HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-2-12, Page 6Tellesearee *Wesel le Young Folks 120421,12,4041011 02011,11,12~0012.1102.41242 The Timid Rabbit. The rabbit Fete in 'the doorway of his house. His House was a safe, deep hole solder a stump, He had wo loug ears sticking straight up in front, and a little' wad of white tail sticking. straightup behind':. JLe was a good rabbit. The little' girl and the little boy came walking along together, hold- ing hands. They saw the rabbit, "0 rabbit," said the little boy, "muni and play with us1" 'Please do, rabbit:" said the lie- ' tie girl, But the rabbit did no's oome. • "Well," said the little boy, "if this rabbit will not come and play with us, we will go and play with hien," "Yes," said the little girl, "let's get some playthings." Se 'the tittle boy brought the play table and four play chairs. The lit- tle girl brought a basket. In the basket were play dishes, tablecloth and napkins. The little girl whispered to the little. boy. He laughed and ran away. The rabbit wriggled his nose, "Now, rabbit," said the little girl, as she spread the cloth and set the table, "1 know that you are afraid of dogs---" At the word "clogs," the rabbit jumped. "But, rabbit," sand the little girl, "we have a good dog—" The rabbit turned; he was ready to dare down into his hole, "Oh, please, rabbit, wait l" cried the little girl. "He is a cloth dog —a good, pleasant cloth, dog! He can't bite, he can't run, he can't bark i. He just sits still and looks pleasant," The rabbit turned round again and watched, He saw four places at the table, and he saw that the little bey- was coming back carrying a dog, The rabbit hurried down into his house. "Oh, come back, rabbit!" shouted the little boy. "This is a olotb dog:" The rabbit came back, sat near his door, wriggled 'his nose, and watched closely. The little boy placed the cloth dog in a crair at the table, and took a napkin and tied it round his neck. The dog sat still and smiled a pleasant smile. "I'll get the things to eat. • .said the little girl, "and yon n,ay bring the water from the , spring " So the little boy brought good coli waeer in four little cups, and the little girl brought some bread. She Lreeke the bread into four pieces, and put one piece on each plate. "Rabbit. guess what I have!" said the little boy. The rabbit diel not guess. The little girl could no -t guess. "Salt:" shouted the little boy. "Salt tastes fine with bread 1" And he poen• some salt on each plate. "I•;l bring you something, rab- bit," said the little girl, running away. She came hack with a fine bis cabbage leaf. She put it at the rabbit's place. The rabbit wriggled his nese and hurried to sit in his chair. The 'little girl tied a napkin round his nevi:: then she and the little boy sat down and put on their na•pkirt. The cloth clog sat still' and ,1 .:cd a pleasant smile. When the began to eat. the rab- bit ate ell his eahhaae leaf, and all' his bread. and all bis salt, and drank ai. his waiter.: and then he i reached over and ate all the el dh doge bread and salt, and drank his waiter. But the cloth dug just fiat eti''; and smiled a pleasant 1 smi!o. w, rabbit," said the little i girl. tr ,en it. was all over, "we a,re glad tt•tt you came to dinner, and now we want you to play a game B with 'ue." Just theft a barking dog ran into t the )eared. The 'rite• boy and the little girl s looked muck at the rabbit, but all. i they saw Was a wad of white tail twinkling down the long, safe, deep hole „{ ,ire rabbit's house. "Tie didn't get so very well used to d, s be eating with this good. Plea Rent cl.,th dog, did he 1" said the litele Env. " N... he (141)1 1 gee ea very well need to do gs." evid the llittle girl,-- Yout.it s Companion: IN MISERY AT MEAL TIME IntUgestien Oan Bo Oared By the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills If your digestion is weak you can. not derive proper nourishment from your food. The pain and dis- tress you suffer is a protest from your emanate that it is unable to do its work. It is then that you lose all appetite, have dull head- aches, acute pains in the chest anis abdomen, heartburn and other dis- tressing symptoms. You cannot cure indigestion by the use of laxatives, and pre-digest• ed foods only make the "stomach more sluggish. Indigestion can only be oured by giving tone to and sbrengthening the nerves that control the stomach. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured indigestion times without number, because they purify and enrich the blood. In this way they improve the ap- petite, dispel the torments of in- digestion and enable you to derive benefit from the food you take. The following is proof of these state- ments. Mrs, George Brien, Great Shemoguo, N.B., says: "A few years ago I was taken down with a fever which left ins suffering from nervous stomach trouble. I ap- parently got over it, but the trou- ble could not have been wholly eradicated, as during the summer of 1912 I was taken down with it again. I took many medicines, and was attended by two different doctors, but instead of getting well seemed to be growing worse. I could not eat without suffering the most intense pains; even a drink of milk seemed to upset me. I slept poorly and at last dreaded to see night comp. In this condition I saw in a newspaper the story of a woman who had similarly suffered and was cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I decid- ed to try the Pills and found by the time I had taken three. boxes that they were helping me. I continued using the Pills until I had taken eight boxes, when the trouble had disappeared, and I have to thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for restor- ing my health after I had practi- cally given up hope of ever being well again," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. CLOCK HAS ONLY ONE HAND.' A new clock face, or dial, has been patented which may be placed on any clock and by removing the hour hand and placing the minute hand on the hour spindle transforms the clock In- to a one -hand easy -to -read time tell- er. Children hauls difficulty in telling the time by two-handed clocks, and those who have occasion to send a child into the house for the time can hardly ever be sure that the young- ster does not confue the "long" and "short" hands. By this device neither dark days, glare on the glass of the clock face or a child's inability to distinguish between hour and minute hands can prevent correct time read- ing. in this there Is no possibility of one mistaking, for instance, 12.06 for 1 o'clock,—Popular Magazine. GRAINS OF GOLD. Always laugh when you can; it is a cheap medicine, Merriment is a philosophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of existence.—Byron. Say one more little prayer, "God give inc love of any worst," and don't believe the people who say porridge sn't good for you.—Mr, Martin I-Iarvey, 1f a man has a right to be proud of anything it is of a good action done; as it ought to be, without any base nterest lurking at the bottom of it— Sterne. Be such a man, live such a Tito, that: t every man were such as you, and every life a life such as yours, this earth would be a paradise, --Phillips rooks. There are many people in this world I vho are like perfumed vases from I which the perfume has Red, all the urrounding objects attractingit—and' o their life is not in tltemseives, but n their things.—Ward Beecher. When Choosing A Husband. Much has been written in the way f of. advice to. women an the choice Of d hu.sbaade, but the method of one lady 1 Is original, "Never decide," sale she, unto you have met tether at the man who seeks you in marriage, if the ream!' is an old foggy, you may- he sure that the tendency to bore people which you may have noticed in the son, will develop later Into all the fontmO,. „ of Unredeemed f 'i agcy sm, If the Father Is indolent and irrespon- sible., to careful to roto 1f the son shows any signs of the same trait; 1 however slight, and, IR so, be warned in time! 'Like father lake 'son is a true saying in the majority of e instances. a When a Woman Sutlers ITith Chrome Backache There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, - attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women :often break down with nervous exhaustion. in the stores, factories, and On a arm are weak elfin g women, dragged own with torturing backache and )earing down pains, Sucli suffering rug isn't: natural }tttt it's dangerous, because due, to diseased n tdueys. The dizziness, insomnia, dei-ange'd enses and other symptoms of kidney =plaint can't cure themselves, they equina Itis asaisianro of Dr, 12amil- on's Pills which go direct to the seat t the tr0uble. To give vitalityand power to the tidneys, to lend aid to the bladdeaeind fuer, to . free the blood of poesone, reliably there ie no remedy 80 suc- esaful'se 1)r. Ilamiiton's Pille, For 11 wsnotely irregularities ,their merit "She's a bh0 most insulting woman 1 over met," "1 never liked her 1niS‹.11.` 'cjug. think. The haat time alta visited us she didn't wipe y her fist 'ghee the came in, but abs did wipes t,!-wa when she went out." d is well known tier ,ansa of their mild, soothing, and paling effect, Dr. Hamtltotee fills are afe, and aro redommended for girls nil women of all ages. 25 eehts per ort at all dealers, Refuse any sub. Mute for Dr. llamllton's ?lila of Man- ralae and Butternut, The Icon. Donald Howard, ern and heir of Dr. J. W. Bliss Howard and his wife, who was Lord Strathcorta's only child. On the death of his mother, who is now Baroness Strathoona, Hon. Donald Howard will be Lord Strathcona, WOUNDS IN BATTLE. Large Majority Are Received In the Head and Hands. Dr, 0. Lamont, a surgeon who served as a volunteer during the Balkan War, has rendered recently to the French Academy of Medicine a very iuterest- irig and instructive report concerning casualties in battle. His statistics ahoy that, in modern warfare, 82 to 84 per cent, of the wounds inflicted are caused by bullets, 15 to 17 per cent. by shrapnel, and 1 per cent. by cold steel. The pene- trative force of shrapnel -bullets ie, he declares, very much less than that of rifle bullets never are, On the other shrapnel bursts at some distance from the soldier; for, whereas, shrapnel is often found embedded in clothing, rifle bulets never are. On the other hand, complications arise very much more frequently from shrapnel wounds than from rifle bullet wounds. Dr. Laurent has observed that now- adays, since the soldier usually fires under cover, lying either prone or in a trench, a large majority of wounds are received in the skull and the hands, especially the left hand. To combat this, he suggests the use of a light, resistant shield to protect the head, and that another shield should be fixed to the left hand or the rine itself. A third might be placed in the region of the heart. Indeed, many of our own soldiers who fought in the Boer War owe their lives to the chance presence of a cigarette case or wad of papers in .the left breast pocket. 5 A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR LITTLE ONES Babey's Own Tablets are the only medicine for little ones that aro sold under a guarantee to be per- fectly safe. These Tablets are backed by the guarantee, of a gov- ernment analyst to be strictly free from opiates, narcotics and other harmful drugs. The mother may rest assured that she can give them to even the new-born babe with perfect safety. Thousands of mo- thers use no other medicine for their little ones, and from actual ex rie pe. nae they all saynothing can equal the Tablets in banishing ohildhood ailments. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., ,Brock- ville, Ont. d' Enforcing the Rules. Mr. Justwed—I'Jl be back in a moment, duckie, What is it, jani- tor 1 "Well, madam?" inquired the shop -walker. "I wish," she said, "to get a present for my husband," "How long married1" the m,an ask. ed, "Eleven years," was the re- ply. He pointed to the lift, "Bar- gains clown that aide," he said, Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE lowerO QUININE. Look for the signature of 16, W. GROVE. Cures a Cold. in One Day, Cures Grip in WISHING WELLS. Where the Passerby May Have His Wish Fulfilled. All over Europe there are to be found springs and wells, the waters of which are supposed t0 posses some healing quality or some magical power. Throughout the northern part of Eng- land there are "wishing wells," where the passerby may breathe his wish and ]'est. assured of its fulfillment if he only drops a crooked pin Into the water•. A curious custom is still to be wit- nessed In Cornwall, Two e. nieces of straw, about u inch It ion g, ore crossed and the uc pin run th rough them. This cross is then drop) ed into the water and the rising bubbles carefully coun- ted, inasmuch as they are held to marls the years c' months or da s that will) ss before the hannerliag o f the event which is of concern to the wisher. In the old days auguries were drawn from these: crasser in other' ways. They were made so as hardly to Seat, Then, asthecross swam, the thrower 0 outliv the year; if it same he was to die within that period. Other matters were to be Ie arnod from the petition bbe erose took as it floated on the surface, 'note men who pay as that'' go us ually find the going good, 5 Kidney Trouble Is Iloroditary ? BUT DODD'$ JCIDiiEX PILLS ALWAYS CUIIFJ IT. Dresden pian, Who Inherited'Trou- ble, Finds Speedy Relief and Per. mitnent Cure in Dodd's IfidneY Pills, Dresden, Ont,, Feb. 2.--{Speeial?, --Whether Kidney disease is here- ditary or not is a matter of opin- ion. Me. Samuel Burkett, a well known resident of this place, is aonvinaed that he inherited his from his parents. He knows that Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it. "I inherited my Kidney Dise.aee from my parents," Mr, Burkett states. "1 was treated by a docboe, and trued various medicines, but it was not till about eighteen months ago when I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills that I got any per- manent relief. "Since then I have not felt any effect of my old trouble, and I feel that anybody troubled with Kidney Disease will be benefitted by the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills if they Id - Low direotions closely. "I hope that others may be help- ed by Dodd'a Kidney Pills. I am well known here, and anybody who wishes more particulars of my cure can have them by writing me and enclosing stamps for reply." Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to oure any form of Kidney Disease, A. Single 'Thought. John, a rather backward lover, sat at one and of the sofa, and his sweetheart at the otdter. Both minds were boo full to carry on conversa- tion, but at last the lady Spoke: "John, what are you thinking about 1" John, awakened from his dreams, answered with a drawl, `"Oh, just the same we you are," and was sur- prised to get the retort: "If you do I'll box your ears." Gia PEN for lemon Read what Mia ICarris Says About Theta. Mrs. T. Harris, of Tyneside, Ont., knows all about GIN PILLS, "I am taking my third box of GIN PILLS," she writes. The pains across my back and kidneys has almost gone. I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism 'but It has all left me. I strongly aa - vise all women, who suffer from Pain in the back and Weak Kidneys, to try GIN PILLS,• 60c. a Box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if write National rToronChemical Flossie—"You have a wonderful memory, mamma." Mamma — "Why so, my child 1" "Because you're always remembering to re- mind me of things I forget." Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. The doctor of an English mill town had swiftly and cleanly ex- tracted a tooth of his patient. "How much 1" said the victim. "A shilling," replied the doobor. "A ahillin'," echoed the man with amazement—"a shillin' 1 Why, i't's only took you 'all a minute. Last tooth as I 'ad out I went to X, in th' village. He wur 'all an hour at me. He pulled me out o' t' Chair an' 'alfway amass t' room, au' he nobbu't charged me sixpence." " A,h,„ said the (looter as he picked up the forceps, "silt down again —” But the grumbler paid up hastily. The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" says: 'I consider a'S LINIMENT MIST ST linimeent t In In use. T got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed It well with IIINARD'S LINI- MDNT and it was as well as ever next day. TeUre Very #rosy+, :C. G. MCbIULLIIN. Geraldine—"You haven't bean to see me since you asked my father for my hand," Gerald—"No; this its the first time I've been able to get about." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Facts and Fancy. Men, like watches, are judged by their work, Asparagus is good for rheurnatiam. The only thing most people ever achieve is old age. A ship's life is 26 years. Some girls celebrate the anniversary et their birth by tatting a day off—the more popular idea, however, is to take a year off. 0011 was forbidden by law in Soot- land In 1841; By the time a man's daughters get old enough to help him, they decide to help some other man, IDr. Mor es Indian Root a7l are made according to a formula In use nearly a century ago among the Indians, and learned from them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- tempts have been made, by phyti1. cfane and clreiniste, it has been found impossible to improve the formula or the pills. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are a household remedy through, out the world for Constipation and all Kidney and Liver troubles, They , act promptly and effectively, and ,to Cleanse 'the Syetern Ed. 4, ISSUE CUTICU 30 Constantly for all toilet pus. poses, especially shaving and shampooing, with occasional use of Cuticura Ointment, because so effective in removing slight irri- tations, redness, roughness, pim- ples, dandruff, etc., of the skin and Scalp and promoting and maintaining skin and hair health. Outioura Soap and Ointment are acid throughout the world. A liberal sample of each, with 82 -nage own nook, vont Post-froo. Address Potter rums& Chem. borp.,Dept. bit, Boston. U. S. A. GRAFTING IN SURGERY. • Has Been Practised Since the Re- motest Antiquity. The art of transplanting or re- placing human tissue has been practised since the remotest an- tiquity, etabos a writer in Paris L'Illustration. In India a caste ex- isted that was renowned for its skill in replacing cut-off noses, and had a great practice, because the re- moval of the nose was a very com- mon punishment inflicted on cer- tain criminals. From India this sorb of surgery found its way to Italy, where, in the fifteenth century, two itinerant Sicilian surgeons, the Dramas, fa- ther and son, enjoyed quite general fame as readjusters of the human anatomy, Similarly, in the sixteenth cen- tury, a Bolognese surgeon, Caspar Tagliacozza, who died in 1599, be- came a celebrity through his at- tempts at grafting and transplant- ing animal organs or members from one individual to another. —�I If you want to hoar powerful lan- guage ask a barber what he thinks of a •safety razor. —3 Evil of Substitution Exposed. A dealer substitutes because ho makes more profit on an inferior article, A local citizen was induced to take a. substitute for Putnam's Corn Extractor, with the result that the sub- stitute burnt his toes and failed to cure, Putnam's contains no acid and is guaranteed. Always get Putnam's Extractor, 26o, at all dealers. Many a man's failure in this world mayebe atbbributed teethe face that he used blank cartridges when firing at the targeb of success. Try Murine Eye Kennedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain.- Druggists Sall Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50e. Marino Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25e, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Sys Tonto Good nor All Eyoe that Need Coro Marine Eye Remedy Co., Giticae* 5 THE CHARM OF AGE, It Largely Depends On a Woman How Fier Age la Taken. What rubbish 11 Is to tly and lay down any rules about the age at which a woman is most charming, Woman—and, for that matter, man too—must combat with certain physi- cal disabilities when once they have come to their fourth decade. They may good-looking, active, children at heart, and all the rent of it, but old Natmo will have her way, and willy-nilly we have to give in to -her. It is true she can be held at bay to some extent, and it is no use giving in .too readily, but thorn are various ways in which she will assert herself. One need not particularize her dis- agreeable methods. But to coulo back to the point, of what use Is it to tie one to It particular decade wherein it shall be said that so far and no further shalt thou proceed with the art of fascination? Obviously 'sweet seventeen has the mere charm of childishness, Butt1 that sort of thing ishl ]v o ly out of date. At •tivs•aitd• twenty a woman begins to find ltarselr. At thirty site is assured. She can think, she is not carried away by illusions, she has more or less found ter balance, site knows what the world as represented eaettte(1 byIn n an, expects• f her, Tf she is also abo tins tutlered all angles to be rubbed ' down, ahe has learned the use Df artifice, site, has cultivated, If she Is. still wiser, the art of charm, So 11 comes about that between her third and fourth decade 'she is a wiser, salter woman, amore a t agreeable nam g stolon h callow maiden. .however, to than forty as a woman's most charming age is nonsense, She le no more charming than she le likely to be at sixty if she does not go the right way aboub It, f411tard'e Llnlaiont Ofaree Celde, Cia and if ehe .has found the means there- to elle !s irresistible at thirty-five, and a friend of every man at any age wean Abe has not to be paelseel up at nine o'clock and fed with a spoon. It largely depends on a woman stow her age is taken, but directly she begins to "act" young all is up with her, _.- .1 WANT SPECIALISTS NOW.— The OW.—The Old Family Doctor Seems to se Out of Fashion, Speelalization, which is a sign of the times, threatens some old cute tome. Among the most significant changes of to -day is the lessening, field of, tate 1'atnfiy doctor. To him, as im- mortalized by Balzac, were confided the secrete, hopes and woes of many a household, Modern medicine with its many branches, its specialties and eub- specialties, has perceptibly reduced the scope of operation of this old standby. Each ailment now sug- gests its own specialist. One might almost divide life into the "seven ages of medical treatment," from the obstetrician at birth, the pediatrist of early infancy, the orthopedic surgeon' to correct the natural deformities of childhood, the oculist to prescribe the glasses of adolescence, the surgeon for the traumatisms of manhood, the metabolist for the digestive troubles of middle life, the aurin for the deaf- ness of old age. And though the change brings with it a Higher degree of efficiency, there is much to regret In the loss of con- tinuity of the friendship and counsel of the family doctor. His interest in the patient was personal. He knew the physical weaknesses as well as the disposition of each member of the family. He bad followed them from birth, He was more than a physician. Ile was a guide, philosopher and friend,. Pleurisy Paints Vanish ! Chest Colds Cared ! NERPILiNE HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. Don't eufter! Nervilins is your relief. Nervilins just rubbed on, lots of it, will ease that drawn, tight feeling over your ribs, will destroy the pain, will have you smiling and happy in no time. "I caught cold last week while mot- oring," writes P. T. Mallery, from Linden. "My chest was full of con- gestion, my throat was nighty sore, and I bad the fiercest stitch In my side you could imagine. As a boy 1 was accustomed to have my mother use Nervillne for all our minor ali- ments, and remembering what confi- dence she had in Nervilins, I sent out for a bottle at once. Between noon and eight o'clock I had a whole bottle rubbed on, and then got into a pers- peration under the blankets. This drove the Nervilins in good and deep, and I awoke up next morning fresh as a dollar and absolutely cured. Nervi - line is now always part of my travel- ling kit, and I will never be without it" The large 50e, family size bottle Is the most economical, or you can eas- ily. get the 25c. trial size from any dealer. 3 "When a man 'tells his wife he wishes to speak to her it means he is going be be apologetic," says an observer; bub "when a woman in- forms her husband that ilio has something to say to him he can be sure of a severe scolding. PILES CURED IN a TO 14 DAYS Your dlntggiet will refund money if PAZO OINTIYENT fails to sure any ease of -Itch. ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days, 60o. Always Heald. "Now they say that alcohol causes deafness." "Maybe so, I .never knew any- body fail to hear an invitation to drink." Only very young men understand women. rg Apply Zahn-Buk to all wounds an do s res asad`a u 0 will be surprised su ri sed lta v' - p w ccl�f it stops the smarting and bsings ease. It covers the wound with a layer of •pro- tect1 e v balm, kills all poison germs already Inthe wound, and prcy15lia, etil,rt' cilioring. he tech 11ealin}r derbalf eeeacee then build ftp from the bottom, (reel% thawsand to a woftderfully short time. the wound fs healed! gem Nail pope/silty lo hated en merit. imltationyppeverwork Mirea, Beall/11 nhd get the reel thing, Ztm•tiuk"le printed en every pekoe t of *Rebhan(' p the. aonuino, Selma 1 ethos, Co.,all dnl5QlaLa And stents or 2a1n•nuk o„ Torontp. Quality,CV flavour, and perft cooking, combined. The maximum of unorinbtaeat and palatability, jttet heat —then serve minimum trouble and coat, p It's cheaper to raise colts than to Guy horses. BMWs cosily if you lore the colts. Keep a bottle of I{endail's Spavin Cure handy. For thirty-five years has proved it the safe, reliable remedy for spavin, splint, curb, ring. bone, bony growths and lameness from many causes. is sold )y druggists everywhere at Si. ug bottle, 6 bottles lor Sb. Get afree copy of ottr book"Alreetise on the Horse" at your druggists or write us. 89 Dr. D. J.KENDALL CO., Eaosbnr Falls,VI. FARMS FOR SALL, N. W, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Strutt. Toronto, TF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A A Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dniry Farm. write. IL W. Dawson. Brametoo, or 90 Colborne St,, Toronto. 11 W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto, tb \PES 00071 I.ANTS, AT.T. �7 nt•r•ni. res. I). J- Kerr, Nett- atadt, Ontario. WANTED. VST ANTED. --ALL. KINDS OP` WILD Animals. Box 46, Cuokshire. gnebee. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, yTF I1AVE SEVERAL GOOD NEWS, 2 pallor properties for sale in On. tario towns at tight Prieea. Apply quicltly ne subscription r'newai time is just open, ing. Wilson Publishing Company, 13 Went AAata ills greet, Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. vTRAwEERRTF0S, RASPBERRIE•;S, FIF'ryy t` Varieties. Free Catalog. MyConnell & Son, Orovosentl, Outario. I8ISCELLANSo 11 a. CiJANGER, TUMORS. LUMPS, ETC., • internal and external, cured with - eat pain by one home treatment. Writ na before toe lata. Dr. Bellman Medical Limited, Ca111ngwond, Ont. When buying your Piano insist( on having an TTO 1G L°0 Piarto Actio-rs e Coe Your Bush a Chanaa and tit ake Money ; with it Cease using old-fashioned meth. oda, Be up to slate and Install a 'Champion. Evaporator and make more and better syrup with lean time and fuel. Moro revenue at reduced rest, Write nt encu for free booklet and catalogue giving full Information and prices, 5.7581 G7Cr10IhS raze. 00., lassiT:£D 53 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. Grandmother Says : He that won't listen Can't learn; foals and bob -o -nuke aro poor listeners, and hate but one song. r.„r n Nor n awgro atone.) • brh,gs nilidu reach sof ever), onee NATUP,E'S OWN REMSDY , FOR THE OLD RHEUMATISM, ECZEMA P'Av And Kindred Troubles. The regular use of LIQt:Ill aura'BUli before mule, nod ill 5,00 bath, will MTV yon all the bouetits of a visit to 5 NOT SULPHUR SPRING N'Ng 1)o not surer another day. Get WA, a bottle front your drugglet, and prove it for yourself, Price, 60 cents, 8ULPI-IUR PRODUCTS 150 Bay Street, Toronto. r'Licks the 'f&CkeiL' Mad!' }3Iatchhi><wd's Calf Meal As good as New Milk at half' the Cost, Y � l oi !,(4447;01.1114/ r. i. 1• ' , t,. p.6 a .. smuts HALF MMM---NN%Fu , 1. t,u,, „"JR ) I 5 3 f f tt, .( , 'f -;1r v.. r t .. ,+ F ,. r M3.00iiit poun Substituds makeste. 100 gallons of Perfect Send for pamphlet, "How to Raise Calves Cheaply and Staccestfully Without Dililk.' ry gg AJ . il ml (Gs CO., your Docrtrr, or Toronto, aunt„ nanaala. The richer a num is Lilo richer lie et* waists to 1)e, Mlnard's Lintrse't tyro ula"'OIFf tri' togs,