The Brussels Post, 1914-2-19, Page 7le f•te+aitrgraeteas eaf►evoeaam Fashion Hints 16•iW"Q��mt'f•4D•641r'�'O'Vv'OPRi Some of lite Latest Fads. Tango its the name of the new flares color, White bntokskin shoes are already in the shops, Artificial silk will be much used with white voile, Nightgowns of pink and blue bat. &see etre in favor. Saline, it is promised, will retain their vogue fur spring. Soft, sheer organdies are being taken up for embroidering. One of the great spring novelties leplaids in pastel shades, Cashmere shawl .designs are oom- iug back with printed taffetas. Baroque pearls ornamented with jeweled wreaths make charming hatpins. One popular new blouse has the batik sleeves and front yoke all cut in one. Chocked .skirts with .srlid colored coats will be much seen among spring suits. The best tailored shirts for sports wear are thoee with an extra large armhole. The short, loose jackets, which end in belts below the hip line, con- tinue to be worn. Large women should avoid the bright colors ; modified colors 'are the safest for them, There is no diminution in the lik- ing for retina ; if anything, it in- erenses in popularity. With seine of the now combs' a four-in-hand of thick white cheviot is worn as a muffler, For negligees the favorite colors are canary yellow, green, blue, pink, coral and poppy pink. The boudoir caps are now worn with any type of negligee dress, from bed jacket to tea gown. The styles and materiale which "trim themselves" are beast to thecae fee children's dresses. Figured designs appear in the new moire silks, either with or with- out the watered effect. Some of the new inexpeneivo cert- ain waists are of plain white voile with tiny self-plaitings. Ib is said that we slusll see a great many novelty caps worn over the light gowns as the spring advances. Lamp and candle shades, hand painted in vivid colors on silk or paper, are one of the newest Ends. Washable tulle blouses, prettily embroidered and lined with some faint color, are quite enchanting. Emerald green velour with furry black checks is being used for the new plaited skirts for sports wear. Some of the new tulle and batiste lingerie gowns have foundation skirts which suggest Turkish trou- sers, Hoods, boas, and muffs. crochet- ed of soft wool, make charming and practical sets for children to wear in winter. Or sweater and hoods can he crocheted to match. Outdoor sleeping; bags for the ba- by are made of eiderdown or blank- et cloth. The hood should be lined with silk and drawn closely around the face, so as to be perfectly soft and comfortable, DEAF AND DUMB CLUB. London Ras One of Nearly Two Hundred Members. One of the most unique clubs in the world is the National Deaf Club of London. Nearly 20 members are enrolled, and they can dine and wine and play cards and billiards at the clubhouse whenever they de- sire. Women aye admitted, and ib is said that at the present time they foenl about a third of the member - There are no talkative waiters employed by this club, says The Chicago Tribune. There are no electric belle no large print notices to observe silence in this or that ,room. Bella being unnecessary, signs are resorted tea Thus, when one presses the ball of the hall door a red light appears over the door- way and brings an attendant at once. A similar arrangement noti- fies the waiter when his services are required, Those fortunate persons who can speak and hear and who have been privileged to watch a game of billi- urde at this ,clubliouso declare that it is mote than a relief to see a con- test where neither party voices his grievances as he goes along. There are no criticisms of the table, the balls or the one, Everything is peaceful and quiet. There are acme remarkable Men belonging to the National Deaf Clliibn, Ono, for example, is head of ern important railway firm in Sym- rue andhas under his control hun- dreds of alien of all nationalities. Another lneiuher he travelled over the world a, retial number of throe, always accompanied, and, *bough l)o bee been in many niviliz- eci lands, has always born able id look after himself. Then there aro eerie:as profossians, One rt teially teethes nniek; another is a aurae, ' liere is an tin anal banquet for deaf and dumb poisons, Which is smelly presided• over by some em- inent mute. • People with. A, vivid imagination work the lierdest.-co,they say, • DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS MAKE WOMEN WEI1. Just bceatise she is a woman there are times when every teem,. needs help and strength in th• form of a blood -building tonin. To thousands of girls and women Dr, Williams' Pink Pills huv' proved a blessing, because the, aurieb the blood, give strength and restore tong to the aching nerves, The anaemic girl who is languid and pale, the wife whose back feels like breaking; the matron whose health fails as she reaches middle age—for all such sufferers Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are invaluable because ill health in woman is usually caused by poor blood or insufiieient blood. These pills have cured thousands of others, why not you? Mrs. D. Morine, Wallbrook, N.S., says: "It is impossible for me to say too much in praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I have been a great sufferer from those troubles that make the life of so many women an almost existent misery. Pains in the back and side racked and tortured me. My nerves seemed to give out, and at times I could do no house work, and only women who have similarly suffered know what I endured. I tried medicine after medicine without any benefit, and was finally per- suaded to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Soon after starting the pills I found an improvement, and as I continued their use my health and strength returned, and I now feel as well as ever I did in my life, and I am relating my experience merely in the hope that it may lead some other suffering woman to renewed health. I may add that my mother suffered from rheumatism so badly that she had to use a crutch, and Dr, Williams' Pink Pills complete- ly restored her to her usual good health. Always get the genuine pills with the full name "Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper around each box. If your dealer does not keep them, the pills will be sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing The, Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. FROM ERIN'S GREE:' ISLE NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE. ' LAND'S 5110111:5, Happenings In the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish. men. Pater Davey, a laborer cf Drum- kirkaboll, county Sligo, was out to pieces on the Midland Railway near Sligo. A donation box, estimated to con- tain about $la, has been stolen from the Catholic Church at En- nistylnon. A fire occurred at a flax mill at Lower Boltooney, near Newton- stewart, the property of Mr. Aiken. The entire mill was destroyed. A stir has been created in 01if- den by the fact that the doors and ahowhoards of houses of prominent residents in "the town have been tarred. A miller, named Patrick Reilly, residing at Drumoar, near Dunleer, had one of his arms almost torn away by being caught in the cogs of awheel. During the past week some large seals made their way to the shore Appetite Finds Ready Satsfactionn In a bowl of r b "r ;,�•'.2 apt Toasties and Cream. Thin, crisp bits of In- dian Corn --cooked and toasted so that they have a delicious flavor— Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve ---sold by Grocers every- where. C aaise resters Dow lima; roe. Wta eine, dntestsa. t Dungarvan, and two of tier are shot by a man who went out a a boat. The epidemic of aaarlatina is stir 'revalent in Olonmel, seven fresh MIS having been admitted to hos. ital, making 24 being treated there .ltogether, A purchaser acting on behalf of he King, purchased two Aberdeen \nguaa crosses at the Dublin Win- ter Show, the property of Miss Sta- ples, Dunmore, Durrow, The death has taken place in the fiall:ndine district of Mrs, Mary fthatigan, at the age of 109 years. She was the mother of the Rev, Fe - .her Rhatigan, Militant suffragettes have again been nt work in Dublin where un- corked bottles containing corrosive fluid has been dropped in letter boxes. Much damage was done. At Ballymena the trustees of the Independent Order of Itechabites prosacmted a numher of that Society for imitating a doctor's signature on a certificate of sickness. The Registrar -General for Ire- land reports that the number of emigrants who left Irish ports dur- ing November was 6,151, of whom 518 were males, over 553 females, a decrease of 123 persons over last year. The strike of the cabinetmakers working on the premises of the Sligo Iron Company has been suc- cessfully umcessfully settled, the men returning toweewks,ok after an absence of five A deputation representing the goods agent, stationmaster and clerks of the G. S. & W. Ry. wait- ed on the directors at Kingsbridge, seeking improvements in salaries and conditions. Owing to the satisfactory opera- tions cf the Clancy Act, the Ath- lone Urban Council have been en- abled to reduce the rents of the working class houses by 12 (tents per week each. The postal authorities have com- menced a big development in the Midland ' Teleaphons service, the construction of trunk connection between Athlone, Galway and Ros- carron having been started. An overflow public meeting was held in the Cork City Hall for the purpose of forming a Cork City Corps of the Irish Volunters, and stormy scenes were seen, many of the speakers being violently as- saulted. _�I• BABY'S OWN TABLETS ARE SAFE AND SURE Mothers wanting a safe and sure remedy for their little ones can de- pend upon Baby's Own Tablets. They are absolutely guaranteed by a government analyst to contain neither opiates, narcotics or other injurious drugs. Concerning them Mrs. G. L. Bonham, St. George, Ont., says :—"I can recommend Baby's Own Tablets as a safe and euro medicine for little ones. I have raised four babies with their aid and would not bo without then." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail et 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1' He Meant Well. Hostess (at the party)—Miss Rob- ins has no partner for this waltz. Would you mind dancing with her instead of with me. The Man -On the contrary, I shall be delighted. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money it PA.ZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, or Protruding Piles. First aPPlication gives relief. 500. BANDITS PREVENT W11ECK. When They Shoot Engineer of a Mail Train. Heir an attempt by bandits to rob a, mail train on the Manohuri'an Railway . unwittingly averted a wreck is reported in a etory from Pograniohwai.a, Russia, A freight train was slowing up for a crossing when the people at the station noticed that the mall train. was .rapidly overtaking the freight train, the driver of the mail train apparently being unaware of the train ahead. Just as a collision seemed inevitable there was a grinding of brakes and the mail train (tame to a stop. Upon loves tigation the ongineer was found un- conaoious in ]tie cab, with a bullet hole in Iris chest. The fireman had disappeared. Upon recovering consciousness the engineer said that as the train was approaebing Pograniohwaia his fireman, is new man on the road, had suddenly produced a revolver, At the sante time he noticed armed men in the woods .'nand realized that his fireman WAS in league with the robbers. Ignoring the order to atop he put on all possible speed, when the fireman pulled the trig- ger, shot the engineer ie the chest and Jumped from the train. Tlie engineer knew he was badly wound- ed, and before lapsing into %moon- seieuensss pelted the whistle cord and sot the brakes. He know noth- ing of the train Ahead, While workmen were employed in the erection of the iuuaiieipal dwell- Inge in Wellington Street, Lurgan, they excavated a tounbos of corm of. tho reign of Glenne in. Cures Old • Folks' Cough: Doesn't Disturb the Stomach, Easel at Once and Cures Thoroughly. "CATARBRQZONE" A BOON TO MANY TIED USAN I)S,, Because you are old 1s no reason for suffering with everlasting cough- ing—those terrible chest troubles and difficult breathing can be thoroughly cured with Oatarrhozone. You simply breathe the healing vapor of Catarrh - ozone, and instantly its rich balsamic fumes are carried by your breath into the tiniest recesses of the nose, throat, chest, bronchial tubes and lungs. Just think oT it—a direct breathable medicine, full of soothing antiseptic pine essences that reaches every sore, congested membran, In two seconds. No drugs to take—nothing to harm or sicken the stomach, because Catarrh - ozone is the purest, safest cough, ca- tarrh and cold remedy ever devised. "For many years," writes Richard McCallum, Stirling, Ont., "I have suf- fered from Catarrh, and continually hawked and coughed, so that my throat was always In en Inflamed, Ir- ritable condition. "Doctors' medicine did not help me In the least, and all other remedies I used were quite useiess. In one case It was time wasted In snuffing powder 1 up the nose; In another using a greasy! ointment, and so on. Not one of them was the least bit of good. "1 heard Catarrhozono favorably spoken of, and tried It. Really it bene- fited me more In a few hours than years of treatment with doctors' and other so-called remedies. "Receiving such immense benefit, I continued using Catarrhozono, and In A few weeks 1 was completely cured of Catarrh and throat trouble." Get Catarrhozone to -day. Large size coats $L00, and casts two months. Smaller sizes 25c. and 60o. All deal- ers, or The Catarrhozono Company, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. d+ PEET ILEA VIER WREN ASLEEP Dead is Lighter and Feet Much Heavier on Awakening. You often hear a person complain of his head feeling "heavy" after a long sleep. As a matter of fact, his head is considerably lighter and his legs and feet just that much heavier when he gets up than when he goes to bed. Experiments have shown that if a man goes to sleep on a bed sus- pended exactly at middle point of Ins weight his head begins to tip slowly up and his feet go down. This is due to the fact that when we sleep the blood in the brain goes off to the other parts of the body. The moment the brain wakes to life again it draws the blood back. Another of the curious facts brought to light by the scientists who are fond of trying to solve the mastery of sleep is that when one is fast asleep some part of his brain or several parts of it, may at the same time be awake. A man may walk, talk, sing or solve mathemati- cal problems, and yet at the same time be safely in the land of Nod. It seems hard or impossible to decide what part of the brain really does sleep. Our sense of time, for instance, is stronger when we sleep than when we are awake. Ex- periments conducted some years ago on a number of men and women between the ages of twenty and thirty showed that 60 per cent, of them were able to wake up in lice Minard'a Liniment Co., Limited. morning at any time they had de- Some time ago 1 had a bad attack of titled upon the night before. As Quinsy which laid me up for two weeks Im g and costa lot of money. Same one has aptly expressed it, Finding the lump again forming In the resolve seems to wind up some- Ar o'Sri INIMnNT d afg°13.';arligti4IN; thing in the subconscious brain, oloht with the liniment left It on all and when the hour has arrived thisi Next morning the swelling was gone something gives In some mysberioua and I attributed rho warding o.e oa way the alarm and the eyelids AFD S LINI&IANT the free use of MICn N- 1� A nourishing, tasty, economical meal. A time and money saver. t4 oteength producer. 7 Play Straight --Play Fair, When I was young and thin small, Not half so stout, OCT yet as tall As people tell me I am now, We had a sort of schoolboy vow That, come whet may, we used to hold As dearer than the purest gold, And much more rare. And woe to him who broke the rule, This steadfast motto of the school: Play straight; play fair. When I grew up and left the school I vowed to keep our golden rule. To be a sportsman just ,the same ; I'd play to win, yet play the game. But ie the fight of life I sought In vain, for decent, cleanly sport Was truly rare, And people seemed to stand aloof, Who should have yelled in stern re- proof: "Play straight; play fair." and And, so it is, though blessed in health, I have not garnered heaps of Success ; as most oonsider sueh, I have not met with overmuch. But I am happy, foe I've tried (When others would have moped and sighed) A smile to wear. And still I hold myself repaid If I can say that I have played Both straight and fair. piA$ CORN PINY ROOTS? Yee, and branches and stems es well. Can It be cured? Yes. by applying Put- nam's Corn Extractor; it's painless, eats, and Invariably satisfactory. Insist on only Putnam's Extractor, 26o. at all dealers. Do It Now. Bis—I've had this umbrella eight years. Dix --That's long enough, you ought to return it. Mlnard'e Liniment Clime Diphtheria. Hard Luck. "Wasn't Jack a suitor foe Miss Bichieigh'e hand 7" "Yee, but he didn't." "Didn't what?" "Suit her." open. Another ourious fact about st So ha G. F, 'wostDEN. sleep is that the further the part of the body is away from the brain the less soundly it sleeps. A touch of the toe will awaken one much more readily than a touch on the shoul- der. Aroused 11Ier Curiosity. Marie—I wonder how old you are 7 Julia—I just told you my age. Marie—Yes; ,that's what eet me wondering. How some men do Hato other men because of their superiority. It is hard luck that comes easi- est. Cramming down in-choian food, and rushing back to work, leads straight to dys- pepsia, with all It means in tnbely. Proper habits of eating, with a Na -btu -Co Dys- pepsia yspepsia Tablet after each meal, rater* good diges- tion, health and heppineae. .A box of Ne-Dru-Co Dys- pepsia Tablets' dosis but 50o. it your Druggist's. National Drug and Cihem- 1aalCo. of CmtAda, Limited, the bo. 1. I. SCE 7--'1.4. One Thing at a Tinle. Hub (anxiously) — But if you buy this costly fur, hew are we ever go- ing to pay for 1'57 Wife—Now, Tom, dant let's talk about two things at once. Let's talk about the -coat. Wanted. Wanted.— Twelve well-educated, conscientious young women as pupil nurses in City Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused by gradua- tNon. Unusual variety of experi- ence. New Nurses' Home soon to be completed Finest contagious disease building in the State. Chil- dren's Ward and Maternity De- partment. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from time of acceptance. Address Miss Frederika K. Geiser, Prinoi- pal. The Baby's Birthday. Among /the innumerable supersti- tions' about babies is the old saw about the day orf birth: - Monday's child is fain' of faee; Tuesday's child is full of grace; Wednesday's child is sour and sad; Thursday's child is merry and glad; Friday's child is loving and giving( S'aturday's child must work for a living; But the child that is born en the Sabbath day Is blithe and bonny, and good and gay. Minerd's Liniment otiree Calla, Eta What, Again? "liens your wife gone shoppiug't" "Alas, I'm afraid not] I'm afraid tithe's gone haying." Debts of the ?fatless, The 7141,4)44 deitte of all. the nil - lona of the world have reached a total of $42,000,000,000,. according,. to figures compiled by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce n Washington, This represents an. increase of 20 per cent. in the last ten years, and 100 per cent. in the last forty years. The interest charges in 1912 amounted to $1,- 732,000,000, The debbs of the prin- cipal cauntrios of the world are as follows: Frazee, $0,284,000,000;: Russia, $4,552,000,000; the United Kingdom, $3,486,000,000; Italy, $2,707,000,000; Spain, $1,815,000,- 000,000; British India, $1,470,000,- 000; Japan, $1,242.000,000; United Staten, $1,028,000,000; German Em- pire, $1,178,000,000; the German States, $3,736,000,000; Austria- Hungary, $1,051,000,000; Austria,' $1,434.000.000; and Hungary, $1,- 268,000,000. Fora Scotia Caso of Literest to All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Hel to Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 16,—When inter viewed at her home at 154 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was Quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. 'I was always 'blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was So disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist's recommendation I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "I felt better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengtheu the stomach, Improve digestion, strength- en the nerves aid restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the blood of long-standing Impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. 4. Little Worth Noting. "My efforts to keep a diary con- vinced me of one thing." "What's that?" "That there are mighty few days in the year on which a man does anything really month recording." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. p After a Good Heal. Hostess—Another piece of mince pie, Georgia 7 Just a small piece 7 Georgie (reluctan.tly) — No, thanks. I could chew it, bat I , couldn't swallow it. To Care a Cold in Ono Day aDugga3110150 oNNt Tablets, Druggists refnmneyifii fails to cure. E. W. C1tOVE'S signa- ture is on each box. 255. Doing Well. Bix—How are you making out on yam' resnl'ution to economize 7 Dix—Fine i I've got my running expenses slowed down to a walk. Mlnarde Liniment Cures Distemper. Perfectly Agreeable. She to rejected miter—"I'll be a sisber to you, Alphonse." He (briskly) —"All right. Come kiss your brother." Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weal(, Watery Eyes or Granulated E elide. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50e. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonle (Iced for A11 Eyes that Need Caro Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chtoa60 POINTED PARA.GIRAPRES. Some men aro nothing more than animated threats. Those who pay as they go usually find the going good. "All life is set to music," says a poet. And the life of a tramp to ragtime 7 Wo are sometimes inclined to think there ere not enough seines deals 50 go around. The fool and his money are soon parted, and the fool and her money marry a title, Sarno thing. lG l Q TRAWBERRIF,S, RASPBERRIES, FIFTY 1� Varieties, Free Catalog. McConnell & Son, Grovesend, Ontario,. BRO[ OUT ON ED,NECKN9. SUOUiD[IS1 In i.ittle Blotches, Scratching Caused it to Spread, Hands Had to Be Tiede Cried Day and Night, Cut!. tura Soap and Ointment Cured, Ifnniskieep,N. B. "The trouble emend when my baby was four months old, Her head, neck mid shoulders were a mass of sores. They broke cub at ,iter in little blotches, only watery, which the child scratched and caused to sprcad and form o mase of sores. BOr halide had to be tied to keep her from scratohing the Bores. The eczema causedbar to itch and burn and to bo cross and peevish. She was disfigured for the time she hada. She cried day sed night from the Irritation, Neighbors Riad she would never be cured. "She wee given some medicine to take lawardly but without success. Then a friend told me to try Cutioura Soap and Ointment which I did. - I' washed the child with OuticureSoap, dried well, then ap- plied the Cuticula Ointment every day and in a week's time the burning sensation left, the child scratched no more, and wbon Mae was eleven months old shewas completely Cured." (Maned) Mrs.- John 5. Maltase Nov. 27, 1912. Although the Cutioura Soap and olnt, wont are most successful in the treatment of affections of the skin, scalp, hair and hands, they are also most valuable for everyday use ha the toilet, hath and nursery, because they promote and maintain the health of the skin and hair from infancy to ago. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal freo sample of each, with 32-p. boo4 send post -card to Potter Drug & Cbeni. Corp.. Dept. D, Boston, 11. S. A. I'ARM,'%OR SAL(. N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Stmt. Toronto. TF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock. Grain, or Dairy Farm, write H. W. Dawson, Brampton. or Ila Colborne Rt., Toronto, N W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, 1V 13 HAYS SIOVERAL GOOD NEWS. tarso towneer et riphtlee for elle in On• Ra anbsori tion renewarieea. Apply smelly ae Wn eon re time le inn( open- bliahanq Company, 7b W'..1 IA.e..+aa e,.,,rf Tnr..nin. NURSERY STOCK. MISCELLANEOUS ,f `I AN CER. TUMORS, LUIIYd Bro., d/ Internal and external, cured with. 0E1 Path by our home treatment. Write er before too late. Dr. Reitman Medias' Cc.. Limited, rro177ngword, Ont, Of Vital Internet to Syrup and orapla Su=ar Makers Wide-awake Maple Syrup makers will consult their best Interests by order- Ingtheir supplies now instead of de - laving until March—our busiest time. Write for free booklet telling about , our Champion" Evaporator, made in• a 22 sizes, suitable for large or small groves, TIDE GRIMM MPG. 00., ,LIMYTBD SS Wellington Gt., Montreal,flue. POTASii For DMI Solis POTASBC Is an indispensable PLANT FOOD - No soli wilt raise a Maximum Crop that does not contain an AVAILABLE sup- ply,en for thecrop's sufficient OOTA88 and a1zPBATn op POTASIT can be obtained from the leading fertilizer dealers and seed6men. Buyers of ready -mixed' fertil- izers should Insist on brands of HIGH FOTASEC CONTENT. '{WRITE for our FREE, educative bulletins on the important subject of FERTILIZING, GERMAN POTAEIP 6YHIDICATE, 1010 Temple. ,Bldg., TORONTO.. It Was Discouraging. Mrs. Gadd—Dear ma I've had such a discouraging hard' day of it, making calls. Gadd—What was the (liffieuity Mrs. Gadd—Why, I found nearly every one of them at home. You will find relief in Zana -Suit 1 It eases the burnlliir, slinging pain, steps bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with tarn. Duk, means cure. Why net prove this? du bruggparlid SIemes. EN CASA AND t00 VALUABLE PREMIUMS GIVEN AWAY let Prize, 850.00 In Cash. Gird Prize), 838.00 in Cash., and Prize, 540.00 In Cash. 4th Prize, $.15.00 l a Gash. GM to Oth Prizes, each $10.00 In Cantle Below will be found six acts of mixed or jumbled letters. Can you arrange these six sets of letters in such order that each set will spell the name of a well knowit vegetable. 1331 sending0, proper arrange - tient you line an opportunity of winning aeash prize. Write these six words plainly and neatly on a slip of paper, as in. the caro of lice, both writing and neatness will be considered factors in this contest, ORATOTMOON BACI?(iAB1d[tt TP RAC7['Tlt EBTl $end your aucwer at once; we will reply 1131 Retina Mail telling yeti whether, your answer is correct or not, and we Will send you tt otn- pieta Prize List, together with the names attd addresses of persons atliohave recentlyreceived Two Thousand dollars in Caste Prizes from us, and full particulate of a sintplo condition to be ittlfilied. This condition does not involve the spending ofany of yont money,. Send Vette reel)/ drct et/ HOVEL VEL 1i A�' T rNeta p movies_ BultLt1G,9 8815 $J 4 itiONITnEAl..n'