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The Brussels Post, 1914-2-12, Page 4
Lbe Smuts Past THUR iDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1914 MET DEATH IN A 111.1I/ARD A N•le° of Rov, rhA,oV1, ic#Ito MCKolvoy, of stile' A sad tragedy occurred nn Wed- mesday, January 28, near'Hnlmfteld, Aiao., when Muriel, aged 17, daughter of Jnn. S. and Mrs: McKelvey, was loat in a blizzaicl and frozen to death. Her brother Fred, aged 1.4, had his feet and knees severely frozen, They were returning from school, which is about 8 miles from 'their ionto. It was beginning to stoma when they left for home and develop- ad ev lopod into a roaring blizzard hefine they had gone more than half; way, An uncle, who had been to town for chop, came over the same road shortly after, He found the horse and cutter, but could find nn trace of the lost ones, The father and neighbors took great risks in trying to locate them, but all to no avail. Next morning about 8 o'clock, Fted. struggled up to his uncle's house, whichwas an the adjoining farm to his father's. He and his sis- ter had struggled along no font to- gether, after the horse and cotter had become hopelessly stuck in a snowbank. At last Mnriel could gn no further but Fred. hoping to get help back to his sister in title to save her hustled rin until he was too exhausted and frozen to go nn farther, Fortunately he stumbled against a straw stark. which proved later to be nn his uncle's farm, about 400 yards from the house, and crawl- ing in fell asleep, In the mos:d Ig he crawled out and bravely •facing the blizzard and sold, dragged himself 10 the house, Shortly after one of the hunting parties, found Muriel on the prairie, lying face downward, .frozen to death. The members of the hunting party ran great risks of being "lost Them• selves. and nearly all of theta had theft, fears .frozen. The vistitn of this sad tragedy is n niece of Rev A. I. McKelvey, or Bthel, he father being a brother or the reverend gentleman. Miss %lurirl was in her 17th year and was expecting to attend the Model School next Sumnle'. Cousins or he's who were also at school, reached home after a lnu•d tight through the storm. They had a team in their cutter.. WEATHER FORECASTS For February A regular storm periodnod is central cothe 41h 8 front 11x111111111 t( t the 2nd to the 7th The Mercury cut9 qus a ot l Ict til Clietul brinCe is also c n e tial on the th 4 The Mercury Influence is continued over from the last days of January, bringing with it cloudy, theeatenin>; conditions. By the 2nd and Std, marked fall of the barometer will be noted in Western parts. Southerly winds and change to warmer will ap- pear merging into storms, first of rain, wind and possibly thunder, turning later into snow, sleetand furious blizzards over much of the country, central and Northward. These storms will reach their cul- minating crisis over the central valleys on and touching the 55th and 8th, disappearing along the Atlantic coast regions a day of two later. A very high barometer, with sweeping North-westerly gales, and cold wave of marked intensity, will constitute the Western tangents of these dis• turbances, all advancing Southeast- ward, the climax of high barometer and cold appearing one to three days behind the Hest stages of the storms. If the .Mars influence should have modified the Winter storms and weather to this period, its (lominat• ing influence won i be in t5 g break down at this time, and acme of the hardest storms and most severe weather for the Winter will come during the remainder of February. A. Reactionary storm period will bring falling barometer, change to warmer, and return to cloudiness and storms of rain, wind arid snow. The crisis of this period will fall on the 10th; lith and 12th, notably on the IIth and 12th, as the moon is in perigee' no the llth, and on the celestial e equator on the 12th, follow- ingthe full moon it 5 the 1.0t11. The tneccury period which ends at this time, will cause much and destruc- tive sleet during its continuance the first Len days of February. Piercing sold will visit most parts of the country from about the 12th to the 14th, A regular storm period covers the 111th to the ii 19t 1 F having its cert Lee on the 1611E 13y this time we will have entered well into the Earth's Vernal egniuox, and the Venus equinoctial period will be approaching its maximum. As early as the 14th and 15th, change to wtu•rmer will begin in Western extremes, the bat°mete• will begin falling, winds will shift to Southerly, and storms of 1•aiii, wind and sooty will shirt on their East- ward cares', By the 1131h to 18th these stot•ttis will grow in sever ity as they covet the great minis! valleys of the continent. 13y the 10tH storms will reach the Atlantic coast regions, and the rising barometer, biizzaldnus winds and cold wave which are sure to push the West, and Northwest side of the 'storm areas, will have spread well over all Western and central parts of the country. These cotuliti its will advance Eastward and Southward, giving the whole cnnutry a mixture of boreal and.ten fc al storms, followed everywhere by tis. long barometer, and sharp cold for February A. Reactionary storm period has its centre on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd. The 1015 1110011 at Solar eclipse node 018 ort the 24th, the centre of the Venus period,. 11te Earth's Vernal equinox, and the limiter influence will all be felt at this and other .February atom' periods. Low harm*, eteir and Litigh temperature will presage violence and :probable danger' nt this tftne, Storm conditions of tile period Will not glib/ride until after GIVE THAT PUNY CHILD THIS GUARANTEED REMEDY 12 your child is under weight, listless, ailing, liable to get sick easily, it needs tt medicine to build its weight and strength. For this purpose there is nothing else we know of ihatt we eau •o streitgly endorse as Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion, The emotte1(able suc- cess of this splendid medicine is due to the filet that it (Illi loins ingredients that torte the nerves, enrich the blolid and furnish 10 the eutite system the strength, weight and Iieltlth•bullding substances it needy. And, it does all this without injuring the stomach. In rant, Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is not only pleasing to take, but even the most sensitive stomach Is benefit. ed by it, and the digestion improved. 011 the other hand, it contains no al- cohol or Ilabitforming drugs, which most patents object to giving their children. It does its gond work by taking hold of the weakness and and builds the body up to its natural strength, at the shoe time waking it strong to resist disease, If Resell Olive Oil Emulsion doesn't build vete child up, feed the stunted. puny muscl(•e, and Make the little one lively, strong, well, and full of the 51111/11(1 spit its (.111101•et) are meant by nature to have, chine back and tell us and get your money back. We don't want you to lose a cent. We think this is no more than fair, and it leaves you no cause to hesitate. For old people also—fur 0011valsseenls—for ,all who are nervous, tiled -nut, rnu• down. 110 matter %Vint the rause—we offer. Rexall Olive 011 Emulsion with the same guarantee of entire satis- faction os 01 105y hark. Sold only at the 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this. town only by us. $1.00, F. R. Smith Druggist. the moon's conjunction with earth null situ nn the 2.1111, The peobabili -ties ate that 81ornw and theeateuiug ruudltiolie will Inst ilrto the reguiat storm period just ahead. If heavy ire Pxl,Fe at this time In rivet's turd sirearns.-•albiugnet rustily In he ex. I101 x1-.Iherrtrillb.•g,e(tt dangee ul 3 $111151ive ler „Innis end floods, 11s a•tuthrr feature of the Ven um equinox i 3 abnormal downpours of rain. Loral}ties specially exposed to such possibilities, will do the wise thing to watch storms mid general wettthe- enteliti(n8, with a view to such dangers daring all these late Feb- etutry distuebaulces. A P )bur storm period is central 1 mlP th 27th t he inr I il ) u the 2511 tintoold extending into the t first two n' three days of March. A marked barometer fall attended by lightn- ing, thunder and possibly tornadoes Southward need not snrprise out l etdet 8 nl 1 and touching the 281h The storm t ten diaat•atn shows that t. a the n mono he PIat is 4 h i t Pst al na a n 4 t t ,t11 that date, only one day removed Front new moon at its Solar eclipse node, and at the center of the Venus dis- turbanSee• We warn the people in all the South Atlantic and gulf coast legions of probable West India storms and hnrricaues. (luting and about this pet loci. There is also danger that violent boreal stomas, with blizzards, followed by a severe February cold wave, will come nut of the Northwest and spread Sotth- etetwardly over, the entire country. during and at the closee of these disturbances the first days of Mal ch. Rev. D. Wren, M. A., Invited to Remain as Pastor The regular tweeting of the Official Board of Bl assets _Methodist chat ell. was held Tuesday evening of last week, the pastor presiding. It was decided that the Congregational sleeting be held in the month of May. F. H. Gilroy R. ne tw A. Pr y dW.H. Kerr are the Finance Committee. The list of the District Visitors of REV. MR. WREN the church was increased by Mr's. Geo. Biteker, Ales. S. 13ailcy, Airs, .Inn. Hill, Mrs. J. T. Wood, Miss Pipe and Miss Martha Smith. Messrs. Hoover, Leathe•dale and Roe were appointed a Committee to ascertain pi nimble cost, outline plan, etc., of new cement horse sheds, after the qu,•stiou had been discussed. A aimed) 4Velcnmitlg Onmmittee Was chosen Cnnsisl ixg of Mrs, 1. Fax ,Ales• Robert, S. Bailey, W. H. Kerr and the ushers. It wits decided to fit up the large class room the church as a Pastor's Iridal fol'. eu11su1Latina and advice. The Financial report showed pro- geess and a 1 ally will be made to add to the list of contributors. Before the meeting was closed the following (0801110011 was passed by a sian(liitg vote to the pastor :-- Moved —Moved by F. H. Gileoy, seconded by A1- J Helen—That as the Official Board, rept'eseltiug I3rnssels shy Oraubrook Methodism, we desire t( place on1ecoed oat, app leciatioof faithful 811(51ce rend ed by clue p'lstot' since coming to this charge months ago. His discourses and ad.' dresses have not only been interest. Mg, able and instructive but helpful, encouraging and calling out desires after higher service acid increased devotion to our share of work in the vineyard, We have always found hint genial, alert, ready to help eve y body and doing his full part in the' vari(sus 0pnaa of or rttnen e t church wk, Appreciaf,g hie irldlstry and ( desire to 80.0(110 our best interests 'weak hilt ovuthtutthtt tit Sheph•i'd The [JInYQersal Oar THE undersigned begs leave to intimate to theu li been b c that he has b en aPP ointed Local Agent for the well known Furd Car and will be glad to have your order, See the 1914 Model J. H. Galbraith Phone 9 BRUSSELS over this Hoek and pray that the Divine hold may guide him and us inti wider and richer fields of use- fulness eruct duty. Our best wishes are extended to Mrs. Wren and sou ,1.1111 encouraged by the past we optimistically look toward the fultue with hope and expectation of very happy association with our pastor in church labors. Rev, Mr. Wren thanked the Board for their words of appreciation and the invitation to e1,1111one as pastor tend would gladly accept, subject to lilt Slationlug Committee He had i found the anoints very willing to aid hiur In ever way and teas delighted Ilt the heartiness with which the enngrngations had supported hint and the work. With unity, prayer and iurreased activity m great mission is ahead of Brussels and Ci•anbrook emigregations, Several members gave expression, to their sentiments after which prayer was offered and the flue meeting concluded. This Tonle Builds Up. p Malty medicines stimulate, break down and leave y1111 worse than eve'. Ferrozone is different—it't a blood former, a nerve-strengl•hener, a body- builder. Pale antaPnli0 girls are given color and vigor. The tiled and sleep- less are strengthened and restored. "Better than allonirs t I found d Fe u •n n e ( 1 7. rte writes Mrs. D. F. Oamtlet nn of Woodstock I was completely tun down, cheeks were bltt11 h, d lips white and had every sign of anaemia. Fet'rozone added to my weight, gave me strength, ambition and gond health.." Nothing better, try Ferro. zone yourself, 50e per box at all deal- tit'S, Jamestown CHARACTER SKETCH,—The fnlnv- i gIs Laken from the LttItd1 n PeP Press o P 111 refers t i [ tthgilly respect former citizen, Joseph Coombs, who was in attend/thee at his brother's funeral in London. --Six acres of hold at the comer, of York and'Wellinglnn streets for $40 That was the price asked Joseph Coombs, one of the oldest of London's old boys' 14110 came to the city 055x' 71 years ((go. Iu speaking of the London of the long ago to the Flee Press, Air. Cnoubc stated that at the time the great 1Vestern was the Judy railway run- ning into thisssetinn, Lund wile only worth a song with n° singers. Mr. Coombs (lid not pur(lhase the 8 acres for $40 but devoted his energies to business. Poi neer 60 gents he has been a ennstact treader of the Free Press, comnleo(•i(g his subscription a few yeses after its first issue, Saint year's ago he 11105111 to Blyth, from Jamestown, where he now lives re- tired, Every Su11nne• he comes to the city to bowl and two years ago with a local rink won first harlots, Blyth Evening 0. P. R, train from Tor. onto now 11.111ve8 ar. 8 p. 111,, hlsl end of 8 85. • Mrs. Arch. Taylor was in Toronto taking in the Mendelssohn choir, I concerts. Isaac 1110071 has take) the agency for the Ford cars for Elyth and dIstrlrt. Setetamenttvill be dispensed in St. Andrew's 8 ()11111 r}1 011 i Sunday MOM - ng, Prhrl,rv 15th. E. M. AleQuallie who hail been visiting his molter, MN. H. Me- Quarrie, for the past month, left for his home at Oyen, Alberta. Walter Jacobs has purchased a sap evaporator, and is installing it in his bush with the inteltinn of going ex- tensively it veinto to the making f maple 1 , i 0 111 t syrup. I The friends of James Beatty will be pleased to learn that his condition is iulprnving, although slow, and hopes are entertained that ie will fully re- cover from the results of his recent accident. At the meeting of the OMetal Board of the Methodist chnr4i a hearty invitation was extended to Rev. Geo'ge. Jewitt to Sntltinlis 118 pastel' fnI' the 111'x1 35)11. The 1'eVP1•Plld gentleman arespl'ed Sohieet to the powers that he. RitV Jewitt line (Io11e eXPPltPl 1 work , { t ctk 1,u P rs i,i i tial'g nail it is expected the hest dove n.rP yet to come ns both he and Mrs. Jewitt WPM' well. Tnesdav 555011(5 of last week at the regular ms.ting of Meth Lodge In- deltendent Olde• of Odd Fellows, G. E. MrTiiggert. D D. G. Art 1(00 shite enn8i8l iog of R R. Sloan, P G,u'diner, S. McVittie, R H 'Phonpls rind A W. R.nittnson instilled the fnllnwvil,e nf- &Pre for the current term :—N. G , 8 AieVittie ; V. G., John Weymouth Abstract of the Accounts FOR THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS For the Year 1913 RECEIPTS Cash on hand $ 8017 27 County account levied 018 0 Consolidated Loan levied 30s176 *Moot loan 2408 24 Twp. Morrisr is 28 50' Gov. grant 28..TP Aorr(s 28:0. Tp.Grey 11,62 •10 22 Loan levied .. ) 41280 'Pp S10 1, do1 , grey 18 10 09 Localsocount levied,....... 45098 Sinking Fund : ' 4609 86 Brussels, Morris ,t Grey Telephone System,. . ,. , .., . .. 11000 08 Current T,nnns Brussels, iorris & Gray Telephone 1090 no J T. wood . ., .. 750 011 John Rtreetx11 e r N 45 Resident taxes _.. 142020 Linenses 812 60 Fines 12 00 Rents' 904 90 Aliacellnneous10174 0 81718 17 DISBURSEMENTS County Trees, . ........... ..... ... $ 602 AO Caneondatrd Loan 81 o' Seboopncoounb ...:.................. 0010” 0101 z RCh001 ONIt i 442 84 S Improvement ............... . 11182 44 Sinking Fund 75 Fl-hleigh Street Drain ..... 1185 45 Garside & Jsmes ,. ,. ,.. , .. 874 88 Brassela, blonde A Ores'T'elophone' 11888 44 John Street sewer ............ 2401117 2081 Saln•les .. .................... 811 00 Printing and postage .. 48 00 Internal LPW(0.40 848O Roads and Bridges 5817 207 O6 Town flatland scales 014 02 Street hl.htbrg.. .... ..... ..... ..... 485 40 Mi.cellan nus .. 807 40 Library Hoard noon t•• ... .,,. ,201 OO Loekerldge B •Lott No 4, 1902 019 44 Cash on band 5075 01 $ 81718 17 Fra -ooteet inn BALANOE SHEET Consolidated Loan-- ..................... $ 1188 On School account ........................•......... 14877 School Lo8n .•, , .. 807 50 Loot Improvement Ftind 887.80 Rlnkingllund 0700 00 Brookside, Morris & Grey Telephone 1817 80 Gerside 1 Joules 121 -40 $ 1021.1 20 flaunty account short Finhlelgh.Street rover.-- ,,..• ..,} 18 Hohn Street sewer., 2 0 Lorol arroont Cash on hand.... 33,,, ., ,,,,,,3.,, WHAT PL GREAT MiN of Rev, D(', CIH.lmtn, (leneral 9ttper- inteudaut of the AfeUnclhb Obtu ch in Oa Lada. The deceased was the 4th or SAID TO THE GREAT a fatally 0f 10 boyo those who sun vire htul being Rev. 1V. W. ls'erh and clues 1 Leech, of Collie, 1111(1 WV. CANADIAN PEDDLE ' WOnl I °4 \n of Ol O,11, 1'wvu Sons,W. A.LI 11111 of (`Algol) 111111 flet he t l 1,5)11, of Detvoil, tool two tulghter's, Mr% d, It (Inde of Parisialn Sags is a discovery of a '14 ow bridge nod .111,4 0, W. lih'kf, rd celebrated scientist, who P18111'1 the of 1Vashinglnn, 1), (l,, 111Nn snrvite. best. yew sor his life pelitoing this The rouvrnl was held Thursday 1i great haun' 11011'ePloelrly, Io givingirthisicrecipe to the 0(4101111114 flit (1 people he said ; Pori-4inu Sege is the 01081 1100g111110 11!111' 111t1sIl,g 111 • the world." !t cures dnu(hldf by killing the geents 1.11at iul'est 1 he routs of the hair ; it slops frilling hair ; it gives vigoran(1 strength to the Inds roots. ifts. Pox sells P,teisiaa Sage ill a Targe fifty cont bottle—and gnaenn- tes8 11 to (111 all that is elllinlerl for 11, or yutu• money is refcded. Il slops failing hair, (huuhtiff, itching scalp and restores life and beuuy to dull fatted 11111• in two weeks, R. S. A. W. Rnliiusnn ; F. S., G. E. M1 I:lgg,u•I ; ,Teens., R. H. 'Phomas ; IV,u•del, All. Thompson ; 111'1 PI', R. H. 'I'hl011115 ; 0 Gnel1,l, '1'. 1V,rllure ; I 00,1(0,'1'. Menu ; R 8, N. G., ,11rhn Knox ; 1, 8. N. (i., Not 1(1(111 Knox R. 8. V. G., 1V. Moms-; L. S. V. G„ F. Moore ; Chaplain, P. Gardiner. Trowb ridge DIED AT A GOOD 07,0 Ap10.—Ed w'l(t(1 Leech, a resident of Troa'beidgp for he past 15 years, passed away Tues - clay morning of last ween( in his 0211d year, at the 258itlenoe of his s,nn•iu- law, J. R. Oode, Notwithstanding his advanced age, the deceased re- tained to tt ermittl•kltble extent the use of his faculties, with the exception of hearing, and even a few days prior to 114 death had been keeping up ,r 1117 go cola'espondence. He was et faithful member of the Methodist Church, Mr, Leech was horn lin Leeds county. With his brothers, he later moved to Leeohville, since named Gerrie, the place being fleet maned after him, where he established mills, c•nnthlning iu hominess 811 1 he deal It of his 14125, .forrne•ly lilies Mary Carman, a cousin f' I A HUMILITY If A WATCH is the result of superior ma- terials, combin- ed with pains- taking care in putting them together. Knowing that every REGINA WATCH Is as good as it can be made, we have no hesitation in endorsing the universal guarantee which goes with every one of them. L. A gallant restate of a women who was ill in bed in the King George Hotel at Viutaur when it took fire wits eft ct(11 by 041 ex.irenutn, Daviel Cheyne. Tenders Wanted Tlulle and .burn to t,1141rn, '('(11, ti ,old 111111.1(011111111.1(011 2 e11i•r1 i , el 1(41 11 .,rr1 to 1111,et.(.- tot) orih,• •,•1"511 11/ 01 Ftlo1, will 1,, 1,- •11ty. u,ll(l.ei1tu161,.1,,l•uw'3'sit, 1014, of 8,111•111 p 111 1, ih r lrti"n 1,,f a( wt, room 111151, and 1', ort -to •oh of liai1du.g tit El1in1, (nal!I n•' tool n t m5) ler, on nl the a1Hre of the ., r, mots. to h'h, l (bit , and at ,111^eor 0.11 lid ni r Architect, i.istn. w •I Om The -uer 111 111 . et er will ho rptl''dingv' ,.11 f. Mot ..51„113 for Ilio room 1•mnplet:1,11 f (11 e. ill 1111`1. I'h - 1 -ass a nr 0111 111114.1w 1101 nece4xarlly nc• .401154 0.E,nlNil licit, 0,' 1111551. 1,77 ..we!, Out, A 11 3IAc0OSAl,n, seereters, Ethel, Ont, Tenders Wanted 'ringlets will be ter1lved b3' the under. signed, no to February 14(13, for the Ito reboot, Y rho 1(11151 school' house mid wol,dvlu d. Pn'r110-e1, to remove thea' when 110 longer 154111red for school porno -P. .1ahlt and voint Mits tenrler•l a re 0,41511 Pnr Ili' two above mentioned. bnlldings. A only or add resti A T7 61Arn1,ftAT,t) tint -Meta 1,7 of school Board, Lethal, Buy Western farm Lands Now To in venters and others coning West we hove IRO mu o fm•nl listed from $1, 00 up, in the hest parts of Ssslollnhewnu. Easy terms, write fur our list its Prre. 111(1(0 1, BURTON, 28.5 Box 243, Young, Sash, The People's Column FA1t61 FOR 140,1.E OR 1'0 I(EN'1', being 1,ot I9, C.m 0 tirey tow a-Itlp, Huron , con- taining 108 aeon. 114,•,'5 i* 11 c'nnflr labia bonne, 111w bink barn tartletd, &e Po -neo• sou meld bo given or 6111014 Int him] is ninon 2 mlb'.. flout Ethel Mitt convenient to ,ahool Fm• Yu ther',c Ile, lets n1, 10 price, tern's, &n., apply to GE0 W POLLARD, Phone 0510 Blnck.ndth, Ethel, FARM POR SA 1,11, h. ing N;y Lot 13, (`nn. 9, Mori 11 Township, Heron 00 , containing For sale b 100enr's filo p, 9.nonmed Y frame lions. end wood.hed. 14,7,10 horn 40000, straw stied (limbo, pend iy honer 18540 and pig nen ('hsr' n oottaideralde farm Walton La'•n1101, t0a •Olt( Jane from oho, 1,h sod -.110.11 Pur Maribor I'l•i llrlttrx ripply on the premise,. or to 1(0181'. Nit w('014 BE, Blyth Mural phone 814 It. It No 2 Blyth Iakc 1,f e0000040o006000006o0000000425 000•••0seeeeese©0®••05u581Do 3 tl • t1 B 0 0 A a a a 0 a • 8 0 a a • e 0 e a BIG df;0 It '% 4r f .. . ON Cutters and Sleighs FOR THE BALANCE OF THE SEASON ALSO A NUMBER OF Second dCuttersDMet 3 0,5 RAI 11015 sA1.10—tieing1.ottb in the NJ t ihr 0th (.un. of norms, Huron Co , moo tenting 100acres. On t1, prentised inn cap,• footnote tromp hone., with k it obeli and Woo(t• shed., 111114.10,11 •ort water indoors; bunk barn with stabling mod hen 1 11 I IL In ti also r dei V• haunt {ort vfth r . 8 st t stable n 1 and pig all lllnle fl Xlll button ton �{1 1 n P I. watt n cement Is times ; and other e ', , fie hat here is n large orchard tod7air_ ' lin.,d w dmill 0 1 r, n L i' hmh,•1.., tow tool A windmill 5 turn,•+water h, 11nn.e mid stables. (linreh O nel,c one 1 hair n m,15 natant. Possession 1,,n f7 Merril15th. Reil 110 for offering to sell (spoor • Iwu1I1111 i'roprletor Also in Rt n 51 property u known t thu Finn hill 1orilt n w ..rt i¢1 r 1 t ) h atelier I 4 Brothersl t d 11 1 1x01 -qu nl o by of n tl Innd With tit 1-1 I t 1 (10x5 ll adjoining thev ii J t e O 1,„,.„1 (11 -11. I 1lardet Par 1i1.11 (1 1 dl. 'ff.,o Ile ( 1 l 1 1 {tn. 1 1 r) write Ar IIP R u No. phone Lil CtEO JACI{n(JN. Prop. a to 117 Fd R(1 FoR SA1.I4, 1tine Lot 12. Con, 8, G Croy town -hip, 11(11.1 ( 0., containing r 100 nurr8. On tit•• preitase, is a comforts Ile A Yrn eaulou 5, new bun1i ba 11 ,e meat t Ming, tt young °vennid. 0115, (1. 111 ea well 0' 60 tel,s ® ,ln,',d, b0litne5 n, pit•n,1 e, Silt, 111 01 ba1n- (9 wood bush told 12 home ea 0111p. 21v utiles (st from bob. Lend •I nob, to lirtumebt. Posing. ea :dolt could be given on mooch let For 1 nr• 0t then ilnt•ticn Inca apply (m lila prandeev, Et Ethel P. (1 , or phone 3418 80•tP 1V 6 ] A I AAfONT t 1.UA1 I xs l rte sl 1010130,1,10-514, South V 1>0,> I. d. 24 flim 0, Grey, 11 Durso, ell Gleet.11,1111 t{ ell I,1ldela l x11,10 Ili 11,0 doom, FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES e „adhl,kb11a1r.{p..h {01 141 lei .333ot iH„1„t ff roffol .015 MO 1101 141 111inu Lot 82, 'Both . fix (, a of Qrer 50 of w hirh ui r .leered. BOIL 42 7>1011Mil, to I.5 :odd 1 i '10,1 out 5411(0 ��AN & Co.p, 0 App13On Jus 11Anv 1}IIi. Eth,', 0, 0 or w, C- Brussels •� 31 01 s4>.4ll< Harrlot,-1 . >0, oo ,tt Ont. tf; V ® r.; r: STOI4EHOU'•E FOR SALE Olt TOiti T.— 1 le •®®• eeSaaa••oaessase0p49 s,•n(aogaasecl0W9Yagleaaasissatess atntwn Q, T. S. For I00'110551r5 HptiI3 10 .1, 1.8u01.0, Aruea018. Nu. t, Produce W5ehwnse tit brussels • +424••+a+a.ea4.0+41.4•09.•+41.1.01•••1••+41+•+•4.•a.•.1.•+••a••L••,t••,t••+•+0 • + • • • 0 0 • + 0 + A • • • • 'F K°• • + • • O 4, + •1” Cold Weather Goods s :1 440, Fine range of well made Horse Blankets at various prices Comfortable Rugs and Robes Sleigh Belle in variety, Halters, Curry Combs, Brushes, &o. Trunks, Valises and Hand Bags if you intend travelling Our lau'gs stock gives eustoners a good choice, PRICE'S ARE RIG HT. Call 1i1 and see our goods. 110 FA1261 FOR .4AI,E,—The undersigned offers Ins line Perm 001 010ting or about 185 aces adjoining the town of Clinton, 'Por sola. 1'he Para, is n n In good v'. 01 Mato o oP se,ti cultivation, lel I 01111 hos iqng Moldings, 144Inlet hoose, bank born, dew. i»gllonse,ps• Pan etc chard11 1pm•etll 1.1, 0 n11 kindsor f v sands et, sol l fruits. all le:Hrm or fruits and oleo Beall fruits, The food Is well fenced and drained and inn very dedrnble horns. Por further particulars apply o11 the Premises or add ryas 28.114 JOHN TORRANCE, Olinton. sar.EDAR LAWN FARM" NOR SALE:— lina 100actePox,o beingNorid th11014!or120.COle I (1, Morris towneiap, $uron On. Parte is inn good Mote of cultivation, 1.vellfi•m.s,3, and has on It ngoo brick It'.uno811(11cost $8,600 Good lnwa surrounded by cedar hedge Bern 52x 00 feet on 'tone foundation. nt on 1 Goa orlo only mid , n d 10 note- or hardwood 1,11-11 . 8 town of brussels n mels arsethe apbnd id 11 Hoot town of o0110. and on milesPI nn x hoot Gond commun. Pn.sasslmt ut moa For 1prth5r portico• lura, print,, terata. &c apply oil Ole pi', mines no to JOHN MOONEY, Proprietor, Brussels P,0. 0� ��A��.® d®►eA�.Q ma® o W. H. LOVE Fureral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night ne day, Phone 228. • 12 24 4, Harness Hepairilig �i. F. CARR, ETH EL, ONT. .r a Specialt . Phoma 37x Brussels fl 48 46 p y 3. " 52451 1259 A8 5075 8+•+•,I,•+•+.+•+•+•+•• ++•.1.•+414.41,+.40+0+4-1.04.40F*+0.1••*4+•a'o+ p Ol _i — e••••••••••••••••••••••••••e4s••4eoe••4a+s"^ „xS(1P.s,5 $1021120 • ASSETS ORA on hand $ Uncollected taxes 60' ridded Hall rents...— T, orre & Gray Telephone Town BRII Pond ins summits 50.6. nettles Fire department Public School... - - ............... Mort aen real e Mlimellnn x debentures Town Bell J 5, Weod. Garside , & James Balance.,,. 5075 01 675 72 2$'70 21 00 41170 i 112 2000 00 Systemn .. .. .,. 47042 00 400 00 4650 00 12778.18 7550 0n 8080 10 1500 00 7204 07 LIABILITIES Onnanlidnted Loan $ 17700 110 Ptthlie Prhoot - 7100 00 Ln091 itpprnv5menta ., ,. 84120 88 Brusce5 & o rOA 1648 85 1.1, r P B {Rei Mori is & 1 e Tin 11 e 0 0 G y r n $ SUSS il3 $ 87475 84 MONDAY, JANUARY 5TH• • Is the re -opening Day of A 0 0 TheNorthernGusiness _ CoII •. Established abl shod 18 1 a Owen 8oun Ont. • •' The practise] school, IPgular classes including iils111111 ion cud expos once in Card Indexing, Fo11015-ups, Letter' Onpy1ng—Pre00 mud Rapid $ Roller, Filing—O12eque, Shannon, Doeuuue)t, Vestigial ; MImen en th Rotary, Neostyle, Becl(,'Duplicala', Burroughs Adding Machine, Alin. ericari Adding Machine 1 Billing, Condensed 13111 and Charge Type-, n lvr1Lera,'Rninington, W 10,1 Adding Typewriter, 1)14flaling Ma.uhines, No other school this equipment. Get the b0st. It 18 1)1• ,i4n1. • a 0 ege• •• ♦ Osmium es gl1:n41n('011 pn8111n1,8. Catalogue fret,, We the Auditors of the corpol•oifan of 1h,:'dhoti. of Urusoels for the. vent 101(3 havingi a,tamined the Recouupnnnts of the trPeeUrer find nil trio veschprc, and 11 e, ftp or Ili 114 0(10rnttl• (,'', A. FL If111ING, F O A, (3 1), I8f,E\t i haven 1 Minks, the e p omit hand, so sir foregoing reports and 11nd to the Standard and Melte. a ' (,1. S Ihtincfpal for 88 years. Si esel:11 y, f4 +lr(1T,AaEN,1.Attdltdrs, • g llrtelatla,biatailtY01t(ililll, i lfliitiaiyNt i •••••••••••41,441444444..444 ••••••••••••••••••••••i•1• dr OOLLEG t117 HOWIE Thousands or nln bitione young pen. l)lc net rest or rondos 1n thea OW71 lnll,ee t1 0(.011110 Ine.t•ittive positions RN 0 nrrinlgl'a I11e1'n, boolil(10pe1.5' teteg rn•. • Miele, civil servants, in fact every selwre or set ivttteNYou- nu, Antall , v .int' at 11 r of Q ';p$�j�111 If ta, t 105, oily Positions stool- • a nnleed, sitter nolloge any daY • � 1'ndI• 1 victual • inxtPtlat/olt' 1511,0 GvnOhe•9 •Thi=47Ti rx' (isp4rletmo' La1'ge 6, • Special course l'oj tonohere, uollogea, $ Affiliated with Caminerolul Moon, 0 t01''e.AssSatanmr et Cowie. Slut mor • Rrl10al08 (00>0(, Spo.tot, Bnenosa Cob 0 logo, 1,nndon. WI _ t� it Irl Rosiness QQt H mess College 411 141a"•'TNvirMa, W, '1', Mdtkaa ,a Prnsll14nt• Prlr,r{pn} ailikasslabomigawidalitaible 1 (f 411400110 t 4 11,