HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-2-5, Page 5Su$INI'.$$ (Aisllb.
Mae 111 nue Pent oflleo, lintel. 1444
-a- • San, will sell for better prices, to
better men, 11, lees time and less chargee
than any other Auotloloe, In blast einem or
be won't °barge anything, Oates and orders
con always be arranged al this ufaoe or bi
p preanal appnoation,
Barrister, Soiloltor, Oouveyaneet,
Notary Public), &o. Chloe—S tewart'e Block
l door North of neutral Hotel.
Solleitor for Lbo Metropolitan Bank,
BA1tLtf80Nas, 8oLI01Tnlls, NOTAIIIIcs
W Pnoun 'OOT, K. C. R 0, Heft
T, L. 11a,tonAN
Utlloee—Those formerly 000epled by Moser.
CI/moron & HOI1
Comte/on, (>"rAOF
Largest and
fastest steamers on
the St. Lawrence route.
For information apply
15� 13 agents, oreo-tt-,,
a� lig Allan line ,..
Agent Allan Lino, Brussels,
' sm .(rants✓nrr,tm: ,we..Nayixyz. z-,,,,
Your 1nceese In buchnoue life will de-
you(al mo.t attend ,tied its njifiity to the
sta t school
y n (
rs• / TORONTO, ONT. .�ee
T .a line n reengeiz-d standing for superior
llwinoss training and for ns+l•'tnlg mtu• (
- denim to good p.,.iti"na. A 111 hn.ineaa
,sdloolm ere not ,lino. Write nn-dny for
" Ia•'go !nr.,l'ogue and "en I'110 "Ave n -
'111�tage.Nile 9rllool oilers. Open ell year
• E iter nn v time
One, Yeangandi W. J. ELLIOTT,
./.� Alexander Sta. ( Principal.
'PM .a.A?a:.tAV'va' o'z' 4,N1,,1^AYA':AVFV1P.?wi
't?,lA�AL�, AL'A'Qs�'V4'.a~yLia I)9A•i AOA�,t^�vIMAyFLTA .Yb'A�7's
;4 1- CENTRAL // 0.
Cenadn'e )neat Prnoticnl TrninIng
S0lho.). Three denarta0nta — Com-
mercial, Shorthandcatnd Telegra-
phy. Uonr50, are lnorough awl tone-
ticnl. Individual Lvatrnanan 1. given
by n strong, experienced stuff Our
graduates gummed, Stud on to may 05 -
tor at any bine. Gab oar fres catalo-
gue and coo what we eah do for you.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
x.SY,MYeral. ,,ray I)19.) WAWA'Liete ht'l197At-
y,, : ,,,4.. rAv .4...Lva ,re ,..4w;rbtzy >.p' t
Enter f
Listowel Business
Any time i
Grow with us. >,aa;
< For parbienlers address— G'
' V ,¢a,AyaS,uva'P,av�vcvA'7,tva.>i�a0;tvy
y'es'ai k1rA rv),y V,s4a
Best 1 rains
In Canada have perbloipmtad in the pre-
par'atiml.of our`splendid Hoene 810dy.
0om'eon In Banking, Economics, Eicher
Accounting, Donotteroinl" Art, Show
Card Writingq.. Photography, J011,1110.-
1001, Short story Writing, Shorthand
and Book011051ug, Select the work
whloirmnebdotorest. you 111111 write 09
for pnrttoula'e, Address
301.7 Yong°. 811., Toronto
Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be
hotel in Bressels this season as fellows
I`IIITIt5Dt1Y, Llia#, hill, 191•t
" iMAlI 11,11, 11114
APR, 2n11, iO14
Leading Local tend Outside 9uyr±er
will b• present/
Bus/noes Garde
•i e 0 1001' o )i I Ander.
u ti t M. H Moore. Osis 1 11 e d 1
Nu utas, !Artery tootle, Brnsnolx. Telephone
OR, T, T, .11,4, RAE
eohelor of Medicine, University of Toronto
.laeltl0te and (}reda:me of the College of Pity -
11101111 and Surgeons, Ont, Post-�)1gl'aduat0
imago NJ e, Bar, Nose and Throat tlo0 hal,
nlcago, ill. Ex -House burgeon to 1311. A'Iich-
id's Hospital, 'Toronto,
Otlloe over F. 11. Sudth's Drug Store.Tele-
.,aime commotion with U1'anbrook at all hours.
Bachelor of Medicine, IJlllversiby of Toronto ;
1 hematite of College of Ph701e40310 and lour.
-teens, Ontario ; ex -Senior fionne Surgeon or
Western Honpltal, Tomo to. Offices of 1nte Dr.
A. McKuvey, Singh Block, Brussels.
Arai p1011016.
M.B., M.C,P.&S. O.
1G8 Blum' street Nast, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose' and Throat
Anneal ns-,ntont 111 Ulu', Nene and 9100111 d,
nrlauellr, Nrw ()enroll Hospital, Toronto
nab 019tt1Uete Harvard 11101110111 50100', lin+
, lab' loner 1100idanb Surg,wn Mama, 11)3,
s Car infirmary ; lune clinical ue'ia(nnt It
goo.ru1 Thr.344 department lua00 Orn (1
1,1311 ; Lite kluu,e Surgeon Toronto Genera3
�Nospital m In Br1.n010 by appointment.
'tlynioian and Surgeon ; Poot Gradunte course.
'olden 183g ), New York and Chiomeo He
'13110. tim'Olal attention t0 ,lHeaOe 01' eye. ea'
o.0nnd ilu•oat Sya+tented for glasses.
lonor graduate of the Ontario Veterinar
'allege. Day and night malls. Caine oppose
lour Mill, C'thel,
'er:omlI gradm,te Department or 01,113
.l'ILlgy, 010, lorndok Marlton) OelIego, 111deug,.
Il , 10 prepared to tent aye. and int x1000011 u,
,o,' office over G,'0W0l''a Restaurant, HI•n0Hel.
,n Thursday, Friday and Saturday of ever'
rank Amao hours 1 to 8 p m Ful'eloor
'v appointment, Phone 1118. _
Wfll give butter oatt0faation to loth buyer 1101
♦alter than a117 other A noleneer and
,.1 1120. what 19 ,'eamaimhle Salem amid netts
anywhere In Ontario Pore bred stook Hales e
Write or 'phone 8B Wroxeter.
f ca( gews tints
Gs'r ready for Assessor Lang,
1)1110 —Again death has 011 ere 11 11 e
circle and taken away one of the oddest
citizens to the person Of Richard Rao -
kin, of Wiugham, who died on Sunda,
Tau 25th. Mrs Rankin, althoneh Ise
sad reached Ole ripe old age of 86 yro,s,
roti had been tailing in health for some
.imp vet Ile Ilene to his duties as .bel'
'Inger and other work. He was born
111 the C ountv of Fermanagh, behind.
and carne to Canada in the year 18so
6o years ego he was married to Mis-
Io,y Itlack in Simcoe Co., end moved
tw" years later to Perth Co , where he
lived for uineteen 3 ears The elect aS-
elt !hen gloved ,o Wiugham where 11,
has resided ever since. and hes beet'
one of Willkhom's most respected rest
lents. He leaves to mourn his loss, t'
devoted wife who watched and eared
for him most tenderly,. 4 dauehtern
'i lid 2 SOUS, Mrs. Lediet, Perls ; Mrs,
VlcGutre, Brussels; Mr'•. Dodds, Soto h -
nine ou ; Mrs Sunmons, Wit Liam,
,i.clward, of Cupar, Soak ; and George
o EI, re Two daughters and one son
fie tleceos c1 111m. Mr Rankin wits of
a quiet, retnitlg disposition and was.
highly respected by all who knew him
,ie had been a consisleut and en hu>i-
a4Nc member of the 1,0881 Orange
Order for 68 yea's, was a Conservative
it politics and a member of the Angli-
gen church, 'rhe fetidly have Ute
-empathy of the community in their
bereavement. The funeral tout place
u Tuesdav afternoon and was -con
luded by Rev. 11, H. Crolv, services
being . held in the Anglican church
The funeral wa0 i1, charge of the L 0
L No 794, and the members turned
out in goodly numbers.
Prominent Manufacturer Speaks
I11 Vaaileek Hill, out., no one is bet-
ter known than Geo, S. Watson
When lie says "Cataln'hoznne is iL real
mire," depend upon it being so. "My
wife" he writes "was subject to beth
attacks of throat irritation and been -
Many remedies were tried Int
fele proved lit all useful. Catarrh -
ozone was different, It seemed to gel
right at the sorespots ted brought re-
lief quickly. We have found Catarrh -
ozone an absolute core for bronchitis
anti catarrh." Nothing, cures 111010
quickly so get it today, two sizes, 25c
told $1.00 let all dettel'o.
Pori eR Bensons P400otl.— The
Calgary News -'telegram of lenuarl'
22nd, glues the following item of in
serest to the people of this locality as
the gentleman referredto was pastr of
,110 Presbyterian church, Brussels, for
6 or 7 Years :—The annual meeting Of
St, Paul's Presbyterian church was
Meld Weclitestlay evening and a num
ser of encouraging reports for the year
were presented. The gathering was
presided over by the minister, 12ev. A
1 Wisher), who was inducted to. the
pastorship of the church about .8
nn1nllts ago .and siuee that limehas
gained the esteem of his congreeat1on
It will be recalled that a few weeks ago
Mr, Wisher( narrowly escaped death
From asphyxiation bo g10 and 'Wednes-
day night he spade his first. appearance
nrpublie since the accident He *ea
sloe sed And u t g
li• II welcomed t
> m1A3 LA V
011111 1111 V
his address the spealter )hanks I his
congregation for the interest .they had
taken in his welfare dui iue his illness
13e also expressed his gratitude for the
eo-oneration accorded 1[111 in his labors,.
during the past yJar, 111111 stated that
the church had re0001 to feel satisfied
with the progress tirade deride the past
poor, The reports of the various
bralieles of congregatimtal wok during
the ear showed that excellent progress
had been tnede. This was especially SO
0 the We of the Ladies' Aid and the
;undav Sc1)1>ol, 'the membership of
the church lends esti, bet there are 041
Sunday SClloOl sehoiore with an neer
age 13ttendenee of 217,' The total
evelue d111)))g the vesr the treasurer's
epnrt'showed was $8 7)111 and the ex
pee *8 5O0,. There i5 R thnrl,2av1'
1 *;l;t,oeo ter the 'pI property and a-.fT'ont
14 debt of iteetly *leu, 'The Value. Pi
Iassets over liabllitiee is placed et
eteo,o00. It is estimated that the
revenue for the current year will a
mount to $y 400. During the evening
ref reshnlenls were served by the Ladles'
Ad flhecon'1'e ation. W. , Holli.
A to h g J
day, W, F. Lent and J. D. Johnston
were appointed trustees nod C. J.
1 Campbell, A H. Grant, F. S. Selwood,
Porteous, George 'l o
G. rt uav r L. H
(Crockett, George Hunter, Alex.
Martin and W. E. Hall were appointed
managers of the church.
The Wmntpee News— Bulletin of
Jen nary 26111 speakes as fol lows of Rev.
G. F. Salton, who was a former- pastor
of Brussels Methodist church )—"'rhe
"Shadow of the Cross," the famous
(pointing by William Strutt, R B A„
became the property or the Fort Rouge
Methodist church under peculiar eir-
curnstanees yesterday. The picture
had been borrowed by the pastor as
an apt illustra'ion in colors of his
evening sermon. ^"Pile 13rotherhooti of
Nations " At the morning service Rev.
G F, Salton appealed to his congrega-
tion to acquire thepainting for the
church. In answer :0 his plea Several
members came forward with offers to
contribute to a fund with a view to its
purchase. It was not until Rev. Mr.
Salton was stepping into the pulpit at
the evening service that a gentleman
stepped up to him and said he had
purchased the picture, the only con-
duit -ins being that Ins name privately or
publie'y shou'cl not be divulged The
plc are shows Christ the shepherd and
%t flock of sheep represeutative of the
notions of the world. As they crowd
'own rd the central figure it is analagons
of the nations of the world getting
closer together. "God made of one
blood all nations" was the text of Rev,
Mr Salton and The thought exprecoed
en his sermon %Rs that the ancient and.
even modern nations had too long
neglected the establishment of this
princ pie, In presenting the d'fferent
traits of character of nations represent -
d in C,inod', Mr Saloon made a strong
plea for enmity among thel11. He
Stales that the deporting of, Hindus
from the Dominion would not solve
he problem but would only shift it to a
diffetent sphere, Education, Socialism
'unities and commerce would not solve
he problem, he asserted. It was a
social problem creased by Christianity
,1 d which applied Christianity alone
oald solve, •
Ever Huye Cramps 7
Kind of Herm- to be tied up in it knot
at midnight with crlunps. Keep
Nervili110 handy. 'Pea drops quiets
era ups instant)y, Uned oevasil113lly
Net%eliue prevents this laouble eo-
1h'ely. From St1;131oecl, Out., Wm.
Dee writes : “Not hing 1 know of will
give nosh quick relief to cramps, colic
r pain in the stomach as Nery Hine.
ff you feel squeamish til sick, just ten
131rp8 111' Net 011iIle i11 wafer and you're
yell the )next minute." 'Think of the
Ili'ntl'et ion ami comfort, Contained 111 a
251. bottle of Nerviline, and. get it to-
tlntotltledtol'lOet week)
Miss Carrie Alnrut, o1' 131'1105148, has
oven visiting 191) 11 Mrs. Jae. Mc-
L,l,ghlin f,r' a I'ew (lays.
Lt is relewtetl tit(h)ing bells will be
jlegliltg shortly on the 12th tun., but
rt 1111101 keep tI a secret at piesent,
Mee. ,llrLetan and children, 1,1Whit-,
tq,, are v101111ng with Iter pttre01n 343110
31 11 r Dnnd+ts, Suri olhev'..fl'itndm.
'1'10• DeOni„fit fatal. on the 14111
1111,, has been solei to Jas. Alone, of
Ito 13lyfleld rend, who Purposes
omeng 1311 In it hi Alm ell The farm
,'„eosins 180 /ores attd Lite pi Ice re-
oorled is $5,200.
Annual meeting of the 141cKillop
'lnlultl Telephone Co. reels he1(1 011
Tuesday (Lt Winthrop, 'Tho flluaucial
reports proved vt'l'yslLtlIofacIlIl'y 0110.9.
11174 gond condi' bine and with 00147
431 bN,-ribta' d..ilig Itis best the service
should be all right,
District, 001511ge Lodge held their annu-
al meeting in the Listowel Orange
Ilall, D. M, W. J. Monte in the
chide. Following officers web e elected
old installed, P. D. M., T. Tughl'u, i11
ho elude :—D. hl„ FV J. Moore ;
Deputy Master, 8, 3. McKee ; Chap -
mitt, Rev. Lang -Ford , R,ecerdingg-
Secretary, 3. Alford ; Pilianciai-
`eer0tltey, 13rD. Sanders 1 Treas., S.
$, Rothwell ; Lecturers, Geo. Raines
and Geo. Thompson ; D. C., Alex-
alider Rohtnsntt. A communication
wits read from South Perth County
Lodge inviting the Or11ugenien to
,elebuile 311,81. Mary's `on the 13th of
July, 1014.
Fatal Brood Poisoning
;Ftegtleil1ly fullolvs the use of cheap
cot it salves and pilIolels. The safest
is I he best and limb's "Put 011111'O,”
which Inas ai'eC'rd of. fifty yeas SUC-
ones. Rsfuse Sit its ti1uLea • for "Put -
Oslo's which Costs 25c in every drug
store. -
By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound—Their
Own Stories HereTold.
Edmonton, Alberta, Can. —"I think
it is no more than right for me to thank
you for what your kind advice and Lydia
E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have
done forme.
"When I wrote to you some time ago I
was a very sick woman suffering from
female troubles.- -I had organic inflam-
mation and could not stand or walk any
distance. At last I was confined to my
bed, and the doctor said I would have
to go through an operation, but this I
refused to do. A friend advised Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
now, after using three bottles of it, I
feel like a new woman. I most heartily
recommend your medicine to all women
who suffer with female troubles. nave
also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver
Pills, and think they are fine. 1 will
never be without the medicine in the
house."—Mrs. FRANK EMSLEY, 903 Col-
umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta.
The Other Case.
Beatrice, Neb.—"Just after my mar-
riage my left side began to pain me and
the pain got so severe at times that I
suffered terribly with it. I visited three
doctors and each one wanted to operate
on me but I would not consent to an op-
eration. I heard of the good Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was
doing for othere and I used several bot-
tles of it with the result that I haven't
been bothered with my side since then.
I am In good health and I have two little
glris. "—Mrs.R, B, CamILn,Beatrlco,Neb.
Secretary=Treasurer for the 8oelety.
He has given unstinted service in the
past and hie selection for another
yypy,eat• ebows the appreolation of the
At'c1e t y..
Le y tuan' Missionary 1
t 01 s1, nary Ban tie n
St. ,Andrew's ehureh will be held) on
Thursday evening of Lids tveelt,
The members of the Woman's In-
stitute, together with their husbands,
tvU1 00111 a 0(I8151 evening 011 Friday,
Feb, 0111 at the borne of l8ubt, Brown,
910 eon. Morris. A literary program
also games are being arranged.
Council )meeting the following Id -
11m s Were )appointed t—Geo, Loch -
head, Clerk at a salary of $425 per
annum and Llle 00)11 (11 40 ciente for
each person affected by an A,yal0
under the Ditches )mai Watereouesee
Act for his services thereunder, all
work in connection with registrations
Judge's court feud Mouicipal elvaiue
extra. Andrew 1111. S*eetou, Tress-
neer at a salary of $150 per annum
and $15 for',reploileg Financial State-
ment., he to furnish satisfactory se-
curity. T. Ratcliffe and G. L. Adams,
Auditors, at a salary of $15011011, Ap-
plications for Assessor were received
as )1oIlo wa—Lod, Na;pe1111y at $90 00
and 0. J. Wynn at $85.00, former wits
appointed. Wu), Scott, Reeve and S.
Rothwell, tuelnbete of the Board of
Health and that they are paid $2 per
day and necessary travelling expenses
attending meetings of Board and D.
A. Kidd Medical Officer of Health 04
to salary of $50 fur waking inspections
of the Township and $1 for the first
utile and 50 cents for every additional
mils -while performing his duty at-
tending to contagious diseases. Sheep
Valuator's of the Township of Elma
wets appointed 00 fellows viz ;—Div.
No. 1, David Edgar ; Div. No. 2, Jas.
Shearer ; Div, No. 8, Jno. Cowan ;
Div. No. 4, Thos. Hammond ; Div.
No, 5, Joe. Horn and each to be paid
$2 for each day engaged in any neces-
sary business rnmlected with the
1 duties of Sheep Valuators.
92ND BIRTHDAY.— A unique event
their place at. Trowbridge on January
14t11, when Edward Leech celebrated
his 92nd birthday at the home of his
daag111e', Mrs. J. R. Code. Follow-
ing aL repast a number or addresses
were given by those present iuclud-
Mg Rev. 0 Monreheuse, of Trow.
bridge and Rev. A. Moorehouee of
h'Ionk10n. Congratulatory lettere
were also received from friends in
Washington, D. C., Detroit, oal-
ggar7, California mid many points in
Ontario. His two brothers, Sanies
and Rev, W. W. Leech, of Gorrie,
Were not preseot,'owing to, the ex-
treme -cold, )lir. Leech retains his
faculties to a rernarkable,degree with
the exception of. twain*. He reads
lunch and keeps un a"large corres-
)cICI ence. The floe eld'gentleman is
leaves to mourn his early demise, his
grief stricken widow, his father laid
mother, Macklin, Sask., and these
brothers and sisters, 31011es, hairy
and Russel, H(tytel', Sask., 1111rs. 13.
Jackson, Morris, and Mrs. Fred. Noll,
Clinton, In this their hour of deep-
est so•row is extended the sympathy
of their many friends.
Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept.
29th and 801). were setas the dates on
which the Fall Fair Will be held this
Wn3). Jackson was r•e•a °lilted
year. pp L
J(uues McElroy, one of the pens-
porous I'aett11ers of 11/141itobea, is visit-
ing his brothers, W. 14. and T. 0.
McElroy, Blyth, and John, of Morels.
It is over 24 years since Mr. 'McElroy
went West and stint the many trials
ilncident to pioneer life, is now 01)Oltg
he well to do of (1x111 p11101 o•e. He
ypetaks in.glowing terms 01 Manitoba
tad len Itgl'i3ittl(11.33,1-pt'nviil83 3333(1 :8)31'0
tI1Lb any
IIarwith energy eito 1111111
good. 1-10 Will 013111 With 11(31140 at -
H(3') 1io hl f, re eel ill 13133g 1VesC,
OBITOA0Y.-11. to 001)13 Lin deepest
41 r'1.1 We' have L" (In uui0le the
11(11,01 of ft former' young Morris 1111111,
in the pea's0nof Win, G. Ol'tig, whose
death occurred at Unity 'Flospital,
Macklin, 'Sask., o I Dec. 20, at the.
early age of 27 yea1'S. I11 1 he .early
Slimmer ho wile 1.10h00 sick will
Typhoid tietterflt, 11bd although the
hent 1111d1 'nl 8111111 was 111'01111ed he
0e0111ed 111111b131 10 throw 011 the
disease, Ile was a ynttlig -wart . of ex -
0(441131 prhhelples and made many
friends wherever he won, About it
year and a: hall' ago he Was tnai'ri1d
to M13001, voungesl, tlaugltet of'Tl)ns,
end Mrs, td(>0ln>in, of 8lnrris. 1ftee .,
1h(h'111noi31g).they 1110v1d I11 131nrk-
1111,Meek ,tied )tart le letelu('es there'
N11111 the 1)11311 1,C nils 11)0101,83( Ha
Aimoat every day solve grateful
person conned I)1to our store null tells
us of benefits received from the ane
of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Know-
ing hoW much good they have done
others and knowing what they are
made of, We feel sure they will bell)
yon, So great is our faith i11 there
that we urge you to try there eathely
at our ){alt with one personal promise
that if they dein do all you expert
theta to do and, make your attuned)
comfortable and healthy and gout
digestion easy, we'll hand back your
We couldn't endorse anything any
more strnugly than we do Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets containing
Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the
greatest digestive aids known to
medical science, they soothe the
stomach, check heartburn and dis-
tress, pemoote a natural flow of 1115
gastric j1110e, and help regulate the
bolvels. Remember, if they don't
make your digestion so easy and corn -
fin table that you can eat whatever
you like, we want you to corse back
and tell us and get your money. ,Sold
only at the more than 7,000 Rexall
Stores, and in this town only at our
store. P. R. 830113). Three sizes, 25c
50c and $1.00.
tun uncle to Mrs. (Dr.) Oaten, former-
ly of Brussels and now of Toronto.
We extend hearty congratulations.
A Question Often Asked.
Why so /nutty people feel worse
after taking pills than before 7
Trouble is that, drastic pills are used.
No 1emedial action is obtained, the
bowels are imitated and dreadful
constipation follows. Ll using De.
Hamilton's Pills you are scarcely con-
scious of having taken mediniue. Al-
though very mild, Dr. Hamilton's
Pills do regulate the bowels, stimulate
the normai odea of the glands, and
create neither nausea, griping or vio-
lent action. Positively guaranteed
for 0111cusness, indigestion, 8toneteh,
liver and kidney ills. Fm a safe fend-
ly pill rely on Dr. Hamilton's. 25c
per box at all dealers.
A dozen horses perished in a fire that
destroyed R. P. Adams' livery at Til-
Dr. F. G. Hughes was arrested ai Ed -
M00501 in counection with the Union
Life affairs. 6.
Mrs. Julia MCDenn, a pioneer settler /.
in Cape Breton, died at Guelph at the ; 6tgr
age of 102 years. 1
A man believed to have perpetrated Ft
burglaries in Simcoe Park, escaped '
iron: a policeman.
Councillor A. G. Watson, jun., of
Cornwall, dropped dead after coming
into his home from his regular Sunday
afternoon walk.
Tributes to the late Smutting Ellin and
Cox 'vary paid in the Senate, 1) loch ad -
jeweled till February (8.
Political cleavage caused the Went-
we Cou tY Co xil meeting*
to elect a Warden to ;:111 of organization.
Hon. W 5, F1Pldiily le 10 be Presi.
dent and editor of the new Hernia-
WitnessMounted, (tallied 7v ams
gametiou of 1'be Herald 0101 the Tele-
Fifty men employed on outside work
on Brantford's Hydro -electric tryst em
are on strike for strttig n time pavtr est,
no docking for wet days and higher
Lockie'Wilson, speaking at Stret-
ford, expressed reeve! that the rural
mail dellve•7 hod net) ti one of the
hest 003,10l features of count Iy life, viz.,
'going for the 01531."
Samuel L. Crowe, formerly Warden
of Lincoln county anti fine of the must
prominent faimers i' Magma District,
wag found dead in 1,114, having .retired.
1111 eppa'ently 111,11)1 3)0131)1', _
Messrs. N101,o1g 111'1 Mnt'Nah admitted
before 'he Quebec l:egisletere respon-
sibility for 331331 1,- in 'fire Daily' Mail,
Charging corruption 010111 1 members of
the Lower and Upper Houses.
Resign From The Worry Club.
Life is a rush, Inst We r'an't all get
thele together. 1 r cnnsequ111ee, We
worry—Can't help it because nerves
are weak, 'Ot111)1 y le buret. up and •
there's 1111 - staying power left.. Out
not tho 0/01111' (MN, itud build .up.
Let Ferroznne 111'lp yn1i. It's it mast
strengthening nutritive toni). Fills
Lb(- bh:od and iron, allpplies building
material for worn out organs, gener-
ates the sort of vitality that -makes
you w0,111 to 11'> things. No Medicine
more helpful for ((1101, women and
children who need strength and stay-
ing power. Try Ferrozoue, 50e per
box at all dealers.
For sale by
Blakel Walton
Read Our
Money -Back
You Can
Try This
At Our Risk
OTJ know what that means—Misery—Worry—Big Bills—Debts! You know you can't afford to get sick.
ng KeeP iin health means food and clothingfor you and your family. It's up to y' i to take care
Keeping good
of yourself. It's up to you, whenever you don't feel right, to take something to make you ri' ) strengthen
you, build you up, ward off worse sickness, protect you and your family/ That thing `- _ nave, and in
offering it to you we protect you against money risk, by personally promising you that if it doesn't protect
you against sickness, we'll give you back your rnoney without a word or question. 1t is—
V., a
it is the Best Remedy
When you aro run-down, no matter what the cause.
113 doesn't merely Stimulate you and make you feel good for a fe',y
hours, but takes hold of the weakness, and builds you up to a healthy,
normal condition.
Itis a real nerve -food tonic, a real builder of healthy nerves, rich
blood, strong muscles, good digestion.
It contains the llypoplt-oiphites, to tone the nerves and give energy,
and lege Olive Oil, to nourish tho nerves, the blood, the entire system, ,
and te vitality, strength and health.
It is pleasant to take, the greasy flavor of the Olive Oil having been
For you who are tired out. nervottn, run -clown, debilitated, weak,
ennlciated—for convalescents—for old people=—
for puny children—we reeommcud Roxall Olive
011 Emulsion as the host medicine we know of to
hake and keep you well and strong.
Sold only at the 7000
Greatest Chug
Sold in 111
We Make OUP Living
out of the drug business right here in your town. It is our duty to give
you the best remedy Ave can for whatever ailment you may have, and
business sense demands that we recommend nothing unless we know We
We know Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is good. We believe it 1s the
best builder of health, energy and strength there is made. We know itis
greatly helping many of your neighbors. We believe that it will make
you well and strong again, and save you money and Worry in the end.
We feel it is good business for us to recommend Rexall Olive Oil
Emulsion and get you to use it, because we know you'll thank us after•
ward for making our confidence in it so plain that you didn't hesitate
to take us at our word. We also feel sure that once
you have -used it, you'll be asenthusiastic about it as
we are and will recommend it to yourfriends. Read
our money -back guarantee and get a bottle today..
"lo_s ¢_C Stores—the World's
Stores—$1.00 a bottle
is town only by us
We Guarantee This Remedy to Relieve and Satisfy You --or Your Money Back
We don't want your looney unless Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion really helps and satisfies you..
If it doesn't, collo back and tell us: and we'll give back your )honey. We believe it will pro-
tect your health—if it doesn't, the money is yours, and we want you to have it,