which have lead to severe Criticisms 111/1 01117 from the. Opposition but from sections of !lie Govern men t• press The question of leadership in sucaes.iun, 111 Sir James %Vhituey ds no nearer solution than it Was six weeks ago. It is thought now that the Government will go to the Country ander the nominal leadership of - Sir James Whitley in an effort to hold the party together. The general election •i11 those cirenulstttnces tt ill not he a contest between Rowell and Whitney but one between Itotveli and Hanna. hnnngh 11115 developed a- gainst Baena a1roatl7 and 0uoagh mare is likely to develop to 1nuke dl easy fol' the people of Ontario to de- cide who should be ['Hole Minister - Hail lia Minister- H atna or 13,11011.11. SUBSIDY n 1L1 BOBFOR RADIALS Thomas Marshall, Liberal Member I'nr Aimed:, has an important notice. nit the order paper calling for Dominion a{cl to hydro Radials in Ontau'io. It exp1 eased a gratification that, the general movement among the Municipalities of the Province to 8eell'e unproved electric railway Health. Depends on Good Blood. Eggs for !latching Segal Strain White Wyaadottes 'rots No.. 1 S. `3 vorieleI 1f 12 pullets iu tach, select ed front /1 Hoek of 80 and mated with )t 1101: bird and e,ekerel fermi 220 raid 212 egg record hens, Pens Nus, ,i tC ,1 rIt:dst of 12 pal• lets ht tvta'lt, selected front bItlauce of my stool: and slated w1111 emelt bird 81111 cook veel front 2110 anti 100 recited henc, Provincial farm Strain of Bred to lay Barred Hocks Two Dyna -21, eelecLed pellets -Nom limit of 100 and matted with 2 rnr,Ittr- rl8 tl' henvy htyhy; nitidus, Eggs per setting of 15 Pen 1 White 1\'ytutlottes .....,,.. $2 50 Pen '2 " 2 01) Notice to Creditors In the neuter of the e,tate of A exsu'ler tltew(rl, tele of the Tentieldp of Grey, In the County of I1Ut'on and Prov Moe of Ontario, gentlemen, dine. tied. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Seo. 00, men, 211 of the Stat.on s of Onnu•i ,, 1 Y.}, -erg,• P tial!. )III 1) n•'eiiI )100teg 111)) banes against the seta AI aotdte• t;tewert•, who tiled on or about the Twelfth day of O'ebreal y, 1014, are renttired to pend by post prepaid ordeliverto F. s Bcott Brussels l'ost ofllee, Agent for A legalities. Stewart, Brussels end Deleon Stowart, Ch Otto the Esecnlels of iho so. tote of rho slid Alexander' :(townrt, their names end seer( Ws end fall Pertirolnrs in writing' of their Maims, before the Twentieth cloy of April, 1014, after whish date the mild Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de' /tensed am0110 the-psrsuna entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then hove 1111,1 notion and that they will not be liable for the said;meets or any part ',reef to Bey pe•N0n 0I' whoeu 0151111 they not Ghon have received notice, Doted at Brussels title Sixteenth: day of Mn r0lt, 1014, F. S. Soomm, Agent for Executors. Pell 4 "1 U0 Pens Bare ed Rucks 1 00 Auction Sales 75% fertility (111(1 square deal gnatt'au- teed. Only al limited quantity of Wyatidoite eggs for sale tip to bialy 1, AUt1TION MALE OF IM'Rbl STOOK, IM- ros:deters. ('Uastmuaa, $0., of Oran - brook F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, 11u0 received iustruotione from the undersigned Proprietor Riverside Farm to well by Publln Amnion on Friday, Apelt )rd tit 21r In the following valuable property:- 1 drivint,' mare 0 yearn old. 1 Gelding 2 years Phone 6 or 24x R. THOMSON -old shed! by Orinnder, 1 Gelding 2 years old Brussels. sired by Boron Fife, 1 thorn' heed cow to ealve. in klny, 1 3Onrlbng hl•i dedr 75 hens, 1 1um1)er tengon nearly naw, 1 peddling wagon, 1 Itght wagon, I robber tirobuaey, 1 steel tire buggy. 1 set sleighs with platform. 1 nutter, 1 qct single beeline now. 2 set Bingle linrneoo, 1 set trouble harness. 2 neckynkes,1 set whifllotreen, 1 fanning mill, 1 pinto, 1 eenifler, 1 set iron harrows,1 pultier, 1 nuga' kettle, 1 extension ladder new 2 rrowhers, 2 lerge oil sloth eoval'e. 2 robes, 150 bushels opts, 1 feed basket, 1 1 mewing machine, 1 iron crib new, bedsteads, . '/.buss, tables, etc.. forks, scythes. !toe., rakes, Shovel. and other nrtloles too mmmer0n0 t0 mention, Terase cash. overlmet amount lesomei 1801,111011Oredit given on furnishing (pnreved John notes. 5 per cent off for 0eeh on credit amounts. A, MODONALD, Proprietor, telulsportation facilities through the Hydro -Electric Power Commission, declares that the House views with satisfaction the prltnpt manner in which this question hue been taken up by the Uhaly tan of the Hydro Electric Power Cosutnission and. would respectfully memorialize the Government of the Dominion of Canada to -grant to Hydro Eleettie Radial Railways constructed by or for the benefit of the Munielpalitles of the Province. 111(113-1 the dieeeliun of the Hydro elleetria Powe' O1/u1- mission, 1L subsidy in all respealit equal to that of stearal railways under the provision of the .e1111 g1/ve'11 tg the grtwt.ing of subsidies to aid in the (oust) net 1)111 of rail ways, It is intepesting to dote that, it was the [liberal Opp ntiLion, lheotlgh Mr. Marshall, who also led the way hast year in 11(n.teOLion with the Hydro Radials. A resolution urging the utlnpt'itin of this policy 3381, voted down by the Government but before the chime, of the Session, Legishilidn along Ilie same line was paused by them giving the Hydro Commission power to extend its arlivifies to the building of Radi tis in co-operation ailMon ir,ipoll ties. 7'lt• Liberals moved to vote of cet- atn•r' nt the G"vel'nment for 131eeeler- ing 1.11011 (111 i11C011lplet a -financial statement that the public of the - Province could not final out front it the financial posiliun. ISiliotltsness is certainly one of the most disagree- able ailments which flesh is heir to. Coated tongue -bitter taste in the mouth -nausea -dizziness- these combine to make life a burden. The cause is a disordered liver -the cure - Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, They go straight to the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanse the stom- ach and bowels, clear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the first sign of bilious - nese take Dr. Morse's 40 Indian Root pills Attention of the FarmingCommunity y I have full lines of the various Ag- ricultural Lnplenents•iti stack and trot) able to supply the needs of all on short notice. .See oder Steel Low Hay Down Loaders Spreaders They can't be beaten, Nigh Grade Plums Phonographs Sewing Machines • Everyone who uses Fet l omits hate a ' nod - -- good coke. nd great vitality. Rena- Stock of. First-class Buggies son for this is l!el'rozone's. !tourer to 0)0(1le nourishing blond. "1 WAS broken down, had Ino stlelgth and couldn't eel" writes hive. Olins. 13en- N1r • t Ben- ny of ( � nc. Ont. "bI 1e vas. were irritable, I was thitt-hlnudeil and continually unh1Lltpy. 1 triad Frain. t e z n It gave me new shpt +v I'ir'c 1 e t brought 111 3 1 1 1h-11111111. vim I t� c sit L g ive well O1 stalest tenor and re- :. bnil(lei• ever known 1 „•lloz(1n1'. Sold every et t e ill 50 s Homestead Fertilizer {s the hist 011 1111' market. Ciel yinte Supply linty and be really rot, n vi, Spring ' P s t I n g. ' If you re.cpoi 'e anything in my line tiny ate th 1 •n 82 t 1, t .mil at m tear ' phoney pl Wont, You are always welcome. S. Carter, Brussels Notice to Creditors lathe molter of the 1stale of Jets) tibrddr 1, late of the 'I'owirdlip of Morels, in 1110 County of Heron, Province lit Onttirio, willow, Ile tlinsetl Notice le r ltohr I { a Von'lur1 t 4 1 nun to . ro 0fi, Ohltp 'O, of tin itntttten of Ontario, ,1, Glda•go V, I hat 011 115 1108 {loving any Maitreemitted emits the .1\ d Jean Hhedden, who died 0nor about the '1 hf d cloy of M0rch, 1014 sire trgttircd to send by post preen id or deliver to F, t4 Scott, ieito,ela Pest Office, Agent for hones and Rower. t hhudden , , Ex ), ttnrs P [ t n the , xst; o of dm sold Icon Slitddeh, their nnlnes tial nth dresses slut felt nm'alotlIurs 111 writing of thole oilnn. hI,Os' Inn 'Went 1rill (ley of ApriLJ014, after which date r ter. the pnil ' n 1 t eeto at ra will giro• creel to disndhitto the OtaetR of ltd 1 -he do. 00600d mm1ng tin po11 Ila entitled `1001,140 , / IlOving!t reg rd only to tin °Wino of mhloh Miry 011011 than hnvelts,i uotfoe And that alley will not h0 llnblo fm' 1110 enid hoots al' ani For sale pa•tthereofto,0 person litr•s oOfWhose lain they y nhnlr not thml hnvo rarer lhrted at ibussols this Sixt•o Ly 4 e Walton i 310rrh, 1014, Blake, l'fl Htinvk I Akenl fee E0OuutorS, A tTO'I'ION gal E OF hoLrin ntPtPer2„6cn,prrolrpvit.eatt8l Tin8s, ,6 0 F 7 FARM ruct.loneI8°,41+, , -41';'( '0 nIk. i eon m•0r}reivl Pchbhe unte0aeer, usuovl,eAPrnotngo 7 at 1 o'thick, the following valuable property 1 mare O years old '-uppc.ed to be In roil to Vodden's Lmported horns, 1. hare.• a years old, 1 Hprfng colt 0 month. 4 melt row. with enlves, 1 500 dm' to onlve, 1 cow due to no lye ht Inns I onw dna to nalvr in Oetuher, I furrow cow 5 year. old. 4 2 yens old !lettere 1 anllie dog 0 months u d 1 -ow clue to le rrow middle of April, 1 sow du„ to farrow 0bout the 20111 of 1110v, 1 M00ot mink binder 0 ft rut with troche end sheaf et[rrler complete. 1 Noxnn mower 5 ft Out, 1 uonbined 0edor n1111 cnitivptor new I ten -hoed seed drill, 1 Borne rake. 1 snuffler, 1 sot diamond harrows, 1 talking plow, 1 gang ulna 2 furrow, 1 Winton fanning m111,1 lay fork, rupee end pulleys ronlplete, 2 lumber wagons ons with )-belt tire nearly new.1 top buggy. 1 cutter, I get 13010810108, 1 gravel box, 1 wood rook and bunks, l 801 doable hnrnoso, 1 set single harness, 2 Net of whiIlietreea, 1 emery /dime °!mins, forks, hoes. shovels and other articles too numerous I nutrition Sale without roat'rvo a8 the Prop, lotoi' 1100 .old his farm Terms :-All sums of $1 end ander coal) : over tine amount 7 months credit given on furnishing Approved joint Notes 4 per cent off for cash nn credit amounts. W151, RATHWELL, Proprietor. The People's Column FOIL SALE. -The undersigned bun n qulmtit of mite for )ole. Phone 12011 118 *eoforth Central DAVID t1CCUTOBEON, Mc- 1£Illop Twp., Walton P. 0. FARk1 FOR ,A LE being North Balt or Lot 21. Oen 11, lirey township. blurt n GO., eontulnfag 00 ecus, If eat sold by the tot of April will Ise tented for grnsa as the num iN eroded down. On the ,remise: is a Rause hltttae owl 0 goat Wood sled; bank born with stone stabling and orchard, Gond we Int the house ands spites at the harm, 50 )toren clear- ed, 2H eines from Ethel station, 1% )natio from school seri eintreh. Po"aeteiuu nal be given at any time, a snap for (minks Role as the proprietor, Angus Campbell, Is In the West. ror further on rtleulars apply on Lot 20, Con.. 10, G-rey, Moncriefi P, 0 or phone 4710. JAMES 51CRAY, 811, FARM FOR SALE, being Nie Lot 10, Con, 0. Mortis Township, Huron 0o., containing 100' acres On the premises is n good 0 -Loomed tsetse 1101180 and woodshed, bank barn 40xOe, strew shed )0x00, poultry house 10e1), and pig hen There is considerable limber on farm f oestlan is about j4 mite Iron) ekureh and school For further ra•ttonlars apply on the premises or to RO14T, NEWCOMBE, Blyth Rural -phone 814 R. R. No..2 Blyth STOREHOUSE FOR SALE Olt TO RENT.- No. 1, Prodnoe warehouse Ut Brussels Station G. T. R. For particulars ripply to J. Looms, Brussels, 18^111DAR LAWN FARM" FOR SALE,- No Tho hurlersg,v ori offers xtilt. ]lie.Illu 710 acre farm, being Nm•thBanI1Lot 20 Coe. 6, Morris tmvnehlp, Huron 0o. Fenn is Ole good state of cultivation, well feared, and has un it n Hue brick In use that oust 01,500 Good limn sur lou tided by cedar hedge Barn 52 x 00 feet on .tone foundation, _Good orrlinrd end 1(1 00re+.of lnrdwood bush Ferm 1a only n mile front the eplendtd minket town 01 W.1141el0 and Is 1X Milos from school, Good commun. ity POonetal011 at Once For further particu- lars, Aline, terms, &a. apply on the pr3mine or to JOHN 2000NE7, Proprietor, Brussels P, O. 0.►� b����.� �1 vA a W. H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly anti ear*, roilyattended i del to air or dayMimi,. ETHEL, - ONT. 0,1r`rTv–v'ir-v71'\►T-9-o 1 COLLEGE AiT HOME Thousands 01' ambitious ,young Pets piere fns aro t 111 flt) 1 1 ng in their own IromneN to oc0upy literati we , 11him as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra- pherN, civil servants, 111 foot ever? ap11HPe of ItOttVities, Yell mug 11 151)1,1 eo110go if you so wish. Point imm g110, attfod. Enter nonose any day. Indi• victual in pt,uction, eExpert teachers you enoe. • LargeoSpc in Canada yoCUllogea,Speoial coure for nowhere, Affiliated 011,11 Oon1ner0inl Edson-. tor'N Aaaootatfon of (Meade. Hun mel' Stliortl at Minato.5Rotlon Bnainees 001 lege, 'melon, Wingh am Busness College G SO, et'Ommott, W, 'I', Monaca, President, . Prinnipal, II 11 UNIVERSAL CAR Buy it Because It's a Better Car MODEL T Toa1.f11 Our 650 Ou tariu J. N. GALBRAITH, Agent, BRUSSELS ,\ . rt' a e �a 1 r� ,g,)- •. 4U' f �." i r7 : ti�w s • 1 r. y` Jr ,:9 F V I `✓tiei.... 6� lrJ :ya,p,V di:',.1 aGWa' _ almilinellitmillak • z ft Belk, oso irtb } yr 71. II a:t'; *A OPPORTUNITY knocks once at every man's door.. She's knocking at your door now .so take heed! Ask us to send you our big 80 -page Cata- logue of Seeds, Bulbs,ruits Garden Tools, Insect Destroyer, Fertilizers, IPOW- try and Ike Supplies, A post Cardwin-bringIt to ... .... R you. Write todnri DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO. LTD. sox 122.1.. LONDON,OR'T., CANADA. ld 't`i: ` 414, ",;sti „kw VIP :Air 11 Valuable Premium given -4i b e o. !Moly 7RBE... with each order.. Page oneof Catalogue tells how to get it, Int? '4 440* opols 400 Agood supply pC lJ of J and inch Tile still 011 Band, Sat isfItctiOn £ U1lr)l11 teed. 5 Henfryn Brick It Tile Yards 001,1E & DOUGHERTY, Proprietors a I[atl midi Won of vevtitand anarchy. Fee I'vein it, the rause of mush talk concerning 13t'itttln's internal Matins. 10118 18 because very little restraint is put on any perreut who imagines the country owes hitt a free living minim exei Lion, lienee the man who has at i differe oe with the country publicly ' declaims against it, changing all ' manner of injustice up to those in powee, whilst the careful reader of London Dailies, w110 reads Police Court news, is amazed at the iul- partiality shown men of position. The man, though Sir, 1)nke or Lord promptly receives sentence as the poorest citizen is dealt with, the one policy 61 judges here is to hand out the late just as they receive it having no regard to whore it may effect. Questions of the moment to people here me looked upon as to rule by twit differing parties just as in Canada where proposals of making any change or serious change is adw'ays the signal for Politicians to charge I Charge someone or some where, it doesn't matter much so long as the cry catches. the people. A very good Illustration was that during the late election 1n Canada tvhett the hurtle spy lune. scuttled "Lyalty to the Enquire." Of (1001.5e farmers realised that. 500 00 per head for fat cattle under la loyal gove'nutent teas better tlte,t $100.00 per head for the shute annual if living under the flag of traitors, so 1(11 the villtws went. But what of the after part-? Why every- one of these men who thought 5100 cattle would ruin 11118144 ape onw bunk, ing the 840 pet' head, stile first teal prttlts ever obtained o11 a Lhree year old steer. Certainly no great change takes place for the people's good in any tenantry without a struggle, though those wino introduce the improvement may not be able to participate in the reform. The words of a greet General called Napoleon still held g(pd : "Thole can be 110 progress unless opposed." ' \V. R. 13ELDrgN. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE GENERAL ELECTION ' Leery hid daunts points to. agtvleral [lection in Onttuit, possibly in June and at any rate not. later than the 1+'a11. The Qoverlttneut has 113-1101' been as weak as this yea!', The Wase is abs1lntel y ivil limit it leader and confusion is reigning; 1111881, Of the Lime With the result, that I he Govern- ment, already in the !bet month of the Session has n)tuie an astonishingly large tunihel of blunders which have lead to severe Criticisms 111/1 01117 from the. Opposition but from sections of !lie Govern men t• press The question of leadership in sucaes.iun, 111 Sir James %Vhituey ds no nearer solution than it Was six weeks ago. It is thought now that the Government will go to the Country ander the nominal leadership of - Sir James Whitley in an effort to hold the party together. The general election •i11 those cirenulstttnces tt ill not he a contest between Rowell and Whitney but one between Itotveli and Hanna. hnnngh 11115 developed a- gainst Baena a1roatl7 and 0uoagh mare is likely to develop to 1nuke dl easy fol' the people of Ontario to de- cide who should be ['Hole Minister - Hail lia Minister- H atna or 13,11011.11. SUBSIDY n 1L1 BOBFOR RADIALS Thomas Marshall, Liberal Member I'nr Aimed:, has an important notice. nit the order paper calling for Dominion a{cl to hydro Radials in Ontau'io. It exp1 eased a gratification that, the general movement among the Municipalities of the Province to 8eell'e unproved electric railway Health. Depends on Good Blood. Eggs for !latching Segal Strain White Wyaadottes 'rots No.. 1 S. `3 vorieleI 1f 12 pullets iu tach, select ed front /1 Hoek of 80 and mated with )t 1101: bird and e,ekerel fermi 220 raid 212 egg record hens, Pens Nus, ,i tC ,1 rIt:dst of 12 pal• lets ht tvta'lt, selected front bItlauce of my stool: and slated w1111 emelt bird 81111 cook veel front 2110 anti 100 recited henc, Provincial farm Strain of Bred to lay Barred Hocks Two Dyna -21, eelecLed pellets -Nom limit of 100 and matted with 2 rnr,Ittr- rl8 tl' henvy htyhy; nitidus, Eggs per setting of 15 Pen 1 White 1\'ytutlottes .....,,.. $2 50 Pen '2 " 2 01) Notice to Creditors In the neuter of the e,tate of A exsu'ler tltew(rl, tele of the Tentieldp of Grey, In the County of I1Ut'on and Prov Moe of Ontario, gentlemen, dine. tied. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Seo. 00, men, 211 of the Stat.on s of Onnu•i ,, 1 Y.}, -erg,• P tial!. )III 1) n•'eiiI )100teg 111)) banes against the seta AI aotdte• t;tewert•, who tiled on or about the Twelfth day of O'ebreal y, 1014, are renttired to pend by post prepaid ordeliverto F. s Bcott Brussels l'ost ofllee, Agent for A legalities. Stewart, Brussels end Deleon Stowart, Ch Otto the Esecnlels of iho so. tote of rho slid Alexander' :(townrt, their names end seer( Ws end fall Pertirolnrs in writing' of their Maims, before the Twentieth cloy of April, 1014, after whish date the mild Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de' /tensed am0110 the-psrsuna entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then hove 1111,1 notion and that they will not be liable for the said;meets or any part ',reef to Bey pe•N0n 0I' whoeu 0151111 they not Ghon have received notice, Doted at Brussels title Sixteenth: day of Mn r0lt, 1014, F. S. Soomm, Agent for Executors. Pell 4 "1 U0 Pens Bare ed Rucks 1 00 Auction Sales 75% fertility (111(1 square deal gnatt'au- teed. Only al limited quantity of Wyatidoite eggs for sale tip to bialy 1, AUt1TION MALE OF IM'Rbl STOOK, IM- ros:deters. ('Uastmuaa, $0., of Oran - brook F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, 11u0 received iustruotione from the undersigned Proprietor Riverside Farm to well by Publln Amnion on Friday, Apelt )rd tit 21r In the following valuable property:- 1 drivint,' mare 0 yearn old. 1 Gelding 2 years Phone 6 or 24x R. THOMSON -old shed! by Orinnder, 1 Gelding 2 years old Brussels. sired by Boron Fife, 1 thorn' heed cow to ealve. in klny, 1 3Onrlbng hl•i dedr 75 hens, 1 1um1)er tengon nearly naw, 1 peddling wagon, 1 Itght wagon, I robber tirobuaey, 1 steel tire buggy. 1 set sleighs with platform. 1 nutter, 1 qct single beeline now. 2 set Bingle linrneoo, 1 set trouble harness. 2 neckynkes,1 set whifllotreen, 1 fanning mill, 1 pinto, 1 eenifler, 1 set iron harrows,1 pultier, 1 nuga' kettle, 1 extension ladder new 2 rrowhers, 2 lerge oil sloth eoval'e. 2 robes, 150 bushels opts, 1 feed basket, 1 1 mewing machine, 1 iron crib new, bedsteads, . '/.buss, tables, etc.. forks, scythes. !toe., rakes, Shovel. and other nrtloles too mmmer0n0 t0 mention, Terase cash. overlmet amount lesomei 1801,111011Oredit given on furnishing (pnreved John notes. 5 per cent off for 0eeh on credit amounts. A, MODONALD, Proprietor, telulsportation facilities through the Hydro -Electric Power Commission, declares that the House views with satisfaction the prltnpt manner in which this question hue been taken up by the Uhaly tan of the Hydro Electric Power Cosutnission and. would respectfully memorialize the Government of the Dominion of Canada to -grant to Hydro Eleettie Radial Railways constructed by or for the benefit of the Munielpalitles of the Province. 111(113-1 the dieeeliun of the Hydro elleetria Powe' O1/u1- mission, 1L subsidy in all respealit equal to that of stearal railways under the provision of the .e1111 g1/ve'11 tg the grtwt.ing of subsidies to aid in the (oust) net 1)111 of rail ways, It is intepesting to dote that, it was the [liberal Opp ntiLion, lheotlgh Mr. Marshall, who also led the way hast year in 11(n.teOLion with the Hydro Radials. A resolution urging the utlnpt'itin of this policy 3381, voted down by the Government but before the chime, of the Session, Legishilidn along Ilie same line was paused by them giving the Hydro Commission power to extend its arlivifies to the building of Radi tis in co-operation ailMon ir,ipoll ties. 7'lt• Liberals moved to vote of cet- atn•r' nt the G"vel'nment for 131eeeler- ing 1.11011 (111 i11C011lplet a -financial statement that the public of the - Province could not final out front it the financial posiliun. ISiliotltsness is certainly one of the most disagree- able ailments which flesh is heir to. Coated tongue -bitter taste in the mouth -nausea -dizziness- these combine to make life a burden. The cause is a disordered liver -the cure - Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, They go straight to the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanse the stom- ach and bowels, clear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the first sign of bilious - nese take Dr. Morse's 40 Indian Root pills Attention of the FarmingCommunity y I have full lines of the various Ag- ricultural Lnplenents•iti stack and trot) able to supply the needs of all on short notice. .See oder Steel Low Hay Down Loaders Spreaders They can't be beaten, Nigh Grade Plums Phonographs Sewing Machines • Everyone who uses Fet l omits hate a ' nod - -- good coke. nd great vitality. Rena- Stock of. First-class Buggies son for this is l!el'rozone's. !tourer to 0)0(1le nourishing blond. "1 WAS broken down, had Ino stlelgth and couldn't eel" writes hive. Olins. 13en- N1r • t Ben- ny of ( � nc. Ont. "bI 1e vas. were irritable, I was thitt-hlnudeil and continually unh1Lltpy. 1 triad Frain. t e z n It gave me new shpt +v I'ir'c 1 e t brought 111 3 1 1 1h-11111111. vim I t� c sit L g ive well O1 stalest tenor and re- :. bnil(lei• ever known 1 „•lloz(1n1'. Sold every et t e ill 50 s Homestead Fertilizer {s the hist 011 1111' market. Ciel yinte Supply linty and be really rot, n vi, Spring ' P s t I n g. ' If you re.cpoi 'e anything in my line tiny ate th 1 •n 82 t 1, t .mil at m tear ' phoney pl Wont, You are always welcome. S. Carter, Brussels Notice to Creditors lathe molter of the 1stale of Jets) tibrddr 1, late of the 'I'owirdlip of Morels, in 1110 County of Heron, Province lit Onttirio, willow, Ile tlinsetl Notice le r ltohr I { a Von'lur1 t 4 1 nun to . ro 0fi, Ohltp 'O, of tin itntttten of Ontario, ,1, Glda•go V, I hat 011 115 1108 {loving any Maitreemitted emits the .1\ d Jean Hhedden, who died 0nor about the '1 hf d cloy of M0rch, 1014 sire trgttircd to send by post preen id or deliver to F, t4 Scott, ieito,ela Pest Office, Agent for hones and Rower. t hhudden , , Ex ), ttnrs P [ t n the , xst; o of dm sold Icon Slitddeh, their nnlnes tial nth dresses slut felt nm'alotlIurs 111 writing of thole oilnn. hI,Os' Inn 'Went 1rill (ley of ApriLJ014, after which date r ter. the pnil ' n 1 t eeto at ra will giro• creel to disndhitto the OtaetR of ltd 1 -he do. 00600d mm1ng tin po11 Ila entitled `1001,140 , / IlOving!t reg rd only to tin °Wino of mhloh Miry 011011 than hnvelts,i uotfoe And that alley will not h0 llnblo fm' 1110 enid hoots al' ani For sale pa•tthereofto,0 person litr•s oOfWhose lain they y nhnlr not thml hnvo rarer lhrted at ibussols this Sixt•o Ly 4 e Walton i 310rrh, 1014, Blake, l'fl Htinvk I Akenl fee E0OuutorS, A tTO'I'ION gal E OF hoLrin ntPtPer2„6cn,prrolrpvit.eatt8l Tin8s, ,6 0 F 7 FARM ruct.loneI8°,41+, , -41';'( '0 nIk. i eon m•0r}reivl Pchbhe unte0aeer, usuovl,eAPrnotngo 7 at 1 o'thick, the following valuable property 1 mare O years old '-uppc.ed to be In roil to Vodden's Lmported horns, 1. hare.• a years old, 1 Hprfng colt 0 month. 4 melt row. with enlves, 1 500 dm' to onlve, 1 cow due to no lye ht Inns I onw dna to nalvr in Oetuher, I furrow cow 5 year. old. 4 2 yens old !lettere 1 anllie dog 0 months u d 1 -ow clue to le rrow middle of April, 1 sow du„ to farrow 0bout the 20111 of 1110v, 1 M00ot mink binder 0 ft rut with troche end sheaf et[rrler complete. 1 Noxnn mower 5 ft Out, 1 uonbined 0edor n1111 cnitivptor new I ten -hoed seed drill, 1 Borne rake. 1 snuffler, 1 sot diamond harrows, 1 talking plow, 1 gang ulna 2 furrow, 1 Winton fanning m111,1 lay fork, rupee end pulleys ronlplete, 2 lumber wagons ons with )-belt tire nearly new.1 top buggy. 1 cutter, I get 13010810108, 1 gravel box, 1 wood rook and bunks, l 801 doable hnrnoso, 1 set single harness, 2 Net of whiIlietreea, 1 emery /dime °!mins, forks, hoes. shovels and other articles too numerous I nutrition Sale without roat'rvo a8 the Prop, lotoi' 1100 .old his farm Terms :-All sums of $1 end ander coal) : over tine amount 7 months credit given on furnishing Approved joint Notes 4 per cent off for cash nn credit amounts. W151, RATHWELL, Proprietor. The People's Column FOIL SALE. -The undersigned bun n qulmtit of mite for )ole. Phone 12011 118 *eoforth Central DAVID t1CCUTOBEON, Mc- 1£Illop Twp., Walton P. 0. FARk1 FOR ,A LE being North Balt or Lot 21. Oen 11, lirey township. blurt n GO., eontulnfag 00 ecus, If eat sold by the tot of April will Ise tented for grnsa as the num iN eroded down. On the ,remise: is a Rause hltttae owl 0 goat Wood sled; bank born with stone stabling and orchard, Gond we Int the house ands spites at the harm, 50 )toren clear- ed, 2H eines from Ethel station, 1% )natio from school seri eintreh. Po"aeteiuu nal be given at any time, a snap for (minks Role as the proprietor, Angus Campbell, Is In the West. ror further on rtleulars apply on Lot 20, Con.. 10, G-rey, Moncriefi P, 0 or phone 4710. JAMES 51CRAY, 811, FARM FOR SALE, being Nie Lot 10, Con, 0. Mortis Township, Huron 0o., containing 100' acres On the premises is n good 0 -Loomed tsetse 1101180 and woodshed, bank barn 40xOe, strew shed )0x00, poultry house 10e1), and pig hen There is considerable limber on farm f oestlan is about j4 mite Iron) ekureh and school For further ra•ttonlars apply on the premises or to RO14T, NEWCOMBE, Blyth Rural -phone 814 R. R. No..2 Blyth STOREHOUSE FOR SALE Olt TO RENT.- No. 1, Prodnoe warehouse Ut Brussels Station G. T. R. For particulars ripply to J. Looms, Brussels, 18^111DAR LAWN FARM" FOR SALE,- No Tho hurlersg,v ori offers xtilt. ]lie.Illu 710 acre farm, being Nm•thBanI1Lot 20 Coe. 6, Morris tmvnehlp, Huron 0o. Fenn is Ole good state of cultivation, well feared, and has un it n Hue brick In use that oust 01,500 Good limn sur lou tided by cedar hedge Barn 52 x 00 feet on .tone foundation, _Good orrlinrd end 1(1 00re+.of lnrdwood bush Ferm 1a only n mile front the eplendtd minket town 01 W.1141el0 and Is 1X Milos from school, Good commun. ity POonetal011 at Once For further particu- lars, Aline, terms, &a. apply on the pr3mine or to JOHN 2000NE7, Proprietor, Brussels P, O. 0.►� b����.� �1 vA a W. H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly anti ear*, roilyattended i del to air or dayMimi,. ETHEL, - ONT. 0,1r`rTv–v'ir-v71'\►T-9-o 1 COLLEGE AiT HOME Thousands 01' ambitious ,young Pets piere fns aro t 111 flt) 1 1 ng in their own IromneN to oc0upy literati we , 11him as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra- pherN, civil servants, 111 foot ever? ap11HPe of ItOttVities, Yell mug 11 151)1,1 eo110go if you so wish. Point imm g110, attfod. Enter nonose any day. Indi• victual in pt,uction, eExpert teachers you enoe. • LargeoSpc in Canada yoCUllogea,Speoial coure for nowhere, Affiliated 011,11 Oon1ner0inl Edson-. tor'N Aaaootatfon of (Meade. Hun mel' Stliortl at Minato.5Rotlon Bnainees 001 lege, 'melon, Wingh am Busness College G SO, et'Ommott, W, 'I', Monaca, President, . Prinnipal,