HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-3-19, Page 7Fashion !lints
Seen In Paris Shops.
Even girdle bows are being made
of net.
Sootoh plaid will trim the new
morning suits.
Straw hats for spring are.being
edged with fur.
Point d'esprit makes some of the
prettiest lichee
Skunk is one of :the aloe[ effective
furs fox evening.
The tub silk waists never go al-
together out of style.
Out eteel is greatly in vogue for
slipper ,and dress buckles.
The shapes of the new jabots and
fiches are endlessly varied.
A lovely pale gray is one of the
newest tints a n nl g gloves,
Parasols have hinders of Dres-
den Patterning, edged with black.
Silk buttons and trimmings will
be seen on the new spring flehus.
Flowered cotton crepe is used
even for young girls nightgowns.
Now the fascinating flesh 'tint is
Been even in marabou trimmings.
'Phe loveliest new imported laces
are outlined with gold and silver.
Some of the most extreme even-
ing stockings are jet embroidered.
Marabou stoles and muffs seem to
be as important es ever in costumes.
:Some of the new dress linens are
j'.ike the Wilk crepes with broche
Now there is a new "furry"
Stitch in shadow embroidered
White shadow ]ace and black net
are used .in neckwear for half
Black eoutaohe, braided net, is
one of the new ideas for half mourn-
ing. -
Gray mocha glove's, fleece lined,
¢,lave a white fur edge, which gives
It novel look.
Big roses of satin and gold tissue
ore among the favored girdle flow-
ers for evening.
Cherry colored taffeta is used foe
girdles and revers on. white cotton
voile frock's.
A pretty eor•t of neck filling is
plain net with a single tuck and
hem stitched edge.
Beautifully Set Out In Old Porte
guese Book.
You Can Only Recover From
Its After Effects by Enrich-
ing the Blood
Few diseases so shatter the health
as la grippe, or, tnflueuza, Its TVIC-
time all tell the se story
are left despondent, tired, weak
and wretched in every way, They
havo no appetite, ambition or
strengt11, cannot sleep; and suffer
from 'headaches, baokaohes and ner-
vousness. In this weakened condi-
tion lies the real danger.. The body
falls en easy prey • to bro•nehitis,
pneumonia, and even to cousump-
ton. Nearly every form of nervous
trouble has been known to follow
an attack of la grippe, Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills give the quickest
and most thorough relief from the
after effects of this trouble. They
build up and purify the blood,
drive the poisons out of the system
and give strength and tone ;bo the
whole body. The following is an
example of their power in cases of
this ]rind. Mrs. R. A. McLean,
Wentworth Station, N.S., says:
"Two year ago Herbert 'E. Free-
man, a young boy living with us,
was attacked with la grippe. At
the time he did not have a strong
eon:stitution, and wo feared the
trouble was settling on his lungs.
He was not able to walk fifty yards
without being out of breath, and
his general vitality was very low.
For months he continued in this
position, notwithstanding all we did
for him, and it was at this crisis
that we got Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for him. By the time he had used
three boxes there was a noticeable
improvement, and this was followed
by his lining able to do light work,
and later he had all the strength
of a. growing boy, 'His cure was
looked upon as remarkable by all
who knew him, and I am giving the
result in the hope that it may be
of benefit to someone else."
Di. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all medicine dealers or sent by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
imprinted,Al• the wing,doing away
with all `extra weight..
"And there you are," Gaya La
Gazetted Rollan(1e, ."tiny aero,
planes of wax;"
The, secret ui ut, hut all is not
st. l a Gazetta de Iiol}ando has
cot'discoveled the wonderful pro-
cess by which to dispose of the fire-
flies that an up-to-date enemy
would send to ruin ,the sensitized
wings of the trained bees.
The details, of course, cannot be
divulged. Safiice it to say that as
aeon as an enemyhe firefly reaches'
the: dark hive whore the bees are
waiting to have their wings photo-
graphedits presence is made known
by 'the action of the metal selenium,
which is sensitive to lightifind the
alaian is .given to a oorps of trained
dragon -flies, who speedily make
away with the intruder.
According to Lord Derby, Home
Rule must have as many lives as the
proverbial oat, for in a speech he
It.. s,1)L1biterest
To Every Woman
Some remarkable advice to sea-
farers is given in an old Portuguese
book, published for the guidance of
mariners. Amongst other things it
deals with tho rights of captains to
assault sailors, and the methods in
wbiah the "attacks are to be legally
The sailor is advised to bear
oahnly any verbal abuse that an
irate skipper may hurl at him, but
if words passed to blows he was to
run away into the bows and firmly
take his stand beside the anchor
chain. -
Should the infuriated'" master,
armed with a belaying pin or other
lethal weapon, chase him to his
stronghold, the mariner was to slip
round to the farther side of the
ohaitt. Should he still be pursued,:
he was to call his mess -manes to
witness that the master had broken
the rules by cireumvouting the
Then, at last, he was to defend
'himself, -and let ns hope he would
do it well l Other little matters of
discipline are set out, and they show
n noble effort to make the punish-
ment fit the orimo.
The ship's clerk, a privileged •per-
son who aaotec3 as bookkeeper, pur-
ser and .cargo -master;" was liable to
be branded, in the forehead, to lose
his right hand, and to forfeit all his
property if he made a wrong entry
in the ship's book, or connived at
such an entry.
A seaman who fell asleep on his
watch was only put on a diet of
bread and water, unless the offence
was committed in hostile waters.
In that Case he must be stripped
naked, flogged by his messmates
and ducked thrice in 'the ,sea.
If he were en officer,• however, he
would only lose all food except his
bread, and have a pail of water
flung over him from the head down-
Some people are like aheelbar-
rows--ehey don' b go unless they are
A run of bad hack .invariably ex-
ceeds the speed limit, .
The youm,g regrob that they are
net understood; the old, they they
Whelp, 'tate gods destroy they first
make popular,
To belmp ortant is one thing; to
look important is anobh;or thing -
bub to feei:•3onrortant I There you
, have the 3vdllow who :enjoys his own
• Sn cin tithe right thing at the right
ttime3isn t in it with keeping still at
the right time.
They Excel Wireless Telegraph end
Carrier Pigeons.
La Gazette ale Hellende, which is
published at The Hagne, has dis-
covered a secret -lite use of bees as
No longer will the aide-de-camp
spur his staggering horse through
shoot and shell to carry the message,
to the front. Instead he will don
his gloves and mask, and, going to
the portable bee -hive bacic of head-
quarters, seize one ef, the faithful
little insects and send the well-
trained messenger through the air.
"Whoever possesses a receiving
outfit can react the secrets of the
wireless," says Lot Gazette de Hol-
lancie; "one can cut the wires of
the ordinary telegraph; the pigeon
does not always escape 'the bullet.
Therefore other means have been
searched for, In America the gen-
oral seal/ dreams of using,atts a dis-
patch bearer, the bee.
"7.lhe bee, like the Darier pigeon,
guided by hie masvelloue instinct,
return to the hive from wherever be
may be liberated. Tiny dispatches,
which can bo deciphered with the
magnifying glass, can be attached
eo its breast,
"But something better still has
been found, By an ingeniolus pee -
cess the wings of the tiny inseob are
sensitized, and by means of micro-
scopic photography the' message is
Pembroke, Wonsan Suffered for Fib'
teen Years Before She Founts
Quick Relief and a Complete,
' Pembroke, Ont., March 9.---(Spe-
cial).-Of peculiar.. interest to wo-
men is the story of the cure of Mrs.
j4lcfrile Lance, well known and high-
ly respected here. Let Mrs. Lanae
tell that story in her own words.
"For about fifteen years 1 was e
very sick woman," she says. "My
sleep was broken' and unrefreshing
and I had e hitter taste in my
mouth in the morning. I was often
dizzy and flashes of light floated be-
fore my eyes. My limbs were heavy
and I had a dragging across the
"At last rheumatism was added
to my troubles, and I also suffered
from lumbago, dropsy and gravel.
I felt that my kidneys were the
cause of all my troubles, and decide
ed to try Doeld's Kidney Pills.
From almost the first they did me
gond, and after taking twelve boxes
I ani again a well woman."
Women who suffer should learn
that the cause of their troubles is
bad kidneys. Having learned that,
the, rest is easy. Thousands of Can-
adians will tell you out of their own
experience that Dodd's Kidney Pills
always cure bad kidneys.
Bight Combination.
"I see. this medicine is good for
man and beast."
"Yes," said the druggist.
"Gimme a bottle. I believe'tllat's
the right combination to help my
made not long ago he perpetrated
this amusing 'bull." "tit the next
election," he said, "we have got to
give the third, and I hope the last,
death blow to Home Rule."
Mrs. D. L. McIntyre, McIntyre's
/fountain, N.B., says: "Baby's Own
Tablets aro a grand medicine for
little ones and I am well satisfied
with the results obtained from
thele.," Mrs. Molntyre's testimony
is the sante as that of, thousands of
ether mothers, Once a mother bas
used the Tablets she, will use noth-
ing else, for the results are .euro
and the Tablets axe gtutrnnteed by
a government analyst to be perfect-
ly safe. They are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail .at 95 cents a box
from The Dr, Vi'illiams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
"Did the doctor pronounce you
sound as a'dollar?"
"Yes ; and sant me bill for five."
Piles Oared in 6 to 14 nays
Druggists refund money if PAW
OINTMENT fans to cure Itching Blind,..
or Protruding Piles, ifiret application
gives relief. 00e,
The man who thinks he is marry-
ing an angel in disguise occasional-
ly discovers later that the alleged
disguise wits permanent,
Minard's Liniment Mires Dandruff.
Too often the hero worshipper is
his own hero.
"Wolf ublbe-cud slave you ltcard
loin . till de wiith' at
what they'd+e. tI g
itey Hanna abn 1" "nid•ado o gtn r
• htaWo, rcpecl. Mike,"They're
ittgto transport hint for life, 'hut f
don't believe the poor ;yowl all's live
tall P)ra,tI` "
For Fickle
and C1•eaam
Hit the Spot!
Toothsome, crisp bits,
that Knave the natural
sweetness of white 7.ndien
Thoroughly cooked . --
rolled thin aie paper—then
toasted to a delicate brown,
most delicious
Easily the Ino.
flavor of any ;flake j'oo
k vii.
Toaaties aro cptvanihent
z'eudy 'til: aervc direct
tr(Dzf . pae1c, ;A' ----t, an 4aG t
• S ��
1"t �'� f
ear problems.:
tit-•so14 1* t gocel o,
Oanaditipp, k'ostb1ti ikteel ate.; Ltd.
Velndeor, Ontario,
Highest grade beans kept whole
and mealy by perfect baking,
retaining their full strength.
Flavored with delicious sauces.
They havo no equal.
Just Cover the Stems But Not the
'[Boiling water will revive flow-
ers that are so wilted that almost
LOW Colonist Rates to Pacific .Coast
Via Chicago 0 , North Western BY.,
March 15th to April 15th from points In
Canada to Salt Lake City Ogden, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Portland Tacoma,
Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, 'Kootenay
District and Canadian Northwest volute.
Through Tourist sleepers and free re-
clining chair cars from Chicago. Variable
routes. Liberal stopovers. )tor fall
formation as to rates, routes and Mora.
tare, write or call on B. II. Bennett,
General Agent, 46 Yongo Street. Toronto.
Mlnard's Liniment cures Burns, Eto.
Learn To Say No.
seeress ,
livery woman is a good house-
keeper -or, et least, 11 in wisdom to
tell her eo.
You will find many of heaven's
(suburbs on earth if you Dare to look
for them.
The self-made man eredibs him-
self with the boasts that have been
given hen by others.
If we are going anywhere and
have anything to do after we get.
there, let us make a start!
Don't talk so much. People do
not pay any attention to 99 out of
every 100 words you utter.
The more things a man learns
from experience the more things he
would like to forget, but can't.
Knee Joint Stiff Three Years
Anyone would marvel at my recov-
ery, writes Mr. Leonard Lotham a
Young man well known abou
anyone would throw them away as Ilam I had inherited a rheumatic talo-
worthless," says a woman. She
was scraping down the limp stems
h d
deny through my mother's family,
and in lay early days suffered fright -j
of some full-blown roses that coop- fully. About three years ago the paint
ed dejectedly."I am doing this and stiffness settled in my left Imes i
joint, I was lame and walked with al
lightly, you see," she continued, very distinct limp. Nerviline was
so that the hot water will soak all brought to lay notice and I rubbed it
through the stems." into the stiff joint four or five 'times a I
After she had finished the scrap- day St dispelled every vestige of
ung, she put the flowers into a deep tlenstiffnesa and gave reduced the ementte full use'
took out:
pitches} went to the stove, and took of my limb again. I don't believe there
from it the stoaming hot-water Icet- is a pain -relieving remedy, not a sue-
de. Then she poured the hot water isle liniment that can compare with
into the pitcher until it just covered
the stems, and left the roses above
tho surface,
"There I In a few minutes I shall
have fresh flowers for the dinner
table," she said. And her visitor
saw just what she had prophesied -
a mass of roses that looked as if
they bad never thought of wilting.
"I always try the boiling -water
(titre on roses before I throw them
away," she concluded. "Very few
people know about ib. You mustn't
lay the flowers themselves in the
hot water. Just let it cover the
Thirty Deaths From Razor
A n,Y9loian in Chicago elate. thirty
doat'he have resulted from paring, corns
vitt- a razor. Avoid blood poisoning by
applying Putname Corn and Wart Ex-
tractor. Purely vegetable. Painless and
aura le Putnam's Extractor. 26o. at all
In the Usual Way.
"When I married you," ,said Mrs,
Naggers, "1 thought to reform you."
"Yes," answered the husband,
"and like a number of reformer's
you seized the first opportunity to
become a boss."
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
-Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Marble Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic, Tubes,
25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail.
An hyo Tonin flood for An ayes toot Hood Core
Itching apd Burning PimplesSpreade.
Clothing Irritated, Used Cutieura
Soap and Cutieura Ointment,
Well in Three Weeks,
Nigh River; Alta. --"My baby was n
sufferer front ail -Robing and a burning on
chests and back. The trouble began with a
find small rash and got quite,
a size. Tho plmplert spread ;
until his whole cheat and back
Were revered, Some of them 1
festered and on some the top
bolted cloar. Be was fretful
and cross and was always
rubbing. Ills clothing ir-
ritated Jilin. The trouble
ceased itching; burning and
lose of sleep. Isis chest and
back grew worse and worse;
they wore a made of itctdng
pimples. The trouble had
lasted two or three weeks and we tried
remedies but they failed. camera Soap
and 0lntmene airorded relief in about ten
days. I washed the eruption with hot
water and Cutieura Soap four times a day;
then used the Cutieura Ointment and in
throe waters he wits well again. 13e owes
it to C.uticura Soap and Ointment,'1
(Signed) lairs. Alice Wolford, Nov, 1, 1012.
For rod, rough, chapped and blooding
hands, netting. burning palms - d patina
finger -ends with shapelos ane -night
Cutieura treatment wo ..:r wonders. Soak
bands, on retiring, in hot water and Cutieura:
Soap. Dry, anoint with-Cutieura Ointment
sand swear soft bandages or old, loose gloves
during the night. entice/at Soap and Oint-
ment are sold by druggists and dealers every-
where. inoraliheral free sample of each, with
82-p. book, send post -card to Potter Drug
True lovers are Lew -hut not far
Owners of barking dogs are fined
in Japan. '
Ib is easy to be generous to a
fault when the fault is our. own.
The cul,put of the phonograph in-
dustry is over $15,000,000 a year.
At twenty* we know, eat thirty we
think•we know, and at forty we give
it np.
The coldest place in the world is
Yakutsk, in Russia, where the mer-
cury drops to 73 degrees below
It is pleasant to think that when
two fools marry they are made one.
. A single oyster in one season will
produce 1,000,000 young ones.
Look. before you leap -,and you'll
A German statistician says that
3,000 years hence there will be cone
men to every 220 women.
The hungriest horse can never eat
a hit,
The oldest bank notes are the
"flying money" -first issued in
China in 2697 13.0,
Cupid rules some marriages, and
others are ruled by oupidity.
IShe-He e's the ,stony of a man
out west who bartered dais wife foe
a heree. You wouldn't swap me for
a horse, would you, darling? •
He -+O1 course not. But 1'd hate
to have anyone tempt n1e with a
good motor oar.
John evils very crestfallen indeed,
and had promised' his wife that
never mere would he be tempted to
waste his eubetanee in riotous liv-
ing, "Yee, I know," sighed the
good lady; "but I'm getting to
doubt your promised. The greet
trouble with you, John, is that you
do not seem to be able to say 'No.'
Learn to say 'No,' and you will
find touch less difficulty in life. Will
you promise, are that you will neves
leave off trying till you have learn-
ed to say 'No 1' " "Yes," said the
contrite John, "That's all right 1
And now ean .you let leo have e lit-
tle money this. mottling 1" f'No,"
said Jahn, with .apparent sass.
Aunt Fluidalolaimed iamb she
was well past the eentut;y mark,
-though the date of her birth wee
shrouded in mystery. Whether site
was as old as be claimed or not, Catarrh was undermining my strength
there could bo no doubt that site ,,o, -e fast, I used treatments from
had lvec to a goado • e, Ve tens: oe ors,
This Case Does Prove That When
C¢tarrhozone Is Breathed Every
Trace of Catarrh Disappears.
Milford Haven, Da.,'Mar. 11, --Every
one in this netghborltood knows oI
the long suffering from influenza and
catarrh,- endured by Mrs, D. Gurney.
da elle elle is well, Her recovery is
clue entirely to Catarrbozone. This
is her owls statement: "I was a great bandaged.
sufferer from eatarrb in the head, ' I consulted two doctors, asci tried
throat and nose, and endured the • ia11 the salves, liniments and lotions er
manifold tortures or influenza for eve iheard of, but instead of gettingb
Dare. My life was despaired oi', S got worse.
Nerviline. I hope every person w
pains, with sore back, with lameness,
i O Chem. Corp., Dept. 1, Boston: U. S.A.
with lumbago, with neuralgia—I do
hope they will try out Nerviline which
I am convinced will quickly and per-
manently cure them."
If Nerviline wasn't a wonderful
painless remedy, if Nerviline didn't
quickly relieve, if Nerviline wasn't
known to be a grand cure for all rheu-
matic conditions, it wouldn't have
been so largely used as a family rem-
edy for the past forty years. No bet-
ter, stronger, or more soothing lini-
ment made. Get the largo 60c. fam-
ily size bottle; small trial size 25o.;
sold by any dealer, anywhere.
A Broad Hint.
Mistress -"That was a very nice
letter of Patrick's offering you mar-
riage, Bridget. What ellen I say in
reply for you?" Maid -"Tell him,
mum, if you plate, that whin Oi git
me wages raised next month, mum,
Ci'll begin to save for the wedding
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tablets. Druggists TIVE beet' refund money if it
falls to mire. E. W. GROVErS signa-
ture 1s on each box. 250.
Freddie --Are you the. trained
nurse mamma said was coming1
Neese -Yes, dear, I'm the trained
Freddie -Let's see some of your
tricks, then!
Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago
The more dollars a man has be-
hind an argument the more 00n-
vinoing it is.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Nap in a Nutshell.
Marks -Are you reading this new
history of the Napoleonic tragedy
ihat':s being printed'?
Park -No. To me the tragedy of
Napoleon may be ermined up 1n two
lines, The divorce of Josephine was
the prelude ; Elba the interlude,
and his last battle the Wateriooed.
Sometimes single blessedness is a
greater failure than marriage.
Mr. T. E. Arsenault, a Justice of the
Peace and station master at Welling-
ton, on the P. E, I. BY., says; "Four
years ago I fell on a freight trunk, sus-
taining a bad cut on the front of my
leg. I thought this would heal. but
instead it developed into a bad ulcer,
and later into a form of eczema which
spread very rapidly and also started
on the other leg, Both logs became
so swollen and sore that I could only
go about my work by having them
/Heard's Liniment Co., Limited. a cue -
tomerGentlemen,-d'hoodore Derail,
tomer of mine, was completely cured of
rheumatism after five yoare of eufferingE,
by the Judicious use of ,1i1NARD'S ELM:
The above facts can be verified by writ•
his to him, to the Parish Priest or any cf
A. COTE, Merchant.
8t. Ididoro, Gus, 1e May, '98.
l" l }d ag and Dao eminent doctors, but all failed to cure
day a bright young nalvapttperlt?an ane, I had given up hope of eves be•
eonenived the idea, of interviewing
hes' on the subject of long life.
r'Sllo 1" ani feed Aunt S3:uldah.
anybody kin grow to be old. Day
sten'[ no trick in dab, 'Rut how?'
queried the a'epcister, 4'All you gob
to do is watch out and, don't lot no
automobile eltn ever yell[
The chief of the dais el McIntosh
x1iada dispute with, otabbr
over'tha /area )o you know who
1" tate Hghiandor asked ales.
gsi„a71 �;a MoIntosh ."T
don't tiara if you are tinlun umbrella,"
retorted .the `abbe, Ill have My
Ing well, Then I read of a wonder-
ful euro made by ,Cilttarihozone, lin•
mediately 1 sant for (iatnrrhozone, and
before I bed used One bottle I was
greatly relieved, Today I am cured.
We would not be without eatarrho•
zone In our home --It's so euro 1n
colds, cremes, bronchial and throat
tt'ouble. 1 feel 1t le my duty to pub-
iloly recommend Catarrhozone,"
Get the 1atge dollar size 01 Catait•11-
and; It conteine a beautiful hztrrl
rubber Inhaler,and ntediciue that
lints two months, %Mallet oleo, 250,
Beware of imitations
(ole 13
ad a
•t-•p;auoppt only Catarl9tozolle, sold by
all reliable &aloe or by mail front
The Catarr'hazone Conlpauy, isingwton,.
i,5nt., and Seale, N.Y.
li. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street.
Fruit, Stock, Grain, or -Dairy F rra.
write R. w. Dawson, Brampton.. or 98
Colborne at., Toronto.
*1 W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto.
1:-'1 fully equipped with or withouthstook..
Write owner. 625 Wilton.
"This Wen my condition whin I got my
first box of Zant-l;uk. Greatly to my de-
light that drat box gave oto relief. 1 eon-
tinued to apply it to the soros and day by
Slay they got better. coup{ sea that eat
lest I had got hold of something nhlch
would cure me, and In the and it did.
21- Dominion Shade Adjuster Co.. wind.
ser, Ontario.
We will pay you $12o.00
to distribute religious literature is Your
community. Sixty days' work. Experience
not required. Men or women. Dever,
lenity for promotion, Snare time may
used. Internpa6onnl Bible Press Comp
189 S adi:es. Toronto.
�- Tars` County.eStationary
tion. nil Price Only
and Book
54,500. Terms liberal. Billson Publish-
ing Company, '13 West Adelaide Street.
Toronto. ,
The amateur poet is going some
when he earns enough money with
his' pan to pay for the ink.
Mtn rd's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Remarkable Instance of the Rich-
ness of the Gold Coast,
1 Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell
0 Son. Rrnvesend, Ontario.
all internal and external, cared with.
out pain by our home treatment. W'nite
ea before too lata Dr. Denman 'Medieal t
00., Limited, Co11h,owond; Ont.
Canadian Fi1n1r Restorer
Travellers declare that at .'cake,
on the Gold Coast, of Africa, gold
may actually be picked up in the
streets. When ane visitor, an Eng-
lishman, took the statement as a
mere figure of ;speeoh, his host im-
mediately bade a woman servant go
out into the main etreett, gather a
bucketful of read scrapings, and
work it for gold dust.
In teen nninutes the ,servant re-
turned with two° galvanized iron
huokets, one filled with road eeraii-
ings, aald the other with water. She
also brought three or four wooden
platters, varying iu size from a
largo plate to a saucer.
Removing seveittl handfuls of the
road scrapings and placing thea[ in,
the large platter, the 70111111 picket.
out :and threw aside the large
stones, pebbles, ,and bits of stick,
and then moistened the remainder
with water froin the other btteket.
This •enabled her to remove smaller
The reaidnum she put hit() the
next smeller platter, and she re-
peated theprocess tunic there was a
comity of sand and gravel ready
or treatment. This ±ilio sprinkled
and by
Ct. do
movement of the platter,
brought the salols gravel 10 the out.
(side, where it could bo them*, over
the edge, 'Whet she had ropeattul
tide 'operation three' or tour tunes,
the 'tl oat3d the material, wide!), now
looked more., like sntulthee anything
else, in at attar: Matt platter.
At lash iii the smallest platter of
luau, elle had the bucketful of sweep-
"It 9e now over a year eine Zola-1)tllt'
worked a 0005 in my nese, end than bag
been no return of the eazema."
Purply herbal fu composition, 'Lon teak
to a auto euro for all slain, auxeses, cold
Soros, `happens bandt, 01100e, blood iiolhosie
ilea .b n woe hgva 0o.e soh_. 1 w
ii�nflamed atehes outs, Write awl beelso ,
011 druggists seal stores aeti et tete bexs ear
slant free trot xanl43e1k Vo,f llhrocty, lief
retbs. 'raw
Before and After Using.
Restores Grey Moir to original color. Two might
use from same bottle, hole of ono becomes black,
the other blond or other color as they were la
youth. Stops. Falling Hair, Dandruff. Itching.:
Cures all Scalp Diseases, Produces New Growth,
Satisfaction guaranteed or moneyback.
Price 75 cents ertwo for one odor (postage paid.)
Not sold in stores, address
Canadian Hair Restorer Co., mimeos, ern:
ings reduced to a handful or two of
black sand. Phis elle carefully
washed and sifted; at last, with a
dexterous twist, ohs brought ills
sand into a crescent, the outer edge
of which sleeted a thin rim of yel-
low. It was unmistakably gold duet.
The whole operation Intel taken. half
an hour, and it had prodstoed about
a shilling's worth of gold.
The man who poses as a lien in
society is usually a bear et, home,
The average [roman hater can give
nn eatistaetory reacoa.
,['routed of Great: Value to.iiir
''there In only one nl explanation for the
numbers of enthusiastic letters that we
receive praising Na -vin -Co Dyspepyid,
Tablets, and that is that these tablets
certainly do cure any kind of stomach,
Here is a typical letter from M1s�
Eliza Arntewrorthy, Catiso, N.S. a
"It is with pieasnre I write be inform'
you that your Na-Dm1>-Co Dyspepsia:
Tablets have proved of great value tte
me, I tried remedy after remedy but
without any lasting good. Having heard
ofoar tablets curing such oases an
mine I decided to give theta a fair trial 4,
They proved satisfactory in my case,"
Tltt remarkable success of Na rtt-Co'
(Dyspepsia 'tablets is 'such a success as.
nett only come to an hottest re[[[edy.,.
compoulldcd according to au [exec tlol
ally good foriu,ila, from intra Mgt
clients, by expert chemist; If you 7
troubled with your storeeelr ttst
your Drtt�f( �lst about Na -r
Dyspepsia Tablele, compounded
attiDonalntnil'Diiornng at rind500.
. Cheutiraal'
AIWA, Limited, seed sold tbrt
d bttin.
1.1). Ttid,ult'lz`