HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-2-5, Page 7Young Folks The Jlefana. Who is Befana') The little child- ren of Italy know all about her, and they watch for her every year on Twelfth -night. Like Santa Oleins, ehe comes over the rode of the Houses, but she clops not eons with reindeer,—she walks,—and the lit- tle children listen for her footsteps. She le said to be a little old woman who remembers the conduct of all the children, Before the children go to bed, they hang up their stoelcings for Befana, just as other children do for Sante Claus, and before the clock strikes twelve they are sure to jump out of bed to see whether they •will find sweetmeats, or good- ies, or alas! a few switches to show that they have been naughty during 'the year. Another lesson that Befana teaches is never to lose an opportu- nity. The legend tells us that poor Befana onoo made a sad mistake, and lost the greatest opportunity of her life—the opportunity that never came back to her, although she sought ib years and years, and is said to be se -eking on every Twelfth -night. She was a very diligent house- keeper; and she was busy' house- cleaning on the day that the Three Wise Men passed her 'house on their way to the manger to see the near -born Saviour. She wanted to .see them, but she said, "Ob, I am busy to -day. I cannot leave my work, and'I will be sure to meet them as they come back," .Alas ! They did not come back that way, and the poor Befana never saw them, and she had many questions to ask them; but they passed her house once, and she had lost her chance to talk with them. So when Twelfth -night -arrives, the little children in Italy say, "The Befana is walking to -night] looking for the Three Wise Men.' But in her search she remembers faithfully, and in one hand she car- ries a basket of rewards, and in the other hand she carries a basket of the needed punishments.—Youth's Companion. A MOTHER'S DUTY TO HER DAUGHTER Io to Guard Her Health by Keeping Her Blood Supply Pure. .Anxious mothers who see their daughters fail in strength, becosne pale and languid, can be certain that the cause of their anxiety is the condition of the growing girl's blood. At no time in her life does e girl stand in greater need of pure, red blood and the strength which it alone can give her, than when elle is developing into woman- hood. It is then that anaemia rapid- ly develops and the growing girl finds herself in declining health, If your daughter complains of feel- ing constantly tired, if her appetite is fickle, if she is breathless "roto slight exertion, or if her heart pal- pitates violently on 'going upstairs, it is a certain sign that her blood is failing to meet the demands upon it, because it is thin and watery. It is at such times that Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People are worth their weight in gold to tired anaemic girls, They actually make the new, red blood, that brings brightness to the eye, 'the bloom of health to the cheeks, and strength and, activity to the whole body. The following is an instance of their value to young girls: Miss Hilda Pearl Snowe, ;Barrington, N.S., gradually drooped under an attack of anaemia. At first she was pale-'' and listless, suffering from occasional headaches, but as the trouble progressed, a severe late, however, the advantages of cough also attacked her, and her aluminum for this purpose are be - 1' AFRICAN "FLY SWATTERS." Natives Can't Resist the Pleasure of Slapping Your Back. The Africans are the champion "fly swatters" Of the world, and they need no journalistic' exhortations to urge them on to battle with the pest. When a native sees a fly on a neighbor's back, says Mr. Robert H. Milligan, author of "The Fetish Folk of West Africa," he regards it as a duty of friendship to come up behind that. neighbor slowly and stealthily. He gives the fly full time to bite his worst, and so be deserving of death; then he strikes an awful blow on the neighbor's back, that brings him to • his feet ,with a yell. The habit of 'killing flies, or at- tempting to kill them when they, alight, is an obsession with the native. It seems a physical impossibility for him to resist. He does it In church. When I first preached to a large congregation' In Batanga, I was very much disturbed by the unlooked-for and constant slapping on bare backs. Whenever I saw a man creep quietly across the aisle or forward several seats to perform this friendly office, I could not help watching until I heard the slap, and then I always felt like stopping the discourse long enough to ask, "Did you kill it)" . Forgetting that' the white man is protected by his clothing, the natives vie with each other in the discharge of this courtesy; and ..the exasper- ating blows that the white man re- ceives from his black friends are the chief discomfort that he suffers,from the larger. flies. One day I was sitting in an open boat when a native man behind me suddenly gave me a, slap on the back that actually hurts and nearly caused me to leap into the sea from' surprise, A few minuteslater, when I was indulging in a somnolent reverie, he struck me again—I think it must have been in the same place, it hurt so much worse than the first time; whereupon I turned round and told him that if he did it again I should, land 'a blow in his stomach, whether there was a fly there or not. My boat boys, who knew the uses of clothing, and appreciated the Tm- inunity of my back from fly bites as well as the greater tenderness of the white . man's body, laughed at this interesting diversion, Then they undertook to enlighten .their friend. from tho bush as to the white man's point of view, combining 'theoretical instruction with practical sense by removing him to another seat; for they well knew that if he should see another fly on my back, even while they were, talking to him, he would 'strike again, Ho coitld not help it; the habit is coercive, 'b Too Fond of Trying, Too many of us In this world do not know what we want, and e0n- segtiently are more or less boithd not 10 get it. 'Carlyle once wrote t• "The weakest living creature, by concen- trating his powers on a single object, COG accomplish something; the strong - eat, by dispersing his over many, may fail 10 accomplish anything," ,Folks who are too fond of trying their hand at everything are apt to -become • "Jacks of all trades and masters of none." ALUMINUM USES IN INDIA. One of the Most Important InQus- trk's Of That Iilnnire. The working of aluminum in In- dia is making most significant head- way and promises to become one of the most important industries of that empire. Imports of altuninum ingots and sheets into Indiafrom Europe and the United States riow approximate 500 tons per year. The most important use of aluani-. num in India is in making vessels for carrying their daily supplies of water to the native houses from the village taps or hydrants or from wells and. rivers. On account of the caste rules or prejudices, na- tives of different castes living in the same neighborhood must often go long distances apart in order to secure water not defiled or mono- polized by other castes or outcasts, and as a rule not only the poverty of most of the'people but also their religion prejudices prevent con- necting their houses with central taps, and so the use of metal ves- sels or receptacles for obtaining'wa- ter for the many household pur- poses for which it is required is of great importance in the domestic economy. When the natives are extremely poor they use earthenware vessels, but as their means increase they adopt the use of metal ware for carrying their water. In a pros- perous community it is customary to see people carrying vessels of copper` or brass (usually on their heads) between their sources of wa- ter supply and their homes. Of friends feared she was in the grip of consumption. Almost from the outset she was being treated medi- cally, .but with no apparent bene- fit. At .a critical stage in her ill- ness Miss Snows wisely decided that she would give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. After taking them for some time there was a noticeable improvement in her case;. and the Pills were gladly con- tinued until she was fully restored to health. Miss Snows is to -day as healthy and rugged as any girl could wish to be, and her friends believe that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved her life. These Pills not only cure anaemia, but all troubles clue to poor blood and weak nerves. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. OLD-FASHIONED NAMES. coming recognized, as it is not only much lighter to carry but also much cheaper. Another important and rapidly extending use for aluminum in In- dia is for manufacturing cooping utensils, especially kettles, grid- irons, saucepans, stew pans, frying pans, etc. - i1 Judge Not. There are numbers of circumstances which attend every action of a man's life, which can never come to the knowledge of the world—yet ought to be known and well weighed, before sentence with any justice can be passed upon him. A man may have different views, and a different sense of things from what his Judges have; and what he understands and feels, and what passes within him, may be a secret. treasured up there deeply forever. A certain set of Christian names taken from the Scriptures has been in use so long that we do not think of them as Adam, Moses, Samuel, David, Daniel, Solomon, . Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Others taken from the Saints, like Peter, Paul, John, Stephen and Matthew, originally giv- en to children because they were born -oil the saint's day, are still so common that we think of them as English names. These names antedate the use of surnames, as may be inferred front. the fact that nearly all of them have given rise to patronymics. like Jacobson, Peterson and Stephenson. In the twelth ,century missionaries. used to baptize whole villages at once, and to euro time invested all the men with the name of John or some other saint, and the women; usually Mary or Martha. To distinguish the Johns some ad- ditional name like Short or Strong or White or Black was given him by the neighbors, and so Christian names and surnames were united. After the Reformation 'it became the fashion among the Puritans to give children the names of characters like the Old Testament and odd ones like Melchizedek or Barzillat were preferred. Among 'these were Abel, Levi,. Jesse, , Amos, Asa, Isaiah, Ephraim, Gideon, Malachi, Job, Ab- ner, Hosea, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Zoo- hariah, Asher, Eli and hundreds of others. For some reason the use of these names has largely ceased. We can understand why Ebenezer has been dropped. No modern girl could fall in love with an Ebenezer. But most of the Puritan Bible names have a strong manly ring,and have been borne by able men. We:can-only hope that descendants 'of these ancient worthies have In- herited some of their sterling quali- ties, though.they do not perpetuate the name. • Willie --"Pa, what 'st the bone of eon Len tion 1" Pa—'The jawboire, my son," A man lies a right to expect a agnate defal in a trade—and so has the other/'biloW, Death Nearly Claimed Wow Brunswick Lady Doctor Said He triad Diabetes Dodd's Kidney Pills Cleared Out Every Trace of It.. That's Why Mr. David Heon, of Nieoiot Co., Quebee, Is lteeom- ntenditng the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy To- Ills Neigh- bors. St. W4eneeslas, Nieolet Co., Que., Jan, '2e (Special).—"I started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills because the doctor told mo I was threatened with diabetes. After taking ten boxes I was again examined by the doctor, and he told me that all trace of diabetes had disappeared." This is the statement of Mr. Da- vid Heon, well known and highly respected here, and he is only one of many in this neighborhood who have found a new lease .of life in the great Canadian Kidney rem- edy. It is curs such as this that have given Dodd's Kidney Pills their reputation. They are now known from the Atlantic to the Pacific as the remedy that never fails .to cure kidney disease, no matter where or in what form it is found. Dodd's Kidney Pills are no'cure- all. They simply cure diseased. kidneys. The reason they cure backache, dropsy, 'rheumatism, neuralgia," diabetes, urinary trou- bles and Bright's Disease is that all of these are either diseases of the kidneys or are caused by dis- ordered kidneys failing to do their work. Her Reason. Hubby—I wonder why Kate does- n't mind her own business. Wifie-She hasn't any. Hubby Business l Wifie—No; mind. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO Itch- ing, Blind, Bleeding or Pre otruding Piles ing, in 6 to 14 days. 60c. "Sarah," said her mistress, "I told you to tidy up my room an hour ago, and here it is in terrible dis- order!" "Yid, ma'am, and I did," eaid Sarah ; "but the master came in to put on a clean collar., and he lost his stud." Try Murine Eye Remedy If -you have Red, Wealt, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonle. Good tor All Eyes that Neeehere Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago SAFE AND ONES Baby's Owne a safe and surelittle ones. They never late .the bowels, ash and cure all the babyhood. ConcerningDuncan Joy, Vancouver, "I al- ways keep Tablets in the house andmy little one wheneverI` think them the s surest remedy, a mother children." The - Tabletmedicine dealers or cents a box from Williams's Medi- cine Co,, SURE FOR LITTLE Tablets are medicine for fail to regulate sweeten the stem minor ills of them Mrs. B.O., writes Baby's. Own give them to needed, as safest and can give her e aro sold by by mail at 25 The Dr. rockville, Ont. • There are in the United King- dom about three and a half million cows, and on the average each yields 400 gallons of milk a year. The publisher of the best harmer's Pee per in the Maritime Provinces in writing - to ns states:- 'I- would say Oat I do not know of a medicine that has stood 'the test of time like MINARD'S LINIMENT. It, has been an unfailing- remedy in our household over since I can remember, and has out- lived .doze ns of would-be competitors and i Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam- ' Ily When Hope Had Gone. St., John, N.B.,,Deo. 15th, -At one time it was feared that Mrs. '.1, Grant, of 3 White St„ would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney. trouble, "My first attacks of bank - ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present, When I ex- erted myself it was terribly intensified. if I Caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr Hamilton's isllla at Mandrake and Butternut. In- stead of beteg bowed down With pain, to -day I am strong, enjoy Splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood e-eheeks are rosy with color, and of thank that day that I heard so gran a medicine es Dr. Hamilton's Pillb " Every Woman should use these pills regularly bocause good health pays and it's good', vigorous health that combs to all who use Dr. Ramtiton'S Mandrake and Butternut I'llls. CAP1TALIZING KITCHENER. He Understood Human Nature. The young doctor was buying fur- nitureafor the equipment of his new office. The eager salesman racked his brain to think of something else to sell him. He had sold almost everything • that could go in an of- fice, when he had a happy thought. "0h, yes, surly, I nearly forgot that!" he exclaimed.- "You need a doormat." "Not a new one," /mid the young doctor. "I'll .get that at a second- hand store. A wornonewill be a much better advertisement for me." Mlnard's Liniment cures Carget In Cows. FOE OF BOILED WATER. Exptorer Lander Always Takes Straight. H Is BI]RNING AND ITCI1IM ECL[MA On Hands and Arms. Broke Out in Fine Rash. Had to Give Up Work. Could Not Rest. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured, - Lombardy, Ont.—"I had been suftering for two years with eczema on my heads and arms. At first nny hand broke out in a ane rash with a burning and Itching that was hard to bear. The Itching and burning were so bad I had to scratch 1111 my hands and arms bled and wore so Bore I could. not - stand to put them !n water. I also had to give up my work, Then it spread all over my arms. 5 could not rest at night as the bed clothes would irritate the eruption every time I would stir or move my hands. "I tried two treatments giving each a fair trial but they failed to Cure me, Then I saw the advertisement in the paper about Cutleura Soap and Ointment so I sent for a sample and I began to use them with very little faith, but to my surprise I found relief from the very first. I washed my hands In warm water with Cuticura. Soap and dried them with a soft cloth, then I put the Cutlet/re, Ointment on and bandaged them with soft cloth. I used two boxes of the CuUoura Ointment with the Out(cura Soap and used them steady for two menthe and they entirely cured me," (Signed) Mrs. Relents, E. McCall, May 17, 1913. A single' cake of Outicura soap and box of Cuticura - Ointments are often euaiclent when all elsehasfailed. Sold by drugglsts and dealers everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 112-p. Skin Book. Address post -card Potter Drug & Chem, Corp., Dept. D, Boston. U. S. A. bath in any river or lake because cholera was about. The pack animals were loaded down with cans in which to ,boil the water, and during that ex- pedition I do not believe a single soldier or otlicer drank water that bad not been boiled, or ventured to bathe in any of the creeks or ponds that we ran across. I was the scandal of the party because I insisted upon drink- ing from the streams and lakes and refused to boil the water. I was the only man in the expedition who re- turned in a fit condition." Lander added that when he found tainted water be simply took less of it than he did of the pure. Contrary to the prevailing view, Mr. Landor's experience is that in doing without food one does not care much for water. He and two native servants were without food sixteen The microbe mania has driven many people to .injure themselves .in re- fusing to drink ordinary water, ac- cording to Henry Savage Landor. The explorer- declares that water, even from sources considered impure, . is "harmless, harmless, and cites- instances when he has drunk -from polluted streams. "When you boli water you devitalize it," he explained in a recent discussion of drinking water. "I have been drink- ing from streams and ponds in the tropics and .all over the world for twenty-five `years and I am convinced that people are wrong in believing that there Is any danger in water that is dirty or that may actually have di. sease germs in it, - "I remember a five weeks' trip I took with one of the -American expo. ditionary columns in the. Philippines. The doctors laid down absolute rues that no soldier should drink water until it had been boiled or take a What His. Kind Ad Did for One of His Subjects.. The Boston Transcript tells an amusing stony of one of the subjects of Lord Kitchener, consul general of Egypt, who, turned the power and I. fluence of the famous English soldier to ;his personal profit. While driving one .day, Lord .Kit- chener noticed an old man in the street whom the recognized as an ac- quaintance from the Sudan. The consul general ordered the driver to stop, and invited the old man' to take a seat in the carriage. So the two drove together through the town, to the place to which 'the Sudanese wanted to go. • A. few days later the ,dark friend of Lord Kitchener was seen hovering about the British agency. At last an officer asked him What he wanted, "I should go mach like to drive cut with Lord Kitchener ones more," the oid mail replied. ."Why?" the ofneer asked. Sou see," the Sousenese answered, naively, "after my 'Monde and as enalntanees saw me sitting at the side of Lord Kitchener, they came to me, one after the other, and from one 1 received g from another reg, from a'w, others p 41, and h40 plasters from the d that 1 could t vealc,in their 'e re tobelieEll lord. And, the oft dded, Should very nue again. to Nee that happen all over ag in, THE CREATURE IN THE BED, ,A Hindu's Experiences With a Hot. Water Bottle, A young Hindu tells an amusing story of his first visit to London, Ibis hostess, mindful of the gl'eati change in climate to which the trav- eler had been subjected, wished to make him as comfortable as possible, Aocordiingly, when she prepared his room for the night, the put into his bed a rubber hot-water bottle, xt con- trivance quite unknown in India. The young man retired, undressed, and got into bed, As he did so, his feet encountered a smooth, warm ob- ject, which he supposed to be some kind of animal. In terror he leaped from the bed, and groped about for the light, unaccustomed to his sur- roundings, he was a long time in -ending it; and at every step he trembled lest the unknown creature should attack him. At length Ise found the light, and looked about vainly ror a weapon. Ile was on the point of calling for help, when he thought of trying the closet. There he found several canes. lie selected the stoufest of them, and resolved to try conclusions with the Intruder, lie approached the foot of the bed, where be was somewhat protected by the footboard, and raised iris weapon for a speody blow, while with his left band he grasped the bedclothes and began cautiously to turn them down. Then, nerving himself for a final effort, he tore the clothes from the bed, 'and struck viciously at the round black object that he had ex- posedl One blow was enough to convince hien that the "animal was lifeless, and always had been. His terror gave place to amusement, and after he had his laugh out, he went back to bed and enjoyed undisturbed repose until morning. Magic "i1lerviline" Ends Still' Neck, Lumbago Any Curable Muscular or Joint Pain Is instantly Relieved by Nervlline. GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO -DAY. You don't have to wait all day to get the kink out of a stiff neck 1f you rub on Nerviline. And you don't need to go round complaining about lum- bago any more. You can rub such things away very quickly with Nervi - line. It's the grandest liniment, the quickest to penetrate, the speediest to ease muscular pain of any kind. Ono twenty -live cent trial bottle of Nerviline will cure any attack of ram - days during his exploration of remote bago or lame back. This has been parts of Brazil. "We had plenty of proved a thousand times, just as it water during this starvation period,' said he, "but we took very little be- cause we did not want it. With ex- treme hunger went also the desire for watery I A Misfortune Telfer. was in the case of Mrs. B. J. Graydon, of Caledonia, who writes:—"I wouldn't think of going to bed with- out knowing we had Nerviiine in the house. I have used it for twenty odd years and appreciate its value as a family remedy more and more every day. If any of "tire children gets- a Mobley—I feel awful. I just heard stiff neck, Nerviline cures quickly. If that I'll not get uncle's money, my it is earache, toothache, cold, on the auto will be stolen, and Grace will chest, sore throat, Nerviline is always turn me down for another. my standby. My husband once cured Wabyurn — heavens, man, who Himself of a frightful attack of lum- told You that) Robley—A fortune teller. Wayburn—You mean a misfor- tune teller, don't you) HACKING - COUGH OF TWO: MONTHS STANDING Looked Like Intended Suicide. The citizen who was brandishing a fierce looking razor Bays it wasn't suicide but corns he was thinking about. Need lees to say his wife bought him :Putnam's Corn Extractor and hid the razor -very wine, because Putnam's clues in 24 hours; try it, 25o. at nil dealers. Cured by Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne You know how hard it is to get rid of a cougli that has hung on for even two !weeks, let alone two months, So you, will appreciate what Na-Dru-Co Syrup of ne did for iMr.lPatrick Holland, of Best Licorice and Baltic, P. ErL IIe says: "I suffered from a hacking cough for ever two months. I tried several reme- dies, but they failed to cure 010. At last I tried Na-Dru•Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne, and got such relief that I tried more, and after using three bottles was absolutely mired," The uuique, scientific combination of three such reliable remedies makes Na.. Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Ciilorodyne the best preparatiott that that has ever been offered for rill sorts of colds and coughs, Get a 25c or 50c_ bottle from your Druggist and see for yourself :sow effective it is, National PPntgg and Chemical Co, of Canada, l,kmited. 324 "Better shave, old man." "Why i" "I expect they will play kissing games,. and if so, you may find yourself disqualified for rough- ness I" oughnssi" TO CURE A -COLD IN ONE DAV - Take LAXATIVE 13100810 Quinine Tablets. Druggtete refund money it it fails to cure. E.W. GROVE'S signature le on each box. 11». 4. ISSUI. "Did you 1$11the boss you were going to be married)" "No; he's. down on all unions I" Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Sorry For Their Kling. An English professor, who had been a fellow' student and friend of Edward VII. when he was the Prince of Wales, was appointed honorary physician to his majesty shortly after he became king. The professor Was very proud of this and . wished his studelits to know of the honor. conferred Upon him. So he wrote upon the black- board to his classroom. "Professor Baker is pleased to inform his students that he has been appointed honorary pEd- ward." to is The professore shortly a tt the room, and when he returned to meet another class, he could not understand why they should be so much amused at what he had written. Later, how- ever, ho discovered that some one had carefully added to his announcement the following: "God save the King," e Flowers, Fruit and Sunshine In January and always, are to be teund in California: the Ideal wintering place, reaohell corm tortably and conveniently by the Chicago, Union Pacific and North Western Lino, via the fastest and 'meet direct routes, amidst, oli b t aper obx ivetion f b par- lor, or more moderat5'prieed and home- like Tourist ear, Three splendid tratne daily -The Overland- Limited, fastest train to San Franoisoot T e Iron Angeles Li Land of . mn' iced, three days to a Magic City of Sunshine via Sal Lake CRY; and the San Francisco Limited. The Overland Route otters; Safety-'-Speed--Scenery and unexcelled dining car Wet:le -feet it. Rates, illuetrated matter and full Bart e- ulars on application. B. II. Sennett. don. oral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Always laugh when you can; it 'i t is o Merriment m l edicin is a ahorap m a philosophy not well understood. It is the sunny aide of exfatenpe. Mlhatd's l.Inhalant Curae dlteftlpot. bago by Nerviline and for a hundred ailments that turn upiin a large Tam- 11y Nerviline is by far the best thing to have about you." General Confusion. A captain inspecting his com- pany one morning came to an Irish- man who evidently bad not shaved for several days. 'Doyle," he ask- ed, "how is it yon haven't shaved this morning)' "But 1 did, sir." "How dare you tell me that with the beard you have on your face)" "Well, ye see, star," stammered Doyle, "there was nine uv tns to one looking -glass, an' it must be theb in the gineral confusion 01 shaved some other man's face." He—"I always loved the good and the beautiful.' She—"Oh, John, what a pretty way to ask me I" The whole of human virtue may be reduced to speaking the truth always and doing good to others, You will find relief in Zam-Buk! It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zana. Buk, means cure: Why not prove this 7 dfi Drunk? and &wea. Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy' 'y perfect baking, retaining 'theirfuil strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. r FARMS FON SALE. H. w, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Stmt. Toronto. . IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, - Stock, Grain, Sia Dairy Farm; write H. W. Dawson, Colborne St, Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, T;[ TE HAVE SEVERAL 000D NEWS• r paper properties for sale In On. tario towns at right prices. Apply quickly es eubscription renewal time ie Met open - Mg. Wilson Publishing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. CtTRAWBERRIOS, RASPBE5RIES, P'ISWY. Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell & Son, Grovesend, Ontario. .. Ur$CELLANrotta WANTED,. LADIES TO 130 PLAIN and light sewing at home,' whole or spare time; good pay; work sent any dietance; charges prepaid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manutacturing Company, Montreal. C.NGER, TUMORS, LUMPe, ETO.. Internal and external. cored with. oat pain by our home treatment. Writs ns before too late. Dr. Beelhaan Medical Co., Limited,' :.Collingwood, NOUS FREE Rr FINE T ON.E or MINAS: To0100r. saw Waco otk.:Ir note e,upo by 0.n, 31.10.00,0.1, a It rims oa.o, nnl rb. y.. 4.007 m.t, . s.oppiolltrare and ro.,.e. ep.: Mort:'rw 5,011551' w 1r4174no."*OLuyCIIRANO S pessisP0961NCE SCHOOL OF 4estc. Dept. e T Ctlope0. fit DO YOUR STOCKINGS SH15541T from washing and 111111 yon Do the children eomplainf The IDEAL STOCKING STRETCHERS make old stockings feel and wear like - new, relieve tired foot, ease come and save darn- ing. Two Diads, adult and obild- O�C.,aaeod, R. YRK & CO., Waterford, O t. gzandiraherja0, The close Intimacies of old age seem to consist In comparing gouts and rheumatlz, LQ;UB�. �11,.?HJ .Ul,re so,. torten n is 97 per cent. pure Sulphur, liquefied by a few other in re. limits just as pure and health - THE fol. You can use it safely and why profitably ne an ANTISEPTIC. Pry ib ons that cold sore, or any other Bore you may have. Loadtngnurses recommend it. Price, 50 cents a' bottle. Per sale by all druggists. If yourdruggist does net carry it remit direct to stile PHUT, PRODUCTS, LIMITED, 158 Bay street, Toronto, and send us hie name. SULPHUR PRQDUCTT THE NEW WAY "Licks the Bucket Clean" Blatchford's Calf Meal As good as New Milk at half the Cost. .5 ern 100 pounds makes 100 gallons of Perfect Milk Substitute, Send for pamphlet, "How to Raise Calves Cheaply and Successfully Without Milk." At your Dealers or - STEELE, BRIGGS CO., Toronto, Ont., Canada. To read the Bible through at the rate of a chapter a day would take three years and three months. Minard's Liniment cures Cords, Ste.. Mrs. Exe--"I can't gob my daugh- ter to take anyinterest in kitchen work at all." Mrs. Wye—"Have you tried calling it domestic eel. encel" IIOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN FRONT, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ti r , flre•proof addlticn is just being completed, making A, magnificent to ate y. 1Hotels A t wfeat hostelry the ated ft and least td rooms, ve age -1g 19 City quare. Anew feature la the unmated size of the bed rooms, average -1g 19 fent square. Every roam cetnntantls eh ancon view, bath attached with seri end fresh water. ohevrcl lass in wets- ahainha1, Temperature reentated b . Rhermoedndt gg T (1111 the latest devetopmont in stenm beefingg'. llchhonr' in angry ramal. privllegee. Clapaeity 606, Write for (nnstrated booklet, CIIA12LIIS 0. h ARQUETTE, TRAYM012B HOTEL COMPANY, Manoger. 0. t. WHITE, OtoOdsnt,