The Brussels Post, 1914-1-22, Page 3Fashion Hints fi cua.tvowo off♦ u on Negligees. Fur is lavishly used on the new negligees. The most oharming bou- doir set imaginable is made of crepe meteor in coral. There is a long, loose negligee, cut with a yoke to which the lower part of the gown is a.ttachecl with tt ruffled heading. The V neck ie edged with slcunkand so are the deep, pointed openinga for the lfrnis. A touch or two of cream lace are added in the front. There is a cap to go with this neg- ligee which is made of crepe. edged with lace, with a little turned -up portion in the hack and the front. An ornament of fur finishes the cap. The slippers to match are made in Juliette fashion, of the crepe, edg- ed with skunk. Blue Channeuse Model. Another good -fur -trimmed model is made of blue charmeuse in a mo- derately tight fitting gown that is long in front and made with a train in back. There is an overdress, reaching well below the knees and having short sleeves cub in one with the rest of it, that is made of blue brocaded chiffon, edged with white fur about the bottom. The fur edges the sleeves and the deep, open fronts. Slippers made of quilted blue satin, edged with fur, and a mob cap of blue chiffon edged with fur complete this costume. Crepe do' Chine and Swansdown. Crepe de chine and swansdown ore combined with good effect. The model chosen for a negligee of this sort should be long and full. The swansdown, in white, is used to edge the neck and sleeves and fronts of the negligee, but because it is so easily soiled it is not put on the bottom of the gown. A snugly fitting little cap edged with' the swansdown is the proper accom- paniment of this sort of negligee. Pretty Slippers. The prettiest slippers to wear with crepe de chino and swansdown negligee are made of flowered rib- bon edged with swansdown. These can be made at home quite easily, with a little care. The ribbon is gathered and mitered to fit over the the, and it is gathered over an elas- tic to fit snugly about the heel. Then it is drawn into a band that fits about the top of the foot and the slipper is finished in front with little chiffon roses. Crepe de Chine Slip. A matinee made of chiffon, in a warm shade of yellow, is tucked in small squares. It is edged with lace and beading, through which THE HALF-c?EED 'MAN'AND WOW. What It tlea'is Whon You Fele "All Out of Sorts," You know what it moans to feel "all out of sorts," Most people have felt this way at some time. Nervesout of order, irritable, lan- guid, depressed. An aching head, a fagged brain, appetite bad and digestion weak. With some people this condition comes and goes; with others it is chronic; they can't shake it off. It interferes with business, spoils recreation and robs life of all its joys. These men and ivonicn are only able to live and work at "half speed," Half -speed people have lost that abundant natural vitality which enables others to go "full -speed - ahead" through life. Their energy and nerve power have evaporated— they cannot work long without breaking down. The trouble is nerve weakness and is caused by poor, watery blood. You can be- gin to improve your condition to - clay by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, They make rich, red blood once more pulsate through your veins, and your nerves thrill with fresh vigor. Hero is convincing evidence that new strength and full health can be had through the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. Newton Mayhew, North Tryon, P.E.I., says: ""I am a farmer and naturally have to work very hard. Tho result was that I found myself very much run down. My blood became thin and watery, and my muscles flabby, I took doctors' tneatnient but it did not help me and I grew so weak that I could scarcely work at all. As I found the medical treatment was not helping me' I decided to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and in these I found the medicine I needed, as in a short timhe I was restored to my old health and vigor. I shall always recommend these pills to all sufferers," Dr; tVilliams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers, or will be mailed, post free, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. SUNDAY IN TITS WEST. Now a Tendency to More Strict En- forcemeat of the Law. Residents of Ontario accustomed to extreme limitations in what they may buy on the Sabbath, and to the idea of possible pena,ties for a fracture of the law, in howev$r minor a respect, are sometimes sur- prised when they find that in Win- nipeg and the majority of other places in the Western Provinces it yellow ribbon is run. It is almost is not impossible to secure some of necessary to wear a slip of some I the necessities and a fail/ of the lux - sorb under chiffon negligees, and uries of life during that part of the with this dainty matinee a white j week delegated to spiritual pur- crepe ole chine slip is worn. It is suits. To be sure, there is now a made with a deep flounce of shadow tendency tow.ercls a mute strict en- lace, trimmed with yellow ribbons forcement of the law, and in Cal - and yellow chiffon roses, on the bob- gary the other Sunday a young tom. Fur Triuwicd Petticoat. A pretty petticoat to wear with n't sell her anything for its allevia- matinee is made of turquoise chif- tion—he was afraid of prosecution. fon, trimmed with half a dozen gar- Ie is probable that the authorities row lace ruffles. Heading rho bob -of the Provinces consider that they tom ruffle is a band of brown fur, are enforcing the law to as great an and each little 'ruffle ' is trimmed with tiny rosebuds of pink satin. >�a DOCTORS IN BRITAIN. Punishment in Case of Betrayal of Professional Conduct. lady with a most unbearable tooth- ache was mightily surprised when she found that her druggist would - Medical men very rarely indeed figure in divorce cases in Europe, Especially is this the case in Great Britain. There is a reason for this which is not gen rally known, that the General Medical Council main- tains a strict watal'r over the con- duct of the members of the 'medical profession in the United Kingdom, and that if it :can be shown that .a doctor has availed himself of . the Privileged position. duo to his call - 'Ing to misconduct himeeif,':his name is removed from the Statutory Re- gisterr of medical practitioners, which is bile medical equivalent for. the disbarment of a lawyer. Thus, Dr. Thomas Francis Roche, of Kingston -on -Thames, 'au physician of some eminence, has just been publicly disciplinedin this fashion,' as the aftermath of the divorce case of Stuart versus Stuart in which he figured as co-respondent. Had De.'.Itoehe been merely a friend Of the famrlrand net their medical attendant, the Gener- al Medical Council would have tak- en no notice of the ease. But the General Medical Council took the ground that, being in professional attendance on the Stuart family, he hacl tale i improper advantage of the oonlitence reposed in his calling and therefore expelled hila. For a doctor to have his dame struck off the Statutory :Register of medical iiraetitleners spells pro- fessioua1,rtun. Tor it means that he earl ne lengget'geant medical ber.ti- ficates nor holdmedical appoint, meats nor eVen ,practice medicine unless he makes it quite Clear to Ise patient that he is nob a statu- torily qualified medical pe}a6bitiota- eke, r Moreover, he is unable to site. for fees, extent as is justified by public opinion, for the fact 'remains that the average Western city is not as straight-laced in what might be perhaps termed the minor morali- ties as most of the eastern cities. In Winnipeg drug stores it is pos- sible, for instance, to buy on a Sunday that which may be purchas- ed on Monday.and no questions ask- ed, though there have been sugges- tions lately that they be restricted to the sale of drugs and positive ne aessities, This proposition web with immediate opposition from drug- gists, who claimed that they could not afford to keep their establish- ments open for the sale of a few articles .only, and the question has not been settled, .. No difficulty is ever 'experienced in securing cigar: altos or cigars or candies from most. any of bile thousand -and -elle re- staurants, big and little, and the family who wait for Sunday before buying.their fresh fruit are not liko- ly to go fruitless for their Stinday supper. Instances have even been known where meat and bread and other groceries have been procured without any subterfuge at provision stores out of the centro of the city, Tlhese'bhfngs`aro taken forgranted, and;.,hi. the opinion' of a goad 'many People, clo not involve any slacken- ing in the observance of the Sab- bath. Churches are as well attend- ed as in the east, the liquor laws aro kept, and there is' no reason for ,h-plieving that Winnipeg is not as neral a city—in the senee in which that word ie usually applied -as any other of its eize. Some of the mov'ng_pipture shows gave Sunday entertainments on one Sunday ear- ly In 1913,'the receipts from deflec- tions going to the Dayton flood ante ferers, The proprietors were 'pror, aeclited and the gabso fa, still to the combs with no pubilo' inter'eet whatever in the outcome. Sunday evening band concerts aro given in a couple of the theatres aster thi church Velli The tendekee however) ,rwl.itta,ted,• '.s towards the shutting down of Sunday buying and selling, and in Victoria,. "blue• laws" of the time of Charles Il, have recently been invoked hi this connection. So it is possible that the Westerner will vet find it as dilfleult to get his Sun- day shoeshine as his eastern bro- ther, and will have to take the pre- caution of buying his Sunday pa- per on Saturday, and will do with- out his Sunday smoke unless he re- members it beforehand, rL III/OE COAL OUTPUT. Year's Production in Canada Ex- ceeded all Former Records. The production of coal in Canada in 1012 exceeded that of any pre- vious year, the total production be- ing reported as 14,512,589 short tons . valued at $36,019,014 and const.tut- ing nearly 27 per cent, of the total value of the mineral products of Canada during the year. Compared with 1911, in which year the pro- duction was 11,323,353 short tons valued at $20,467,643, an increase is shown of 3,150,441 tons, or 28 per •eent. in quantity and $9,551,398 or 36 per cent. in total value. The largest previous year's out- put was in 1910, when the produc- tion was 12,809,152 short tons, vain_ ed at $30,909,770, compared with which 1912 shows an increase of 1,- 603,077 tons or 12 per cenb. and $5,- 100,205 or over 11.6 pmecent. in to- tal value. � In Nova Scotia there was an in- creased production in 1912 of 779,- 488 tons or 11 per cent., over 1911. This province produced nearly 54 per cent. of the total in 1012 as against 02 per cent. in 1911. The production in New Brunswick is quite small in proportion to the other provinces and amounted to only 44,780 tons in 1912, a decrease of nearly 20 per cent. from 1911. In the west for the first time en re- cord Alberta has the largest pro- duction amounting to 3,240.577 tons, the production in British Colum- bia being 3,205,997 tons. The lat- ter province would have hada high- er production had labor troubles nob prevented a normal output. The production in Alberta is the high- est record for that province, while in British Columbia the greatest production was attained in 1910. Princess Sophia, wife of Prince Eitel Fritz, the Kai- ser's second son, who, it is report- ! ed, has left her husband and is now ' residing in Paris, SKIN CLEARED By Simple Changs in Food. Ib has been said by a physician that most diseases are the resulb of indigestion. There's undoubtedly truth much in the statement, even to the cause of many unsightly eruptions, which many enppose can be removed by applying some remedy on the out- side, By changnig her food a Western girl was relieved of an eczema which was a great annoyaneo to her. •• She writes "For five months I was suffering with an eruption on my face and hands which our cloctor.:called ec- zemas and which caused me .a great deal of ineonvenionce The suffer- ing was almost unbearable. "The medicine I took only gavo me temporary relief. One clay I happened -IA react somewhere that eczema wa4 caused by indigestion. Then I read that many persons had boon relieved. Of indigestion by eat- ing Grape -Nuts. "I decided to try it, I liked the taste of the food and was particu- larly pleased to notioe that my di- gestion was improving and that tho eruption was disappearing as if by magic. I had at last found, in this great food, something that reached my„trrouble. "t�'Ihen i find a victim of this affliction I remember my awn fer- nier suffering and advise a, trial of grape -Nuts food 'instead of reedi- eines." Name given by Canadian' I'aslunt Co., Windsor,' Ont, Read ”"Tho Roatd to Weilville," in pkgs. "There's A pfd." Ever read OW p e �,i!M�itt A neve one Musson to gl i ■A YEW erre genentint, true, Aftt /11?d b>[ Illtlnd 'Merest, KEEP SC CLE Frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap, assisted when necessary by gentle anointings with Cuticura Ointment, afford the purest, sweet- est and most economical method of freeing the scalp of infants and children from minor eruptions, itchings and scalings and of es- tablishing permanent hair health. Cullens Soap and Ointment are sold e'rouehoat the world. A liberal rumple of each, with az-pane booklet en the ears and treatment of the stun nod erele. emit post -fisc, Address Potter Drug & Cheat Corp., Dept. 81i,noston, U. S. A. Not to Her Taste. Arb Dealer—This is a beautiful scene from "Hamlet." Mrs. Newrich—I don't care for hamlets. Show me a good-sized city. .p LIQUID SULPHUR is Nature's own remedy for RHEU- MATISM, ECZEMA and kindred troubles, arising from impure blood. It has no equal as a blood purifier. Price 60 Cents a bottle. All druggists, or SULPHUR PRO- DUCTS LIMITED, 158 Bay Street, Toronto. .p His Mite. She—What have you ever done for humanity 1 He—Saved at least one man from a terrible fate. She—When was this.? Ho—When I married you I Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentletnon; Laet winter I received a groat benefit from the use of ML1SA1tD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack of La Grippe, and I have frequently Droved It to bo very effective in casee of Iinaamma. tion. Tomo, W. A. IIUTCIfINSON. A strong and wise man has his strength given to him, notthat he may crush the weak, but that he may support and guide them. Minned's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta. Rost's Youngest. "Don't your shoes feel very un- comfortable when you walk, Mrs. Nuryche 1", Mrs. Nuryche—"Dear me, what an extraordinary ques- tion I Why do you ask, child 1" Youngster—"Oh, only cos pa said the other day since iyou'd come in to your money ,you'd got too big for your boots," Try Murine Eye Remedy F If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid,, 25e, 50c. Murine -Rye. Saye iiia ,As'ept1o; Tubes, •25e, 50e. .Eye Books, Free, by. Mail. An Eye Tonto Rood tor All EMI that treed Ogre Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Cause and effect — whiskey straight and'a crooked walk. Minard's Liniment Cures target In Cows. A Legal Tangle. The day was drawing to a close. Judge; jurors, witnesses and law- yers'were growing-w'eory, , Finally the counsel for the prosecution rose to examine the defendant. "Exaobly how far is it between the two towns 4" asked the lawyer in a weary voice, The defendant yawned, and re- plied, "About four miles as the cry slows," "No doubt," said the man of law, "you mean as the flow cries." The judge leaned forward. "14," ho remarked sanvely, "he means as rho fly crows." Then •al] throe looked at one an, other, feeling that something was morong soniew7iere: Many a or woman thinks aha op do nothing Without a husband, and Wheti she gets one finds she can Good -Bye, Ord Backache, ' .J crviiino Wili'Fir Yogi. silo.. Is Rubbed Right Out; Every Sign of Pain Disappears, Geo whiz think of its No more stomach dosing necessary to ourc your lama back. Every trove of lumeuese, every bit of silifness, every elfin of weakness in the back's muscles can bo robbed away far all time to come by good old "Nerviline" No other liniment can do the work en quit'lly, can penetrate so deeply, eon bring ease and comfort to the heck -weary sufferer 11.0 Nerviline invariably dors, Baclteche isn't the only milady Nervi• lino is quick to cure, Fur lumbago or sciatic'n you would go for to find relief en speedy ns Nerviline ghee. Por vhronic rlteuniat:etn there are pain dr,<trnying pro. pertios in Nerviline, that g;ve It firer rank. The way it limbers up a still joint and tako4' soreness out of Rtrained or rheumatic muscles is simply a Wender. If you have an ache or a pain anywhere, if you have a sore back, a stiff neck, a stiff joint, a strained muscle—ifyou have lumbago, congested chest or sore throat, just try Nerviline, Rob it on plenti- fully -it won't blister. it can't do any- thing but cure you quickly, The largo 60e. family size bottle fe the mast 000nomi. cal, of course, but you can, from any dealer, also get .tiro 25o. email size of. Nerviline, the king of all Dain -relieving remedies. k WHAT NEXT? In the Fire Districts on Dominion Crown Lands in the west patrolled ,,4g DominioAifire ran�'ors the lass iocaeloned' ee forosli fired l`a"sG'sea- SCR is also remarkably small, nor is this due wholly to the.large amount of rain which fell last summer in the west, for there were also sever- al dry spells when frequent fires ao- curred, which only the alertness of the fire -rangers preveeited from oc- casioning large losses. In the Coast Fire Ranging District, ILO., which being situated in the Railway Belt is administered by the Dominion Forel:try Branch, during June and July and August no less than 110 fires occurred, yet all of these fires were extinguished before any stand- ing timber was destroyed. 3' Cause for Anger, Mr. Wilkins was near the explod- ing point when his neighbor met him on the street. "That man F, W, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Tomkins," he burst out, ""has more Toronto. nerve than anyone I ever met." "' Why 1" asked his neighbor curl.-. FrYuxtt. st17 waeAk TGraa1n. or OR Dairy EF rm ausly'. (`Ilo came over to my write re 1 . na onan; Brampton. or sa house last evening and borrowed f4 ronrpe Ai.. maronto. my gun to kill a dogthatkept trim H w. DAWSON, Colborne St., Taranto, awake nights.""Well, what of WANTED, that E" "Why," shouted Mr. Wil- kins,' "it was my dog he killed," 3• A nourishing, tasty, economical meal. A, time and money saver, la strength producer. 7 FARMS FOR eALS. Will Qu!cVk'y Cure lilako Four Exercise Light Up the An,7 sour Stomach Rouse. Light ,your home by doing your daily gymnastic stunt 1 Utilize the energy developed in exercising for health by making it operate a dyna- mo and storing up electricity to he turned on as light. Such is the idea of a Frenchman, who has in- vented the apparatus that will do this very thing. Ho has combined a bicycle with a dynamo and storage battery in such a way that each member of a fam- ily can, by taking a brief ride be- fore breakfast, store up enough electricity to light several lamps. Ono hour's pedalling is enough. The machine is made in two sizes, one to work with a storage battery of twelve volts and twelve amperes for the use of ordinary purses, the Other for use with a storage battery of twelve volts and twenty-five am- peres, for strong persons. The Scientific American remarks that one advantage of this machine is that if the lighting of the home be dependent upon the electricity derived from it, will give a stimu- lus to the use of the machine for exercise and tend to prevent the daily gymnastics from being ne- glected. SI'IITI-I GOT WISE. A sore corn, he said, was bad enough, but to have it stepped an was the limit. 13e invested in a bottle of Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, and now wears tt happy emile. Corn is gone—enough said, Try Putuam'o Extractor, 25a. at all deal- ers. F FOREST FIRE LOSSES, 1913. Dominion Forestry Branch Reports Remarkably Small Loss. The lowest level of forest fire loss on record in Canada was reached last year on Dominion Forest Re- serves in Western Canada. From the first of April to the end of Sep- tember several of these reserves es- capd without a single fire over ten acres in extend, the small fires that did occur being extinguished by the rangers before occasioning any damage to standing timber. On the Rocky Mountain Forest Reserve, which has an area of 13,373,856 acres, the fire -loss amounted to but 1,160 acres of young timber of only potential value and $150 worth of mature timber. The total area burnt aver, more than half ofwhich was cut -over or grass land, was bub 3,010 acres, representing only 0.02 per cent of the area of this reserve. On the Dominion Forest reserves in British Columbia, which have a to- tal area of 2,420,000 acres not a single fire succeeded in spreading over a larger area than ten acres; .and.the only, green timber injured by fire was 'four acres of young lodgepole pine. The records are not yet complete for Saskatchewan and Manitoba, but the available figures compare favorably with the ones cited. The above figures also tom pare favorably with corresponding one's on the National Forests of the United States, where the area burned in 1913, akbhough the small- est in recent.. years, was somewhat over 0.3. per cent. of the Late] re- setved,a1'Oa. - Relieves Fullness After Meals, "When I was working around the farm last winter, I bad an attack of in- tammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long tlme, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels, for I had to use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indi- gestion. Nothing helped 'me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To -day I am well— no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr, Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves it" Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25o. All dealers, or Tho Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Everywhere. Wanted: Glad and sunny people All along the way, Just to make it fair and mellow As a summer's day; Just to speak a word of greeting And to give a smile That shall make each splendid pur- pose Still the more worth while. If a man is a bore he's always the last to discover it, MRS. A. SAICH, of Cannington Manor, Sask., Writes :—"My brother suf- fired severely from eczema. The sores were very exten- sive, and burned like coals into his flesh. Zam-Buk took out all the fire, and quickly gave him ease. Within three weeks of commencing with Zam-Buk treatment, every sore had been cured." This 'is but one of the many letters we are constantly receiving from people who have proved the healing powers of Zam-Buk. For eczema, piles, sores, bums, cuts and all skin troubles there is nothing like this wonderful balm. skin disease should be con- sidered - c n sidered incurable until Zam-Buk has been tried. All.braggluts. 50e. per Box. Refuse Substitutes. 6 IVE UNINJURED MINht, MARTEN J and Fisher. W D. Bates, Ridt±etown. Ont. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, �[�-E $AVE PIOYERAL 0OOD. NEWS. ' ' paper proesrtiw, tsr srzn in nn• tarso towel at right prices, Apply quickly es subscription renews' time is just open. inn. t5'nse>. Pnbliehing Company, Td West Adcl.-inn R'reet. Toronto, NURSERY STOCK. �'ITRAwBl1R11YEs, RARPPERRIEI0 .FIFTY t varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell $ Son, Grovesend, Ontario. SITUATIONS VACANT. We will pay you $120.00 to distribute religious literature in your community. Sixty dnyt work Experience not .required. Man or woman. Opportun- ity for promotion. Spare time may be used. International Bible Press, in Spadina Street, Toronto. alit$CELLPNE0Ili CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC.. L/ Internal and external, cured with. ons pain by our home treatment.- Write tie before too late. Dr. Reitman Medical Co Limited, r'elltn,rwo»d; Out, PRODUCERS—By shipping your NEW LAID EGGS to GUNN, LANGLOIS k CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, you secure Fee BEST RESULTS. One trial shipment recomm DO YOUR STOCKINGS SB:RI:YR Dena washing and hurt you? Do the children complain? The IJEAL 51008180 STRETCHERS make old stockings feel and wear litre new, relieve brad feet, ease corns and save dura. int. Two .itis, adult and ehld- ren'e, 60p a pair by mail. 1. E. YORK & CO., Waterford, Ont. CANADIAN HAIR RESTORER Restores Gray Flair to original color. Two might use from same bottle, hoirof one becomes black... the other blond or other color as they were in Mali. Stops ratting Bair, Dandruff, robins'. Cures all Scalp Diseases,Produces. New Growth. Satisfaction guaranteed orraoueybock. Price 73 cents or two for One Dollar (postage paid.) Not Sold In Stores. CANADIAN HAIR RESTORER 00., Windsor, Ont. THIS CO:10ERi]S MAPLE SYRUP MAKERS Better be on the safe side and place your order now, instead of risking disappoint- ment during the March rush. -write for freebookletiving particulars and prices of our Champion Evapor- ator and all -up-to-date supplies for which we are headquarters, Write for free catalogue and tell us how many trees yeti tap. TUE GEIN8M MPG. 00., TWIT:MED ea Wellington St., Montreal, Qua. Approaching That. "Don't you think women are get- ting too daringly original in the matter of dress?" "Original 1 They are getting positively aboriginal." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper.'.. plush Depends. "Should auld •.acquaintance be force gots" Well, very much depends On whether he's the one or not Who borrows or who lends." Minard's Ltninient Cures Dlplittionia.. HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN FRONT: ATLANTIC' CITY,' Sr; J. r" -dotting with him, El). 4. 1<S tJ 8—'i. A magnificent ten -story, fireproof addition is Met being completed, making Oda tetnoCte hostelry the newest ono moat np•to•date of Atl8ntie City hotels. A hew feature is the dentinal airs f, the beet rooms,- avere.ent. 58 foot agnave, Every room commands on Oetalt view,' both attachetl. With sea knit freshwater. Olthvalelaot in every chamber', Temperature reltuinted by Tbei•trieedndtt the latoet den opmont in sterni heating, Telephone 1n every room. Golf" prlv116Iws.' Capacity God. write for Illustrated booklet, CUARLRS 0. MAR,QUETTtf, TRAVMOR!; flOTBL c0AiMP4NY, Manager, D. S. '1'V'kITE, t^itebideaii,', fits It the re A, 411 g: to - ween. ivory lets,