The Brussels Post, 1914-1-22, Page 5Mn
Mee In the Polit Oalee, Ethel, 80.9
�n xy y/,�y� 7�v�/q �gLIMITED
2YC�V l �6v RA (9 f47
• lana, w111 coq for bettor prices, to
bettor Men, in loot time and leas eharges
than. any other Auotlouoer In East Hosea or
he won't°barge anything. Dates and -orders
eau always be arranged al thinoffice or by
n re ilial npplioation.
fid. 81NCLAIR—
V T' • Barrister, Solloitor, eouvsyanoer,
Notary Public, &o, OlHoo—S thwart's Block
I. door North el Ceutral Hotel.
Solicitor for the tdotropol(tao Bonk,
PUBLIC', 1110.
W. P11oUDnaooT, K. 0, R 0. Have
OIHese--rbnoe formerly occupied by Waseca
Camerae A: )1olt
ti0e1r1arU, rl 0')07(1)
Fine, modern steam.
era — equipped with
every oomfort and
luxury. For infer.
motion apply agent°,
or 14
the Allan Line, Towle
Agent Allan fine, Brussels.
The Road to Self-support aa.�
W1 Tim ninj sits of young po.lple desire
LA1 to earn ntnnny. provide things
G( thoInimlvei and rn)vt o living. Ofor ns
sere way to do this is In taken enur,o •FS
in 11110 wolf-konwI) v5
n 0 1r graduatesgot and hold -.00h A't
• positions owing to heir supe iortyre-
paratiot. This college otters the best
.4 advantages. Enter now. Write for 0.
free catalogue
Cor. fount; and ) i W. J. ELLIOTT,
Alexander Stn. Principal.
4Ai'M ,davit).VAto0is� r,�o vc:ap VYS's
'leeiohi?:d2:al R: a 4^satVA'a'4t,nr- ,
Oamdo's heat ?tactical Training
L School. Throe deltlwtil«n bs — Com-
omoroial, Shorthand and Tologra- .3
ph1:Oul'soi nee thorough toad pear.- -4
meal. Indlvldnnl instruction toad given
byn strong,
experienced 1,i Our
° graduates cceed. StudeIran cantle. r1,. t4
for at nnr tine, Got our frau cattle•
000 and see what we 01111 d0 COI. you. 0
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
�✓ 'rAv -• - - vAv -
vW Vi,)' vsy Vay Nuy hvuVAvi,Y vyi
� ..o�.l e a e, ,7 .7 A
�1 1, r
?�a' l� p®� Business
5r j stow&& Collo a e
Any4. time
wi. h us
Grow t ,
-7 Pur particulars address—
'. ", .
rMeal •^avF^aPl:+aoma..r'�,at141A-ravzt'a'O;mri,>
Best, Brains
iuJanat have nin the pre-
paration or u splendid Nemo Study
Convfidf in Hoonenoltia,f1 fuller
AocouOI1 ngg On tit ui otnf Ari tih0W
Card Writing, Pho d)t,rephy, Tnnrnfl.l 1
1 ism. Short story Wetting, Shorthand
a,tl Book kouping Suleet tier work
whidh,,Instin1H.'asta0011- 11,111 W1•170 110
lot 0/11/610110/11 101. Addrras ,.
3914 Yo'igo St., Toronto
,1PELJ1AM. 4
NTl iea aletto orest'
' "ray , 0,,,�r"..,,. ' "4;""�+('"!w0
(11ado provision foie employ mdm,enl, d
Eng the Pell and winter months or do
you wish steady r'ennmei'Itive work'
the year through. Write ns end mature,
ours oils 101100 WO altar 6110 boot
h1, the Dasinan7, Poly weakly, eros out,
fit, exa1iA1Va SOPPitory.
elides ettftiynti'ovi lentaleistwe over
8i r tett n for h(1) rade
lamyears Ala dealing, U
g R
1001, 7> And fah' y'tnt g, o salesman
WO oat make n)ons "laelllng for ns. Wo
)Vent an energetics reliable man foe
Itoe�an a n Octane, Pott was rite
1 and f e tv
Business Dards
du110ossor to M. 11 Moore. Office at M11101'•
7011 eros. Livery stable. Brussels, Telephone
No, 20,
,ucholor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
40e111SW and (+raduute of the College of Phy.
, ..Orals turd ..Surgeons, Ont. PON[- gra000Te
:Imago Eye, Ear, Nose nod Throat hospital,
tjld0rtg0,11L 1x•HVnso S1 0110011 60 S4. M1e1P,
1al's Hospital, Toronto.
011foo over 1r. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele-
phone connection with Oranbrook at all hours.
01?. 1-- T. BRYANS
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto
Lioonthnto of 'diollege of Physicians turd sur -
1(e000, Onla•io 1 ex•Swliot' Hanna Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. Oatoea of bate Dr,
A, McEevey, 8701000 Stook, Brussels,
M.B„ M,O.P.,f S. 0,
108 Blom' street Ea07, 'r'osent°
Dioceses Ear, Nose and Throat
011111 01110.1,6011E In 1w,', Nene and '1 h, out de-
mrtwont New General Hospital, Toronto
roost Graduate l>nrv,u'tl Maillea1. school, 13m•
Jon , late 8olrle' Ite1ld07)t Surgeon ,base, Eye
.b Lar 11111''"miry: late (1I(,,icnl toadstool t III
(0050 and Throat department, Mass (("n.lion-
Intel1 lotto 1luu.° surgeon 'Toronto General
Hospltnt ti In Brussels by appointment.
'hysioion and Surgeon ;Post Graduate coarsen
London (flag.), New York and Chicago Hos.
,17010. Special attention to disciple Of eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
(Doll age. Day and night mills, OIKee opposite
Sham M111, E(1,01,
[Personal graduate Deportment of Ophthel-
Itology, (1tc'`oraiel( Medical Collar, Menge,
1.1 pceppred to test 07y0> and fit shames at
her 1111100 070r (31/ewnr'A 140s1Iurant, SI'uaaels,
"n Thursday, Friday and Seturdsy of every
week Office hours 1 (0 0 p. m. Poreloons
by appointment, Phone 1210.
w1l1 give better satisfaction to both buyer rind
seller than 0113' mho'. Auctioneer and only
nnnrco what ls reimonnble sales oouduote0
anywhere In Ontario. Pura bred stock salon a
Write or 'phone 813 Wroxeter.
Kai! :07 e m Express 10:55 n ria
express 11 :• -
.don w Mail ... 1:6 in
I 0
ICK rens - :5- r
p m1, 1,.l Express 8:52p 10
To Toronto To Godorich
10xpress.......•, 7:52 aExpress ...,12:10 a 1n
Express in 2:47 p 10 I Express 8:80 p m
Going East - 7.05 n. m. and 8:00 p. m.
Going West - 12:40 and 0:47 p. on,
All trains going East Donn eat with O. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G, B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN. Local Agent.
coral gam reins
NEXT Horse Pair' 'Thursday, February
5110 Mare it dew')
MAsoN1C A' Home Friday evening of
this weekin Brussels Town 31111.
Toronto Weekly Globe, that has
been such a family circle friend for
twiny A lops; year, is to cease Satur
dot's Daily Globe and the Magoziue
section will be supplied with THE POST
for -a year' at $t go. This is good
There should he a strong desire and it
stronger clelerrnin tion on thepart f
g a < o
every termer in this Province to have
Me best facilities aoct know the latest
and best farm methods. Hyrtl work is
not the Duly tiling that counts on the
farm Pio ming is a business and a good
one, 'To ie it the success it ought
to be, tI 1 bu ines5.metho(1S must be taken
NdVAe of. 'Phe first move you
make ol,ou d be to. subscribe for 111e
'Weeitly ,,u,,, The Farmer's Business
Paper. It costs a little but means a lot
In .the fanner who 05. looking. for
profitable results.
Overtaken By Nausea
You don't know tvhbthee it's going
Ill stay (temp of come up. Yon ft el
like thirty cents and`egon look worse.
11 one thing is g11ic'Itel' than 'another,
it's "N0110111110: TOO drops in sweet
"lied water .f7.0014 relief instantly. At'•'
w ,.01 like nitwit: is the change you ex-
perience. 'The cameo of the Maims.] is
1'0111V0(1., every syn,plon. of vomiting
and indigestion Le etlleel within Len
1111 nuktes When Neve ilfhe is so trinity
and economical, to bottle at home
wouldn't be aniiss. Large odes for a
--quarter 11r all dealers.
LAKESIDE Liceoue,--The Following are
1110 officers elected for 1914 1
President -L. IKetnedy. Winghanl.
Vice President N. Lcelestoue,
l eeswatrr,
M P.
Secy.-Treas.—A. E Mlllswl, ,
Pa t:o s A 11 Musgrove, M.. P. P.
Wlu h un as. 13ow) non M P. Betts
eels ; l G. Audelsoti M' 'I',
SCHEDULE Volt 19)4.
jell; 22 'Teestvater ,,t Brussels,
2e, Lucknoty Rii3ley.
27, Brussels Tees tvater,
2 Teesy viter 1,nckuow.
Feb. 4. Luoknow e Wiul3ham.
to, Ripley '1'eeswaer,
72, 13fttimele - 'L Nike ow.
18. 1(1as0els „ Witighaw,
• Luckoow.
20. 17' iugltel0
23. 12ip'ey BruOsely•
27. '1'teswatet' ,. Wingham
Ala('. 3 Riptty ,. LucknoW
MAORIEO —At the ('esidelice of the
bride':: parents, Wallace 'Township,
(leer Palmerston, on Jou. 14101 by Rev
Rayner Mf.' Watts 13, A„ W. C. i yner of
Petrolen, to Miss 'L'ena
- lienteice
daohier f Piererand Mto Col1isoo
immediate friends of the con•
trading. parties Were present.. 'Fite'
Ple are held in the highest
esteem by A large circle or fr1e11118.
They 'left on the 4 o'cl0ch train
for Toronto and oilier points.
1heV will1t future Ya ,de P(t1nlo
0311(00010) fel Mule Melephooleally Ihrow an
old slipper atter: Cite ilal,p3' tWnitl alio
wish them a long and
successful married
GemacK-- Gai.ta.--g The Hernioae
(Manitoba) Echo says of a former Bros -
sets young lady t --"A very pretty wed-
ding took place at the house of Mrs, T.
Oolbeck, Hamiola, on December 25th,
when her son, Wdlistn Charles, became
the husband of Miss Florence May
Geier, formerly of Brussels, Tile cera-
mouy wits performed by the Rev, E.
Turkiugton The bride looked charm
lug in her beautiful wedding gown, and
Was attended by Mrs, Isabella Colbeck,
while the bridegroom WES supported by
Geo E. Colbeck, of Scotia, The happy
couple will reside at his home in
IJannola " Many good wishes will be
accorded Mr, and Mrs. Colbeck for a
prosperous and happy married life,
Almost Dead of Bronchitis
Few people have mitre! ed 1000 0 than
J 1171, P. Taylor, or l)ylllelll, P. O.,
Oil:. Tetley ho 10 well (61111 writes
"I 1111186 toll you into 11111011 0atarrh-
ozone has beim tome, I WILE so bttd.
with broncilitis Noniti'linlea I I ho)lght
it Would moon be over with lee. A
spell Tal' choking would demo on -1(117t
left me 01.011 0.1111/441 (111(1 weals, Since
toeing Cal(rehozone 1 have had un
001111111(' 1,t till, 14 streugthenetl illy
throats:, stopped the cough, give ale
11•e0+ 110001111 11g and entirely dared,"
.last the manta experience. Celeu'r11-
11zetie Inettl'lllbly 11111'00 w1,011101'
lirouehil is, Ant.htna 0r Cat nerli. Two
,izos, 25' and et 1.00 ill. all dealers.
Revp. D. Rols'on died at Walkerton
$,outlay, nth io•t., after an illness of 2
months, Mr. Rolston was in his 95th
year, was e'talkie of Armagh, Ireland,
came to Canada in the early fr.rties,
and for 311 years Was pastor of a number
of Methodist circuits throughout Ontario
among them being St. Marys, his last
being at 'Tiverton. He retired 17,10) the
ministry about 30 years ago, coin,; to
Walkerton to live Mr Rolston Was a
lifelong Reformer. Five Sona and one
daugh'ersurvive him, the latter, Miss
Ro'ston, at home; and the sons, H. C.
or Chicago ; 'i' H of Niagara Palle,
Ont. 1 W. N. of Alaska ; E J. of
Cleveloud; and D. C. Roleooi'( of
f). Can 101011, l ea0e of Clinton 10)70
in WWII,
The little sun of John ,Stenennll,
timelier, is set -Musty 111 Mill V1101111111-
1 le
heuuml-Ile revel..
Anonal meeting or the Hawick
Agrtrulturltl society was held in the
Temperance lion'!, Foulwich, all
Tho Yntlmg Britons held an oyster
_upper at The home of Arthur Cowan,
Orange }fill, when a most enjoyable
time was spt'nit..- '
The (animal meeting of the 11'0111-
%vich Cheese told flutter Co., will be
held in the factory on Friday, Jau,
23rd at 2 Wel) p. tn. It is expected
Omit, a, number o1' 'able speakers will
be pease ntaud give addresses.
J. \Valson attended the annual
meeting of the Ontario 'Dolling
Association held in :)t. Tltonots.
11. 13. t\Iorphy K. C., Al. l'., lies,
Alorphy end sties Mal le i\Inrphy telt
I'or Ottawa last week. They will
take ftp residence in the Capital while
the House is in session,
TOWN 1-1ALL Bunme.o.--\\•'hilt might
I1t1 VO prayed to be Lha 1no%t disastrous
lire in I,islntv(d eccurred early on
Wed 1 esdty member of last week
hen the lit n 1-10111 including the
lire hall, 11. ,[lark&' implement sign!,
theGrand Cenral sleds and stables
were almost completely destroyed.
Between 1 30 and 2 (1, tu, the fire was
first noticed, butit had gained such
headway that it was impossible to
ase the tine Omen 011 the Towni .Hall,
however. the lire Whistles011iutediately
were pot into use. Aa the entire fire
fighting egniptneut was in the hurtl-
ing building alai could not ,be gotta,
l.he !Levine') were almost helpless. but
the hese from 111e Imperial 13111111 and
r1•0111 the foundry wet hurrie,ily se:
cured and put into use, end help 011')
17'l0g la,htd for to Palm, rslnn and
`it.tntlotd Aid from Pultw !sit tl a
rived Pest and everything p1, Able
was thole to fight Ilie fire. Assistant
spiel' Hammer, of Stratfotel, ,treive,1
ahem 4 a. 101. and also lent it
helptug hand. Fore', tion it looked
01.8 if the entire block' would go, but
the flLvnrabli' position of 011e wind
and the llr'ge amount of 0110W 011 the
bnildiogs'0telsidei ably ttidrd lit keep-
ing the fire (midinecl to the Lhree
buildings. While the firth was t1
seriousu1,e, if is very fol Ivme that,
it. was not inure so. }hul
the (be
reached Alain sU•eet it. is hard to tell,
where 00- would have ettipptel Ab-
solntely ltnthing wits ettved from Lhe
Town I3n.11 Which Is a anintllete Wrer,k.
Onlythe htu,s(''s were saved from the
l tl I,
Restored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Own Story.
London, Ont,—"I am afarmer's wife
and a very busy woman. Last summer
I was taken with
severe pains in my
back so bad that 1
could not get up or
scarcely move with-
out pain, and my
periods were pain-
ful. M y husband
called in a good doc-
tor and I was under
his care for some
time, but he did me
little or no good.
One day a friend of mine told me to
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound as she had been greatly
helped by it. I began taking it and
soon got well, and my periods became
natural again. Since then I have had
perfect health. In fact I have never felt
so well in my life. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is a• medicine
many women need. If you think this
letter will help other womenpleaee pub-
lishit. "—Mrs. K. C. YOUNG, Tambling's
Corner, London, Ontario, Canada.
Women who suffer from those distress-
ing ills peculiar to their sex should not
doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to restore their
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. rinkluom's Vegeta-
ble Compound will bel pyou,write
to LydiaE.Plnkintm RledicineCo.
(confidential) Lynn,1Yfass,for ad-
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by n woman,
and held iu strict confidence.
elablrs, Air. Ci,9ding snv7d smile of
his furniture, and Alt'. Marks saved a.
portion of his implements. The fire
is supposed to have started from the
furnace pipes in 1(10 'Town Hail. The
Town Hall was insured for 113000,
$1000 ht each of the following mem
pautk0s ; London, Liverpool and Globe,
L1y t Americtul told .h • t e
Note hern
The contents were insured I'm• 82 000,
51500 in the Caledonian, and $500 in
London, L'v Liverpool 1 e1 1 till Glebe. d01b(. Ar.
P 1.
I1nils had a small lunmtnt of ins11t•aece
nn the ()en( en] stables and sheds. Mr.
Marks 11nd no institutive. J. 177n-
1(eovee. who ow us 1116: implenum t shop
had 8500 insarn.nce in the Walethic)
Co. M)•. Gooding ln(1 feet} in the
srahies valued at ,47200—nn insurance.
Thr Penury Assoc1Atienl 1100 eon-
sidernhle material in the Town hall,
tl was ell lost but WAS insured for
$200 Men are now busy cleaning a-
way the debris,
Danger In Corn Salves
They usually (midair, acids and
nlnbe 1
1 flesh. . 'i'he one safe c1,• 'u
! R 1
Ugnfd 01,1.1n_is Putnam's Painless Corn
Lxteae4a', which is palely vegetable,
(0))11805 nnpain and cores inone day,
Don't fol get the nave—"Putnam."
T. W. Scott and 1+.. Metcalf were
annul it 01 Aodium s or the town books.
,las. 11,100. 1
Dodds has o )cued not Ins
new stock of boots, shoes and grocer-
A. Elder was appointed town Clerk
for 1914 (1t salary of 875.00, duties as
Mts. IN in. Begley and beherfLt1
R,nbC Boyd, are Visiting with ith r e l-
11 1. )1 nMich.
ani s 111 l ,t
Dissgist i 0. T Orr10ERA.-1'he
animal meeting of Stools District
0. L. was held in the Orange Hall,
13lyl03, on 'Tuesday afternoon of last
Week, The attendance was not 1targe
en account of the inclement weather.
After 1mlt(n0 business following of-
ficers wets elerled and installed for
the ensiling Terni by P. 0.BL, H
D. Al.,' 17. Owen; D. D. iv., Y. E.
Tannin t 1), Chap., Fred, 1laggitt ;
0. 11.1 r, -Ser:,, 131 n. 73.01(1 born , D. Fin. -
Hee, W. 1.1: M rEh'oy ; D, Ti ens., le.
}I. Robinson ; D. P. of 0„ 11, Leish-
matt ; D. Ten., N. 0. Netliery ; 1),
Loc , A, Rt edges. The next meeting
will be held in 131vit on the 21.01 Tues-
day 0,, Jan11(17(1', 1915.
•04.0•.000.04064 •Oro♦*••••••••••OM•••4•••00000.4••
0 •
4 eeks •
Note still Greater Cut in Prices a
Men's All Felt Shoes regular $2,50 Reduced to 1.85
Men's Felt Shoes " 2.00
Youth's Box Calf Bluchers,
s1J,(^s 1 I to i3> regular 2,00
All Prices Lower than Ever
Great Closing Out
Will continue
'( 1.40
6, C ha .r d
444444444•4.44s1tt (,-ti N•tl4•••4.ON•i•0O444e•4`4,.
(lave yea seen our window display
of Sagei,e hair tonin.. We ere exclu-
sive eget) ta iu Brussels, Ont., for Sage-
ine. We are giving our special at -
minion to r8AGPI117 this week and
we are anxious to have you try a
battle 1,l' SHgeine at one risk. We
say—If Sageine won't please the most
ilteptical we will refund the money,
Sageiue carnes to Bcnseels, Ont., with
(6 great l'ecord of success and we were
fortunate in securing the agency.
Sageine is sold with a guarantee to
stop hal' from falling and to promote
a clean growth 1'egar(lless of how long
you have suffered with d audeuff.
Sageine is 1110 favorite dressing with
women of refiiletnent throughout the
United Suites and Canada, and the
;Mee Is only 50c a large bottle. Be
sure Logo to Jas. Fox other stores
cannot supply you with Sageitle.
Davi(1 Cowan was re -appointed As.
sessor of this ulualoip+dity for the
year 1914 at a salary of $40.00.
h. AI. Maines, 'Manager of the Bank
or (101)11 roe, Ripley, has been ap-
pointed Manager of the Baulk at
BIN:. During his four years' resi-
dence nu Ripley he made malty friends
and the ,ulnnuncenlent that he bad
received eructs to go to Blyth, cause
as a am prise to the citizens. F. S.
Stunt, of Blyth, succeeds Mr. Haines
at Ripley branch.
The Temperance folk are getting
busy as well as the antis for voting
day, January 291.11, on the Canada
Temperance Act. Regular polling
places will be utilized as in a Domini( 0
election. Everybody entitled to roti•
should use rheic franchise.
This week the large residence of the
late Ben. Fralick, South of James-
town, way Nut in Iwo and hes been re.
moved to the Writ. Booms fatun 1(
miles from Beussels where it will he
utilized as a home for Harvey and
%les. 13ryans, It was sold by Walter
Yuill, who is the owner of the Fralick
INSTITUTE,—Thul'sday, Jan. 8, was
set apart by a large number to attend
the ios1iple meetings. In the after-
noon the ladies meeting was cauduel-
ed by Miss AlcKenzie, while the chief
s ettets addressing the gentlemen
1e1•eThos. eleldillauaand 1411. Swiun.
In the evening a meeting wits Held hi
0,e Ot'ttoge hall. Miss McKenzie
spoke on the question of sanitation,
showing how easily it is for our wells
to be sou tielna microbes tt 1 ted with m cr be 1
n stud
vermin. She also emphasized the 1111
portance of "Swatl.iug the Fly." Mr.
Mei1101lal delivered an able address
o11 "Bone Influence" pointing out
what all Impel 1)1,16 factor the home is
with refelenre to the future making
There a. l
of Canada. '9 att ute 1 v
its also tL good ad -
deems o riven on "I3oiv
t ked the
young people on the farm" by 141r,
Crowing Old Before YourTIme
13eoken in spirit, tvealc in body.
eel vats and discouraged. Some-
thing is wrong. and each day sees You
railing away. 171st 000 thing to do—
Build up, To do this, use Ferrozane.
What a tonic itis I Appetitewhy
it makes you eat tremendously.
Digest, indeed yon will. Rich red
blood will ca'ry nourishment to every
corner of the body, tired organs take
1111 new lire, color, spirit and atllbition.
are restored. Peered. manhood and
abounding health is the unfailing
peodnet of Fet'rnzone—try it, 50c per
hoc everywhere.
Annual meeting of Edina Farmers'
MutttalFite lu5uuancoom au
U p y will
be held In the ageicultulal Ball here,
l ut eda) 1,111 27111 at 2 o'clock.
Sons otbutlmnl,Atwood,1 1 hold
( viT Cd
then• annual inn et 111 11 a
c . ( day, Jt n,,
25L1,, at. 8 o'clock p. 01. which (1101 111(00
concepts 80ppel' and dance. Follow-
ing will be the -enter tanners—Archie.
'\ie0nlloch, Toronto, Gala Medalist;.
l's. Stevenson, Miss Gray, Geo,
Ilemillnlb, Hugh 1,ot1er and others:
\Vin. Yong, 1{incardfine,,tvill, be the
piper aau the Atwood )
and 4 e ALt 1,(d Olt,heSt1'a ailtl
ntIters will provide music.
The Annual meeting of the Patrons
of Maitlan(1 Cheese Factory was held
in the factory buildings [+riclay, Jau.
90h, 11 good 11 (edetic)) of pal eons
ty)LA Presen1,. Willi A'I e0inl'y tya.a alp
poi 111c11. Lbafn'ulttu and J R. limn
nlnn(i sertettu•y of the meeting
%1 Mutes of last. annual meeting read
and confirmed. Vivanoinl statement
and Auditors Deport were read} and
adopted. 13e 3gi•t showed 1,193,578 lin
of nlilJt had beet, pecan; yea...100,81 8 lits
„f cheese had be0o Inanefeetut'ed fru
whirl, $10,084 lied )'en r'r a v011
12been <. tl
nonage lits. of milk to lb of sheets,
10 79 and average price) e0ei ved 12 811
Paid' for' nlltlrllfatturing cheese
$1988 53 • inautarx
g25 20 ' sales.
Ina)1 $80,001 auditors ' $150; ex
.hinge. fee (71,60; telephones 50e. :
nasl017 Ailf whey 884 57 .luutl(nt
milk $81852; deli veil n(;'lel'oe 84000;
to patrons by cheese $589.00' and by
,I •
ebeques $11,288.16, A., Tindell, Geo,
Blies and Thos. Lilaoott were re.
appointed bIloioosocoxo)rn(t tee for 1914o
J R, Hammond, See.'. yeas, and Juo,
McKenzie, Audi tot' for 1914.
D D. 0. M. Jas, Newbigging and
team installed the officers of Atwood
Lodge, No, 832, as follows :—N, (1.-
0. W. Harvey ; V. G.—J, P. Onion.
sides ; Rec.-Secretary—A, Newhig.
ging ; lniw-Sect'etltry—T, 0. Rat-
cliffe; Taeas.—Jno, Roger ; Chap,—
Thos, Halnilloo 1 Warden—D. Nue-
ray hilae-
ray • Conducan—E, 11. Swing ; R.
S. N. G,—A. Terry ; L. 8. N.
Anguish ; 1Z, S. V. (3,—A, onghlin
L, S. V. G.—Jars, Ferguson ; R. S. S.
—A. Willoughby ; L. S, S.—Geo.
Porter ; 1, G,—J, Klump,
Wits s rl : ) 'n fl
bola i i 1841, 1 alt., ane year
lifter 7 i0''fuuntlllia; ol', (4ueen" a CnllOge
/it Khngdtun and'lhe ' ata' year That
I he Gnderi(b ('ullr ;laic 1u171itne was
Mali, 1ao 1'+ jn,ol .km, nom lb younger
titan Sir A', i1031,1 f^antl,•r. 1.11 Jtutuary
1801, he 11,I1111101101 11 teachtug in -
vomit ry':1Io r l gl'iu "the nextyea1'
to Owen h o1 o who, ht' renioQned
111)W1 1871. LI. ,.(' Ur 11i' OCE10'i01,
0)0111gin1I'11,111„ 11,111 )'eau' whom
he Was planeipal for 014 veins, until
1905, wile]) he rel i,'•• I from lbs P0(rfri-
p,alobip btu-.t)il
1,,'minh,in7.0 memi)er
01' the 81,all 101,1 111,11 I ea,hoas 011188 es
here. 711 1111' (11111' 1802 he graduitted
from lilt' 1'o(on, - University and
some pier. lair. , r 1' eJ tire honor-
uty fit e of 1, 1,, L., 1 vny; 1/110 oi' 11110
Ihstbestto '0 by 11481 college,
EFFECTS OF URiC ACIO A Suggestion o Rare Value
Indigestion, gout, neuralgia, ualtsea,
gravel, rheumatism, dropsy, lucmbago,
nervousness, heart disease, failing
eyesight, sediment in urine, stone in
the kidney. dizziness, headache. Anti -
Uric Pills drive out all uric and poi-
sons from the blood, Jas. Fox sells
them and guarantees thein. Remem-
ber the name Anti -Uric. 13, V, Mar-
ion 077 every package.
Win. mud Mrs. Strachan left to
spend the remainder of the Winter in
the Soni hetet States,
Poultry Show will be in full swing
at the Town Hall this Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Rev, 3. E. Ford received a letter
this tveelc from Rev. G. G. Harris, a
Alissionat'y In Cheingtu, China, who
is supported by the Epworth Leagues
of this district. The letter contained
a sequel in Chinese. Rev. bar. Harris
sends a similar letter to the local
minister at (east once a year.
According to the figures issued by
the Town Clerk. aside from immigra-
tion, 0-01000011 has increased in popula-
tion in the last year by 18 people.
This is clue to there being 90 births
anti only 72 deathe during the year.
Comparing these figures with last
year, It shows a slight decrease in
both lib ills and deaths for the year
of 1912, there being 94 births and 71
1'o have the honor of having in-
strucied the "child in the way that 1)e
should go," for half tt century, is a
distinction which fele men iu this
great Dominion possess at the present
time, yet Goclerich claims a mm) who
in the persml of Dr. H. Strang has
accomplished this task and a lit tie
0ve7 one month ago, on Dee. 11t1) last,
he emnpleted his 50th year in the
teaching profession. De. Strang is
well known nver this part of the
province as a prominent educationist
and is looked upon as tin authority on
languages. gt ages. Here he is held up as the
Father of teaching profession. He
Dr. Morse's
Indian. Root Pills
owe their singular effectiveness in
curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and
Sciatica to their power of stimulating
and strengthening the kidneys. They
enable these organs to thoroughly
filter from the blood the uric acid
(the product of waste matter) which
gets into the joints and muscles and
causes these painful diseases. Over
half a century of constant use has
proved conclusively
that Dr.
Root Pills strengthen weak
kidneys and 41
Cure Rheumatism
A year ago
he couldn't eat
Today be can eat three square
meals and sometimes one
"ex,tra" because Chamberlain's
Tablets cured Stomach Troubles
and gave him a good digestion.
You try them. 25c. a bottle,
All Druggists and Dealers or by
p.Mn11. s
C6omlerlain Bohan Co., TOMO
A diseased condition of t11e eui'-
I'aces of the tail passages causes had
breath, but toms- 0ominomiy eman.
lana from ltnl1gesl inn 111' ata impure
condition "f rhe blood, Thousands
of cuss, tl),)t lh•. Iiiuuiltuti"s
Pills Chcongh their o1,,,'itio action on
the Se0001ory run l el ani 1,0.1.1 ve .organs,
not only 'ire hod breath, but SO
IllOoOugbly imr, ifs the Nysten[ that;
anything t'u),70-tiVe of blood of
digestive troubles is impassible,
• Through i))- 11,tm)ilton's pills the
' skin grotc, 11 ,v and clear, a(01451ty 1,f
the body and mild increases, t7t1(1
houu(ling hr 1(1th is established. Sold
everywhere uIn 2010. busy.
Regular ;Monthly Horne Fairs will be
held in Brussels thieSeusou as filllows i
THURSDAY, I''L"R, -5th, 1914
MAR. rah, 1914
APR. Sud, 1914
Leading Local and .Outside Buyers
w).]I be present...
How (boutthat inti watch ?
Is it, not g vieg satisfaction ?
Have it exchanged for a
REGINA and yon will always
he sttt•n 1,f the rigid_ Bine. They
are sold at the following prices :
7 -jewelled 2e -year Banner .
Gehl -Riled Case - 9;11.75
10 jewelled 20 -year Banner
G(dd-filled Ca,e 18,75
17 -jewelled 2O -year• Banner
Gt)1,1-tille,l Ouse - - 10.76
) 7 • jewelled 'Waterproof
Nick('( (',1.e 8.20
15 - jewelled \\ a1ei'pi oaf
iekel se 10,20
'Vi Cu -
17- jewelled . \\'01'('1• )roe
( f
J 1
Nickel Close - - - 18.20
These \\'aalrlres are 7111 gttaran-
teed for thfee years.
Ln 3L t PCE
Walton - Ontario
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such us Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &c.
e l'A t) Plll1a
attended to.
Give 7neacs.11.
Aa BAYMAR9 Cranbr
ec000sooechuaeoesociooseoces orp•tS•Q4(0 ccintoAQmtO*t sool5(t'3 55-
o o m
9 ". ® iq
ri 1 1I'
. .
;'a c" t
. ,.i
! v
aCutters •
•• .._, 0...,r y,..,
• ▪ ALL AT EWAN & Co.'s, Brussels', and you : •
• •
t will lease you •
wi19`see something11101in thes •
'Cutter• Jane, as they have a large stasis on 11011,(1 •
• in several styles. All are of the best quality and latest •.
styles or Auto Seats. •
•0 0.
Nice, Mammy and Comfortable with Trimmings to lift nut •
i iet
• 130B -SLEIGHS all made of the best of Oak and,our •.
• own build onhand.
•• .
Call at an earlydate 1tn(l get your. choice: as t173�'i,s
1b th
Il: hasttsold tofor ll
stock ) to he so 1 make room a l a B
for' the coming season,
• 0
EWAN 84 Co.i;
ane §•l
04.$30441,000000000o• l000scA8 QDdDIpetiei104004i*N*W•S(.'.