HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-3-19, Page 5• ,. L
ivevan dGiwtt
GEM&Plii4 0rYT.IP LL®
BUM Dees Garda
+uecusnor to 61 fi 41vore °tired et fluter- We believe liven 11 Olive Oil Lmul-
ea dims, Livery stable, Hru+Sohl. 'L'elenlWne sioll i8 the best relmedy laude for tote
No, ke,
OR. T. T. M' RAE
seeholor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
13110B DFOOT, 11 A'Y8 do ICILLORAN Licentiate end Greduate of the College of Phy•
Ohmage Her, Noss nn Term: "U9 Ca
W. Pnovn:soo'r, K. 0. n 0, Rim
J, L, 'wee: Ilse
Uifaes-Thous formerly unguided by tilleaor•
Cameron & Holt
«onnaICJ, oN•' I
Fine, modern steam-
ers - equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
or 14
the Allan Line, Toronto
Agent Allan Line, Brueeela,
N..7A •r✓Gtr✓,t..,,,,,,,,,40.-.4.4.0„.1"
Before youStep fi p look Ahead Y
More on not. pion and elm high II
yo11 Ilan to get A Superior nosiness
Education you will be )ooktrg lo.
ward the rt
'rh-' Reh.'o'.thaains the liable of doing Y'
n , 11ea of a•.n•1a Chet bee athe staunt of ��
etteierterity " Open not sem. Enter ?G
ens. tape, Hands ,010 catalogue a eat
on ' egllelt
(.'nr Vanua and t W. J. ELLIOTT, rd
Alexander Ota. f Principal. ti
VMI'Ai-�'A '^+v6+a ,c:�V.ma •I . F'2).9FMVR^?;Y 'r F
raa% Vis!? ktO14'i Fti'x. a 2W,,WAy e. 1 r4fsr9
• Caunh.'+ neat Pr,oti •nI ! rumina
8,01 •..1. •I$ „e .bonnrtnn•nt-' Com.
dmorclal, Shorthand and Telogra-
phy. uw SO., 0 u,aruuge. en., �• lle-
t.onl L,d+vw cel inatrutu tun I. give,
0- by n err. ,ng, exp.'ri. need .toff aur
ci graduates succeed, Student. nal ,•
tt•' for at ane time, Gel our fret amnio
. toe and,.o whoa we onn do for yet
D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal.
f `✓A r.:':1ti ('AV4tup1 tali V.VarCYAva,YAa;Y t!c;YtaW
l - 0,..Y> t5.14(CYA�sYA(411 6,1( t.6r.WE ArasY.6(6.1>;rs'"A
i Enter
Y 1 Listowel Colleges,
Any time 1
Grow with us.
For pertioolnrs add rose- %%,.'i
EDWIN G. MATTHEW$, Prin. 1<rd'1
PA't r_aG,c+,GRt+,9m,st�`izcaV.,,,,,,n s''i�� jj''
Best Brains
in Canada have participated in the pre -
natation of our splendid Horne Study
Ooorsee in Banking, Econoulice, .'nigher
amounting, Commercial Art Show
Card Writing. Photography, Journal-
ism, Short Story Welting, Shorthand
and Bookkeeph.g. Select the work
which most interests you and write us ,.
for pnrtioclnrs. Address
901.1 Yonge St„ Toronto
!P! Hanging
John Lunn
Painter, Paper Hanger
Grainer and Decorator
A Trial Solicited Fitst•Class Work
Phone 41x
Thomas Street, Brussels
A11 year ago
he cot dn't eat
Today he can eat three equate '
meet,: and sometimes ono
"e ;a" bemuse Chalnse:lain's
'Tabletscured Etom (Mit 'l'roublee
arid cave him a good diGestion.
You t;y them. 2,)c, n bottle.
All Druggists and Dealers or by
ar +] 3
C'•tfAteoinMacias Co. ioroneo
w>ax XPi g x.
Ohmans and Surgeons, Ont. ;hPoio radnnte
ohleage, Era,. Ex•13oase Surgeon to 4t. Mieb.
,ml's HOspitnl, 'Toronto.
Office ovor If, It, Smith's Drug Store, Tole•
nlon0 connection with Crenbrooh at all hours.
ilrohniur of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Jaomiilto of (lollop of Physlonns and ear.
:eons, Ontario ; ex•Honior Holum Surgeon of
Vesterin Honpltal, Toronto. Ofleea of rate Dr.
A MuKeveyy, Smith Block, Brussela
natal phone 42,
M.8., M,O,P.d S. O.
188 Bluer street East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
anneal nn-lHGalt In Her, None and 111ront do-
.u•Ini0nG New General Hospital. Toronto ;
'oat Gracluato Harvard al edionl School, 1300.
.late 'senior Heald o, tPorgemi el ase, Eye
t lime Infirmary; hate ilnniotl assistant h,
Nos+ end Throat department Mass Gen -Hns-
dtnl ;
late House Surgeon Toronto General
iospitnl. a- In Brussels by appointment.
rhyalcian and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses
nndon (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hot-
nital6, Special attention tornseese of eye, ear,
nose end throat. Eyes tested for glasse6.
G. H ROSS, D D.S , L.D S
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur.
,eons of On0arin and Grodante University of
Pernnto Penalty of Dentistry.
Office In Isard. Block, Wingham
Phone 249 Post 005„0 box 278
Painless Extraction, Plate work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
:tillage. Day and night calla. O}5oe opposite
'lour Mitl, Athol.
Personal gradmite Department of Opintimi•
unleigy, ono, lormiolt Modloal Uullega, Chinago,
all., is
to tens eyyev and 5t glassee at
nor olfoe over Growar'n Roantnrent, Brussels,
at Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
.took Office hours 1 to 6 p in. Forenoons
"v nppolntment, Phone 1.219. -
-•Vil1 give better satisfaction to beth barer and
ester than any other Auctioneer and nilly
•gym r,;e whet 1v ressomible ' Male: enuducted
, nywhare 111 Ontario Pore bred 8t ori salsa u
Write or 'phone 2R Wroxeter..
1istrift . cw5
Fallowing the letript of it petition
signed euiuer"ualy by the residents
'Letting for hoer ,'t -i alot,tttenellt, the
-direetors of the Blyth Telepli0ue
Oomplt.ny at a meeting called foe the
purpose rif settling the wage dispute
with its chief operator and linemen,
decided to re-engage Nies. Bennett,
,via, lilts Remit operator. since the ill-
cepi.ioe of the litres, tot. her reenter
9'4bt1'y of $000 par yeau'. Lung and
„177rient Service has made Ales.
Itenue1t a tatvirile with the coui-
nlneity And the drawing up of Lhe
peLitio1) to be presenter) to the com-
pany Inlet with instant, recognition,
11t'. Hoy was also te.engaged at ton
inereese in salary or $50. The meet
ng was largely attended by sub-
er: itaes the salary question havfmg
'occasioned widespeettd interest.
O0H0OL REPORT. -Following 19 the
remit of Ethel Public School for the
month of February. Namesinorder
of merit. Se, IV. -Stuart McDonald.
.1r. 1V. -Dave McKee, Atehie Mc-,
Ilclnttld, Cecil Bateman. Myrtle La-
mont, !tunes Luras, ILI. Class. --
Russel I{tauter, Hendee Cole, Alice
Eelunier, Oliffted Ferguson, Mac Vett-
den, George Mabee,- Verna McCall,
Pearl Love, Willie Dane, .Irene Mc-
Kelvey, Bertha Cale, Quest Dobson,
Mi mile Martin, George Pothold,
George Rowland, Will. Rowland.
Se. II,-M.1l'ggtteet. DluDmntt , Rhea
W-cLt'iland, Leslie Pollard, Milton
Flood, 17dtviii Kreuter, Blalce Howlett,
18,na4 Nlitcheli, Violet Mitchell, Lloyd
Dobbin', Lily Sanders, Willie'Woods,
Clarence Flood. First Class -Myrtle
p'Io1 ee, ruby Cleaver, Willie Mitchell
Mervyn Mekiniee. Printer -Muriel
Welsh, Mary Vanzant,.Atel Vey Beene.
net, Walken' Mitchell, Everett Weight,
Edwin Gill, Jennie McKee, Edith
Dane, Aube Woods, Ralph Rievland,
Hanley , Eckinlee, Alit* Davidson,
Number onroll 55, Average attend-
atllee 41. E. S. DANDROOK,
That Dry Cough is Bronchitis.
If neglected it will weaken the
throat and finally reach the lungs.
Nothing einlplee thatn Inhaling the
healing vapor of Oratarrhozone. It's
10(11)011 is like neigh:, so helpful, so
easy to apply. 13e (lone with bl'nilelp'
!al t:Pnnhle for all time 1 Oatarrh0-
zooh does noel' the wol•st cases, will
Cure von, too. rots everywhere, 25c
and $1.01) ander absolute 10111a0060 of
salisfttetion. - -
iKilns congregation will ill /111pintaj
,ihility he relied mum I0 miesidll' the
gnestio 1 of instilling a new 005)0)),
1 he pre ein io'en•1Uaeot; whirl! has
been in Ilse tor 'demi 88 years, 1180115
'I' hate shown disquieting sighs of
l',11111, P.
(JI1I'illa4l, the Ve:ertn (•nonoral
hlgna 11,1 011(1011 of Ills' Mel 'waist,
Church al tended 1hr 81(2 it alnliversln•t•
' f V1.'1011'1. Mrth))d150 rhn,•1h otiM)1•ell
I51.,11 end 16th, pi 'melting Melee on
ehmtlal.y nod living an eddies oh
\lor81,I71.evenlhg. -
A Gode) id, 11oleglitinn I went y
silol5at 011amatlasl-Thnrsdnytllotn-
leg asked the roltaislel. of Peldie
Woo Its to ),o ahead with the h51111,1'
wort( lot Goderieh and Blake 0)11' job
or nu tinsel taa.lt1115 0e1011 lnls been
developed lopt'd by bits for at einnime of 1
01Rrs. The dele)r).ffott wee 11111odtu'ed
to the 011ol41'l by 1t, N howls M. Pa
11Vii. 12tlgees replied Ihat• reins"
uentatimts waltld have 1114 44110114 Wits
ing the 11111•vee, mirk:Meg Lhe bions,
Wilding rip wasted tissues, eeuewi115
health, 8t1011ig111 and energy -the best
medicine You ram use it you are 11111.
clown, tired -oat, Ilei'VtlUs and debilit-
alod, n0 matt or what Lhe cause, It
doesn't depend for it's geed effect
upon alo.0111,1 or Iu1b1Ii-l'Oltu7ug (1i'1.1gs,
because it cnulains none, 11 may not
make you feel better 111 to few hoe re,
Ina 1t Will Wake you feel better, tee
are sure, jllII, 100 20(111 Ile the tonic and
fund properties it oo11tni10 have a
chance to get into the blood and
through the blond, into the l'e'st of the
system. P111'e Olive UN slid the
IJypephos)lhile( have long been Pie
torsed by sat ces81111 physicians, but
Mese fol the (lest tion+, they toe cool.
Wood into one prepurulion which, (18
u ,rive -fond anti builder (1f ntrtngtb
and health, we believe, -1111s no equt(l.
If you don't feel well, begin taking
Rexall Olive 011 1dii,)oinn today, and
build your health and sirengl hen your
-,potent against. 1)1(110' 011(1.11,00 illness.
To convalescents, old people, puny
children and toll whets who ax1•e we tor,
min -down oe ailing, we offer 12exall
Olive 011 IdnWl'tinll with one personal
puniest' that, if it doesn't make you
well and strung anode, it will wet you
nutting. If we didn't have the m-
imeo, faith
imstfaith 111 it, the wouldn't offer it
to ilh this poorest tee, nee even recom-
mAl)d it to you. We aro sore that
once you have need it -vol will reeeni-
Mein] it. 111 y0111. friends, and thank us
for having roc(1ttnnel)ded it to you.
Sold only at the mare than 7,00)1 Rex -
ell Stores, and 111 this !He'll only llv 110.
31,00. F. 1t. Smith, Druggist, Betts-
aid,-' • 1 'n e
u tl n. H was
fawiliau• with Iiia
port and realized I hal it loul to great
fulnee. The decleiuu 0" undert,rke an
extensive program of im1n11(liaie de-
velopment. would have to be made by
the whole of the Onetaet.
and M15. Joseph Elliott
will be absentfilen town diming I be
next two months, Nies, El1iult going
to Menteeal'to visit live son uhid pnasi-
ltly'moltinga tiip to Ghtagow, Seet-
land, Mr. 131)111.11 will be 111 Toronto
i durhig :Meech mid April.
Look Out for This Man. .
II lie i ffe(:v .41111111 Mug "fielder" than
Putruuu'N Corn hnx( fnactor. it's the 011-
diti,nn.l profit 1,r inlet lot' goods that
tel)lpt', hila. Platelet's is the one sure
alis paildee0 cure.. Use n1, ',thee.
Mt P. P.
The following tiresome of the points
dealt with by A. IL us5110', 11I.
P. P., le lois speech in the Legislature
Ia rtail yl115 to the elm go' ('(1 often
made of au alliaulce between the
Govel',luo'tlt and 111e liquor in u'p•esls,
Mr. Musgrove chnlleng,'d proof ui'
111is',Lattentrw, pointing out teem the
time Sit Jollies \VIIiury comebib)
power strong efforts had been Lunde
to enforce the License law. The lines
Government had dune very little to
enforce Lite late in .Local Option
territory and for this reason Ls teal
Option was losing its force. The
present Government appointed Rev.
Mr. Ayetst, whose dutyit. was to en-
rolee the lane iu Loral ption dist teas,
and his week had been effective. A11
admitted the great evils of the drink
habit, and the (1l1sery and distress
caused by it, and the only question
between the two parties was the best
method of lesse11fug this evil.
By means of Local Option, or the
Slott Act, the trade ecoid be pro-
hibited by the voters In any com-
munity where there was sufficient
Jpublic Bpi ltfon to secure enrol cement.
Tide °mild be down without dividing
the' temperance forces 00 political
lines,. As an illust•atiom of this 141.1.
Musgrove pointed out the 1u1'ge
majority for the Scott Act in Huron
'County where all floe temperance
forces • united irrespective of patty
affiliations to further the interests of
their cause -As to the three -fifth re-
quieement, Mr. Musgoove quoted from
the Huron ExpnsitoI tile statement
"That it tvould have been to great
misfortune had the majority in Huron
been narrow on either side."
Turning from this aspectof the
question the speaker ably reviewed
the history oi' the Rrfu r ut party on
the question of temperance. and 'sllow-
ed in a very convincing manner' that
the Reform party, , though malting
many .promises, had failed to fulfil
Sir Oliver MoWat had repeatedly
promised prohibition, and 111 183)4 had
a plebiscite taken in the Ponvinee of
Ontario. The vote was- for 180087,
against. 108495, a ulajnl'ily foe of
71592, -being 62% of the vote polled,
yet, although this vete was mole than
the p3'eSeot three.fift11 etqufr1weu0
Sir Oliver refused to do anyl1ilie.
When the great Reform Oopvmit ioil
met in Ottawa. in 1898, a prohibition
plank was placed in their plaatforan.
Sento time nfterwaluds wheh tweaking
in Winnipeg, Sir Wilfrid Lem lee
premised a plebieeite, and piettii81(1 if
the v0111 wire favlrahle to greet
1nndlibiti'o11, The volt was lairs)! in
897 The node' it tens over 18000
yet Sir Wilfrid did ootlihg mid the
Reform panty fell in i'bfod hut,
Ale. Rowell did not deilalunca' Sit
1V II bed, but indeed was Reform
('Ial,tlidalte in West Yeelt a11, the next
erection 11i 0111 /01•10 111e vote was -
f'1, 152887, egahls0 102088, rnajneiIy
fol 996,011, of 60% -tome het three-fifths,
Previous to this lime, to hol•ge dole-
gatton from the temperance fnlr.es
%vei0e'd upon Sir Oliver Mowat de -
trawling n.fulfilment n his promise.
Sir 0)ivoa• .gave thin at svrittt'11
flrtnniao hoot he would grant pro
Itletlou to the fltll extent of Provin-
cialImmot, '1`00 This promise ill('sets.
Heady and 1109,., lending members or
fie Cale ties 11)00 useet.t0.1,
About This tittle the Mnneoba
i+t'givle111), lead passed it prohibit 1,,y
aA,'l, hill smiling thelower of the
khuOVIIICl LU do 513, attf ll,ilttacl Lieu ,Act
But Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound Restored
Mrs. Bradley's Health-
Her Own Statement.
Winnipeg, Canada.- "Eleven yaars
ago 1 went to the Victoria hospital,
Montreal, suffering with a growth. The
doctors said it was a tumor and could
not be removed us it would cause instant
death. They found that my organs were
affected, and said I could not live more
than six months In thn condition /was in.
"After .1 carne hornet saw your adver-
tisement in the paper, and commenced
taking Lydia L. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. I took it constantlyrfor two
years, and still take it at times, and
both my huaband and myself claim that
it was the means of saving my life. I
highly recommend it to suffering
women." -Mrs Onu.LA BRADLEY, 284
Johnson Ave. , Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can.
Why will woman take chances or drag
ing three-fourths of the joy of living,
when they can find health in. Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound?
For thirty years it
has been the stan-
dard remedy for fe-
male ills, and has re-
stored the health of
thousands of women
who have been trou-
bled with such ail-
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc.
If you want special advice
write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med-
idine Co. (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
to the Imperial Privy Onnncil. The
decision of the Privy Commit was -
that. the Province of 11-ittitoba had
power to pass a prohibitory Act.
The Collet itinMeal question having
been (Derided, the temperance ptt, t.y
now called upon Hol. Gen. 4V. Ross,
wilt, Iutc1 sue,eed ed t(1 the Prenlier-
shin to fulfill the pledge made. by Sir
Oliver. Mr. Hardy and himself. Hon.
G. \V. Roos hesitated and his teltl-
peratl00 friends were dumb -founded.
501011y this 1111111 whn had 11 ed on
temperance for thirty years was not
is caused from the blood being thick-
ened with u1.10. acid pewee( 0hru-
14111115 in the head. Anti -1711c Pills
cure all ferule of kidney trouble,
They ate 8o good and so sone JAB,
Flgnt(t'(w(teee them, Be 911(1' you
get.Ant-Unto Pills. B. V, Marlon on
every box. Hold only al Jae. Fox's
drug store,
going to deem theta. Floes Me. Ross
had arrived tot the Red Sea, surtcuod-
ed 011 all sides by promisee matte and
puisued by the temperance forces, he
knew 1100 which way to turn, when
suddenly a modern pluses, in the
person of the Rev, J, A. Macdonald,
e(1i00,1' of the \Vestulinstel' appeared,
told with voioe of the Siren with -moved
-"Take refuge im a Ref,rend0111,"
Sir George honk this advice and in the
Session of 1902 passed a prohibitory
law, which was to become effective
upon a vote of the people.,
Although sorely liaappliot.od, yet
the tern pet :once .party retneUlberiug
their two past victories in Ontario
were quite trilling to accept these
teems. But Sir Geo. Ross 0a(8 not
going to permit a straight majority -
the temperance party were to poll at
least one half the number of vote('
pnll0'd in the Provincial electinl) of
1898. The loaded Referendum was
001Pd ou and the vote stood for
199749, aaltainet 114589. A majority
for or 85210 01. 66% The vote fell a-
bout 12000 short of the 1•09UilYmente
of the Ace -and so for as third tine
a ltefnrnl Government had duped the
ten -operative party. Mr. A11186:1 nye
glinted from the Ginhe of 1905 to
bow that many honest Reformers
had voted against their party beetuee
of political erruption and betrayed of
the temperance electors -that unruly
of the better class cif Reformers had
done 80. O
e ad from the Globe ac-
counts of meetings held just previous
to the elections of 1905 -when thous-
ands were deeerthlg the Ref ne» party
held at Appin, Glencoe and Stratford,
and addressed by N. W. Rowell, K.
0., Toronto, where the "swing of
victory wan ill the air," and where
Mt'. Rowell pleaded for the electors
to return Ross to pnwer-"This
Ilan," he.sai(1, who was too partizan
to desert the corrupt and moribund
.Roes Goer.' lment that had betrayed
its (fast, does 11e expect 011llset'vati Ve9
to desert an upright and honest leader
like Sir Jetties Whitney to follow one
who saw nothing wrong in the Ross
In dealing with the oft repeated
9tatetnellt by Mr. Rowell, that the
1111111 population of Ontario had de-
creased by 113000, and that the pres-
ant Gove1'nment was largely re-
eponeible for this decrease, 1(L'.
Musgrove wonted from the records 10
81)130, that during the hast nineteen -
years of Reform rile, and under their
much lauded MI:deter of Agriculture,
the late Hurt, John Deydem, the rural
ppnpulatinn of Ohl alio had decreased
90476, and that during the host Len
years of 1214'11111 rule this decrease had
bleu 66778, thus from these figures
the p1 Kumla government trail in no
way -1•e 11
sp nsibtm foe all the decreAse
i01 1 he rural population of Outt(rio.
Takhlg tweet( of Lite fiueet counties in
Western Ontario- 13rttee, Grey,
Huron, Perth, Wellington, Oxford
and Middlesex, it wile Shown 111111 011
these counties, the garden of Out1110,
that their has been a decrease 111- the
1tU;a1 Pontllatol "f 29970 between the
years 1895 and 1905. This tools plane
under the wonderful Reform Govern-
went,- Turning
overn•111ent,-Turning to Nir, Rowell's
lament at the decreased production of
cereal co /p0 in Cantle, Mn. piu'igeove
•'htted teal, dol fog the past tiven( y
years there had been 1a decided
('hlulge 11) the nature and kind of
Gn-tn prod (1013nu. Changed methods
and mixed farming were the chief
factors in this change and that the
decrease in the production (''f cereal
drops wee 111(110 than compeosatrd
Oat by an increase in ether lines
More profitable to the farmer than
that oil growing grain.
The increase in value from 1906 to
1912 -the first sloven years of Oo11-
1ervative rule in this pi 0vinrle-wel•e
its follows : oats $2,531,000, mixed
grails $1,000,000. The value of the
NMI nl ops had in'1•eaased from 516,-
240,000 to $81.848,(100 -an increase
of $5.603,000. Fodder coops, corn,
hay, °levi'l' told alfalfa had increased
from $57,482,000 to $79,5584,000 an in-
erease in the seven years of $22,102,-
The 'moults of the great 10010060 in
root anti fodder crops was to be found
in the vel y meat Met ease 101 animals
and their produce. The following
table was given -The value of horses
eol(1 had Increased $8,554,000, cattle
$10,390,000,i swine s wt 84,456,000.
4 UDpoultry ltr $1,908,000,
ante ul
. p ym and
cheese '66.694,000, or a total increase
of 580,968,000. Summing up the foul'
great nuances of fatal production,
grain, roots, food -crops, and animals
and their produce Mr. Musgrove
showed that the increase diming the
pastRoots seven ..years... bad been as follows
Grain .... ..................... $ 6934000
Food Crops . 22102000
Animals, ace ..... ........ 30958000
Total ................. $65507000
A very substantial increase in what.
the farmer had to sell.
Doming to the ppel'lwtllen1 assets of
the far mets of Ontario the speaker
pointed that in all these three had
heel) a very substautitll iunrease
Mine of land had t•isen from $649,000.-
000 to $758.730,000, an increase of
$109.730.000 ne 17% Buildings frnn
5264,000.000 to $825;140,000, an in -
crenae of $81.140,000 (1r 23%. 1 null,
(vents from $60,360.000 to $86.000,000
an increase of $17,740,000, or 25%.
Live stock ft'olu 5172,480,000 to
H 1
Ono Parletpn Sago
It's entirely needless to have un-
sightly, matted, thin or faded hair.:
A little care is toll that is needed to
make it thick, soft, peet.ly, perfectly.
healthy and free from deficit utf,
Uae Parisian Sage -it ctupplies bait'
needs and is absolutely luu•mlees, ' It
gnicicly stops Belting head toed falling
hail', 111111 is one of tee best tonics to
b•'i (1rt e t ua and make to
It g a t lar s ip e a t
hair grow linlg and beautiful,
Get, a bottle of Patients) Sage today
feout .11(8• Fox nr 1.1,1 any drug counter.
It moue hut 50 melte. Ruh ft into the
'ship -all daieleuff dis1(ppeare--your
bend Poole Hue -tile !tail is pretty And
perfectly healthy.
$225;30%,000.,000, allincrease of 552,520,000 -
The value of these four assete'would
if divided anener the rural population
of the Province give to every man,
woman and child the 5011) of 51300. -
1n the past, when periods of de
preesto11 mule the farming com-
munity was the fleet to suffer, and .
while we all deplore the want and '
suffering of those out of etilploymerlt
at the present tune, there never was to
time in the history of -our- Province
when a great financial' depression so
little affected the farming common ity.
Look for a' moment over the V tions countries of Europe and Amort µ{t, airs
amine -the conditions n' -h the
people live, then come back to our
own Province of Ontario, consider her
political institutions, her educational -
facilities, her humane %teatnoent. of
tle unfortunate, flet neat and well
kept fauns, her comfortable homes,
Lerchurches and schools -all her Ad-
vantages of civilization, soil and
climate. and the genetal comfort and -
happiness of her people. When you
have done all this the conclusion must
be borne in upon the (11111(1 that
Ontalin is behind no other country in
all that goes to make a happy and
contented people.
Dr. Morse's
Indic n Root Pile
cure many common ailments Aga
are Very different, but which all Moo
from the - same cause -a aye
clogged with impurities. The Pillr
cause the bowels to move larip,
strengthen and stimulate the
and open up the pores of the
These organs immediately throw of
the accumulated impurities, and Bir.
ousness, Indigestion, Liver Complaitafr
Kidney Troubles,Hcadachea,IRt eBaolee•.
atism and similar ailment, vania�,
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pals s
Save Doctors' Bills -
We honestly believe we have the best remedy in the world for - indigestion
and dyspepsia. We urge you to try it at our risk. If it doesn't relieve
you -as we feel sure it will -we'll give back your money without a word.
You know us -your family druggist. You know we wouldn't dare recommend anything we didn't
know about, nor dare to break a promise. Therefore, when we recommend any remedy it is because
we believe it to be better than any other to relieve the ailment for which it is made, and when we
prove our faith in it and our sincerity toward you by promising to give back your money if it
doesn't relieve you and in every way satisfy you, you have no possible excuse for doubt or hesitation.
are, we honestly believe, the best remedy made for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and ai8
other Stomach ills
We Know They're Good
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, in addition
to other ingredients, contain Pepsin and
Bismuth, two great digestive aids used by
the entire medical profession. They
soothe the inflamed stomach, cheek the
heartburn and distress, stimulate a
healthy secretion of the gastric juice,
aid in rapid and comfortable digestion
of the food and help to quickly, convert
it into rich red blood, and thereby into
flesh, bone and muscle. They relieve
stomach distress promptly, and, used
regularly for a short time, tend to 're-
store the stomgoh to a comfortable,
easy -acting. healthy state, They aid
greatly to promote regular bowel amnion.
Oo/a s Aro Dangerous
Don't neglect indigestion, for it fre-
quently leads to all sorts of ills and com-
plications. The pain and discomfort is
not the most unfortunate part. The fact
that when the stomach is not (toting
right, the material needed to repair the
wastes that are constantly taking place
in the body is not being given to the blood
either in the proper condition or fast
enough is far more serious. Nothing
will cause more trouble than an unhealthy
stomach. Tho blues, debility,'' lack of
strength and energy, constipation, bil-
10tlsnese, headaches and scores of other
serious ailments result front the failure
of the stomach to properly do its work..
Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores -the World's Greatest Drua Stores.
You Risk No Money
Our willingness to have you use 11exa11
Dyspepsia Tablets entirely at our tisk
proves our faith in them.. We always
sell them this way, and it is' because
we Icuow that they have greatly bens
efited scores of sufferers to whom
wo have sold them. There's 110 red
tapeabout our guarantee. It means
just what it says. Well ask you no
questions. You needn't sign anything.
Your word is enough for us, We know
that when they help y011 you will con-
sider it mon0y well spent even if they
had cost you ten times as much. If they
don't help ,you, the money you paid for
them is yours, and we want you to have it.
In convenient boxes -three sites: 26q, 60c, $1.00
in. ,s /011,44.7,