HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-1-15, Page 4L,Ife 7d?iI"nssets Vost
Tris POST gives the news,
THt+ItsDAY, January 29th will be an
eventful day in Huron (:aunty How
do you intend to ni!irk your ballot
Wtvr you accept the invitation to at
tend the annual meeting of East Huron
Agricultural Society in Brussels Town
gall Wednesday afternoon of next
week ?
Now for a year ot hard work, wider
usefulness and high ideals. Let us
make t924 supersede any year of our
past history. It will mean a general
hustle but it is worth while.
Ir you are a farmer and interested in
the study of the new fertilizers we
would advise the reading of same new
books on the subject to be found on the
shelves of Brussels Public Library.
Ws congratulate Brother H. B.
Elliott on heeding the Aidermanic
brigade in Windham on Election day
and hope in due course he may climh
the municipal ladder to the top rung
andnot get dizzy.
Goon as the Fall Fairs have been in
the past we venture to predict if zoo
new members put their shoulder to the
wheel the record for this year will be
the best of its history of over 5o rears
The old motto is true, ' Ninny hands
make light work." (Set into the hnraeeN
and pull.
1T is said legielatlon of a forward
oharaeter,la in course of preparation tor
presentation pt the coming session of
the Ontario Legislature dealing with
the Temperance question. John Barl, y
porn is having his toes tramred on from
all points of the compass. The motto
+'Safety First" is inscribed on many
banners in the crusade.
le you get the Farmer's Advocate and
have the issue of lauuary 8th, tura to
page 52 and rend R. H. Harding.'s con)
munication, headed Municipal Im
provemeuts. Ile touches ou a few of
the agricultural kuots every farmer
should be:p untie and does it in a nice
way. "Knock and it shall he opened
unto yo 0" is literally true as it tefers to
law making and mending. Onr legis•
lators find no fault with be{us
tendered good advice even if slow to
have it engrafted in Statute.
1cool ro by the remit -Its mode through
the press by well known ho)semen 11
Ontario theq uestion of Govermnent
enrolment and inspection ot stallions is
little better than a fnree, a bill of ex
pease, a source of annoyance with
scarcely an iota of genuine benefit
Probably the original intention was
commendable but the outcome of the
legislation is weak and uns,tisfactoly.
The coming Provincial session
should either amend the Act or bit it on
the head with an axe,
'rax Po rr wasgsee 1a Barrister
d isBa ri. ter
Proudloot jr. elected to Goderieb town
Council at the Heed of the poll on his
initial run. If he does as good work in
that field of municipal operation and
later, as we expect 10 see, iu the County
Council as his esteemed father W.
Proudfoot, K. C., M. P. P., of the Co
town, he will render independent and
important service. We are always
pleased to see young men ambitious to
take their share of responsibility as it 1s
usually a harbinger of good end an in-
centive to others to rouse up and do
their duty,
PARTY politics in Municipal elections
15 a poor way t0 carry On affairs.
Dividing a municipality on election day
according to the geographical location
of the candid sten is just as silly It's
the whole people who are to he servrtl
not those of one political party or
certain sections of the ground covered.
Many a good than declines to face a
contest for the above reasons whose
entry would pro' ably prove a blessing
to the luunlcapollIy, 'There are Worst
thing than a w't,'esome rivalry it
public affairs. however.
Welts you in attentlanee at the lest
annual School meeting in your School
Section ? We have been qutzzing peopt.
from the various School Sections 5hot1
the school meetings as to the nutnhei
who attended, etc. It is lamentable
stow apparent little iuierest is manifest
ed In a gymslip!) that should beide over
with interest to the n alor'ly From e
half dozen to a dozen is the everagE
"crowd" assembling to deal with what
ought to be the live isttea of the year
The majority of Sections owe et bee
debt 01 gratitude to the comparative•
few met) who year after year superin.
tend sohcol affairs with a zeal that at
least merits the attendance of every
taxpayer at the annual meeting if only
to hear the top orfs end pose a vote of
tltankll 10 tileea who render splendid
No matter how long needing your
case rutty be, don't despalr, get,a bot-
tie of Rheureo today. Jas. Fox sells
it With a gtutenitee to benefit you.
Rheum() is wouderfn) i11 iia quick
11211011, the pain ceases, the enemies
end bones are rid of soreness and
stiffness and Very soon a Rheutm
patient is able to have the same
atrength and vitality of youth.
Rheumo builds 'blood so rich 1111(1
thick that uric acid cluloelt pnssihly
exist. Rhentuc coats only '$1,00 for a
huge bottle hien Jas. Fox or direct,
charges preptlid fettle B. V. Marion
Oo., Bridgeburg, Ont.
iE'PHE Farmer's Advocate struck the
nail square on the head when it sug-
gested that "Royal Commissions be
given a holiday during 1914 and let the
Governments get busy." Weeder what
M. P.'s and D1 P P.'s are sent to
Parliament for, certainly not for the
purpose, of appointing Commission
after Commission to find out what the
Governments often know before the
euormous expense is incurred. Dont
dodge your job, boys.
Huron County Council for 1914
Municipality Reeve Deputy
Ashtleld...... \V. Hunter 0, Stewart
Bayfield ....,.,Geo. Lindsay
Blyth ........Dr. Milne
Brnseels .......John Leckie
Colborne Saul. Biasett
Clinton D. Cantelon
Exeter *J. Taylor
Gudericb"R. Elliott W.F. Clark
Gley }t. Livingston J. Brown
Hay ...... ,. L. Kalbfleiech
Hawick .,R. Raiding *L. Demmer'llug
Hallett *J. Fingland
H51suil "'1'. Hudson
.Morrill ......,John Shortreed
.vlal(Illup ,.1, M. Govenlock
Stanley ..... ,.,W, Chem)
Stephen *W.R. 1? lli tit W, Yearly
Seafoeth J. A. Stewntt't
Placket end th•*H, Celclt
Tuve berry John Mulvey
Usborhe .... S. Rootless,
tVawattosh E. N. J. C.tupbell
W. D. B. elunay
4Vinghttn J. \V. McKibbon
1Vroxeter Con. Reis
The eight tipILked with as* were not
members of last year's Ooqucil. 15
were elected by acclamation.
The members of Perth Comity
Council for 1914 will be :
Blaushard—Reeve, M. Irvine.
Downie—Reeve, G. Renner.
Ellice—Reeve, R. Armstrong ; dep-
uty reeve, G. Eligoetz
Elora—Reeve, W. Scott; deputy
reeve, S. Smith.
Fullerton—Beeve, 0. Harris.
Hibbert—Reeve. A. A. Culquhoun,
Logan—Reeve, J. Rudolph.
Listowel—Reeve,A. W. Feather-
Mitchell—R. eve, W. Marlyn.
tr• ri nn—ReevN, P. Zimmerman.
Mornington—Rt eve. A, Beggs,
North Easthope—Reeve, J. Conk.
South Easthope—Reeve, W. Krug.
Wallace—Reeve, S. E. Smith,
Following are some of the tabulat-
ed returns received mo late for last
week's issue :—
REEVE 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 total
Fiugland 40 37 18 28 10 45 84-263
Leiper 24 80 21 38 15 8 4-170
4 29 39 54 85 36 20-253
Armstrong 67 77 27 56 28 46 43-342
14ar• 15 34 29 58 37 41 44-203
Clarke 77 50 1.4 39 27 81 28-201
141iller 40 89 68 49 46 36 81-320
to ichael 58 27 21 20 'l5 23 39-213
Neilans 18 75 31 64.27 43 43-801
Watt 38 92 20 62 18 50 58-888
Reeve, Fiugiatd, filet four Council-
lors elected.
Reeve 1 2 3 4 5 6 total
Oox 84 34 53 22 7 13-163
Lobb 54 40 44 88 89 43-809
Majority for Lobb 146.
RREVE 1 2 3 4 5 total
Glen 45 28 95 69 46-273
blcat ard 58 57 27 18 55-210
a ority for len 63
M j to .
70 68 722—
8 298
52 70 65 03-210
08 58 88 67-277
50 70 5212-253
The following is the manner in
which the vote stood
Carter Jastph.............................158
Cott, James. 125
Hotney, Henry. 111
Sloan, Robert 14 .... . 103
Johnston, 4Villietm 05
to 1, W. 141. 41
The following shows the number
of plumpers received by each ceedi.
date :—Sloan 9. Carter 5, Johnston 1
Horney 2, CtttL 1, Scots .0,
Blyth Cnuneil for 1914 is as fol.
luwe :—Reeve, Dr: W. J. Milne (nc-
ehttr)Ltoit) Oouucillo'a, jos. Cartel:,
inc. Chat, Remy Holmes, and R, R.
11, Orirh 35 51 68 38 46 87-270
f 11, McKay 441 19 2 29 87 41-138
\Vzu. Beery 9 12 7 28 21 5-- 82
00PecxI r ons
Robt't)uig 80 41 18 58 81 67-820
Thos. ()Menem) 47 47 68 08 80 37-300
las, Ontneton 61 45 27 54 40 00-294
D. Bell 55 85 28 88 74 56-286
3ittttt. (Hake 17 11 22 49 74 84.207
A. P, .inynt 81 82 4 0 8 10- 88
The Onutlril fol' 1914 4 will conetat of
anti Enbete Dol
1Culet tats, *tenter Calneto n
mild tit �3t Elul,
cit ' merest
to the Public
It has long been an axiom in the
commercial community that those
who study their customers most
and give the best value for money
always succeed itt winning the
greatest confidence of the public
mad in obtaining the lttegest meas-
m'e of its patronage.
That, and that only, is the reason
why I have built a fine business,
despite considerable opposition.
I give better value—whilst try
prices are generally lower than
I give you an hmlest, personal
service, ideutiiyieg myself with
Vette interest, and ever undeav,l-
l11g to give you a better return for
the Money spent with tee then
what yon could get elsewhere.
Prompt delivery is as essential as
good work. The importance of
this is recognized by me, and I
realize the responsibility when I
accept an order.
Cemetery work promptly attended to.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Brussels Granite & Marble Works
1111N E, NERNEY, Proprietor
LOOAN 101V1311I1P
Rudolph 54 54 90 121 82 7 10.8511
Itoftai t 64 81 42 17 59 46 01-812
Wood 76 54 89 80 18 22 28-864
Monk 82 38 78 121 20 20 27 340
Gaffney 32 30 70 46 74 48 45 335
Gill 19 18 48 44 58 25 61-268
Looker 59 42 42 13 24 20 17-215
Rudolph and first four Councillors
were elected.
REEVE 1 2 3 4 5 Total
D. B. Murray 38 46 43 55 23 205
W. Bailey 46 30 14 28 45 163
W. T. Johnston 21 10 18 8 58
J. A. Mltllnngh 80 54 44 41 19 288
A. L. Johnston 59 42 59 86 18 214
3. Purclou 47 14 46 62 37 206
13 Naylnt• 28 38 34 49 51 2110
.1. Altcheson 32 11 20 71 58 192
R. Medd 29 70 8 12 4 123
J. Kenn/than 27 17 2t1 14 6 90
Murtet is Reeve' niton rl Jot n-
y,M t, 1+ ]
eton, Persian, Netyloe are Councillors,
Rheumatism Almost Killed Her.
For year's bits. S. Slahlsrhmidt, of
Hunt beretome. Ont., was a meet yr to
1'llellllnttaln. I was R
1 S S n .tiff and
lame I could scarcely walk" she
writes, "An attack striking my
limbs made walking impassible.
Friends and doctors gave prescrip-
tions but I only got relief from Per -
mantle. I took twelve boxes and
gained from the first.. Today I tun
well, feel stronger. weigh heavier and
look the picture of health." Whether
muscular or inflammatory, chrcmic or
otherwise, Ferrnzone does cure
rhenmatiaut and sciatica, 50c per box
at all dealers.
Strange Occurrence
In Turnberry Township
The roadway between Teeswater
and W1nght\m, in Tnrnberey it, the
scene of an ovenrret01 Which to the
people in that vicinity ie the cause of
very +'renr (1
e t wonder t)
ztint a little'
uneasiness. This is the sulking of a
sertiou of the read to a depth of about
50 feet below its former level. '1911+
piece of road affected is about 100 feet
long and several rods in width. The
striking began about the fits
second of the !11111131 and the hole has
been growing ever since,
Thele are 110 "sink holes" in the
vicinity and until the bottom seemed
to drop out of the enLdway there was
nothing to suggest, that the lend wits
not solid to the earth's centre. The
only explanation of the truly SLIluligo
phenomenon is that sleep undergeonnl
there is a great flowing river the ern,
rent of which has gradually eaten
away s i p nt i 1
the Il 1 t l g earth until the
sut•fnce dropped in
Cut lonely enough and addmig to the
wonder a like eitvmhg in lets orcnred
near the village of 13elgrave. There a
large section of a level field has been
con vet ted .into /tenet of golly 35 feet,
below the suernuntding land. The
two breaks nee alike long and narrow
and in 5)10h a position as to suggest
that they are 00 the same water
LI this connection it may be stated
that the geologists who have made a
study of Ontario have long suspected
Im) itndet!ground connection between
Lakes 110)00 (Lod Ontario. As evi-
dence ie favor of this theory it is
stated that emelt Nell known in he
eyeli lar to Lake 'Beene have been
fonnd in Lake Ontario when it, was
thought impossible that they should.
have made their way arnund by way
of Lake Brie. The exnlanatinn of
their presence in Lake. Ontario le that
they had t.rtivelled by tonne under.
grnitnl way,
It la to he hoped that the suhsidence
will nnt prove extensive maid that it.
twill seen e(rt51 ns abnnld it cheese 10
oomu'it! the vicinity of bnildinge ot,
eesitlenees the rrsnitts worth] be much
more selectee titan at preeent.
stop LIM ping, Ottre the Corn.
Quickly (lone by Putnam's) Painless
Corn Extractor, Acts in one day,
Callan 1)1) pain, Ia (1 _
e PVPt
Y bake
of a(n'Nnees. Fifty 'Plus of anee0aa
peoves'Puttraln's IS the beat, Refuse
Olean trod free from dandruff tut
p0s1eseing till the radiance of perfect
hair. This is just what Sageiuu
heats to those who suffer with itch-
ing scalp, dandruff, coarse, illy 01
common looking hail'. Salteine is new
life to faded unattractive halt. Sage -
Me feeds the hair root with the penia•
sail' food Inc promoting a healthy
growth. Sammie is the daintiest
tonic you could wish Inc. It is not. 5
dye anti is not al ielty or geetteV. A
large altakee-top bottle caste only 50c
and Jas. Pox gives Ilia personal
guarantee to refund the money if yon
are not. OMirsly satisfied. 13e euro to
go to Jlts, FOX'S drug store as other
states cannot, supply you.
Not one of the Efforts to
Repeal Local Option was
1>16 Ontario !Wuhleipalitlae Without
Tho Barroom
The elections on Local Option
throughout Ontario of Monthly of
last week had sigoiflcatt results, and
shows eonclusive,y that the people of
this province toe anxious to tin their 1
respective municipalities of the btu.'
20(1111 a1121 IIS i11fltleilOeS.
Im the 56 contests the elector's by 1
considerable majorities voted to close
the barrooms. Or the 15 places where
most strente ms campaigns were wag-
ed to repeal Local Option, in not 'a
single 'unlike pati1yy were the liquor
interests successful.
Only 8 places gave voles against
the closing of the bacrooug, and the
majorities Wel e WW1 Otte exception
11111111 100.
Unfortunately, owing to the three-
fifths requirement, 18 ultlic'ipttlitit•s
%vim gave Inejrlri1ie5' are deprived of
the desired relief from the legalized
Bale of liquor. When a Imvns of snot)
iul porta �ce as Ayl met . A nprior, Bee-
tle, Burlington, 13tnc+ville, Orlbnnrg,
Delhi NaT 111122 Pais Sault St
1 ie Tl 'n Wood i t 1
D au lila nbulg, ldbl (lt,e and
Whit ton vote by substantial mejnri-
tieato berid or -.heir' 83 bluio(1111a It
does seem unfair that the will of the
people is thwarted by un1titisit legal
el tact meta.
When Illness Comos.
Have you neat' at Mull a remedy
that will alleviate pain and help till
the doctor conies ? .A. wise thing is to
helve right in your Mune a bottle of
"Neh'viline" which gives instant re-
lief, and p1 events disease froth spread-
ing. N"thins It town fnr IIle stnmaelh
and bowels that compares with Nervi -
line. For minions, indigestion, heart-,
horn and headache. it's 1ndis
1e it I
Folfifty year Polon
Nerviltne in
25e bottles has been a family stand-by.
Get it today.
QnI sl nut and Answers r(Icel tong
the Canada lelllpel'atli:e Act. and its
1—Is the Cun tin r 1' • ,,
I e 1 w t tan .e Ant
a prohitiutry lileitsme?
Answer'—Yea !to li(else for the re-
tail sale of liquor 01111 be grunted lit a
county that hrw winpie6 the Act ex-
cept. for Iltetlbill tdl, et6Clalnetitttl or
tmluufacturieg proposes.
2—Does it apply in every tlunicipttli-
Ly 111 1 he 01 )11ily ?
Answer—Yes. it effects all towns,
villages end totem -Wile alike and Can.
l n
act h td 111,1 w nue with 1,
r)t 111
others. Cities alone are L
c t u exec 1Lio1
to this nttVision ! 1
3 -In places that, have earl ied Local
Option what 1's Lhe etfet't?
Answer—LVbile the 0. T. A. is in
force Local Option is snspencled but
not ee )salad and 1(1 case the C. T. A.
should be repealed the Toted Opti 6t1
By late comes linek mntomtit Melly and
rematrls in force until repealed under
the sante terms upigl which it wits
4—How Call the O. 1'. A. be some'.
Answer—.A petit on of 25 per cent of
all persons qualified In vote ata Don1i-
!don Parliment0'y election meet be
seemed, a special election held std it
a mltjnrity of the votes cast are in
favor of the Act the deny carnes ilial
force at the beginning • of the license
yteat', providing the vote is taken be.
fore November 1st of the preceding
5—Wit h( 3' vote on the 0. T. A. 11
Answer—Those qualified to vote ett.
a Donlirlion Election which includes
ltart one and Cheeks of the Ivhulicipal
ist Women do not vote nor cell
they Sign the pen 1.10n.
0—Who will enftwee the 0, T. A. P
Anawrr'-'-'i'he Ontario Government.
have special (deletes i0 the Ontario
Liqunl' Act whin) apply to the eu•'
foteentont of the 0. T. A, find the
same nffineem ns t ilot i e the i eesent
Nene tutee will etlifnrne the 0, '1' A,
1htOltit'o n
Y i Government Ill! i have 111'
Y P. tt 1 mom,
iced the senna 11g1d rhlfnral+rnont to
C. T. A, as thew is now g&Vol to. no
license wuideipttllt,461,
Clubbing list
'1'Hl0 POST has ;tinkle 11) C1tll•,;1VI1t'll is
to club %vith the talents Mg peeves (nal
will he sent to any address texcepl Lite
United Slates 50 cents expl) 111 the
following subsoriptioi tn'iees :__
POST and Dlttil and Elu11h t. 1 00
" Loodmr Alive/elate. 1 00
" London Flee Press .... 1 81)
" P00111y Herald Itel Star 1 80
Alnnttwtl \\11tmi•as, ,., 180
" Fartitelh' Advocate 2 85
" Northern Messenger,,1 85
POST and 1'oemito Stitt $2 85
" 'Toronto News 2 85
" Toilette Globe ... . 450
" Torinto Mail -Empire4 50
" Tnionto World 3 50
London Advertiser,2 80
Call at the office or remit the
amount. by P. 0. Order, Express Oidet
or Registered Letter addressing
Brussels, Ont,
7—C'tn the County Council appoint
inspectors ?
Answer—Yes the County Council
or the Muufcipal 011111101 nr both may
appoint offloers to e(feeee the 0. T. A.
8—Cate liquor be shipped into a 0.
T. A. County?
Answer—Yes, but it must be bought
and paid for outside the County end
only used for home consumption.
The Act has been 'intently emended
it) this vegstsl [(11(1 is vary strict.
9—What are the'+nmltfea for vin-'
luting the 0 T. A. ?p
Auslver-1'he nusgletente shell im-
post, tt fine of slut leas than $60 00 m• .
send the pergnm to jell for one Mouth
?or the first offence. For the eeentul
°H'eii, a he can either Internet a fine of
3100 00 et send the pertem to jell for
two Intuit lls. lane it third offerhee the
penalty Is foot months 111 jail without
the option of eL finer
,.The employer and empinyee are
equally eespolsible and liable to be
10—Do you have to prove a sole to
get a convict inn nntiev the O. T. A ?
Answer—No it is not necessary to
show that any money ?Lethally passed
nr that any liquor was actually con-
5nmed to secure a centvirtinn if the
magistrate is satisfied that a transac-
tion in the nature of a sale or other
unlawful diepasal aetually took place.
A prnseention may be commenced
any time within three months of the
alleged offence.
11—What. is the'advanlege of the
C. T. A. over the Local Option By.
Iaw P
Answer—Owing to the two-thirds
regnh'rnlell1 of the T.or•nl Option 13y -
law it is ahnnat ittpflsaibl'to carry
Local Option in the towns and vilinges
turd as the ndvnnteee of having a
huge teeritol•y "dry" i5 apparent a
nailed effortt on the part of nil the
101111ie1 p111i 1 441 1yn111r1 1'Pe1111'ill matnihl
Rd ye Meg? r'
r In r turd the bemiring g L 1 of YL Pro.
hihitrn•y m(nsnre into fm'r( over the
(ntiee enmity gntl to do this it only
requires a majority vote.
Iemnma by the Hnrmh County
Blanch of the Tlnnlinion Alliance.
F. BUCHANAN. Whlghem, President.
J. A. IRWIN, 011111 oil, Secretary.
Niagaraeniesu fruit- rowers
roneidered means of preventing a .re
currence of the waste of peaches.
A Chat Over Former Brusselites,
D+ (buds?, w'Iw fur some Lhnc past
Ilse '0101111 to livery hare on \Vat
hire sti eel, l/istuel, Ilan told bit
Meanies to the. Jill. anti M. 11.
MOM' 11 The.!• gentlemen will Coo -
1 1 nue
ub-11nue the bicinrha in rile' Sallie hallo•
lug. 'rho 1 1)21 1:112 vennivetl lo•
veleflmily.su1gvnu'n 11111es 1111)1 M.e
Int yet. &Uabel's1, the lively nflire,
The 11515 pinlle•'telur1 101,14 posses8i,,h
un .Ino, 151. '
\\"eller 11 )b imd smile, t% Ito is one
of the Aldei mien elected fol' \Vent 0
1'11 otito wax burn on a Fant! nett
r\il,lnytiih+ (nolo Iliiiseels) In 1802.
Ile has been a tesideut of Lhe city
allies 1870, curd was Inc a long time
connected with (1ttual's Horse re•
poetise y, 111 which business he has
gained a comfortable competence.
lluntlav night 01 last week 111P
Ontario St. rhnit• nillon meet at the
home of John Gibbings and clueing aL
pleasant evening the Mayor -elect,
Fred. Jecksnn presented Miss 11n.y-
frid Allin, with is silver mounted 041-
brelhte, as a slight token of reeoglii-
tinn for lee faithful aftendaneeat,all
choir se'rvieesns Miss Allis is belying
to spend the Winter at Regina with
her Risl(r (Ferule) Dies, Turner. The
happy petty broke nil about mid-
night. They are deu¢htP15 o1 Rev. 8.
J. Attie, forme, ly or Rrnssels.
1)1,..1. el, elnnl•e ly1(5 ('1105(11 one of
the town Oreowillors in Listowel 1(tcl
week, shuttling the spelled on the
listin the eohtest Ile should 111(1ItP
et Wald 11150)1 "daddy" and THE POST
wishes him a plea5n11t time.
At the recent eleetinn at Khmer-
b eli:-
dine, Ohas. W. Jarkaon, benthrl' to
H L. Jackson, of Brttsssls, was PIPel-
Sehonl trustee. tie should fill
the bill.
W. F. Vanstone, of Wenches)),
formerly of town, ee-e1N(1ell Monthly
of last week to the Stihnol Boned of
that town. Ile lute spent yehra on
the Board.
A. B Onrr, of Rlyth, writes ns fel-
Insect t—On November 4111 we gelled
fettle the Rao all the Paine heal•, 'Kee.
watt,, foe 112 ut 'FVnlhull and visited
the Gprry'e \('idle there. 'Mr, Greev.
Se., le living there and Is about 80
yeas 8 (11(1 and alnnst an active ILd itis
sons. He and I went amend the
docks and through the elevators,
some of which are I he hugest in the
world. N. B. Gerry. fnrtnsily of
Blyth, carries on a large herdlvn11
and fnrnituve 1.111sine8s. He still heltls
ilia repn11111no as a first elites Snndnv
School Snperintentlent. We sign
went neer 10 Pelt At I 1111'' end visited
Mr. and Nt's. Oehler nee Ilia Bielhy
He is a Mechanical engineer fee a
Notice to Creditors
In' the n)smof the e(t1 Sarah
3sne Rnzell, et
o1 rhe 'I'on•hip of
Grey, fner the Countxistsy ofwHuron
Rod Provuhce of Ontario. Widow,
Nordoe 1 hereby klvon, 1n1:'erant tr, Sea 115,
Chan 25, of the Statutes of Ontario, I (}nuree
V , tt:et an posse,* having apt' c111111n0 against
the Sarah Tnne Rosen, who died nn or shoot
the Twenty-seventh div of 'March MI 2, see
?squirt$ to send by post prepaid nr deliver la
the undersigned solicitors hrrr•I: for William
:resent' Rnzell A minisl rs
P 711{ N telt of f In Wale p 1 tote n
said d g „
atnh.TS. a Rosen n ze t thele non es and
Rdd,'e )ol And Pan hp11 First
rs in n•rilht¢ 5P
their oleins hetore the Firstd'P of Ti.)n Joseph' 1014, after which ?tote the said W1111em Joseph
Rnzell will nrnnae+i 1:11. dPtrilmt, the assets of
the said deranged amnlly the nei•0nns untitled
thereto harine,'egpl'd 0111,' to the rinhn= nP
whirh be shell thea have lied notice nod the
he will not he linhte!fir Nle paid nospts m• 0T V
pert thereof to 0711' nersnn of whose 01511)1 he
shalt not then have received notice
Dated et Toronto thin Sixteenth day of
Dpr'emher, 1818,
CAaeELS, BROOM, 12112SY & FAT,OONnfTnoll,
85 NV fi t root, Toronto,
Solicitors fee the said
Fine range of well made Horse Blankets at various prices
Comfortable Rugs and Robes
Sleigh Bells in variety,
Halters, Curry Combs, Brushes, &o.
Trunks, Valise and Hand Ba f
Valises Bags 1 you intend travelling
Onr large stook gives customers a gc1oc1 choice. PRICES
ARE RIGHT. Call in and see our goods.
Harness Repairing
SpRcialty, Phone 310 B. 'F. CARR, Brussels.
On Jan• 1st, 1914, the Oit!1h Sysl001 of doing business %VIII be adopted,
o+•+e+e44+e4e+a+e+•+e+e+e+ea+4.44+•+•44+'e+r4,+e+e*e4++e'b t
s •••+••••+•.+$•++Nisi•++•• toss 544449 m 4e0.to' x005 art
Ie +ho ro.opcning Day -of 0
tt o
0 4
• 1`11 Northern ate �s�
® Established 1881 • Owen 8oungl Ont.
aA h
0 The peactlntl solt(1, vegetal, classes 11olnlil hest) notion 1)d expels s
+ ieneein Card Indexing, Follow, u to Lets1' Copying—Pipesmnc'Ttapid
$ 'teener, piling--Gltqtie, Shatter), tete,
Vele lent i riin 'gl(itch,
I Rola'y, Ncoslyle, Reck Duplicator, 13111 roughs Arlrling \1(tchii(, 1\111-
e eriottu Addihig Machine l Bellingg—Onndeused 13111 and Charge Type. 4
it wr'iteee, Renhington, Wahl Adding Y)eviitor, )ietslin r
) Nn other sehnnl has this equipment, Get the bust. It isntelical,
e tlr,Ithlnlclsghrnvuileedi,)osilirlr,a. Chlinlnarn'd'rrt1.
h s
iD. A,
1LE\r1 (
N3 P O,A, ,
G FMD1 , rLl
Veinelpal for 8 years, Secretary, 3
compete), there and is a very busy
111411, !le has built seyei1141 110)0
houses and is living 111 tt bl:autlflll
d Veiling he hies lately built,
The People's Oolwmn
/ a 1.15A tC 5 615,11 1(112 SA1 tl,--The South
w pn., l.,l 11, Coo U, ll, v, "U Bores, alt
Ipil 4.2 81111 we11 1111(I5ltlnmllal, 3' tole bonne
ld bank bora, Well w'p t,n l d. 7 here is 111,0
,tferetifar Bale tele nares beth$ Let 02, Silt
1 n. of Gey. 50 of which w') 0101120. 130th
propeilles 10 be sold to close out Imitate,
Apply to Mite 111411? 1011Ethel P. 0, or W.
el. 01)501 Alet, Oarrlat'r, Brussels, Ont, tt,
Annual EVieeting
The Annual Al eeliug of the East Buren Ag-
rivaltural Seemly will be held in the Town
11011, Brussels on \Vednesduy, jesuitry 2151,
1114, nt 1 80 o'clock (.m, B118111058 of 11151115@t.
,ng—'Recelvulg the Annual Statement and
Auditors' Benin% appointing Officers for the
ya)r 1011, 1&o.
T. LE02TE, President.
11I2At1R, Secretary.
FIRST CLASS. PAM; 5011 BALK,—The nn•
derslgned will sell Ihe South Half of
Yam 141.140. 10, in the 0th Concession of this
To, nnhtp of Norris, et it bargain. to the llrr,t
buyer On the/arta is 5 good modern brick
hnus0 and Hrst-plata bank barn and le a well
fi•ncet1 farm, mullets of IOU Beres and 1> well
situated for markets, Owner now in West la
the reason for enle. Apply for fmrtllet par-
ticulars to N. S. 800Pr. Brussels.
No, 1, Peewee warehouse 51 enemata
Station 9.'12, R. For particulates apply to
J. Mame, Brussels,
ABM F011 SA f,E: TI1e undersigned offers
Ids lino Perin consisting of about 1B5 acres
nrtlnlning the town or Clinton, for sale. The
Plum is in a good state of unitiwltion, and 1mn8
1100d bulldlug8, brink house, hank born, drfv
fug house, pig pen, etc., all comparatively new.
A first -011n young orchard eardetpnlg all
kinds of fruits and al o 81,1511 Pruitt'. The
farm Is well fenced and drained end le n very
de+irnble ham n. Por further particulars apply
on the premises or address
21.1f . JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton.
The undrrsigned offers for sale his fine
Macre farm, being North 1lelt Lot 20 Con. e.
tdorri, township, Huron Co. Perm is Inn good
sante of auitivnteon, well fenced, laid has on it
n fine brink h• 11511 that cost $5,500 Gnotl lawn
moron tided by ender bodge. Barn 01u CO feet
on -Lala foundation, Good orchard and ID
acre- or hardwood bosh. berm h. only n mile
from the spitted Id mnrl(et town of Brussels
nod Is lijj 01118e from school. 0502 euro Chile•
12y. Pms5salan at oboe Per farther portion.
tars, priao, teams. &to apply on 11,0 p1.1 miaos
OP to JOHN (00031(7, Proprietor, Brussels
Farms -
For sale on easy terns
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
E. smith (Owllei
Brandon Matt,
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Ordees promptly and care -
felly attendedn
t night or
day, phone 228.
Thousands of nm IL
uta 0,e 101t preparing in It1 ownt
assanoccupy localities
ogre sdCentro, telegra-
phers, civil servants, 14'holt
sphere ot activities, 1115 Hnish t
college if you 00 )01st.
luau •1
rN s gnu'
Ewer rillme i EI
Irl college • any y
t do Td n I•
\'1(IpIII hlnt,'liLt1011 Expert day,
Thirty years' experience.. Largest.
trainers in (Moeda SIvan colleges,
5110/4111 moose for teachers.
A gloated With Oma mc.re1, l Ed4155-
torie Asspnlatioll of Canada. +ia. 'S1111 leer
4 minims f UU.4
Smitten Business Lo
Wingham Business College
14 Gao Verreroo, • W. 0. Mono,
FSi President. • Priuetpnl.
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what yollr Dig -e is
or how long ruptured,.
Why wait until your rap,
titre JJecomcs strangulated
when} u
u can
be caned
Do not wait - `,Fill in;coup on
Age. 'lltno I3itp
Single et:1)001)1e .. ..+ . 1c ..
Name , ... .... et, .•
and relu.ru'to
Jp, S. SPA 1111 t
Odlodon'td' St
Dent, A StrairorIA; °tit,