HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-4-2, Page 1Witto
V )L. 12 JO, 40
W. H, KERR, ProOl''elot
New Advertisements
For/ties-JAS. Seen.. - -
For Sle-Onse Lett -tont
Rog for Servloo-F, 13nlrnrn.
Fatuity.Thet>tre-R Al. Slnolnlr,
Reticle to creditors -1f. S. Stott,
Eggs for Hntrlllnu-W D Norris.
Mortgagee sale -Tone. & I.onnrd
Pasture Feria to !tent -David Milne.
Huron specialty baro. -Alf, parker.
Easter yards & Rn-pn Pecans -F R smelt
A Ott rd- las Unlictntyno, W. J. lticOraoken &
George Tlaomsnn,
\V. 8. Me.Kerellerspent several days
of lust week in Toronto.
Tindall Ritchie, 09 Bt'nssele, spent
Saturday at, his home here.
Charlie Wendt, of Mihhnav, }s the
guest of his itrfdIn • J. R, Wendt,
Mts. E. Cardiff and children, of
Bl lisse)s, are visa l'.1 ug the fctemel''s.
parents. Jun, and Mrs. Morrison,
The W. F. M. S. of I he Preebyte•iau
church met at the home of Mt e. W.
S, McKerchee on Thursday ;Mot nnnrt.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist:
church held thele monthly meeting at
the home of Hits. Jno. Morrison, on
'Wednesday afternoon.
Lloyd A1aLter, who has been visit.
Ing hie brother,ft 1 r fo •
W.A t
i >J.Mother, g,
some time, left for Cobalt last fweek.
Mee. G. Davidson, assisted by Mies
Sadie White, conducted the Yuuilg
People's meeting in the Presbyterian
dowel' on Solidity evening, "What
Al lesions have dune for the mold,"
was the subject taken.
Samuel Jordan has returned from
Vancouver and will take possession
of the farm he has recently purchased
from Mr, ficandrett.
Wm. . Geddes has purchased the
lintel property in the village front
Mr. Hill, of London. Mr. Geddes
gets possession at once and it Is said
he wi11 ran it rte it temperance house.
1Ve wish the purchaser every sueress
in his new enterprise. We are glad
to Petah) Mr. and Mrs. Geddes in nm•
midst its they are well established
and most desirable citizens.
An Adnit Bible Class Ines been
organized in connection with Knox
church. Rev. Mr. Boyle is the Presi
dent and Teaohei : Mrs, W. H
Ferguson, Seerettll y-Trete:nee•; Mrs.
James Tavinr, organist ; and Andrew
Taylor, Convenor of the Lank -nit
Committee. The class will meet. in
++++++++4•+++++++++++++++++b :,+++++++++++++++++++++++++
ramily I heater
o' -
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Open Every Evening
One Hour and a Half of 51 Entertainment Solid t r a n s 4.
Only place of Amusement in Brussels
* R. M. SINCLAIR, - Proprietor
-;-.1-.1.++++++++++++++.1.++++++++.: 4.1.444-1-14-1•4•4•••14++++++++++.14+
(r ss
b •
a The Sig t . Store- Brussels
• Highest price for Butter and Egged
A Boy's Ambitions it.
SELF. •.
B and
the kiltd that Mantle the test,
the kihid we've tested and reconr
mend to be thebest to buy -full of
chtteacter, \sell arcade, well fitting.
Doable on the. knees seat aitd
elbows, where the sitaiti is great-
est. Uoate have concave should-
ers, long lapels,. etc.
Prices based on "quality" -not oil
Suits $5 to §1B
r•alYeeeaada te Ye
• iaNtll•iitAl91►tl 41ss•aasif/Ma•••grHl0N0114
the ul
t a (Itorlirho 'h c1 F
t f e l utc l Sunday
torill �a
I t i tib t 10 inlet's.
oltu-l'l1 REBIDENrs,he bell sheet
called the uwiubers of the Luca)
Legislature 10 te•asseinbie in rheic
places of Friday evening, 271,11 ult.,
was the Higmil gut fel' the arrival or
the real adjusters of the universe
Among tate ladies _ who were invited
to Lady NVllitney's reception in the
Speakers qultetel's and the eostunles
worn which adorned the auspicious
ncottsii)n, shell Lioll ie trade of Mrs.
Lrorbes-Godfrey, D9imioo, wearitlg
a 'pale blue satin, with tunic of
chiffon, velvet and fur. Our reader's
Will remember Mrs, Godfrey as Miss
Mary Carson, who spent her girlhood
days in the village and is now the
esteemed -wife of Dr. Godfrey, of
Mandato, who is the ftp -to -date 11.1. P.
P. for Nest York, and who is by no
menus a silent member but one who
!lits had the courage of his convictions
and has spoken on the floor of the
lio' ee an snVel7tl 0Cea4l011s ill regard
to the protection of one rare, he
being influential in having the
Ferriage Low of this Province ad
!jested and put on 10-811ooger basis.
Che Dr, spent the fltst .veers ofhis
praotiee in medicine in the village
and met with to large measure of
strews. He 0808 at that time. 0
public spirited man who has aspired
Mel attained man great el' things in
the Intervening yea's. Dr. and Mrs.
Godfrey have ;Met retut-tied front a
trip to East India Islands
Mrs. Stewart, of Goilerieh, is spend-
ing a few drips with her friend, Mrs.
Ernest Geddes.
Mee. Heaney, of Bluevale. Is spend.
tag a few days with her daughter,
tire. James Vane:uup, of Westfield.
The Debate which wu•. IO lin vebeen
-riven by the Guild in Knox elinroh nn
Tuesday evening will he given 011
(load Fl ,day night, Apelt 10111
\Ve ere pleleed to cote the Edilnt
o9 THE Poem is making favorable
progress t(pwtu ds ,'ecovei y and that
ere long g he may be in possession of
his usual vigor.
An old resident of this locality in
.the meson of Rohm Maxwell, nr,w
residing in Clint on, ct'lebt>tted his 80111
tttlnivel'sai•y last week. He is a
wonderfully smart old gen Hemet
Nr. end Mrs. Alaxwell will soon he 58
years mat Heti.
Au indicator in the faun' of a
missionary clock, 1:11e handiwork of
Rey. Mr. Boyle, was pinged in learn
Of the pulpit in Knox rhuveli Sunda)
morning and will appear on the last
Sunday of each month. It will 111111-
(tate the missionary givings of the
caltgt•egttl,0n th rttughonl.'the year.
snccessf-ul event iim thehistory, of the
Bluevale Literary Society, and one of
t most remeu•keble entertainments
in the annals of this neighborhood
was the program contest between the
nuuried and single members on
March 25th, ' which brought the
activities of the society. to a close fin
the present season. - When the
audience reluctantly dispersed soule-
after mid
ni ht any lingering
doubts that might, have been held as
'to the value of Literary Ye Societ in
the community were . dispelled for-
ever. Under such conditions of
threatening weather and bad roads
the size of the audience which packed
the Poi ester's Hall was in- itself re-
markable. Mayot• Irwin, of Wing.
hath, was unable to fill his engage-
ment to net as judge. This was a mis-
fortune to lhtyot Irwin as well 'as to
the Literary Society. - As it seemed'
hopeless to loolt foe an'iutptutial'
judge among these present owing to
the tact. that practically everyone was
either harried or single, Lite
audience themselves were left to' de-
cide of the merits of the contestants.
'rhesingle and married people oc-
cupied opposite vides of the Hall and
A. L. Posner act 0(1 a8 chairman t1( e
vety.oapable and impartial marine.
Neck side was giveri'an hour tint the
time Inuit WAS 111)1. closely observed,
especially .by the maw led people,
The program throughout was so en-
joyable. howeyer that no .one would
have wi,hed it to he cm In iled. The
first half hour was fllled'hy t.liesingle
members nlieiiog with sa pitulo alter
"'1'heOhtu1nt Rare," by Hisses Cora
1-+++++++•l.+$.+++++++1l +4.4444
- s s
4 �
t O ing
en•s .
p g
+ �! MitchellA__ !1L.JI I _ .r.
ETHEL , 45
•F t•
,p FIRST' VI19\V
• Friday and Saturday
APRIL 3rd & 4th
Miss Schmid
1 .now inviter cite"
Ladies of Ethel and vicinity " to •t
'1' accept this 111001aliou 1,1 {Isco 4
1 4.
Inc Spring showing of the most' •N
thpde-dtatestank orSpritil'Iats,: f
4. consisting of lflu,(bu4uades, and
Reedy -Ln -wpm,, y4
i1.' N,'v, l before was stn al nett of k
Ribbons atm, 11'loweea AO reastnt- ..4.
able nue look will rolvrr yon. F1
4 Our abets are right. 1-
'l' Niles Ar Schmidt, Milliner: •N
T. Geor, M. Mitchell '•
4.Highest mires fon' But tar & Rggs r
Phone +i'
John Lunn
Painter, Paper Hanger
Grainer and Deoorator
A Trial Solicited First -Class Work
Phone 47x
Thomas Street, Brussels
was served, Everyone scented to ,
h [ rt 1 >u'o
t h � the •'et . Ed and Btt t1L �?
t t4 flan land IA 1 ailt7 pa tl
g Y i
JY a
h •art v e .
u ul lit hanks wt n
t tetetler
Na n
-L M1•. til
n u a d ..... l f r
, A lir d !t
9 9!
cb ta! o C e
us >f 1P i • 1'
Meese'. and Mary King. Among the
other interesting numbers given by
the single members during the even-
ing were a Jew's hail.) solo by Edgar
Mac Alichttel, which perhaps received
More applause that' any other feature
of the entertainment; two choruses,
"I'ot going back to Dixie" and an-
other called ''The Bluevale Literary"
which had a novel whistling chorus
included; a musical novell y, "The
\Vitndei'ing Violinist," played by
Messrs. Spelt' and 19erlte.y, with lights
out ; a mixed quartette ++Iit the
gloaming" by ,11188148 Corti Messer fold
Aguas Aitchison and W. Spear and
Howard 13eaney ; and the grateful
andouulpliottted Maypole drill given
by eight of the prettiest girls in
Huroi, County. The first part of the
mat vied people's program opened
with ti splendid chorus ".sly Old Ken-
tucky Home." Several flue addresses
were given :-Rev. Crawford Tate
spoke on "It eland and Home Rule" ;
Rev. J. E Oook gave a very pleasing
and appropriate. talk on "Music" ; and
A.MacEwen in "An incident at Water -
MI.," gave a word picture of the
battle that thrilled his heaters with
its vividness and nobility of language.
One of tate best things given by th •
married people was a t'et:nation by
Mrs. Barry Diamond in costume
"Over the Hills to the Poor House."
']'here was a lousing selection by an
Orciestea consisting of Messrs.
Heaney anti Stewart, mouth organs :
Messrs. Black and Duff, violins' and
Ma's \Vatsol , auto Ilal'p ; P. D. 'King
excelled himself in his Solo ; Mrs.
Cook played 0 plane solo, lurid Mrs.
M'(ltd1 ttnd firs. O. Higgins played
a1 duet. There was a reading by R.
Shawn ; a reale quartette ; tL mixed
quartette and other numbers anti the
oliauix wits reached when A. Mar-
htven, J. \V. King. P D. King turd
R. Bieck sung "Cnartin' Bonnie
Leezie Lindsay Nun," with ubligatn
tin the hones by R. N Duff. At the
end of tile program the closing lum-
unrber of the "Literary Digest"' was
read and the meeting mute to a finish
with "Auld Lang Syne" and cheers
for the single people, the married
people and the Bluevale Literary
Society. The only regret expressed
by the audience was that the Exe-
cutive had failed to provide refresh
inont8 as mans were beginning to
feel weak for tach of nourishment.
The Literary Society closesits se o'
sell with
season V Ch aL membership ofand
to financial standing that will enable
it to do something tangible for the
benefit of the community,
9illlini•ry openings on Friday and
Sttttday of this week, Don't forget.
Several here have invested in either'
a piano or a Domestic Vaccuntu
Mrs. Aticltew McKee was laid up
for several weeks with erysipelas but
we are pleased to see her out again.
1'liss Agnes Wtallter, of 'Toronto,
was renewing old acquaintances here
for several days during time past week.
11r. lleery Held, District Organizer
for the I, O F., was here last week.
He is popular here and always )vel-
in McKee has returned from
A 1 enod- a here he WAS fora month or
two assisting 1114 uncle, Wesley Boyd,
in get ilg out logs.
The chipper at the twill has not
been working well for a time 'so It
was sent to titre'forci for an over-
banning !net week. While it was 1a'
n'ny n Hemet. foundation was built. for
it and i1 has beets installed again and
is now ready for first-rbtss work.
11r. Sanders is determined to please
hi" pal rens.
Geo. and Mrs..A,ddy returned from
13ranrfocl last •week where they at-
tended the funeral of Mrs. Addy's
mother, Mrs. Addy was fn attend
Mare Open her neither for several
nmol hs he,f' n e sir passed away 'l'11e
svutptu,hy of the entire cntnonntity is
extended to Mr. raid Mrs. Addy u1
their be1•eavi911ent
A special service was held in the
M111111ist ehitieh 'last Sunday even-
ing in rite -interests of the. Women's
Missionary Society. Rev- Mr, 11e
Kielvey preacher! 0 very anpropllate
sermon and the special choir, corn-
posed'peincip"lay of mitt vied ladies,
reneitrt.,a'excellent mush:. The choir
sang a Cir•r,;e auttheirl ; Ml's. Angus
Brown, ,
I > 1 a sits) a'ld \Ian
Nes. De Mrs.
IiicKtivey lied 14lesats. Ralf Mrs.l and
naileftc. Mrs, iohn Mc-
Donald presided at, the cumin, The
mouse woe nnneh appreciated by all.
present. The 'I•lua1(k-offering aiIltltllit-
ed to $2250.
The metnbe's of the W. M, S. of the
Methodist. church nand thein' husbands
spent 11 very 'pletteant Roeial evening
.. le 1,11 l r f
at the home and Mrs: Mt -
Donald last PI
V e+nitsBev'
genies line (het ahort
grant 08(5 t'endeed. '"Recitations
were given by lira Spetine and
Bernice Utile ; Mise', Wren tool Angus
Brown govt` twin inslrnmentol duets
Hiss \Vrell also played a timelier of
eelectious dating the everting that
weer Intuit epprecltated, , Rev. air,
Melretvey acted as Chairmen and
grave (t alicn't address, A dainty iuuelt
e r le 1 sono.
SOSOOL REPORT. -The following is
the report of the Ethel FlibJi
c Sr
for the month of Match, Namesin
co der of. merit: Number 011 T oil 50.
Ave) age ' attendance 42. Sr. IV. -
Stuart M('Donald, Jr. IV, -M yrtl'e"
Lamont, Cecil Bateloarl, Michie 901c -
Donald, Dave McKee. 1 Se. III. -
Russel Monter. Jr.I1I.-Versa Mc-
Call. George McKee, Mae Vodden,
Quest Dobson, Clifford ' Ferguson,
Irene McKelvey, Pearl Love, Willie
Dune, Geo. Rowland, Willie Rowland,
George Pollard, Minnie Martin,
Bernice Cole, Alice Eckmier. Sr. II,
-Margaret McDonald, Tama Mitchell,
Milton Flood, Leslie Pollard, Rhea
MbLelland, Blake Howlett, Edwin
Kreuter. Jr. IL -Ella Mitchell, Lilly
Saucier, Lloyd Dunbar, Willie Woods,
Viola Mitchell, Olatence Flood.
First. -Myrtle McKee, Ruby Cleaver,
Willie Mitchell, Mervyn Eekniiee.
Primer.-Andt•ey Brenuter, Everett
Wright, Mary Vanzatlt, Walker
Mitchell, Glenn Lindsey, � Edwin Gill,
Frank Flood, Annie Voids, Edith
Dane, Jennie Melee, Alice Davidson
E. S. DANBROOK, Teacher.
The next meeting of Morris Connell
will be held on Monday, A1)ril 13th.
R. B. Alcock has invested ill a
traction engine which arrived tide
week. It will be used in the inane -
ng of cement tile.
Jas. M Davis, 5th line, returned on
Friday of last week, after spending
the Winter in Lindetty. lie looks tae
if the elhnate in that section agreed
wish him.
SCHOOL REPORT--11nllowiag is the
report of 8 8. Nn, 3, Manias, for the
month of March :-Jr. 1V. -Andrew
Nichol 218, Nor,ntan Sprit 175. Se.
IIL.-Russel Mat•ks 208, John IteNeil
185. Jr. III.- Mary McNabb 828,
Ueeil Sorters 285, Margaret Hanna
288, Lillian WitA1•ter 208, MiLl'gttret
McNeil 189, Annie Little 168, Mttggie
Clark 180. Sr. I1. PUSS 182, }knots
244. James Duncan 295, Clifford
Marks 243, George Ohampion 185,
Florence Nichol 124, Jr IL -Everett
Nichol 285, Aline Speir 132 St. Pt. I
-Verna Clark, Stanley 11tu'ks, Eldred
Miller, Mary Alcock. Jr. Pt. I -
Marguerite Little. Primary -Mille'
McArter, Annie Clark, Lottie
Client pion. 19. BEYANB, Teacher,
Mies Olive and Master Edgar Wight -
man, of Deeket ville, Mich., spent ,t
few days visiting :their nobles and
0the friends of East Waovanosh and
Morris. They cause over more par-
Lioularly to visit their uncle, Christo-
pher Johnson, who has sold his flue
faros on the gravel road, tit ee• miles
Not th of Blyth. For the past few
years Mt'. Johnson has gone exte,si•
vely into dairy farmingtuid at his
sale, wihich will be held on Apt it Sr h,
quite a number of eows will be offer-
ed. AL. Johnson and family start for
Salmon At'rn, B. 0., on April 14t11.
They expect to stake the trip in about
44 days. His bt(thet utlaw John
has been living at Salami) n
1 Arm sur
years and some )
a (f his fount] til•e
the lied and d settled around there so
Christopher will not be 0utong strang-
ers entirely, Mr. Scheele) will he
very much missed as he has spent
about 45 years of his life i1( this
vicinity, going to srltonl at No. 5,
Mot iris, when Miss Annie Smith was
teacher in the old log school house.
"Not)" W1LsoN DECEASED. -The
last link that hound one of the best
known charncler
stn.the township of
Morris to this world was snap-
ped last Friday afternoon
when Edward 'Wilson paid' Nitture's
debt. Death was due to a
general break dtium and was not un-
expected as he had been failing fast
for some time. Deceased was born in.
Armagh, Il•ehurd, told at the age o1' 4
years together with two brothers and
two sisters emigrated to the United.
States. After spending seven al years
in Buffalo he made his way to Huron
Co., when 20 years, of age, Since
fiat time the gt tater part of his .life
has been spent in Morris township.
Re never married and had 110 relatives
his bithies and sisters having ppre-
dt'eetased him, the last brother,
Ezekiel, having died in Michigan)
about 4 years ago. For a number of
years he has trade his home with
Suumsl anti Mrs. Walker, Oth lite,
who have always given him the best
of care and tit whose home he passed
away. He was 7.4 years of age tool in
his younger (lays had been 0 htu'd
iv.)1 ker. The t'une•al took phot+ on
Monday all el noon, service being eon -
(hutted by Rev, D. Wren. Interment.
was modeinBeussels cemetery The
name of "Ned Wilson" will tie heeded
down for yeots tt done by the petiole
of his community.
Wedesday of holt weelc,at8 tt'olonk,.
a very happy event look place' at
"Cedar Grasse Farm" the home. of
.1110. R. elle Mrs. Bell, the .ncoasiot)
being the wedding of ,their only
daughter, Mise Jennie Between, .t t
Jtunss Leslie Fear. 0 popular young
farmer, of Norris, 'ro strains fa 1 the tint s of
the Wedding Marr, I1 e: h 'a
tt, s,,lr 1p'yd yMus
Maly I!et,t•, luster of the grooms, the
•yntitg eoople took their places niter`
an twerp eeu aLreit (lomat ed with
Tenses, lilies, white 011111ns:•90nd 'booked
with flowers The made looked very
eltnrtting le a dress of (srem)) shit
pelmet( 14te,dwithsatin And sha
iami earryitor in he' hand be-
of white 1.08e5 and maiden hair
Fern. The groom's gift to the bribe
WAS 0 -gold broneh set with amethysts
and to the o•gn.nist a gold bracelet.
Rev, Geo: Jewitt, of Blyth, perfoethed
the (levet/miry, After the signing of
the register all venni) ed to tate Billing•'
room where an excellent. wedding sup-
per was enjoyed by the relat lees and
ftietds phenol, The beide ants mitt of
Nature's Debt,
Prominent Reeldent of Grey peasus
away after short Illness.
y t e a he n ew
There passed away Monday of titin
week at one n'tiuclC, one of Grey's
most estimable and worthy wen in
the person of Edward Bryans. De-
ceased was ill but a very short time
and all that medical skill and kind
and loving nuesigg could do wits
done, but despite all the spirit wing-
ed its flight to the homeland. The
late Mt. i&ryans was a than of marked
personality, being a wide reader tv{ts
very conveesaut upon the issues of
the day. He was always willing to
take hie place and bear his share in
the work of promoting every good
rause. In the Council he served his
I itue and his judgment was always
• mild 1)1(1 his kindly spirit won fur
bio a large place in the affection and
esteem of a wide circle of friends
thenughout the township, At the
time or his death be was •one of the
ilireetors of Brussels, Morris and
Grey Telephone Company and also of
I he Howick Fire Insurance Company
1 It his home he was an ideal host 01(43
as a husband and father his thought-
I'nlness 0od kindliness will long be
cherished. He married Miss 11ary
Gallagher, of \Vrnxetet•, who survives
him. To there were born eight
c•hildvett :-Dr. Will., of 0tartnangay.
Alberta ; John. of Fordwich ; Mrs.
McAllister, or Grey ; Ales. (Dr.) Feild,
of Owen Sou id ; Dr. Fred„ lit Brus-
sel., ; and Mteses Lizzie, Eva and
Laura at 110111e. Tiles, with a host of
ftieeds. are left 10 mourn the loss of
a loving linsbtutd, faithful father and
tie aeighhor. The deceased wait one
,f Grey's pioneers mid itis exemplary
life will Inng be remembered by all
knew inn las qualities iuallt'es of
sterlingit'ug s
ur Rtt9 a
id nu elfl {I >•
assuming soil
it endeuted In m to
with wb e
m h 'sle1 )
u contact. III
religion ligiiln he was an Anglican and in
polities a Conservative. The funer-
al service was conducted nu Wedties
day at itis late residence by RevH.
11. Lang -Fold. of Listowel, a forme'
beloved rector, assisted by Rev. I. A.
McKelvey, of Ethel, pastor of family
and Rev.- D. Wren, of Brussels, a
former pastor and warm friend of the
fondly. His remains rest in the
Brussels cemetery, waiting the resur-
rection call. -
Morris' most estimable young ladies,
being a very active and energetic
workerin Jackson's Methodist rhnrclt
iu both Sunday School and choir. In
the evening in reception was held
when a mostenjoyakae time was spent
in music and dancing until the •small
hours' of the morning, 1'he young
couple t'eceivedmtany useful and valu-
showing the high esteem
in which they are held. They"will re-
side on the Sth line Morris. ''The best
wishes of their many friends spill join
1h(:1t1 and pray that theatre may be a
long, happy and prosperous wedded
life. -
John Duckett, a well kttnwn and
highly tespeoted resident of Morris,
Ie'11 (el 'Wednesday morning of last
week for Gle1(tavon, Soak,,, with two
cars of settlers' etfeets,lI ides, Duckett
and child left on Monday of this week
to :join he itnsbunbl.
ARCHio MENZIEB was styonaMaY.-
Dealh came 1viLh alueming snddeu-
nese in Archibald Menzies last Friday
night at the home of John Shortt'ecd
wit h whom he I;las resided for the
past 3 or 4 yetu's. 'Mr. Menzies had
been enjoying his usual good health
ltd nn Friday had dr'iveu to Blyth,
returning about 8 p. tn. Shortly
Sr, 0. 11 hi 01l'bvaI he retired tohis bed'
but alma 12 o'clock he arose and
want dews stairs complaining of a
severe pain in his chest, It only
hated it few minutes whets the vital
smolt l r 0+
)a ($ d while he was sitting 1tL'I,i tg iu his
chair, The stthjeot of this notices was
leen in Northeast Elope nearly 60
years ago, and when 2 years of age
moved with hie family to the town•
ship. of MoKillnp, where he has lived
dial inunusly over since until coming
to Aloteis afloat 3 years ago, Mr.
zags : was tL big, strong, l t b119 t.
g, 'n
lean and was widely known, Be
was man of many sterling qualities,
being nprigh1 and hninrlable in all
his dealings, the possession of a big,
hind heart, eve, willing to
help in
Clf Wend with grent ' rtolcct
and strong liberal nlitnl, and it is the
Int of ve'v few mete to },old the re'
spent and esteem of So large it
1ioln1)101 ity. Deceased never married.,
He is em•vived by four brothers (Jahn
of Michigan, and William, Rob
et and
Mwieohn, in the West) and live sist,rts
(NIrs. R. G. Rose, Chicago ; Mrs Thos.
Murray and Mrs. Jae. Smith, of Mc-
; Mrs. Conrad Ettgel, of Grey ;
and Mrs, Richntd Cardiff, lit the
The remains winea taken to
the home of his brother-in-law, Jas,
Smith, . of McKillop, from whose
residence the funeral took place 00
Wednesday afternoon, interment
being made in Maitland Bank ceme-
tery, Rev. Mr, Carswell conducted
the service. John Menzies, of Michi-
gan was the only brother - who was
able to be in attendance at the
Geo. and Mrs. Smaidon visited
Listowel friends this week.
Thos. Bird has rented Richard
Mitchell's fat RI for this year,
Rev. Mr. Duncanson, returned mis-
sionary from China, occupied the
pulpit in the Presbyterian Church
last Sunday morning.
A. McDonald's auction sale of fat'm
stock, implements, fnulitire, &c., on
Friday afternoon of this week com-
mencing at 2 o'clock. The sale will be
without reserve as Mr. McDonald has
disposed of his property here.
The St. Marys Argus, of March 19011,
iu cointnentiug on Wm. Reuther, a
former Oranbrook bay and who has
been manager of the skating rink
there during the past season, says :-
"He wascourteous obligingand
general favorite with all rink -going
people." , -
Wesley Speiran delivered a sow to '
John Bateman at Ethel on Wednes.
day of this week that tipped the
scales at 690 lbs. She brought the
owner over $50 in hard cash.
Don't forget the Auction Sale of
fauns stock, implements, etc., of Wtn,
Rothwell, or Tuesday afternoon of
next week. His Lot is No. 25 on the
10th Con. F. S. Scott will be the
Aid of Union Methodist Church will
(told a Pancake Supper on Good
Friday evening, April. 10th. After
the supper, which will chiefly consist
of pancakes and maple syrup, a good
program will be supplied by local
SOROOr. BMPOR/T.-The following is
the report of the standing of the
pupils of S. S. No. 8, Grey, for the
month of 24larch :-Pupils were ex-
amined in Ai'ilh., Spell., Geog., Rec.
and Comp. Total 375. Pupils (nark-
ed +' missed one or more exams.
Sr. IV.- *Minnie Barton 204, '+'Mal'-
collo McLean 153. Sr. III.- *Mabel.
Carmichael 288, *Flora McLean 141.
Jr. IIL-+John McTaggart 191. Sr.
II. -Alex. McNabb • 272, James Mc-
T'agg•.u•t 243• James Carmichael 219,
•Adrian McTaggart 1S8. Jr. Ir. -
:Wile McNair 263 *John FL:Naught
121. Pt. II. -Geroge McNair 292;
Vera M1Ntnlghl 266. Pt. 1.- *Fergus
McTaggart 222 KATE TELFER,
l, er.
SCHOOL REPORT. -Ft (lowinTg iseachtime
report lit S. S. 10,Grey, >
* r
LebrmuY and> Memel). Honors 75%
Picea 60rIV.- Examined
:-Sr.-8e. 1u
AtItIaimetic, et amulets, Spelling,
Geography, Composition, Reading,
Writing and Literature- Maggie
Love 68, George Henry 66, Leslie
Lake 64, Stanley Machan 61, Mae
Inglis 47. Jr. LV.- Examined in
Artth., Gram., Spell,, Geog., Comp.,
Read., Writ., and Lit.- Colwell
Speiran 76, Lawrence Whitfield 72,
Selwyn Baer 68 Gtoser
Baker t Inglis 62,
Jean Luve 40. Jr. III. -Examined iu
At•ith., Geog., Spell., Read., Writ.,
Art and Hist.-Oharlie Neabel 81,
Herman Whitfield 68, Willie Neabel
62, Alfred Neabel 61, Eddie Ward 69,
Jr II.- Examined in Ai•i
th., Geog.,
Spell., Read., Wi'it., Art and History
-Gladys Whitfield 86, Et•ic Whitfield
85, Mary Ward 83, Lenora Patterson
80, Margaret Stevenson 78, Leslie
Baiers 78, Harald Neabel 72, Vallance
Inglis 68, Belle Inglis 66, Edgar
Whitfield 52. Pt. II. -Velma Michel,
Gordon Speiran, Norman Balers, Roy
Patterson. Pt. I. Mervin Henry,
Gladys Neabel, Edith Love, Arthur
Whitfield, Evelyn Ellaeott, Orval
Whitfield, Walter Ward, Mabel Cox,
Myrtle' liolenbeck. Primary -Melvin
Careochan, Bertie Neabel, Myrtle
BUCHANAN.-Wo are called upon this
week to locoed the sudden and tut -
expected demise of a very highly re-
spected resident of the 1711i con., in
the person of Mary. Stewart, beloved
wife of Alexander Buchanan. De-
ceased had been a sniferer from
1•heutnattsin for massy years, but was
1Ll0Vay8 able to be about and look
rafter her many duties. About 5
o'clock last Saturday morning eke
WKS suddenly strickenwith angina
pectoris, an affection of the heart, •
and gradually sank until death gave
relief early on Sunday morning.
Mts. Buchanan was Che eldest daugh-
ter of the late Hugh Stewart and was
torn t
born and brought tenth 1 t
a e 6h o
g r
of Grey. Thirty years' ago she was
united in at•eire to
her now bereft
part nee, who, with two soils and two
daughters are left to 'mourn the lose
of akind and loving wife and mother.
The family, consisting of John S.,
Donald, Margaret and ,Katherine afro
g ,
all at home with the exeeptiom of
Margarc+t wi0 is in the Went. One -
sister (Mies
ne"sister.(Mies Jean Stewart, of BNB -
sets) and one brother (Hugh,in the
West.) also 8Ul'Vive. Deceasetette in
her 581•d l't;ar, The ftinet'al ou Tues.
day afternoon was 001 y largely at-
tended, an a pro )nate service,,befo
p i B
conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. A.
Ltundy.• Interment was made in
Hritssels cemetery, Mr, Iluehanan
and ,family have the sincere sympathy
of the cotttuttlttity i11 their ettdtlten