HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-2-5, Page 8Valentines $t, PalentIne's pay, Saturday, Feb, 14th The popular custom is to remember your friends with a Valentine or Post Card on Feb, 14111.. ValentloePennants 111 red or blue felt at 15c'each. Fancy Folding Valentines -When open- ed up display a red parasol 250 each, Other Fancy Valentines frum 5c up to • let oo Lace Valentines -$c and toe each. Valentine Novelties -sore new ones - Also Red Hearts for decorations, Post Cards Plush Cards to boxes, 15c each. Novelty Cards, roc each. A beautiful range, some with red sillc hearts at 5c each Also a great assortment at 2 for 5c. Kodak Films ' Bring ns your Christmas Kodak Films to Develop and Print. We will get the best from every expos- ure, and gladly assist sort to even still better lettere results. Now is the time to use - Flash Sheets 26c pkg. Velox Water Colors Complete outfit with special Brushes end Palette, 75c. Book of Color Stamps 12 colors 25C. Snap Shot Albums, 15c up. Negative Albums $1.00. h sure and take some Winter Pictures The } .`' `4.0..eQr Store IWO DR 0GT T U t3 AND SrATiONER, lex tJ Items c�gttItms FEBRUARY. THE 141h will be St. Valentine's Day GE'w.oE Kees shipped a -number of fine dratt horses from Wessels last week SC1root Board Friday, evening of next week. . CARNIVAL. . .at Brussels Skating rink Tuesday evening, Loth inst. Be sure to take it in. WHEELED rigs were brought into re- quisition last Thursday and Friday but the runners replaced them on Sa'urday tha'lks to the snowfall. BRvsoxLs Hock'ev bois went to Tees wa'er Tuesday and played s game to connectionWith the Lakeside League, winning after an exciting mtach ATTEND the first ptthliemeeting of Brussels Literary Society'rhursdsv even- ing of this .week In the Punlic Library audience room.KP K, Interesting program. 30 cars of haled bay. representing a bout 360 tons, have been brought to Brussels o far this season. As much more will probably he required before the new hay crop is St to mow. TRIED Pehlio Library Concert will be held. in Brussels Town Hull Monday evening of next week The Leigh -- Smith Co. put on the program. It should he a dandy. THEMntion Picture Show, of which A. M. Sinclair is prnprietor. is expected to open about the middle of the month the large isl store former LocationS Or v oc- cupied cupied by McKee & Co , which is heine transformed and fitted up in good style .for the purpose. BEaotti leaving for his (tome in Chicago lames Sharpe jr arranged with A. 3. Lowry to he business manager of Brussels Electric Lieh1 plant and Robt Tnuell. who hasbeen running it for the past month will con tinue in charge. Mr. 'Millen has made a good record and will, no doubt, con tioue to do so. SAYS the Aurora Beacon : 'Alice Genevieve Smith is a harpist, but she ' is also the possessor of that intangible something which musicians call "tem. perm -tient." The picture a5 site hent over the great geld harp, was of itself satisfying, but tine charm .)f her playing and the rendition of her reading fas- cinated her hearers." Hear her in Brussels with the Leigh -Smith Co. next Mondry night. PARCEL Pose' -The new Parcel Post System will go into force on Fetes to There will be a local zone within a 2n mile radius of every post Office with in which a special low rale will he given to protect the town merchant from the city departmental store. The rotes withi•t the zone will be: One pound, fivecents.; two pounds, six cents ; three pounds. seven cents ; four ;rounds, eight cents ; five pounds ten cents ; six pounds, 12 cents It will be noticed that after four pounds is reached the rate advances twat cents.8 pound. Bet parcels over six pounds cannot be sent until May 1. NOT SQUARE -A circular was distri- buted through Huron Co. by the antis a few days before polling clay, purporttng to be the opinion of certain Iiurnn Co newspapers as to why the Canads Tem. perfume Act should not pass. when as a !natter of fact the articles referred to were forwarded to said papers by "The Huron Co. Business Men's Association" and paid for as advertisements; we un derstand and then clipped from those ' broadcast their mis- sionand sei t troy ]cast ou thr,i sion of misrepresentation. It surely was a case of false pretences and deceit practiced upon the unsuspecting public. Not much wonder that such bolstering failed so igueminiously. SWEET MUSIC - No music in the world is sweeter than the music of violin andharpwell played. Soft, sweet and mellow as a -summer's dream, it lingers in the memory when the strains of other instruments are f ,r gotten. In the Leigh -Smith Concert which is dated here for next Monday, February 0th, these two instruments will be heard as played by artists who are reputed to be -exceptionally good in their line? and along ith thein -'will be heard the rarity of si whistling woman, end also ak an elocutionist who is spok- en of by M, V. Meyers, of -Cambridge, Chicago, as one of the three hest plat - rem readers he haseverheard, ExeF.LLENT RxcoRD --Last week four pupils, of Mrs Addie Wright Went to Toronto anti tried' the vocal examin- ations at the Conservatory of Music, the examiners being the v ell known Dr. Vogt and Dr. Ham. 'The result was a credit to botil pupils and teacher and was al folio es :-Lorne Eck neer, ,Junior, with honors; Kate Deadman, Tumor, 2 marks short of honors ; Bea rice Whitfield, Grev township, primary With hopers; Florence. Whitfield, primary; Mrs. Wtigh,t was formerly it tescher in Toronto College of Mvlusic and has hos had A I su00eas %vitt her pupils all who have' tiled. either 113 Vocal or fnetremental Wog suecessftl. Cnngretelhtlene are itodsrtled 011 Maneef11tit1, ' 'file Young People's Society of -Mel- ville church inieud giving a Valotitine Social on Friday even,ug 13th inst., at 8 p. rn The proceeds to go towards furnishings for the new church. Fur- ther part Ic'ulars'later. HOW THE VOTE.STO DIN BRVsSELS.- The result: of the poling on the Canada Temperance Act in Brussels 'Thw'sd•y of last week was am fullotvs For Against Mej for Town Hall 7r 55 2u Public Library 47 44 7 118 gt 27 CANDLEMAS DAY. = Monday Was extant mas Dav when, according to tradition the bear awakes from his long Winter sleep, conies out and looks around him If he can see his shadow he returns for souther six weeks. If he can't ue remains out. Hereabouts it was rathercloudy in the forenoon, but the sun shone brightly for a time in the afternoon. .The scient fie weath- er observers do not take muck stock ih the tradition, —0- 0)11 of feed corn at Brussels 4. T. R. station on Prides of this week. Apply to ALFRED Beam, Brussels. F.,a SPLs. -2 cutters and 1 jumper. Apply tojees D. Rune FOit HALM.- Encyclopaedia Britannica, latest edition, A dictionary of Arts, Sciences and general literatnl•e. In thirty volumes, With American supplement, Fully illustret. ed with over 10,000 portraits, plates and en- gravings Has. D. RODS. Young Collie dog, dark in Color with little white about nook and long bushy tail, answers ed to name of Oolnie Strayed from home last week, Infoi Elation as to whereabouts will be thankfully received by ALLAN SB0iR, 4th line, Morris. phone 544. HONEY. -"Tho most delicious honey I have ever tasted" said a customer. Extra One clover Honey special offer one 10 Ib. pair 51.20 ; two for 0.180 ; or three for $1,55 Try it and prove it. 4. A. Do,DMAN. Brussels WoonwoRg AS WELL As BLAOESMITIIIN0.- 8 T Plun, can supply all remain- in the nood- work line in oonnentinn with the business If yon require anything in that deppartment call in. Shop Thomas street, Bruseels. YELLOW Collie dog lost in Norrie. He has whits neck and breast Any person known of kis whereabouts will do a favor by notify- ing Robert Young sr. Brussels P. 0. or Blyth phn1le 887. 2 well bred Yorkshire young sows for sale. will farrow about April 15, Phone 8017, 535 Lot 17, Oon, 9, Morrie. Wm ALDSR1ON. TUUH0P0 and Campbell gutters sold. by E. 4. Plum, Brussels,,, Ask about them. Will gum, set end file circular or any 515 now with the latest new tools. Tom 5foGreg- or, Bruseel8, Ont. —0— CARNIVAL.-Pl'izes will be awarded Tuesday evening at Carnival nu 131m5- sels link aslfullows t -Foe best costume lady, gent, girt or. boy t 4. awards Fpr best National costume ; 2 for coolie ; 2 for best fancy skating ; and 5'speed- ing events. A special prize will be donated by Druggist Fox' for a 10 lot, rine for boys not over 13 years of ago. Prize for biggest. load cif people to carnival. Tiekels for Carnival may be had at Fox'e drug store. Monday of tills week H. L Ailing ham, the affable teller of the Standard Bank here for some time, was pro - mated to the position of Accountant a a new branch of the Standard open el at Regina. Many old friends wish him steady promotion. A. G 'McDermott who has been Ledger Keeper, has taker, Mr. Alliugham's place with the .cash : R. Burton steps up -from junior to succeed Mr. McDermott and G. G. Grieve, of Ailsa Craig, is the new junior. THE POST wishes all con- cerned the highest success LEIGH -SMITH 'COMPANY.-Tllefe i8- cou'itderable expectation among Concert goers regarding this coming entertain- ment. It is something out of the ot- dinary and prom.ses to be exceplionall good. A company of tour artists will give a program of• length, variety and standard excellence, in elocution and iu vocal and instrumental music. Press reports from local points where they have already appeared are unusual', favorable and where the comp ny is hooked for nearby points there is said to be ttpood advance demand for ticlt ate Brussels 'town Hall next Monde evening under Auspices of Brussels PubIle Library.: Plan of Hail at Fox's Drug store, Uou't miss the Concert. HOCKEY. -Ole of the most exciting games of the season Was played on 'Nestles, evening of last week between the Vannieans and High (school teems. Although the ice was heavy the game was fust throughout Penalties on both sides were numerous At full tirne the score stood 14 to 14. 'In the overtime each team scored and the game ended 25-,5, The line tip was so follows :- High School Yannigsns W Harris Goal R. !knishes 13. S Scott Point J. Currie H. Lowry Cover pt, H. Ante t J Ballantyne Rover L Lowry C Crooks Centre 13, Leckie 8 Fox R. Wing $. Harmsworth W. Lott L Wing H. Wyles The: High School team is open for Other games wtltt eithet 'bottle or out - 'Aide teethe, The Set:ret.try 15 Harold Warp -. The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid up - 911,000.000.00 Reserve, Fund - 1,260,000.00 Undivided Profits - 182,647.01 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN A000UNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. CILROY, MANAGER .tee Joe Wilton, 051he Standard Bank, of COMING EVENTS 1 Vis'borue, Ont , is home on a holiday Friday, Feb. 0- Annual Con- gregational meeting of Melville chdreh, al 8D. ]u. Thursday, eb. 5 -Brussels Literary Society Hist public meeting, Public Library audieltee room, at 8 p. loo. Sunday, Feb. 8 -Women's Miesinn ary Society Aultivelslug, Methodist chnrell, Brussels, Rev. Me. Connolly, of Japan, to eo11uuct the services, Monday, Feb. 9-- Public Library Concert, Town Hall, Leigh -Smith Company. • Tuesday, Feb. 10- Brussels, Grey and Motais Rural Telephone Annual meeting, Town Hall, 111 1.80 p. nu Wednesday, Feb. I1.- Hawick Mutual Fire, Insurance Co, Annual meetiug at, Gorrle, Church Chimes St John's church is having a supper tor the men of the congregation on Friday, Feb 6th at 6 p. m, Rev. A. 1 Mann took as hitt theme Sunday morning-••iu Melville church, "The signsof the ono 'Times." Eveniug adrires • was to the i' K People's la's Society. Rev D Wren, M A , was at Wing - ham Wednesday and Thursday of this week assisting Rev 1M1r. Elibbert, of the Methodist church, ih evangelistic services. Rev. R. A Ludy of Walton, will occupy the pulpit of Me vi,le church next Sabbath evening. The pastor Will conduct ann'versary •ervices at Moticrieff afternoon and evening. AttheMethodist church last Sabbath the pastor spoke On "God's Love" in them orninK and "A good Methodist Creed and how to live up to it," at the evening service. It was Communion Sunday Sabbdh next will be the anniversary of the Women's Missionary Society 02 the Methodist Church. Rev ter. Con- nolly, 13 A , who is home on furlough from lapin, will be the preacher, both morning and evening and he will also address the Sabbath School in the after- noon A public meeting will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the Lecture room of the church, at which Rev Mr Connolly will 'give an ad- dress. Sister Societies of the town have been invited. Lunch will be served at the close People We Talk About Vernon Ross is in Toronto for a week. Miss Lu. Lamunt is visiting relatives to Seafurth and Clinton. Mrs. A. Wood, of Speedside, is a visitor at Melville manse. • Mrs, N. F. Gerry was visiting her iideugh er at Hanover last week. 'T, Mcluwsh, of Dakota, was a visitor �,vnh Counetllor Muldoon last week. Miss Jesste Cunnmghem spent a few ela,s in Loudon visaing u,d friends Mrs, Geu. Smalldol, of Craobrook, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A Lamont. George Bruwu ot'Torouto, is renew - tug old atquamtances 113 town and locality. Dauggist F R Smith combined Lasa mess and pleasure to a trip to Toronto Ms week Miss Laura-.Leatheldale was renew ug old trieudships in Wiugham during the past week. (.4eo. Elliott, Co. Agent of the Ctlt.dren's AnftSociety, wst-ltl town lot a coui•le of nays tits week Mrs. 1 Cleveland Baeker, William 'd met, will be at 'hone on the 1st and 31(1 Mondais of each month. One of the daugh•ers of Ed. and Mrs. Pollard, Bilisaels, is still poorly other little lassie is picking u all 1 r P K P right. • Mrs. Ritchie and daughter, Miss Lina, of Winchester, were meets at the home of Alex $ ewer(, Queen Street, West, d',ring the past week. Mrs D Kennedy and daughter, Miss Jean, ce Goderich, are vt.rtols with the fotmer's sister, MIs G Colvin, at,d t o net 01'001%ms in town. Miss Maggie McNabb. Qneeu street, left this Week for a visit with relatives and old friends in the Nes . We wish her a sof,- joule y and auenjo,-able may. Mrs. 'L'huH Sherr! ugtou, of Elmira, a niece of Chas Howlett, of town, who bas teen in failing health for the past 2 years, is no. as well as uteial Tile ailment is cancer. Mr. Howlett was at Elmira to visit her. The baby of Mr 'I'bibadesu, Brussels South, has been ill during the past weak btu is somewhat better now Mrs Geo. Lowy Princess street, Was 111 with lagrippe during the past week 'Pile St ei,'7ary0 501.1111O1 say, of it former Brussehte :- R. J lyleAlpine arrived home laet week from a three months' business trip 10 Alberta.. He says that business contlit'iuns through- out the West are not the best, but are not any Worse than they have been painted. . Druggist J. Arthur Smith, of Edmon- ton, was here for a brief vlsit with relatives and friends He is a son of Mrs. 1. R Smith, of town, end is in the West f0:' the past 3 years. The visitor's wife is a dsughter of $ and Mro. Bendy, cf liruasols, Mr, Smith iutSks Nd if dmeuton agreed well with Islt�l Belgrave .East Wawatuish Township Council will meet bele next Monday. An Auction Sale of household ful0ituee and effects, beluugiug-to the late Mrs: D.' 1Vheeler, will be 'held Saturday of next Iveelt, at 1 p. 111. Stole unreserved to close up estate. James Taylor. will wield the ,hammer. Oranbrook . Communion service will be Weld in the Methodist ehwch next' Suuday afteettonu. Miss Mabel Heitman, of Oeutialia, is, here making a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Chits. Seel, Joseph Raytnano and daughter, Nellie, of Swift Current, Sask., are here ori a visit with A. Raytuaun, the fo mer's father. Quite an ltllpt'nvensent has been made ht Knox 01107011 by changing the choir (rum the centre of the church to tt platform in the Nortli 1Vest corner. 1Vedteeday of this week the nuptial bow was tied at Manx church manse, by Rev. Mr. McCulloch, , between Russell Robertson, who reeeutly fou ht the Shinefatal. 12211 Con. and MiesHazel, delight et, of the late Peter MtDonald. May their joys be many and troubles few. Huron CountyCouncil; n The January session of Huron County Council Coto Vetoed fu the Outlet House, Godetich, Tuesday afternoon of last week, all the mem- bers present. First business was the 'on e tut 1914. e f the WardenI election u There were three ntnniuees 111 the Con- servative caucus, 55hen the choice was (nude, this being the year for 11 menthes of that political faith to *Je- mmy the seat of 11(1111,1, R. W. Living. stun, of Grey township ; Wm. Glee, of Stanley ; and D. Cautelon, of Clin- ton. The latter 52011 by 8 t1, 7, and took the chair. After the usual 1ou- Line, Reeve Leckie and Cu, Clerk Lane were appointed on the Oriulival Boat,d of Audit. R. VaIatole, H. L' Isard and 0. P. Smith were elected High School Trusters for Wilghuttl ; Judge Holt for Godelich Collegiate; and J u(1. Stevenson to Clinton Col- legiate. 11. R. Long and Mr. Ricker were eliosen members of the Co. Exitnll Ili ng 13(1al•(1. for the County.r Following are the Standing Connuit- tees for the year :- Executive --J, Leckie, W. Glen, J. A. Stewart, R. Harding, J. W. Mc- Kibbnn. Special -J. M. Goveulock, 3. Brown, li. Ofich, N. Dernnlerliug, 0. Reis. Finance -J W. Taylor, J. Fioglttncl, C. Stewart, W. Yearley D. B, Al in'l'ay, Eduoa.lil-o-Dr. Mille, W. It. El- liott, Dr. Olat It, J. H, Iiudsou, J. M nlvey. Road and Bridge --R. W, Living- ston, S. Huntley, 1V. linntee, G. Lind- sey, L. Kalhfieisuh. Equalization -The whole Council. County Property -S Bisset, R"b21l Elliotr. W. H• Lobb, N. Campbell, J.: Shortreed.. douse of Refuge -De. Clark, J. W. lleKibbpi,.1. AI, Guvenluck, J. Short - reed.. Warden's Oonintitl ee-N, Campbell, C. Stewart, R. Elliott, W, glen,, Dr. Clot lc. In view of the fact 1ihtt a bill is be- ing benugbl before the House 10 00 :lace liar whit or the highways front 00 to 40 feet, Hurotl Co. Council, at its elosiIg, session •themeeializell the Gilverttineet 1111t to I'ellllCP Lhe with It mn ettt5 h i than feet Mi each side amil twined that the law be 1(11117. tided an as t0 make it illegal to erect. wlthou1 permission, any but wit fences :thing such highways. A. 1'esohllio11 carried disapprovieg the Ontario Govsrmnellt''s pt't'posed, action to construct a trunk system or highways throughout, the Province'. sun - 112122111 I1 believin ton7 mild mote people money if 8112111. 011 local systems. Tbt! salary of .1ai121' 0118111 sYOH ills 0111220ed to 31750; that of Co. Olerlt Utile. to $1,200 aced County '1.'l ettstt•et 1•Iolulea to $1,500. L`n. Engineer Pat. teeson Beta tt rise of 5100 11.1111 the tis• sistaut runt eon at the House of Refuge is given $25 additional. A grant of 0$2,000 Was maiie to Goderich, Clinton, Seafin'th and \V1nghaau high schools and 81,000 5vas granted to the ; hospi- tats of GodetiOh, 01111L'otl and VV1 lg- ham to be tlivided'4La in foiling. yenta. 2850 wits voted to the Children's Aid Society or the county. The rule governing the Road and thidge committees operations was found its need of tunelldlnent as to. expense account. Messrs. (Jameson, of Aehfleld, and Heilman, of Tuekeesuilth, evere ap pointed Co. AudiLON). No report from tate radial railway 0)''fiydro Eleett ie co. was presented. chattily pl'leti)1g was awateled too. the (:iodet'ich Signal for 1914. Thee Were only two tenders. A nnmbot' of the Co, Counri110Pa went 116rt)e 'Wednesday eVeniegg to vote o1 Thursday,: arriving, hoed, 'I'btteaday ttf tst'hioniL WVitf tidtir iliitlitllatt Wt%11tltt Gifu XXVII' ESTABLISHED 1873 ®{1' CANADA Epi OFF1Cz, TORONTO BRUSSELS J. F. Rowland, THE business man who has customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. 33 BRANCH, ID ®O Manager. sonimmamamagaii bees of the Co. Cnunoil and officiary to the bivalves at the Blackstone restkurautThnteday evening. BORN DOUGLAS -In Tornherry township on ,Tann. ary 28011, to M0. and Mrs, Andrew Doug - ins, a slaughter JsWITT -At Stallone, Rask , on January 24th, to Mr and airs Jewitt, a son. SMALL. -In Stratford, on Dee 2811, to Mr and Mrs. A. R. Small, a daughter, MARRIED ALLAN—DAviDR0N,—I,e McRillop, o,, Wed. ne+day, Feb 4th by Rev •R. A Lundy, of Walton. Mr Henry Wallace Allan to Mies Mabel DAV R011 1,1- ANN - t'Aaa -At Mnnorietf, an Wednesday. Jan 28'h, by Rev R. A Lundy, ntr..lames Mann to Mem Robena Agnes Tarr. DIED MD Sohn -At Radleon, Sauk., on January The People's Column lc ABM FOK SALE OR '10 RENT, being 1.ot 10, Con 6, prey township, Huron (10,0022'h,in.1011 neves. n erein n oue,cru, table e 11onny,new bank bar melon, d, .4o Poses• sion Could bees given t March convenient 'o , Farm is about 2 adles. fi fa. Ethel and s 0820 Ott to school Par Pn'thor poetic. hos as to urico,. tarsus, &o.. Mop!) to 0E0 W POLLARD, • Phone 8510 .;Blacksmith, Ethel. =ARM FOR SALE. being N>.4 Lot 18, (!ill. 0, Morrill 'l'owuahip,.Buron Uo, containing 100 noses On the premises is a geed 5-r o,',!,ra frame hoes. end woodshed. bank tarn 40x00, straw oohed. 80E511, poultry Louse 38a40 and pig nen There is conaideratlle timber on farm Loentiontsa',nut 34 mile from Conteh and school POP farther parneolars nppl' e, the premises or to 04013')', NEW POW BE. Blyth Rural phone 814 R. R No 2 Blyth 13th; Annual Meeting John Munroe. eon -in-law of fir. John .Ar - doll, Of (4orrle, aged 59 years and 21 de_2P' The attune] Meeting of the Arn,'PP1P. 1/101112 [UNTO -N. -TT WingLim, on January 28th, & Gi.ev Rural Telephone Company sill be Richard Raskin, in his 87th year. held in th,Tnwn Rall. Rru'wela, 011 '1:1,13 day February 1011,. 1914, n11.80 to. n, Auditnra' AUCTION SALES • Rennet wet be presented. Directors rhos.n MONDAY Feb, 9th, Lot 14, Con. 0. (Ivey' and any nth., bestows. tree/meted that luny tnwnshhn, MONDAY, stook, implements, ete Sale come within the range of the meeting. unreserved at 1 p m. Chas Cook, Prop F. S. F. S H,'OTT' President Scott,. Avo. M. SLAPS, Sooretary. 00044,400444044.4.44444.0440 0 0 0 0 4 °4 8 00 O 0 4. 0 O 00 a 0 a 0 e 0 0 0 4 4 0 • • Cali" r PS • u 0 a 0 0 e0 0 5112n1lr • • We al's pleased to ` • suite that during the 4 past week we have ", had sent to us J 100 CALENDARS a 0 4 e 0 ♦ • • 4 4 • • ••• • • ♦ DRUG STORE • ♦ They are the same as we distributed last year and we will be ;lad to supply any who may wish one if they will but call for it -AT- 4, 4 0 4 0 4 4 O ♦ ♦0000004♦044♦44440440444.4 0x1 Tenders Wanted Bulk end separate tender's, sealed end marked ' 7 end ra " rod ed: owed to 11 Serra• tars of the school Board. Ethel, will be re• erivrd until Nntul day ,Feinuer) :8th 1914, at 8 n'oleck p no . for the erection of a two room Brink end Wnherety Hehuol Building at Ethel, Ont Pian. and Speridratinne luny be Peen at the office or theEihe1, Out. and at the , Sire of W. E Binning, A r4L1(rrt, Lige. (vet, Om The .nrorseru1 tenderer will be requited 10 g'o" esti. f•rtors 52501 ity for the trope, completion of ,1', e, fit; opt The lowed or nor tender not neoesenrllyate canted W. E, BTNNTNO, Ar"hitert, TAstmvel, Ont. A H MAODONAf.n seeretnrr, Ethel, Ont. 10es- eeseeee00seeeee8YOYeee IS see,eee08Oeeeee8000OOOOe0N 009000004Ce0eteeeeeee000eeel e • 0 e 0 0 (Y e4 45 0 0 0 We're StillHammerin D prices e 49 R i,. le � � a ate► 1 ee 0 0 0 e 0 O 81 se ee 0 e e e e see 0 0 0 e 0 e • 0 e e e e O e m O e e e a 0 e e O 0e 0 e e.e • 0 a e e tea w ese e e e e e 0 e BETTER QUALITIES and values are what are making this "Clearaway Sale" E a success. With one�thought in mind,a = r W g and that of clearing; the store of all Winter stock, we do not hesitate to cut the selling price to cost marks, We have too touch Winter stock on hand and must get it out of the 'departments in order a to get cash out of them. Advantages do not come, .they are mad(, and we are mak- 0 ing the biggest ones in the .town "Ectlnomy" is the "Pass Word" of these times— 2 practicable during this sale A wonderful sale. ; wonderful in the sense of its excep• °o tional values, wonderful in its breadth of variety, and wonderful in its 'all-round help- fulness to those who economise. Saturday Specials— 0 0 e e e e Underskirts 89 e . 'These are Regal laffelta, lylor'eest and Sateen A Untierskirls - - e Regular up to $1.50 for .99 CS ® ` Regular up to 3 0o for 1.59 "Once -a -Season Chance to secure Fur Collared Coats Hose Specials Grasp these special seam, tam, in Ladies' and Chi Idee(1's 11 nee -you'll took long to 0010. iqual' 2211,111 in pric0 and quality. For Sruurday :- 4 dozen l8c .Hose for '9C 2 " 300 - 19c 2 u 25C , n 16C 50C „ 29c /1 Special. Lots of press Skirts - .2.15 & 3.95 The first time these have been suivertised, and offer the women of Beussels values as high aR $7 50 end tint: less than $4 50. Foe Wooled and Misses, 81)1158 nettle of geed all wool Panama, `St'rgea, Vene- tianitnd Tweeds, in colors of navy, bled: and grey tweed. Belted new styles of the seasim. 2 Assortments to choose from $4 50 to $5 00 to "boo ' .00 7 �11� 11/1 9 values foe collies for 'other Skirt. that are fully worth $3,50 to go at $1,05 2.25Winter cloakingand 1.39 . For immediate clef ent:t' werare Mint tlig 56 Itcit Rsvetsable Coatings, ni'1'exlra heavy gtutlity, int as- sorted cobs. These have been sold i11 the 922815222- '3021 for $2 25 per yard- Special' ard- S ecial' Y rice. for Saturday $1.39 P P - Also on our Tables are Bargains in Y11Y1 L,6111t11a' a Aviation Caps for Men and Boys, 0 e e a SS S s w 0 a a a 0 0 a e a e e. iOWe IMPLOSONII 1s Black and Colored It is just swill navtvinns as these clean-else:alga at• which such Hee Collared Overcoats nen be for so little money. ill R(flile'enses the piece is mete- ti7,ally little more them the value 01' the Hue collar 0 01111 wlthill they at 11'1010 711, ' 0 All these (Male are tailrn•nd iu Blank Melton elul hs, tial have 01)24 (1r finely quilted linings ; some 9 inl(4'Illled with chamois. Each has a beautiful Per- sfan Lamb, 01 oe cm110 ' seine ' other pop. 1 e P roar no..Ont full acal extra t ht rh- 6 e Reg 15.00'. Coats, Clean up price 11.48 Reg, 20 00 Coats,.. Clean-up price 16.00 ea Men's' Fine Shirts 0 11eo'0Negligoa Shirts, fn it large assortment; valve -4 ns It igil 10 $1 '75, 0oosisling of popular matey -9 '. ids of peveals, Fceuhh})1.11(1 ed i;ab e Cli anuit1 i ice e. prteS— p 7Sc o. Melo Negligee Shirts in till 017,75 1411(1 patte't'cs e" ' lliol; always Gold foe as high alta 21 00-' - ® • Clean-up price 49c no e ■ I! s 811 i o sv ■ ■ w ■ w The 'frig Shore, Highest Price for Butt, rt Eggs, Fowl fitid Dried Apples, . 4101 illilr iiiilo604lYi iiWiti,ol4tawiii61114 461iiilil6111. i6lii6114.1bilfYi•alie +gliitilY mtw Be-ussels