HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-3-19, Page 8PAPER Grand Showing of our New 1914 Papers a J We have our new breaks all ready and now is the time to came in and have e good look at our new samples X• u wilt be delighted with the new stylee of des et, and t • 1 rest e'alor'nga A no.14 the many popular papers ate- aljltty *tripes with 'lut•out !tor lei's tO tnsteh, Oatmeal lugrnitis and ,tithed Oatmeal Deeigue. The much talked•of Chintz flapei'e. Applique Borders, Veiled Patterns, Varnished, W1teha.ble PapHra, &c. We have WWI Papers nt WI uricen reel even the cheapest have a beauty which is tar du-advaunce of wi'it fou rem til fi of in low priced goods 'there is a vert tart;i range to cheese (tum so sou 1118 sure to find just what you will like If ton have Pap:•riug to do at all it will be to your Itdvautage to at least see ours before pur chasing. l': The SMC A7 jU �f cr,.nr,a t F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. . ` Eat.� SICtentelvs s v • W A. LowRY loaded a car of horses Ed Listowel on Tuesday of this week for the .West. ARE you reading our new continued story? f' commencer) last week and is • entitled l"The Wedding Eve " HENRY KEPI lett for his home in Swift Current, Sask , on Tuesday of this week. going by way of Walton, He took with him a car of hor es, house- hold effects, etc. Mrs Keys and child ren will follow shortly, THE large 1200 egg incubator at the Huron Specialty Farm was loaded on oeration Mr. Bge er isbound t o have eThursday of last week and set in early chickens and has every facility for taking care 0f 1118111, Miss Gisrter, representative of the Glenn -Charles Hair Fashion store, of Toronto. will be at the American Hotel, Brussels, Saturday of this week, stat inst. She will call al residences if art dresses are left at hotel. See advt, in another column. THE reenter monthly meeting of the W..0 T U. will be held in the audience oom of the Public T. hrart' on Ftid•'y fternoon, Merch 27th, et 3 Ir :lock 'he topic "Purity and Moral Edn- atintl" will be taken by Mrs. Da -k. 's'tni0 0(11ro111 w'e110me FIRE AT '1'138 KNITTING FACTORY - Thur.dav forenoon of last week all 01 II o'clock fire b. oke out in the picking ,room at I he rear of the Excelsior K tit ting Fl (Amy. Fora time it looked like a-seriouo mzt'er bar with the aid 0' a plentiful supple of snow, a willing hunk t brigsde, and a hand chemical troll) M Sioclai 'o picture Theatre, ' he fir was soon under control. The blaze was caused by some foreign suhstsnve gel 'Reg into 'he picker sad eansing ig- nition. The damage amounted to ahnn' $2'e° OD end ea:. cnverrrl by in0ul•rnce, 1 h lot -rev •s 'av'n runntr•g farll blast MAKING CG ,D PRl'GRE s -W H. ),err, Elhor of I No 1'n.T 11uirrwenl A IV Critical (01C 14 •Un ore Ft lila) 'ass At e Clinton Gene -al Elo.ftit41 Mr, e)rrltas been a ,real snff• ret for Mani ears and' rt lest to °Nees relief Irnm s suft••rhie dee-tied open n 110.011 1•e 1 -r•' qt1 re. m,1t•h ettio'Nge and cle- 'mina,lunl 011 be part of any mee or (le de upnrl.an °Deletion hu( Mr Ken's my regret is 11141 he 11X1 nut calor to is decision years ave At present he progree,ine very s •tiefart a•il)-n •wards 1111 nen r0t02. , 5 Dad we 1 otte br eion We • to ,.Item 10 1111. 111. 1I ttliy - ACTING Eral R 1. (3 LirI RARY hOCI1.^I•Y - A meel- Of the Him -sets Continnet too School iterary Society was held on Fiidav of erunoa last The prpgc. Tn was of n Irish nature, songs' and tea !legs Bing given on that county. Rt y -Stewart filled the pus.tion of chainmau very rfficlentIy. Che first part of the rooram was a debate "Resolved that omework should he abolished," taken art by Arl,lre Sperling and 11m Oliver ore the affirmative and Lillrau Burgess nd Stuart Grant for the negative II won by the affirmative, The most resting feature of the program was 0052108 contest in which all look 1, The word "illiterate" was acted our scenery. A prize was given to tie who guessed the word and the who was farthest away from it. e• first was won by Jack Ballantyne Iia got as a prize "An absence from lgebra on Monday night" anti the her was won by Harold Work who eceived a rattle to keep him company luring the Latin period. Both boys earned . greatly pleased with their )sizes, Au excellent dialogue was ven. and also a solo and duet. The Iunlit was then read after which the etieg was closed with "Gott Save the King" ANOTIIIR PIONEER GONE - Another of ,`Che early pioneers of the township of MtJCillop, in the person of William let. Henderson, father of Rubt. lellslerson, of Brussels,died on Friday, March 09111. nt the home of his youngest son. Mr, Henderson had been ,confined to hl: bed since last April when he suffered a paralytic Stroke, from which he never seemed to ,regain strength enough to leave his bed aithoegh he regainer) all his faculties and was always ante to :eon- Verse wi•b )lis famil y and friends and as able until a Week ago to keep up 1 his t'ediui; of his 'neWspanet' and is beloved book the Bible. A week go last ,Friday another stroke over• ok him nerd be peacefully passed to s promised test awweek later. Mr. ender on wits brim nearly 93 years pin:800118tad, coming to this country th his p bents, brothers and sisters Civ to years of age and took op ()fireweed tha farm uponi which Lh H is wifere deceased hem ears end he leaves to mourn 1 fetgl t children, si IV ° eight l 71 % sons birdie l twit a 0ugn(ers, all of whom were Jo fads •e at hie funeral ; the six sons piing 840a11be.rers. The laureled took ?Jove 01) Monday of Hem IVnek, ltev. Mr. Carswell, lis pastor, and key, Mr. ' IJatllii1; cif Senfert1r, eonIactulg the IYervice5, vo ROI t r HAVE u 1 he snow off uu share g Y of the sidewelk 2 JOHN (ALBRAITH his disposed of his dandy hole suel,aud pone and ou fit to Dat. 111c t'adiah. of Wroxeter Pony travelling istoo glow for lack SPRING MILLINaRY - tie sdver•is•- curnte in (Ethel to enure it may he sere that our milliners are now ready wi'1 their Spring (lisp 4y: Following the custom of the longer places they are doing away with tee formal opening this Spring. 'l hey hope that it will be more satisfecrory w their customers as web as to themselves. FOR TER tVE.r.-Oe Tuesday of this week Jar,. Baez who has spent the .pas couple of mu tees in title heidity lett tut Kelfield. seek , taking with him a car of se tiers' effects, He was accompanied by Thos. Bielbv, jr , of Morris An other car was s0 pped to the serer rlestinetton by Harvey McGowan and was accompa red by Wm Clnampioe of Morris. Mrs, McGowan, (who is a daughter of Geo- Henderson. of ttnrri ) sacl children will remain here until the 1st of May. —0 -- FOR RALE•-Ganeral purpose filly 8 years old. JAs. D. MONAlu, Lot 22, Coln 18, Grey. "hone 499 E00' Fon HATORINo,-Good tepee strain Of White Wyendnttes Eggs 91 0' for setting of 15 JOHN MEADOW-, Bru-,BIR. I.ADina' fur cape found last Ralurday. Es• quire at Tau Pose, Goren clean, two -rowed Reed barley for sale. A'so a g0ontIty of good hay WAt MCNAIR, Lot 11, Con 10 they. Phone 2410 A QUANTITY of gond seed barley for sale. AOpp' to Wm, Murray, Walton Y. 0. Phone 1814, BUY your tickets for the West from H T. Jackson. 0. P R agent for Brueselx Settlers' rates now in rffe•lt. B,meseekers excurvdons every Toe•dav We Oso Arlt you a ticket to any port of the world Full information cheerfully given. H L JACKSON. Eooq Fore HATCN,NG-O, A. C. strain of littered Hocks. 750 per salting of 15 JAB. 4a111LB, Phone 4815. R. R No. 2, Bru'arlp. Tnoru'-bred Scotch Collie Dnp two in oath+ old for sale AnplS 00 Chas. Gros -field at. the Boron 4prelalty Fnrnr, Brussels, 0 Goon rooms over Wlteott'a store Im- mediate poosenslon. Apply. roller. BAERRIt Brussels. Gann garden with small fruito,plem,clisrly and ILL. Brustsels, &(., to real. Appd1Pl am !810, HOnaa AND 00'1' Pr111 11ALM„G008 gal'den, drlllyd well &o. For further pc•tteulartl up. ply tt THu Enter, 1'DIOIANr Wanted Apply to 91H8 W M. '(INOLAIIL CEDAR posts for sale 4, bend B inch cops, all r010(85od arena Al•oancher pats el, B. LARa, bot 9 Cor 4 Grey'Phone, 889, 55110 GRAIN Folt 'ALN-Imprn8.4 4lbrrleo and Goat Loop ON's and U. A U. No 21 bailey All am.d sten,. 'ted Alm mune hey for sale. Martin M'Nnn, Lo 18 a'nn 15,. Grey, Brusselo It It No. 2. ahem. 0818 if —u — SPRING TERM OPENING -0.1 Motlda5 Ma ch 3 ,li, 1914. lie Spring 'ferns opens at Listowel Bosiiess College This 1, year has been thentoet succesahl in the hieloly of the School, bout io lr grad to the:11'end0nce of students. and also in goals y of results ail twined S'udents nave been registered trout Llatoivel Arwood, Milverton, Newton, Hunts, Hrenurr, Millbank, Breton, t'rffer Kuhryvitle, Trowbridge, E.1111. Hent y 1, Fuldwich, Go,rle, H1411001)n Pelmet stow, Drat' t on, Moorefield, Gnwausl00v11, Wallace, 'Nei 1 Clifford, E rnw•ood. Mount Purest, Southampton. Dungannon and other places Nearly twice as many Diplomas have been issued by us this year kg compared with fey preceding year, and our grt,domes are meeting with splendid success wherever Uny go. Ir you in- tend to take tap special studies along commercial litres, tau make no mistake in entering at our Spring Opening on March 30th ; the beat season of all the year from a student's standpoint, is be tore yon Far information address, EhwIN G MA'rTHEws, Principal CARNIVAL,- The Me-querade Carne Val at tai- Skating rink un Wednesda evening1 was well attended. '!'here was a fair number of ma -treaders, a good crowd of spectators aid the rices weie well contested 'elle following is a her of prize winners I --Beat dressed gent, inn Jordan, thigh Smith 1 best dressed lady. 1'11511 Ethel McKnight, Miss Margaret Mt:Lauchlin ; best dressed buy, M, Grewer, Halo cl Currie;' best dressed girl, Inez McNichol, Meijer) Campbell ; best dressed clown, Rent, It yierld Birk ey, 'flies. Walker ; best (n•es,ed clown boy, Archie Stewert, Geo. Wilson ; oldest married couple on Axles. A R Currie and wife; wheel barrow race, Frank Gerry, Jno Currie ; geut's race over 16 yeare, W. Bell ; ladies' race over 14 rears, Miss S'e11a Gerry t married men's race, 'Phos Walker, Sylvester Fox; boy's race under 16. years, Willie Harris, Harold Ger r), Jim Oliver ; girl's race under 14 year, Dons Ross, Marguerite Wilton, ate 1 Ross. 5 We are t1 1 o jealous when j Y j girls wen girls Gases but We do orj ger to the Dulchmnn' runnitt awn tire boys' prize Will the amine with please hold ep "Itis"hand. Piper Inglis rendered a gond quality of music and 1018 of it ''rhe jud4ingwas well looked atter by Messrs Hoeeton, of Tn'onlo, and Lavis, of Wiugham, tyhile Robt 'trench, the genial proprietor of the rink was here from i 1e0ivater to See that evwlyyt111t)g went all right,," ........'I ,.04.44:, The MetrooIitan Bank Capital Paid up - - • - Camerae Fund - ' - • • Undivided Profits - • S1,000,0o0.00 1,250,000.00 182,047.61 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. 51.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. N. Off -ROY, MANAGER Eggs ftrfIatching Regal Strain White Wyantl ttes PelleNoe. Nt . 1 & 2 consist of 12 pullets iu each, selected from a flock of 80 and mated with a cork bird turd cockerel front 220 and 212 egg record hetes. Pens Nus. 3 & 4 ransist of 12 pul- lets 111 each, selel'lid from balance of my stock and tented with cork bird acid cockerel from 200 and 1118 record hens._ Provincial farm Strain of Bred to lay Barred Rocks Two pens -24 selected pullets -front flock of 100 and united with 2 cocker- els of heavy laying gonias. Eggs per setting of 18 Pen 1 White Wyaidotles ......,.. $2 511 Pet 2 o tt 2 011 Pen 8 22 ., 1 611 / (1 (0 Pen4 1 ) Pelle Balled ROCKS 1 UO 75% fertility and square dealueran- 6 guaran- teed. teed. Only is limited quantity nl Wyandotte eggs for sale up to May 1• Riverside Farm Phone 66 or 24.18 R. THOMSON Brussels. SPRING Flir will be held In CIi11 on 11 1' ttie-(len• Ap (1 god 'I RR •eguier meeting of the Brassies Braurh• of the 4C omen's L,otnn•8 wll1 be hell) In the Public Lit/retie oro Fr 5(11 y af'rrn•,on nt his week eommene:ng NI 2 3o 'cluck, The still a wt,l be "Thr choice a' companions” end tart be dealt tai 11 by Rev. A J. Mann, Don't for get ' he Owe. COUR-F, CONCF.R'l'.-The Public Lib a y Bnlrrd ann'uocrs n (itemize in date of teedr last concert ill the Course, to 'Thursday, the 2nd Ap' 11 Definite arraugemrms have been 00mplele(1 tor this date and the program •+'ill be sup• plied by The Sherlock Concert Party, of Toronto, ander the du;eetioil of 1 Vi Sherlock. famous t'•roughnut Caneda as the leerier of the Sherlock Male Qu ,rterte Fell announcements will be marls next week. I HE SEVENTEENTH -A large audience ewe -ended Irl hr T011001 room of the Mei limbs! chervil on Tuesday earning , carnia emirate the birth of Ps•rick he Pa rain Sa nt of the Emerlyd Isle The ,w m' was ctecerated to keeping 01111 11r'meea4(0(e mllelt green being in • valence TM- paw or. Rev Mr girth, tee up ed 'Ile elln' and lonolutrd the 0u'len 111101 grro lam ; Ills om nt rl S Garter ; chills MHO'S address ; s 1 o` 'i'I'he woari' 01 ilio oteeu Mee 8 G W11 0011 ; reodnlg, B, F Carr , chorus, 'Sonne d 15 I'll wander !seek." Ladles ; address, 'St Petrick," Rev A 'Tann ; sol, F H. Gilroy ; •riidi''g "1 mmy Banter and the •wl" Mrs • l(il•t S reclean ,nuttrq, , tee, Gu, d hre MaVnurpeen" Myssrs• Iscksou, Prone, Gluey atld Hunter Ins; tt- tneetal, H L and Mrs leckson ; diattlgue ' How site trued tem"; eel dress, "An L sl•man's drawback is lois own comer." 13 S Scott ; level iug chorus At the conclus•on of the ern gran) Irish' refreshments in the form 01 po,a'ues• peas and ,leen jell) were slaved by the young 'tidies 15110 looked 5,"yeh+rming iu their green hostels and , eck haws The entertainment was °enrole eeft a success and he neat stem 0' $23 011 will be added to 'lie neaser). R'A111AL RAILWAYS DEPUTATION - Atrangenien a have been made lir a Item deputation of tine Gir81 Water- ways and Rediel Rather", Umo0aio be heard by the Federal G •vernment et OI I awa on l'tursdey 1411rei1 26,11 The drpn'a'ion will atm to empisullze the advisability of the Geyerrme,t g,ving to the Hideo Electric Power Com- mission a greeter steeply of e,eclr(101 energy in 1 lie Melons z •ne and that the full h'uus rd $6 400 per utile to electric reilweY s in Ontario ) Lantit1 weed by lie Power Commission, he grained h will be premed out stet $2T3 , 00,000 end land equal •O the whole of the Maritime Provinces, hes been given in grants to 11(08te veIW y cemeteries ; that the people had ready hull) the 0(11(88314 but they didn't own them ; 11181 Hie census returns 'how 96,noo lees people on the land in Ontario then ten tears before resin ing lat•gel5 item want of pin/11•r11 Irsnsnor'a'ion, 'rhe 9110>0ion c1 )tnprl ving the St, Lawrence River t0411 Ocean walerWey will also he presented, 'Plte i,, putanon will show that if thio is done from four to wic milliol hors. pnwer of elec'ric &nervy, having value f a' beamed the cost of the improvement of the St. Lawrence• wilt be developed In that way the Erslern seeing) of Ontario will be greatly bene• fitted and when this scheme is stens pushed urat'ioellY the whole r'f Owerio will be served in en ideal manner by the 1-i0dlxi 8lectrie Power Conlrnfeeinu I 10 iit urged that every' mtillripnlity in rte Province he represented in the rlrptttet'oli The • rellwav 1.5160 10 Ottawa will he single tare, pits lwetily. five tents, good going On Mitten 2411 or 25117' and returning tip to end in eluding the 07th A atwitter of dele- lt0008 (row We legality will attll,l. a16101201(M• People We Talk About Mr Fi,zeerald, of Linwood, MIS a visitor 111 tow, over Seeder. Miss L vis and Ernest Rozell, of Clinton, Sundered f town, Mrs. Angu Shaw has neureed from A vwith t LisiI INeeds al'London Miss Bea lice Harris was home over Sundae from the Stratford Collegiate. Miss Lou Du•nford, of Toronto, Is visi'ing at 'hr parental bonne ID town. Mies LnnieThompson, 'of Henhive, is learning the millinery at Mi s Inman's Allan Menne who is attending the Weeds (ck College was home over Sun - Mies M elc1Inrran of Lurknow. was he Burst of MINS Vines Bowm n for a few days Barrister W. M Sinclair st'eided the Hrdtee R nliel meeting at Stratford last F, i(lay evening (3ear,r A Brs' hes been under the demo's ear, during the bast week from 411 int Reit of pleurisy 111r and 1 rs He'eher, of Monkton, w e''r vigilo•s at titehnnle of 1 T, and Mrs Ross Iss' week.• N •11 send "die R rho of ter line Morris new Iilurvalr, Weer 2141,0111 s1 their Uncle Fors) rh', las Thar -d y 'Phos. Aint-y of Lis'ueel, was re 'owing old erg' laill' mice: in town neer Sunday He )vee (t fernier resident. Oliver Qyerin and family removed from town 'his week to Berlin where Ih• Qiierin h,1ld' a gond pn.ition Mrs. R D. Cameron, and M's Dr. '-ponce. of Ler•lo ow, w•e'2' auto's on The sdsv last wit Mts, F H R' ro W. t• and Mrs. V o Mixer, of G ohs 111 , n•ere 500(1 5 0t b�lelv,ne manse with ev A. J and Mrs Mann, for several dRays Mann, Arnim McKenzie, of Clin'on, son in- let), of George Crooks is i11 with 'Sen+id fever but is doing as well as can be ex rcted A nurse has come to wait on Mrs T. Leckie, who ha been very- ill at her n 1 (time here We h speedycon opt E t a .pec , valeacence, Miss Belle Roble of Est line M •tris, is spending a week with her cousin M'ss Annabel) Forsyth. She is a welcome visitor, The STANDARD BANK of CANADA STATEMENT COYPENSED Dominion Government, 31st Jan,, 1911 LIABILITIES Ca ital Reaperve Fund, Surplus Profits. $2. 2 860,240.00 and Rebate of Interest on Billedi.eounted , . 3,901,434.57 Dividends , Note, in Circulation . 2,65292,64300579.23 Deposita , , 35,018,592,10 Due to Banka I, 115,535.51 Acceptances under Letters of Credit 108,96837 From Report to RESOURCES Cash on hand and in Central Gold Reserve and Nota and Cheques of other Bank. , $7,915,545.95 Government Deposit to secure Circulation , • 130,000.00 Due by Banks , . 610.623.02 Government, Municipal and other Debentures . . , 2,540,277:52 Call Loans on Bonds, etc. , 2,659,645,86 Assets immediately available $ 13,856,092.35 Loans and Discounts 30,664,507.41 Liability under Letters of Credit per Contra 108,968.37 Bank Premises, Freehold Head Office and Branches 1,053,505.51 Other Assets . . . . 66,919.14 $45,749.992.78 $45,749,992.78 Carl Holmes; of Toronto,ntoihas heror n spentlitte sevelltl dais el the paer1n01 home here. He holds a position as druggist in ,hr Sylvester Fox and family have re- Inrtned to town and nave -raked tip IaI d neemII a house recently vacs et by 51. H. Mu ole R. M. Siucien hate 'rimed tete vom- forc4hle house on '('11rnhrrre street South, beluuging to Miss Kelly and has got 11(8(112 sell led this week Miss Vine I3uwman is away to O 'awa on a month's vacation. She accom- panied her father., Jas Bowman, 141 P , who was home' from the Cepilnl over Seedily. Mrs. 1' Weddup Eitel gretelsou park M, F olden, wen has been risn111Q a the home of MIS 1 Dawning tar tee D•+s( month, returned to their come in Leal i• sae on 'Tuesday Miss Emma Mat Edr ands• of Gerrie, niece of Gen Ed wet d- and Mesrinmes pit so i,E,-Hunge n'd Lot at tinted on 1,04 Heber and DCII of t"wn, w8a mart, (1 1 Gun I, (4r'y House is se -x 80 (t. on Wtdotsd yur this week to Mr Der (01 bb•18x54 With l4 lam,e air land Or Will DIED Aat seiemeG -I, Grey nn Match 17th, George A r nwtnm u, acrd 90 rests. Mao -In Grey tow tulip, on March Beth, Weenie Kung, aged 80 yelure 12118 10 months a c t A U TON SALES TUr0DAY, MA i011 24811 -Farm stools bu. 1 Ito ,r r 1Morris.l e mel t e .ort 08 (Jon, 8, 0 p � I Aol, Il,'ew •I d of 1O'2.SON. o R• floors, 6nrat ,eel• B ST 0(014 21ON, Prpprltonic W IipN n'nAY MAI(°a 25.-Fllrel ator•Ir. 1m• elements &c. , xyf Lar 27,1 inn 8, Morris etvp. Hale nen:nervl'd at 1 p. m. James .Ireland, Prop, F 1.1 Scott, Aue. TH0110008, AIANCH 2880,, -Farm, Rt0e11, flee elements, &o , et Lot 98, Coll 9. Morris. Sale nnrearrv'd 821 O'01nek. F H. 90011, a00111011- eer. ,Tnlll.'0 FPIgohorpnn, Prnprletnl Fi'1RAy 5'Am n 211w - F,on1, (trek, Im- plsmr nts, &r , et WM 1 nt 22 lion 11, Wiry Hale un,e-el veil at 1 o'el' eke F H• 4cott, nuotiuneer J,ti13 Gormlitz, P, oprietor, The People's Column 11ng Ili 131/1.1 in 1096111\ • I Hot ,u1,dI it nllhanl Nrd JOHN Wtel(ttli, lolls Ferguson 19 SWAY lo, Mcipsrr al un 132•11,16121. au noting Nits week H•e, with a party of others from this sec'iOn wa, the Ine•k' recipient of a complimentary trip deemed by he C 9 R flak site Clot dr I,eekie, '1 the ')',ren or U•11versi'y and Bob Wer wk. 511,1 1- attending the School 4.1 Prac tea Science in the Qnrri City, were home for several rico s during the p 1st wrt BORN HSNGRTON,-I, tlntlnnk, Sank.. 0,1 Friday, (Unroll 6th, 1914 to Mr. and Mrs. ('horlle 24 Meet on, c daughter. I Marguere+te Lorelne.) MOALLIlPRa -Lr Grey on Mn' els 1111,, to 1)1r a, d urs, Rnbrrt MCA latter, n daughter blooms -In llouieon; Hank., nn March 9th, to Mr. end Mrs. D. H Moore, a eon (John Kenneth 1 MICIIRL.-In Grey-. on March 18. to "511. and M rS W111. Michel, a daughter. NICHOL -1,1 Morris on Marelr 7111, 10 Mr. and Mrs E l wit rd Niehol, R daughter. Penmen -In Grey, on ttareh5th. to Mr. and. Erg, Lloyd Porter, n daughter. MARRIED SELLERS -comp -At the hone of the bride's DAroptN, Morris, o, Wedneedey, Motel, 11 by Rov 1 E tlootre, Mr John Heller%, of Me0'ej8W. HNNI6, to Miss Florence, daughter of W.3, and Mre, Hooch. ••F0.1•0+ 0.+0l•••F•4.0+0+0,. •+•9•••11 Mb•+•• S+•+•*9•h•004.0+•*••1'H' BELMONTE . 4 • nr'ng Millinery k • BMW/ • • WE are now ready with a chiice selection of Trim- m(d H us, includitrg Ladies', Misses' and Child-: ren's, also a varied assortment of 'Untrimmed Shapes. The small lust in the Derby Sailor, Minerva Helmet, NoPut.1ebo narrow • n I Oblong bin, 11lid the $ b( use wilhtlaul w atm and High 11.0re, when appruprilllely trimmed and skilfully posed, would befit any lady. Beautiful Flowers, also Ribbons in Mohw, Rental' Stripe 101111 00111011 111 all the new 811.11140 of Blue, Ma- hogany, Violet, 0itron, Tang° and Rnso (1n1s.. It is a showing that will intertest you and priers afford •P B4. • • •F every assistance in making satisfactory selection. Holmes Block, Brussels E. I N M A N +0+0•1•0+04-414•4+69.4,8•411+••4-91+41+4111 .1.4+•4. -4.4 •+•4 4+•+4+4+•+x+•+0 AU "TION HALE OF FA11A1 STOOK, IM- P1,10414Nrs,&0 -11' 4, smut, A1totonlrel•, hen betel l nptenored by the undersigned 10e01 by public au,tlon Nt Lot 25, lion. e, Morris, on The r'dny, onn'eh 20, at 1 Chili„al, the collo 1 tog vxlna1'o prop. rly l-1 mare 9'yrars Old ,11th 1.1x1, to W. Johnstown Perellerbn ho••+e, 1 Marx 8 yearn old with f1.111 to W. .lohu'ton's Pereheron horse. 1 dolt Gelding rising 8 years by BO Tsar, 1 colt (gelding ri•ing 2 Yaws 117 11111 1,2111. 1 2.011 Gelding Tilling 1 rl,xr. by unh nthe 1m, 1 driving horse 0 yanre old, t 00 nal Ye let Ian 0 of axle, 1 melt dux to entre in July, 4 stearo rising 2 years old 4 heifers r•i•ing •t vests old 5 BnlveR, lcow due tx calve 20th April, 1 saw with 0 of litter 5 weeks old, 1 anw whit 11 of litter 4 weeks old, 18 slur a hoes, alma. 80 hens, about 15 onloules 001)0'•0 1 Mes-ev-Ber'is binder 7 ft. out, I aes,P-Finru+' mower 0 ft nut, 1 Deer- ing4lorse rake, 1 trnrlr wegen, 1 high wagon, 10 -fl hxy reek, 1 grovel box, 1 set sleighs and bulks, t Mas-ev•Fla rria entiveto,, t din) har- row 1 Ant iron hn rrnwn. 1 Perrin sidtlg p111W. 1 Fleury plow No 2r, 1 Oolnmon plow, 2 MAC: Dtow, 2 8(2111.10, 1 Ohstham•fenning 01111 with bagger. 1 hblssey-Barris 15 -hoed slim. drill, 1 land roller, 1 ten baggy, 1 Portland cutter, trout pallier, 1 Oonitrl cream sella, ut- ter. 1 Flemlltmt inr•nhator and brooder, I Dslry Chitin), 1 coal henter hays hu•nsr. 1 set 1, r Nordh»€mss piano a m t 180 bushel seed barley, quantity of mixed ,rr•,in, 95 etity of hay, quantity or limber net scantling -4Nl without roser90 nes p^nprietnr has rented IIIA farm Terms :-A 1l sums or 951(0 And' under °Rei 1 over *het 01001111118 mmn•ho credit given on tirrni'hine nnnrov.d joint notes. '4 per cent off for earth on er'•d It amounts, ,TAMES FARQUHAHBON, Proprietor •49•.4.4.44••®.9449.4.4444 • •SIood Root • •Cough Cure •O • 1115 peopru•tlion is rapidly • • hm'11oling 11 household rr111- • 4• tidy'. for einlgbs taint 1.111(18, -4 •' The dellla lid fat a kt'ellO steed- • y •ily increasing u.od 1111 -limy we find j • the sale of It to far exteerd all of • • ort' other rough IlliX111114 011111' • • binld. ♦ • 4 1'hs pennonpennon18 (Iltyllltla. ''1'r.p e O ® make it nnrselvu0 and know 1119 4 .iogrediells to he right. \Vo til- 4 • 80) gunrnntel )vel y bol Lee In • 4 glee Pellet, sat :fluilion 111' money • 4 tafunritld, 4 NCC only so 11110 we phlt it op ♦ 4 in a full 4-om,,i t latae larger • ♦ than itlninst every other prepay- • titian 011 the molter.. e 4' 9 4 4 it a Ive -trial. • • o 25c per bottle • -AT- es • • 0 • • ♦ 4 4 9 • • 4 DRUG STORE 4 • ♦ e•••••a4po•••••••s••ss•ssv9 Hog for Service tri ned rservice on. Let Thea 50 wit F k 1 keep o 88, Con(15, Grey tovn'hhaWell bred York. shite hoz Terms. 91,00 tote (1512 et time of se vice with p'ivllege • t 1111,011111 (0 1160.18* miry. Limo ROBERTSON, 87.2 Proprietor, AtTOTION HA LB OF FARM RTO('K iM• PLIIM•ase -F 9 ,not- AoetlOnee,' &O 4 he- ,.iiia,d' 10f011 07 00111111 111 ()mitt. undersign. P, ee It IAA 92 0,i. 1, Pey Ane71,n 1018 Half IAA 22, thin I1, Grey, F'ldey, March 27111 at I &Hoe . the f Bowing 1 yobl, prom 8 arty, viz ;-1 Perehernn mare years old in foal to Iiip heavy draft borne Telentilu, 1 heavy draft Gelding r1-11,10 8 year, old broken street by 8411011 Flfx. 1 •Ir1Ving 0111y rl lagg 8 years old broken, 1 heavy ,t.ei( filly tesla 7580 vwaw old b' °kenn Aired by Boron BIOS 1 hes vy draft fielding ri-i.ng two yearn old sired by Hopewell I Monty dram Gelding Habig 1 year old sired M. Be. on Wools, 8 now•B in colt ferrety now 8 8trerw rising 2 years old,-,•( heifers rising years old I steer rlptng 1 year old, 4 heifersrising j year+olrl, 1 brood 4.101 111 Mg 0 Digs 8 months -old, n natality of Slack kfino co hens 8 tilern•ne rnos'e-s, 1 No 9 Frost & Wood binder 0 f tot out with sheet carrier and truck 1 11exw el.l aim wet, l Massey. Harris 1l -hoe drill end ouUtdvnl or orm'rLned, 1 Dnortn In rake 1 sal roller 1 watkdn' 1,1 ,9,11lnok 11,100 gene plow 1'000 diamond hu• •nW1, t ori inn( 1 la nhn'•wagmn 2 1-t Inch tire), 1 wagon 0.11 w,rh'lletvl lig+ t hay reek, I grnval box tGlinfutung mill, l tin b 1 set 0t hoh•sle(gtonlls, 1 Idnn hug1(, 1cutaperg hetam,,v, 1 ?mottle! nutter, 1 cutter 1'014, 1 ,•0011 Inuttier, 1 grindstone, 1 bidder, I set of team n u• nese 1 set of Aingle'Imr„eso 200 bu.hele of (Sold Drop seed 0015, n quantityf mixed groin. 18•horse evens•, 2.805 of dmthletrees, 2 neniryokes, a 1lnnnher of grain hers, 1 hag trn••k, I ensilage fork, 1 garden ,•oke, 1 Dnlpy 0(15012702 Nntim,nl ••rsnm separator near- ly new, 1 Oxford Olmnm••Ilor klerhen range, 1 heating stove 1 09.11” Ilan melte can nearly nsw n monitor of miler pails, (donna, forks, sov0ies, hoes. and mammas ertlole8 Sale ,rlthont reserve an the proprietor hes rent- ed 1113 farm, 'terms All 001118 of 95.00 and ands• enah ; n7er. that nnn,unt 8 mo'ith,' e•ed 11 given on furnishing Amtr,v' d JointNotes, 9 per (mat off for cash nn redlt n• mottil te. JOHN 3, GOR4AT,1T2, Proprietor. 5e0•009095109.09e494511010e9 tra000000000000000000100000000 0 10 4) • 0 w 13 0 e Os 0 • 0 (s 0 0 10 e 41 41 •9 4) Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren el lei ei "1,.1 gb41,a1"Ir4rlli 4,11'4'1 Ip'ly',r"411J4r'IJ4J,1'4J4 4,"IJ4'IN IIAW, el, ger„tie n Ir'e"I,'4f I'Iy Ip'h"t'�L' 0 o Ladies' and Misses' fl 4 a Ladies' and Misses' 0 0 New. Spring Suits 5 • O • 4) • O ♦ ♦ • BA 0 0 04400+00.00+0•00009•90404-0•••••440A+4+•••••••••••••40: •••♦40.•.••••0.•9•.04••••••♦••4•♦♦♦♦•♦♦••♦•••a e�' ♦• i n . B e o •t • d ia e o. 't 0 T CIariiigoutSaIe •r fl ♦ ♦ —OF— " ./• • a st0 Till •l i kinds1 • of . ,' A ♦ 4 • 0 5 •!'•y t • 4 Footwear x� • a • 0 e .'R • This week we offer Specials in Rubbers Ladies' Fine Rubbers, rig. 5c & 85c this week .50 r i a • Gents' Fine Rubbers, reg. 1 00 & 1,.25 t' • .75 • a : • • Gllild • Children's Rubbers, S g 5 re UC „O 526 • s • • Shoes of all kinds equally Cheap , 3 E ( • ♦ • Sale closes last of March itho t ail i ■ nwitiling Bruise and acre land /� Richard •' Com sid ort m 80.(tHand �, Vis .s • a 0 • a.i+►+k..414•+$4•••4•••.•••••4 ••••••••r�i••4..400.4($44*•.+$ 8 _ 1 New Spring Coats Advance showing of Sprhig Coats and Suits. Newcolors and i05v styles. . We ,1 amen 1 -clef from luivensll idol sR lunelt for choose o hi both Coate and Suits at 10.00, 12.50, 13.80. and $15.00 We would be pleased to show them Men's and Boys' New Spring Suits • � 4 0 Br We have eeceived our Spring Suite for 11011/11 1 boys, A complete 1111(ge of PRO- GRESS BRAND CLOTHING -None Bet- • ter -unit tit'vply 11(soriablc prices. All the 114(8181 cloths and the wol,I(11110uahip is gen14111. 4 teed. 01,4 it; and see them, Special al- W 901 10.00 1210 Q 1,50 IA 15,OB, T-iighest Prices fat• Produce. 0 a 0 9 f8 fl 0 0 0 • a 0 0 e U. H� 0 MctiarenQ A P. S. --Our Men's and Boys' Spring Flats are in stock also the new e W o' .� 13oots and Shoes. S 0111 000011/060 001181$6!1$1111$1•IYMA00110.i00.0 $ti 000400 0 I 1 '1