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The Brussels Post, 1914-1-15, Page 8
Cold Remedies This is the season for La Grippe and Colds and the important question to many households le what .is the best thing to take for the malady, Rexall Cold Tablets are being used with satishIet nyle sults. For the treatment of Colds in the head, toge'her with headache and fever usually aaaocia ed with a Coll, they will be found a valuable aid. Kept in the 'house and taken when first svmp,oms appear, they will often prevent a protracted colt, Price 250 a box Cherry Bark Cough Cure or *Wad, Root Cough Oure are the .best preparations where there is a tough along with the cold, Rexall Bronchials, Cough Tablets in pkgs,,.very convenient for carrying, roc pkg. Poultry Panacea Are your hens laving ne many of those 35e a dot eggs as roll Would like ? Try and, get them Wetlynote while the price is ouch, Care- ful •genion to them and a liberal u.se of Hese Poultry Panacea will bring about the result. Pane cea is a guaranteed egg producer, will keep a fleck of fowi healthy an•I make them s'tense and vigorous I' is fed with the foods and enables the system to apprepriree egg-ritak111e mete; id from, he sniff fed Price 950 per pkg,.. The lame package al 85e contains over three times as much, Hess' Instant Louse Killer 350 per package We also handle Pratt's Poultry Food 25c and 500 per package trhe Store F R Hum ■ ■ DRUGGIST AND S1'AT(ONEit, ttetas Pats Tem ice harvest comes next. HALF of !sneers, gone already LOCAL news on page 6 of this issue. , /err the fellow who said he Wanted some rougher weather stand up HURON County Council will convene on Tuesday, January 27th at Goderiuh. . ALT1tottOH some of the treintt were a long way late, on account of the storm, all managed to get thtnugh WEaatu m Hockey tease will play here On Friday evening of this week, !'here will be Awing after the match TrVRa AY et last week ra@ Fair r cas--saW abi crowdd in town Next Fair will be held Thursda . Februa t 6th. Y Y KEEI' February rib clear for the next date of the Public Library Concert Bourse, The Leigh -Smith Co, will put pn the program. It should be a dandy. 'CHg Pose believes a tidy repair bust cess can be figured on in connection with the opening up of the Brussels ;machine shop, to say nothing about new manufacturing that might be enter - prised. Brussels should prove a good centre for such a business. MASONIC At Home in Brussels Town Hall on the evening of Friday, 23rd inst. First class talent will present a fine Concert program and the Cortese Orchestra will .supply'instrumental sel- ections and also play for the dancing that will Follow the program and supper COLD - Monday night and Tuesday morning some of rhe coldest weather of the season was on the progratn. Reals- trations on various thertn ,meters ranged from 17 to 20 degrees below zero The storm of Monday filled up the streets and some roads in great style and the snow plows were brought into requisi- tion and soon opened the svay. Tues- day the day was br.gbt but veru sharp. THE Building Committee of Melville chateh met on Tuesday and discussed with the architect, the tenders received. All were too high it wee thought. and after certain modification of the plans new tenders are being called for in the expectation of lower figures. It is ex- pected building operations will prnee-rl in the Spring Read the advt. for Tenders in this issue, Hocttxy.-'Che first game of Hockey here this season was played last Monday evening in the rink LtIcknow and Brussels were the eontestiog teams the former winning by a good margin. Brussels will do better as the season ad- vances as they are planing a number of new artists Match was the initial one in the Lakeside League. Friday even- ing of this week Winghanl hockevites will be here for a game in the same league. SHO vER.-Before Mise Tena Collison left town Fortier home in Palmerston a number of young friends here presen'ed her with a miscellaneous shower pre paratory to her marriage to W. Raynor, jeweller, of Petrolia on Wednesday of this week. May her cup of jny be ever full and may her hubby prove one of the beat of husbands. Some Brussels young men have a crow to pick with Mr. Raynor. BOUGHT A LtV 1Y EusiNEss.-Edward Lowry, of Brussels, has purchased the t3allantvne livery stable at Wroxeter and is now in possession. The bus to the C. P, R. and the express business is 'also in connection with the livery. Mr. Lowry will move his family to Wroxeter While sorry to see old residents remove we wish Mr. Lowry and his excellent family Health and prosperity in their new home. The Wroxeter people will find them A I residents. CLOSE CALL Volt REY. A C. WISHART —The Moseley before Christmas Rev. A. C. Wishart, Calgary. formerly the Well known pastor of Meiville church, Brussels, lay down fora rest at his home add was overcome by escaping gas in his home.: He was alone in the house and it waste hours before he wes ,lis covered, The•reverend gentletnan was removed to the hospital where 6 or 8 honrepassed before he was restored to eonacioesnea e favor - Able s 314 is m'akin progress since although not able to take his pulpit work vet. It was a close call but ole( friends here tire pleseed that fatal rosette did not foliose. The doe. tot's advise a gond rest, MAGtsyRAeses Coma.• --Tuesday after- noon Reeve Leekle'held Court in the Town Hall when, Waller Savage std Jno. Ward, of Grey township who were charged with purloining turkeys from the premises of ,Teo Rose, of the same township, were before hint Pleading guilty the former was fined Sneers and costs. $26 So in, all, and Mr. Ward $to 00 aed Coats, totalling $2 2 . This his included ettfar the toren h. The case against Wm Ward wait dismissed, '.[1'm. Hanna and Geo 1toe° were before the Court with the n{feece of steeling two fortes from Gen, McDonald, of the North Grey •hottndery. They pleaded not petite end Wert remanded dntll next Montle , beim' granted their liberty ferntab�n ' pRtlsiatltoty ba111 , Goo Evening I Have you had the grippe 7 WEDNB-DAY of this week Fourth Division Court was held here before Judge Holt. A DRY cleaning and repair business will be run in town by G W. Colvin, at the shop of W P Fraser, tailor, where nattsfaction le promised A public meeting will be held on Friday, January 23rd in the Methodist eburch, Brussels, at 8 p m., when ReV Henry A Fish, of Owen bound, will deliver an address Sunjeet "the Protestant enunciate int Canticle today," Admieston free and no collection All are invited, ladies alm:thi iy welcome, o--- - 2naxetI t un brood now, foe Gale due to $ T farrow next month, carrying second litter.ar. Lot 21, Con. 12, GreyJ. 61RNiD aPhote6610. Crnbrootc. CEDAR nests for sale, 3 and 10 feet long. Phone 2217. W. KnAnmea, Ethel. • Thom flatland Campbell cutters Bold by E, G. Plum, Brussels. Ask about them. HAY fork rope lost off clover milt between Con 8 Morris and Geo McPall'a 8th line. Book on one end of it Finder kindly send . word to Thos Miller, Brussels P. 0. Phone 1818, OWING to mild weather and having large amount of heavy felt shoes, I will continue olodng out'•h oe sal s up to first of February. Mr, Cnrr ha. consented to allow me same epaeP in his store np to thst dote, so pricss wilt be lower than ever. tea our advt, for quotations. i. 0. RICHARDS. GOOD fresh calved Jersey cow for sale. Phone 08, S. WTLTON. EOGsSS 0050158 A DozeN,-Are your hens laying f I1 n„t tall at Beeler Broe_, and get n necess of grnsnd bona ehirh is ane of the necessaries for egg production. Wilt enm, set and file circular or any saw now with the latest saw tools. Tom McGrew or, Brussels, Ont. —0— PROMOTRD TO NORTH BATTLRFORD.- Geo. Buchanan B A , who Ids been teaching in the Portage la Prairie Co'- legiate, has accepted the position of Ctassical Master of the North Battleford, Sask , Collegiate He commences at $t7oo with $tooincrease per annum for 6 years. Mr Bnchanau is a son of Marx and Mrs Bueha'tan, of Brussels, and is a fine teacher. We wish hitn the best of success. FINE MEETTNG.-Wednesday evening a la''ee audience assembled in the Teen Hall, Brussels, despite drifted roads and stormy weather to hear Rev. Mr Muir, Field Secretary, deal with the Cannda Temperance Act, "Deward Christian Soldiers" was sung and Rev Mr. Wren offered prayer alter which Rev Mann, the local President, introduced the apeaker. Mr. Muir gave a close fitting address, covering the field in a moder site but convincing manner and referred to the record of Local Option victories ; the bugbear that business is ruined where it has been carried ; 'he improve- ments in the Canada 'temperance Act both as to its enforcement, penalties and forward march ; showing the number of offences and convictions under license and urged a hearty support at the polis on the 20111. At the close of the address several questions were answered. F, H Gilroy sang a flue solo "Canada." It was expected a speaker for the opposition would stave been here, but he failed to tnaterial ize. The National Anthem was song et the close and the meeting closed with the Benediction by Rev. Mr Page. Mins Wren presided rot the piano ,luring the evening.. Other meetings may be held, of which announcement wilt be given 'i'hote who were not out Wed- nesrley missed a good straight talk that wil do much to clear up rumors and gueesea concerning the Act and its t orking • ADDRESS AND PREaittiTATt N - The 'boys in Miss Martha Smuh s Sunday School class of the Methodist church, Brussels, assembled at the home of the teacher Tuesday evening and one of the features wan the presentation of a fine tie pin to Edgar Lowry, wino, with the farnily, is removing to Wroxeter The address wsS as follows t- DRAR EDGAR -We have assembled this evening, o he toget er as a class for perhaps the last time before you leave us We look back withleasure upon P I 1 the many }nippy d aye we 1 have spent to. other and we all Inok forward With re- gret to year leaving town. But per- haps thin is a Case which would be like that of nnatty teachers +•ho bay "What is is for the best " We have felt the inRnence of your company and we are sure that vett will make many friends where you are going. As a slight ap- pteciatinn of Yoltr frienttships and 00m•' pane with us we ask von to accept flits. tie -pin. We hope as Von look upon it during your absence from us it will nerve 1O remind von of the drive we have anent tngelher Signed Wilfred Lott, Revnald Barkley, Fred Wood, Roy Mc ices Bert Lott, Wtlt'ur Armstrong, Martha A. Smith. Edgar merle a brief hut apprOpria e replv to txprecaing Iris thanks for the kind Word* and gilt, An enjnt'abte time ',VAS Spent be fire OMNI!) V tit# drily thnttgltt Barring ti being the fart oL 1 the coreink nepatOtlotr, Wore has beet a felthfnl tteitter til ►lie etattrl. 1 the Metropolitan Bank Cambial. Paid up - Roaervo Fund - - Undlvldod.Profits - - - $1,000,000,00 1,250,000,00 181,888,20 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANOH F. H. GiLROY, MANAGER EAs'r fluron Agricultural 'Society Annual Meeting Wednesday afternoon of next week in Brussels 'Town Hall. Attend it Receiving annual reports, electing officers and lasing plans for 1014 will Constitute the business. HYMENEAL.- Chris G�'�moldly, of Owen Sound, formerly of Brussels, was united in marriage to Miss Pearl tallest, of the same twee recently. They v'sited relatives its town. Seaforth an 1 other placer while on their wed ding trip. We wish them many happy, prusrerous years. They ,rail make their home in Owen Sound. 5000 Coops, -P. Ament, who is quite a hustler • after business. le taking his sons into partnership in different de- partments of his factory and mill. -A leading feature this Winter is a scramble after 50o0 cords of heading bolts, Mr. Ament's mill gang Is busy In the bush and big loads of sawlogs have been Moiled to the mill here nearly every day since sielghing came, People 'We Talk About Rev. Mr, Riddell of Toronto, wee in town on Tuesday. Miss Mend Jackson was visiting relatives in Brussels. Mrs, Jno. 'Thomson is visiting rela- tives and friends at Seaforth, George Manuing is visiting _ ld. and Mrs. Ruekell, of Hareiltou. Tire latter is a sister, Stewart Wren was on the sick list during the past week with an attack of croup but is better now. Ilarry Fox, son of Druggist null Mrs Fox, has taken a position as Junior iu the Metropolitan Bank here. Miss i.ina Leckie, R. N., and Miss jean Leckie, of Montclair, Nsw Jersey, are guests at Kelvin Grove. Ch iflie McMillan has gone to Wood- stock where he has a situation in a store, We wish hint well. Miss Kemp, of Listowel, and Miss Chalineis, of London, are guests at the home of A. and Mrs. Strachan Charlie Leckie was under the doctor's care for a week or so and was unable to return to Toronto until last Satur- day, Harry and Mrs, Smith and daughter, Gladys, of Dubuc. Soak , were here for a holiday visit. They went to Detroit 11112 week. loo. Bateman's disabled shoulder hes given him considerable trouble but it is imp, oving ro there is that mpch to Ise thankful for - M,s j Leckie, who has been serious- ly i11 for home weeks, is still ander the doctor's cart. Mary bid friends wish her speedy convalescence, Mrs J. 1' Ross has not been as well as usual during 'he past week. The trouble is with one of her limbs but we hope for speedy improvement, Mrs Loftus Stalk and baby, of Tor- onto, are herr for a- holiday visit for s month with the former's mother. Mrs. Marsden Smith, Princess street. Mrs. Allan Hersey, who was consider- able shaken un by being thrown out of a crater when the horse shied, is able to be ahouteence more we are pleased to slate. W. Long has been transferred to the Queen street branch of the INetropolt• tan Bank, Toronto Geo. Jordan, also of Brussels, is a tnember Cr the same stele. Vernon Rosa will not return to the Dental College, 'Toronto, in the mean. time. hot will remain home recruiting his health which we trust will soon be o k. Mrs, Marsden Smith has not been feeling as well as usual and has been bothered with her back. We hope she will soon be restored to her customely good health. John Lynn, of Calgary, is here on a holiday. His parental home is near Fordwich but Tack makes friends where. ever he goes. He is still single but it may not be_ for long. George and Mrs McMillan announce the engagement. of their daughter, Pearle R,, to Neil M: Livingston, or Dubuc, Sask. The wedding v ill take place Wednesday of next week, Mrs, Skelton was keeping house for Isar brother, A Howlett, 7511 line, Mor- ris township, while Mrs. Howlett was waiting on her mother, Mrs. Sanderson, of Hallett, who has been seriously iii. Constable Rnbert Oliver was off duty during the past week trent an attack of neuralgia in his face. He does not lose m ny days through illness and we hope Y' e will i +set t s > t Ve ns good a sects fo 1 d for the years to come: Ohuroh Chimes Wednesday evening of next week the Bible Study class will meet in connection wills Si, John's church et -8 o'clock Tbutsday evening of this week at 8 o'clnak`the Brotherhood of, St. Andrew Will meet hi the basement of St.. John's church. Cas Sabbath evenleg the Officers and Conveners of the Christian Endeavor Society cher ch ale y oP Melville cito ch were purilin- ly installed' at the alms;' Of the regular preaching service It was interacting and impressive. Miss Sheriff is the new President Rev, Dr. Ratusay ltaudlcd the sub• {{act of he Prettily 'rian Butteel for 10x4 l0 geed stele taut Sahbeth morning ill Melville church The paster occupied the pulpit in the events end breached a strong lntertating sermon from( the teat "Is thu yeaug• matt Absalom rate ?" I • Next Suutley services will be held io Si lohu's church as usual,. At it a, m, the Rector's subject wilt be "The child and the parent" and at 7 p m ; "St. Andr w " The A. Y P A will meet at 8 15 when the topic "Daniel," Will be Introduced by Miss : ore Alc••ck Next Sunday will be •\lens' D y in the Methodist church, rr a. to the sermon will he to married men, the subject being "How one man cleaned up a town " The choir will be c m- posed of married men In the evening the theme will 1 e"When a yrung men sells out and will be directed to the more yo lthful. A company of young men will h ad the praises, The pastor will be in charge, "The ideal church" was Rev Mr, Wren s theme last Stthbells morning In the Methodist °butch to a large con- gregation. Among the requit•l'eie four conditions Were etnphttsisrd t .(i) A converted and regenere'ed member- ship I (2) The presence of the Divine Spirit 1 (3) A true vleion of life 1 (4) An ettrneat spirit of worship and service. 'rhe subject In the evening was "An Ideal chi reb motto," 1 t m t God's command p r man 1 to Moses end the children of loran at the Red Sea, "Go Forward." Bit, were stirring meeenges, buoyant with hope and full of encouragement to those who are enlisted milder the Gospel t•sn- ner, WEEK of PRAYER, -The union se. - vice in the Methodist cbureh '1'hurecley evening of last week was tru:y in• pint tug as the large congregetinn joiner( in the exercises Rev Mr Wren presided, Rev, Mr Page read the Scripture lesson and Rev, A. J. Mann pt•enched a most suitable and optintis'ic discourse, the theme heing Missions He pointedly urged the importance of fulfilling Lite Lord's command. The closing meeting of this most succesafu and cheering series was hell in Mel- ville church Friday evening, the edific being filled to the doors Rev, Mr Wren's discourse on ' Tlie Home and C .Negev" was ore not soon to be fol gotten and people realiz-d it was good. to be there 'Pile devotional exercises were conducted by Reeds, Messrs Mann mid Page Serviced of the war k were very heartily and lordly support ed ; the three pesters perinrmed the') respective ,saris to the pleasure and profit of all who attended, preaching eloquent, warm hearted and practical' discourses end as a result the greatest cordiality and good felioweltip were largely in evidence. People expressed their regress that the meetings r ete not extended over another week and the tnajnl'ity will he glad to join in such encouraging- services on some future occasion under the s me united leader BORN LONG. -At Monseiew, on Dee, l2th,1818 to Mr, and Mrs W. E Lone, of Mncrorie, Sask., a douglrter-lLorothy Coral MARRIED MU -DA -At the Manse. Walton,on Jan. 14th. by Rev. R A Lundy, kir. John Rea, of Edmonton, Alta., to Minnie Me- Spadden of Walton, DIED CAnmpe -In Grey township, on January 1211, Verna Mary e, Brinnt daughter of Mark L. and Mrs. Cardiff, aged 8 months • AUCTION SALES TnunaDAY, •IAN. 22ND -Farm stock, int.. Piemonte, oats, etc„ Lot 1, Con, 1, Grey town- ship Sate utireaer'.vr d at 1 p. nt, ROBaeT HAMILTON, Prop.. F. 8 Scott, Auo, BRUSSELS MARKET •' 8202 8 s4 85 Wool washed 8 78 Wool unwashed,••,,.••,,.,•, 18 Potatoes 80 Wheat Oats Pens Barley Rutter nage , Bogs 5 88 34 68 55 85 8 20 18 60 Meeting of the Huron County Council The Council of the 'Corporation of the County of aurum will meet in the Connell day the 27 lnday of January,Town of 1014 e t the hour of 0. o'clock, Aecountn agnhist the Count requiritt settlement, meat he placed With (lte clerk before title dote. bated at Gadoriolt,Janlrwary.12LAMB, , 9 Clerk. Notice to Creditors In the matte r o E the estate of Ervine. Hunter, late of 'the 'township of Grey.,iit the County of Hui on and Province of Unlade, Carpenter, deceased. Nation is hereby elven pursunnit to tee, 66, Chao, 20 of the Sta tutoo of Ontario, I George 17, tint ani poisons having any Clnim1 neainnt the said 81 vhia Bunter, who Bled oil or about the Twenty•leoonrl day' of April, 1918, ore O required to send b poet Prepaid or deliver to • F, S Scott, Brussels Post of ee, Agent for the • nitdarsigned PlorenieB B. Sent'(', Admhda- O. traren of the Pe etc of the Ka Ervin' Bunt. • or, Neer 108,1 and addresses and fall earth . O oularsin Writing of their olaima hefm•a the • fifteenth day a l v. t fFeneg2 1014, after titer htel date the aafd Fisr ether ff which 'Bunter will pro, o p toed to distribute 11 the rumen entitled the said ede. to • hauled regard oho tpo thete ofichsho • having r enregardonlytotheofaimsof Which aha MAAibe ifib 0 for the seta ave had naeaete Oratttl henv pert thereof to env person of Whore etalnr she shall n 1880x4 neat 1.ru pi,,lo dila Ninth dreeef ,lnnuary 191,1, lttnnhko B in iitrN+haR, Admtalne rntriaofltsrnf'br t-1P1htR t31t'y'lttii iiitrami'ah. TNS S1ANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. 93 Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of THIRTR1iN Per Cent. Per ,Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank has this day been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1914, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city_ and at its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 1914, to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 13th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Board. Toronto, 16th December, 1913, GFO, P. SCHOI,FIPtiI,D, General Manager. 167 ship. the service of praise was a pleasing feature of each evening and elle various chola entered. heartily Into the singing of the glad songs of Z on. Auction Sales A1.10,21017 BALD OP FARM STOOK, Illi• AeA1'Lauxaa's, &o -le. 8 Scott, Auctioneer, has received nsatruetlono from the undersign. ed to sell by Public Auotlon at Lot 1, Coit. 1, Gray, on Tiluredny, lam 22nd, at'1 o'clock, the following property, viz :-1draft mare 7 years old, 1 draf t mere 0 years old, 1 cow sup- posed in oalf. 2 dry anwn. 8 steers rising 2 Years, 3 heifers rising 2 vaara, 184oring eslvea.2 sows due to farrow in: March, 1 Brant. ford Mower, 1 set double team harness, 1 set double light harness. 1 boggy pole, 1 tutting 25 box,1 weed hewer, about , 1)eelteta of onto. The sale will he without reserve. Terms -A11 enure of 99 and under snob ; over that amount 0 months 0,1,411 will be given on (ur• Wahine approved joint notes, 6 per cent, off far aaah on arndlt amnttntn. RORT, HAMILTON, Proprietor, 3 O c O 18 9 A b ■ e Tenders Sealed tenders will be received until the 8rd day February, 1011, :tor the building of church and sheds on the site of the present Melville ohuroh, Brussels • oleo tenders for the old church. All tende,e to be addressed to Malcolm Blank, Req.,Secretory of the Building Oomm+ttee. Pans, opeeideatlona, ,can be scan at Fox's Drug Store of ter January 22nd. The lawn, or any other tend- er not neooasarilyaroepted Separate tenders required for the different depot stn ants of the work on church and Rheds ,r. r.BORtie Chairman, 112 BBLA t'$, Secretary, Bruvaele,January 14th, 1014. ooOeo♦o•444.♦44♦♦•N•No•4o • • 4 C Office Supplies --mew Day Books Journate Ledgers Athlete Books Cash Bunks Omniet Books Indexes 13111 Berks Itnhhet' Stttrnp8 Ink 13ottles Invoice Files Invoice Binders Ltks hl ne1Inge Office Paste Pens Pencils tic., 8tc. -AT- r, 4 W e H 4 A a e a ♦ d 4, 0 0 0 B 9 0 .5 • 4. e 0 4, F X'S • • •O DRUG STORE • • 0 ••o••••••oo••••o•o••••o•oo Dissolution of Partnership Buy Western farm Lands Now Nation is hereby given that the partnership existing between John and Nell McNeil, do- TO Investors and others snmltilr West we-- hrg bnalnesn nt Ws{ton under the mime of Me. hove 1110 note farm holed from $I, 00 no in the Net! Bros , ltaa been dleRolVed by mutual con• beat pacts of laaltatnhewau. Easy terms. cont, [Blgned]Write for tot Ilat its free. JOHN atoNBIL I 3114100 J, BURTON, NIEL MCNEIL,. 25.5 Box 248, Young, Sask, looseeoseseseeesecoeseeccoereeeeeoeeee©Ceeccoeeweraeaat ecocooseeeeeseeseeeseece7a nique0: S At the Men's Store Saturday WE'RE STARTING the New Year right—from our Customers' standpoint— VV that is bygiving tremendous bargains for Saturday. No mere cutting prices g g g Y cutting this time ; we've something new and original as well as snappy for Saturday. Don't overlook this bargain by any means; don't confuse it, simply remember that With Every Suit or Ov _ rcoat Sol-* Saturday We'll give Free One-quarter f Purchase .Price in Gents' Furnishings Just figure it out for yourself and realize the advantages of such a Sale—you. get real high-class merchandise., not the usual cut of a few dollars. We quote a few ex- amples here, but mind you, you can choose the one-quarter in Furnishings and Hats to suit yourself. ■ • With' a purchase of a $12 Suit or Overcoat A 8 • s O 11 A.T 25 NIBox SOARF . S 2 50 4 1.'IL 50 ® GALZ'1'ERS . 25 0 $ 3 50 b A High-class Stock to Select from Here • CA Bear in tnind, too,•that you have an elaborate stock of high-class Gents' Goods I to mike your selections. from, both of Suits and Overcoats, and Furnishings and .Hats, includingthe celebrated and reliable makes—Kin and1 • Hats g I'Itwelt You might take THAT . ,..$200 TIE... ........ ................ 50 HO5iJ 2 COLLARS - 5 $-8, 00 Free With a $14.00 Suit or Overcoat b O e 3 01 e v O • • O O r. O 3 ti s 0 Free With a $16.00 Suit or Overcoat m You take o might a e Ii AT ,.,$2r6 SHIRT........ .... ...... 100 'BRACES 60 DOLLARS - 26 $ 4 00 Free With an $18,00 Suit or Overcoat COAT SWIBAlISIi $ 3 50 WOOL GLOVES.—.... 50 13RTill --- - 25 Free '.TILS ............. :... 26 • Hose Specials Gintap these opeciel snaps, ton, in Ladies' told Children's (lose -You'll look long Lo even equal Lheul in Pelee and quality. ' Ilii . Fou v p P' ui In :- q Y y 4 dozen 18c Hose for 9c 2 wt 3oc t1. 19c 2 u �5C 16c 1.r 50c 1r 29c Ladies' .=z nd Men's F 16 d 0 0 0 si AT GENUINE CLEAR- APACE PRICES ct Aviation Caps for Men and Boys. w W e O e oss • The Se . Store, g11SSeiS J e1L hest Price for Butter, Eggs, Fowl and Dried Apples, e O 66606 Yli ■ tli4stCttliodueitlitlltitilCW a.t rsa raiijalaaiire(ileihirtliWiWiffitlitilliYyliai tiibtlYtt'fiUihltWl%PYI 111YiPeWlYlYiYnlilatlt eNieir. O 8 O O {