The Brussels Post, 1914-1-15, Page 1YOL, 42 NO, 29
'New Advertisements
efn—>u. Thank, Int Ooa(Lane.
Vold nedin8,F R. smith.
Sown Al. i(nigbl,
Unlyue nod nnilnnnl—D: 0. 1loas
• Olean, Pressnnd 12epntr—Geo W Colvi❑,
Nobles to Oredltera—Florenne E. E Rueter
iS.t.i`lCt Rails
LIQUOR. OABIit,— William Gilchrist,
County eolst:able, William Donald.
son and David Bell, were before
Magistrate Terhuue, Listowel, Mon-
day, charged with being io an in-
toxicated condition • in Arwood, u
local option village, on, New Year's
Eve. All were well ,known residents
of EI1xlatowllship and Much interest
is ,entered in the ease, whirh was
adjou'nedaftee several witnesses had
been heard. William ))dist, G.'1'. 11.
section. f1L'CMtaii at -Atwood, Sw0113
that' Gilchrist attempted to pont
liquor down his throat while he was
in the elude getting a shave at Thorup-
snil's barbel shop, but claimed that
he.retused to let ai,y .nf It pass his
Lips. ,It took Gflchriet considerable
drub to adroit that t here was liquor
hi the bottle. 1 Le itt 11, '.1 (11(1 itt. know
whether there wile anything' i1( it.
Later he admitted that it AVMS nut
"soft stuff," and finally )acknowledged
that It wile liquor. For declining to
answer questions put by the :pro-
seenMott Die auaglstiate threatened to
lock him np. Malty others were ex•
cimlued, but tite case was aljnurued
to sectte the evidence of two witness-
es who failed to appeal.. One of 1beer
A(r5, Etantan,al' Atwood, for wit islet] n
cloctor's 0131 Micah- slating that nee
rims trouble prevented het' iippees.
auce. 7. O. A111kins, K. C., ,f Sipa t•
ford, potseotted and H. P. \I+n pity,
K. 0., M. P., acted for the defence,
West Huron SVoma11'.s Institut('
held the first sleeting in Jxainuey fn
the \V. C: T. U, Hall, North street, un
Thursday 8111 inst. A Box Seita,
was to be held at 8 p, in., only 111l
wet kers w000 preset 1t. Secre1ar)
read a very interesting and •t Iuonl'ng
--1 nglettet nom .Pine Luke, Atheist,
where one of )heir members, Abs.
Mason, 1111 111 her husband, 1eul1V0( 2
.tii ttiniL•elttetits that to recount' told
o possible h disqualification aliNeaL'e
be the
sequels w the 1 e ',even +
t muilci )sal elec-
tions have made quite at sensation in
the town. PI'ueet'(Iings will be taken
to mist Robed Ellett!, lteeve•eleel e1(
the grounds t l,al Itt (mono). fulfill the
pl'opel•ty reLiuilentente. 'The pro-
(eelings will be on behalf' 0l' the de-
feated ctuidichtte, (6x -Reeve B. 0.
80nttingo, Who teas dollen( ed by the
close majority of 24. The Ocreat til'
Monologs vette a d0e11.1 0d surprise to
many. This was the principal issue
of the eanpaige atm Mayne Ite[d wee
clerted agaitn by areltluiitlinn. 'J7r0
other annou1100MPli 'is to the effect
that there will be 0 100110nt of the
ballots for councillor. on behalf pF
Dam Wil on, who was three voles
below Prank Elliott in the aide, manic
race, As Mr. Elliott received the
lorvest 11 Wilber of votes of those elect-
ed, Air, Wilson just luel(0d a few
ballots of being one of the Councillors
for 1014.
One. arty Inst week Henry Gorsalhlz
had a bee 111)0lingIngs •10 13rnsst s
The a1(umal Meeting of the Presby.
1 erian chnech was held On 1Vi•dhesday
of this week,
A load of ynnmg people renal Brae -
'vele and Ine0li1 y meant 11 pletlsall 1 Li int•
tile home of lira, J. Menzies on n
,eceut evening.
Ernest Hunter, of 111ettfOt'd, Ont.
vin was visiting wider the parental
)nor, has '1131 11111011 to his poeitlou.
lit, is a gond steady goer.
Next Senility afternoon Rev. D.
Wren will di'mnss 1110 Temperance
question at the Alelhodist scowl1
heed. His-t•tibjest. trill be '0VVIhlt
-tlali w0 d0 with the Liquor Treflle in
Huron Oniony ?"
The guilder and goose artnpn9N(1 10
have 110011 SI C11011 from, ;lobo R,tnn's
11)1,09 101 31011Pd 10 (heir home lift Nr 011-
j"yi1(g'a 110111 in the river. .Both Joh I,
tett straying were glad over the re.
A farmer old boy of this lorelil to
le u'•-,
1 1,ruol'D
Da Br) ,
1 Brown, r e•.
f 1
) tk n
N lh
MI t
a is 111„
1e 011
L4 Vl,'1. '14''7
311 I h rein -
1 ives• and old frienchl. I1P le 1a 9011 of j
les. Robert Brown and it is 17 years
lure he went West. Air. Bumf)
01 es ninny ehangst in this locality.
Congratulations lire extended to
Fill. Long, and Airs. Long,
1 Nliteiorie, Sask.,- over the
years ago. Mrs. Mese!, gives 11 nets) 11110111 of achlartihtllg11111, (1augh-
gcnpllie description of the new town) The proud daddy is a son of
8 acnh nod Sr
a. Long, o
k11(1,i is almost as nature ire 1(811( it,
Het• Home is to be honored with hay- ''"fl the 0'111'1", W'as formerly Miss
Jug His ;Majesty's mail taken chargeNnifna Lowick of Brussels:
• of th °
u t w1( P, 0. I1etng 8 miles Ms-
tacht The Box Social was it great
success 11) the evening as Molly at1-
Mireed of the \Voinel's 'esthete were
guests.- After enjoying t•heulselye•
' tun with t games and quiet conversation,
Tom Gudt
Y wits called upon I
auction off tee boxes which caused
e d
much merriment. The 0igileet. p1•ice
fora box was 05 cents, wvltrly tweey
box going owe. the price,' 25 emus
When the last box was sold each
gentleman divided the Innchenll with
his partite', lord great enjoyment l'nl-
lowed. Alderman HtarryiNiorris wore
a large white riise. and trodden hair
fern upon his lapel, Stewart's
Orchestra dispensed gond music.
Miss Lasca Elliott, daughter of AIler-
man Frank Elliott, kindly played tate
accompaniments, Mr'. and Alts.
Shaw gave a iuueical duet aid Pipet
Oraigie delighted all with his bag-
pipel4• Following, is n New Year's
address to the \Vcmpn s Institute of
West Huron by Miss Eloise A. Skim.
mings, read by her in W. C.'1'. U.
Hall :—
Here today
we all have met in
health togttlterg nt xl
Dau liters of the Sllamro r
g el and of
the purple headier,
Daughters of the Rose and of Canada's
Maple tree,
Working all together tmake ake all
Feom,.all the ills of mortal life this
Happy New 'Yeats
Good housekeeping is 11virtu • t
and Ilestsnbline,
And all those s who can make 1.L
should lose no time
In T making the Institute, most
worthy of all praise
By working with Thea end ud haul the
Institute to raise,, ,'
To it Higher and ui- lt,' plane this
Happy New Year.
The animal meeting of the W. F.
1 ti,' >„ ,f she. Peesl,ylerisn Mulish
w '
1(5 beId0I '
1 1'111( 1
1 tat nrs'
ht t week
when het tit: toIII I
4vu1h 1(e.
1 were
til I s t i e
also'+ •—
tul. President, Alrs.Rt.c.
( )
Boyle sat v[1(+ President, Ales. A.
Ooh 21111 vire President, Mrs. Jet).
Cole : Socretat•y, Mrs, W. 11. Pei gm
n ;'81easel el', Ailsa Alaggie Wighl-
Ina» ;.Organtstt, Mrs, Ernest Geddes
and 11 iss Jean Oole.
Miss S. Campbell, of Brampton,
tvho was to address she resilII,te
trleeti rig will be )absent through i11-.
410)18, Mist McKenzie, of Watford,
Will be present and give the address
of the atm ttoo , Meeting will be
hold 111 the Orange Hall at 2 80 O'clock.
Members of the local blanch eve 1
desirous that all the ladies of the
commituity should attend. A joint
Meeting 01' the Women's 11101.1111 ie
1111(1 Fau•111e1.9' Institute will he
held in the evening in the Fnresl'ers'
Hall when midi Nisei; will be given by
A. Swine, R. H. Harding and Miss
McKenzie. -Musical selections will
also, be given at both 111001ings by.
gond Meal talent. Everybody come
and enjoy tan intellectual treat on
Saturday 17111 inst.
14AN(1t7ET.—'L'he Layman's Banquet,
which Ivan hold i1( Knox 9111'011
basement on 7 aesday, 01.11 ins,„ was
a rare treat to all who were present.
In the neighborhood of 100 guests sal
clown to tea, Tables anal basetuent
tbronghou1 were decorated with our
Nat:Meat colo' and Chinese lanterns
and were 00111ph't'Nd by Iwo Uni,n
Jticks being
4e11twilnpd- over the Ionia
.0111 Panne. .Bamgnet w118 01)9)19(1 ttt
7.80 when all;paetotik of a bounteous
replant after.. whirls -'tile pastor, Rev.
Mr, Boyle, look charge of the prn-
g1:vnLT' 11 D, danteson, nt' Lu•inl0w,
wits the first Speak el. and he very
clearly set faith the - large field open'
r 1 the church 109 week.
It tuns a work for them m to to and
width could be Bout' by Hone -°Chet'.
'rho vastness 1(l' teerltnry, extent to
not. en8timllnlltau pnphllation c0tl-
siSLlllg118 It. 11)08 of 111e. heathen al,
inn, door, and 000111nnlly the effee1
upon our Nation if these people are
not Christianized. Rev. D, C. Mc-
Gregor, Tot:onto,
c-(Iregor„L'oeonto,_ Secretary of Social
and Molal department of church
worst, was next culled upon. He is a
1(11n1 of Wide experience as he has
LttLVt•Iled nom the Atlantic to the
Paei[lo and has (101110 i11 invented
touch with degraded harnuanfty not
only in the congested foreign settle -
meets of one Intel, butsad to relate
with the degraded nutted conditions
of out. own Canadian citizens 0.0 we
hid them ht the congested parts of
nue Own Ontario cities. Mr. Mc' -
GPegnn appealed earnestly to every,
layman and for positive and decided
psalms to increased liberality. A
vote of the meeting woe c,uhied to
introduce the duplex envelope method
el' giving. Both add:es505 were of a
very high order such as the people of
Belgtave htave seldom the tipper -
Inuit y to hear. Rev. Mr. Mc-
Oulinch, of Oran brook, in a
very sweet vides, cnhtrihnted a
5oln which was (1(191 lappreetated,
T), Sprtilat mover) a vote of thanks to
those who gave Ruch an intellectual
treat which Wee seconded by James
Nicholson, Rev, Mr Kilpatrick, the
Methodist pastor 01 Belgrave (Bemis -
sed the meeting tvith the Benediction.
Mrs. Leona)d' Walton hws been
Won to the 11091)1011 for anoperittion.
Iters E. ]roller went to Btlrristnn 111
atti'nd 1lie' fnm'rvll or her 1)1.010,',
;VIM 1ee011tly died in Alexien.
\Villittul Hone, win recently under-
went. to serious operation, is still in
he hospital, but hopes soon to be
tome ag1Llrn. -
11r1. .john Alerlcley, of Pleasn.nt
Valley, is lying seriously ill at her
home. Her f1•ii ods (tope for her
sp01 dy r•eenvl ry,
Wtn. 14Inl tont, Vanguard, Sask„
who has been visiting friends in town
and Teeslvater. has returned to the
West with (1 rtal'lotul of horses.
spire of the nold weather tit'
Clegg & Walker 'factory is being
built, tool prospects for tie coating
Seeing 1,4111 bright. for the employ-
leent or more hands.
Chief 14 Pollee (;enrge Allen took In
Gotlerirh for 00 days two vhl.gILlalt:0
nettled 3. -141,0,181) and C. AliIInr
They were tried before His Warship
,I, A. Mot this anti asked for 111e athee,
1enteime, -
J. Plaintnerltien, Teeswat P1' rrtPt
with an areitlent. While skaiieg , fall
ing and break Mg his left leg. AFL•al
e h
th inn had liven r nttP111d e •n h a tens
tttketl to his home, where 'he
1.s doing
as well ns cltn by expected.
of the hole 4vhere the roadway
eceni'ly (steed in, not far from here
is still heilig eonrTnned, 11:,1,1 19 it 11e11VV
task, 118 holh P11(1s 8P0)0 to 01)111 wlrilP
the 119)1hp ha, annk fleetly 12 feet.
The roadway, which is bililt 1P1/1nrn'.
artly is not: any ton safe 1o' holding
heavy loads, It liar been suggested
by' the Reeve of Turnhef•ry, John
Mulvey, 71187 119 will bring up the
glrod .roads movement in 111e meeting
)f the Council to see what can be
done. •
COLLISION --There Was intense ex.
citernent among the G, T. R. stei.hml
staff and citizens at this statim) Mnh-
clay when it head-on collision occurred
between the London passenger 11'0111
and e, freight from Pllrnerstnn, 1'hp
London train was standing at the
station when the freight—a dmthlp
l Pad es—rem in10 it, 1)10111(111) the
Front of one of the freight engines.
No 0110 10118 hurl, 1311 the auxiliary
front Pet neestol had to be called 1'o
repair the dawage. TbeLnndnn train
wile 111 charg0 of Clrlhdnrllo' Alilir, of
Lnndnu, and the freight in cha'geof
Cowl neto' Cox.
PRESENTATION.— About 200 gneets
here recently assembled itt the resi-
(letee of Geo. and Ales. Falconer, of
the 4111 eon„ Odense, and surpt'is0d
them by presenting an address dant
1(00 110L111180111P 01)011.9 11.5 11110r1318 of
appreniatinn of Air. Fal'coner's ser-
vices 118 01111 11011100 fel' the past
18 years,. Ile retired at the end of.
lust year, An exeellenl supper was
served 111111e dining -000, where the
Brussels Is Da
Yli ht Store
. N. McLaren
lura„al ,,lJl,).heco\ 4gr'ur'ar'a,'arI,' r r 1,IrI
1,4,II11l'1,'t1'11,”'lII1,4,r•Ilr1,II'II,1a'l,�l'1I,li• :,Ile'II,IIIle IL'1'Ir'1,,'I,,„,.„,II'1^1,'"I,ll,aI,I„I.
o• . 0
i e
Be Sure and Attend s
e e
e a
1 •r
e' -
Always the' Highest
� Produce.
Bargains in all Winter Goods
11110mon. me mum muulem
- Ileil►eire•li•ieiJ .....
ii•ifwiisi0114•4ltiei l)tai4iioiei.ji,
1 ss ;011.5 ''
v s [earl by Edward Kuntz,
the newly -elected 'Ilse el'
Y v of l,olwnst
The preseuLatiun wits made by Johnni
Ai'uttt rang, 7'eeswalel', and Air.
Falconer made a sin table reply.
Music was rendered by D. 8(1DotiOltl,
Whlghatn, and 1)1(gptpe' selections
and speeches 1VP1'e giVQn by M1', Ouse,
't'eeswatei'; S. Burchill, Winghem
and Andrew McKenzie, After ex-
prets5innsof best wishes to the host
and hostess, all departed to their
respective homes after an evening
well spent.
At a tneelitlg of the Listowel
branch of the North Perth >
I C< naervli-
1195 Association, held Monday, the
following officers were elected;—
President, J. H. Gunther i vice -Presi-
dent, Fra111c L. Elliot; Seceelai•y,
Beverly Bau1Ford, A resnlutio, of
synIp lily for Sit, James Whitney was
carried unanimously.
Listowel Council at its inaugural
meeting reappointed W. E. 81 1111111g,
town, teewsurer; IVtn. Bright, town
clerk and C. Tabberner, elllectoe.
Onlnmittees were named as follows
Finanue. Ooiut. Featherstone, Mel -
mete, Ellis • Bolted of Wot'ks, 0oun.
Ellis, 'Nadi ertfone, Willem), Mcl(eev.
1a•, Olf1nt8; 'Fire, Water and Light,
( ur;Melrose,s. I
McKeever, Moore
Ellis, Oliltle; Printing, Oouns, Witt.
son, Featherstone, Melrose ; Relief,
Onur, McKeever, Watson, 011011e;
Ilid ' a
❑etch 1, Mayor, A, Olhnie and
whole Commit ; Reception, the Alayor
and Cnunall,
The i. 0. F. At Home mentioned
lest week, tilts been called off in the
The animal meeting id the Presh-
10r1a11 church was held - on Tuesday
:cud business was reported in gond
Sltbbath evening Rev. Mr. Leek -
land, of
, 1VrOxeter, occupied the pul-
pit, of the Meth)1(list 0111(.1)1 end gay
IL good discourse.
Otu011il met here last 111011day quid
'put through the tontine business of
the Statutory session. There were no
changes in the officiary.
Weather wee so had last Monday
the Farmers' Institute and Women's
Institute tlicl not materialize. The
spea1911 were On Hand but the
Audiences Minus,
Rev, AIr. AlerCelvey, who was
pi•em:11111gat, \ltl•oxete,' hest Su 111 110,
Wel; morn, stayed. °vet Monday. -Tie
Was right et .home there. however, as
lVroxelor was a fnrtnhr 01101 go.
Sat'tu'day a1Le,nonn of this :week
the 011 111101 meeting 1(F 111401 Cheese
f,letnry will he held here when the
al1111n i 1'e;n11't will he presented and
burn 5
1 nese marked nut for this year.
W are 5111.7•
to state
Y that the
dal iter of Luke S ei'
tan '
6 r.
Ono., has been quite ill at the) limns of
Gen. McCall, Wrest -n1. Ethel. Hole.
to heal' of her speedy convalescence.
AUCTION SALE. Sahnrday after-
noon of 0ext.weelt,211'11inst., an Ane -
t ion Sale of'8nrplus stook will be 11001
by John Kramer, with F. S. Sent, as
anctInn09r. Watchout for further
An nrganizlti•iml sleeting 01. the
'Temperance forces took place here
Wednesday of last week when every
tattling 9rrb•d1VlAio11 was represented.
interest is being aroused' Land very
fees votes will be left unpolled on the
29111 ittat
During the past week Geo•ge and
h•a. iieOat'tney, of Bi11(1field, were
L I s at Jas. AfIt0a1•Pnev's.
All the townshipnffirials of .Grey
township were re -appointed fo• 1914 at
last Mnn8ay's Cnuneil meeting.
Hugh McCuctnev and Charlie Mc
,Donald ale here ft'nni Saskatchewan
Ito' a 0010day. We are always glad to
'SOP the buys.
Thltrsduv, 29th inst„ will be polling.
flay itt connection with the Canada
l'emperatme Act.. Grey voters ehnuld
speak (1111 nn the (sliest ion that dray.
Archie Alr.Lean, 181'.h non., has pur-
ehasi'd a (lamely thorn hied ynlnlgbull,
18 rimeth9 01(1, from', the well known
beeeder, ,T, J, 10rGavii, of Le,dhury
The stov,ny. weatherof this week
proved quite a tug to (leveret of the
Rural mail (metiers. There are 1108101
jobs t.ltan deliveling mail on a rural
route 111 a blizzard.
Alien and Mrs, Wake, of
3Rlv,rview, Grey 0011111 y, sista,• and
itieee respe,tivelyof Roht, and Wm.
Bl'eni nt',, lin ve been visiting relatives
1(11d friends 1()- Speytnwrlehi
Aire. John Dru'k, 01,11 Con., who 'was
SO 9Pt'10111113' 1)IJllred 'ReVPI'al IV PP1t9 ago
ity l'lng Ili, 010)1 out of a baggy, is
Snaking favorable nt'ottrP5s:aand i9 able
to lnok after' tt share' of her 11011.99
Last week John S. Rilch1P 17111 noir
tw 2 year old vnttle to Semite!
Waller, of Alorris township, for
whirl) he veceivp( $153 45. The price
was It iambs There lutist be money
i11 4 n r
1 rk Al;ah stroll figures.
L1 es.
'While working "1 I
a n h Mph f 81
] to short;
time ego11 .1 I
t, 9Ih nee., 'wee
'r) II(•11 111 the Vane lie Rome bens]] that
191'7: 119 11111.1( by 111nek sows moles
Path Pl't, WO 11014e seen fellows 4vith,
the 101 1110 1111(0lcing who have never
been to the bush at ell, htrt We have
(0 taste ATP. Hoover's word. Ile re-
(1(1 ed 1
tPv r nlna
and Was q n fn'
1 tun -
Air in43,3041 11
118 4v .
! ri s r
I g in 1Pdid,
B 4nY DM:,.—Logi, Moodily night,
Vprmt Aliteye, infant laughter of
Mark L and Mts.'Cardiff, Lnt 10, Con,
13, died after a brief 1111)095 front
mienti10nin•• She Wag a bright little
giel 8 months old, The fn)Pral look
Mere edoea
n •
v a Pt 'r et noon ) t0' Rees.
tris rwnrirrv. tin+ Se1.0 ee being 0011•
by use, 111,, Nest of Prnes(le.
Ah' end Mee, (1111,1111 will be stmt.
net)izrd with In the Thee of I 11eirr, baby
daligil tete,
W. H. 1s INR, Pro¢rie,i01
We are 5or1•4' t0 8Laate that Mrs.
John McCartney, dwrtue
an old ld
known Y, and well
resident o' '
t 1 the 3r
d con nn. has
been very poorly with pleurisy and
pneumonia. Many old friends wish
her a speedy recovery.
At the annual meeting of 17. S. S.
No, I0 held on Wednesday of lust
tweet( Geo. Robeetson was elected
)trustee 011 retilemerit of' W. Girainger.
Wood contract for 18 cords for $20 00
let to 1', W. Jaeklin, Cleaning of
seined to 11. Doig for $400. Teepee.
tor's rep01•t was read giving Miss Ash-
ton gl'e1Lt credit for her work.
i 'IL is reported that Hartwell Speir-
Ian has purchased the flue 100 aeis•
farm of Juo. Ewan, 15th 0011:, and is
iso get possession in the Spring. Mr.
Ewan and sister will move to 80058018
lttv11etethey already have a 11011ge and
!oton corner of Margret and James
streets opposite the Pt'yne & Cm
mill. Report says Mr. Ewell will
build a new residence on the v500.111
lot. Ile received a goodprice for farm
4V1)lch was in.possesslon of 1110 family
for mealy years. Mr. Speh•ao will
have w cosy home after ile completes
the relnaining arrangements in con-
nection with home making.
Aliss Lillie Stafford is horse from
the West. renewing old`frieedshi s.
Miss Elsie M,)Outchenn is back fii'ont
a visit to her brothers at Milestone,
John Dennis is preparing to build a
handsome residence next Summer on
his farm,
Mrs. Jas. F. Hackwell is making
fah' progress towards recovery from a
stroke of paralysis which laid her
aside sprue time ago.
John Rea, jr. all old A1eKilinp boy
who bolds a gond position in the
0[lalnlus department at Edmonton,
is 111,010 on a visit and wears a very
pleasing smile.
Additional township news on page
A shipment of cattle was made Lo
T0001110 last week by Samuel Walker,
01.11 line.
The Wm. A. Cook farms, 5t11 line,
were not sold at the Auction sale but
3(11' 81111 in the Market.
Miss Mend Jackson, 8th line, was
visiting 11er friend,141fss Laura Wheel -
or Gro to
week. Y town
ship, doting the
George Pollard is visiting at the
hon(• of his son, Chas., East boun-
dary. The old gentleman is enjoying
fairly gond health.
Tile Inaugui al meeting of the Town -
;hip (Remelt tv(aenot held nn Monday
nn account of the impassable condition
,f,anMp of the roads, plus the .81 ()Poly
day. Y Council. wet Thursday of this
We are sorb' hear that
Y to Wtn.
Mr:Kerclrer, of Howick township,
Father of Mrs, Allan Adams, 5th line,
is 5erim151y i11. The old gentlemen is
in his 80th year and 118,8 been a marvel
for youthfulness Until the past year.
MTHE ILEEEveexlr.—Follnwing 1(10
lle tignl es reporter) from the various
,.polls in this township ;in connection,
with the Reeveship Election on Mon-
ldav, JsnMary 5th :-
1 1 2 3 4 5 0—Total
Bhol'trped— 87 91
19 26 9 28-237
`Campbell— 28 8 39 38 7810-221
Majority for Mr. Shmrtt'eed, 18.
J CARD OF THANRB,—OJronmstancea
prevented ore last. week from tender-
ing my 8111Qe1'e thanks to the electors
of Morris for the grand support given
me for the Roevpship nn January the
5t11. Though unsnece99ful l will al-
ways be willing to co-operate with
either Township or County Council fn
the best interests of loth.
Yours very truly,
Daring thepast
week. Edward
Pn4vn, of R nnlai1)Pg, was visiting ofDaring
Davit) Smith's, 8th line, He is a
lb1o(her-iu•law to Mrs, Smith. The
visitor is a railroad .engineer running,
nit of Winnipeg in which city he has
been for the past 15 years. Mr. Towni
is a son of the late Thos. Town, form-
erly of Brussels, who is well mitten).
hived by the older residents, The
Wfellinownt,pegger is a wideawake, jolly
Jas, 0, and Mrs. McKaywere in
Woodstock' last week attending g a
Last Sunday afternoon Rev, Dr.
Ramsay, of Toronto, gave a splendid
address 111 Knox chnt'ch here.
liYsowNEAL.— On Saturday, Jan.
1010, at high ,tool a very pretty teed.
ding'40,15 solemnized at the home of
L. O. and Ales. Rowell, hoar World -
stook, when their' daughterhter Miss
PaisY E, and Sydney H. Peet, of
Yorkton, Sask., were sited in mar-
riage by Rev. F. W. 'Watters, of
p. In the pt' eaenCe of about
50guests, friends of the bride and
groom the principals took their
pieties in the parlor, under an arch of
evergreeihs decorated with carnations
and a
t white bell, l as the
match was as iia d
e b Miss Bella
dnfret of brei ,'
Dr, J. Hod
of lnhel•kipa tri Polish) of the beide.
Bride woe assisted: by Miss Vera
l'1uf18o1 and the groom by R, East -
Wood. The bride wore as most be -
coining costume of white bt'onaded
sotto rt1110,
1 with
procile P
UAh )61.1(1
lac, mud Id otrrlPd
t 1( bo
ueL of
Mel( '
1 and white oartnatfolts, AftOr.
( nngre.tulations t he company sat
down. to an elegatnt brunet. In the
dining room, after 40111(0 sir. a)d
Mee, Peet ()rove to Woodstock and
took the trail for Brantford, Handl-
ton and other 'pointe. The groom's
oift I 8 711
1 bt'idrs
rnairl was it pearl
ereseeet, to the 1gr,ometrran a se) of
('(111linl(3 and to the pialleta bar pin,
Wedding gifts were many and be•
s oke the 111 11lal'it...
1)1Ct1tltr 1 t Y of 410 ecce•
jlttrlwilegt A tp1t111did 71)1()7
• 4
!t 4
g Repair :
We have put in a French
Dry Cleaning Plant and j
z are prepared to do Cleaning. a
4 Pressing and Repairing at 0
• • Right Prices.
0• pecial attention paid to
v Ladies' Work, •
• Try •us and be convinced. 0
• •4
• 4
• Orders taken at the store of I
W. P. FRASER, Mer. Tailor ti
tette spent by all. AIr. Peet has done
well 111 that city and on their return
will take with theta the good "wishes
of a wide circle of friends.
Missionary Anniversary services
will be held next Sabbath, Januuhy
181(1, on Walton circuit. Rev. J. E.
Ford, of Goderich. will preach al
Walton at 11 a. m., Bethel at 2.30 sod
Pruvideuce at 7 p. in.
Miss Rintoul, of SVingham, spent
Saturday with Miss Aliily Harris.
W J. ,\father returned on Setups
ilay from a throe weeks' visit at, Petee-
br n'o.
, T. Laokland, of Moose -Jaw, Sass(.
visiting his parents, Rev. and Aire.
L9ackla el.
:James Ballantyne and family have.
roved to L. Brown's residence 011
1 I street.
• A large.uumber of people were at-
tracted to the village o11 Saturday it
beteg Horse Fair clay.
Mrs.H and alta Children, Winnipeg,
are guests of the fo'Iuel•'s+sister, 13J x,
R. Haider, of T •
1 t )herr .
Thos. Sanderson ldet st n r .
etu'ned 'o”
t 101,1-
�.c on •
Monday, after a two weeks+
holiday 1(t his home here,
Airs. W Haigh and son of New-
market, are guests of the fel user's.
brother, Rev. T. 111, Wesley.
Mrs. Graham, of Ethel, 'hasm-
chased the residence an Ann street
formerly owned by Mrs. Ir1vin.
Alias J. Ritchie went to Toronto o11
Saturday where she will be the guest
o1 her sister, 14Irs. F. P. Sanderson,
Airs..A. Johnson and children left
fo'Olds, Alta., this week where Mr.
Johnston has opened. a hardware
The funeral of the late Alfred M
Hooper, whose' death occurred it) New
York 011 Jan. 4th, which was 10 have
taken place on Monday Jau. 12th, had
to bepostponed until Tuesday after-
noon, meing to the severe storm of
Sunday . and Monday. The deceased
who was 39 years of age, had been ill
for about' two years, leturuing fro,1(
the West where he had been engaged
in farming o1( that account, He was
the youngest son of James and MTs.
Hooper, of Turuberry.
Not much change i1( the health of
ex -Reeve Strachan.
'We are pleased to Lepart that Miss
Dunelda McDonald is improved in
Last week Mrs. Aicdosh, of Ilio-
car(I1ne locality, was holidaying at
the home 0f her 'mother, Mrs, 3)10.
De,, James Stenches), of Port
Arthur, was here on a 'bt•ief'visit to
the old hurtle. Mrs. Strachan visited
at her 110018, in Chatham.
The service 4va9 cancelled last Sab-
bath evening i1( Victoria Hall' 0,0ing.
to the storm, Rev, Mr. Mann,, of
Bt nasals, was t() have conducted a
meeting. Monday evening but 10 was
also withdrawn owing to the rough
wt•ather and had 100(15.
The Fanners' '
s Lishitnte meeting
was held hereon Friday in the. Hall
t1,. aftnrunor '
) session was ad-
d1'essed by Messrs. Swint) and MCt-
\iillatl, Weirton's institute was held
01 the hone (11 Mrs. " Will. McDonald
and Mies McKenzie was the speaker,
At the union meeting IX
t 1 in t
C18 00334,1m
till's a
e 7(1711 e9sec wets) 8tH
given h
1Lhn sot -minus.
A779s a Moses Rae
M188 Mtn lory St Pile halt reudef ed
choice solos,
a ,mal minimization tNlizrtCiot
1 1111')' l 1
tl of
the Literary, rwr
Y+ SocsalaridDeb1at1
Society wee held in the school soon)
Of the Presbyteriath chtu•oh on Wed
nosday evening of last week.. Pres!.
dent, :I.. L. Pnslif(' was ((1 1.1le chair' and
the huge attendance was an augury
of renewed sittteess frit the Society,
Rev, Ti , J. E. Cook, Rpv.r t
d n vfo•
T tP
Robe. Black and others spoke 1811 von:
111e11111tinn of the w0111 and 811115 of
the Litet nry 801)1,'1'y and 111e follow.
ing 'offloers 400(1' elect ted •.1JOn,
l'tt'slde(Hs, Rev, 3, til. Cook 1(1,01 Uwe
Ct'atSfo1'(1Tate 1 Hoe, Co011011, Mast
11. A, Malt''Mee. (Rev.) 4
Tate, Relit Bleck,
J. W. King, Jas:
81111 11, 10,111.40 (l g1'ove 11(1(1 11. Shaw ;
Pres, W. 11. Burney ; 151 Vice•Preso
--•A. L. Pusliff; 211(1 Vice-Ptes•,—R.
Jermyn ; 3rd Vice-Pres„—Miss
Olive Scutt ; Ser„ Mies Alice Paul ;
areas„ (101cinn Hull. The weekly
tneetmgt will be held on Wednesday
nights am formerly but this yens. the
0. 0. F. hail lits been engaged as the
seating ac•vchnlru(datol, Is better than
in 1110 591,001, Membership fee is
only 15 cents awl everyuue is the
surr,uuding00nn1ry8h0111(1 join aed
share In the plett,;tne5 and advantages
Lu be obtained.- At the splendid joint
meeting of the Wetne,r's (011 Fainters'
Institutes on Satin day night 4400 of
1110 sOsekers, Thee. McMillan and
\lfse ll(Ke zie 1efpi•ted to the Liter-
ary Society and gave their hearty
1eeln(teeudttioi. This your a piano
bus been Metalled. The ttist meeting
this week 44 US i1( 1.01111 Of a program
contest between the boys and girls.
Next week thele will b9 a debate ' on
the subject "Resolved that life today
is prefer sable to life 50 years ago,"
DIED IN THE''WE1IT,—There passed
:may in Crystal City, Mon.,on Mon -
.lay evening, Jao,tary 51b, atter a
Iftr ti it
ge ng mess, lusting 81101(7 15
months, one who wits well known 0)1
this Count y, especially i1(1l'uruber'
nod in the efghl)1rhnod of Seaforth,
in the persue of \Vtn. Gerro,d Duff.
l i his younger days in this district he
was the life of arty gathering with his
merry songs and funny stories. Bonn
i11 Liverpool, England, on August 80th
1840, the eldest son of Robert J, and
Isabelle, Ger toed Duff, be canoe with
his patents 8(•7'088 the nevelt Ln hie in-
fancy After living it short time in
Tuckerernfth the family moved to the
township of linllett on the McKillop
boundary where it is crossed by the •
Maitland river 77111 five years later in
March, 1850 they settled on lot 9, Con.
6, Turnbeet•y, where W. (3, who was
then 10 years of age, dict his share in
shopping and helping to clear the .,
farm. The »object of this sketch
when about 23 years of age was badly
fnjut'ed by a fall and incapacitated for
heavy physical worst, 430 he started ti,
school nod persevered until be obtain-
ed a second class certificate. For
,come year's thereafter he was engaged
1t) school teaching at 131nevale and i11
Rnxho•o' school, McKillop, subse-
quently q y be' mg in ',barge of the 0. P. R. Telegraph and Express office in
Seam f/ 1 Lh.
20y-wearsago he
181.7 for
Crystal City, Alan., whre he resumed
school teaching but later opened IL
real 9911te, ins1i i'tt.011 -n11(1 conveyanc-
ing office and acted tt8 aurtiotleer. He
was 0 Mason unci also a member of the
Order of United Workmen. In 1875
he was married to Miss Sarah Ross,
of Blnevnlo, wh s0tvives him. Of
their 1 it lohild'� �at, +
1(u oat.a
s n Asher, died
in S "P '1.1
of I th to chi! i1nn
[i and
1 at (,t t 5481G `i
tyi14 few years ago
1n early in,tnhnnd, which was a sad
blow to his family. The daughters
are Ida (Mrs, Jos. Shaw,) of Regina
and Margaret, who resides ' at home,
Rost. N. Duff, :of lllueve,le, is an
only b1'otttel',
Sir James WhitneyNo Better
A dispatch from e to Ne4v York stays :—
Sir James Whitney's condition has
not shown rimy eoosiderable change in
the last 24 linin s. What little altera-
tion then. has been, however, has been
u)favotable, et[sealants about his
apartments are keeping e. Close watch.
They do not anticipate any fatal re-
sult for the present but they adroit he
is losing slowly : in. 1.l1e fight for life.
13ntl1 bulletins issued were to the same ..
general etfent. ('hitt of the forenoon
was 1101 hopeful but the bulletin issued
a1.9 o'clock Tuesdaynight was even '
(0090 dtse„uttlging, It read "Sir
James Whitney's condition to -night '
is more-untav(/rable.. Re has tal(en.
little tionrishroent to -day and is weak-
er.” AL the time of remelting to the
a•paelmeu1s about 11()'91000, Mr, Wal -
lade decla, ed that the bulietns told
the story all loo clearly. He added
however, that there was nothing to
indicate dissolution within i
it a tow hours
as had been ruluored p118sible, Be
pond matting this statement, he said,
he 91,1(1(1 add nothing to what httd al-
ready been anuo0ncecl. "11 is quite
apparent that he,is'geowitig weaker."
said A1,', '\Vttlluce, but he is by no
,leans exhausted.",
Brussels Council
Alpeling of Brussels Connell was..
held nth Monday at 11 a. m•, (accord•
Mg to Sl,t1,(te, Reeve Lleeki0, and
Councillors Mo,Guire, 'Pryne, Hewitt
and Aiuldoon look fleclaeation of of-
fice and 11(1111111011,11)1(1.
Minutes of last meeting read and
passefi An ucangnt or $4.45 to 13sttes.,
01;115 Posse was ordered to be paid.
Moved 1.)y A. Ale(lnit'e, seconded by
1. 1i'ewitt 'that Jun, Fel gluon and 0.
N. Martinet) be Anl111,1se of Accounts
for past year,
S, Cart lel'i 9
Va se -appointed
of the 0
B 777(1 of Health and 'B +
Gilroy as ungulate of the Public
Llhrtu'y Board for the incoming term,
Fhttuute Committee for 3014 will be
]reeve Cockle and Oounoillors. Pryne
and Hewitt.
Street. Commit tee, Reeve, 011(1
C tttrrillor5
and M111110011.
d11 114101 111 1
t t Ifpv''_
t McGuire
$5.110 W' rts granted to the Sick C1i1111.
Vett'\ 1.1.(151111 al, 1'11 Po 1110.
Mored by Pryne and Hewitt; that
Copies of the Municipal World be
ordered for 1914,.Carnet),
A letter tune hesd ((mrt9ining all
fee fol•t1 P h ;
eertret to '
tL arhhnee ehop
owned by the toren, The 8nbjeet 40118
di8r1198edi and the probabilities ,are 0
berg-sinmay be eft nett. oo:fro,
Iseektehars ens 'l led 1)1)) e-
th t negotiations..
(kernel) ntljalln•n el to tnee't the loth'
1Monday 040llltlg [11 1+""e(tl'llary,