HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-2-19, Page 4; l e ti oustis llost TWO HOME WM TALKE O ABOUT HAIR TUR.' H tl,)AX FEBRUARY , tgt 1914 W8 cant forget about that majority of 2,608 on January 29th "Heron Co, Business Men's Association" 111 51S1 hfivr gone out of business as we hay not observed a letter in env of the uewspa,)ers since. '1`hy should have publisned their valedrelofy so that folks would know they were dead for car• fain• 'flag old lime Fenlau invasion of 1866 has been the cause of auotber skirmlat of recent date. It is said 10.000 meet went to "the front" to delend our country from "the poor dt.luded baud" but the number who ale seeking the fitroo bounty is growing splendidly and over 30,000 lire putting i0 claims for a share. Some are getting two shares There must surely be a g1aveyxrd bunch of applicants as it will soon be 5o years since Ridgeway resounded will the roar of shot guns. Certainly those ie charge of the business should "fix bay orients" and guard the U•easuty. ONTARIO Legislaturehascommenced its session this week and the public h'•pe needful legislation will be euacted meet will correct existing discrepencies In relation to our educational system, taxation of properties, temperance (awe, independent telephone Company rights and put a • kink" into special pri'8 Iegl8 to corporations or private lldividuels. Fair play is bonnie play and that should tar the mission of M P. P .8 and M. P 'n The Iobbyests, who perpetually 1)11(1 persistently haunt the legislative hells, should have the close turned on theta After being shown oatdool's, If 1110 membersspoke choir lunates on the drat nnglaughtofthese lobbyists their visits Might soon thin out but with en Inch of p. hold on they renew the tantalising jab and by their bull dug tenacity are otte0 too successful iu winning their point and blockading legislation or securing favors undeserved and detrimental to the public at large. "Cut It out" is 11 e I brief advice that many a con«utueu•1• c would d give if they were asked for their opinion. STRA'1'FORD Horticultural Society is out o u a membership campaign fur the addition ofme 1 01) 5 members HI1d will bit ail right. Tag LHE Pnsr would like 1.D see a similar move by East hurou Agri- cultural Society, The work could b done "like a breeze" if everybody took a leaning that way Only $i oo apiece would do the trick for which evety subscriber world receive two tickets of admission to the Fall Fair of 1914 and have the privilege of entering as many exhibits as they pleased. To show we mean business THE Posr will guarantee to secure 25 new members before the 15th of next September if re other persons will agree to do the same, or make up the number if they art short on above date. Money must be paid before flames are counted. If Cho- Agricultural Society. Fairness' Ipso tile, Women's Institute or other 'r- gsnizaton are ready to form spelt an alliance' THE l'OCT will supply the tick ets to the canvassers without charge Such a move would infuse a spirit or go•aheadltaveuess that would boom out Fair better than anything else that cal be done at this stage, East Hurou Fair is a good one and is worthy o; royal support by the people of Brus celsn a d surrounding u 0nndtn g mun4cipalitle« 7 months of such a' canvassing cam paI gn should give us 500 new names, without any doubt, if we will supp'y the grit, and "get up" to secure the green backs. Now, is the time to get busy to do the work not the week before the Fall Fair next October. What do you say? TERp .O:,T hopes Brussels assets wailh > r Id on Old Boy.' Reunion in August e+ 1915 and Would tie glad to see an improve meat movement that would include the whole corporation looking for and the beatitiiyIngof our already tidy town Paint is a great element in each an un derlakhie, while Mee v kept lawns and boulevards, flower plots and well cul i vated gardens are good seconds Then there are the -roue Church properties, Public school grounds, the Town Heel and odds and ends of spots where a few days 'pent i1 improvement, coettne little, would count big. Many 8(51101) li Ive spoken approvingly of tie ptibl,( Library and its nicely kept lawn tout dozen's of ether beaus spots could be made if the people had a mind 10 work We could soon emelt o1) to methods an i.lans if we set about it and with the practical exnerieuce of this Year wr'lthl have the work wellin hall(' when the home comiog our of Old Boyset d Gills wheeled rotted in 1913 r118ra's a nice sphere or ueerultiese(meeting up here to the Council Bare), Library Board Trustee school,'clairebee end Societies, Grand'1'rutlt railway eeme left/ committee, Women's Institute ,Pee in Addition to the host or 'citizen s who Would gladly share in such alt enterprise if once suec0551111ly ,n11iated. Nothing advertises a place belief their wel dellned plans of pubrtc'tmprovsmett. AI draws people (desiring lanes, helps the 1., Two women met in our store the ()thee dtty, wheel one of them saki :-- "My, how pietiy semi hair Melee Wien! have you been tieing to IL P" "'Why, I have been using Harmony Hair Benuufier for the past two weeks," was the 1 eply. "Why, helmet 1" replied the that woman, "[teat is just what fain using, Isn't it geeat, aid don't yeti thii>k toy bele shows a lot of 1itomoelsuuut. P" Harmony Bale 13Patltifiet' is be- coining tell the rage among both men. and women who are particulate in the care of (heir hair. It• is just what it 1s mailed -a hair beautifier, It aeet118 to polish and burnish the hair, mak- ing it gl HeYe silky -soft, aid more easy to put up in graceful, wavy fulls that "stay put." Uouttdns no oil, and ,will not change color of hale icor dal keti it. Simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before bru.411111g it. '10 keep your hair and sealp dan- druff -free teed ruin, use Harmony Sheemp1,. This liquid eliampoo gives an iustaitanem e J lel], foaming lather that immediately penetrates to every part Of the loth. and scalp, hauling a quirk and thorough cleansing. IL is washed of just as quickly, the entire u enation tak11(g only a few moments. xfeu tinny Hair Beautifier, $1 00. HartnoIIy Sluatnpoe, 50c. Beth goal anteed to sal isfy yeti i11 eveiry tvay, of your money hark. Said only at more than 7,000. Rexell Stores rand in this teem only by us, F. R. Smith, Brussels Ont. s Je of properties and cultivates a lov for Ilse be u'iful and attractive in the bre of beth old and young. An orgsc seem wallet be neceeeitry but it won el me • reps re to be elablrete as much ae to donne the best methods Perhaps 4unle of the -readers or '1'88 Pose have lead seine experience along the lines suggested or know of towns that have (matte a eeec•se of the 11111no 918811 nI work. If no we would be glad to heat 'rum such le terse, practical Tetters, MURIEI McKELVEY'S DEATH In The Storm Pu Ilawil 1 ' Isalet ter from Miss S I Fern M'.l{elvey written to bee brother George, who is attending Queen's II,liversity Kingston :- You will be looking for a letter to tell you, how we are, after our greet. less, yes, we have really lost our little Karlin} but it spite of it all, we can- not help 1011 feel how v 1'lv, v 1'l y tau • (.l we atilt have Past. of all we are per - reedy sure she did not suffer because when our little mem left her she weld jus! gning to sleep and then about ail bout Inter Thiele Chaelle lit a straw pile only a quite ter of a anile from her, so we know she wets fast asleep. On her face there wee not the sign of a frown or any look of trouble but mint) a :Meet, happy exp[ essi(m 'flier' is MI 11111011 to tell you Lind..1 don't know where to stmt. The child- ren had matey invitations to Stay in lewd, but thought (and so they could) 1 hey could get hme. When they got Liebe side of the lake the cutter tipped and they were thrown out, The horse ran roundand eoulid theta but they could not c)1Loh it, so they start- ed to walk home. They kept near the trail till this side of the hills and then thinking they were East of the hilad they went West. By this time little 511triel was quite exhausted. Twice Freddie put her on her feet and tried to bring her oil, but she siulply could not 0001e. and said as she was so warm and comfortable, to leave het and coma on home. Ile tried to peesuade her Lo keep his overcoat, but she would not. He stayed till she was so sleepy that h he 1'f ) I old acarrelylet au weaver then mad her 1. would- le g come tome. '''talk about het nee and 1 at feeds, to braver tart wits never done mo1.t .hai P I edti' i e did that night its 1)P knew when he left her he would neve) ee het al' IVaL ' i till 1 but as he me," I knew it Wits right to come '1on" Lod Ise grove her nu idea of his facies, lie turn continued to travel Nest veld and soon (mute to some [)lough lig and as teavrlliug was easy he scop tame 111 a atr*w stack. 1Je almost sassed it but when he saw it he went ted 01(111e a hole, crept in and Mocked 111 1)111 (1111(11). Hie over:Mope were e f stints H0 he kicked Giem 021' is was Uncle Charlie's straw stitch Fred. diel not know it.) He says !like he slept most of 1.110. nigh] wakened once, brit [vent to sleep i1) and slept Lill daylight' Then 11mped nut rend started with the Lb and stela saw the outlines of e buildings and thought he haul e to Tem Hayes in the meadow. 0011 saw however that it was le Ohatlie`s an he (:rept tineougli tree tie ells hands i s al 11 keen o a 1.l 11111 of 619(5 deep slime and then 10 the house. They dill not knot, when he went M. '''hen they led here, 81)I gut right ready and t to him. When I got there they him silting in the reeking chid[ his feet in cold water. -We nett the Dr. for ilist)'ntti,,,, laud lip Itt11 '1'11 ( bot Ile it rand fagot he [vin Nrtt11 '''(11 Hmy IInc II re *moue)» 141)1 L him ohne Well Ilud with 'Mee he stud to put him t0 bed and map Itis feet and heeds in cheese cloth Kipped in cold weave. His feet are Hot 141110 mly frnzeu at all land toes most Manta to their tett ural color, Of 5(111155 they rale blistered and very Belch seva(1len, but 1VP 11re 9tlt•e by mew that 110 .[lift is i))) )ced theblack )sb0)1. 4eb( anise 1s the churl'[ est little fellow yn11 i8uld imngie told new it is only et Mal Ler of I illl9. 1tTsll nodeeseed 11150 iota got. hits In bed and for a tithe his feet, Weee e1inngilg but have given hint pram l(ally not pain. 1511)31 11 with hir11 with the exnept.i011 0f about. half an hone, until Ft kitty esteeming, when rather 5)111) Over and we btongli1 him back home eget n• Now to go Mick to \Ve(l1108day night,I letsebeol cut at 820 and so Meilen and I were home One fly ,1 ft es 4t Abiett 6 o'clock 111 elite 'phoned attlri saki be 1111)1 liisyed the c(tildt•e1 al the talllwali anti they Welo eoluhag Ford The Universal ear HE undersigned begs leave to intimate to the tell[' (, that he T has s been appointed Local Agent for the well known Ford Car and will be glad to have your order. See the 1914 Madel J. H. Galbraith Phone 9 BRUSSELS all right, When they did not arrive people tet home, Met tort felt in next 15 minutes we began to vel y badly anti w'5 h,ve e n5had qui 'plione Miele Charlie. Aleit,t gut tint limi111 him hitt both 1111) 51' the team and went, t1) Uncle Charlie's, myself seemed 1l, lutv11 8eu5 gut hien and they started out. They thought they wine: on the road when they found themselves back at tate house and 11 seemed utterly iulptssible to doanyttliog s0 they went steel Med a straw 8111129, after' hulking carefully lel It. TTueleJinl was in town after a Kitten, 80 we'plluoed until 18e found lie lead left teWtt patelli 8. As It ea11m 01) to $ u'uluek and had not come, we fait sure that the coulee had Meet.. 1. ell he had foetal uletlt x114 heel decided to stay where they were. Then the phone rang and emote Balt he round thefloraeand cotter [about 20U yards from the (mill bat wield field no trace of Lite children. Ether and the met started out but found It entirely int- possible to do a tiling. They tried to get to straw piles but the snow was 4c deep and positively no road, they molal only get to Uncle 0.'s one slack. Then i 1 the kLeM ' ]t 1 Y VtL6 )a e battle L IV tut )04 'i 9111. . r 1.0 to 1 c anything thea. All (his time thehone was continually going and six mien started out from 105811 but they too found it impossible to do anythitng, so went back and then all we could do was to sit and wait till dawn and hope for the wind to go down. Simeon went to bell bi t slept only a little ta 1. ileIa 1 nthe• and Ilav01. d VII and fell asleep for 1.c fete minutes now and then but we sat by the stove must or Lite Lime and (made every preparation for the ulieute day downed. Tile stamen was as bad as ever, but of r)urse Kray had came, Uncle Jim's, 'Uncle Oltailie's, Hr. Bennett's and our people br- ides foto, or five rigs from tome started mit. I trust tell you 1111 eight We had a feeling that the children were together and all right nod Clint We would final thew tislerp in the mrnuillg. You can iuuagin,• how our helms and convictions kepi us I1 Yes 1.w(l we were were all right, but not quite( as we I IIn11gbt, F bout an hour after they started metier rising 2 yours, 81teei•ee rifting 2 y.° got La Aunt Minnies. Ihad just (1enlve, rising1 y,8,•,,,bout 00 hone, 1 De got there Mimi rather name befit 'lig binder, 1 MotIoredck mower, I Re 1'nel'e and 111 told me after be was malurenpreader, 1 htoek wagon with rack iew wagon,1 snide tvxgo,, a wiggles, 1 cult strongly eeuvineed we 00111(1 nevsi . set buloslelghs, 2 Panning mills with bags get thein alive. I met hint at the [seed drill, t hind roller; 1 dixo harrow" door with "Fat lien, Fred:- is here and borne rake, 1 /WI iron twins, 4 section. 080g plow, 2 watkb,g filo,", 1 muffler, 1 1'o all right." This lie seemed scarcely 4nlper, l grain cruder, J nutting box,1 gra; able to believe but Merton set about ,.ox, l mat 100u Ib scales, 2 eats double hnrne getting new_ horses. LI for Meal 1 sec sks ingle grariness 2 neekvoke 1 w11ffiet e tone phoned mother 10 say fatale). 15,1100b heiawedo ts,SObu.hlle°,eedrlbe was back and knew that we had ley, ELO ou,11etsmdeed feed, 1 Oxford erg° Fred and that he came from the epx rater, 1 911801 a engine, 1 (levenpo West (of course they were leukin Ietove,, 1 loung" r kttehen range, jet g etovtl, 1 cup s, i 0 9,11nB•le, 1 ,ed 1'o Fast of the trill !weasel the stem kntuhnn .auui•H,1 kire•hen table,( bed -eon came 110111 the North- weal.) 1 hair' silica 1 On)s churn Nn a, 1 Iva4hing marl[ n n buyer oilnn110pails and pini, hntevecn scarcely the receiver up tVheil titin and 61)yx'dsoYoarpSt.ePca. t3nle unre4ely hone rang again . al , Ptel 1 gmotile) aa says, pro rlrtot• 1188ho( I . Y p d his al . Tyris: "We have het' but site is not call right All emits 36.0e and under 0wh, over tin ,+ nmottnt s uumths or,dit will bo given o [ um afraid. I eau to tell fml11er turuietltlegapp,tvl•d 19h,k not9e. 5 1191' oen And they eau home, bmf• I felt T 5)11)1,1 off tol•Oasllnln•° sett alanllifts. •Groin to b not help ttalleyeal'. home and Fired. cash. F. 8.eeott,Ano. &MNEwli,Prop, needed m5 so I stayed. Father Slog plumed me and told me that all AUU'r10N SALE 0l' FA 111.1 sTUI R AN far as nine Muriel was concerned the 1 teutut 111114 -Thi undersigned euotien storms were ever. I had (0 tell FI•ed, ire to" un i 1511 510 chola 0a cine'111/1111x° hut scum found t1hatheknew itall the Lot 10,0011 A,Lnraberry,'ruesdty,1'8111tui Lime and was sure she Was gone. As t4ah, W14, 11E nue e't1o01t p 111. sharp, the ro ( Wwmg (arm [110) xaU tmpl881110918 anon Las I'red. got to Aunt 1\l butte's 81teg a.tlsue(u taws 4upplNeu to bimoxte MN, 1 lis, \Vh3 1.P. was there but She. Cam S. ai coli uenl7 gl ado none aupposnd in calf' , tight 1 ern tele to tee hailers ,•' Id o i,1 m• f !N) 1-8 2 ter course evers 11 8 old N e has) u nae d Y he in cul T 6 Stettin; PP al tl O,H ilio x 1 da'. years y I didn't get over till Omit g y old, 2 heifer r•Steer is 1051 31 it 41101 firs riowg 131)8r ofd 0 o'clock and they had Muriel all steer usinglyexl mW, brood sow dun morel dressed and fixed beautifully. h$hn int,7young sow% 6almapigs 4 months old had 0n 10 white silk waist and her tunre n ynau•s 01d suppeatd to he in foie 1 to Bute rising liana rising 6 yeor8 old, 4 orns hale dotle as she always [lid iL'. IL cotta i•lning0yux fn old.2lorse colic riling 2 was Mr. Bennett whet found Muriel years old, mare eon rising Symms old, 2 hone there was nosy a bit of her Gnat above oohs riling 1 yrnr old, loot, 1180 riling 1 yen Old, tllaxwellbinder 0 root, (erring mower 0 the snow and when he got alit he had I taut, AlussuyHarriB 11ny lender, hxy rake 10 po idea it was 161 Oriel. He Mas loot(- Pest, 2°(*lb.Henlete, boy rake 8 Pne f., fmining ill for the read but but 1111880(1 it tend 11)111 cal ows,18r, 1'o, Orealll separator, set wont 'West. He says she l .I lean roll's ,c1. t r, pen 1, 1.'v a singe° plew11, was it 1 I it aid 1'0 1 Lel O L t tier e n lint x , p vs ter and ) • b Inh vin' n u comfortable t t able n i 'b a1' u 1.v Y aU 1'i n U 1, Pone baggy, ono P Matt g , nearly new, , P B ew farm 'wagon, W 2 1 htlGbub 1 i B , le WW1 e r he heart uottffirr bL•nif Il i B , P 1' ' e when . z oat n1. 51'. 11P ) P x 1)n gut, P . 3 Pork 1'o O )1110 s P e i Hein . • 3 , of here. MOthel'stly9 elle is soglad 1.t =pie g , s. taco hernr•xs, r ny,tthI Ovepporking, g'i 1P 911 tank, Wan 1\'lI', HMI/111i that fnlhl(1 her. In. Htortl tank, 86d HRp bunking,. Nyrupp em1N, miler side of half an hour all the se)t'C11era cams 7s bus. O. A C. No. 21. beu•leye 100 boa. youn•g eiio Ilay,. ROO Uun. turnipn, about 00 young hens, Scotch collie deg 0 menthe old, writs, chains, shovels' hors and other erldolee too nttulorotte to mention, Terms; -Any( grain, roots and all euma 46 00 end under 05)11 over that amount 10"months credit will be given on :purchasers furnishing approved 701111 notes. 5 per neat oft' for rash on credit amounts. 99le wit1101,1 reserve an llroprletee is 0)71118 np farming. 0. B, Moeeeem, Prep., .101114 31(115718, '0110, very 1 e 11 mitt hi], . 1.l Y d Immo. l( air )r Y n1. ,r 1.K f!1 Vll Alnl eV nl 1'u you He Ind from 1 it 1 i1) 1•{ u 111 1.h g1) �e !m tel t oa Public 1'n I,1) g 7 ens a 111 pe 1 r 1N e1' mP ,1 n1' e1', e d• e1'• m rt S m 110, 8d0 1.f e D 1:• P- ee y 0 + • e +. 1 ••• uIexplei,able 11 lteep 1),c up. Alt ler hits been wen(lerl•ul tend Ioul(s at lar trouble in such a epb•mhd way. he says elle feels that (181,51 wants L, have Lamgieliewith hlitna114 55 It ew slie.ishappy. Nen•11,1aIiii, 141 a Icit s1) 1 cul geeing Le 11 y 11) gel some ep before Ute ,tiler, get 1(11. 1 have I en up wit l( reetldla'. l will write 111 t1ga111 and Lelt 31)11 )111 ahem 1Ite ht •t- all all: aunt um0un 11,1 act 9111 wl,eh a8 Id t t nlght. lhe•y 51014' 'real , ttnd the kind(ese, '1' ewerybe(Y (11 nilt ba dl'srrlhell, tlhbet t 1111)1 1i 111111e Finlay, 'the fette1't(I 0114 t 'a2 1ielock Salnr(1)1y Neil b1. flan re 1\' 111514. 'Phe 81i»el (seeinr pupils) 11 wore 111x(1 and W1(111 no their sle es mud sat in the ('entre row. 1'. llasterism came out auil he was v •t• kitlll laid nice. 1111 1 tin I vmnnnl - I mast g tell m Chet 1.l 1e Las 1 1111 people h>we trio K 111 s• e 1..b„ Ilio law I141e l i L ilei to bother about it until I beardtlfl u I hem. 15511111 t» be tet 11111110. I Ivoull have' to give up bile 801101 il' 11)ey 11(1(1 not closed 11 but just. Ie 'ante it is only atunller evidehre 1' the kit Itlll?H l H 1117E I the tare: ret t 11.• g 11.11. Ill NV1'1" IIIIr. Pen e 3 )I fen 1 1 m eve •- tvl 51'+. . 4 t ll a wnsC wnndP .. Iillt I k4, tdn d Y n e have bad such lovely Ira tris it n 0, 11111113', No,v 5011 will know thtal. in e midst ,f ,ter 11rro0, the tare ell ei 1 rid we all feel that we hltve b1. , Auction Sales AUl .11 N 801.E Ol' PARA( eTUt1i, 90084,515, 711511•uita, &0.-11, 1, Lt ,tutontr 111 neons V0a I(0 0,11 TWIN 11' 1 )2 and 9) 101)1ett p 10 16 cm• to HT by 0h Auction el Lotti 1. n 16, (}rev Twp., Thu . Ix 1 eU Oa1 1.t y . 2 t 1 ,01118510 u'rartk, the following prised tu e 1 droit more i1 tjh ,.ion,, 1 drafty are riming 0 year'sn2 draori al lieu 00118 restng 1 J ear, 4 cows 811 1)14 •d 111 • It • 1 1 of gray e WOHOERFUI HAM Glenn anti free front dnndl•ulf cited pn880851ng all the rad1an01' tel' peerva hair• '''illy is jtlst fvhal Nageine Invites to theme who salter with Itch• Mg seethe dandruff, mettle., (1)•y 01 cowme' h1'kiig hair. hagel,e is nee' life to laded 111/etameet i%e 11)111'. Hage• ler feeds the heli cool wit the neetee sary 1'0tn) 1111 pruwutiu 6• 1a healthy growlla, hagriuu is Iltl' dal talent Louie you mutt tyish f,1. IL is tent a (lye nod is net. s1.ielty or gret1sy, A huge shaker -lap ladle costs telly 60e and Jas. 1re(x gives hie perennial gu11l gin tee lel 1 t(I'n ted the money Jr you are net entirely satislild. 13e sore to go t., Jas. Fox's drug slot e as other stores cannot supply you. meie1fully dealt. with, \Ye have Freddie and the knowledge that \limbal died a4 pea(efnl death, I will write right. sway rind finish ul,y glory. Genet -bye with love from each Land all of us. YOU( loving eis1.er, FERN. Inspector Field's Report to Co. Council The following is the report of Public Scheie Iespee1)11 Dr, Field for Emit 1a111'utl :- 'Pheee terve 121 lettrheee in hast Hurete tet the /dose u1' 1918. Of these 25 were male teacheel and 190 female. Mille hell111•,]-1.111) eetIinvolve ; 17 had 1 hire -altars 111111 one a kindel•glu•ten cot labiate Tvarl,ers 11151 still getti»g 111,' ad V/4111%90 of the law of supply and el„111.4t111 lull I1•uly school' have 1 tet , ctt , l the s11ar, $11)0 111 instep to get n (311 tidied 114a1•h-'t• In 1)u rose is Lhe Huhu v luwer l haw ht the preceding year '1`Jte highest 8nlitry paid 10 a qunllNrd ia'urher lei a 1Urlt1 settled ie :8800, whit• its 15euage 13 ati o l $fi?6 'cafe 3901l11)111' ,11110 rhltng1' Ilt Beal IIilmin at Christmas. `Phis la a awed More h'in IHf)t,•tary nunditil)n Hittle thud. 111'81 [ling 1h1' least few years. '110' on' milled atieldail01' 01 the 1111-51 schools Ile 8,024 tend the average attendance 1,914 Of the village aeh,lls, will 11laltide 131y111, 13fussels and %Yee:set the uuallyd laltendaune im 120, 10? to 801especaivelVV. 01 the hove 8(1111 tvhiell infamies Oilmen, ,'lrrd'etlli 141 \Viuc'lnuL Ow onrrilled nil)udtulce •(110, ;101 and 1382 reepeeeieel y [ted II aveulgeal1outl,ulr.' 3011 2)1(1 anti 20 While tn+tn>. pupil, helve sidle./ 141 ll !4 O. I-1 Ra D S3 D.3. ell Graduate un of ,. Royal Cu14 o u Pllent 1s •• re• g a tel goon,. or (alit enitrnd y 111 Toronto Ihlntt ly oPDe utlsittytO Univm•eily of 11. Office In [card Block, Wingham 1,1 Pinel'• ^411 1'os' (111' U box 278 is Pelnlose Extraction, Plato work and I.‘ bridge Work a Specialty 11, Heal dietsleis betels. they have ee(1i- Meted the public wheel rent se, 1)o it lel Ila meal oilytel' Patin !else, thenars age 01 lend/lin 1 li 1)u i4l'll.(l tet )'. and i Mentes reg,n•11 I',.1. 1 h be»iflls of ed e(tlluu• Tbt+ 1111 e,' (lent illlt)Ll it scleols at Myth, lit awls heel \['rote ler heal surl•iwsft1 Vent S. Tile ('x11111 1111) 1n0 51'611119 111,11'1111' g(•Ill•i•al 11)111.11 lel nt'tltt. wut•I( 111 (hese sritnuls let jus( [lied your genal nus Koppel le The renal 4rhnolm e;u•nell Ialt year no (11,' salaries laud Berl pirates of 111141 U'a0hees, 87,787. 'I'hls ailment, hoe. ever wits 11111 paid it, full, (Is the Nom 1lie gnveeunem l had apprieprtii(11 1, 5 11(11. 11111 pose ryas ittsuf i'ient, Thew+ wee therefor a redurtM it of 28 per peat of I.he 111n,ett earned, The G9lvernwent also nnnh•i holed $P11d 118 0 grunt to unlit soloed-,. ]311«ed nn ar- c111etu1odalion and e gnipuu•nl Ily 51,15 Me the mutiny i. Pe•le i] ell to vendee - Mit e )L like amount. The steal 811)0118 expended 5410 on seihned libraries in 1913; they 1•er5! %el i,u'k- ft•1111 the R oving: i1e111 its )1 H1111•i- al grant $230. The beeps l'ai'c (ere - fully Relented )a1(1 should ple0V(4 nsefel 1.0 0111)118 b) glvit�g 818111 It tan( t1 1,11• 00)1ld rending. They eh0nld 15140 be foiled inteeesting and iusteurtiVC to Tenders wanted 1'- Hull and sepeltlin loonlers, 8ealed land Ir• oil in t.rdin11 overt,. Orly,drttuliilnatmdl,l,h(Innerj htlitl11014,slit 8 o'ol,olt p lel„ Co, ills PI 0011011 01 8 1wn,'0011 141-1011 11101 11111101.1.10 Soheol Building at Ethel, )lot Plan. and ipnelilenl amt. 111x3 1 01.111 111 1110 1211,, of the ,.•wntiu> et EIhr1, nut., and at Ift4,tfleeor w, 141 Finning, Al,l11lat, l.18to- W01 1111, 'I lie 1ticr•,11 tel tmmmer *111 be regleedtog'7esntl.t,ctor> 5)55111y Por the proper e°1npletton or (Ln 1'1 ntrnct rhe 'ewe it or any tender not necessarily ns-. c1 ,ted W. Iii, 1)18srin0,-Arobile°t, Listowel, Out. A. E. AlAeuo(At,D, secretary, Ethel, Ont, 11 v4, patents. ' 'Place 11018'tchonls wets builI in Emil 1111110) Iced year -I a0 in Hnllelx mud one ii) 'PnekersnlitIt. They toe ,ll n (rsdit to the sera ions building them This yea! new sehnnls will be built in 11luevale and PI he)' I appreeial (' very much Ihe heitr15' co-opera(i,n of the u•Ifstl )'e in 11y rfFtn•I5 In health'.' ihP ed111',)lifmnl nd vial loges (11 11)1 e511ou1s over whin') 1 liv, rhurge 1e well (4a the kite -lettere enu1 (,11)114.}° 1 111,5,. everywhere mei. 'I'hl' tla)llel5 average high 1.n11 are worthy l lit 1huh• energy and geld of tineconfde/lee of the rat epllver •s•ernse mes®eo(et3(7••Ooccoos r000e,400cccocecesce©••®os• s BIG eductio e • 9 8 i r• to a ON o 9 0 •at0P 4��:1.le1'dMei. O � 8 A a o FOR THE BALANCE n1' THE .SEASON m O MGM, IlIZgascascrzocrpgm' • • ALSO A NUMBER OF o • 6 • e a t f Cold 1' . • 1 • .- cF'' [tel re ,?-'1'"'T'''' seal • ... ..y e y b 4 aI!IH7A A `•t a 1.k Segni Hand 1.t FOR SALE AT REASONAIILF PRICES 8' 8 O 8 (1 O EWAN & CO. - BraasSelS • 8 .55 t,,C5,Se'0018d®6161414880,-8 '94 5* -�+.7•s le9filMQ�OGDaetaO••q■OOISei- s•0mOm0.411±0eao,t•t,.0O+O*40*f•eO+a.�•Fl•eb+0•h0•'I.e•441eelbh0+0•F•t•-1. il1r}'4pdFat -1'w it+ • •weather • 0 • • • • Fine range ge of well made Horse Blankets at various prices , Comfortable • e Rugs and. Robes .� Sleigh Bells in uariettt , ; Goods • were ' e at Aunt Mhiiie's• Now you may think I [vas ahnoeb frantic but I wawa I was so glad that we had her tend to know that she had notau11(51551 mean' tso much that the thought that God had taken one dar- ling felon all pain eeeule(.1 almost kind and it was (test the same with the 0 li : `116,14.414;:*-' I i� 41,,1 ,•j OPPORTUNITY knocks once at every man's door. She's knocking at your door now -so take heed! Ask usto send you our big80-page Cata- logue of Seeds, Bulbs, Fruits, Garden Tools, Insect Destroyers Fertilizer Poul- try and Bee Su .plies, s, Poul, Ms 4 • •['OSA card willbringIt to you. Write 10407. DARCH & HUNTER R SEED CO, LTD. Box 1:'1 LONDON, ONT., CANADA. 16 Aft Alt ' •„,41 itO ., Valuable - Premum given ---a h a o lately FREE - With With encb order• Page one of Cateelegue tells hew lc get it. ;(1 40bYt;;rE Ote Pta i1 Halters, Currg Combs, Brushes, &o• Trunks, Valises and Hand Bags if you intend travelling 0111'r' largo sl cell gives rgslnuulrs m gins] choice. P1110E8 ARE � LLt[OLIN. Call i1) and goods. r a g Harness Repairing a Specialty. Phone 37x B. B • FC l R RB � PUSSClS • 3• 9 •+•+•+a+sa.o4•+•..pe4,.+•+•+o4 •+••t••+o+••h••a•+•+o+a+a•a,+ort• t •••••••••••••••••••.••••••••r•••••O••••••d5 *v•• MONDA Y, JAAILJARY 5THp • • Is the 1'o -opening Day of 9 • O • 6 • TheNorthero Oosioess CoL ee •@ •• t • Established1881 • Owen Sound, Ont 0 II ''lila prnotinml arhool, regular clasara incl • e i,, O inslrrtrlim) in.(' 1'5 1)1'- s s keine in Cale Ln axing, L eillow,ipe, •f,ei ter Unliving-.Press Ili Ian pill 0 t Renee, Filing -(111, gee, fihnnnou, I)niImrl,l:Volllent ; &11»u.e, u,lpl, o , Rotmtiry, Irenetyle, Hoek I)nplienlor; lyre 1111(1,1 r1Kiliu, t I' I ' e • b1' i -g,'' ,Ani- • (,elect A,1dhlg \larltine ;' Itillbny-(hrnrlens)d 19111 marl (ll(w•g'r Type.. e weitere, 13elnmgion, Wahl Adlliug lyprwriler) 1)irin,l)Ug.. bbmhi•Iir4 0. Ne of her tieing)! has Ellie eeplipm4+nl, Gat the best, IL is piaci ilial: o • Graduates iota mut teed positions. Cal '111, • • b • C. A,F[.1111\I1Nf1. P (1 A, A I'rioi'ipti 1 rot 48 cools, • e4•••ieiii4••4••ell •••idee, 44+.449 (4 i) 19f1rV/No. • oa Peet( 1 leite The People's Column ALE -'t hu uudersl 'n.'G t ,,15 a t t alai[ n c y 1)Y nut,. 1'11a. DieC 12011110•+, 110. ('eructed DA n+CUUTOHEUN, MBI Twp. WnlE1m[.O. 'A 1001 15011 SA Ida Olt •1'O 10ENT, being Lot 111 11.,1 (1, t -ey township, Huron (:o., con- taining 108 acres 81401e is 11 oun,fortlble innate new haul, born °rebind, &e. Pohres. s)onroIiid be given 011 Alto eh 1st. harm is about 2 notes Yeon, Ethel and convenient to sellout 110,• fu, then parnoetees an 10 price, tarok, &0., apply to 0E0 W POLLARD, Phone 0610 Blaclinntlh, Ethel. FA 10U FON NA 1,11, .being Nlh• Lot 18, (loll. 0, write •1'on unhip, Huron (;o , 018letningg 100110.911 011 the in swiss,. lo good g•ronnlee (dune lions,• and woodshed. 1151111 barn 40x00, ntratr• 8111) 858511, poultry Ileums lea•10. And pig Pett There is cuusids•nble timber oil fa•ln L044111011 In 35 nide Prom °lurch end. *loci For further our) lonla•p apply on the p 8101815nrto HOST. Nit WC0I,IBR, lilytlt Rural phone 814 R. R. No. 2 131y11 FARIt 11011 SALE -Being Lot 18 in the N31 ,r elle 8111 Cwt- of .,iorrla, haeme 1.10..051e mining ,00 acres. On the premises Is n ooln• fin'toulr tram) l,otoo *111 I tt011, , and 550ud• shed, fluid o td.oft venter indoor.; batik born wits, stabling and hell honor, new l', ales dell• nig house Oeu;00 50, with hor,•t, stable end pig f11,, tu,d,•r m-nt 11, having s(t:n.- well nndremetlt lours; nod out.. i,utb,uldines 'nowt. is In rgo..t' hard nod 7 novo. ..Y lin, 11 wood bush Mo. a ideas of inn to rad low omit A ,rindt17111 /0(0•• art 1,p (It 10.11- and isble“. (hu troll nett 1 .0119, 1111111 It Int.,. '14 • n1. 1'na•e.niOn an dur,111'S111 nea-1a lm01r - ilfg to 891 I IN 110141' 1111111t l,1 1'11,].11.19,• Aloe pron.,/ y in 10 ns -1'1. ln,on'n nn the R 58111)1 p Geert3, non• (irrupted hr 80,•11er Brother,. in d 19 I, .1sel'son, 1111 34 dere 0f band will1, , nth Ionise t hu.e adjoining nd1 . 1, rbc vit. I' e el. For i' r u the1 . ;la t ie al 1 t x10 ape 111 y l l ' l the in 4111.1o, sown wilt/. R 11) t 1 P ) h r It. No.2 or phone 1714 14 NO dA('RSON. Prop. �ALC5( 11'•10 SALE, iti,g Lot 12 Col. 8, tinny 1'wo-blp, 01114,1 ('o, eonit,ning tininess.. on 111• 1rru,).,.• 1.411 cetera' 111 Ile [791,1•,' 11911 o 1111• tent: to n 1,1111,114 strb111w, 111199 orale, d. 1)1 • d, )114,1 well &r : LU nr1 aro 1V01•.r. (l, 111111101 ill 111•1 1.1 t•, II 1.)•15. 111111111• n,11 nhl,i 1 1 1.1.ml 41 l /14109 P0111 L t I tell, m 1 t it1..4 • ' l 1 1 Pa• hFn• I'm 1'n tail 1),m morn n e1' March 15t For aur. P-tillalta opnly .n the In Indica. F.•helP,o,O•phone 8418 80•4P WM. A LAMONT. ifA .110131.15 Patin 1'(16 SAl,1t,--1111 South pita Lot, 24 Con U, trey, •1.1 tures, ,ill •1-111 I d mid w 1'11 node) ill )m. n h, 1'11. u 111,1+No barn w•1li unh-)rd 1111'5 eh 0l -o (fel 41 I'm -1.n.• tut nP 1.1 n, n 4 Int 89, tail 1, of 413 55 of wilt •h o e Clem e•d 11011 tel o,.4e 1111 to 11• • 110 11. 11,,, out estate. a ,ply to OH. MA I Y O 1)4. Mile, P O or W. `4,01.4 n,, 1410,i 1•-,. ire 11.1)0 Ow I'r, St's Oli'E 1 015 14•11,14 Ott 'I O hENT.- No I • crud 950 ,11. 111. alae 11 eru58810 Ln11,,, 13,. 1' 12.- leer na141011Jnl 71),11 to 1 1,11091 it, H, 11..e1H. 88r -114)10K 1;41 ',AUDI" FOR SA(.E- rhe Int l,•1' Igned offer 1',1 role his fine •UBei,• (unto. beim Notch Hel' Int 211 ('on a, 401 1.1• L lV 10.10 It, 111110, 1.0 1'e 1 1n 1n 111 1, gond -tele 01 l Illt lvx11011, *1.1111.1'1)1, le,(I 111480;.11 11I 11o,1'. r b use 00.10 It ons 60 (0, (31X1'1 11,570ft et on r'uundOd hp ,tom he(he Rn 1'a 02x 00 Peet 1a (nue Dumb, tom (teed 0.°!1x,14 111,4 10 tore 01111), Ole nod 1)n -h k atm 16 only a mile Prom ' li" splendid m1.1.1,.1 to„ 11 of nt•us,ela 134 n.ile. from s, ), o1. (3 010 Otnteltn- It,v P,o•-e• ion 111 oiler For Purifier pn Hien" 10144, 01`11.111 1 10'1114. &0 n ph• on the pet mites or to .10HN MOONEY, Proprietor, 85888818 P.O. e� �.®d®®�! Ada • W. H. LOVE' Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders pro010113, and oar'e- I'olly alltntl(d• 10 night. or IitLy• Phan) 228. 1 F_ TH EL, ONT. of`' LLEGE H k E v-- - -•- n....•....a4 y, I1) nee IdN f� 1P ambition(' tb11if , i1H 0 1 111 V Ie 0 lilt cru 61 1 rant i 11 I 110t n.t 111 011' I , own 411 iettt1gi,tiers(mutiny 0ll(ble, s, l lit g• e• t,l11thlo e. rebid,. cru 11 lclegrn- phr''e uvH st'ennts, r1, lar.[ e15011 aph.•Im01 ontiv(U,-.4, y., may Shoot at • mates. 1 .I 1'1110 se tell,. Seem-ems 1ys 911111'• Oen 1 1.0 1..col only'ds0,Wani i• t 1 .' 31 1(11'0 It 11.1.1/10 ' ' 111.11 , -1 .•teal' t tette° - t.11. gest t.M••. - 111, r, it, 1'11 seye 1 ,.911eg.N 11'•1 e n (011011,,s til - , 111 ,,, ,, • 1td,re, t."'• 1 1. I 001,11H 'U(( ,1] -_.h.,. tit .,11001- •Intl .•.. 10, ,,,e • Co,- . lel,, I u1,11 •Wln hell O'IsiHees � CQlle e Pees -tans I'. AN,Itsr., 1 PI'I1,f•i 1111 e .rxmt•..�.ss'lrta::.:�ne:,l�c!ea;�c• tri �ai.rae:�atal is 111'('11,1'1',] 10 sr Plply the hest genii« ht 51'11tilia Ile, 11111 nnr] K'nodt'n I'nutps mn41 H(,,3,] till Illlgv smell es 15•tting, \\'ill- e1' Howls. lin lee11 &e, l;,ei1ilea 1i - ('11 31111s. 11rim1111' a,ttrndetl to,.. y Give tire a. cell. 11 AYMI , Crl iIhrsok •