The Brussels Post, 1914-1-8, Page 70
. �
., .. � � ..
white,, and. alio looked ;Prom aide to Aide
as .1f let trouble and Dole- for tuen bowl.
"t 1 (lid not 10:ow, lou did net enlue,"
(+Liu said. "I set now wily Ytu maid rot.
beret] that J&. Poster also light-
oiled his ]abort; by transferring the
Government 11ost-
01&'q•.^'@1'0d,1r-'rvd ®-•fww•a1Q0' 0A"%gA,
6®Cts Bice talk; Qaterplllai attd bud
moth must be actual poisons, such
R1(1') �` ` f.�/' C �i/ �"
13UL then. It decmud. (to if as It you dill
not want to, 1Y you had ro-rutted what
.Annuities to tho
f)flicc+, 't`ttat, however, i'1• !list by
� Farm
Paris green and lead
as . r in min4
7'lte reader Will please bear in lilies
. IIs.( lie ' to" eonkIlth, R ,"lust al- +.vitt tiro,
the girl slip, find r tusel 1110I p Wh t right
.�jy. - -. Irad 170 to Polk;) life rroadn,4 an or, to
had said,"
'•Jlnt you iutderatand now?" Ike ploaded
the WAY- What CQl,ceVriA Its InIrt,
that :I (10 not say that. apple •Scab
... _..... -
almost flereoly. "You know now that I
was not the. tho eur you thought me? At y
wino, my letter otplRlved my abseuvo. (it
is ,that Mr, O'Hara is now ro: jon-•
sifllo for ilia smooth working „f the
a ca 1s� �vwn a wa.,e sl et �a o F�a1
can not be killed by linl8-sulphur.
It can, .but ilia mixture roust be
Since 1909 Japan
p ri has more tlia7x
doubled its exports of toys.
Mina,. o0uld yon not ]into traoted fee a
little struck', have waited?"
slioclt her baxd, "It was not ;lint
tabulation of the people, He also
Supervises the payment Of all born-'
Linde-Sulphtit, tend tipple Scab.
very strong, yet it is net a fungi-
Bide• You could bill' a tent cater-
Seventy per cont, of the world's ' t
COrk 1✓fi produced in Spain and Por -
I did not tram; volt" (ilia ooldi when
or were silent, alien 'no message tame
ties and steamship Subsidies; ad-
By Dr. J. B. Dandeno,
pillar with a hammer, but a ham-
roe you, $knit 1 learntd that you vers--
what you are, ao car above ret----"
He staled a As if that count
ministers the Grain Act, which is
t;ho, bpelubone of Western 'IifQ; and
mer is no insecticide,
These few paragraphs tore writ -
China now lies more than x,900
miles of Yttilroad d i h "ldi
f, --..r tlt XXI.Y-Montinued). an ostrich reathor of which ilio bird who sill" he said boarnnlY. "And It was Tabby as a aide -line runs a general 6tatia- I,iule-Sul )hur' wag 13itroduCecl at. ten with a view towards explaira-, Q 7 Miles s an a ul ng
. 'rho diunn,. - .wap neoeaaarI short, for 'arlginall owned it had every re Oil to who Intercepted the tologram, who re- rr „ l tion, knowing that the farm�ere.. use -'2" 3 m es Moro'
u (wnocnt 'mi a 30 h r.' by Urou >n size and RorRootxanass the turned the lett<-r. (nod forgive Iml. Site tical burOaU w11ic11 1ceC1)s tab On iilat• into the NOW lringland and the g Rottordam is to have oto world
}t, 1 S t 7, ., a d hu lying ,0 bore. a fast]] likeness to the Cuailrt has wreaked my lifol Anil you -tee, Mina ( T the local paper's, slid. ilia local pa- t
I trqugh Ll,olr! nteal, tike party gat out tit cad oar with w ]fah Clive was tumilirr; t t12a progress Of Ganada in tr lde 1ti47'tbC]'n States as a TQYnFd fOr
t o bentbf spirit, g >y toll mil that yea ]rive not forgottenrnme, and commerce, currency and bank- scale ✓ ]pars are always road to hal the Largest artificial harbor, 100 acres
�q} , y a 0 Insects. It proved so affective ,. y. p, in area and 28 feet deep
"You bolt tiraq, adttr(avt„” awls T(adY and the siRltt of Tibb9 1s, all liar splo'ndor. Ile etappnd, sirtl4k Silent by tits a p
1141; leanln forward in the earriagi, the pas a chord In life heat';, and reumtlCd cion in her ryas, by het tlu<1deri alr'SnkJl(R ing, insurance and loan companies, that only a trial Or two were lie- farmers llllat0v0r YiOwa are given Irdinburgh has established a
het•iitnd Atnt,�lnir into Ctllva'N, the past. from hinr• y Poing, eessar 1 hero are not 1Iltendad 111A dOg7na- O D 1
Y,lt,ld wonder., yyald Turd Uhaaterloi-11, Hhe loanyy back, surveyYing the crowd ' Olt, no, not" she hreatbed, "IE is you ra2ltya a and shipping, y to CAIIVin00 anyone that the M zI of ng reel diatri-
"IIYne. oho aunt er., in my life I rt€Joie one wits the u1r of s, survton with which a who have forgotten. Lady pdithl" scale insect pests could bo entirely tic manner. They are intended to Sx? y produce
of tltl advatttime A being w pear, orae Showman surveys the ry n with which liar fees, burnt, arid Lor Ayr's mot his Quiet and l)ebonaiil. butt71 electric current
biter U to'oonteat art oloatlen. but it will oat aY ills awn hilt] or theatre; ism ;lilt with. R Aalmm� ranrolwh Ju them. Oliva eotitrolled by ;1116 bubatanc@. It explain, And the farmer Or fruit- g t within the
onus, t10 orori we shalt have a hilta' mwlor•: caught sight of Olive; an angry flush stood nn(I Razed at her, na ;lilt rstpitnd 7ille.. znari WI70 does this is One of fires iAtl'gtlll0ed into C)1ltar0 to grower is sufficiently intelligent t0 Cvty.'
ltiv, mud all will he bear and ok.lttlea,. i rase to her face, and she Sprang out oY i rotate udgbt ([Sao whoa ho hears that use Ilia own judgment, .kin experiment atiution i'Or 1(itEr
It 1 yon who should be tired, Edith" the By, paid somothinx to the dr ver and, t is redpi a oily, not full and frno par• the quietest and most debonair mall cheek the San Joao scale insect on study of flax cultivation and manu-
yald 0list and I shall be glad when !t pushed star way into the hall before yet, dot, and that the sentence still stull4i In the capital, Meet him ill a draw- peach trees, and almost immediate -
1s, ever, for :your otic. How much you who had raised his Aat, could noproech Mina lowered her eyes as if she could no A facture. has been established. at
have (10110 for met'.' her. andureyythe tnleeiyy in his. 1 ing-room., and he looks as if he were I ly it was seen that this lime -sulphur 11C�L.RVELS OF SURGERY. Moscow.
As ho entorod, Clive lair Ills opponents, I Olive waited for some minutes, then hoarseelyEdithl 11' you knew--" he said• made to fit the part. At first destroyed, as.. if by magic, the oy-
3Ir, gordon and Mr, BrodCY. in the front went into the passage and naked the hall- I For kitchen use there has been
yyonto. fifr Gorden bows(. and Smiled; keeper rot Idled veronio . Vernon. DOAureeproach nghyoy " alto said in w low. rn glance, you would never pink kiln star slielb scale, or bark louse, aa Operations 'Which for ;7aring Are invented at machiva to char �n and '
Broddy, wbt had lCoahkl beside him,' "i think she's Sone, su, sold the man,. agitated voice. .'Yen were free, I left out as one who could keep huiran it was. called 1n this locality. 1'lte - - � '
wooled. Ae alive seated litknanlf, he "I'll inquire for you." you Pran. -Oh, I cannot BAY Any more, ann• Nuttill for Age of Miracles. polisb steel knives at the sams,
caught stlt'ht of HariU-•who buil, oYcourso, I $e came beak presenEl9.. 'fes. s1 r, she's 1,0E stuy,i' she broke out, the tears machinery 1namcMtll •ru'rilling Ol'drr.. bark lon6e had don8 aitch d08t1'ite•
neulo down with her mistress to Brimfield one, She want out by the front antrauee.' i tion on apple trees in these 00110- ;Nile,
•- in tm neat behind him. The orKan, Of R Clive realized with something like a : LbroatentuR to start to bet, eyes; but site But when yon.- begin ,t{, talk to Win, PP The clinic CUngresa at C,<I11Caga Australia will establish an avis-
- wh10h brjma(41 twee ,lustly proud, played earl rollef that Tibby had been one too' quiet dignity. I moat rove them back, and Iecall. him go. They- hey] yDn find Rn exlilantptl.Ori, .EIC. is flea that the pl�spect- looked very seems the climax o£ modern surgery tion pool to teach her militia o -
au ovortm:a, and ilio aoucort proper be .many for lite, leu went round to tela will miss ala and, wonder. I a'nl worry- T blue indeed to the a le grower. f
Be•=n• .many but oho trooper had'alrtady ltokea'i,o; I am uCL I am gird we have mot, oserved. He doss not.obtrude in- PP g and is surely a triumph Of which oars to become aeroplane pilots.
Dnaft performer was rerulved,. with un-, the door; and Clive walked Slowly to the that You have told me that you wrote. • i,c ;110 conversation. .I'lllt L411eII he Lime-Rulpllnl', I11'Ope1'ly applied, the medical world everywhere may °1) P a'
fila od a mtauae, evoty Boux and lnatr t- committee -rooms, Yea Tibb, had saved saved the situation. Mora than 12,000,000 gallons Of
mea Lai . coo was on and the l7irea- the situation, and unwlttingvl prevented ama �L[w�; tbec°anaoaiioty 1 own tlnlnkhoP•yoil 1R drawn ill t4 it, ,yOtt Plea AL• Anel: be jnstly.piroud. Before a thousand gasoline rovers produced from natur-
iern, at a brrtk of oho platform, beamed him Yrom Puflicting pah, ou Mlvlt a, - But the diiliculty of the matter P
with coruriuctmt satisfaction. Presently. He tilos to throw himealf into the bud-Ielnk ,without Dain -without shame." ted theca that 130 linglv'5 what 'lie is talking lies in the fact that lime -sue hili experts In 'surgical •teehnlC there al gas in the United St&Ws last
tboro wad A. little hill, followed by the' peas before him; but it, was with infinite to his fano brave y, but
Utal1S lifted
about, i'.ou Observe also that he P + were performed operations which ',ear. .
Atir at' al{oif,atlon which pu;rka the an-' weariness that he got through It, and "a- i Ret ell your goodn(mte W one. I ane never iS � horOltglily wide-awake. '_ There t1n10F9 applied Very strong, is nota for 'their marvelous Glaring - match 3
pearmnte of a ban "•lit. and partleular Star, turned to the ' Royal Hart. He Snent a repay lt. I have not tried," alio nddcd fungicide at all (apple scab. is a Hardwood 9awduat, dried' and
Lord OltggtevletRil, wha wao sitting on by
night, oountinR tlla hours oLraok with a touch aY her wonted. girlish sem•, is not much 'that comes within tile-t$0'age Of miracles in al ' erary . :�
the left, of C1live, Consulted 111e programme. by the church oloo!c--whish lila pltait,v. "And I -I wish you every ha.pnt• range Of his notice that escapes hie fungus), and eOnaEquentlY a Valy particular, save raising the dead. sterilized by intense heat, i8 COm-
"Tble IA trite yoilnR girl, i'oronica Ver•: under .hie bad, 6o near and plainly n nCaA I pbOr 2'eme fOr fungus diseases, , Ing into use is Germany for dress.
, napil, alt<nn Y, tg111.: oil I board at bion a;atent .was it yrut when It lUttn°latmod I Far, pod's sake!" ho nleAdea hoerSoly. &ttentl:on. Ile .is Email, :I:TC is � �.o adduce a few instanot s, .At
rtl0sfror,' Ilii said. Hha had a wonderful `savor, lie rose with a. bad headaebe, lead "To this the last word; is this our Yate-' quiet. But h0 is efficient. Chief of R'h1Ch diseases i8 apple' the Clinics here conducted portions ing wotind8, ,)
. voiaa, lied to a remarkably pretty girl.- hie breakfast, mail wont out. well our real Darting. Minm?" he flatrial; q , • ,• scab. And now •that the bark louse PO ,- Dancing slippers with rubber
,'Ah.-bordµI,;a nomas.. I it ,was a lovely morning, And ' Clive, moat lnarliibly, "Ah! What•can l eaY? It was. the �tiestern C)n tal:2o Of the intestines have been lemon
rhe arid once clapped 'fnrlousl9 as ilia • ]Asyut¢ oho high AtruoE-Cha errand lays, What could lieeay? Oartatnly ha oould� 1a Well liridCr control and San Jose plugs in. the soles to prevent their
YelnxiR: slight ilRuro came slowly up the. else shelling, t mata..,aud' sweeping .not tell her that he was marrying Lady .peninsula which gave F. C: T. scalp fs' not in thin locality, the ed, A Piece of bone has been taken wearers losing their footing aro a
Atapa and on -to the platform. Clive wee out the shops, stooping to look after him. Bluth batsman lie was forced to do so by O'Hara to Ganada. He, is the se- from the le of a patient and used
lookingg ,it t] emirs, and ells noL'vvith curious interest-Rninod too mead• a akaptor of accidentalme-sulphur becomes proportion. g novelty, -
raiao 7tis'oyC'ci until the prelude of the
onteido Ehu town. Novv W1ati the cP-. Hiro ,tree silent for a. moment or two, cone] son Of•7Lobert O'Hara,C)'iirAwile ate] leas valitabl0 as a general to mend a diseased spine. Split „.'!
eaompmnttnont had boort got throe h and' fent of the Sudden at tY MYam ]tad y g The Tale of Wight 18 t0 b0 con- i
t� a then also said RraYelY( was 11lastar in Chancier at Cha arm bones that would not knit
;file )list nCteS of the einRor rtso in the worn ou, k0 realised the hopaleoenos6, the Yee, I_.I hope we shall not moot again. y spray mixture. i)f CCni'sC, lime- netted with the mainland by a four-
Oronwded hall, Then the proorrammo flut• nnwisdom or his impulse of the nikht be• Laet n[ght— Cham. His grandfather. Was a ells- sUl )huT, if a lied ver sir-0ng-•- have been pfnuecl'to�etl3Qr by silver
•;erne f.M,m -lila halts, the calor, traded from ford: It vias bettor that tlioy should not "Last night!" He caught her lit) with till ui'shed Uff-cer in the British 1 nP y nails and screws. The entire lungmile subway containing an, electric
Ills Paco, mud he oat, like a thing of atone, meet. what he knew to be a moan cuirerness, g say one t0 nine or tCn--it will Ile railroad. - „J
"Lacing at the girl, who stood, with down. And as ho thus reflected bitterly he aaShe blushed. 'Leet night I -I was stmt- at'lny. I4lilitaly training and legal effective to check the blister mite of a dog has been removed and re-
ITofAG.oYe and modest mita, pouring out her. led by the eight of you. and -and -it all knowledge are not bad inheritances placed as a hint of what may be An organized effort will be made
the Until voice which he knew So well. She wee walking a little ahead of him came back to'me so Suddenly, like a flood, g ( , , and perhaps, to a t•e1•y slight ox- 1 5 to measure the soot and dust in the
.Its sal; ]ilia a man in a trance; his down. the lave. Iife Boast leapt and his that-thaur-- But it will not Ilan eu to have in one's blood. " `P. G. 11.' tent, the bud moth as well as tile ilia future treatment of tubarcu
11Aa:rt,declined. to have erased to Met, lie pulse quickened no he caught oiSht QP the RRain. No;,L¢ will riot nlYeat me So again, -h8 is usually re£erl!ed t0 b Lis loris. The calloused skirt oil the atmosphere- of Birmingham and
aearv,nlyy breathed. It. gs eahl that In ilia slight, graceful amnia; and all the oke y scab ; but it must not be forgotten
meupht, before death all ace's pest lite logo which hod only been sleopiti- 1.•oSo I think now .[ have seen you that I shall a •eS 4f a child thus blinded from Other English Cities. -
be -morn at peace." initials -Dame into this inheritance that lime -sulphur is no poison. It 3
pA9,ees before ones consciousness; it was within him like an'ardont Sams, a Same This was too much for him. "Mina]•' l 11LOre than 80 manufacturers were
He with Olive at that 7 oment, Every .in• that tortured as It consumed him. Sao aiertr Chatham On November 7 1810, kills the 8CAI8 insects because 41birth has been pierced. By hl'Aln
1i-wermuehuob aIlcannoil Goodbelpnot t)me, His experience of life, in which he cements them down, not becauseic+perations upon prisoners the Sa" representoct recently at London's
olden;, of tho'pu:st. with which Mina wile were a plain morning track of blue eerie
ton mtod, 'roar before him, end the voice- arid. a Tan]. o' Shanter, and she carried I am tied and bound, a slave, but it is first exhibition of industrial motor
tit which alto had apokea to him in tits hot• gloves in her hand as if Abe Stud not too late;' learned hero t0 deal with men, WA:s they are poisoned by it, (vents demonstrated the surgical vehicles exclusively. ■treat wbon Ike hiwl rosetted hor. at Cha, caught them un AA she left the hotel. She IIA had taught at her hand,. and, grnsp• varied. After completing 'his eda- This year (1913) it has been clear- I cure .for criminals. Spectators y
Tate, Oallor,V• in the army hall--whaid was walking slowly, her head bent; a o Ing: it hightly. •drew her noarer to ,hits,. The Cit Of Dundee will erect in
+h0 had naval Ilia life --at the bedside tape listlezeneas evident in her bearing; Cation in the local schools of his I•v demonstrated that lime -sulphur have watched the effects of radium y
rrl4 nn liar73or egos hate -closed, nod lie saw her concoction with its municipal as- i
erquirdtorrptmeltdlly, Nvitli Wliit She was now she drawhherrself tip iatndswa kedimorn i native city, young O'Hara want to olid not. cheek the scab; and, in mineral u -
quiver, and bond towards him AS a flame upon . malignant growths, P g
IhnAlhile the hall. quiaklY;. but he overWak ]nor vary soon, is Swayed by the wind, then, with a fn nt works a.plant for the production of t
A kind of dull amazement eat upon him.
••Minn,!" he said quickly, p1'TNo,anool oPlease, let me sol dThererAro Baltimore, where he studied in the those
nor noltseal) }the. reason LLL'tag not sat exits under a Clewaanaestl et a� tar and other by-proucts.
She wad lovelier tbR.n evert with all her She it O?Dpod (lead short, and paused a some people.' t Berlltz rSchool Of Languages. 1.+)1 • (p The Portuguese modOltty nha bora herself like a young moment bCYoro she turned he�rRhead, hor glivo Eurnied his head a:ngrilY, and caw some years he stood at the desk in that the ]ime-sulphur had killed it, l method have actually tvatt:hed an gu Government Ilan .,,,,,iffl
was 11formile llniihlr °Ito Nvo ;tau there face flushing n shtey, llrned air Jookeed eat some putBans aominR down. the lana. one banlring offices; and no doubt it was but because there would have been Operation performed upon them Planned an extensive system ai
girl, to vvomwu, ao love- ns death; and s t of them was a woman wrapped in xplu• uireleHs tele ra b stations to link
ly. no bdvvltoliing. i him as if she were incapable of Speech. minoud drapery, with a veil lialftdown at this time that he acquired some. Jlgne in any ease. Selves. In short, the whole clinical g P
.rhe aanS ended, and was instantly fol•' In that moment leo saw, how much she had across hor face. It was Sara. In hie. our. Iri 1912, Owing t4 nriltsttallr favor- exhibit at this congress has been -,isbon with its colones and other
ltivrd by a buret of outhusiastld applause
changed. ILS had left her a shy, almost prise at het• appearance, and lila iudigna. of his pollAh, while striving 'to live
and shouts or i'lhtoorei" in whlolt even timid gh•1; non;, oven in that moment of tion -fes it flashed upon him that she a to what is expected of the young able. conditions for the scab, it ole- one startling feat of professional European capitals, '
the at,nhoaLra. joined. Clive glanced Rt the stress and Strain, she was, though still a )oust have been ,erring on tbenl ha Ira- P P veloped to all .astonishing extent, practice following close upon the The opening of a .new railroad in
ovolle,41-a, unA lsow tellp bent form of the girl 1s, years, a 'woman in her power' of leased Mdna's hand, and she gases liin, bank clerk,
Iutnabback, DI)a7In. LYli�ell he had not no• self-commsad; and liar eyes miter the slid walked to qulek'Y. As Sha want to• Private in September and October, on both heels of another. German East Africa early next
- tiond before. No, ft was no vi+fon, no hat ars; monuout, mot lila-steu,lfiy. wards the ITfnEloo wotnan, Sara otopnto- 1. v ate leaves and fruit, producing blaFk A eneration A O P ,
]itoin,ltidl7:' it was Aline horse f. no longer i Mimo nt said again. Sho' had ilii Of- g g manT Df ;lase yCai' will ile5gl0 3$4 000 Square ,1
And. looked At her with P. fier°e' tht'eatea• patches and spots not enetratin t
the Wi51Y and stray of the ntreets, but a Pored her (nand, and they stood regard inn stare; than She walked on nntit she His entry into 1118 Government l r P r g Operations which have Como 121;0 Mlles of territory with a population
queen of sotife naltngwledgoil qnd aw!laim- Ing each other like two beipgd gazing came to Clive, where she Stopped and Service game through the door of the skin. This rendered the apples actual and assured practice would of 10,000,000:
TitAa such )v liar. enthuffiast)e audience.. from opposite, Sides of a wide gulf. I salaamed.
f. in tot Ina muolt to any that Olive loot tried to see you last night. I went to the (To be continued.) the private secretary -an entrance unsightly and unsaleable, but in no , have been deemed chimerical and Carlsbad, Germany, sly law re -
all notate of 10,R surrounding, that lie vv a back of the hall. He knew by tho ex- - 1 .
ovoi•whelmsd h.v the Aud en backward nraaAloa of her oyaA that Ti-bb:v had not which has introduced a goodly num- other tva3( clad it injure them. The Impossible of .achievement. ThanlYb quires all btlildi.n'gs to be as nearly
nigh of vnamory; his emotion e}}11ho( told her that She had seen bin]. ' I want i ; ;.' ; 1 ber of efficient administrators. For trouble Occurred in Orchards shad- 1 t0 ;110 assiduous study and porslst- fireproof a5 possible, . with the i'e-
A iirrrft tide; lin realized that to hAd been ed to Sea you. to tell ou ,tow mu°L---' FIl:iNCIS CIL RLES T. o }11RA. ten ears ho eontinuecl in tlli8 rola- ed., poQrl •pruned or in a eOnclitioll I 1 'S a Ain
uv11- ! and Y Y ant experiment of medical entllu- salt that the Qty firem n e
r 1, r arta; o Inst two or tkrno mont.hA He pAmeCd. How bans the weds so �. P
1s, A kind of dream, that ho had been edl ion are ,van?" riot] i tion to Sir Richard Cartwright, and otherwise favorable to the disease. siasts, surgical science ban reached most of their wages as chimney
unKht alt' by the wind of olroumstnnne, I 'Quito well, she Said very quietly. .altada's•I)elluty 111 nester of Trade I
and driven vv!thout volition Into a ovurco "And -and there is no noel to ask who• then in 1908 was made superinten- Tt then got it tremendous start in: a level where none dare dogmatize sweeps.
or life in whioit his hoar;?le,d no part, ther you are flourishing. You have and Commerce. dent of commercial agencies. Two the fall of 1912, aboming the results 1 upon its limits. It has next to the An iron monument in the form of
Ladv lCdit3l'a vc]ee %e ded.him Rani his brought truth to aur prophecies. You are iii 1913, and t]iis' accounts far eta � '
ret•Arin. the state of stupor, on the road to fame, ars famous aiready" The hese] of the consular service years later he became chief con- 1 C ! labcl'at-0ry., made a• nQty crit exalt stepped. pyramid surmounted by a
"Whv don't yor clan, dearea0" she ask- Again ]ill telt }low banal, how weak dna troller Of Chinese immigration; appearing fele And there even in in 1neGltcIll lore and research lobe, 90 feet hi h has been ereet..
(tui• they wjjti beautifully ornere etW�! what°1s on I'Last tile nights triumph;he is but Oneor
of Ganatla is Francis .Charles and in the same year acceded to the orchard -A sprayed with limn -sill -11, g 1 g g '
q YTrench 0 Hara. That is not what mong the mightiest e'kce leneies of ed at Leipzig to symbolize the. Ger-
the Matta. Olive? }:O Are puha pate: many I aunposp?" gs2tioA Of de ttt 11linister, phur, Any fruit -'rower knowing,'
ern volt ill -P" she ingnit•ad Auttlausl9. "Phot' aro always very kind 'to ice, vis," he is usually called, either officially p deputy the limitations of Intoe -sail her nine a marvelous age. Sufferers whose man iron and steel industry.
C11YA shook his bend;. for a mon,onb he she said. Ike• votes was still low. and It Apart from his official duties 1I1. P ' des ;oraleplight Was Once .3'ear ringson the scales ef. fishes
FAent4t {,jiulpn131n of sneaking. There lura did not queYal• now; hilt her epee LYOra or c011Ogt23ally, l,ll't that after all 38 make good lige of 1t, I>llt 110 Intl At I l judged
a nuddon oyie n ;atieA Vernon was alto
to ownngf and he kaovY flirt her heart lues He is a is a man of wide interests. not expect it, a "cure-all" for apple hopeless: have the greatest reason .are used in Norway and. France t�
, I oren, 8wen6 Home As ; sire he salt in the u"I 1Am eo ;rind so delighted," he said in------�.�9 - 730 is a member of the bcs�t clubs scab. ]This will have been demon• I to rejoice over the vict.:,ries of sur- determine the age of sardines,
mldiile et Lha nomad. verse, the aadleuco the same tone, a tone. meant to mask his *«� v*,3 in. the capital. IIs plays golf. lie ical research and experiment. whether the have reached their
agitation, stratecl to quite a number this Sear. g P y
lisLAninR rs-iY -spellbound, with taarA in agitation, "I did not -know You. were go. fsi, % rides to hounds. He has taken an Ifull growth and when the will '
the P,vee of inan'.y of them, wIlon surldeillY ing to be .here, to sing; did not knew �'� \�; *�� tI. �`_. �'.:; Bill, \YJlI ask ''What will take. it3_11+_g' y�
the singer tattered, and then e�anitr!d. A that Yen had become no famous.•' "I active ;°¢� ; active part ill the movement ini- placei,i ii01'tleaux mi\cure, This Spa'wn-
kind of lhriil ran through the .*1 lonttl No?" she said, ) tiated by Barl Grey for the fm- (100;1 A(ll'if!o.
every 01.0 was .fixe;] on .Loi•, and it tvaa 'NO. I have not haard ariyth]ng of you , ,' `l is a certain fungicide for Any fun• The Chilean Government is •giving
seen that 0M Alin bail- -ano, doritbty sitter— And yet I ltavo 'Searched for ,h ?�,,,a t, ` °2 s•3� ' eH prevenient of Canadian dramatic Dentist...... Have .volt been an
white. amd 611mt her gaze seemed n bu Ytu.' 1- . gas it can reach, notably apple 3'- much attention to the development
rtvetAd on patio one or Something i's, the ' Why?" Abe naked gravelY. a and musical art. He is an author'; ,seal,, grape milclew, potato blight, where else 4', of the coal mines of that country,
. middle of'the front seats, .Clive looked away across the oornflolds a .y his chief contriblutien to literature 'Patient -i I went to :ee the cheni-
fi'hs and;ion aossatiolt of tate swoot, na• ripening to lw:rYest. What could 110 art• ` being "Snap Shorts from Boy Life." bleak rot u£ tomato aril others. 1st in our village." a'hieh in time are expected to pro-
thetln votoo, the allot or the bon,,itlPul awOrP -Spray mixtures for chewing in < g duce, enough fuel to 'supply.. the
face iu1•vo the anitleneo Something like 'I was interested, Ait, Mfnm, why diol „- - t�; Hie marriage 1s -a Striking eYan1ple _ _!^ - - . Dentist -"And what idiode ad- l
ehna5c: mid theY, tnnnod and SaO,tod curl ,YYou think it necessary to ay tram v;e, t ._...__.___..-'-----'--'- -----
lnrite ClemauCl:
oualy, half foareuily, 1tt the diretion in disapeear, hide yourself, as if .You )vera- `' ,� ., ��. of how the social life o£ the capital ""' - vice olid he give volt?" For destroying dirigible balloons
- lrbid, hor eyes_ were fixed, Insinctively. yea,, afraid of mel'" ;. tt tai ..:,, �" r disregards political lines.. For Corby, one of the staunchest sur- Patient -"He told me to coma Italian army :officers have invented
with a. deblro to gle to her, Clive halt roso; Slid regarded him with surprise, a pain• +n
Inttitilatoly, Other persons had also risen, ad surprise-" '� },ex �y��y'�a� .Q,• while he was pi secretary to pUltAT6 Of elle opposite Ipa1'tl'. SO 811d Ree you, fill':!' shells carrying Oxygen and plabi-
and ,his movement iup oared to be unno• "Why apatttd I not have delta so? she Fr r>:< , •: one of the most aggressive politioal love laughs at politics as well as at
flood; but as ha sen r (�own again, leo asked, it-•iE cauls mot have clatter d h;;,<. r „h' , -num Rponges in their heads, the
ellartod to took ball' '14 ltlm, and mat },he to you nhetlior I romnined At Beeson. ;' . fighters: in our history, he f-0nncl as locksmiths. -1 ranQis A. Carman in The best piano we+Oce is seasoned latter becoming red hot on enter-
dark. plorotnu area of Pays, axed n, }11311, Bente. or went elsewhere." ,, 3 ...lee his life -]nate the daughter of Harry Star -Weekly. , 40 years. ° � g a
Thai, was nortia6hiti; a niottr fn thou ox- As alio spoke he tlotiood the chanRo in \ c� ing 'the bydrogen and ,exploding' tate 14
pression, in the straight ]Jim of tho 11F,is l her votes and tone. They had always erg �t� 1 - mixture of ilia tWq. gases:
and .Ire', n1Csm8tR'oyce '1li3aUed from Ice, been refined, but they wor0 i,tw marked S��'c, a _..i. -- ' - r—
fatA W .th.o' tivtilto'oue oP the girl ou ilio by n. sav0lve faire whlth• nuito 'wrtnglq. b �u v - To dt',tt:;it- glee its -mines there has
platform, . - by the way, wo consider the Mariano], of .Y"t _ .. ( boon invented Apparatus wherein a
What is ,61to matter P" naked 7,ndy the higher ofAAuses. He looked At list endly.
l;ditb, 1vHilt slruilem ingitlrieS atnue from Aid yon tliinlc mp r� selfish, so heart ii,a h �`` rat O erat2S a treadmill to furnish
dIlTerarlt )arts of the hall. I less no not to caro what became of it?" 'w �':^ �� . d•' 'p
It wins �(ord Ckeaterleigh Who auawerod, he said. ; '��'r i�� ,J power for a small. 1riCaritlesCCnt
alien 1. )In 770 ens". "Parr til 1 have boon ffIle vsaw t1tat 'rod
sltgl,axl affected
cher. � ��a�� ��a " - ramp; the dimming of the light in -
Front ;filo orOheatra m hued tUtli: with a fit wirealce bottcr that I should tic. I Rot .. ` k � 1, that the rat is. affected by
violin int his hand oamo aeroso tlna plat an enga;en7ent to 51119 n•E ane of the We, 1, � " �� gA•5 ..
form Eolvagdo the -Irl; but before lLe � taring places: said that Sed to other oil. t �ay. � � ,B .
could retch he+ --the pause had been real• akirement<v I lino boon very fortnnato, " `vH; a G - -
lv' only ono of a few moolon4s-alto )end I ]lave morn nrrets than T- Rn noceft" .�,,.,n:,,(;'„•�'" � e Ll '
signed to (rhe. omiduetor Rid taker un ns "I am plad." he SAM simply. ' And- : � �;. ..a WILD IIOUSI'1S IN ALBERTA,
Sona; And alto sang I&'throng]; .bravely runt You ere hnn.ny, Minta?" Mr. F. 0. T. O'Hara, - � G hvivnC A t
Wild ail the Mara let 1,
IV t)oneusa Oit ILA <itd not Itnow, then. how cruet the y ••-•---
tlto i:rdmdr In Iter voido, yYitt ]tor seat pnesl'•ion vvns. Bet. ahs did not wluco: e'ko
nota n, voae of applauao ttnd chearitur ra• even forced a anitlo.. IX y�-"�''^`---, t 'k- _ Government �C:rged to Put a Stop
warded bar courage. "1 mil-rm,tont." she in a low ".'as. Itis chief function. Possibly one � 9 s, r
TI andionoe !nsistord t, nn ealiin- 1for "1 love rev wol•Ir,-••I mltst Rn back. What `-
1 reason Wil Nye p�1 -M to Their Depretlation8,
ryRaln wed again; Red alto clinic on, ad a lovalv mo•nfn;l It tem�nted ma - an y v8 Cl0 not iy6 11131'1 ;list _ .` � .�Qf � / •� `
), the atihilttttor, hor, facn at 11 pato. Slid tut, I Afaro �broAkfAAC" He turned vJtb came is thltt Ave are too �ntode8b to � 0 - ,
IV W, a Rrhvo oxpromsoil in hor aye,, Iu•- her, ltia bear; .aching, "Abd yottP Tou �, /, The Minister of Agriculture for
otea,l of, 00 °AnvanLltrial o e. must be very 11ea,nv," she said after a- speak of ,our commercial agents as ' , � ��� °�" � .�, the. Province of Alberta has urged
The ,.Nato Of Ilio oonebrt was a. hind of pause• "I rend s,1+^ut volt in the news- consul$. In cartain important Ib- upon ilia Dominion Government
aptJ•ollmaxl Ovary one was thinkil,g gond pti+�Nnl'.g, Mr. Clive-liaroep." �Z � • � r
a 91'ou• MAniy talk, r, of the girl, ho O. act" Ito Said wineinp, es she lied gal 'Senses Of the Word tlle.s0 rePre- •Fi _ - � j ^i '.ii" . ,the necessity of some steps being
rrowdoe no !linea Roo t n to with " nab done, "gaal ilA Mr, chive, Mina. It sentatives .of Canada in foreign �y r' f taken t0 put f1 sto to the tie ra-
Savo oho 7tfu ;but CTly° All sat aI If it will "ental lilts old tithoA: Uh. h[init e.g �8 - p P P
n w ,tho
et, with a staet, 170 n sod vvhv did von not. answer my ta]e;rritat, lands clD not stF.Ln•Cl qtt .'lle fianlc x `� "Al t t - P dations of wild horses in ;130 1'ba09
I1n 01d tel O%or, fty-euked Ladv 1jt t11's my lotterP Whv did von solid it brick u+r• footing as the consuls of Cbrea'b Bri-
aostsy wrap altar;t, Ilor whiW Shnu� nr , apened? You ltnA.v k 16vel van. (;cuts g r - 1 " r diver country in Western ,Alberta
alts wonAp ant w[tli trite rest, Tinto as rt you not have written mo-ona line, if. only t&in or of any -other independent ;✓ }- } a11d eagt,prn British Columbia,.
vvas, he hAd a itommittoe penult; to at. to Amy 'goad•bye'?" D �'
tond.t inn(. be told Lady .,;'lith ot'thin as $110.-olonned clnRrl Short, alid Ilor blind State'. But, in a very large sense, F,il � - which bas .been one Of the principal
hA ,nut liar lit t, oarringo, went, to bo• boom as. If somothing hnd that is what they really aro. `There � �// t iononritasections of that • art of
'Ob, What n qqUr, dearaliLl' is pg1d strneh' he there are some ;Wont sit of ;lash offs \ - r/ i P g P
'Cau•Ynn, rot.. sktrlc It tau to,nlRhtP Yen "Your tslsalnni-b;Ear?' Shu' ltiwmtllod, J'-• ,�\ IIS Caliada during the gest feW years,
look an pate Ad ;hell, ee 1Y Ton wore Ili,". her fneo suddenly nqle. . I cars; enol. they represent the alar- ��,'."`_..��._ .....--• lie' states that evils horses have
"I'[,, all Airbt," 'be oaldl and 7ta know No looked at, her aluaaild, STinllboond. .. -•�'"�
that, 1,111 vnldnflounded otrange and hoarse. "'Yen: I w1red t,) yon --S wild called awAY. CZlatltS' and farm s and menufac- w.- _. � � -
io )•,y fnthdr-•-hA dIe(1, 1 'wtbta to r -o d--dr_1.s .-.c µr�("'l ; a a''. .• q° _ .•.ltil i p-. made ralClt9 llp'On 1110 1'AnOheS {1f'nOW
"V°d ntiitht„” tillers of Canada in widely sunder- .L-awaltiv 5u aisffktwseaxf:�i' -1s& settlers, It
ban he °arria-o hnd driven cif l,ol front Ltofbornti911-I o°ltld lot '°nm°,. I. , ilung many of the dom08-
wfo04,'with liter hands thrIlAt in his ever, tepid not none ,to volt, or I wmtld have ed parts 0£, the .earth, They are
,mat ptatioW Trio :honAl. ben L. Wan ft bo• done oo.!' Ho ]appall, smitten dumb by be. „ .77 ' . . tie horses the and leading away a num-
. Aeras ivh.o hnd µ;An liim ]list• mitt, had boon w lydor}nOnt. ilio aunn f,i hat• ratio, oflicors of the Department of Trade O 1 i - li1Q • 'c'iLI'1c1that has O inGJi'�'215i'Cl berOf the 1ve11-111red domestic annrea.
-Ptartled!kild, amnion t0. niaaisaf Y. to, l,, �. ' '.1T1F'� -,, ��' v
what did. It mtanP Slid did not love himI voted, milt sots- lbh m note relief, of Jay and Commerce; and. oho Deputy ^" . avluch �bav0.been imported at a con•
sv IVllnlstel of that department is Ml. in price is ha know ;slat; abe ]tad Iola hila no t I'll Cha in it. siderAhle <ltlst to the now Settler.
Moet, eirMtual.lo HtroelnA naap hemi k "k'as, y'9ea; nfn mnrnnl" its Split "M O'Hara. I According to d'tta,wrb statistics
hnrptl,eI' fabnrillt desire a Ab liar fi. Tom".. Ehihx I sSii+nld ha" soub gong away `altll• ' e
pnsSeAalnn aP• lil'ini a dee ra tBaL. was Ir ^^' r,r..(,inr+D vnu eon; the letter YROk T1YOilgll the nlOat OLl tstandillg;.
}rhQsa horae,y ere supposed to be
rongI0I it, without a worili" this headship of the consular ser- ciowen(siants of horses Plbafldoned
diA mat]n sus way through tha orovid to I navoi'--gni IV' ahs, an,[rt Ainwly, nA if , •. _. ,
3•lle acre r of ilia a riot) t] a Atnn*ail. Abe were Speaking to herself rmthor Blau 9100 16 after all only one of the CANADAP � '�ld rhirlu.g this gold rush tell the . ukoh
Art Lha , r0u It souls not wit in and dyeve to hint, - functions -of Mr. Cilias,, . s also {yt Sr
Lim nIN. nd 9iu :wvut round to the ora ted• Ito stirred at ]tor, (lie color coming :and • Territor in 180'7-98.
tra door -iri„a in ble fits&. controls the branch of the Govern- '1t Imtltel concrete that you can depend upon for Satisfactory reivits, whether you use it for it 1110 t ;C+'rOwl the Bow River wea .vval'cl
Yeti navo'rl not fit' lit orlod, ”")float Ment, service which numbered the 1a
'01TAPTI9R xXV. o i ad dean Ail 7'Ihliv If,, 11r nnwbo Iltnt(tor 1s,. Under the Liberal regime . or a garden Walk.y "these arifirv;., have., raided the
Tho.peanto woro ennnl2iR ant• ar 'the nr, lisp, "hle'iootlt clonohat, ]tie toad a dusty people, . 14i'oh quality and low ptace are maide pziisk,le by efficient otpntzaiion and meaufactWaig rAnche.8 Of the Sel+tleta M tAP"{q•.Gn'1v
AbeAtra sup•tti, mad tnlvo steed nAldo to lot red, ilio oensu'a was made by tiro' bb- as 7ittYuloo R, and 4',he contrar,•.i;ora
Ann) -"mail, The rmrlod•. At waltinir gmvo ' (;bo who A]lptlt for a plemont, .Hien aIle partment of Ag1'iculturq; but whan ,economist dols io a large aAtl Qrbwing demaald. 1? ( )
for l! wh .,o( eta
h m "till a dW Lady
' ' wn• nnahRoQ t�v Lad 1]t]it t: aIle• � c' rotfsa
'� y 1
tanked at him,
I n•n,--rto- 7- n, wrnl,n," Cha An•iit ill•
HOn, George iii, I?o5t@]" Oa,1110 111, ho
.�68 filet CYEfy fieri Pf CkdXlAtlt OU bn bGar1 tyta
y y L "CWda label. .-it, t1 yotw avaraatrm
On Lha Grant] ,yi•t1bic l.aulil.o 71an-
- ..
way 11aV0 1lR deal] 6uffel'ed 1t7aB8R of,-'.
. IIs.( lie ' to" eonkIlth, R ,"lust al- +.vitt tiro,
the girl slip, find r tusel 1110I p Wh t right
.�jy. - -. Irad 170 to Polk;) life rroadn,4 an or, to
moot in n,,tdibl. , "I thought thnt-thab
volt livid Obanp od Your »Lir fl. Ah, v ?t
+•oil wore Proa Will , po., It.- b wall A, hill,,
relieved tho Hon, Martin Burrell
of this part of his -work, There was
of 1atNfaction. 1,
�'•i y� � ��+� i a. - "
}old Orted Atlimals. ll:sed Oil elle COCl- -.
�w4Tk {'in t11A .'oat , .
r' ,, xusa liar ombar.risamett, not•itano nai»P
4 h"'
Kahl botwean ne: (leo you m",embdrP Yen
a good deal of:jllstifioation for so
4 lei-'- CE�11�'ll'lit t 'Mrom nfuty Liwft Mont"
silt]] end anAwdr oWY: bill still
,. a IiARordk,
L '
-vnu warn quits troe--suite. And
doing, . too, hbetittse Agrioulttire
f!'rWrjer ra f?va rol}y o•/'rlr back "!i",brrt rlrt,l"rfrfrm G'aw•.I:o 11P 94 CesrrsM.'i
.+-" - • - e
Tho drown ±,inti 'W a*ow IsT" And rvA•
'M'a"'r sully a -AV i�"evik ftp• Ynoido It, wµi+0 Tit"
"Yal ivrouir-A rto er"ollYl" 110 orl„d,
U, v fi, rel 1111 lloArt In tl+o orv. "(Ne
wa:R a ltBaV, d8 Artmeut and '.(rade
Y It
Iyer. a and c ill i
p f lJ y 11 Wi 1 d COVCY
•A trs(iAftrinn TibhY, aRil. (itoarat
tfiI the•,c rianta aP ltlon,••Ulit wits; i(_1 at
I at'Onotifloen otgpovtions, end sdo:rne(1 bT
]line. tiJAt+'t. wt,(t knew t1'.t 1 loved YouP
TtinE T wharfs""ill eknntlaP'"
;The color flooded face, then it Went
and ClDt)Y71ICl'OC a ratllCr 011e,
' W
At ilia 6att10 tul2o it 19 to its follaatid
,:, .: ,
that at laAst 'half{llsdppciutt
bluaeinot in iiie.
;tutu Are ,41,s
• -
•.,.W_r.-,aµ,,.":�-.�a.�.,,..,.�w.- ".�..,,,wao,.".-,w ,...,:...w,w.."o,.,:.:..-7 ..-v7.•u,^� •,' , .. ., . 1�
, .