HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-1-1, Page 6_misettold ,sherry in Jelly Fornts.• nees'est• thing in cranberries berry jelly made solid and eltt, in little blocks, That very new, but then, styles 'Change in cranberries as in Skirts and bodices, ;s6: s the good old cree- k d',enottgh in the good �. f kt, to se6e cranberry sk with' Eli neefaust make a is ad reit will hold its sugar and fill the dish 'with alter- nate layers of berries and sugar until you have used a pound of sugar, Cover the dish closely and, bake for about an hour in'a moderately hot oven. Worth mowing., If a elothesliue is boiled Before ib is used it will net stretch. • Enamel ware which has become discolored can be. easily scoured with vinegar. For the ironing board try a pati made of old newspapers under the ironing sheet. Wood alcohol evi11 take vaseline stains from wash goods. Soakthem a few minutes in the alcohol A tablespoonful of vinegar put into the .water in which meat is boiled will.mako it, deliciously ten - der. :!!tile hot in a flat, Pack glass or china in hay which r? dripping pan if it is is slightly damp. This will prevent `"isiero berries should the articles from slipping about. I sugary i desired If a su •air coat s s ire d on lemon merinue pie sift powdered sugar over -the top before it is put into the oven. Lamp chimneys rinsed in ammo- nia water, dried .with a soft cloth and finally polished with tissue pa- per will shine beautifully. If bamboo furniture is inclined to .e in bontac`b•with tin as d •in them affects `the tin. he jelly 11/ or two Inches end when it is cold and very lit it with a sharp, thin steel ,;} 'ti or two-inch squares. rs a recipe for jelly that is 'sough to block: Wash thee- / a quart of sound cranber- THc SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JANUARY 4. Lesson 1.• Jesus and the Children.. Mark 9. 30-41; 10. 1340. Golden Text, 1 Let. 11.5. Chapter 9. Verses 20-32, Following the trans- figuration and the subsequent heal - ling of the lunatic boy (Mark 0. - 29), Jesus aga..n went Lath with -his disciples from thence, that is, from the region of Caesarea Philippi (Mark H. 27) ab the foot of Mount Hermon .and about thirty mires northeast of the Sea of Galilee. Passing southward through the province of Galilee, the scene of his recent public ministry • and great popularity, he avoided as far as possible the crowded high- ways s o g P i public thoroughfares n ways andt g order that he might be alone with his disciples, to whom at this criti- cal turning point of his ministry he had many things to say concern- ing its more serious purpose and final outcome. ejecting any that show a soft crack, mix together equal parts of Son of.man—Referring to ass himself in the familiar Messianic phrase oc- d being careful to remove all linseed oil and turpentine and rub curring in Dan. 7. 13, though pro- Put them in at porcelain or it on the furniture with a soft rag. bably with the deeper thought of saucepan with half a. cup- When making garments for a ha- his representative humanity in of -cater and a heaping cnp• - NrA'P'Pt11'(111pro zaar it is a gaud idea tg ,all the mind, Jesus points out to his clic- By Paquin J3eri•holle, Paris. :whited sugar. Cook scraps that erre left into a little ciples that the popularit which he of ev broadcloth with io'boiler rather than bundle and fasten them to the gar- ltas thus far enjoyed will net long broad Model belt nd velvet scone,. t heat. Then rub went, continue and that in its stead per- . seoution and death awaited him. Understood not the. saying -,As RATS SPREAD LEPROSY. yet the understood little concern- ing the true nature of his mission Forty Million do $60,000,000 Dam - and Kingdom that his prophecy of age Annually. apparent failure and defeat was to Forty million rats in the British them neseincomprehensible. Yet the Isles annually destroy merchandise seriousness of his manner and Dr. W. words overawed them and they of the value of $80,000,,000. Allen Daley, medical ]'^filth of- ficer afraid to ask him to explain of Bootle, England, in a recent more fully his meaning. issue of Public Health, calls abteu- 33-37, Disputed one with another tion to the pernicious activities of —The human side of the disciplesthe rat and his body parasite the is reflected t fact that the Ilea'. Bate not only.. destroy much serious words off their Master were valuable goods in warehouses and soon forgotten, and as they pro- on shipboard, but as 'carriers of pro- ceeded with him along the way disease they are recognized as a their minds were again filled with onstant menace to health. visions of the coming glory of the cThe Cheops flea, which lives en Kingdom which thew Master woes the Indian rat, and the banded flea, to establish, and with questions common on English rats, are large- andaoneerning their relative �, Jesuson ly held responsible for the spread rank in that Iiingcl • Jesus y p° a esand of bubonic plague. Both of these doubtlesspHated the e t rats bite humans, and experts re - theyca ihedted discussion elwhves port that increases in •the run of they carried on among tut heesves fleas correspond almost unfailingly n Rhine aunt( from him, but Che per- with the rising outbreak of the nothing .until they - reached Caper- a naum, on the northern shore ofplague. to says Dr. Daley,the Galilee, and a natural stopping ratof India 1728, says Dt lenge point fir their longer journey land. About that year it was driv- seuthward, Here, however, in the en out by the larger and fiercer seclusion of some lodging place, Norwegian rat. Later the .Indian` perhaps the !tome of Simon Peter, erat got a foothold again and to -day re asksasoning 'otthem concerningn the way. Ignoring ing ng it is much in the majority in the rat r their .silence and embarrassment population on wharves, in store - and still intent ors teaching them Houses and along the Liverpool wa- the true spirit and nature of his ter front, Kingdom, he gathers the twelve One serious problern in the fight about him in 'es closer 'circle and in against bubonic plague is the fact a short, epigrammatic sentence that animals associating with the sets forth the fundamental prin- rats attract and carry the same eiple of his Kingdom. fleas. In California much money Took a little child . . . in his has been spent in destroying the arms—By way of illustration and ground squirrel, In England the to make it very clear that their wild hares are said to he infected. task as his disciples and ambassa- Rats have recently been accused dors is not to scramble for recogni- 0f spreading leprosy. .Dr, J. Be tion or rank, but to teach others, Riclon, of the United ,'States Public even little children, and in so do- Health Service, founcL .bout six ing they would be serving both him thousand rats in the town of Maya - and the heavenly Father, whom it guez, Porto Rico, of which three was the purpose of his life to reveal had leprous nodules the physiolo- unto them. gical evidence of leprosy. In Corea, The remainingverses of chapter Dr. T. Isehiware found five out of P seven hundred rats infected. Ex- with0 continuehishe discussion in Jesus envies of leprosy infected rats have hire disciples concerning hu- ? � r mility (9. 38-50). been found in New Caledonia, Le Chapter 10. Boeuf and'Solomon, a sieveanicl mould in ycLse t erule foi''the on emu - pe tine for titan- ause of it in all the to use and 1oeN6eupful." And mer !1th,l�e,a��llowenee Itell,e, might need to 'aide, e :et.anberry jelly eglin the stores )f jelly, put up It can be made ich a way that it Months. So -when .,..ap it would be a a storeof erau- ' it away in jars. .e to forte is c jell to keep s Y )(quarts of care- eiberries . with wa- vin a porcelain kettle tat a .qr]n slowly until they au ani.* t. Then rub them al ek" ;gee e sheve. M easure . e aloyg rheend to each pint al - 1.• granulated liberry back over 1, and add the 'le of the mixture is dropped on a se it from .the fire sterilized jelly. with paraffrne. Pie.—In: England resot used for jelly. he for tarts. The coot" a beverage nice that 1s very ,pe for a cranberry vorite dish on this as well as in is pie plate with free -cupfuls of a, cupful and - a d when they are through a sieve or vooden spoon Until skins are broken. :are into the pastry home paste and cut half an inch' wide he pie pan's.dia- then strip big; h around the pan. e '{trips one way of am S Stripe across ads. Arrange YOUTHFUL GERMAN PAIRS, t __.., aund 'the edge --•-• edicts. Beat Brides And Grooms of 15; Widowers with a little of 16 and 17. tr.'ps of crust A recent publication of the Imperial and bake the pro Bureau of Statistics in Germany, nailthe erns( i5 gives .some interesting particulars concerning the, age of parties who contracted marriage during the year 1910..The youngest bridegroom was only. 15 years old; but el youths, a year older, 18 were married and one Wile already a widower. Marriages at 17 years of age were much more numerous, for there were CO youths married at this age, of whom one was a widower. At the age' of 18, inari'le..ge is by no means an excep- tional condition, for 511 young linen of 18 were married, six were widowers and one was even divorced. As for the young Women in Germany, the youngest brides are also' aged 16. Sixty-four girls or that age were married hi 1810; while there were 589 married women of 16 years, of whom 12' were widows and one di. 'voreed. 'Prom the :tame report we derive the following figures concern - The best way to clean the bean - pot Fill -with cold .water, put in some kind of washing powder and Cover. tight. Put on the stove and let it cone to a boil, This will make it easy to wash. A good method of cleaning black jet is to first brush it free from dust, then apply a little olive oil by means of a brush, then polish with chamois. Care should be taken not to break the jet. • m PUIIE AIR AND IMPURE. Not So had to llreothe Foul Air, Says English Physiologist. Fresh air fiends will get little support for their propaganda in the views of Professor Leonard Hill, •an English physiologist. He maintains that bad air is not so very bad, after all. He says it is an erroneous idea that the air of close, crowded rooms is contami- nated by the exhalations of human beings and is impoverished of oxy- gen. Int is the heat in a close ronin that makes us feel uncomfortable, not the lack of oxygen or the surplus of carbonic acid in the air, accord- ing to the professor. The only 'ef- feet of an excess of carbonic acid— supposed to he very poisonous—is to make us breathe deeply and ven- tilate oar lungs more fully. As for the loss of oxygen in 0close room, "it is never diminished by more than nue per cent., for the cracks, crannies and pores of the walls al- ways suffice to let fresh air in." However that may be—and a lay- man should hesitate to dispute a scientist it can hardly be denied that pine outdoor air tastes and smells much bebtar than the air in even a ventilated room. One may be as wholesome as the other, as far as its constituents are eoneern• ed, but anost folks will prefer air that has not been breathed in and out too often. In the popular mind, if not in scientific fact, headaches Anel drowsiness areclosely associ- ated with impure air. su •1' pudding. To .1P let of rieh bis - shape it in a: ring 4,11111 a good-sized Bunter taus kettle bit :of berries and s7i'li aver this psi'ib of berries, on ,and another cup- ur a cupful of wa- of the ring. Cover ly and stew the for 20 miuuees, nb onS.a hob dish. -agar -and 0055»). !ferries.-ttbrauy per- ecrap'berry lianas • The same 1'1,10, lug the. manlier or centenarians air t fo, the jelly, but Germany; 15 men were over 100 yearn a -strained. In- old, 12 of whom were widowers, two Mei ;she.( with a old bachelors and One married with a 'f i are wife still diving. At the same time thio sk os t _ there were 48 women over 100 years (..;4 then bo Cr, c I old, of whom 42 were widows, four Ellein old molds and 1we, married with liue- tnsl'rell,bands yet alive. ,,lake the her-, The result of the figures seonms;lair- ,i,deCeseary to i ly plain, In Germany, :It least, Wo. to he ,jt.ilieai linen marry earlier and live longer to sauce,' As 'than the men. child life. wee, AS the; -'n .. - To 81111 bolongctlt ilia kingrlonr.,l ing the, Doty Trinitti'i .,'.Che wedding- Peat• Fire 200 'Velars Old, . . of (4,i1 The rerieed ,',,,s ler'fng ryf'ring le placed upon flee lhfrd finger. ,duet pemeess anSi cherish the child- like spirit if they are to remain in the kingdom of Ciel. COLD STORAGE IN A MINI;. es— !lakes ice lit Summer—!faint Stor- age ]lad Opposite J8tf'eet. It is evident that in the Winter the column of air over the pit is cooler and heavier thail that in the resit passages. Therefore it forces its way down into the shaft and up through the rock start•; it chills the rocks to a great depth and stores tip a vast amount of '`cold.,, As the warm, weathxr comes on the air over the mine becomes heated mate° succeeds in marrying the woman and rises, and the cold, heavy air to the fathefb of their children. flows out of the passages to replace To Stop the High Cost of eaoen. ib. This cold current freezes any surface water that flows over the Itasca is at something like 36 amts Our London Letter Wadding Rings for tiro Poor. Riu,de:1 vtscount<rs itelmstoy has offered tosupply the needing rings to pauper brides 10 Lambeth. Lady 11.00nsle9 ut18 sumo edea her -mother, tae ,ate Doyva;cer Lady durcwsl,ury, on the .ad.es' commae tee of the Lambeth Board or Ouardiana. At a meeting of the board last week the committee reported that it had accepted body ..1'l1tte.ey'a error ro C.U1ltit1Ue t.:0 pi n, t.eo inaugurated by .her mother 01 snpplyy.ag imaging rings in oaeon where 1ns0ri5515 are err:ogee .81 the wOrknouse, anti also to assist, when rea,,ired, in pro• vidinC clothing to married women, Ito idea of marriages being made 1n the workhouse may appear carton's, but it happens that young women somotlme;t 11500 to enter the lying -:n •,verds of the workhouse, The Poor law can .do 4,,,c03 for • thetabut the ladies' committeele able to give then( valui.bie aid, as well as advice Su many such cases the coin. IRISH GHOST STORIES. j': House ilutit on Fairy Path Alt Broke(( To Pieces, A Dublin correspondent sends me extraordinary dispatch in regard to a oollection of ghost stories which the Rev. St. John D. Seymour, rector olr Cappawlilte, County Tipperary, hag received. Ile is writing a book ora psychical phenomena and advertised for records of "experiences," The re. piles he received wore more itnntorous than he bad ever, even is his ams$ hopeful moments, expected. I have received,' ho said, "Mere ghost stories than I could got into a single boolc," Be went o.1 to rotate a specimen "fairy" story which be ob. tahted from a man at Port Aritngtou, Queen's County: "A man near here saved 82,500 and built himself a house on a fairy path. During his first night in .the house all the furniture—chairs, beds and crock- ed ea, and maintains a freeZin Pound. 1t to so <tenr that au organized err -moved as if on wires, and after g g 55015, is to ne made to/0000005 too pig an hour . everything was broken, and temperature as long as the supply population," pitchii551 J5ng;andias can boo 00-- the man himself was seriously hurt, of frost ie the hill lasts. After that membered: Raving spent iris Iife's savings on the the circulation of air ceases and a scheme 1s being drawn un for aha house, ilio determined to live in it, Board of Agriculture by which it to hoped When he recovered from 1119 inlurios the lee melts. Ed ,(stare the pig once more to the Pox-, Encouraged by ruiners of silver i"l �,t08lti011 OF '•trio gentleman that pays i he again went tor live in the house: FI0 i ii • experience, and Anal! adasn similar h lY IL s h p •i \'prospectors ,(elle were i o edi to set u, hn.an factories In s 4nP e de est tt.. P leave." 11 to o. he had ,L - reat Many dis ri ' �somewhatn l e g y t d.te, o t, working near Sweden Valley, nn modal of the ektahin factory, eatabnsned A Justice of the Peace, G. II. Mill• covered thin layers of ice at the largely through aha genoros,ty and in -1e1. of FldgewortlietuM1vn, County Long - II. or Lord Lucas. Tae pi'aatical foot of a steep hill. Here they stink formers who are outi1nin n rchem0 to ford, related the followhsg ex3orIU000i a shaft to the depth of 12 feet and make these faatortes vosaiiie will xeoam+I "Doing the winter of 1875 I was found a peculiar rock, which they gljea ah'standa dianorkaer.''rn1f am' good riding gra ins past the old ruin on111 believed contained silver. Some of level pig" can bo produced to tyno by Farmers trio factoiv ought to pay wed bright moonlight night, 1n the middle this was assayed and found value- an<1 trio fttlmai• s(�et boils good and gate!( Of the churchyard 1: saw what 1 took less. But near the bottom of the ieEui•ns. According to dee,rintlon to be a olicemar 01 a long overcoat. shaft the found an aperture from of ono enthusinet, we inay sea aaaka at. y p good level pigs' grazing on ;trio otovers He walked toward me and suddenly which came a cold draft. The . fol- ..,tie "'oeP. a.nd looking os uniform. " lowing spring someone found a quantity of ice in the mine, but not a policeman, but a monk, whose a 1 `L had gathered during the Another advance in applying wireless ghost appeared there so often that af- el g appy to minimize trio perils of t ter people However, as the warm weather ad- ,companies operating in the North Sea, "eased the ice actual! increased r'an o tie,dto t110an appnrntur of a 200 mi:e y g posted near the Dagger and by the middle of July the walls 1 "a7 ho admiral's boats" attached td each of the shaft were coated with ice ,,:shrug deet ora ,11;i1,0., lgia to be eauiJllSd with a foot thick. As whiter came km � wireless Snetallfitiors, Those wilt be in couotant oommuiltoittion with trio station. the ice began to disappear until t?ie' ary. ve e1, 1tn.d (hero wltoreanouta 05' pit wars free front the summer pro. Int e d on ss tach• Che t Gthe'ia eo thieat}o )1 duct. This phenomenon is repeat- mean to owners in knowing Erle move• tonna. 05len and often we heard ter. menta of rho Beata and rho otate of trio ed each year, catch tt will bo of valnai, a use to ,ibis fighting in the glen beside the The shaft is about 8 feet in clisene, i osInhmourn aid for the boats in time 05 castle -Erie hideous roar of angry ter by 12 feet' deep, and is situated Wro at the foot of a, steep hill. In the winter it is comparatively dry and free from ice. The teinperature in- side is the same as that of the out- side air. In the spring the water from melting snow that trickles down the sides of the pit is frozen in tiro form of small icicles. This freezing process continues, until by July the sides of the shaft are covered with ice a foot or more in thickness. In the early fall the process stops, and the ice gradual- ly melts. The sides of the mine are of loose shale, in which there are numerous crevices that extend back and up into the hill; the rock stra- ta are rather sharply inclined. A draft of cold air, at soma places strong enough to extinguish a candle, issues from these Assures in the summer time. The temperature of the pit during the last summer varied between 25 and 12 degrees Fahrenheit. BANK OF ENGGLkND SALARIES. Begin at $500 anti Mises at the :Ra- tio $50 a Year. . Fishermen to Have Wireless. disappeared. I could see no trace of him. Afterward I learned that it was sup 10500 r' t, '. t e r he dant eo to Would go miles out of winter and had not yet melted. sea bias been taken by one of trio Ilahing . theh• way to avoid passing the Church- yard." A woman told the following cancan. fly story of a haunted castle In the South of Ireland: "When we went to live in the cas• tle we could hear people talking in every room, and evry hal/ and cot, ridor, but no explanation could be The ease with which leprosy slips Verse 13-10. The incident record- into temperate latitudes suddenly ed in these verses belongs elurono- and anannottnced is due to the car - logically not with the events men- tier rat, declare several writers on tinned above (9. 30-37), but to the the subject, next period (compare Text Studies the fur January 11). They are included in the present lesson as further h1 A Homely Virtue. lustrating the attitude of Jesus to- It isi well to rentomber ilial: (bora ward children, which thought has is a nultitude of thhtgs, and among boon chosen by the committee pre- them many that are not worth doing, paring the outline of studies as the that can never be accomplished save central .thought on which empha- by plain, straightforward, everyday, ,ds should be placed in this lesson. persistent plodding. et is all right to Bringing unto him little clulclren start the enterprise with a great —Jesus is again on the public high- flourish of trumpets, but that docs not get you along very far with 'it. Before way with his disciples, and of the 1110 fluislied, if ]t is to be M1t•orth any- mul.titude who gather about him thing at all, some one has got to got some are bringing their littleehildl= down to plain plodding. There is al - ren to Itiltt that he might touch ways a stretch of Bard road in 'any r his benediction bit worthwhile adventuring, no Matter' them and ice them l s b i Ii of wlidf, kind it is. Nothing is over a11; and blethisg, His disciples, ns- ,brass bands and banters. Brilliancy gar<ling this as an nnwarrautednt- and enthusiasm are good, but u, there is terl•uption in his aliscourse„and con- a.hoinoly old virtue that accomplishes veissa'tion with the grown-ups who wore anxious to hear him, rebuked those who thus interferesi with hie' work. Je,sue .. . was moved with intlig- naiiuss-Their inconsiderate, and perhaps even rough, treatment of the offending parents aroused the. indignatioli.•of Jesus and prompted him to speak, doubtless with some warrnbh, lits swords which since then have heels treasured through the a:entnl'iee .as setting the Mas- ter's zest 55151111 the saerodnoss 411 very lunch more than either of them. See that youd0 not Despise it. -plaip alr(1 jitice has been extracted for use lie soup, paste, catsup, et'o, 'Careful investigation in Naples and Person has revealed the fact that the. seeds and skin of the tomato are as valuable as the fruit itself, An . excellent burning oil that been exIrs.cted from the seeds Thelie, To enter the service of the Bank of England .a candidate must be nominated by a director, be of good moral character, pass a quasi. fying (not competitive) examination and be between eighteen and twenty-two years of age. The first year his salary is $500, and then it rises nt the rate of $50 a year. At the end of the fifth year he pro- ceeds to the foterth class or else leaves the service -of the bank, .Ac- cording to figures furnished by one of the bank's officials the average pay et the encs of ten years is. $1,- 060. At fifteen years it $1,300, twenty years $1,545, thirty years $9,045; after that the senior clerks pass to $2,150. The staff: and spe- cial posts numbering about 100, are won by meritorious service. The highest salary paid is the chief cashier and 18 $15,000, The chief accountant .draws $12,5500, and there are several. appointments ranging front $7,500 to $3,500. Agents ofbranches receive up to $12,000. There is a pension system to which. the clerk aloes not contri- bute, but for which he isqualified after len years' service, 'Coniitaa 's'tu'ns 'Porch. Various are the ways in -which a tomato can be p001)01ec1 es an ed- ible vegetable, although its correct description is '`the fruit of a 'vege- table.' It has been' discovered, however, that its uses do nob end as an eatable. In large factories, and, ,o.f• course, to a much smaller exbent, in ,!louses, the seedy and skin are thrown away atter all the Cole of the Hand. Originally, shaking Bands in greet• ling was taken as evidence that each person :was. unarmed.. When a man hisses tlte;hand of a woman he ex• w]th,Yhe skins, tarp thcn4�uglrly ibis(! pJ csses Itis submissbon, Tide is also the idea' when hissing the hands of in the eon. The seeds ere then icings. When an oath is .taken itis sssushed in a hydraulic press, and done by raising the right hand, or yield e thin, yellow oil. This, when laying 31' on a bible. A Bishop gives birrund in n• lamp, 0 000 a. hrig'lit, his blessing with tite thumb' end 'fleet and :locoed fingers, the three syutboliie. ndorlrs.< light, sherries On . a 101101Y Pali an the border of she Lege make,' reign,' the rclatinn of the woman's hand to show that, , 0 gin. ah Cumberland Northumberland, /PAK. tllrfp of iftflc r:hildran to the <:•liurch ti -d, !barn, is it 1501180 in ivh141i t8. It” told the Kingdom, The thought of .t 11 0,55, lits d nonti hom, for burin o Y i r1e- Jverso d li renal an.l su 1S is tr c t Iasi 200"yotyra, �>`txe hcuso is oPl pled by William Cniidfel1ees £lett 3 alas" rather than explaeatoi'y. been in Ole family 7,rnntlw whnl prenedee. rtdull o also after the Trinity, 1011(: an(1 duty fire elven to 1 sides the deaf and .dunk many people, uotahly a Seinitly, races, 15'1,11 10 1101)(.,. love, honol', II wire, Ile. there are t Latin and with, their Not the llitiliif Idnd. Little Robbie was pulling the singes Lltil when his punt said 'F.nu ntuiin'i rte that, Jlobbie; he will bite yaps." " "Oh, llrrx, " said 'Robbie; "dogs don't bit(;'at,tllly end," many a fishing crew has been lost through being powerless to call for assistance. Further, wireless communication will necessarily imply a saving in the cost of fishing. il. Bitno,'to there have been anxious person and the clashing of steer. No es ashore whenever a search boat has arned w,ithont news oP rho acct and Person would go down the g10n after dark. 'One night I was sitting talking With. my governess when I heard a step coming upstairs slowly. I went out and met the figure on the landing —it was the flgut'e of a woman. She walked past me, Hurried to a window at the end of the sanding and, with a shriek which I shall never forget, she fell heavily to the ground , auiside.'r Doan Inge's Enigrams, Dr, Tnge, Bean of St. Paul's, Loudon, 111 nu address on ''Liberal Education, at west 1501 College, Hampstead, said the examination systemhad done more than anything else to poison education in the n1U sotnary. The memory, when mast re• tsntive, was loaded with barren facts. When the examinations were over, the mind, au long drawls tight, like an over - strung hair, sprang back, and very often threw away a great deal of what had been laboriously learned. The greatest enemy of all was the ingrained contempt for the intellectual life in Singland. Econ in Shakespeare, was it not true .that the most intelligent men were generally the greatest villains? Shakespeare eeemod to oontder that there was a subtle affinity between intellectltal:ern and rascality,. In Rftlton's •Parodise host" the intelligent inquisitive mind was that of Satan. Spirits Aro Losing Favor, Interesting (nets, are given in the ta- les forming the sixteenth abstract of later statistics of the United 1Cingdny Cocoa and tea, it1appears, are indr'i6c- Ing in popularity, but coffee is declining Leet year 1,7 pounds of coma per head!. were consumed as Dom nate(( with only a pound in 1898 and 1899, elves vomit Elmo there has been a steady rise, 66 pmmds per head is the oo euntption of tea. compared with 6.8 pounds in 1898. Only 0.6 pound of soiree is consumed, and three snare ago the figure was 0.7..ponnd, and in 1901, 0.8 pound. Sot -rite have steadily fallen from 1,1 gallons in 1899 to 0.7 gallon 1n 1919, but tabocen has riven from 1.8 pounds to 2.1 pounds in trio WW1 period, Moat hes fluctuated, the highest being 1.6;2 pouxdo in 1901, and the lowest 125.6 in 1910: last year the consumption was 131.2 pounds. The home consumption of wheat ]tat. .risen from 250,9 million bushels ht 1898 to 201.8 loot year. Gandy to Replace Alcohol. One .of the most curious results or the decrease in the cousttmntion of aleaho!lo drinks is that men of all sorts and ooudl• alone eat sweets again. In country houses alter a shoot young 211071 of blue nod FIGURES AND DAYS. Particular Times at Which CertaiUs Deeds -are I) one. Throughout the ages fanciful be- lief and superstition have invested the days of the week each with a peculiar significance. Now the statistician has followed suit, and from his figures much curious ad- vice and information can be glean- ed. 1f, for example, you aspire to be- come a murderer, and still to keep in favor with those who delight to juggle with figures, you will be -voll advised to let your chosen victim rest in peace: till Saturday, Satur, day week, or, better stili, so'.nte Saturday in the very indefinite fit. titre. At any rate, by studying flgeree you 15511 find that of the total num- ber of murders proved in any year an overwhelming majority were committed on Saturdays. Why 1 Well, why is it that s0 many people elect •to get married on a Wednesday/ And why is it that more of those people who are twenty devour large ;slices or plum Cake tired of life bring their careers to with their tea, and it le rare nowadaysrt to 000 a: man para the sweets at dinner, an untimely end. on i.ttesdays. than 00 the other hand, ,,ince women have on any other day $ 1i. is impossible taken to'Sti'touo and often oxCesaivo Digo• to say;these Chines 55st iia nen., i°otic smoking ttnir tnst<, Por candies and hap nen., has grown notably tees, lion Tuesday is the suicide day; Wed 11500 50110 back to the nursery. w'Oman + nesday the wedding day ; Saturday the murder ,day. Friday, it would semi, by no means •deserves the bad reputation that superstition has given to it. Had Remarkable Memory. One of the most astonishing memo. rile feats on record: is recorded by John Wesley. "I knew a man about twenty, years ago," writes Wesley, "wllo was so thoroughly acquainted with the Bible that it he was questioned as to any iebrew word 1n the Old or any Greek word in the New Testainent he would tell after a little pause, nbt only how often the one or We other . 000urred In the Bible, but also what; Se meant in every place. leis name was Tlromas Walsh, such a mastee, of Bible knowledge 1 never .yaw be. fore, and never efipoot to see again!' Walsh had a close rival in Macaulay, Who, according' to James Stephen, could repeat "all Demosthenes by; heart, and all Milton tae well as great part ,of the-.13tble" '•--'—'-•TI now lives in tris smoking room. Lgndan, 1)ee. 24, 1913, WOMAN'S HUGE FARM. Former English Journalist Has 640 Acre Ranch in Alberta. . Mrs. Ramer Jackson is probably the most remarkable woman farmer in the Dominion of Canada. She is handling a square utile of land In the Rod Deer district of Alberta, which is devoted to 'nixed farming, Mrs. Jackson was formerly' a journalist in England, and became interested in Canada through (,he emigration authorities. She made her first trip to Canada hi June of last year, and iu December took over 80 people and placed them on the land she is now farming In Alberta, Shehad no previous knowledge of farming methods, but as an evidence of what a woman of intelligence anti resolution can accomplish, Mrs. Jack- son, through' her individual. efforts, has placed these people on h#.r farm and'19 now ptlepared to conduct the plash .for lartning, Sho is. •11er ,owso managing director, and has stet: hint but thoroughbred stock on her farm. She housed her people, in: touts in' the first Instance,.' but now has all the necessary buildings erected, and her, dairy products are already being put. on the market, In other words, ]ler big farm is s. going encore, and' 11 is not yet one year old, Pelee ':yips $41..000 for It 1/ay. painsi:alcini s1,tList{clan lits es- timated 'that iipa of oslr kind. and another paid tidily in Paris (leraix'e), is waiters, jauitoi•s,'cab- men 111»1 the Ihonefted anal one others whose income'. is largely de- rived ream bilis spurre; amount ie 841,000, or nearly 2 sentsper capita nP-]ippolatiorr, • 1n the provinces, however, it Js <'aloalatecl that, this, expeltdi(Alec at„l unlit•;? to only 5)115)5115 one-half 0 111 11 person) 45 clay. '1(150 grand total .of ail the We elven tri Frolnee 1st placed' at trtl,l::n, (1551 a 405(1', esetedilnirls Splendid Origin. 'l.'akiug down a magnitleesib'sweed.. brat hung over the ill all bolpiese,th5 professor brandished it about his Bead as he ,exclaimed: "Never shill 7 forget the ,lily I: drew this for i,he flesh titrie,” - "iVhere did you draw ft, sir ,'t an awestruck freshman asked. "At a raffle.," sitid the professor. .l FatultSystem,Syste, lva rl , ts,gh"ee lay wife everyihiue she "That being the case, t stepwise' you have few itndei'tshandin g.' s "No, we have tarts of bheni,, Abell < nine times out of bhodoar7 , k trw vliat alte w trffnr d Man* ' sue :for it."