The Brussels Post, 1914-1-22, Page 4Eta : i rtESlitIS,OSI ` WEALTH of HAIR •- Parisian sage ie the Preparation that TWO. )DAY, JANUARY 22, 1914 Crows Hair, Stops Dandruff andMakoa Hair 0lorleeely Radiant Money back says Jas. Fox it Ptu- isian Sage does not. eradicate all dand- euff, stop splitting udt, faINug hair and scalp itch, and put life and lustre into the doll faded hair of any mute, it". 'THERE is a Liberal majority of 22 in the Sedate at Ottawa at the present time, Vortem on the Canada Temperance Act lances place on 'Phursdnr, 29th inst. Get to the poll early in the dsv• THE people of South Africa are . surely attaining to a high order of civil'z 0161 ns 35:000 railway eu)plo\ res reoenlit emit on 8121112 out here end kicked up n (lust just as good se could he clone in this country. WIRELESS telegraphy 1s to be mode use of on railway trains and is expected to avert collisions suit other '•jam ups" that are (lard 011 the uetves. Whet about the crazy man reviling an autotnobile? Perhaps a bit of wire about his ueck would answer. SENATOR Geo. A. Cox, a well known financier, ofToronto, died last Fri.lay, in his 74th year. Although a very wealthy man he never got "big head" and was .ill the more respected for it. He started at the foot of the financial ladder and climbed to the top, playing a most noteworthy part iu many con. mercial projects. A deeper interest has been increasing in dairying and 1914 should see big increases in cheese and butter slaking, Our Canadian market is not to be left. to Canucles and the way to least outside oompetitlon is to put up the best grade possible. By fullowlag any other comet: le bet to oourt defeat by taklhg eecon(i Owe and stemma prioe THERE la titre to be a lively program in the House of Commons, which open- ed last week, as both parties are on their mettle. While the bill of tare present- ed by the Speech from the Throne is meagre that will in no wise circum- scribe the field of discussion opening to the Opposition and it will be a fighting session all right. IT is said a ruse to kill votes may be played for the 29th by sending a dollar bill through the marl, or left at the home, and then swear the recipient as to whether or not he received money In such cases turn the money over to the authorities at once and take ell: oath without fear or favor. The trick is to kill a few votes in each poll end thereby gain by the set. Dont bite. WHY do not the farmer , \I P.'s nud M. P. P.'s put up a kick in the respec- tive Parliaments for larger grants to Agriculture? None would find fault it the present sums were doubled. The farmer members could do this chore and strengthen the hands of the Government as well as their own by so doing. There should be a livening up along this line and irrespective o politics aid the institutions having to do with agricultural interests. WHEN newspaper men i' Canada, complain of thew humdrum life they may thank their stars that they are not residents of Russia. For offending the government by commenting on the Hillis case, over a score of newspspete wereconfiscated bythe Government a couple of papers were suppressed ressed and p P P 1p four or five Editors were given holidays in jail. Dear brethren, dont complaip of your lot in Canada but live in hope of better prices and for that glorious time when every subscriber will pay in advance anti look happy over it. We meter newspaper work in Ontario to the more exciting times "enjoyed" in Russia. FROM THE MOUNT OF OLIVES This four topped nlouut(tiu stands immediately East of Jerusalem. The highest portions qF it are higher titan the hills on which the city is by shout two or three hundred feet. The narrow and historic valley called l{idron (john XVIII) separates Jerusalem front tilt' Mount and the latter, even nary, is sdfftciently Wooded by fig and olive trees as to Still justify the name the Olive Mountain fists (,XII 39.) A number of peasants' houses are 111 habited by Moham7medans, Feliahtin, who may be seen lazily promenading with their cattle along the narrow pathe or cultivating the terrace Slopes, while the ROSSlan ecclesiastical tower, with its giant bells and th6 encietft. mosque,, formerly s church marking the spot frotn Which the Lord ascended are Grominent objects. The village of ethsemane (.0att. XXVI 36 Mark XIV 32) was and lime golden• of the same name is still lying at its Western base, while Bethany, the town of Mary and Martha, now called 1;1-Aziriali, from Lazarus (Johu XII) is still clinging to its • lhaslcra side. Gethseulaue and Bethany, therefore are places:geographi catty within the Melte of• Jebel Ezziex, mu, as the 1al1 it here and Of 00urse, 4 WAS the view of the anthers 11f time )et (compare with care Lu XXIV. 'Acts I 12 ) Jebel Ezzet'toon, more , has witnessed the greatest eerlhiy els and triumphe.. of. both • David and vid's'aon add ford (II' Saar. XV 3m) it,'r Yet to wllties. ae',great If hot thnlltt SAtAlt'AAiI'r (ACTS 'f la) might A "f3ahbetll D%y iettriley0 end breal, woman Or child, Parisian Sage is pleasant and re. freshing. No cheap perfumery odor, nu diaagreeable toncOCtiou, but a daintily perfumed tonic -one that ie not 81101(y or greasy -that proves its goodness the first time yon use it. Baldness end faded hair are both. eaased by dttada tiff germs. Pariehui Sage kills the gern1$ and causes the hair to grow abu11dantly. Large bottle at Jas. Fox's and drug. gists everywhere. Regular price 50 cents. cove's the distance t Well the anelenl rabbles allowed that a hew might walk without breaking the Fourth Com mandn/ent This distance of a Sab- bath journey has been vatitiusly defined but no ono held it to ne less than sev11 fu*longs, it Is therefore nearly two miles or under or a want of half au hour and by actual trial by measurement as well as by walking this is found to be the Mount of Olives'rom the city THE UPPER CHAMBER 011 Zion Hill, a locality in Jerusalem there is a building known iu Latin literature, as the Canaculum but now we call it Zion's Upper Chamber The building is controlled by Mohammedans The building is held to be the identical guest chamber 111 which our Lo d observed the Passover and instituted the Lord'e Soppsr (Mark XIV 14, t5) the one he entered thyongh closed clones 1111hu XX 19 ) To the some upper room the di•ciplea returned from the Mount of Olives and in it they were gathered together on the fiftieth daY (Acts I re, 13 rod I1 t.) The lower portion of this building 12 said to he the verittmble tomb of David end Dale two or three ppeople neve treed privileged In reeen' 11m811 t0 holt et 11: A reline lade daughter of a British bishop m.•de a drawing of it. The anthentcity of this tomb we must dispute very charity is view nt St. R-ter's statement "Unto this day" Acts II 29. Moreover learn ed wri.ers in the fourth and fifth cen- turies referred to this place as being even at that time an ancient Christian church. Epipbanius(rib 497) explained that this but ding, with one or Iwo oteers escaped the destruction of A D 70. under Titus While the tomb or lower part is forbidden ground " the upper chamber is accessib'e 211 pay meet of a fee. On the loth day (Pentecost) some Christians titch a tent close to this Zion chamber and conduct service. Whatever you may think of the traditions and history of this upper chamher the multitude here are benefitted by it as if it v ere a book it: which they read the record of the events mentioned in (Mark XIV 14 Acts Iand II) AND SAtIARTA, ACTS Vlll The inhabitants of Samaria- et that ime were at once the nearest to And further from the Jews of whom the apostles 't ere. The Samaritans were nearest.to the Jews because unlike other nations they held that the prophet Moses and his writings were Divine and binding anti thus far the Samaritans were exactly like the Jews but the former built a temple in their own country in opposition to the temple which WAS in Jerusalem and claimed jacob as their father and in this way they offended the Jews beyond measure and the hatred between them knew no limits (compare Kings XVII and John IV) If 'lie Lord had not added and in Samaria the apostles in all probe ility would have excluded the SanmaritN'il netwithstend,ng(Matr XXVIII 19) We see this inutMeted in this country at this tne the harot rtes For example, are aIr n L `l istia sect a branch 110W at rest of the Roman Catholic church end yet they p-rsecute end exclude all Christian sects which do not bow to the pope more then they do other people, 'Om Christians 'h n are not Chrl. la ns at Al The papists heveno more dealings withthe non paptist than hati the Jews with the Samaritans and vet both jaws anti Samaritans, Roman Catholics and Protestants have vastly more agree menus than d'fferences, GHotle 91. HoWIE M A Ph. L. D. Shwier, Mt Lebanon Syria, Bugle Notes in the Canada Temperance Act Crusade Thureday, January, 29th Vote early. The boy nt' the barrel, Hump Co. expects every man to (10 his duty. Read W. H. Johnston's letter on page 4. Now for a busy campaign for anoth- er+ week. 1918 Voters' List will be used on Thursday, . If you have not a boy of your own vote for the A'ot for the sake of your neighhat'8 sons. John elle ''Big Brother" movement a1111 assist those who may .not be a1) strong as you acre. Help make, the majority e.sA big as possible both by your V mte and influ- ence. It will greatly aid farther nn; From 9 a. rn. to 5 p, in, on Thntsday 29th hist, show the "stufff" y00 are made of by your vim and victory will be ,yours. " The Canada, Temperance Act can be voted on three.yeats thence 011 ailtetrtpt to repeal. A majority vote Wins in' either case. Hon. Mr. Hanmt, Provincial Secre- tary, bite given his pledge to 'See that the Canada TemperanceActis enforc- ed. whet! it becofnee tate in Huron Co, Every rural poll should strive to make their eeturus the best in the township. Don't leavo a vote favot', able to ,the Act: nopolled, Local Optlol still bottle good in muhfclpallties where i1 Is now litho wriif the Canada v»Xberadne A t Were dafeatad, If the loe1 rarrj(5'If, fnklie hfeeedeoUne aver the patentees Of Interest to the Public It has long been an axiuul in the commercial community that those who study their customers most and give the best value for hone) always succeed in winning the greatest ooufideice of the public and in Obtaining the largest meas- ure of its patronage. That, and that only, is the reason why I have built a fine business, despite considerable oppoeit.101). 1 give better value -whilst my prices are generally lower than elsewhere, 1 give you an honest, personal service, identifying myself \vitt Tom' interest, and ever edmdeavom • ing to give you a better return for the money spent with me 111811 what you could get elsewhere. Prompt delivery is es essential as good work. The importance of this is recognized by me, and 1 realize the responsibility when I accept an order, Osnroteey Work promptly attended to. Estimates eheorfutly given. Brussels Granite & Marble Works ALLAH E. HERSEY, Proprietor Don't lot anyone bluff you nut of spur vote, if you are duly ghallfted and be nu your guard 1111 to attempts to render:' 11 111111 luta void, The s oohed "14nslneas hens' Ansa. elation of Horne Co." should get their answer to the columns of tirade and nonsense sent out when the polls close nn the 29th. Evely young man who desires the forward match of Canada, should use his franchise 11 win next Thursday's victory. Don't be tine to take a retrngratde step. Attend next Wednesday evening's public meeting in•Brusseis Town Hall when Joseph Gihsot, of Ingersnil, will speak. His addresses are worth driv- ing miles to hear. Remove the temptation to many by banishing the bar, Mark your .ballot that wary next Thursday and Lherehy lend a helping hand to the mean who desires to live a sober life. With the numerous municipalities in Huron under• Local Option it \vnnld be a shame to lose this battle. The women's vote will be missed but the challenge comes to the men to stake np 111e lose, - Next Sunday should be a good time to stir up time forces %vim will go forth to battle with King Alcohol on the following Thursday. Every pastor, Sunday School Superintendent and Bible Class teacher ehnnld have a message of cheer, energy and work. Responsible 11115111285 men in towns and villages where Loral Option pre- vails say business was not injured by carrying the Art. The fact of carrying it again and again or the antis declining to lot is nn 0 repeal vote is the best proof gof 11 working well. Letter From ,Rev. Mr. Howie DEAR MR. EDITOR. -IL i9 now 28 years spice I left your beloved town and went to Eastern Ontario thence to England, Jerusalem and the alt. of Olives finally settled in this town or Western Shtv sir no Lite. R astern sloP e of Mt. Lebanon. It has been 7 , 111 privilege duringthese 23 year's to travel Patel and (Vest South and North through Syria and Palestine preaching, teach- ing and distributing literature. Li e Vivi d to April of 1904I tva I to acidre58 the '\Vo ld s• Sunday School Con. veltion held 111 Jerusalem and in 1907 my daughter, Ruby incl I attended the 5111 Wor'ld's Sunday School Con- vention in Rome, Italy. From thence Risby W0111 1111 to'Turon10, het native city and 18 months later 1 eelnetied wit.li my daughter' Canada to lilt Lebanon Canada has since married and now lives in Orange River. Colony South school u ' n t,h A ft iris. Theodora Is a L 1 in Godmtoh and. Cedar and Maty are nt home with us. 111 some respects I til an object of admiration here but at the Sainte thne an obieot of pity, because ol'the rect. that all my child - yell 8 in number, are girls, for it 1e said uu matter how 11utmy gliJs one may gttve it is only a boy, a uncle child, who keeps you in remembrance otherwise "your door is stint foto-, ever," Indeed, some Orientals would call ole childless, though 1 have eight daughters. At any rate in needier - leg the population of a place the female p021 of it is not counted and in case of inhetllalice a daughter's share is just half of a son's. That is if 0 noun dies and leaves one son and two daughters his estate will he divided 1111(1 trot) hooves a half for the son and the other half 1'oe the daugh- ters, ‘N. lien 122)15 a little boy aghI wits not. . sent to school because she was not going lu .be a priest Or iL judge. Now however. the tido is t urn• ug and hundreds of girl schools are hull of pupils thanks to Bri,tieh and American Christianity. Some Sum (lay Schools in your own vicinity, through 'lohos. Straehan anti Peter McArthur, have helpedto promote Christianity in this country. 1 have tluepleasa ntest memories of .the love and kindness shown me during w3' sojourn in Brussels. Yom's, G, HOWIE. Shtveir, Beyroitt., Syria, Dec. 18, 1918, P. S. I hope yon will see Ht to print the enclosed letter and the article if you do perhaps you will kindly send ole a copy or more of the issues which contain then' and if so I will be glad to send an occasional article for your impels The subje(t of Palestine has always interested not only 11me Brus- sels public but all the Dominion. The Sn11day Seined lilies. Phi1,tdel- phia, paid $8.00 It week( for an 1L1 title of 400 words and Cnok, of Chicago, $3 00 a week for eometing the sante. Thus shows that the penpplt' are in- tevested to hear shoat Bible Lands. Tile BRUSSELS POST published many an article of aline un the sohieet and I hope to see T1131 POST ere long. If you have any enggeetiois to Make please tvrlte to me, With very kind I'eger8u to you and the kind people of Brussels. Why I Will Vote for the a Canad Temperance erance Act. I will vote for it again as I died in the eighties because I believed it would de- crease drinking and critbe. Personallt I knew -a number of honest men who were greatly addicted to drink but while the Act WAS in force they didn't indulge because they thought it dishonorable to tempt men to breqk the late. The Act in those days wasn't nroperiv' enforced for reasons that do not exist to day and yet crime and drunkenness decreased For instance in sixteen Municipal Coun- ties in Ontario that changed entire" from License to the Canada Temperance Act in 1885, statistics prove this state. meat to be true. The commitments fel drunkermess under License in these counties were, in the year, 1883. 50o and in 1884, they were 566, but al 1887 one of the two yea's i2 which the Act was in force for the whole year they were only 2t8, white under license again in 1890 they were 471 and in t8gr, 367 In feet in each of these 16 counties the exception of Oxford, where iwith n the town of Woodstock very lax enforce" tnent of the law was the rule, showed a splendid reduction of such commitments under the Act we can all readily see how a much greater benefit will accrue if we adopt the Act on the 29th inst., since "fN`t , f, :PAP Buy Your Seeds From a House of PRESTIGE There's a big difference be- tween seeds bought from established. ! reliable Seed meq and thole ¢ one bought t fm m a htlouse ¢e. of u7) particular Pres - Sow to greet Uee our tested seeds. Write for handsome illustrated Cata- logue A post card brings itreturnmil. by Valuable Premium Free With your first order we send you. absolutely free, an attractive premium See page one of our catalogue &arch & Hunter Seed Co. s3 l► Box :c I Ltd. , London, Ont. Canada 1• 5a ,;'i'4'R:j 8f )11 Report of Ethel Cheese 'Factory for 1913 'Annual Meeting was held Saturday of fast week $ales Lbs. Mill( Lbs. of Lbs, Milk to Price Received Cheese lb. Cheese per lb. (fay 16 8588.1 3218 11.04 11 Flay 81 , 75181 6875 10.f35 123 l non a 10: .,... 08986 5850 11;71 111 Tune 80. 071 )1 11 00 123 July, 15 135281°4421 128142 13781109673 11.25 123' July. 81.122580 106983 - 11.45 12 Aug. 16, .... .,,.,, 10111(1 8824 11,46 123 Aug. 81 107511.100 07511 10070J, 10.07 133 Sept. 80 .,,.,...,.. 227002 {12887 . IU. 4 18}1 9001 10.34 IliI h Oot. Sc Nov, 188457 191003 1.1.82 122 1200097 111202 10.79(1. 12.73c • RECEIPTS Balance from 1912 ... ..... ......,,..... ,...,......................$ 23 26Valne of, Cheese, 1018 14156. 23 . 3'14I78 49. Value $ 857 28 800 36 695 40 1733 04 1412 04 1870'76 1113 72 1821 75 2894 91 _.,447 47 $14156 23 1!7X•PliNDIT9JRE .Amo ntrcalved-by p ttrones .->,,,, . ....•,81.1166745 )slaking of 010 02i+ Miffall tlWhet. cxjyeusps' ,, ,... ,.,,., , . 2602 02 -$14tn47 J3alo4 nee oilli.11atel .•9' 9 02 Avarailo lbh, ((1`011111 to tot f3)o (,o, i •'10196 r verage price of ohaeae per lb, :.-;, . ,. ,,, , ,12 *180 t ot. 63 Ikia,,..,r ,n 223 �ptlt tit taaktllfl htdlutttaif.al3 el8pmtltp , pot. 1 fl f@ Clvhbing list 1913-14 THE POET has 111012 (tl1 ,t,geioeuts lu elob tell 11 the rid low log IlApt'P211101 Will be sent to any address (except the: Milted 5111105 60 (1)11(5 ex uv) of the following 5ubscriplfuu llcicee . - Weeklies Pon alai Mail end olio ,lie . ,,., 1 6U !sonnet Miro 1Iser 1 00 " Lnudn't Tote,' friss 1 80 Family I•levald and Slate 1 80 Monti eat \Viiut'5s1 80 Parities s' Ad%meuae 2 85 Northern liea.onge1' 1 35 Dailies POST a11d T01,01ll0 Stat' $2 35 'lornula News. 2 35 " 'l'aronto Globe ...,4 50 " 'lomat; Mail•Empire4 50 lot'ntt.o World •..,3 50 " London Advertiser 2 80 01111 at Lite office nt remit the amount by I?. 0. Crder, Express Oldel. or Registered Lel.tet' addressing Tils POST, Brussels, Ont. Hon Mr. Hanna has promised the eu- forcement by the same officials as en- force the Local Option Law. George Johnston, Dominion Statistic- ian, testified before the Canadian Royal Commission, which investigated tete working of Prohibition, to the tollowing iacts in regard to a group of nine coup ties in New Brunswick, having within their borders such flourishing cities and towns as Fredericton, Marysville, Woodstock, St Stephen, Milltown. Chatham and Moncton and being in every way a group fairly representative of the whole province In every condi- bon, '!these nine provinces were under tile C. '1', A and for the ten years, 1882- 91, though they represented 61 per cent of the population of tete province, they bed 0112 381} per cant of the criminal convictions, While the other 3q per cent sI the population under Iloeune had 61)} percent of the crime as indicated by the convictions Does anyone want more convincing proof as to the benefit of the C. T. A 7 InNo. gof Mr. l,uns2• ford 's letters he asserts that the "Prohibitionists are do• 'ng their best to increase the use of in- toxicants. "It shows (if he has really w' itten those letters). the kind of litera- lure he studies, viz., that which is pub- lished in the selfish interests of the 1 quor dealers and which frequently sltamelessiv distorts the truth a.d put- ting it mildly, makes statements that are always misleading He quotes Gen Neal Dow to the effect that some men had amassed fortunes by selling rum since prohibition came into force in Maine. As to Dow ever making such a state- ment "I Ilse' ma doubts" but the know that Dow did say this before the Royal ' 1 i is lou which iuvestigated the room s g working of Prohibition in Maine. These are his words :-'I1 is quite safe 'o say that the quantity of liquor now sold in Maine is not one -twentieth as much as it was before the law was pass 9 quite ell. I iswithin the mark to make t that statement.. Portland is the largest city in the State and it is within the truth to say that the quantity of liquor sold there now is not one-hundredth of what it was before. We load seven dis- tilleries and two breweries and we had many cargoes every year from the West Indies, which the people brought over for their own use. Now whatever li- quor there is sold there is sold on the sly." He also'said, "Within six months after the enactment of the law the jails 10 the Comities of Penabscet, Kenne- bec, Oxford, Franklin end York were almost empty. When I visited York Jell, the keeper as he put the key into the loci(, apologized for keeping his hens there. He had no further ase fur the jell." Surely these statements lead us 'o believe that Portland hasn't as many drunks as Montreal, as letter No. e) would have ns imagine. Dear reader vote for the C, T. A. and the Blessing of our county. If the liquor omen thought the C. '1'. A. would help their business they wouldn't oppose it. They hints it injures their trade. We want to save our boys, the hope of Canada. flat tt , H. 10lt1s'ION, Kippe1, . SOC. Stanley 'Twp, Temperance Coil), Hon. David laird, Wien commis- sioner for Canada, died at his residence Ottawa, Monday morning. after en ill. ness of a few days. He contracted 't chill while at his office 'Tuesday And bronchitis developed Deceased was lo steers of age Au(1 known AS a statesman from time Atlantic to the Pacific. He was one of the builders of Canada, Ilav• iug been largely instrumental in bring. 'ng Prince Edward Island into the Dominion in 1873. He was also 511 ex - Minister of the Interior and ex governor 'if the Northwest 'Territories. Mrs. Mathieson, wife of the Premier of Prince Edward Island, is a daughter and was at his bedside when the end came, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the es' ate of Eivino Hunter. late of the 'I'ower:it') - of Grey. in the County of lin-(.5 null Provnlce of Ooluti,, Curl'tnit ll deceesed, -••--- Neuse IA'hereby glean pursuant to Pea. 66, Con e, 2a of the 0151111es uP Ontario, I U. arse 5. 11)1(1 0H P01•10118111111111g 1,11 On 11 t 11) 51)11.1 the sold E1 vhle Deafern ha deed mm ateut the Twentr.2e'Surl day of Aiatl. 1918 '1e rrdttlrid to mond by poet prepaid of 341.11Yer f7) F k Sante. firessel' Post'-Ilte'. gnu. 101250 ande15igne4 8'Ioosnon E S, moo.. 11q'hix of the//011120) the .11. EIvinr Hoot- er,their vetoer and addllr„ s and Pull pn rt• soo's h, welting or Omit r Pimp brfors too nehmen) div of Velour,. y Itll.l, oiler which date the sold Pierrette E E Banter will pro. need to dlltribnte the osteo) or the •aid de. (tensed alone tl' prn•"nna entitiml thereto having reward only to the claims of which PFO shall then lnlfe had entre and that -he will 11.01,1/0 lhlhle for the soh) wets or nor part th erred 2011,17 person 01 whirr claim she shrill not then have rre,iv' el notice Dated at Brtmssels this Ninth 3427 of January 1914. Fr,nnaaonlr 16 ftoxmRtt, Administratrix of Eslnle of the lots 10,vi Nlt HLiNITR11, Notice to Creditors In the molter of the estate of Sarah Jane Itozell, late of the 'Township 1.f ' Grev, in the Counts of Hurou and Province of Ontario, Widow, deceased, Notion to hereby given, purspaut to vee 65. Comp 20, 7)P the 81ntotes M Onte11,, 1 Genres t , (bat sit p5150 0hiving2121,15 ngninst tete 5nrnh.lone Rose1L wbn died m, o• sbn i e o net •N 0 3 dayof March. Ino_. nen tegTw( y Pv l' n the iriduncle si send by eost1fe s herein or d shell.' o the undersigned a Pn 11 IM A o • or f7)• WIlslot or 1110881 B1 ,sI ndndntozsllorhe the islet of Biennia H r h , Ram511 their 112 1,1PP rho N A J, nn And 1idd1•pANAA nn(t. fun 1+R1't211111rP in writing of their claims before the First rine of February, 1514, atter which (tete the said William Jnnepll Remelt will 'teetered to df tribe to the motets of thn Anid derpssrd nmoug the persons entitled thereto Ravin regent nil v to the (inline of which he shallthenhive had notice nod that lie will not be linblr tor the PORI SAWN er may pert thereof to 1)7 person M wheae claim ha shall not then have received entire. Dated- et Toronto this Sixteenth day of DeceMber, 1918, 0Aeam.5 BROOK, KELLY t FALn0NnBTnot, 86 Env Fittest, Toronto, Solicitors Prr the os)d WrOLrAtt Jo8nr11 RozsLL, • +•4••+•+•'N•d'••F•'N•+•+•+•+•+I 4••••••••••••••••+0+••••••• • • • • Cold Weather Goods 571 .1 Fine range of well made Horse' Blankets at various pr oes • Comfortable Rugs and Robes •Sleigh Bells in vasietg. • . Halters, Curry. Combs, Brushes, &o. • Trunks; Valises and Hand Bags if you intend travelling ,.I, One large stock gives mastntnel's a; good choice. PRICES • ARE RIGH1. Call;itl and see 008 goods. Harness Repairing . a Speoiaity. Phone'3Tx B F. CARR, Brussels , On Jan, 1st, 1914, Llie 0,ts11 Systems of doing besiues5 will be adopted, 4, •+•+.+.+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+t•••1' •••+••••+•+••F'•+••'•+•'N•+A+++ • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•. 1••••• • •••190.2, • �Q ' NDAY JANUARY 5TH • • IS the ro-oponing Day of • 1Northern The . u seneseCollege • . r•• • Established /861 Owen Sound, Ont, •• •• • • ThoprtoLinelRetool, 1'egelm•01188es11101udinginstlunion and expir- e f,hne. in Card Indexjni , Fnllowinp',.Letter Copying -P.005 )in(l limpid 0. 0 Ilolisi', li'llhlg-=01104111e, $Iounnn, 1)n 001,nl, Veel4411 1 lifiuleogroph, • .o 0 I.totaey. Nenwtyle, Lisch 1)11111icat(1, 13ar)•oaghs Adding 111101111e, Ann- o j Moan Addtog )lhattle° filling-Colik'mnsed Bill end 011e.rge Type- • • \others, Remington, 1101(I,Adding Typ0tvritel',•ISi(+lotting Marlines. s 3 ,1\10 outer selhool has this equipment, . Get the best, It Is p172 111catl. a 4 0t'iul oat es guaranteed positlons. Catalogue fret(, •• • O. <1, Ct'LH)h1 V(1. 1 O: A , ; 0.' D. lq,Iil.`IIN0, `t ,, I� 8 eat � Sc i ,( t N, .lief pftl for 3 y s, . � . t l t y. 9 ••.4..••.y4y>i•••••% .•..•t 4•44•44444•41.40+4•44044.644•• 1• • 'F O + O + A •b 0 • 0 • 0 •H 0 0 'F s.A • 4 + • •h • 0 • • • i• • • e t. 0 Meeting of the Horan County Council The Council of tint 5oreo'atioll of the Camey of Hutto, will moot h1 the (turmoil caul novo., in the foci et (italerieli, on lours• day the 1701 day or •]nh,1151 •,1911, at the hour or 8 u'oloolt, Ancolnls Ileen,nt • the County requiring settlement, ,soot Ion 11152011 WY11(1 • Ibe Ulan( beret it tda reale, - W. LAWN. Clerk, Dated nt (4oderloh, .Tpnnary 12th, 1014, The People's Column 3JAI.TJA111.15 FAitel 1(•011 1A.Ll9,--aha South port Int 2.1, One 0, tires, 70 eerr5, all Cleared nod well Ilode>'dl Meta. 1110150 beams nod411,11 barn, welt wit tut ed. Mere Js 110) offered for sole 100 ne120 being Lot 82, 011> 0 a. of (*257. 61) 0f which are (delved, Both properties to Lo sold to Muse out e5111t0, A pply to tion h14.0y 44(1,„ 1Ctbu1 P. 0. or W. 51. 510111.21 n, l55rri,,l, l llrnnscle. Out. aP. mt•IRST GLANS 1''91(211 YOli SALE, The un• ctoeslg7(011 will tell thN H01141, HOP of Farm Lot No. III, in the nth Concession of the Tobi+hip of 18001)8, at a hargniu, to the first boy 5r 011 1)101'01'1)115 (1 gout( n 1(10(11 brick house and first -Chs* bruit born rind MS well fenced farm. eelini1t, Of 100 011'19 and Is well sltunted for markets, (oner now In Went in the reason for sole, Apply for further pa•• Couture to P. S, SCOTT, I31ussnl5, STOitEHOUsif; 1.01( SA 1.16 011 TO RENT- No, 1, Produc0 war ehonse nt Brussela Station G. T. 12. For pn),a tilers 5>101,Brutuno0 a. ARM 11011 SALE, -'3'1111 elide, signed offers s his luui furor consisting of about 106 acres adjoining the town of Clinton, for sale. The 281•111 /N111 a good Aceto of outtfvation, and has good buildings, brick hnnse, book balm, dr1v. Nig . house. Pig pen, etc., all nompnlnlwets nen'. A Aral -claps y0nna• orchard sunl(dning n11 kinds of fruits and ,lino eunll fruits. The firm Is well fenced and drnimled and IN a vary dost rattle lion e. beer further po'tiaulers apply on the m'e11115Ps Or address 28•tf JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. f5"NOAH LAWN FARM" FOR SALE - The undersigned offers for sale his fine 100 601•!, firm, being North Hair Lot 26.0011. 0. 51orrl0 township, Huron 00. Farm 1s to n good state of cultivation, well fenced, Nod has on it newt brick house that cont 08.600 Good lawn xurrunnded by 8034 n1.1t adue Bnnl 62 x 60 Pelt 51)'10,72' hardwood tion. Good oahod Ancif 10 We- of splendid bush rann lo only n mile Pruni the splendid market town 7)P Brussels 7),d Is 4',1'1.1112. Pram school, Good rpnunun. Ity Po -session 5t 1,1,20 For ruttier Portia' Mrs, prone. terms. he spots on the pr, mesas nr to JOHN titOnaEY, Proprieto>', Brussels; P.O. - Manitoba improved Farms For sale on easy terms or will rent to desirable tenants. Write for par- ticulars to John E. Smith (Owner) Box 1033 Brandon Mat, oA1t.�-A..da�d���� A. a ` W. H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer I Order's promptly and care- fully attended to night o• r9 (lac. Phou.2...S. ETH EL, ONT. s e'er-.'"Nr-irwtr1",'7'®47,4r 0 ri 0 LISA .tom `OfJ,I E AT 1-110 E Thousands of ambitions young peo- ple are Net preparing in their own P 7 h r p g homes to uncaps luertitavo positions its atunugraphere bookkeepers, telegra- phers, civil NLIVIttitN in root every Behove or activities. You luny finishnt cullegu if you so wish. Positions guar- a>teed. Enter col ieg5 tiny any. I11d1- vidu111 Instruction( ExP 1 Thirty years' experience. L¢I ( 6rnmers in 0111111(111. Seven nolle c% Spacial course fur touchers. .Affiliated. with. Oainnlotoi11. Ednan•. 000 14 ANaoslatip,l or thtnndn. Sun mor School u) 0llmot10 Spotton Business Col. loge, London. Wingham Business College, Gep. ,'lomm0N, W. T, 1I0110,1 Psosideat, 211151(1)01. tremeatemenistelameeesingesentsezzetemsagamena re .AAt your; home without p;t1 1, danger- of opt1rati011. My method will cute ap- pa'trentltyl'topeless cases no matter whatOill" age is y � or bow .long 'ruptured. Why, wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated. 1 ? when �� c you can be (t1 d , Ho not Wait - Fiji in°coupon Age Time Rip Stngle or 1.)oible Nance rlddt cos ..... and .shorn to JP S. SMITH 50 Caledonia Ct. Dept, A Stratford, Ont. 5'. • 440