HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-2-26, Page 1h VOL. 42 VO. 35 771it et$ B1\'U,y6t:L,S, u.VTr)fclu. 71,1C1k Del Y; FhBRU,1l?)Y 26 T.14. W. H. KERR, Propraetoy New Advertisements Lost tie Pnsm, 1.0.1 I -voce Luka PO4' 4 18 -.t. 11 1.1110 Ir"r p1. o -•holm 1.i, 04011, 11`Po41 004.0 11 -A IY 134011441•. 31'ir D. R1 eblowr(ln, Wulcheo'.4 it Wendt Fe,tlt 13r-.1 H-140111"0011 GrnliiY 4.111e -4110•(11111(•N011' 40111,1110 'i orh'3P D. 1 .11.14 4urue Groan An>nl E. Setae,. 9'01.4.' s Wanted -It 1..4.110 11111e Roaber lin '1'nlloriev-W p. IOrI.er, b• U0n"urG trnu i -P1 alt ',ovary 111> ( public 1,r 1 Y AbIolill nn 1( 30041 ((011144444111111 ly-..(3 Getter, ki iStri.Ct ilcwz Clinton NEw RnCToa -'fee new ('44111111' 0f St. Lout's Church, Rev. J.-rr(cld 0. Putts. M. A., who succeeds Rev. 0. 79. .7eliltins, p1. etachrtl his first S1.111111111iu Olincoil brat S(ndey. The rector Cattle here from 13r+ullftn•d, where be \Vas curate of ('}rale' Ghurr•h. In 1In• ((list sting he gave a 8ple(did iMitigtIv,J address, and the evening's suhjeet was '011 111 Ip miner 111ioti, " G11,11 eongregaLion8 greeted the new redo• on bath tweetsions '7 he enng,('gllt inn tendered him 11 I'er,plion Monday [tight 111 the pat 1011 hell(• The rentor 114 erc1.mpani,d by his father, Dr. Potts, 110 I1ny;li'Ih /111114' 1441,1('3', (('L0 13(18 seen ninny years 3(f active service, also a 8is1PI. Wroxeter III \V. (le whet, of Furil\vil•l, (refs iu she v)Ilagt. 4(3 \\'Baily. Edgar Le WI'.', of 13, uisele, spent Sunday at his hour` lel e. Jan. Bret hauler and I. Dw Bt sp•(3, Inst 1.'11311 wlty In Ltstnwet. Lloyd Jlitth,,, la Keene, 114 the guest of his In ether, W .1. Mather. John DeugI,tx attended the Ile, 11 W14110 -.131 "(9' Ax311(((LL11111 (1 ,IIve+.t110 held ill Ot1a.3va least weep. 11)344 ivy \ITCullheol,,,F 1\'in(iil.ec; is visiting her p 0011144..1130 mid tars Me0utchrun, of Tomtitlry, The skating rink was opened last week for Ihe 111843 111ne this season. Renhol Smminrm is eunntget. .A. load front her 0 et tended the full - ere] of the. late Atelrew Do)g, of lin\vi(tk, (04 Saturday atfteruu10. Alex. and Mrs fiestie, of Turn - berry, entertained 1 number 4f young people from the village on \Vedoeeday eVellillg. Mullen & Cu. have thi8 week moved their stock of general Inerrhw,dise to the store formerly occupied by .1. 11 Rattling. Don't forget the play entitled "13e- tween the Aete," which 19 In he given by tonal talent in the Town Hall, Friday evening, Feb. 27th, in aid of the Piddle Library. 0. 41 4)1 tit's au34,inn 911.111 of farm implements, stock, &c., hold on 'Piles - day afternoon, was Largely (attended. 'Ir. letfiIlt hes vented Iris 381113 in hunt And Pt•t'c% McLean nittde the 'l'uritheery lural nuroosrs residing ill preetmlatiolt• A very suitable reply the village, tavlog teemed F. Diclt• wastenth, l' - II t v1. I), . f R ( r 1.y rhe rreipientH. Al)An ( y xut('x eexide'nre 011 111.4013,h street, titer emitter I'ulluwad by un evening's I'ui was on the prngr(au in wh1011 1.11(4 00111 l 22 1 1 A l Belgrave . '1'110 T,0411es' Aid . f ICuox ehnreh 111. Lend fielding (4 8n('ittl 011 St, Pau ick's evenieg Miss K1110113 irk, of Michigan, is a 441x1(1(1' at the \lei 11013;x1, pereonitge, • • 110,11113e 0.01 e • . 1.i(,i91h44 1 t h Ie. It, v \I 1,'I'urue..lof 131y1 11, pi 1.d at fins' 91.1'111'111 113 Ile 3)14'3(404130('y x4.1•Vil'0 '1(1431 Friday (a1 lint O lllnnwli0[t nu 1311(3dny )u 1(11"x (hprrh. Friday evening of (hie week if y1lI want 10 8eP 11(P new slyleo you 8114,01,1 al lend the POtertailnueht 111 the repeaters' \•roll here when 14 ,11u1p,tly 1311111 \Viughnn) will pet on "The Ln 1108' t1it1 al Mnh;twlc 0r0a8-r"(1119," (1)4(101' She menhlr'0s of I1le 1'01.13;08' Aiei. of the M••Ihndis1 ('13((('1413. Belgrave. if you «0j„y 14 gond hingli be stere to attend P4 0gt it will 1(P gond, FAIIMERS CLUB -'1'11114 (311111 is tak- ing a, new lease of life and looking 3(4'40,(•(1 to (1 genii Series 0f meetings. The new 441),rer8 al•e:-resident, 0 R Ivo!, insnn 3 Vier -President, A. P3nema' ; Wer.: Teethe , H. Annprr ; Progmlm Oouulillee, ,les T,tylei (chid mile), hold Petal s, .lorry 13ryatrs nisi Will PPOC1PP, Thrive rare 86 nn'mhets mitt (111 3111• 13(11 Next meeting trill 11P'e1(1 o11 the evening of \larch 17th. litre pntv33e j 30;11.-0, Otto. f1ALeanne DIES AT A RIPE OLD APB -1o4-1 F,idry fallm1,t( D1'g04.4o, al 301 11011 rrsiiieul i.f lielgre ye, died 1,l the 1(1)1)13' 01.' hi.. dnuultet•,'31134 )pule• Seto, of Nest \\•a wnnnsh, al the ilg4• "1'87 vents 11.• (,(8 ill (4111 y a oho, t tMt., The rimmed Intik elms, 31oad11' t., lir Winglul,u 14ne•ret c \\hear 11)9 (1';11011"9 \vel(4 int 014.011 •(4111_-L1e "ife,'1 1344(1 '11111 (Ltmuht3')H. 16,.'• up, Bnv le, • f lith,!\ ,4ve, ra0du01- ed Ihe 844(0ir4' Dreamed walla fine 4111 g4n(tlru4n., 1' P41011%1e14011 in Pe- lit(10n al 11 a Liher,I in (3,Itlir9. \lax 01)14 k. of 041 .1(11. 1119. G,o Relue Hnn, 1Vfu•44hnn1. 1111(1 Mrs. Sent t, 1lie v01'viviug 110 11,t111.111,, ,'ere (1.1 3)0 ftmetal. '11(483' mss a Ingo etle`n, (114144. a tribute to at meth by mmin, The snider, of this entire wits a >:1ent l'ender 13(11 3(3'11 post(4(1 1111 tn.tnv 14(14 Jec)9. By a 31, ell o'(le'led life h'• won Ow u•lp(ct and esteem 1,f the nn1111nfni( v. SORRY TO HAVE TEEM d0 -D. 1,1111 N11's Gedd34 purpose 3i-wet/Mg to +sl 1•,' 'e Is ,i1. i.( rad(. a t( in the L they 11,3444 p0rchased (t merr,tltill h0811,P98 Tile>dny ('(ening the ehnir of the Preshyteeinu rinlreh, of whir+ 1308. Geddes hes been the fa blind o•g10181 for the pest 9 Fetus, anal 111. 0"111148 has also leen letute'. ,vent 14, their 1001, cud presented ilium will• two fine easy lairs. .4 kindly am) eulogist ie address tv18 1(41111 by Miss Lizzie Ouuningh1un end Jas. 13100,41- e•*••m•emesessomes••••••toeeeeeeeesseem•s•••••es•• G. (41414 W8ekySaore News D.CR f7,0 • 'Specials fir Saturday e 1 sand Comforters A Clearance Blankets e 1 • Pa C9 1,.i 1 • t� .. $6 0o White Blankets, q lis, w igl t Special ecial Saturda • p Y • 50 Blankets, ver serviceable 60x80 X4.Y ' • Special Saturday p e cotton r• A C [ 11 with small 4'r tint ( t Blankets, X3;00P ;;' ®' Saturday' Special m $2 00 Comforters, filled with cotton all! og, well 3 . quilted Saturday Special ® 1. II•1 4 25 3 25 225 1 39 I 1� , solow Price Sweaters Nc m Wa�aa s Coatnoro QIi ••• • • el , '1'11 ('(a1ta a berried clean alp of nit, 11111111d 01111Z 81oc1(1)3 0(403 ® ,. S,vea lets the Wholesale pi has been lrwl sight 1,f • 1 2.z Ladles Sweaters : Re•prl ed to 1 33 ® � 5 3 • 2.25 Misses' Sweaters 1 33 • 1.75Misses' Sw,'at'ers . " 1 19 •99 ® 0.51 Children'sSW t s • 1,00 Children's Sw''Itis 59 • 1,D •• hear I r cc .To uas ata f Price t 'Children's Toques r 7 ' I 1( • t. Ila(i it 25 50C• Childrt�n s Te) u s q • t' Hoods �' .C3 rlll 1 111. e 39 •.iScChildrns'� 1 0 0 t Ladies'l �►(� Waists Must Go LO WI 'only tall Il gusts r1' ttlal l o0 ® 11 1YLi. esL1w W , � � Must 'Go price 29c , e 1,1 ,. t e a �ROSS •l r Big Store, BrusselS The `B g ft • ' i', 1'c ,f1'f8u ter and 'Eggs,. W 1109, Price o # (e(p � o 9 0••••••401114000.0.10.0441 64.4• Il•••lei••••••••••••l�•0010Yli +r p,uiy, littu) ,rnnng , 111 an lime. Gene3,11 !ego t is Poll twee the ia'I3)v11 of 111, and Dies. G33ddes,' 11188 tiny NI3Le'al1 is 1110 ((31, ly a n )1,i te41 0143(ulinl in Knox elm) eh. Ws, hope to oft 011 see 111', and 31es. (148)3)0,1 beck to 131lgl ave. Jamesltown George BeI(m(el' tris 1'(f duty letsf. week 40'1,11 aau taLm1( 33 of 11(3(11iago hut is hetle( (low W1 arc pleased to (tato. Next Snndnty (•((•4ieg .A.4134)1 Me. Qom vie of lira -secs, will (take 1he service i0 Viotorill 110111, Thew was nn servil0' lust Sunday, as speaker slid 14(11, ereive. A fear clays were spent 11 the old home by Miss Fel n Eck mite., rule ii 'pr11di.'g Ile (ern( at Sate Teeth Normal 51,110111 lit ting hei'telt fur the lending Ilrol'exsi1ln. The 100 1tel•ea, belonging Lo (•dMrs Joseph Itayna, el' Luekn"w, and known es the Swinge form 8111 colt, lyre been lensed by Nelson Huydao, 4J' this low1111 y, who 1011 leve a busy 011(0 raeilag for his Loge acreage is ( he aa• .(lliu6 year. 93,1 weed 13.trualt1 iute4d8 ereetieg a 2 slot y not tag., en hi, farm a(Id will utilize Ile materiel In the 'I hos. 11(• 11,r 44 house w Well Ile put 1 haseit. Ile first untended Moving the building (W Luer di•(ermined to pull it clown d 1(1111(1 011 a mere Modern plan. We wish 11 m sure) 8. in his work. Qorrie ANDREW \).11G PASSES AWAY. M 4)) a 111e l ea (ere al (41118 paper ..111 regret to 1014111 u1, (lee 8tlduen (11vdh or nue 111.' the 4414104113 t'esi,lent. u1, Lite township o1' 1d1.t'ick ie the person o1' Andrew Doig, \tWith . 0.1 ,vlolt•,.0' euere(I tit iia lee reei,leoae in Iiia Village on \Vednredny morning, 18th 11.4. Mt' 1)11fg had always eeest (4 -11•nng healthy Ionil huh. for 10/0 1 +,u•m. 1/1 i(11' (0 Ili- death -haul 114t reit (11 114101 11.11 hough io' was rte anay8111110 to to au on lid 141111 the day heron- 43)8 death had gone to the depot to mie 941113' 11 .11.11118 leave for 1)11' \\ est. On 1110 Morning of his deaf 11 111 gat up ((1141 (11•08sed hitus„l3 111,41 Mats sitting on a 0111111' i11 tyle p(419ur,when 910 suddenly fell ti, Ihe Hour and alt ettg11 medical 3i(1 tuts pr4,nred at once nothing could be done for the 8111191 of At.do,w Doig had winged its fight 10 Hon who gave it, 11,1( the voice that. (Ve48 s') well kuntvu Lu lis many 34irials twits silent forever. 'Phe ittenediett` cans" of death is supposed 1,0 have been heart failure, preldureO by an tttlitetl 4f the fatal 10.33,1)1113' Andrew Dole ,vas 1.13.4 111101 101.01111e, 111 ale. Pl,vhoe u1,' Qu1•he.c, of ticnlii.1l parr1138, on the 1111h duly el July 1815, 1µl runs(4qu.mtly et 111e titer of Ilia den lh w11m68 year\ and 7 m"nthe of g", He teas the second s„1, of Ilse hu( Jelie told Janet Ale's. tett 1)4itt and Penne t\ith 1.114 pnJ0et. 1.11 Ihe IIu1.'nl Trete 1, I1,' Sp• Ing of 1858, whets Ihe 11114(134 eel tled on a ( e.•t let,h flelt;; the t usbi u1' '1.0 1(,l• p c ani 1II, u -u1' 0 here the village of Kilter', 1104. stands, and eh(ch by industry and l 11310evel'a(3e'P was 94111( trettsl'lrIl1 ;(4111 03,1' Il( 1311- finest is the County. 1-1e ,o quit ed his -taffy teluealion At 1l,o add log school house in Kippers, und W110 a101lyo 11.1 111141 1 u1. 1 PI •- 1111 II I tau ( isi I cul a 1, t h tell; rut R 111 \t o e (i \, ) , 11 , . 1, 11 1 1 i r !1 l I• those b k hatil days 111 etiolating ti II)InR 111 01 1I i111- 1 RIla1 t lI I d\, 1,1 13 1n(het Iv 11 \Hire 411.11 (weenie an expert • 4 d.mmat , 1( (1 1 he ext. or 18 3;1 4.18 111177 0(10110 00 344114 1(1111 3.0 Qu bee Lo 0, 118e41 fin .1 lonoldl(I1. 111. 11 ;1.313(3 1'41• his 1'(11114( 141111(ng all ii hn.(iiing 111 Lhe. I4 -w n. 1(1)( 'I' Tet. 11 ISM Ili, :mad artee,'.14ds heesin• it 111,11)1 14(11,.) 41111111 1101111 11101, blinder and there are. IIla11y bares 11'4111y sl ill 1;1444411(14g. 3:) 1 h (11111 1)1 1.'f Hite. 4 1104,4011411, 1'. his xl(ill And eoteu0t4-hip lu.lhe Spring of 1866 he reu04ve41 Lo the toe 1481(1)1 (11 1114111 11 (114(1 00111((1 1,11 3011111 4111 1I,1' 1» 00 (1017 l,4 1Ail 01• - worth, 01111'1 he 010111,•11 and uuprnv- Pd and aflert%Ards 1(1urlette(1 the 3414- j, ming faun both of %%Nell ho o30(ed rat tate' thee of his (Tenth, 111 1119' .1101110 of Attg11.I 1868 1.10 marmot 1I s M_., tete el 1'01 Het., y •wlg'•st d(tu)(,,,el' of the 11110 Pi ter Patelrh, . nu lues ha eta Its ,)0ye and ,1414'1408(4 f.,1. 111310111, .:f 45 years nod 0110 (1h1y seeooded 114(1 in all his enter• priers and Inti. , h(tings. To :11130 it iu4 911111311-11 w ere 11"r,t 7 o1' ,,'1111111 .1111 sn1'.'lvr, (the }•ou11gatsl havntg j11131 4(411,11 (1 (lie 11g, of 21 years) \'(z 1 Pet or F„ of L-I4eiek ; JI 1111,' of kart.• ((('ray ; Andrea toe) ltubeiel) of (It3'y ; Peel, ef 1,011411m ; 1jns., ie Gm vie ; mull .3)(4'34, (Mrs John (3 Dogh1111,) if '33,1111,'3'. ,4114 \'9 o111, 1)..ig 3440)13 m43140414114814(111:11111111•1g11'1 .n•sl- d-lief' (0111e village Of G0t',it., O'hr;'e 1Ile 1011111;y. lu4v(4 84(31(39 30side,, loot,. (133(1ly yelllre ala ,v7114 1.x4141910„ly ((41(1 sui�(.exaf,l y n tI(„ 1',Lle 1,.x14mild lived.to see Ilk 'f)u0)(2111111V 1ai lil- IVPII pet willed fm' ' Nits iL1ig was it l,' .',1.',i , l'4144n all � 11 ( lila lilt\ e a IL) I Cr 41' 11 1' 1 1 N -401.0'' prlrlt(u a 401 114 8' r. 01 L (, 1 . 41 height 0(1(1 •, lulling in'w'ards 4f 200,1)1411a,s 11 was not long till his 41, 'glitters 11180(4%111 (1 hie ninny, tot- nnt 44111e qualities 1'f bend nod heart and h, held malty '1017110 posit 3441 1.3 honor am! (rllil. He was for 111a11y x r o' 04 )11 1' tial s a\ n 1 1•(11 f lite 1. i( ()hullo! ✓ 111(4111he1'�or (hl Iovn114!)7 (100101 roe 8 Steers of Hiewielt tow whip end a (.illy Commissioner and ll•wllel 41' the County Commit 0f )noon fro Iwo ye(u3 11 is fu.(('ral was held on 4 (s I Saturday f( m h al( h99itlene3 lo Ihe Gn4Be Po I toriati el 11 I h whole 141 able and nppeopl'iate set mon. was ) • 'use by. 1,)'v. A. '13 1)4,1.(4; lttat.l )�s 1, a:ilee wide() his remains well• ietl'1r(11 It the Molt-swot1131('(4)•((1(34 111; '-113 '4(1180,11(10g119 p71111('•areu 11 1'. :I)i114 •111 he 10111'h( (391',('11 13• 111''(441 ticWliity 111 • hien hu stn blas 4081111(1, Concert Postponed Thr 0o11rxe Concert au - meowed fur Bt assets Town H all, Monday evening, 1l11reh 2n11 line leant Gr be p08(p"444'13, 1wltg In the t1lslated mem of the (Nommen wean 11 Quartette, in the Dialed States, on ;bort, notice. \Viile reel et time. 1 M very much the Lint :try Marti is ott. the alert to seem e other high class talent and date will be au- uomlcetl next week. Reserved Went. 3)1au1 is being r1'Inieed so 111111. all 0.11(4 hove li(•ket8 will 'held 80aat8 ch0He11 for the date to be named, [Avery Boiled will all' their unman. to make the closing Oenvert of the 0ourso' eperi,4Ily gruel, owing to the tli81ppuiot- 141en1, maid the public, only -rest 418031103) of something choice. ile \vtt8 (t Presby el inn 311 religion and a Libels( )n polities and a Hplem(li1 type of et 0am1td1an who w1t8 loved ,(4l) re)pee1111 by all who lutd the ple((9m'e of his aequaili11(1(1111. His ,00 WAS 1319 131.11(1 111 shot t tele of Nitturi'x n,hlem est who lied done much tar the laud of Ills birth. Be. sigh's lis widow and 1,411111y 1133 18,144334 en 1unw4111151.(484Into hrnling's, JIIlI 11f Tm'kersn(il11 ; 10(1 William NI., (1r 41,1,11 Ste, Marie. 1111:1tlgeul, end I wet 34;1et•v, 11,14. Andrew Clark, anti M38. Thomas H'ouuu•11, both of Gladstone. \ Igmua Dist! irt. Grey Towolhlp Dolmen tvill meet o4 M mday. M131 0 9 h. Robot 3. and Mk. Polo son were visit• ,,.g with L. \V. atld 11110(4. Vipond, Donegal. Ales ;Inn. McCartney continues, quite pettily Gent gr. 1)40(n•tme.y, a u33phew, nf'Puckerstuith, 40318 here en • vi -it for a few days. Mrs Wesley L. Speiran, 1.111 eon vas visit; lig ('01111iV38 in 'rot 1.41(41 for a eek (41' s14 Wes, 40'11.8 0„(1 10 quit latching aft 03. a short experiene0. Niisse8 011a Atm-4rung, 'Nellie I)i,kso1 and Jessie M,14zies old Ha evey Hoover Were vi81- I1,1.eat• the paeentitl hones "ver 'nal tiuhdev \''hey are atte)dtl ale 111. S11111 10111 Not mal. .. I 'ilbee Tory. wife and daughter, 1' (lryslal (lily M>n1110(1, also Delle el Hn430r; 80,1411( sou of \\'eeley 1.100103', of Neopa)vn, Well/ 001li1g 1111 811111p 30,141 Potmily, 11111 con., (I,s \Vet 831koni331', of Ethel. mid her 001111.Ives and friends. 39118..1141'y '.Id 11.• Hunter tug' (tensile; to the pereens mentioned. It is 33 year: - soar the limiter family removed In ,1,1 LI uonteelinn with the dediention 30l V1le011 (larch 9111 et Urliln Oho ch. 'Ih•i,h•le idg3 choir will lead 1111 p1 tis.•. in the aft•euunu randevening. Union I hole taking the meeting service. - At 280 u(3 1Illn,14ty 1013)4, ad'dl'esers will i,• given by R"vols. Mews, Lundy, 0. .I. 341norelouse, 1-13)0(14.1 mid 1\'ret ; -.dosty Misses (( lienIre and Flo are w Whitfield, ad M 1) uuId e i1.• t mat 04 Is Nike PeeulHmIdiom. If M (1l 1.I 1,e Miss 111, 044 1 0. ffa 1 N > 113 f 81. I h. i, 110 Olti u 111 Union Olioili. , 44,8 It HI it (111x- f, WI x113333(1 w(I 1 83'rvl'd in '.I lie hn,imt'ut 10 b1 1',11114\ ed by .a1 111(11(40 prngrmsti in 11,11411 (he 1,41,141 u1.' 111, afllta11anl will lie ,4eppl'olo,led by Reeds. 110 i,illlr•r11, Ilibbeit and A 111.1`. T11I,e18 50e i0rlud)eg 111111 11(1g3-11(114 ,old ,meet 011 801111111/ %bu'rl, 15th s' ,'wines will he cmelitete,) 3 111 3(l,u•,1 7 811 by R, v. Mr' Hittite'l, or \Vinglulu), (1)1311r(unn or Ilse (1181,398. ('144 4f !be. elan eh will ,t ply 9 he music:, 8peeta) 1.ff,n itg' 1 ill be 1,1(014 steer), Bowler. 411 boL Sall1rlh8, Rev. A 1 McK(.1yr), is the lut8(0t, A Hue thee is utak.)• paled end p4o1110' 91141)1d 1d't'amge to nitend. SORRY TO TO \,OSE TIM! -11411flay ' 444111113.3tl con,p1np of neighhn,sn(IIh•tl ,t the hone, of 131e811041 end Nirs thitim•ey, 1211 '439, who 1.,1' (111(1331 en 44nlo•e:1(1 1 he 911i. eon , '. beo0 I hey have lensed .Ilto,(fill faint A Women' Bine t, t144 "(1liyea, 4)0 feature of 11.1113311 ,vets 111(4 1.4 1111111); of i1(,•'fn1111W• 11114.14141H address by 1\). .1 Sharia. d 4.1,epreset11slion of (t foe 3lock : R. AND MRS LINDSAY : DEAR 1''1'II3NI)S.-A few of pair neighbors have 1011('(1 (freight 10 ex - tapes i1(1t law el 1 hal yi11iare spumy, leg from one 1 9 1143int loeelli1)' aft et, o (0" dpere 441 7 34 l'at'e, 11'e have 1,l 1.3(1)18' found yeti . neighlnely, 111101- holo pd l uta : n. 111 I • n I I L l h s l ,t I1( read I do 1 1 Y '(1111 � 1•, 11 v4' :( i t 1111 1 ) v alsllon splendid l ndt, 911,9.,x. in yet, twit, Mune. I A8 a -null) 1',•m, 1111••• nee of 44141(1' (fray 1111,30 \te• ,I, h y•o1 10 1044 111 Ihis 8 (ley (leek 11114 104' 1,4•st w14hl'4. Wei hope its it 13480.4 off -Ile, 11,nt:s Him I hey holy 111 \cell 1111141 With (Hans j.'ys 10d fi'w' sr'ri n\\ u ; g('0111110 8113'1•(49104 14,411 little o f foilure Ind that the ()est things of life 414uy et no. 4I) 34111 and '1.11' fetidly Aso x vow. A .hoot11;14(1 u 1 1 n (. will Netelrl10 11s. we+ hope to often Mayr Isle (entree tittil of 11te'p(iltg w)I11 you its i4 Ihe peel, Yn0i3' eime, •ray, �{ Y()1J1t VLD NLI011I30tt9 Ills J,3, 0(11.441(1z(44141e he te,sen 11' i4 1 11 a 111 Cdi uls,l made • brief L r t , i (1 I f rel , ilnitilde reply ,'nu Av • i 1 1,11 IId n the gift. I r w•IIieh be 114131 wits tut neeeri Alt' to,gro. Irl"111;1'1' n1111134'-)( iildlle ssoo on, 1111• pet'I ,of his hrichho)•s, 001m(11)nlen'rr(l.y speeeltes were tomb, 1)y sevei'(I, 1,01 011 9141,1 see4(1(1 111141 111P er.unilll•t 14 fn fol 114314 {41fut14 (1114 )' yv)v1111(g 3911-, 411.11 14(48,. l,i)ltlsa)' gnut1 11(41)3. James N1c0,110M) has purchased the "NI Wee" fl1P111 fl nut Join) A, Bt yang 1431(1 will take pesses810I1 at once, M. and 'Mts. Boyuns reut)Vilg to 1034311- W(1,ch 11114111, Jui111He1yp1y8 114 I11001 ng to the farm of 0. 13 34)11f,tt1 this weelt. Mr. 114(f. fait has rented the feral for c'. term of years and will reside in 1Vroxelel told may take a hip to the West this Sautlner. J1iulr8 1,l B z who as een t ) k a good p g ehnre• u1.' , s 1.110 pee year•i1i lir 44440141.., is tl0t' visiting 11111 scenes -ahem- here, Hi• has re-leased his fare on the 113)1 rot„ to Dickson limy„ 1,1,11 will rt' 111110 to Ills West, taking a cat of '111,114(49. with 111111. \VP are pl•,teed to know that 1);80 -1'linoie Bat roe33'4s311 her 1st year's examine! 111 Theory in music at the re'Ce((1 Conservittety mal, She i8 nuly 13 years of lige. Mts. Dina '3IeF,1lzwuq 4F 13rnsselo, is her teach- er. Boi b toe, to he eo(3gralolaled. The R"z.di family V141l10,0 to their new 1101110 Al. 0110101/ next week, They cmv'y with then) the hearty good W381(08 of the w Itnnunity, who, while regret i(g then depart to e, wish them 111r hest Hutt 18 going. 'I'b,•y will always he welcome back to this ¢iainity. Animal meeting of the threshing syntli'al a (0(414 1i1+111 at. \V. Grainget'9. A dividend of of 41 per rent (0348 paid to 1110 9hereludder8 mile! 'vhit-h the following 1.ffieers were elected for 1914 (-Pres , \\'1,p, GI tinge( ; See.- 'Preas , T. 1.t. Bernal L ; Di•ector9, G, D. Parkes, Oha9. Maxwell an(1 E. .11tcitlin. DESERVEDLY REMEMBERED,- Fri. flay eyeuing of last week a goodly raell pa11y of persons interested 111 Rue's church and ethers tt98enibled at the home of J1h1 A. 111111 39138, Wynne, 8,',) coil., i0 auj•,y a hew Mews with diem beftle they removed to their new home, e)Ij 'in)ng Fold W ice. Jas Aparswaxvule11 to the oLa)r tu(1 the renewing iule'restiug program teals preset!, eta ;- ()halt maul's speer)) ; 1,11181,', A. D. Blown ; reacting, Miss t;llt Pearson ; (horn8, "011014;0 ir,idwh";11111tit`, It 0111r'l.; music, Miss 11111 tippets ; n(u3ie, 11n8,e) hrP ; 811111, Joseph Kelly ; reading, Miss Danhr,wk ; gaar10(LP, RI IP'H 1.111111.11 ; short. 8p (cues by Jim M Pwt'suu, It. (3,0 r se'., .1. Love, Jart(snn and R Pearson x9. One of the 81(1cixily ildetes1ing feattlree w'ns the p3esentat ion of 1 w eitey e11ai1'. to Mr, and \IIs Bryana, e1Cnit11p114( 1 by Lhe fallowing address whichwas read by .1. NI Pearson :- 1)EAR FitinND9 -We, your 41(1 friends and iu'1ghl1.1 s, have assembled .011 11133 eve 4f yu.14 (leparl)11.33 froze) 11118 n(1m[tntIily lu expl''8 e111.11 11 (411(1144 8114311 degee9 cul spot eels( inn (1fy0nr'.up- right eves and eeigh)ol Ii(te1s and pan willingness to 1011(1 a hated in little of it"ell. We regret (lull yeti are s(1 84011 10 deport. 1'1'1111, 3113101ig 118 end a9 11 token of the high esteem )(3 whIeli yen are held we ask y4)3 111 aeeept theme. ,hairs, cot roe their intrinsic vrain,,. but 04 rem)nd yen WS 3nu drew m•n1111 the flie, of 1110 happy days of veal •1'1I041 ,' 4 1 1.0 Ilix Ir t a1iLv. Y on 40'1.1.1. b1,• missed ) 11L 1,l not my 111. the 0hur1•h mud choir, 1 (rat •) y11 • tut mete especially 1.y y( m (3eighbios. Whitt will be 0111. 1088 will be the gain of the community to w'hf))3 you are- going. We 11. est the blessing of (,rad will fuihw you and yours ars it tuts (lone i❑ the past in 711111• new 114411e, Signed bra behalf of your friends. RIht Carr, R. J. Pearson, srl n Nati P WII lee alt J 1i \I 1. Bryn its made ti 44(41ui Gthle 1... 1113, nod reeipent'lled the 3,r el wi8he 3'") 111.34) 8, Rr34'1ms and liuloel1' 'I'xpiley8xelwnulll 1(04411' frge1 1 tie 0111 frieoilsl.f firey nor the heathy lwppy a8,8111l1Liens ,rink Roe's Phurrh, A 10.4y 101111 01118 141'144330 11,1 (L jolly (.into el j4', e d '1'110 rvrniog'(1 p1. o (441.1111,'01 \11.1•e ill's 003 1(1 (L 11,140I114- i11n by (111 8iegiug "Blest be the lie 1hn4 hinds" \4433 elm very 110111111V rrrnulnti•ud Mr. 1111d \Its Bry11,18(Intl ftunify 111 the good 1',1)113' of 19otvick Ihrr twill (ud 1119 ne\vc(stters "ILII 0'001 ItSlll 0 y11rel Wide" (111(1 31111e and willing to trate their )'41Iee in Ilie elt1rlh 311311 e41tle11nnily. '1'I10 very hest wish,9 of this locality go with Morris Sevele11 lallt 11F going '\Vest next 01011111 .4)ou4(11 1111111theS 1a1ty be 10111, nn pogo. Quite a nlnuher imist huv Y 111utlin 6 Ings to Rl1ev,Lle 14;(140 mill, .( AI ism Dottie \\,alk3'r,8th ling lute (well ('1(311.1134313) l'o, (11410, 8111111. or 31133 young felk al tended tln•.Ilnil ie 14r1ts.01s butt (\'PPI,. '11114 week ..Fr,,. Alnue reulg,-5311 lint', tett fel Yunegilllvu, Seek. 130 11111 forgo' Ile,old 1inl1 social io he given in' 111.1431,vl• FI (dray evening of 1.10A week ')'1104 it mils, of S,i,fo'Ih, Was a visitor et the home 111 Rett. Arne - 4111 Ito", Illi Lro1hel•in-lot;'. 11 Is M 'swell Ahr,nn i, visiting 1(P, 3) • 31. •,1,I, uhv) 81,13„., 1,9 11 11 1 .d ((4141het p0111114 '11 '31001144 HI 1101i. 1119. \\`114 8hedd,n, 4111 1111P, 11,18 in( 11,','11 very well dun Mg 1 he pas( weep VVe hnpe the raid 11tt1y 40114 Aeon 1)1 111 •. 1 II )1 t \\'e (0P snort' 10 P141141 (1101 1111'8. 44 3' beet. o0rvilll, 51,1, Ina lets (1,l quite ill 1 hie \see 1. 1103 We 1(1)13 she will (41(3 regllin 104' bun 11h .lair'. Mnnnev.5(14line, has Ont been very hell of Into Pal 1119 Wide rirr)e nik f4'rad;thew,v44)) 831011 -h'. laatur•ed 1,r en NI 14111101. 1.1 1' hi I n v 1 1, it ). t '1' .and Nips. tell 51 ) Jim a 1 1.1 (lie at- (ehlltel 111e fn0ernl of \\'lar. 111139110)1, of t\'inpllam, to 't`uesday Itfter,anu, The. gentlemen were em18!318, Nlrv'3V 14 Baltn,rk, of MnncrieH', hayleim'tn.sd lnlnr.shot. 9nen(li4g.a \ver), with het'tlneel))44ra4 Milt, J. D. yllelOWe>1 and 4lta, Maxwell ,.8.11,'(x({t Hobberlin Tailoring We build the best Suits for businee,, dress 01• outing "wear. We design correct evening elm hes mid produce overcoats that are unexcelled. We show over live hundred patterns of Hue woolens in the newest weaves and shades. No better tailoring is pro- duced in the entire Dentine/it equal to Hubberlie productions. Yet the p1ir(48 au•e moderate, ranging from 820 up for genu- inely good clothes. Ohne it) now and have a It through the new lines for Spring. Yun'Il marvel at the variety and the reueouable prices, We are sole agents for Hobberlln Tailoring W. P. Fraser Merchant Tailor, Brussels Itis said Wm. Davidson, 4th lite,' has leased the farm of Miss Maggio Shedl(en, o(3 the sante line. Hiss 111(ed1en will clove to Brussels for a Ilene at least. A house Social will he held at the Inane of Jas. and Mee. Speir, 6111 line, 'Phan sday evening of this week under 1 hr 3(38pi3(48 of the Guild of Melville ehmleh, 1russels. 0114 old friend George Brewer, who 'linker, his home with his d,nght33t'. Mts. Win. Wilkhso,, 4311 line, was II foul tan at ittek 1)f lagrippe but is consi(lel•al(ly better now. A miseelltuPnus "shower" was Leudet 01 Miss Vera Bradbuui by the yetulg people of Trinity church, lielgrave, at the home of Henry John- son Tues1111v evening. Coming events rust their shadows before. Ethel 1.08o1so chain lost between Ilene Leke's, Ieth eon . 0408, cud Ethel Will the finder 111,1 1 ! 1P1v' Ent tido Eidson bliwkenalth shop, Ethel. 18AA0 LAKE Rev. Jetties A. Pearson, B. A., is home ml a visit. 1\11 s s Verde Pollard inleud9oin g g to RrnsBrlm to (Pawl dressmaking. Mies ( 18 N. Bartley e 1, ' t1. y is taking a p attiol in Will. 8penee'8 restaurant. here. Billet, Ceauheook, Gley, Monerieff ,ted M1(1118 news on page 5 of this. 1913Las113'. t Friday Rev. A. L McKelvey wens (1,1 011111011 aftPudiug the Cu. Temperance Convention. This 3 k no r•4! It week M D t 1.d is awns to 1,l To (1 m 1 t ata 1 (1 e e 1 ,R the T 1 (• (4mper(luc (n ,(v-st do t u and attending t o t other business. The vacancy in the L 0 L. official y, o,,u'ed I)y the removal of 1. R.1ynat(1, ,13444 filled by the election of Elwin Dobson. Gravel is being hulled for the 3r1'rt)lln of 11450 81)eds f.1,' the Pres- ()) teeittli res•byteeiito rhureh Here. They to he 60 x 1(10 feet. 'Die 100 mess, known as the Pareolltird farm, ht- been lensed for a 131 to of 5 we11311 to J.,110 143(01114i He gels pits - session on the 1st of ,\i1u•ch. Nip. and Mrs. M(.Catluel, of North. Dakota, were vi.11o•s at the hi me of I),'. and NIrm. Ferguson. Mrs. Mr.Cuu mel is at si8tel of DI. Ferguson. A 01,11111' of nets of fertilizer We1P arrived Kt Ethel 8131(3on last Week by .1. K Baker the iocal agent, aid was hauled away by the ferment liu10811(tsimg the Hahne. The harvest of 1914 sh),ult1 show the ieeults of its 318(1. FINE 'DIME. -O,) Thursday 19t11 in93 , the Adult Bible Glass of the 31yt14,dist church held their annual meeting at the hope of 8, S. Cale • ben meat•ly all the ntelubel• of the rl+lss (v(41P p0338ei31. The first 1h0ig. ,ut the prop(am was the election of ()Elvers far ensuing yeah•. This raver 1119 next. 2 11. 3) ' 111 1118 were spent. 111 games, and social cleat. As this is the hast animal meeting that. J. 1. and Mrs. Welsh expect to at- tend and their's being the only baby to (o'l'ive 111` 'es the 1,h year this 1' ) they Y ,nought they would like to have. hill( baptised 1l' 1.i ' i this v mert)ng s3( about it ,emelt Rev. Me. M33Kelvey perform- ed the (u1. „ moray. (11194 119 they took their seals MI's. Obis. Cleaver read the following Address :- To 11 e. ,and. Mrs,.1(a. Welsh ;- y DE<IR l•RIICNt)9.-WP, elle members of the Adult, 11(Ole 01189 of the Melte) dist, Sabbath School, d -x11'0 tohereby express 10 y111 11111 appl'ec)I11,)mn of ynitr valuable ae)'vi(("8 )11 (l3ilnt'0tinu' with Lhe work of out class, Since its 3neepti 111 you have (101101 1)1(13911 11.7 11)161(1' it a (11.1131133914. 17(131 have not only bee I n iata`e9tecl in the welfare of the (lass but have &144&y8 been al ready Ln help on so/thing that Its been fo the mond ' tool sp1ritttal at1- Vtuteetneet of the commtlitity 1111 large. So Heti. yott will ant rnlir('ly' forget 1)i its yv(" ask you to &ecept this slight token of ,her '•s)ee)n itt W1() '1t yuftspa held 1uy 138, We wish`:j+utf a safe tool happy journey to your' h0nle in the far West and petty that Good way bless you 11hunda)) ly (here and also make ,you a bleseiag wherever yell go.' Sighed on behalf of the 0131834 81 20, 011.439 CLEAVE.% Pk'Psldetlt, MISS \1AMIE HA19tuL12, Se•el'et11'y, Harvey Dobson then presented them ' with a )(311d0uu19 leather club bag with ettnb, mirror and brush inside, 1 Mr. \VelHh was so eou(pletely taken b surmise P ekh 1,h could Y i a 11(1 I hard( find i Y wands In Pxpre9a himself but voiced 1119 mo yew al having so many kind friends (11(d his app1'011(3i011 of their kind end te•oful gift. They could nevet forget then, nil matter how far away, After supper teas Revved all l'Ppeired to their homes feeling it was good to be there, Mr. Welsh gnee to Olds, Alta„ where he has a brother and 8i81e1' and '11(4i'P he expects to gra into business if it agrees with him. F,v01• 8141(9e his iuju'y some 2 or 8 ye.u•s ago he a(pllat do heavy work told thus is enable to work his farm which he still owns on the 8th Con. Grey. ' . Messrs, Cole & Welsh have been busy finishing up some more of their famous Climax fanning mills, They lave sold quite it number. On Tues- dlov they drove down to the Wast side of Elms talking two Snips and return- ed with the price in their pockets. They certainly have a good mill. The officers of the Adult Bible (Hass i11 connection with the Metho. -. hist Sabbath School here are as follow„ :- President, S. Howlett ; Vier Pres„ G. W. Pollard'; Secretary, Miss Minnie Hiam;aid ; Treasurer, Harvey Dobson , Teacher, .Mrs. Wm, Hall ; Assistant Teacher, Mrs. Jno, McDonald. Class is doing well. The ehnppli g milt here has chang- ed hands agate) Eli Smith 'disposing of it to 4V. E Sanders, an old rest• dent of this locality. 131r. Smith found that the dust was proving in. jnriois to him and was likely to bring hack asthma fm' which he had to quit the milling business some yeale ago, We wish Mr,. Sander9 suevess in his new venture. He ought to make it go. Interest centres round the Lecture of Rev. Mr. Bradley, of Teeswater. who on Friday evening of this week in the Presbyterian church, will speak on "Pat. and his island," under the auspices of the Women's Mission. ary Society. A clinics inapt= of -.. nlueioal oumLIPrs will x1113(1 beg iven. '1`110 paster will preside and the ad- • mission fee is 20 cents for adults and 10 cents for children, Ethel Branch of the Women's In etitut9 met at the home of Mrs, ' Ocehheet Hutchinson on Feb. 191.1), President Mrs. Ferguson presiding, After opening exer(`ises there was a gond buminess meeting. Mrs, P. Mc- Kay and Mrs. H. Speiran each pre- sent(4d a paper of the topic "Develop- ment of 003111104301" that are well worth repeating. A recitation by Mrs. Aichie McDonald ; a solo by '3Ils. FPIgusen 4 an hint umeltt1 by Mrs. James Pearson 1 and recitation • ion ( by \ 11s. S ellea wee enjoyed by all. Roll call with 30833(1(8335 from Shake- speare. A dainty luncheon wad serv- ed by the hostess and all went home voting the meeting a great success, The next meeting will be at the home i of Mire. .1. 11 Baker. The discussion on"Medical Inspection of the schools" ' 3vashostponed till the meeting in March. Moncrleff On Friday eveming, March t3(h, a:.. Hue entertainment will be given under 3 he anspi(ee of Knox church emigre - gat ion m igae•ga11o14 P11111IPd "Au Old Time Ladies' Aid." Pine literary program. Re- '. freshments served. Adtnissiotl 16 cents, Mark down the date. 'Phe Ladies' Missionary Snolety will ; meet tan \Vedn1sday, March 4111, at '3 230 p. m. The Bible reading will be givII( by Mts. 6V. V. M'Kay. A. paper of the "Paeifie Coast" will be given by Mrs. MCQuarrie arida pap4'r on "Missions in India' by Mrs. ktobet•t Harvey. Walton Peter MtDouakl, who has been here' on a visit from th8 Nest for the pant few months, left this week on the 10-'''I turn trip, James Ritchie aecompaui- ed him. A new cement enclosed riled, 46 x 112 feet, will be built on the site of the old Duff's church to afford the .1 necessary 1,COr111nldatio0 for the hirse9 and r9llveyl4(lees of the mem.` bees. Itis ,t good sign. Talk about Hockey, our lads hiked bra 13)441 h last Pi ;day and slaughtered the Knights (1f that plaice by a acute 416 Lot. A eeturtl game will likely be played seen. Wa are now looking for other worlds to conquer, Brt51. 118 I1 -r s (111(1 should hang at our 1 oldie g g Rhin. PATRIalc RYAN CALLED AWAY, - Wednesday of this t%eek um old and, well known re8iil('u3 of ibis locality pa'se(1 away, &flee an illness of tWo menthe, In the person of Plttri0)3 Ryan in his 74111 year. Deceased bill minit'cilnl4tu43.1 bettt0 to Canada. about 57 years &g0. lie was In&e1ied to .Hies Marge) Olet>mwn, of Morris'`, township 45 yeer8 and she, 3 81(4111 (,T1(118,, of llrliillop ; tend Putt. and.31,111(0 in IIle'Weel and ,daog'lite (Mrs. G(4oge Sloan11 . of MOKillot: Mrs. A. Reny, Mortis ; and Mrs. Jan, ". Rowboat, 1(ltnomto11) survive, The funeral ty` )1 take a 1.(1014 ; ,Friday morning 1P&v1trq' his ;, hate 1')8)(104,0, Lot, 33, Con. 14, Medi )Ilop, nt8 80 and proceed to the '. R 0 Cha'ch, lirlteisels, whe''e Nevelt* Will beheld at 9,80. 1,,tetrrt10113, 10111 be made in Mores cem(aleey, Me. 13.yau hod 1a wide mettle of [deeds and Watt held ' In thigh sodeull(,