HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-3-19, Page 1VOL. 42 A'U. 38
BRUSSELS, OPV1 ARIU. 11 Uk.sDA1 Y. MARCH 19. 1914
W. H. hsEiRR,,f ro)h%t•rio7
Now Advertisements
Loon) . u ,
CirSale-.1tnas• D. M(ii .
Cope P urn t-'A`u s Parc'
hurley -Wm. m• then)',
Seed barley -Wm. Murray.
Wall paper -10 ll. Smith.
Spring millinery -M INs Roan,
'Spring nlll Ilan', -111.8 Senn.
Ap"ciol to night 12 M,.inolol.
Aoottonstele-John 1. Go, solus.
A notion 4nle-.ills 1l'n,l uliarNrm
No.v 4p ing lair r, N Al mean
Eggs for H :tehing-.lohn Ale dew,
,tine to rr'•dlaor.-.hint Flees, I. Ps18)..
NOtie0 to eredit'v'.-Alex, SI ewnrt estate
izlistrizt : etU5
John 13o1u'lett, one veteran
man, attended Qlnnd Lodge
at Guelph last week.
Mrs. R. Ootids entei rained ,L l'ew of
her fl lends to tL fowl temper 'losdaty
evening of lust week. All enjoyed
On Wediieaday, Mat'eh 11111, a meet-
ing of the udlilt. ntelohrls of St.
(deoige's'.ba'r'b PULS held at tl)t home
of SV. I1. Shildire, An enjoymhle
- Hilar Was shell. r1')1P hustoyw or the
cloutilt tv94o .1 t'11R41'i1 anal 11 was
elded to nittlte tt pttsenal leanVa.; of
the parish and to airn at pt, etwing
• , , v'their 1
'rant nt Lu11(t0c t , v pro-
R �'h t mimed it el'esse
p,winnnPUu $.. ).0)w I t
of renot°d ,t p md,
low•ph Bolger, it he hats spent the
past f''.'.' uol111hs ill tlSill iueeli)y, re-
tie evil to hie Lame 1a %abha Bear•,
Seat , leaving here on 'Priestley o1' this
0 eel( With It ear or eel tier's effects.
John \\'ilihun, has rented his feria
and will 1elnove o' London and enjoy
to met seismal hulidity.
Niss Lily Meiseel), itlusic teacher,
bats stalled at Cl484 et the home or
Airs. R, McKenzie, Mies ave.
J T Sell is doing it 11010sh)og
business in cutting feline slits and is
prepared to enter to the public ex-
Orange- teneivl ly 111 this emuutodity.
Sheeting The N',u'luers' Club will bold a meet-
ing of Friday evening of this week in
the Foresters' Hall. The eubjeet tv 111
be o1 "Feetiljzerr' to be taken by 10
of the members who will each give a
five milli. tatlk.
L'A tax Ci1AN(11ts.-Oh rihtnplIer.1011 m-
ston, of the gravel rout North of
131ytli, lute ;Reposed of •his farm to
Thais. 134.11, of C LRt WILWah1ns11.•-Ai•c1L
R'v Igea,
11 1.4 SOH 1114 farm udjoinint
R'Igrrw • 1 n Devitt lhuthar far $60)0
Mt Dai btu` gets pnt.,•satan tine115111
11+04.4)+044+0+0+•÷0+41,+110+11+40.. 0+•+•4 0Fe+04•04.•+•+•+• i•• t.•*
Spring Millinery
li to
Brussels and locality It
• of
lie ladies
to tY
visit our Show Rooms and see the new
creations in Spring Millinery.
t throe laces we
� Following the custom in o p
are not holding- a formal Opening this Spring
• g
.1. and are now ready to carefully look after the
o wants of our customers. ••
0 +
r Our Showing will Our Prices are •
4' interest you. Reasonable. •
@ t
We will bepleased to have you call. I
,1• •
+ •
e RichardsBlock ••
• M. E. ROSS Brussels •
,1 •
•t•d••t•••hf*•+•+•+••r•+•+.l.• . 4.404.0+440+4104.464.404.41)141+410+ '!•+•
•••••.•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••N•N••••••••••••
9 ••
Don't D•
• •
• • •
w Put your darning b�tsket away in the closet you .• i } when ou bur the first box i
® won't need it fair six months cal y ) •
® H le roof Hosiery. •
of o y
® p •
as Darning is now ailmost a thing of the past, for with •
• gra ,1. •:
• every box of Hole roof we give a written guarantee
• to replace an pair that needs darning in six months. •
• taking out your darnin basket you merely :
� Instead of
k out a coupon g aindget a new air of hose free—isn't I•r
® takel P •
• that simpleH ? •
• p •
• O
oleproof H osie
For Meng Women •
and Children
Special To -Night
Any More
Don't M iss this Program
Prices the same — to & 5c.
of A el1.-'1'hns. Smindrett lute ttlsn
sold his farm adjoining i3ilgrave to
Sarni. Jordan, of Vancouver, the
purchase price being $4.000 Mr.
Seandrett will move bite the village.
A atrial evl•Iiog will Ie held by the
You ug People'. Guild of Knox church
mi Tuesday ecthl1ug, Maich31st, An
interesting feature of the progrnuh
%vitt be a debate, subject, "Resolved
that at poor titian with his genius can
accomplish alai than a rich mug
.1it11 his money." The tttflwnativi
v +1 •e Nelson
b has lYL .lr
will taken v
'ole • the nega-
tive1 sus and Chas. , g
tive by Misers M iggie Vtrigil1 retail and
Illy Slut/east and les illtOlilluin
lobe judges will be Rev. \I r. Boyle,
Mrs. W. H. Ferguson, and Hiss Cun-
ningham. `
@1 -.1•
0 - The nithPrs pay an average of 7•i ce'll's a hound for the finest. Bit)/13- •
• Y r lila hose are ntitI made Pram •
Han and Sate Isltiel Cotten Yet n. C "tut a
•e catmints' hose sell for the saute
• cnCton at 32 '.silts at pout Yet-th •
0 prism 114 Hnlvprt,or."
• as ry fho 1 end 0 )iv in t.ltit heels aunt Lars as
[3oleproot" uses 3•ply in the (
0 Ordinary nose a0'' made Nom 2 -ply. y,rn Llu'r iighout,- you pay no 0
0 e "1 "'P - Sig 1.fules lon i',.' :a
• tonne ft,, Ilolyproot but 11 tv ,sus g
P• si le wed C0110111.1-141.0 0
• Cooly in slid see t111s blSAIPI'y. Nate t,l�t y
O (IOW light itild stfft: it iR. Buy one box at i I't'y it, Note how it brigs •
i •
v, on bnRitn'V. ;
,, 1 t mm
, aim' the ' ) it it Il
r UL 1 •
the h', Jhen If
ilf (mit, t, f,
,h p Y
•We have a rol)1 assortment l
IfNi ,4
Ablates. They
as'e vel
® stliaLrt. ?Heise ate 8 pairs Pitt 82, anti 0 pan's rife $3-gaaraaLeOd six
as months. A •
The 131g Store, t11)ttef Bros 1.
Hlghost Price) for Quttpr and Eggrse
alll.railetiell e••••••ii•(Y'•II1•itc.6•66•r•16**ssamosooib•i•••Al
Alava' Irwin V
, tat �
act its Judge in' the program, aunt('5t
bet 00111 the married gaud single 1110111s
LISPS (1P tela 131uevale Lberary Sociily
whirl' will be held un 1Vednesdtly,
March 25th. This will be the Ilial
meeting. of the Literary Society I'nr
the present semen., Both sides are
(000)1riug behind closed dolts and
the cool eel should be exci111 g. (4100
early ill tartlet. tat 5 111.0 a seat.
1Sev. lilt', Lnckhtnd, nF Wt fowler.
'I'h'• bends looked charuli.eg fn ,t gntvn
of ohne Betio, trimmed toll 11 pools
and shadow Lace and earl rood n. bouquet
of In Wel rests, tt miring the gr'oom's
!rift, tt neeklnee of pearls. The little
(11wel )cud, Miss .tindery 13el.Pr,
11'1• e )f the groom, 011 awned fit
t c r h
>; g
tont silt. The gi etiti's gift min the
4 gold 1 'till li11k
1 • r al. engraved 11 I
organ's, LII 4 1 it 1 P
r i.1 Y N ,
6 � 6
Still 111111Pflower+te'ttgnlll lancelet..
Aftee Ihe ceremony SI ism Lizzie
Iiryuts sing "The Vohs t Intl Inset" li-
ed Wee 101en " A ft or emigre l Mellitus
the gllrslo tt,t,tlhel'iog about 60 all re-
pa1t'r'tl to the dining renal to mixt eke
of the ennipWnpR wedding dinner
pi elan ell by the hostess. aft rt' which
the happy couple left' or) the 3 3
trait, foe Toronto 1111 Nittgtn'a. Ou
their 'eaten they will reside on the
grooms furor al. Glen Fara taw. The
wedding gifts were wetly and
ttiiiiteeous, shoving the esteem in
'whin!: Lite yoneg couple were held.
Jam est own
These will be no regular meeting nl'
the Women's Iestitute this metal.
The 11051 mei-111,g will be held the
last Thursday in April.
The Box Social held i1 Victoria Hall,
melee the auspices of 1 itt Women's
Institute was a very great silasset
There wits frog- niulLe'e, ittd the
!mignon wits A 1. Sir. 'eats of Gm -
1 its a Seigel] ilupersimaterr, proved IL
host in hiulerl), and teas supplr11rrol-
rd 1111 the preglaat by excellent local
talent. The pew -yells anemeted to
V. Sperling bad a wood bee ]net.
la(II) Long was enverh,g his ice
this week with saw -dirt.
Geo, 8lrtuen is pr,+paw-d to do all
kinds of chopping at the ,will.
• Orarlbrook Robin was nut Monday
ntorning. Isn't that the limit P
(3. Onkliy. 11131' 1(11111 maul, glade his
fleet trip with the buggy last Monday.
Miss 'Wren, of Brussels, who has t4
music class here, is doing splendid
cant k.
P'e vivillu r
;qrs. Alderson tv r
W. and
It their son Russell, at W1L
G of ge Hnethel is offer rug his Hue
1Itt 1P. 111apert V for sale it is a bar-
gain tar the right titan.
We etre gleed 1,1 repoet that Mrs. 1
Banality tie i4 nide to be a mind again
after he'd siege 1f illness.
.1..1. GotsatliIz has IeiLsell his latent
to Menzies liras., whose pr'oper'ty ad-
joins it. Ni. Gorsalilz put pesos airy
ing his luck 111 the \Vest and has an-
oonnced tt (dealing auction sale of his
stark, inlplelltinll,,, etc., to talar Mere
on Nritlay, Mal eh 271 I. The full list
of his stale may be read in another
I lnnt,t:
yilrClaLl RPI'V)'p$ all's !wing g held in
Kees (hurell, which are peeving to be
,1 soiree o1' gl'ei1L inspiration and hell)
t0 1 he large nn11greglLtioos lc hi eh • as-
semble Stem night. to night. the
1 (star, Rev.., S 31'0111 nett, teas 114-
si4twl 1141 iveelt by Rev. Mr. Steven-
son, or'["(VIMLoclt. who ui'ittehed very
thoughtful and impressive sermons.
'I'Ihis week Rev. D. \Vern. of Brussels,
preached ou llntiday Itigjtt, RAW. 0. A.
\Irl elvev, of Ethel, Tuesday aright,
and Rev. \h', Stevenson,. assisted the
pastor ter the hitln ret of the week.
Miss Anna Schmidt, or 'Pavistoek,
has resumed '.Barge of the millinery
department of Geo. \I. Alit:thell's for
the cooling season.
Mts. Gro. Colvin and \Ins. P. M'-
Qtau'rie, of Brussels, and Sirs. I). W.
1 roitedy, of Goleri„h, were visitors
with the fu'ture's daughter, Mrs. (3.
\1. Mitchell, last week.
A mortgage Nile of re, m pl np,•11 y is
billed to Is 114111 ,u thy V",diol lintel,
lit11,1, ou 'Puesday, ..\latrrh 31 s1 ,ll 1
o'clock. ' The property to be "-leered is
last 16 Cam. 5and conleitis 994 neves.
di P. Vaadriek will be the Auctioneer,
Sirs. 3, FL IVeltdt spent Slatur(lat\' in
l•lauHist mt.
Miss ll atlil, of lil•rssels, is the guest
\ Lowey,
of Airs. 1L. hnw
SV. A3, and 11i•R Robinson visited
Brussels friends on W"hlesday.
3110. Pat( Pi51,11, of H,1 t'l i n, visit
n r here over
1'duthisb to 0Stainless
Addivon Wenger r,F Aytcl. v
at the nmf r1cl. Davey LNtvPk.
bliss E. ahtl0ruii, air Plildwin's
visited felelds in 111e village on Saints
(les Mt•Ietnslr, of Sit'rnlfnrd, 10115 a
01111111 At tilt. 11111110 of Joho
ovPP Snudly. ,
The 1 0 0. F. held their amine,
1t. Boal' in their lodge rooms Inn
l'rillty evening- last.
('hn11. Jaelt11)1 hats moved to Cluty.
P',11PS 101,1(11.11' 11 111141 was re(eitly
oocupl•d by Japer's 1 144ffilittn.
Urs Dawis, who has sp''nt the list
six nullillas wit. It hoe sora, J. .1Davis,-
left i'nr Alli sen nn S
Misses Sallie White and l7.•Plvt,
Crani ford 1r e Itstisti n5 NI lee D. Wil -
mut • 111 her nttllinel y business I his
Hui h Harris returned 11 flask., 1,51
Week afters ending the '371Ti,o 01' 0111
hie; M'eai15, W. and Mts. Fb't'it,. of
be 1 y.
I'uut ,
AMed from here ,ttheeled the Box
Social heldt V1(I' ntn 11 l .1.1111P11.
inwl,11(51 .i'hmem111/0 t vt ling ' A 1-1
\ ,J. J. Davis and J. 3. abs n
Iefli16 v 1 G
attsieted in the penes:eon.
Miss Blowier Hamilton, at:misled by
1113,; Alton, litre, meal 1.1P 1 Ilie
Young People's meeting in the ,Pers•
betelitullhm,eh int Sunday evening.
'rite snbl1nt "Well 'stored netitml'ies"
ivtLS OPit }inu41Pa'
I'RET'rY 33'1(0015a.....A very .lis e) (y
tveddtng teas snleml)zed et the Morar'
)If rho bride's ptem n18, \Vat and SIrs,
\l.l tgemeey. Weexoter, when Ihrh'
delight \l,, v be.)
111' 01'181. of 1$ 1137 )4e:1zt•1Nits of
-,` ' i Iter 1100) to t{Ht
+1 tial w, l l I 1
dL 1 t,
Fit i•ain4 1- er )lin Merril it91i'F the \V 1 g 11
\ 'a4 11 I 1 LIiH 1i
p r hy\Bate B tt
Wall 11(V d
Brussels, Seels cousin
sh, oP thebride.
bride entered
lite, patios looming
geateofnliv on the at10 0f her fattier,
and stoop 1)11(301' Ira Melt 1vyp et
the bath( of 0111(•0 was ar'rtan god n
beautiful batikof 1V,00151 the erre.
really being pe fosieed hy i>riv G
SV, [rivet's, of tdorrity assisted by
Large C rngregations present on Sunday at the last Services
in the O.d Building.
Farewell, old temple, soon your walls emit fall,
d t, tile 111.,1 el call;
1 oft wtaunra
Which have r
1Yh c l n p
ilily day ,served sWare am for s t nit t,la,
o el for aomathhl • new.
a orvol-wt, u
Al day a 6
And yet when td (row e11 and roan no 1loos
Will d grunt bo fed from batter 0 ,spat atom g
amany it may be so and that wt given
May many it tl ,NW of 111 word he given
To rum nt ell in, with limits 1,00.M/1110a march1ml
Tub yetweepagg withtitstueii, of mil,
Anal hu ih ' it thy allghyhltu is call Lily in,
Old church 'with a shy bruits w0 lave 11100 still"
There, from that pew, the loving t ubes g lie
To hi the ransomed sd) around the thrne,
Therefrom that salt them ,thor gull and pure,
Who laid. her faith un Christ el foundation wire,
On wings of 1 the and with her aaul elate
Has reached hut• home %have thtlugh pearlyata,
8,00 to that font wore brought in swaddling
Baptismal entrance to the ,arch thus found.
'Mere (laughter, .»t, i)r,thor and sister,ter
l1.1o0bo nr Pram EkuL uldAttune pa.
iHv roLcanI "the ahurth not made with Lards
all to
And dwell in blear all loving a maarias w love.
Yea, great all10templeluting when
arias ail"
'Acarus 5bolu,elve, 'soul of when Ghuu. art still.
S one may remember their most earnest prayer
That in CnrItt'o e:teriiim they too may share.
some p ,anted sermon in the ear may ring,
And to the 8•'u1 sweet eonmlatlan bring.
That 414.1 wet planted here in faith and love
Ta he Lr freiti to a1 the Oilmen above
And u ,w' old temple we. mutt part at last
Thy day's are numbered, all thy glory's p tat
H ,w• hard to say -alt who can truly te11,
Otto anguish in those wards --a test farewell t
-Rae. Wet. 011511330,
After uetuly forty -twit 571.109 of
service AS a place roe divine worship
Melville elm' eh closed it doers this
week stud 118 TITS POST goes to press
workmen are busy removing the
811 hill 010 '.vti''h '.'.ilI be replaced this
Sinemet. by a more handsome edifier.
The venal egetietl has arranged for the
use if the Town Ball and the Public
Liln•at•y ,audience roam 111 the period
intervening triol the hely church is
completed. The usual Sabbath morn-
ing nn(1 evening till vices will be held
in the 'fawn Hall, and the Sutidny
School will alert there in the after-
noon The told weak services will
be held al the Library.
Nielville church w,is dediented for
mil ship in the year' 1872 When the
rnugregn'liol1 had inrtettsed. in size
atilt] strength until the nrgival \lel-
'.110 eluu'ch was thought tno'5111 (11
he present property, containing
tilt rr-tlanrters 14 1111 acro, 0115 11111-
elmSel frena T. A7'\liohttel foe $180.
'Phos. Ainlety 11111110 Ihr b, ick and the
1.0111tet was awarded to Thais.
Si own, cif Ora,hraok, the price being
$4.51111 At the npeniiigof the ellneel
Rev Jelin Fingp4no catty Ihr "m100
beloved palm'. Hr root tuned in that
aminoICY until the year 3879 when be
case 4unr.,' sled by Rev, 111•, R"s, 11010
nl' Toronto, who Inhered zetlt ("sly foe
I tv,•nty-sax ye es. His suceessm• wtL.
Rev. A O. \Viehnu•t whose pasrn'tue
wee tine nF marked prosperit y. After
a tyro( of vis. year's 11'U•, Wishitet ie -
signed in 1913 to attempt. a mall to St
Paul's ehtire11, Calgary Bev, A. J.
Hann, the present palmate, began his
work bele in March, 1913, and its 011
earnest preacher and n fe1thfill and
sylllpaathetic pastor he has won the
love of at devoted congregation.
The many hallowed nipninries ,18
seclitled with the sae'r'e'il edItine avert'
10iMaly expressed in the perm given
shave whiter Wats 1relied by A. 1)
Grant Irl. t he ;lose of the Y110115
People's meeting alit Sll nday evening.
It woe written and retailed by Rev.
Wm eradiate, at former pastor nP the
Preshy)e,inn rhtlrlth at Lguioodville,
on the occasion of the hist service in
the old church at that plaice,
The serVices l t11111,IV t
' I 1 1 were 111
keeping with the ocetwii,n. than -
1111111i011 331(5 celebrated in the omen -
lug, it rally far the Sunday School
teats held in the afternoon and ,t speci-
al clio.ing 4erv11e Wall (tonal noted b5
lr Maul in the
Iia motor. Rev.S
evening, fu Ihr morning the pastor's
text tuns Pltil, 2:5.8 to It we11 111 1.1)111's
(11111101111311 he ceug'l egatien was ex'
hurled to let milling ola.td in the
wily of rill tilling through the ehantiels
nF their lives ('deal's weal redemptive
nttrpose• Fur t he wield.
Al. the Sued ty toluol telly in the
Itfteenoott a 101ies of mike on child
life as it torts eel:tied In Hie Minuets
the Lowe, the notion and the keeping
. Grey
We are sorry to heel' that ail ward
lir)•,rls' heath li hits been sat poorly
recently Intl hope he will soul regatin.
his fol torr gonia bead, h. -
111.N IwllnPISS. Mr(11111t11u 311 1111P,
ha-' gone to Strait fol d white WP undPl'-
-tluld Sill. will 111111Prgn 1111 operation,
\\'P hope roe 11 speedy tern vil•v.
.1Mat P, 31 eTtitesti has pmeleisetl 75
neve, otl the 141 h Can, edjnining hie
own f,rnl, from .ins Pt'rrie. Phis
31 PPS Sir. Nebo ash 175, acres whirl)
alio uld keep hats In14y.
0 vine; to Rpl•ieue ilhiP4R Mr ,
M. Pinn, or Tommie was called to the
le -aside of her 1111.1 111,1', NIt's .1 01111
,Ttu'I,.nn, 6th ran. lest wrt'k. We are
OSA 1,11110,41' the pet i0[tis impenvilt.
John 131 yens and family who
11'1.1'111 ly removed to Fordtvit:h hnwe
VOL meaty set l led It, "be•il maw home.
Wr tri sorry to lila m that Olio 11100
been quite ill since their removal
1 her 0.
11111 'Mitchell lute purchased the
(`has, Knight 50 reel• 1'111'111 consisting
of 4 \S Tent 18. Coe. 10, it
ie it flee
moppet with good Lauding'. The
11111 11.08 twice is sold 1'n be $4001),.
, moved Pd tel }118 new
Mr Mitchell his 1 I v
house and getting ready far the Spring
wni k
.101111 RiFrhir,v'
P and family, of
(lath, ere visitstee at the home of John
P. Nietiit11esti for as temple of weelts.
The teenier Il R
tint 1PP1P 3n 1t
vary good heal! 11 nrtat 1 Alla has die -
prised of 1i4 grocery tnrioe'R in Gtlb
nil trill try n yen' at rentable work
I). f, 1.0 g1 1 '-' 11110lins'nroR Again
.011as 1,'Ike, son, of John nod Mt,4,
Lake of the 4111 line, who lute been
aped fen' Rain' 1Imo frntn Ihr \V,'ot,
heft far hie home IIc11' ((helpmates,.
geed: , 1aet 't'nPsday. Be molc it mit
aff set l leis ,f(.'i' 1,1111 111111, shi l'pl•g'
per C P R fr„nl \Vi txitPP COMP
W111.11 you will 11 418'4 11 'welcome for
yeti (lhar'i1».
Ct3rru,Rv.-The Following taken
neo,,, lite N•'igxl.we (Mtn ) e'r. of
cli 511, , 'fens U1 the death of la
(lni1i1 41' of lnfto Linden y, of title
limn -10p : AHrr n'arie two emote of
811)1 n1' (hiring whirl) it ,t,Pat (IP° or
0x x11 nl_/i'al teentwenl fs11, 1 Mug,
lFarrellI p it mal
h, 11114 died at h 1.
lto,I+itel \'in,liptg, F4 beat
14110 MIS 45 yenta if 1IP. rI,z., ea.l
f,ii.ARnv 1vas horn i 1 lVelltlnp 11101-
s1ip, ()lit She Pa•n^ lVnst about 25
piers and Far lt. now l; vprl 1'1111 hoe
Hunt..\ire. J Me Kee'. of 111,' Ttleeletwa
(1,11iel Shortly afterwa"vl .11P wnR
nun•,i'11 id \1inne'd1141110 1,1 r, 10 ,',11,
Thirteen ebiltre'o n'rr1' born 1n them
of whom Ion are Iivhet, -Ix sr1me nand
font (Lnlghtet:4, till nP whom live herr,
5vmplithy with theme and Ih,'ir
is the lappet' hprnn,R+ l the
v, 1411 1 yPr•s '1)' are. 'Pim
r rRl n 5 a I
y I t1 1 i.
1 Ct
funeen1 melt pla's nal Sonday to
\ens very
ltivrrarrle rrmylrry tau
1St a1,1, iilt'ri, ninny teem the
((entry points joining tnwilsperml0
p Re %
' r .n h 'arae
')! NRir 11.1 1
it ihrnrfP iC
1 1
11 E. Stumm,' rouiueled the Nervier”,
1)rlplspd Wag a Rlslel of °Al',;, Tudt
Ward, Arts. 'Cam, StcT(1r ami .101in
111'1 Alex, 1'illntl41iv, of this YI isl 1'I pt',
and Roht,1, elf • Oehre Rive', Hee
fhttr'r and neinlrrm lrrntlter, Ri'hard(
live near Dthe110n1,
of the Sabbolh were given by Rev.
.30. Mann, A. D. Grant, P. A. Mc.
1 r and Da lean ',McDonald. 31 re
Jessie K,a•r start Miss Lizzie Russ grave
interesting rents (0ceneea of Sunday
School life in the early lite of the
°peaabet for turner of the bruin,
Seam the above trate put iu tyle we
learn that \1)
way u Tuesday at the bows Of hill
brutllrl in -later 13tt)ry Grainger, tat
Con, He caws about 40 years of age.
Miss Freda Tuevsy is on the sick
Riisa ;Lieu Elliott was visiting her
sister,. 19116. Al. 1913 Vettie.
Towusin', Chinned met hast Monday
and put in a busy day.
Ld Niebol wens a smile that wont
conte elf these days. It's a girl.
:Mea. Wolter Davidson and Mies
Alma were visitilig 11ieuds on the
13A sletgb ,. the 2nd line took in
A sleigh -load off re
the Literary tneeta1(5" at 131'uevttle
Monday evening .of last week,
A very pleasant eveoiog was spent'
at the home of Mr, Farrow, 8rd Pine,
last Friday evening dancing being the
chief amusement.
Airs. Jno. Muvard and Miss
Margate, spent; Monday of last week
iu Bluevale at -the home of Mrs.
Mustard's sister, Mrs. It Shaw.
Don't, forget, Jas. Ireland's auction '
sale of farm stock, implements &c.. ou
Wednesday of (text week, 25th inst.
HIS lot is (hr Si of 27. Con. 8. F. S,
Scott will be the auctioneer. -
John R. and Mts. Bell, 8th line,
have sent out itivilatioas announcing
the marriage lir then' daughter, Jen-
nie R., to J. Leslie Feat, the happy
event to take place uu Wednesday,
March 25t11.
hsnn has disposed dePh
South half of
Lot P.8
sir the St,
fare being g
Uuu. 8, to his sun, 1Vliuuow,
and has
announced an auction sale of his stock
and implements to he held on Tues-
day, Sitwell 21tI,. F. S. Scott will be
the auctio, rot. Ale. Jackson will
cooti,ue to, reside 4,11 the falai. -
The following from the Gadet•icb
Star uE last week 1 efrrs to (t fn t Wer
eesideu,of the 510 line: -Ria. A. W.
Brown, united iu marriage or
i Wed-
nesday, March 4111, Luny Wiunifeed
Muuoitags and Alexander Cameron, at
the Inane of Lite "irides father. The
newly married couple are to reside in.
AUCTION SALE- James Farquhar -
amu has leased nus farm, Lot 23, Con:
0, to Jas. Kee:eagleut, formerly of the
6111 hue. ue. ter. Fat qubat•sotl has de-
cided to go West and has auiounced
an auction sale of his stock, imp's). -
menus etc., to be held on Thursday
of next week. 28th inst. Sale listmliy
be read its How 11,t column of t his issue.
141 ATRIMONIAL -A melts/ wedding
was aaIP,8otztd to the home of W. 3.
and Alts. Si'neh, 3rd line Mortis, on
t1 editesday Ma Pal lltif, when their
daughter, Miss 1"Ioremce, was united
in matt 'Sage to John Sellers, of Moose- •
jaw, Sask. At 5 e'cleck the wedding
party entered the parlor to the swains
of Wagner's lit idal Obw us, played by
Sirs. Cooke. Thy bride, who was
given away by het father, was
darntily dressed in blue silk crepe -de•
'bine with pipings of burnt orange,
yoke of fish net and vest of blue satin.
Rev. J. F. Cooke spoke the mystic
words thtat ulit• Ihrm 111011 and wife.
About 76 guests enjoyed a well laden -
table. After s0pprt• 1 he evening Was
spent in music, singing and granlo-
phoue selections. The g1•oow's gift
t, the organist was a rut glass spoon
tray. Mr. and Ales. Sellers 040 last
Monday for their house near Moose.
In the evening Rev. Mr. Mann spoke
lisle tate 1210 verse of the 1710
chapter of H,st Chi oideles, "He 801111
[mild me an house mid 1 will establish
His throne fin ever." At the outset
the speaker pointed out that, when the
Pul•i111118' aril NIM -roll Flrrnist8 011,81'
IP America. they did out tiegleot their
Gerd not. did they neglect, their wor-
ship, as the filthily always assembled
around the alto in the bane. It was
the same in Scotland Referring to
the picl ut•e portrayed in the "Out tea's
Sittorday Night," Mr, Mann said
that Burne had given a time picture
of the old hone to Senthuid. It wits
jest such 51101118 as t1114 tvltieh made
the early I'nnefathers of this antuuteni-
ty the strong Christian men and
women that they were. 'Plley t1ei'e
teal ed so that they thought nothing
of walking to YL place of worship,
LIVIce the, distance that, any one has lei
0111011 in this vection in Lhe present
ate-. "Sae should be thankful to
(and," the speek.r decIti'ed, „for the
loyalty +anti pat t'iotisln oP our forefath-
ers, It should Slake us ashamed of
ourselves hr this (illy of enlightolt.
anent." Continuing, he said that the
soel•et of the prosperity,power and
greatness;if Sete land was found in
the feel. 111x1 God was given his
rightful place in the house and tonging
people; The geed tress of a nation
wart not in armaments but in the
Oltlstiallity of the people, a'O111'istlaei-
1y that begins in the bolas. Refer
ring to the work of the great Reform-
ers, \h'. Bann said he wondered "if
car 1easily know the moral and spiritu-
al inheritance whirls we have from
there. Do we appreciate what has
been dt)me for no and if we do how are
the showing it? When the look back
on what we have inherited should we
') • ratite-
1 i t tnl8ea b
1101 a 31 i and doing ,
utb l t g
fol memorial to them and to God,"
Me Mann's closing remarks dealt.
with reasons why a now chinch
should be built. "Should not God
. tv this
have the best. a nen gave Him in
lay of lupana i" he ext I1L med. Con -
eluding, he said that the congregation
511(mlfl a101 to give God a better house
m les in tvhielh
V41 dwell in than the h n
they live and that if every member
took at deep 111101'801 le the work\vhinh
I was liofnse thein this Sutntner they
would experience It great spiritual
' uplift,
On Monday evening a fair sized
andieoce was present to bear the it-
teresling address ant "Pa mid His
Isle" by Rev. Medley, of Teestvutt'r.
The speel.et' hi 111113 hie subject well.
Overt 932,00 evesrealizrd by the Sew
Circle of the congregation wulel
Whose auspices the lecture. was held.
FARM SOLD - Vol.\Rath well 'hats
of his ('aril, 11111115 Lot, 25,
Oen 10, r,inlltining80item, to Daniel
(h a n'
Sarin t1
a; ss 11 'She
ov 099
\1 v
•1' Lel' piles 1V, 11,3
1 la
l 1
•it '
rill 111n hold it IlPael•11t1, aUlell 11
,[,•11thr 11 y1 k111 1
tlP l 1
IONT1111 2D INTO R1350 -- 3Vto King,
rill old r1+14ei) of 10 01 it ean , passed
Itwn,y p'anefullp t i, At 1, 111 37 last 11'1 ee
tt ihlgo'i ti lllnras exlPl,li,lg neer
seem ,tl 1111101lts al 1 h ripe old ago of
811 yeas and 10 111111d hs, (3e'1c118'd
Wats it motive of \Viltshite, l$ngland.,
11111 'sore to this (wont ry with 1(15
pert nee 111 life whin a ynulag man old
s'1110(1 ht .Slau•kiunhl for sevlhltl years
n • entbeikitig
ptnnyeer life
ivhuh,ley beget] 111 the early 41x1r3
" 1 ).'1 - where Ibe
'1111 111 Tin l 1) l 1
all it 1, Y Y
hewed out fro themselves 0 home t-
Inng with the 0thT settlers at that
e 11
finely ;lute. Nealy 130 yea's ago they
where {n rest, 1
removed In (Iveyv1 tr
until the time of his death 13 i
113111111' The
are dotteased 11111, nem lyy. 20
VI'ttl'4, .dettltsel eves wir)rly
't11he1 of the
,a ,a an active to
Jimmy t
Methodist (•burell acrd lir evemy way
Pel',tv I it 'P tu'f1t'lt1 Liv i)mRtet N L1 I n p
work while 011 thea 3115510)1 11(3014 ills
helping hand ;hieing sickness' ra11
tweet*. 00 forgot :ten for 1,14. meat lamb
wits to distrl11010 nn ru,ntiruging
4e all n N.lie
u •- i essed Id L at 1
nthe tl sat e
h0tn Lhul anal lvn4 Well in the sweet
bye -ami -bye By 1hell union a nuttily
of six '.310(eu•e1 Aire, ihnv1 n anal
J,uwrs, tleceayl'd 1 Mrs. J. Bateman
and Mist A. It, 11'rsiy, of 111 1ssele
\Vol. S., ol"1'ninbel'y t and. John at
holm'. Deceased cans 1 he oldest mem-
ber of 01101 1;t hart, NL 261, U. 0 P.,
made' whose (Brea e% the t0111eral
was held nn \Vednesday. ' lobe 10-
mates yvet's laid to 'rest in i3ruseele
0, 1,1,1 •1 y followed by many
pityingtheir last
n t f 'f t .
m4111111;4ll t'nlatd tPv tad Pt et
tall 1 d
ANNOUNCEMENT.-- Lorenzo and
' engagement
Airs i ,t nr ennrnuler the e a t tt
1 at'
of their third daugli).0l g Matntie
t i, g
v11 • het MI oun fWins
Loretto, l tr u L ,
t1n1 wt, tusk,, and forntel'ly 1f Gray
township. ha wedding 33113 take
'1 tv
hoots of t 1m
lacy at lite Ir the bride to t
1Vedl,PsdaV, A'larr11 25th.
George Aiunit smgan11 farldly who
, Y t w' yoars have salt the last t t yf 111 A at
Ochre Diver 311116, have retooled to
' � 3 A • (t'R .rale R In very pito
Orel?, t 1 )
d Y g 1
health having L'etteul.ly uihtlet'gonte 1'
Church ChiMes
Next Sunday usual services at St.
John's church Addresses by the
rector .--es a m , "Faith and Doubt,"
7 p. m. "A poor bargain "
lu the Methodtts church the pastor 1>
will have Inn his morutng subject "The
three links" and in the evening will de-
liver his second address to young men
'laving i g
lot his subject "Tire oun man
and his' 1`em cartons"'
Owing to Muss- ofMiss Ina Bryans,
who is organist of 5t, johns church,..
Miss Minerva Joules competently took
charge of her work last Sunday At
the evening service Mr Jones rendered
a choice solo, "Abide with me."
'A personal canvas is .being nfade of
S John's church members by some of
the n of e chm eh Every dolt
deme the 1:v &
member is beau • amp) with the
emposltinu of a contribution towards•
emit elt expense% or an advance' on that
'(Ire,dt being given
The paper 1n •In the Templer' given
by Miss Kale Maiming art the A Y P.
A 'meeting held alter the evening sets
vete in St July's chti' h last Sunday
w00 vet y ,tlsirtictive and interesting.
She euusadereli the derivation of the
temple, the 1h 'hales of Rome, Greece
sial tatecircumet:niece of Christ's visit
to the temple The chair VMS taken hy
tare teeter 'I'hr parer for next Suudey
is oil Feeing. led Temptation" 10 be
Lf v o by Visl: E. t'i)Ivtit
Al1 '' 0' 1 y s 1.tlttaa se,vice in St.
iuhe's c n t's tee set j• ct was "Lu.
!Mr and the ttr all , ti
h e 1 K f< A
( t r natation."
'Peet mem h i
t e( U•atrtl t lima v he
1 r f t Reform
anal, l Ltt her, his heroic labors and
noted how pr, 111, al co cuh1Ntanne's were ;{11
5L1('I' t al Ile cad. i) et d tend Ilte' n
tp ie,n :o its' 1 1 by Pr'inees, Nexeileet'
F, tat ) I he ,111•j it Is "The Rclor.mation
in t!.uplautl tin 1n`le,rs10g wetly to
elm, eh malate and All Members of t11e.
Aug to 5i'xo' tare .Se:vice at 8
ter !Met -quail rel4
or an hour orale, •
On Su .t1aY evening, r, h..' he Methodist
chinch. Rev Aar »leep reached the
iltyt of a Serie, n' ileo sel'inm,s 10 tming
lMnei, hiq subjectroti being Y
"The o :o
alba tits Opportunities un'ti
srrnten was not of the usual sort but the
j t
s.ndetird o ins l'the protiit
ileapeakerwi 11rIlse tvnhluphi''t alter thev Indboujt
id their (iaCM tomake their
influence a
f -lain the
tmrdtat through th
fliwish)hispirresi ie, s)cil
ht. imp need Onv shltgestion which
lit ) e. ,
t,h1 bt ever
tfp:>IY 1'0 advantage was ;`
t fiat in every cllnrn tl nito there Rhnutt%uQ
be f. , where s ami t l car '.41
1 e n ,ins Of the
Might Isdl.au asst"thl debated.