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The Brussels Post, 1914-1-8, Page 8
Gold Fish Free FRIDAY JANUARY 9TH Here we are again With a greatbig bargain and a chalice to get Sollle of the lunch -talked -of Gold Flab once more Free. With' a 25c Purchase of Rexall Liver Pills or Rexall Corn Cure We will Give Free 1 Gold Fish Globe Commencing on Friday and while they last With 2 Gold Fish Together with Instruction Sheet, Pebbles, &c., for Globe. The Rexall Corm Cure or Rexall Liver Pills are, either of them, reliable preparations of merit and are well worth the price of zse, The Globe Fish are valor d at 55c anti we make this , offer in order that you may become better acquainted with the Rexall Prepare- tion'., A number were disappointed the last time in not getting here before we were sold out. Don't forget the day and be on hand to secure a Gold Fish Aquarium for your home. Good supply of Fish Food ou hand at roc per package. Extra Gold Fish for sale if wanted, Thea ,Star Fs R SMITH ItRIJGQIB 1' AND STATIONER. 'gars news ou pages 4 and 5. • Iz,caltilts Jno. F. McCrae was calling on Bras- Loralseis friends in the past week. FOURTH Division Court will be held AUTOMOBILES were- running last Sat- urday. READ the advertisements and save money thereby. 1914 would be a good year for every- body to boom Brussels. READ the Sunday School ool lesson notes of THE PosT. week on e6 p a any. g LAORiPFs and tonsihtis have good many corralled during the past week It's no sport either and leaves the patients well fagged. Howiott Mutual Fire i swarm Directors mat et Wroxeter on Tuesday The annual meeting will soon be et hand, It will be held at Gerrie. RETtnusxso OFFICER Scow was here last week distributing the ballot boxes and ballots to the Deputy Returning officers for the Canada Temperance Act voting on Thursday, January 29th. qt i THERE was A. quite an exodus this week t when to 1`oronto and Stra toed t h n the University and Normal School and Collegiates called the students from this laeality to their halls after the well &Iled•in vacation. CARD OF THANKS. -I wish 10 Say, ay that I appreista the confidence Placed in me and the patience extended to me in the past twelve months Timough the year 1914 I will try to serve all so as to retain your good wishes. Yours J. WRiGHT, Agent Canadian Express Co A very creditable Christ is display Y of .meats of all descriptions was made at the two butcher shops in town which were duly admired and of elm asd ttr joyed by closer investiga,ion by Brus- selites and people of the neighboring locality Our knights of the cleaver are usually at the head of the procession and 1913 was no exception AT the Masonic At Horne in Brussels Town Hall, on Friday, January 23rd, vocal numbers will be put on by H. De Mille a well known Toronto vocal- ist ; humorous songs by the funny Eddie Piggott ; and instrumental selections by the Cortese S piece or. ehestra, of London. whose praises have often been sounded. Supper will also be served. D1ED IN BRANTFORD -13y notice else- where it will be observed that Thos. Anderson Ross died at his home, Brant- ford, on December getb. He was the eldest son of the late Robert Ross who was a former resident. Interment was made at Ayr cemetery where deceased had formerly lived. Mr. Ross was a relative of the Win. Ross family of town and was a fine man and an excellent mechanic. FIRST HOCKEY MATCH.- Monday evening of next week the first game of Hockey in the Lakeside League will be played on the rink, Brussels, when Lucknow will meet the home team. Gatne called at 7.30 o'clock. Skating will follow the match. The Soppy town put up good hockey and our lads dont purpose letting them run away with the game so good sport should be the result. Go and see it. . ALICE IN WONDERLAND - A highly successful presentation of Miss D Hope Leonard's magnificent spectacular ex travagaoza "Alice in Wonderland" was given in the Town Hall, Brusstls, on Thursday and Friday of last week be fore large and appreciative ntdiences under the auspices of the Public School. Miss Scott superintended the production and attained a remarkable success in the ten days of tireless training. The work of the children was especialh commendable. In the choruses and drills their performaces was very clever and won well merited applause. Little Miss Dorothy Holmes made a charming Alice a.u1 the remarkably natural way she went through her several strange adventures called forth much ad- miration, Th' parts by the leading characters were well taken. Mrs. Jno. Galbraith as the QNeen mud Clarence Crooks as the Ring, Miss Beth Kerr as Britainna and Harold Armstrong and Bob Leckie as the soldiers Miss Ger- trude Deadman as Mother Goose, Harry Ament as the unfortunate hatter kept the audience in smiles, Miss Stella Gerry as the Indian Princess and leek Leckie as the Indian Chief slid ex- cellent work And brought considerable credit to themselves and trainer by the fine rendition of their party Among tile at herarnateuti actors and actresses who distinguished themselves were Miss !elude Rands as the Dnehess, Miss Nellie Pax as the Japanese Doll, Miss Jean Fox., as MIPs Ragtime and Clarence Anderson as the Herald, also the gook (Miss Millie Grewar) the knave, (R. Barkley) and ail the tunny abltnals. The march of the Nations and the flag spectacle was very effective. During the various acts. Mrs (Dr;) Holmes played the accompaniments. Taken .. altogether the play was among the best seen in B''ns¢els kr many years And the total proceeds for the two nights amounted to pearly *141s. Over too took part iff, the enter. talnteent. •Misa'Scott want Rots 131116. ilo1ut to Ltii11tuaw. Wedne-day of next week. There will be quite a large docket. BRssssLs skating rink is now open with skating every night except Tues- day, On the afternoons of Tuesday and Saturday there will also be skating. The Ars, Hockey match of the season on Mondaynight next. Lucknow and Brussel1 erne the competing teams. 7VoMSN S INSTITV•tS -The regular meeting of Brussels Women's Institute will be held P1 tday afternoon, t6th inst., at ago p m., In the Audience room of the 1 ubile Library. The topics will be "Prevention and cure or colds," by Dr. Bryans, and "Our duty to our neigh- bors," by Mrs D. B. Moore There sitnnld be a good rally at this meeting. Make sure of the date. -0-- OEDARDOeteftir ale. E and 10 feet long. . Phone 2217. W.BRAUTEt Ethel. BHAVER stole lost between Jamestown and Brussels. Finder will greatly oblige loser by leaving it at TWA POST. TuniopE and Campbell cutters sold by E. G. Plum, Brussels. Ask about them. HAY. -Oar of No. 1 mixed bay, Aiaike and Timothy, at B natels station on Saturday. 516.26 per ton at car. Do ypB.& a land or ALL so 1 F.. BARKER. HAT fork rope last off clover mill between Con 8 Morris and Geo Mo(a1I'a 8th line. Book on one end of it Pinder kindly send word to Thos. Miller, Brussels P. 0. Phone 1618. STRING of belle lost on 9th con. Grey on Christmas night. Pinder will kindly return t0 JOHN OLIVER, Brussels. OWING to mild weather and havinglarge amount oheavy felt shoes, I will cntinue closing out rhos sale up to first of February. Mr, Carr hits couaented to allow me same space in his store up to that date, so prices will be lower than ever. Bee our advt. for quotations. I. C. RICHARDS. Goon fresh calved Jersey cow for sale, Phone08. 5. WILTON. RAD and black horse blanket lost, last Sat. urday, between Wm Bethrey'e and 10th Con Grey. Finder will kindly leave it at Mr But. trey'e, John MaUonald'e store, Ethel, or with the undersigned. J. IC Bao Wa. A few good cows for sale guaranteed in calf, also several cars of hay. GEo. A. Baal. Enos 86 CENTS A DOZEN. -Are your hens laying t If net call at Baeker Brom., end get a supply of ground bone which is one of the necessaries for egg production. Will gum, set and file circular or any saw now with the latest saw tools, Tom McGreg- or, Brussels, Ont. 0 L00xIN0 TOWARD THE 2tTH -On the evening of Wednesday next. 14th inst., a public meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, comms ncing at 8 o'clock, when an address on the Canada Temperance Act and the duty of the electors regarding It, will be given by Rev Mr Muir, of Toronto Everybody will be welcome. Collection will be taken to cover expenses. Mr. Muir is yell posted and is a free speaker. 'Pell your neighbor of the meeting. Opposi- tion speaker is invited to take part in the discussion of the question. SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY.- After school was dismissed in the ('ontinu• ation Departments on Wednesday after- noon the classes met in the Principal's room and decided to re -organize the 13. C. S. Literary Society for the ensuing term. The following officers were elected :-Hon President, Rev, A. J. Mann ; President, Gertrude Dead- man ; vice President, Juneve Taylor ; Secretary, Wilbur Armstsong; Treas- urer, Jacic Ballantyne; Editors Gladys MeQ •arrie and Athol Mt Quarrie ; Organist, Edna (Carr. Class committees will be elected at n meeting of the executive which will be held next week. The Society will likely hold its meetings every second week in the sc'rool, The Metropolitan Bauk Oapitia) Paid up - R000rve Fund • - Undivtdod Profits $1,000,000.00 1,280,000.00 181,888.20 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those Jiving out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER • PRE'ENTED WITH DANDY UMBRELLAS. - Last Friday A. 'P. Currie and Dr F. T. Brans werepresented with fine y � a A um- brella each by Brussels bowling Club as winners of the Scotch doubles last Fail, There were 9 couples in the competition, Umbrellas were the gifts of tree D.os A Strachan andC. Ross, s mer chants of Brussels and are plenty good enough to take to church on a stormy Sunday. People We Talk About • Mrs. Procter went to Wiugham last Friday. Ray Carr was home from Wroxeter for New Years. Miss Daisy Wilson, of Wroxeter, was home for the holiday. Miss Annebell Forsyth spent the holidays with relatives at Bright. 1 T. Wood made a trip to Erin and other points daring the past Week, Miss Gallaher was on the sick list het we hope she Will lie speedily restored. D A Lowey, of Toronto, is here on a holiday viatt with roltitives and friends. Mrs. 11, Mot'Artlo shows consider- able Improvement in the past week or two. Mts L. C Near and Miss T. Jermyn, of Toronto, spent New Year's at their home in town. Thos. and Mrs. Ross and family, of Chesley. were here on a short visit over New Year's with relatives. Neil Livingston. of Dubuc Sask., is here for a holiday visit with his mother a•,d other relatives Mrs (Rev Benoit. of Montreal is the guest of her daughter, Mrs (Rev.) Page, at Sr. John's Reetiry. Miss Verne Walker and Miss Isabel Strachan were visiting in Lislowel and Stratford diving the past week. Jno. Harris was not as well, as usual duringthe n pest week brit is somewhat omewhat better now, we've pleased to state. Brien and Mrs Scott are here from the West for a visit. The former is a sun of Peter and Mrs. Scott, of Brus- sels Russel Zimmer, of Toronto, was holidaying with relatives and friends in Brussels for a few days. It's all right 12 us. W H and Mrs Peter, Beryie, were New Year visitors at the home of john Hunter, John street. Mrs. Peter is a daughter Harry lames arrived home this week from Guelph much improved in health and we hope he will soon be fully re. stored to old time vigor. Miss Isabel Strachan and Miss Minerva Innes, W. B Strachan and L N Macfarlane attended an At Home in Win Phalli, given by C. N. and Mrs. Griffin Ed. Town, an old time resident of Brussels, is here on a holiday visit He is a brother-in-law to Mrs J W Simmons Mr, town looks about as young as ever Mrs Prnveneher, whose rr tiles name was Maggie Burgess, of Brussels, was here on a visit during the holiday season. Herhome is at Blind River, Algoma. Last week Rev. D. Wren was R prisoner to his home for several days n Bing to a bad >tinek of lagtippe He was not able to take his work on Sun• day. R. Leatherdale and S C. Wilson will be the Deputy Returning officers for Brussels in taking the vote on the Canada Temperance Act on January. zgth. Jno. and Mrs. Pugh, of Mitchell, are renewing old Friendships in Brussels and locality They were former res, dents and no one would kick if they oboe more returned to the old home. jno. Kincaid, of Kelownn, B. C , who is attending Qu. en's University. Kingston, WEIR a holiday visitor with his coupin, Mrs Robert Thomson. He, accmmoanied by Miss Margaret McLAnehlin, went to Choslev to visit relatives. Norman McGuire. of Milverton, was home tor the New Ye 'r holiday. r Mr: J. Leslie aridKerr, oflin s. Clinton, t, spent New Year's at the former's parental home Miss McNeil who makes her home at Winthrop locality, has been visiting her mother in Brussels, Dr W. E 13rvansn of CarmaoR av, Sask., s in was calling on ofd fries d Brussels last week, Miss Lizzie Askin spent New Year's holidays with her brother, Sam. and Mrs. Askin, Stratford Miss Reta Pollard was under the doctor's care but is considerably better, we are pleased to state J. H Kerney, of Guelph, was In town for a few clays last week. He does not plump the scales d nat 25o pounds yet. Milton Lake, who is on the Police force now in the Queen city, was home here tinting- the holidays recruiting from 50 auto aeuident. Church ChlmeS Rev, Dt'. Ramsay, of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit of Melville church next Sabbath morumg ou the budget "The Divinity of Christ" was Rev Mr. Mann's theme Sabbath morning last. Evening subject was "Daniel, his t t h' s altitude o rm.elt and to his God. Owing to the illness of the pastor the special services announced for the Meth- odist church were not held last Sabi soh but will be conducted next Sunday Morning topic "An ideal church" and the evening subject "An ideal church motto. In connection with the Week of PM) er services will be held in the Methodis cnureh this (Thursday) evening, when Rev. A. J. Mann will preach, and Friday evening in Melville church, Rev Mr Wren giving the address. Meetings open at l 8 o'clock. tick. Last Sabbath Rev, George Jewitt, 01 Birth, came to the assistance of the pastor of Brussels Methodist church when he was laid aside bylagrippe, anti put in a good day's work. He lead the morning Fellowship service at ro a. m preached at it a m. and 7 p to and addressed the Sabbath School in the afternoon. Two splendid serntous were given, the morning discourse being founded on Phil 3-13 and 14, dealing with present experience of St. Paul and hope and confidence in the future and held the close attention of the large audience but the evening season out did the former effot. The text was I Timothy 2-26 and was An earnest well planned, practical discourse. Rev Mr. Robert, of Toronto, sang n choice solo in the morning and in the evening Miss Lizzie Downing and R. A. Pyne rendered a fine duet and Miss Eva Cantlon a solo in good voles Rev. Mr tewitt's services were much ap- preciated, more particularly in the emergency in which the congregation was placed. His work at Blyth was taken h his son who washome fora ak brief holidav from College, returning Monday morning. WEEK OF PRAYER,- The union` services being held this week have proven very in'eresting Monday evening the meeting was held iu the. Meth dist• church and was largely at- tended, Rev. D Wren, pastor, pre sided ; Rev Mr Page read the Strip tore lesion and took the c using exer vise= and Rev Mr. Mann gave an ex cel est address on "Thanksgiving and Humiliation " Three subjects for world thanksgiving were pointed nus viz t --(t) The Kingship of Christ ; (2) The open Bible ; and (3) An open door for the Gospel Among the Nations The spesker nninied out reasons for humiliation (i) Unchristian Standards in Society ; (2) Fti'ure to provide adequate means for spreading the Gospel (3) 'rite prevailing desecration of the Lord's Day. Singing was hearty and prayers fervent. A levee audience assembled in the andito^sum of Melville :church Tuesday evening to the second service f3 ""* 00®0""611 +6""99991600000000000®000OOOOO00001100 00®®®000.0.00•oO.O®®0000.0 0 To Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren hrhla rta6,4,el,nn,t,'al'bah„ I,,„1'itrin,h,,4,'V,9r,h„i 4'4!4,„1lira,,t„I,,,n't'h,1,,led,,VPtpW,hN,di,It„d„,„,„„„„„I't,,t,N,NP4,,e,,Via,'t,,„,,,„ ta'Iv'h,,t,,snasnas's„ bi!th¢n,a,,t,'tn4,rh,, ••• 0 • 0 Our January Sale;! 15 ig Bargins in ail Winter'Gonds43E 0 • • et 0 a O 0 0 0 • w' 0• 15 Be Sure and Attend Always the Highest Prices for Produce. NM McLaMcLaren db 150100000000000It 004001 .600046040 0400 00✓ 60000001400000.00l1000'0000000N0000• el THE STAND' ' 1 BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. 93 Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of THIRr1 BN Per Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank has this day been declared for the quarter ending 81st January, 1914, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and at its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 1914, to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on. Wednesday, the 18th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Board. GHO. P. SCHOLFIUT.,D, General Manager. Toronto, 18th December, 1918. 157 in the. series. Rev. A. 1, Mann con- ducted the ripening exercises, Rev. Mr; Page reading the lesson "The Uni- versal church" was the tceme and was dealt with in a stirring discourse from the text "rlhy Kingdom Come," by Rev D. Wren who optimistically urged alert,whole hearted service in the Matter's vineyard. "Nations v N and their. Y inters" was the theme set for the lnllOn service Wednesday evening io St; john'schurch The • rector, Rev Mr. Page, handled it well encouraging the ]arse c0ngregatiou to have high ideals and to live up to them if the aarioual life is to be strong end vigorous. Reeds Messrs. Mann and Wren as- sisted in the service which was thoroughly enjoyed. MARRIED HatamaEa-BARE.-At the home of the bride, on Des. Slat, by Rey J. 1.. MoCulloeh, Mr. Jno, Buether to Miss Ethel Winnlfred, ehlN ehter of Mr, B. Barr, all of Grey town- ship the home of the bride, on Den. Slat, by Rnv. Geo. Jewitt, of Blyth, win. A. Logen, of Blyth. . to Miss Jessie if, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ii. Jaokson,ot Morris township, DIED 1HURoltO,-At Winthrop, 011 Des,. slat, Jean Hamilton, relict of the late Alex, llturehle; aged 8 ears and 9 months . 8 Y Roehis residence der on December 28th, , Anderson, neo, Roer eldest eon of the Into Robert Roes,,former- ly .of Ayr and Brussels. • AUOTION SALES • plemente oats, eta.. Lot 1, Con, 1,m Gr etook, . Sale unreserved atyy 1 m. ROnEitT HAMILTON, Prop. F. B. Scott, Auo., Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the partnership existing between John and Nell t,lcNeil,.do. Yng business at Welton under the name of Mo. Nell Bros., has been dissolved by mutual con- sent, [81gt,edl JOHN MoNEIL, NEIL, MCNEIL. Buy Western Farm Lands Now To inventors and others coming Went we hsVe 100 novo larm sated from 21, 00 up, to the beat porta of Nnakatchewen. Entry terms. Write for our Itet its free. PRIMO .7, BURTON, i 28.6 Box 298 'nun Beall OP09P09P99090PPOPAPPAAAAAA 9 45 0 O• Office h ii • • up3iiieso • b a Day ks �•O11191aBooi$ y ti Ledgers 0 9 Minute eooks.., s o Oaeh 73ouks O O Ooiintei 139ohs •, 4 0,.. Lulexee 0 Bill Books 0 RobI.oe Sintnile; • -ink Bottles . 1 • • invoice Files y, • lnvolse 13indegal m o Inks 0 111ttc1I ge•' • Chloe Paste t '' 9 - Pens1 _ e• i a' Ponclls ep o &e„ &c. t t,' : o 0 A,T._:0 © .. ii•. 0 o' 4t �•: o 0 r' 0 P ' 0 • DRUG STORE s •O 000004P00P00PP99AA*,9AAAAPO to. AUCTION SAL331 OF PAESI STOOIt, IM• ADAMANTS, 850 -F, B Boon Auctioneer, has received In+tructtona from:the undersign• ed to sell by PublloAuotlot1 et 'Lot 1, Con.. 1, Grey, on Tburaday, :inn 22nd, at 1.o'oloclr, the fnllowingg.prsperty, via ;-1 draft snare 7 years old, 1 deaf Snare a yeol% old, '1 cow sup. nosed in calf, 2 der owe, 8 Atgera rising 2 year, 8 heifers risln 2- r. 15 Spring 6ter lvee.2 sown due toe odo w 10 5151.4,1 $rant' ford 'Newer, 1 set double tenor bsrneoe, 1 net box,Ie light haroes,,, 1 6ngggv pots, 1 oui.ttng box, I wood bon er. shunt Situ'hu•hels of oats. The sale will be without, n,>Aeryb. Terms -11150.515085 sad under nodi 1' aver that n rnMint mnnthscredit. witl'he'fttivenouter. Wahine npprnve•i joint notes, 5 per tient. off for clash on credit amounts ' ROT HAMILTON, Propriotor. 0 • • • • O 0 0 • s o 0 0 0 • • 0 • • • • 15 • • • 0 Y 8 • • • 0 0 5 • • • • 0 0 0 0 • Short Ends 645000680®tleoeoesseseet9s000tRD eeeeelemeeceeettes@tef3omeeeeceeeeet3®tSt' eeeeoeesee®,eeseetpt$Y TheJ.. . CIari ari Starts Dry Good's, Men's and B •T s9 09 th- ing, Furnishings, Hats and O:; ps. 5, 0 0 0 0 a 19 0 O 0' GENUINE STOCK CLEARING EVENT that places at your Choicethis splendid stock of Dry Goods, Men's and Boys' Wearables at prices lower than were ever asked before for similar qualities. Every offering is of regular; leg- 8 itimate stock, such as we sell throughout the season ; no special purchases, of 'culls, 8 seconds or auction sale goods are shown here. Price reductions on reduced 'lines will average a a 63 (133 ED 0 0 3� per isciint OPENING SHOTS FOR SATs,..,; DAY • C0 • 29c For Boys' Coat Sweaters Regular 50e to 75c. O 29c For Boys'U Fleece Lined Underwear derwear Sizes 22 to 32, Regular 40c. • All Remnant Ends of Cottons, Sheetings, Towel- • lings, Table Linens, Flannelettes and Prints will • be put on counters. and priced eo that all will go • at once., Lingeree Waists 3 • O O to til 0 0 15 • 0 ai q k1 0 0 0 9 14 52 O 8 t9 fJ t) QI 0 • O • • • • • Cnuntor Soiled' White Lingerie Waists in several styles, sizes 34 to 40, regular to, $1 50- For 59c Net Waists Lr White and Oo,eate-6 only regular $3 00 - For 1.89 n n -s Y >; $ only regular . ono- For 2.89 Women's Wool Gloves In Black, White, Navy and Grey, and Red, reg• Mar price 250 - For 19c Corsets Odd lines and sizes ' clear_. At 29c ES 39c 39c 390 59c 190 2.49 Boys' Cloth Caps rue Baird. Regular 50e to 75e, Boys' Toques zwlneltey Oulnl'a. Regular 50c. Men's Wool Fleece Underwear Sizes 34 to 44, Regular 500, ' 3 • • 6d 0 O Men's Heavy Eng, Worsted Sox m Sizes 10, IOi, 11. 'Regnlnr 25c. Boys' Tweed Overcoats 111 Brown anti Green tnixCnt'aa, to 23. Regular $3:50 to $5.00, 3.49 Youth's Lined Overcoats some with belt, in Brown, -Green mut Grey mixed. Sizee 20 to 35. Regular 110,00 to $7:50, 7.69 Men's Tweed Overcoats ,ynnt" with b,lt. Heigh 1nlots ; sifwei34:to . 42, ftegultu $10 00 l.o $12,00, • • • 3 • 5 0 Men's Brown Fleece Underwear Sizes 36 to 40. Regular 75c. Siheg 24 OS4.. Q Q 1 0 • es ca e • ea • • °Ehe ,Big Store Brussels Highest Price for Butter Eggs, ;~owl and Dried Apples, 0000000600060040000004•00e0110100000600000000000000006 Ot 00+w••• 00 00100•0000.000‘