HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-2-12, Page 8Valentines Kodak Films
St, Valentlnels day, Saturday, Feb. 19th
'1'he popular custom k to remember
your friends with a Valentine or
,Post Card on Feb. 14111.
Valentine Pennants in red or glue felt
at 154 each. '
Fancy Fold ,ue Valeo tines --0 I'. n open-
ed up simple% a red parte(2511 teem,
Other Fancy Valentines from 5c up soSi oo V
Laee Valentines -5e and roe each,
Valentine Novelties -some new ones -
Also )
Also Red Hearts fur , cal et too..
Post Cards e
Push Cards In boxes, I:c ellen
Bring Us your Christmas Kodak
Films to Develop a•.d Print. WI
will get the best from every expo,.
ure, and gladly assist ton to eve n
still better future resnl'4. Now 1s
the time to use -
Flash Sheets 25c pkg,
elox Water Colors
Complete nuifi with special Brushes
And Palette. 75e,
ook of Color Stamps
iz eolors 254.
Snap Shot Albums, 150 up.
Novelly y Iul ds, nuc each. Negative Albums 51.00.
A bean'iful range, some with red -
sill: hearts at 5e each
Also a great assortment at 2 for 5c.
Be sure and take some Winter Pictures
r"he Store
rata' 4tth m ljtclna
COMMONWEALTH Male 9 arterte
Monday Match and in Brussel 'lbws
THE Rural 'Celephose Annual m+ et
ing brought i large crowd to Blus.ela
on Tuesday.
REV MR PAGE and G C Manners
attended the Co. Lodge, at Wingham
Tuesday of last w-ek as rep esentatives
of Brussels L 0 L. No, 774
LOCAL nays a•lpears on. page 5 but
dont bother turning to it, although we
might say it is well worth reeding and
will be perused by a good mauy other
this issue of 'I RE Po.T m,y he read the
abstract statement of Bius•ets finances
for 1933 ere audited by G. N McLaren
and Jno. Ferguson, edictal auditors.
Read it
THE Poser congratulates Cleveland
and Mrs. Allan, 1'.t Halifax on the ar-
rival of a son and heir to their home
Mr Allin is one of the insn•ttttors of the
Naval cadets and will now have op
portunity of practicing ' quick menet: I"
even if he is seldom able to "stand at
ease "
'THE Seaforth stage started nut law
Mendey morning but owing to the
badly (1rif.ed stare of the reads was
compelledto come back. V. rt' little
travelling was done ol, Suede, better
the storm had a clear way 10 pile up the
snnlv A link.s
AT7'ENT 'r s
I'.N 0 readers dr,nf7 i.
called to the Dental Card 01 D Gro
1 H Ross. of Winghem, wh''h nppe:ir
111 this issue He is the eldest sort r f
D C and Mrs Ross, of Rn,s.els, and
hes a large tool growing t•usrntss in our
neighboring town
SRvsat' people should be well strip
plied with milk during th • ermine -
season for in midi ton to Wm Arm.
strong, who succeeds Ernest Roz -4', L.
Hollinger and lames Burgess hitt al.))
cater to the -ame trade. All are well
located and the householders should be
well served between them
L 0 L -Following are the eee04.,ee
for 8r04eels Orange Lodge. Ne 774 (nr
the current term --W M , G C Man-
ners; 1) M., Rohr Bowman ; Chap-
lain, Rev Mr. Page; Ree Sec. S '1'.
Plum ; Fin. Sec Geo Ca d If •; 'frees ,
Ruht Smith, 444.'4m., inn, Sm'nons;
Dir of Cer , David Smith ; Cementer,
Messrs. Smith, Me('utch' m and
Tbuell ; 'I'y'er, Geo (Wren
TRIP Roux') TH0 WORLD.- Friday
evening, at 7 30 o'clock. a Messlonary
Party, under the Rnsp•ces of the Ep-
worth League, will leave :he ehu'cl1
and visit 4 homes renresenting t'hina, c
japan, 'I'urkev and the No-th west g
1'. Indians where sketches of these people, P
musical selections and refreshments.
akin to the various countries v ill be • 0
the program After this itinery the
travellers will return to the church end
report on the trip,
THE WEATHER - Following nut the
program or Rev Irl Hicks, whir+ (nay
be lead on page 4 of thio ;sena, Fr•doy,
Saturday, Sunday and Mnndey wrie
days in which considerable weather w 's
abroad that rattler upset the celenlannns
of people, especially no Sundae in the
matter of getting to services and t0
other missions of love Mr Fitelts saes
there are to be "doings" fm several
other days before the month closes and
he ought to know. So look Ont,
Annnuncemeut4 are being merle ter the
holding of a County Convention of
Temperance workers in Oti'ar+o Street
Methodist church, Clinton, on Pride Y,
20th in81.' 44 ) o dt
84088 th sit
e new . t n anon
attained by he great victnt'v of Januar,
29111 Meeting 1)5),114 a' to a m -'1'34• n
on Feb. 25, 26 al01 27 h the 1101111 .l
Convention of the 0 nano Rraneh of the
Dominion Alliance is to meet in Masse%
Hall, Toronto %ellen one of the biggest
and best gatherings of 'Temperance
people is being planned. Greet pro-
gram of addresses, music and elillcu mon
is arranged. Single fere on the rail.
ways, by the eertiecale pan Rev
Canon Greene is .President and Rev.
Ben; H. Spence Secretluy Flnron Co
will no doubt be well represented at
111;8 gathering.
' Many old•frienctn will regret to hear of
the (1eeellse of Mrs, (Dr,) W. J R. N
Holmes, of`G0derieh, -a fortler well ae
known resident Of Brussels. She had ho
been Ili for seine tithe and her death was W
not a surprise to her relatives Mrs. ere
;dolmas (vas 73 Years of age and is 4431)'- le,
%eyed by her husband and three AIMS, re
Barrister Dudley Holiries,r of Wnlgham; ge
Hilton, of Port Arthur and F. Barlow, Ile
of Se. Total Deceased was a fine repre la
9eetative of womanhood, hriglr); kltl+llv, Ge
ladyItke end possessed of wits and Ge
graces above the average See had a Al
Wide circle of friends div whom she was M
greatly beloved. It is 31) Veers niece the 1t'
fern}14) moved from Rtuseels-i, the Co $3
town Funeral lank place \Vednesdsv •b1'
afternoon Dr. Holtnee and snit well pe
• Allard lo the e1)1npatlty of dlundrede of Cr
LET the fellow who said he wanted
colder weather sten(l up
BRv.50L9 will play hockey at Luck•
now '1'11Ur.d84 even)hg of this week.
e e hope to see our lad, win the League
ehatnuionslnp this season
Tux lab, of J and Mrs 'Thiladeau.
who was so serioush'ill during tile past
week. died on 'Thursday night and WAS
butted Sa-nrday anemone in B'u.sels
cemetery, Rev. Mr Page cuuducling
the eervlee
Thur.dry 4101 owe of 11)15 See It Atte
ander S ever. Quern st pert East, died
at his home in his 64311 year. The
funeral will take piece omSalurdar, 14111
Met , r t 30 es ct arch.
DATE Ne' 4\x834. -Hy reason of
the dem. 111 the installation of the
tweesse'y fi dugs for the Motion
Picture Shod: 11 (1, finite annmut'cemrn
es tap openh,g algid will not he made
until next week, R M SINCLAIR.
—o� •:
O48ROnAT 3001 11 by mistake from skirting
rink Will pettier 'wring it klndiy leave it at
Tits Pops,
Foe BALs -2 cutters and 1 juniper. Apply
to hilts D Rr'BB -
Fon •Ada.- IEney'lopardin Stith/mien,
latest edittoe. A dtetionn';4 of Arts, seleneee
end .e•' -ret hte,ain lie Ln thirty volumes.
with Arue•eoln .unplemen 1. Fully illustrat-
ed won over 10,1E0 norerei1s, ph.tea and eu-
grevitng. Mie D BOAR,
Wonlc ,,ug AN wt LL AR BLACE8MnTn1190 -
N T Plum tau supply all re) air. 111 the wood-
work tine in r0onr,ti•'n with the buebteaa
if you rtlan0 ani think in this department
call in N
ho l len '
p Inas Ptl art Br
r n 1
Y 1'.c w Illi
P. doe Icor 1 in Morrie. 1
o vie, HP has
whit, 4)'011 and 1=matt An) prr.r t knr l'i, g
ofhls where 34105,, 15,11 des fever by notify-
ing Robert Younger, Boaterls P. 0, or BI) th
phone 387.
'rvoiopit and Bamphell cutters sold by E.
G. Plum Brussels. Ark about them.
Will vow, set and ate ell ruler or ser PaW
now with the latest raw tools. Tom McGreg-
or, Brussels, Ont.
—o --
"0 24- FuI0,1mg ale the 1f eet
01 Bcus.el. Canadian Older ef Free,
1,18:-C R JPs Hilyese;V C It
A. 'theme -0o ; F S , S. '1' Palm ; 12
S . E. P.um ; S. W., Ino Curr e ; 1
, St tit rie ; S B , N m Rands
1 le, NmMlllex• 'Hees, Chas
Ritchie ; Chaplain Geo Kerr: , on
darter, S T. Plum: Audi ars, E.
P um and A 'I' Currie.
FORD -Ao even of V, y 'pec MI 111
teles) funk pleor when memeets of
Carnet enured, Listowel, and mane
o (nee 41Ien4144 eM01)01 ed t0 111)' pat 4811 hall
o mark the completion o Rev H. M
Lang Fool's five y ars es rector of
Cerise ellurnh Poe parish hall was
roweled to the doors. -A brlgtrt pro.
(sin of songs, recitations, etc. Wae
r vulrtl, atter Ancil the rector and
Mrs Lang Furl ,vele ,alien to the plat
1 R E Geogheg;(n, the penpte's
warden, read a most beautiful word, 41
expressive 01 the highest ap
pl'e(,Ih'lon of Mr. and Mr's La11g•Fotd'a
services during he pact five years 'T
(I And Alen, the rector's warden, made
the pie.enl,oion, consisting of a prise
of goad arid club hag •0 Mr L tog Ford,
8.4(1 to Mr. La'Ig-Fuld a gold heeded
umbrel'a A most appropriate rep y
15814 made The reverend gentleman
wt18 a former Rector of St Jo1111'11
ceurch, H•us•ete.
PINE •ARNIVAL,-'The firs' Carnival
of this s
,1'a un %exs held un the rink herr
ori 'I'ue.(Ly eve ing end aurecte'1 a
hie CIOW3 0.•tls,der)ng the eondttl0n of
roads end U rather Ice 4188 greet and
there (yep a 'muteness cos times, man%
of I en) ve y nice nee The races Hud
fent - .Ie
u gore u 1 ort ,
Y g un t n
g t the
•0.141 Alin t
. s and I the atm at Furgn,iep
art o doing • p'e)t. thine•" on skates.
It n1' s tints were 'nl on by 1',e 4'4.11)')'.
Phe g rte. leeelpts keened $78 50
Proprietor 'french and 1) 5 malinger,
the genial S liell, did their part 111
A 1 st%le Red kept up their past leteva
tion for good humor anti eenern.i y
Mr Tlench wens from Brnssel1 0
Brant ford 111(1 will 'eke in Milt•llrhand
Chiron where he ()rens rinks and h s
C'rni11441' h„Ir'I Prizes Wele awerd'rt
as follows : -Re•1 dre'.srd Indy, M'Ss R
Hunter; best dressed girl, Margtte' u'
Wilton , hest g. nt H Smtth t lies
dressed nor, Jim Lrie•+y , hest National
00511.1111e, Miss Sher ff ; hest National
enrtumegirl, Maljml Campbell begs
33) 001 t C "eltltne gent, Cleve. D t bow
1'l no, Cur, le ; hest National emstumr
1•, Geo Nttlabn ; p mire gent, '1.11118
14Ilea)'; conic Ivy D Welke, ; hest
nr f8ne% akseete W C Smith • h,sl
ly skiver Mes B Henderahn 14 retie
t1,, ('t0Wn, E E ren ; t little at•r.
111, F Geste; stele rice ii y44, jack
Hants nd and J is O''ver ; tn,lr race
le ford girt, Mita Steller. cord Fteek
'y; mile e'Owlt race: Iner, 14
n ; n, fop rate special h. J Pr•lt,
Ix. Fee t• gut's reef,. Doris Ross,
twee"' 11' Wilton nod inrx MtN chol
ne K'lig, of 3emea41)WT, wort the
,o0 for
the bfivgest load 'trf panni,
'1115511 to the Cerniv141 He had es
,smears 'Tor redoes were M• M
tan, of Hathiiit,h, tow "jodeopf'Fhd
y, ptlolpht
r ri THE
The iEsraBusttien
T INI 1870
) 1,
Capital Paid up
Iteoorvo Fund
Undivided Profits
$.1,000 000.00
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town, Money can be d(-posite d or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened,
F. H GfLR^Y, MANPGfR J. F. Rowland, ®®® 1111ana ,e1'.
0 at 'i
ENDING money to any point in
fei Canada, the United States or
Europe is safe, economical and
expeditious when this Bank's drafts
and money orders are used.
On account of the death of Ale
Stewart sr, the Valentine Social p414
eed for Frtd,y evening in elelvi
churoh, will he postponed iurle6p,le1
1 OMM0NWEALTH Male Qtlar et
'1'nwu Hall, Hiussels n and y, M81.
2nd, udder auspices Brussels Put
Literary 'Phe best of the season Mis
reeler Mug else but (tont miss 11115.
LITERARY -A meeting of the Brus
seta 4100151 and L11erery Society was
held In the Public Library on Friday
evening of last week Tile p,ugr14m
c -n.144)011,4 a dl.oussionnf r ecomtnetela-
tunts merle by the executive ; a Debate
and music. The dreisinn was giv4•n t1.
the negative in the debate •'Resolved
that Commercial life offers greleer op-
portunity to
D-portunitv'0 Canadians then professional.
life " Miss Verne Welker gave et solo
which was alone warth going to hear.
The meetine adjourned going
meet again
on F id o, Feb 20111.
HOCKEY -Friday evening of last week
a hock s septettefnm Wrisee'er v sited
the High School -learn The visitors
were defeated by the dieeetrnus score
7 0 'Although the viaitnrc plated gond'
huclit y t het were east y outclassed A
return match w111 be paired in Genie
rink. Friday evening 04 this week The
line-up here was as follows :- '
High School Wr"xeter
W Harris. Goal O Shaw
C (:)'noses Point H. PH 1)')'844
S Fox. Cover Pt A Hinck
H Lowry. Rover I' R'tnn
E Lowry, Centre C. Reis
A. Thompson R Wing B MrKercher
J Bsllantyie L Wing G Ii411en%ne
Rel rev -W Bell,
Concert 111 toe Course put on he R as-
sets Public Library was elven !u the
X. ut'EDNF. DAY morning 4l'e' I000le'ers Miss Hnttgh, rif W!ngh m was visit -
n- resets e1' rd.l r m 10 U) 17 deg, res below ,1144 NI. s Irene li,rkla, , of own. 80148303 -At Fl dyrocd, Brnoo Co , 1111 ,1801.
Ilez ern
.0 [ I, 5 said \ I
, We
are N : u •n r mess I to
•, I y to state that Allan " ? 91044 u,• and .1's, A t,1' Aairert
4) La•nou, ha, been laid aside Irout srork ", WIa , o imin'v� roily WOudfred
Chews, West Mine, ne Net,
te, People We Talk About b, t1'"ublr will one leper. Rupe b1' will aid, 1014 to De turd ern.E 0 Wilford, a
chsour he o k ; daughter,
tic �— F
8 1. '1' Hood made a business trip to
LOmin(1 1 •w week
A C. Dames was in Toro.tto for ei
few days this week.
M ss.Stut, of Wroxeter, is a visitor
with Mrs J F, Ruwla Irl this week
I) raer)a' CH nt plell, of Allallfnrd was
vete leg frieods in 1'1ivn. over Sunday
Wm Machu)', vis; rd with hie skim,
Miss E .l1', he a 5 eek He et tees Roel
Aline es
Jon $tret'on, of Detroit is herr on a
visit with hie brother te' F , and other
101931vr8 and sod bleed.
R Clemens. of the 0 A C staff,
Gee ph, wets a vi.l•or at Ilse Me'1e1,d181
P.n x, matte over 'undo.,
leichard Cat rt ff leas visiting Inn. B.
Smith in (booed C• un v define the
p'8' week 'Phe men ere brotllers•in-
• A E. ilereel• Was a' Ottatt•e les' week
2')11nQ'ng a nteet,nt: of the .Stone
Cutter,' Aeso Mrs Itersty visited
wl•h Lisle el friend% •
Mrs 1, Stark and d'uell'er, who
were vismInv for IIIe pest month at Mrs.
Marsden Smith's, lawn, left for (heir
home in 'torn to 15.1 541(1)•33 y.
H. A Wh t0 and Sl"lrE. Mn. Memo, e•
of Her ue MCin , and Miss Nettie
Gilpin, of Lnnrlon, daughter of the late
Rev J W G+Ipin, ure visitors at the
home of the • uncle, J J G 1p•n, Church
atter), 14'n.srls
Gen n', c^d-h'4rle, K 1,
n -k.. ereGihveerr pr, d ne 5)14,of1 145.
• f hro1
honer moon in H'u,5e1s and Meath,
Mrs, G'vr118' 018•(1 11 nam0 was M's.
1 Mlle Mitchell deuehter of Richard
and Mrs. Machell fo meth. of are
10.145; , ma- wish
hr It
Y u +
C011 pie m •''y pt•osprrons (•ea,e
145 h Net Rog•s, who 11,41 been visit
1118 a) her 01•I he rte here for panne ti15-
reulrned to Po. liege Irl Prai,ie, Ma' itnl+,
TI1111941 y . f this week She was ae
eontpan ' (1 1 y her tow her Who exp)')'
to .petal a 1) w months in the N'r.'
We h•tpe an ei.joyable time is ahead o
Mrs angers
Miss's Vela McCracken x1,11 Ens
Mai 11415- en erlanlerl a 0)olber o
Inrndo a tate hem of Miss McCrsekt
'1'lur.d43' evening 11181 in loner nt 11'n
Mryhrre of Ari mea. Guest, were
present from Clanht1011, Go y. Mnrr
aid Brussels Evru111e Wa..p. nt 'u
games Hod 4111181C.
The Atte C,Big Banter of last wee',
salrl :- George G )eves, of the ti 811-
d ted }Link w Is 4044,lerred 'h s W' ek t
tate Brus e'. $,'inch George ,reit 1'
mewed )'''m inn• m the At me Y n
Poop r'8 110111 of the Po-) y . 4 e
0114'411 be u,n11,thn„-d. tin ;nines -o,
paper 011 the su+j ct • Perils wile 1
threaten on. N.wuu.'
Po.vn Hall 'I'uesdar evrn'ng, 41het
de pile weather and deified 1'o,-(1' 8 fine
reeled audience yr r eel
the Lei I -ti 1
gI ml h
Company No one was d,,spp inl.rl as
1)0M that 10las1 the p'oglam was filet.
11)4108 It was semew),at nn gn in its
make no ft"m the fact the fewult's
were; ntrodured rarely bund in An teen•
Ing's tniertatumsnt, Company eon-
s Stet of Sits Bessie Leiel, reader, who
made friends flour her fist number 1)4)13
sustained her part 10 a very pleasant
manner Miss' A4-ee Genevieve Smith
the hat5)iet, delighted her au(litois end
wh, ther in oto form duer or 8e•
companhneet she proved herself
mistress of the hemp In vomit selec-
nons Mos V. ra K Mallett diel her part
most aceeplahl. And as a whistler she
Is a star With p ofessu11181 ability
H erre Robinson played his numbers
011 the violin and 1n duet with Miss
Sort h on the harp rendered entrancing
muetc. There • as no weak snot in the
evening', 1 roduclion and meter winds
..f ronlmenllatlon were .peken to 4 Ile
(Aerie 1144 the Public leih18•y'or hri1g-
in4r.nCil high\class talent to 13r04r'n
rtie Leigh -Smith Co could pack the
hall on a future occes'on. Closing
Concert of the Course will he given on
Morris y, Match 2nd When the Con1-
monwe,l1h Male Qualtee le will put on
1431 A t program
'1`ELRPH NE 14100TING - The anima
m-' ting in Hiussrl. Morris and Grey
Ir -d pendent Tel, phony .Comps' v was
held W she Tortes 118)1, Brussels, '111e• -
)'lav afternoon of this week ueerly '
Notched .utsc•lbers bang prawn .
Piei,d 111 F S .colt occupied the
Chair 'Pile A,I'nsl repo)') was read Red
(hseucsed Med 1,588 :-13op'rd on motion
f ino. Grant 154(1 Atex Brrans
Qu' stint of pure asiug a Mese and r1g
h'r the linrm811's use Was-di5)'nssrd
Richer(' Procter, of Morris; Edwa'd
BrvIlnC of Grey ; and F S Scmtl, '0'
Bruss.ls, were re.eleteed Dirrctms 'or
1944 011 me ion 'Phos Miller, of
Morris, Wan re elected Auditor Meet -
ug was most harmonious After ex
plsining various matters of interest to
the subscribes the meeting was hroughl
acWse As impels of the business
the veer mev he gleaned from the
1 wing report ort •-
Rent. of Telephones $ 821 85
R,11t of Extensions .. 21 50
Moving'phoues ................ 7 50
'Pell ... .44......44 .,....... 8 72
Rent of rooms 27 00
Butteries 1 fill
D 13\34-43.41 14cennht 2 80
'Reeked rhegtte rein•ned 14 70
Dobentnres sold 44.44,. . 4233 as
ill Let'esL and tampons unsold910 05
Bank inteie8t oU debenture
1LOOntlllt ....... .. .......... . 65 89.
Telegram 2 W
$8111 47
Deficit Hank attennh1 1912.,,$ 861 92
Capital at. poles, Telephones
etc.)' 941 41
M'tinten(alce supplies ., 701 75
0113)' ;11 80110'; 48 901 60
Offleers' anti Directors' sal-
aries ....44.44...,.. .. ,169 110
Livery 876 011
1t R. Board expenses - 88 8o
Fuel and light .., 100 15
Cabot' and emistl'ur.tion 4444...'260 70
IeeigIt express
a6 a.
Printing' 188 80
°emelt:ewe debetltui a ac. 1912 1000 1(0
'Vliscellanentis............. 1 174 61
Linemen's 80111(7 , .., 66672-
Cash nal 1)tlnd .... .,,44...,....,,180 89
$1.0 AI
Auction Sales
AUUt1UN ..A 1111 ria' FA111,4 ;1401.14, 111,•
PLhN144Te., F8"11.888, ab0 -F- .o, ;vett
A uuLl
0 111,1111131 11.m
Ute uudrr1.greell 01,181(10 .11 by Pu1
Auuuuu 1,01 6,, 1.11 10, Urea Twit., 111M:
dey.lob, Opel ,3 1 ,5,130 181 follow n',
3841'8 e•U propel -1,3 1 avert m),1 n.mg 7
a nars.ullu. 11to be In „nn to Hurl ie l:h. a,•
prow, !draft 11141.0 riming 6 , ears, 9 drlilt hong.
ou't3 ri)ntg l p 34111, 40044 s 8np1 sed 111 will, 1
h.11rr 1.181„g 2 ye0le 8 -44.er8 3-18;8134 2 y, s
0 calves teeing 144 N ninon 60 b«ne, I DWs
.3418 bend)',, 1 Aril t,,.iek- 04400)')', 1 %e1111
1/111030 spread, ,1 tD 11 511(41,5 Wllil anew, 1
Lew wagon, 10,1011 wagon, 2 1)ggne. I nutter,
1 98,, bnb•rleivle., 2 Paul n.s milt. 01111 beeper,
1-eed drill, l land roller, 1 disc harrow, 1
hone rake, 1 set iron holier 4 81.01105. i
gang plow, 2 walkleg plows I souffle,: 1 root
pumper, 1 g''11111 01•118 .1.,1,, 11111)11111) 34,x, 1 Era vel
box l sot 1004111 s' al e, 2 sots,l tulle harness
leer, Angle 1114108.., , eoltre(10 a hlffi-,1 'ren
forks rod groin bo Es, 2 heidees 1 sink le .rand,
e5' 813 hu hole epee ants 801m helm .eed bar
Iev,1001tu•1181. mixed fe.'d, 1 Oxford meati
men Pistol, I vno,hnt' «ugin) 1 davenport
remelt 1 Worse, I 1111011,4 rungs, I hnn3)111
Stove. 1 ouhbnerd, 0 di nloternnul ehAiro, n
kitnhen ally MI, 1 11o"hon t81,1e. 1 hed•ronn
811110 ID Iva
x 41141'4 N
1 wn r r
8 hint n ee n10.
, r r
a In nbr
1'n lei k
1 nil nee n n , 81 between •
( 1'n 90
as rho verde or 0,, ho t 1, Nott lrnJ' nn.: -
a8 1''e prop -1,40,, h, A ld hi. forts !1'11 inn. ;-
All mints 0600 aid wetter 00811, over that
nn'eltlf 0 menthe e1' 1311 will be give. n)
far"aislhrg onprnvrA joint notes 6 nee rant
oft for nosh nn nrndit 8mnnn)8. Ornin an ho
(melt F N Pratt, Ann Tn1111 Ewe, Prep.
A0011.0N .SA I,11 nM NA1331 .TOI K ANL
i4l1LHa;m5'1,8 -'L'hn under9lgneu auction, •
Or hap reserved hull l • 1lto 4141111 (1 13 And•
fat. to 84,1) US 4)11h1i0 111.101 1011 1111 11141 perms.,,
Lob 10,•:01 A, I or ry , Tuesday, Kele 00441
44,11, 1911, al one,,',' lock' u 111 Sharp, the re •
Iowa g (Nein .1004. a4ddmplrmo.tfr, non,. y
2 Hag d)hcal, NOW 4+115) totted to be in ono, 1
fresh row 7 glade cows su0po.e11 fn cot( :
gg Teel, heifers rating 2 {Nina old .nppnsed 4<
ba hi081E 6Steers ei Ir gg 23',11)8 old, 2 heifer
rising 2 votive 011.4 to'Ifere titling 1 v+ar old
steer rasing I year 01(1. Wood mow doe Aimed
kW/ Soling IoWS, 6 s'or pigs 4 ,,,,, Its .old
uui e•.0 ,r ecis tee erseeeood to he 111 Pool t,.
(30ld1mk ]loran Hein 6 rears obi, 2. beret
Ootterteille YearSnld 2horse eons. M.hlg 2
yam's old onronett rising 2rears old, 21,01,4
001,5 ,'l -Ing I v. n , n1d, eines colt rising 1 yea r
01,1, 11113twe 11 blotter 11 root, nearing mos Pr 0
root, %?n+alr•Hn'rim liny insider hey entre to
f '1,`10001h nettles, her 'aka 8 fist, fn rein)'
m111, 41,41)10), to,', disc„ 4)'8844 'nPunrnter, met
I roll h'lrrown 241ir90w 01,1w 8 Aerie view.
11tnr1 roller, ra'te•, nen h'rve.31,r end (merle
e boggy, l( astir n •Orly new, form Wagon. I
rh1t'1'nl44gtln ..anal' 118, 2 rent helper.. he,
fork, reps, )nlporA 14151,0, 1101 team hu,mrsr•
,11 101A ayr)1n ev estivate'. g81 'erhng tank,
lyre hen It, 800 nip twattrat syrovi vara. 11111)
rens. 751,)10 (1 A f' Nn, 21 barley, 100 leo
SOS, 6 In ,P her, .800 1 ne fatseleee, obese, bona, sn,' 6 needle, et
Pork. Ih01,44horpl.been Port niter prtirirrten nnne1551n
fa mon tins T erne, -Rev
grads, runts and all name 034 °nerd tinder rash:
neer Hist/14101141 10 inn )he e•eelf• W'til1-,
elven on nnrrhnt-e 8 t,ea11rld1'(1 )'11"345531'
SMrit nein Seep -0114 r,ff fee oast, e, re',
neete erste wine t5f , ev4B
•ve 0, 141•n1 le) ,
)vtn1'rnramble us, fie natiermrp1prep
r1G tat 100fef12r Aube
. H. and Mrs Gilroy Arid Master i MARR,EO
Harlington spout Sundae at the Pres •RnnsumsQN-Af000NA3,1,- At tl)34 manse
by :ernes metier.mer. Lurkuo(34. %vol) Rev. I 0,444)'0 M'
11 b,- Bev r-MO(:nllen•l) on.
a'id 1Frs Dtuto•in. 'Phe ladies ere re- 1 Wrdee•duy, Fel 91h Mr. Hummel Bobert-
la'ed Pon, to Miss 441,7,8) 1)0her,alrl, all of Grey,
3 A. Deadman is away to Chat ham
and Merlin this week A large number
of celon'es of bees are at ' he letter piece
nut( he was.anxious to know 1l0w they
were winterng
Last 'I'ne.day Mrs (Rev ) Pau],
0,lebrated her 78'11 114.1110011 Site
would easily pays for to y ars younger
as 81'5 is 511 RC, 11.r. and heard . We
congratulate her and W.sts her 11 trued
man' More hir'hdsy,
CRACKED A RIE-'d'h,1e War ing
heck, y one evennlg le 1 week, on the
rink, Pri e:mai B ti Sro" lied the oris
fortune in creek a rib 1•y a eolll<lon 511i14)
one of the opposing p' y •15. He s ink
to hit duties al' hough the :njllty ateeact
Cof$ide1'able pain.
DOuoutest'Y - Ii1 MoICItlnp tawn•hip, at
raw ail 0111 1914„1•'114 Albert Dnngh,a•ty
acrd 98 y«11.4 1 nutotII 81,11 22 rho 8
13111.141 a. -In (40rleneh of Feb, eat y 11, h. 1914,
:tilts 1nr1w 1 R Ro'ntts, eatd 71 yrur..
data Arial AN In Grey tow o.hh, m• Fes Nu•.
8th, 1014, Thome!, 'treeh,n. j1' . 11g. (l 62
pm, nrd 4 mont1le
STxwAnT - In arm. -,•18, on F'ehrnary 121(3,
A lrx,ulder Stewart, in hie 84th yen),
Wllrnt .. F 06
Oats - 84
Pen0 85
Serie, 60
Butter 22
8 76
Eggs ..., .. ....... ..................
AI re, li:tll1 It beritemll, 1011, eon., 18
not mini livint, ea 111 f ,tri her neatly
()Meek 111 old dealt h111 ell hope el
elle age fir the bet ter will soon epistle.
i The ano1v1I'snr4y seer r itTS of Knox
ehnreh, 0Ja wren', 11411)' been pled,
pound mil 11 01•x1 44,n,lity, Fels 1511)
lvhwt I('1' 141' 45
ul' 1in18d)'18,
hill In'om•h 111 21301-":11; 011 7811 p U1.
Motel, 114'1o111g, F, 13 1311,, a title
i odem •ni')• lo,•ki'am reel IAevinee by
12.4 f) M-11,... of 81441.11ell 411151 be
Orem 1'ullIi, hese lily, invil('11 to
tlieut. ete.yirrs.
0 iU•hnniller, ,,l' Gore ie, was i0 the
village 1111 'I't11'sdn V.
Ilei 1'y 1ln1 ling, of Dnrhe te, Wks 11,
vIsil 1111 the trillegr nn '1'hnr.dey.
11188 ,1l:u•g4reL A 11d'rs„n, 111' 4Vhile-
rhn'i11, is 1111' guest. of Ales. Thus.
1\1111 tin.
A nuplhoo floor bete 1151011(111(1 1111
888011,3413' given h)' he )'00(114 1110(1 of
(lot He nn 14rld4y 11vrniug.
I1')'d \lorrrv, of I.ha 1111vn1 41,41,14,
13,144 34,•00 4ld4nm4e1r8(1 10 a 11111.11141 at
Ki11g'1Oil fill' 44)3411.11 piece he left on
8111111 day. -
i) i.) G. Al. F)1'• G110, Fowler, of
'1'eeswee or, of the .4lusn)ic ()Hier,
vigil Ied Fnt'sl. Lotdg11 tape nh Mlntleay
evening in hie effiri4.l 11 4)11)115”
Mese! and MI.. Hurl is, of Howick,
eelehrateel rhe 25111 eu,nive't'sltey of
their nett tinge last 'Th035111y even-
ing when they 111,1e•tltiued e4 h%rge
1111011,1 of thele' friends.
The People's Column
0OI9 "411,13 The 4411. reigned 1'-e n booth
of felts rnr -ole Pe,.n, 424„ 110 ,rafo,•lh
0,otrid 3CUTCIIEON, blot'
Killop Twp,. Wnlcun P. 0.
G.,,inntenr Royal finllege of Dental Sur.
86 0004, n1' rinhn•ie and Gerrit-IntoUnlveraity of
64 &'oroerm Fnon'ty nrpeeti.re,
1 00 Office in Ward Block, Wingham
b'R Phone "40 Pow, nm. a amen
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
8 76 Bridge Work a Specialty
I Will
• be a fag Day in
essgseee..... ere rrs,e e, 00 •oeee.00 w®05eee some* ea r HON e0000000000 000•0000000000,
Clearance Sale of .Remnants and Odds 81
Makethis Stor
ping Centre f
. and Ends of all Descriptions
• •
vURING our Big January Clearaway Sale we find we have a large quantity of 3
• Short Finds and Oddm r
m n t. `f o-
S I 1 all departments trtmen cA
® s which
we have marked down o
® for quick cl. ar:ince ; almo t everydest'ri int 3
�, Ipu n,ol �o0ds in this sale consisting es
® of Silks, Dr. ss Goods, Cloakingv, Muslins, Satee-ns, Prints, Table Lint -ns, Towelliligs, 3
Shirting Flannelettes, Embroider -its, Laces and Ribbons, Flannelette Gowns, Under- e
s° skirts, White Waists, Fleece Underwear, Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Etc„ Etc. a
G 41
One-quarter Off
• VerySpecial for Saturday
0 Th -is is a Bargain M 3' a
kiln tint to b1'' missed• •
9 'All excellent $4;115 A Intl), rt i1'. One-quarter Off o
• , 1 n) Bpnwn soul Gies
• Worsteds )ural Mixed Tweeds, awl every Suit We have size'' 841 to 42' to ahnos1 frntkl in. Brown8 an(1 e
® Or
1lade on Won!, tnuclels assenting r hip.) 0 I'11e"nitulfe tD
a style. Guereulteed 1,1.1 new stook. Sizes 8.1 Ir 44. Greys. Single mord double breasted -
a 1 1 0'
To Clear One-quarter Clear �liC- cartel
lie garter D Off
• ff q
116 i•S3'
s Extremely low for Saturday P
Penman's int(1i55' all wool V.9ts and DI-ntv0r4-
Reg. $1 25 Saturday Special 499
Watson's Ladies' 4111 wool. Vests 14(1)'1 Diet n we!rs-
Reg. $t oo Saturday Special
Ladies' Heavy Weigh V110t1 and 1)1vtte n -
SP 9
Reg. 750 Saturclay Special
u 50c 31
e1 25C ., it
Very Special for Saturday
la Pink and White flannelette
Rrg $1.35 Saturday Special 1.09
ci 1.00 n. ..
s Striped ed Flannelette
p Gowns._
Reg 750 Saturday Special 3
50c .39
these Prices are, for
Saturday only so do not missetttn :
�J 9 someof them
We make a Sppecialt oOrdered
0,�• a
The 13ig Store, Brtissells
Highest Price for Butt r Fowl Eggs, g„ , a end. Dried Apples,
E010441.00.101014011.4•066.60.00 010000000.000600601160.0•41400 onsiStke isseasosze•sereiesanoint. 41