HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-1-1, Page 5• BUSINESS 'CARO$, Business Dards WM, SPENOE JAS ANDERSON. CONVEYANCER A.NrrD t IS SmUER'I VETERINARY SURGEON, OF MAREIAGE LICENSE Hla0eaa0r 1,t )hl, Ft' 1SOOPn. OWO0 n1, AndOr• , LIOENSES Ergs, l+I vary 8,48,)149, Rrnasela, 1'olepbono No,g'd, shoe 1.0 lila PUNT Office, Ethel. SO-¢ JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED if AWCATIANCE AUCTIONEERS. BB 1 f3. COTTAs AN AUCTION• • kap, will sell 101- better prices, to bettor men, 111 less tune and lasecharges than any other Auotioneerin East Hnroo or pt, won't charge anything. Dates and orders eau always bo arranged atthisolaoe or by 3, ro mai applioation, LEEIAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1AT • M ISINCLAIli— V V Barrister, Holioltor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &a, 011X9—Stewart's Blook 1. door North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan 13 sok. • at/131)0'00T, HAYS & KILLORAN Al3IIS'1'L1IS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES O. W,.l'nuODBOOr, Ji. C• II' 0, Hass J, I,,. 1frl,r.one1 0111990-1•(1009 .formerly 000upled by Masan Cameron it Holt 14 enamors, (I'I'101(1(1. Large, comfortable steamers --•every ,j.j" convenience, every luxury. Forinform- etion apply agents, or the Allan line 12 TORONTO', W. 14, KERR, Agent Allan Lite, Brussels. 6I/ Winter Term °peas Jan. 5th 4 One 8011001 that hag thorough emir. •c, 300, e000(lent equipment, minable r' teachers and ,:ploys a u'idn-spread put. voltage is the p0pttinr. uu V L I OTT Gly TORONTO, ONT. c -4 This inetttntlun hoe o 'Menu cut re- 1,1 cord for sncoesvfol work. We assist our students t0 obtain employment. fl IP you intend getting n bnailress educe- . tion -08,'1 Pt111 pawl' -1,01 the cheap, 01'• 3y dinarg or lo1P grade kind. Write: to- day for one pogun. It contains N complete infer illation. - (/or. Young andZ W.J. ELLIOTT, , P Alexander Sta. S Principal. vyt an oaea gm/assess:a-We ova, rAts^a'YeAret'r*kV 414 4141)1494:4 iv`4s'''is Winter Term from January 5th CTRATFORD, .ONTO • rx Ontario's Beal Suainass Training 45 80.1. We have thorough cowries in Commeralal, shorthand and R'elogra. .pity departments and lane an in pe40nt instructora. we offer yon rdvnninges not offered else0be1 e. Yon do not ei 11110W What m1,nptod1leselmnleau do for on unless o have received r 99 t vour 14 y S tree untnlal,no write for 1,t n1, once D A. MCLACHLAN Principal Enter i List®1ftnlel College Any time Grow with us. , r. a 1... „ii tioulan8 address— EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Prin. , exUea R?a`VEv:,''.'Re'•,cyaVF_aPfi47k Rt'e`>9.kt "aS 9 eamsametegassta mavatimeaNs=mmetwe THE Best Bra" RiS in Canada have partlolpit ted in the lire. parau'on of Oar splendid Homo. Study Coarses in• BankIng, lccononhs, Higher Accounting - Commercial Art, 44how Card Writing, Photography, .13uennl• is Short 8tm'y'weittok, Sborthnnd and Bookkeeping. Select the work 3,71110)1 mart 1 ti tarok ta you and write us for particulars. Add rear THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391.7 Vonge 8t., Toronto. wisteeistentssanaeliialestgee 1t HAVE YOU, . made. prevision for employment dur- ing that/sill and Whitey months er do yott wish stands' 1'entitderntiva work the year through. Write us end: ne0m1.0 our agent's teras We offer the hest in tits Intahl0sq. Pay w04kJy, free out- fit, exeiredy0 territory, OVER sod ACRES ' andel' etithettlen, 18040(41181,81 over • 85 years A. repttol)oll '01131411 grade stock and (Mr dealing n 0010smnlr tart mak" 11103131 oilingI, 1.1' nq. Wo ' 10r1,e1a3+polan nr'u"d'v"l1(r3r14ny1•.I1r,.:l 6r1„an(n, w rf{„ plELIAMVI 141)118E11V 0t., Toronto, Ont, 1d, 13, Free ontnlogit0 en 1,llquest, r7 R. T, T, M'RAE &inhaler ofMediolno, University of Toronto i utoentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy stomps and Surgeons, Ont. ' Post -graduate Cbluago E e, Icor, Nose and Throat Hospital, (hr0Ogo, Ill. Mx-Eoase Surgeon to St. 1011 - net's Hospital, Toronto, Glace over F, R, Smith's Drug Store. Tele- phone connection with Crsnilr0ok at all hours, DR. F T. SRYANS laeholor of Medicine, Univoralty of Toronto 1 4ioontintoof College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario 1. ox -Ranier HO000 811, 'con of Western Hospital, Toronto, OlIloes of'Iate Dry A. Mcllrevoy, Stith Stook, ermine's, Rural phone 971. ALEX. D. M'KELVEY M.B.. M.C.P.&S. O. DM 131o0,' street Mast, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Wlildcaln0-lstant In liar, Nose and :throat de. pertinent New General B (Aneal, !famine; Poet Graduate Harvard In (shoal School, Bos- ton • lobe muter 13ealttant Surgeon 111,300, Mye 36 Mur Infirmary ; late Clinical assistant 111 Nose and 'Throe t doper !men t Mass. Gen. Hos- pital os• Hospitll 1. 3 I8, Hvnveels by aeon ppoino t tent nl DR. M. FERGUSON - ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon ;Post' Graduate courses London (13434 ), New York and Chicago Hos. MMtn's. Special attention todl0an00 of eye, ear,. nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses, DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Polloge. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour M1(1, Ethel. MAUOE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department- of Oplithel• oology, MolJormlck Medical Clones°, Chicago, III., is prepared to teat eyes and tit cinerea at '101. otf000ver Grower's Rearo1rant, llrus1e11', on Thoreday, Friday and Saturday of every week -Office hours 1 to 0 p. m. Forenoons by eppolntuienr, Phone 1218. T. R. BENNETT 1V111 give (tetter setlefOetfon to both buyer and seller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what is TOaoonahle. Sales eondueted anywhere 111 Ontario, Pure bred stock sales a specialty. Write or 'phone 213 Wroxeter. fetal Sews Items Reg EW for THE Pos'r. Povcrxv was plentiful for Christmas A. O U. W. Friday g avenin of this week. . k MONDAY next will be ;Fcunieipal Election day. FRIDAY was a remitidet• of what Jack Frost weather is like. EtevsLorEs and letter steads .printed ueaily and cheaply at THE POST. W'130 wilt be Huron County's next Norden ? Up this way the answer is Robt. Livingston, Reeve of Grey town- ship 13xussims Public School will re o,1en Monday of next The only change he in. t P in the staff will I he Principal, B. S. Scott, formerly of Brussels, return rag to 0031)01 to the term, THE POST 1 cyear for the Itbot05thlswdlbea e old school n CALENDAR . --The YOUTH'S (.ODIPANI ' publishers of The Youth's Companion w111, as always at this season, present to every Subscriber whose subscription is paid for 1914, a Calendar for the new year It is v gem of calendar -making. The decorative mot uut]ng s rich but it. is subordinated to the main purpose to produce a calendar that is useful. P AROIERS' INSTITUTE 11,IEE•rINGS,-- Farmer3' Institute supplementary moot- , in}, w111 commence on Wednesday, January 7th at Fordwich. I l urxday, ' 8th at Molesworth, Friday " 9th at Jamestown. Saturday " toth at Bluevale Monday " oath at Ethel L'u!sdoy " 13th at Moucrieff Wednesday ' 1411) at Walton. Thursday ' 05th at Winthrop Friday " 16th' at Harlock' Sat urd•, 1 lb atBelgrave Delegation will cote ist of Albert Swiu n, of Mabee, Norfolk Co , Thomas Mc- Millan, Harding, of'['horuhill, aucl Miss Susie Campbell, of 13rantpton assisted by local speakers. Make ftp your iniad u. at end its many of these meetings as possible. Clip out this list so as to have the dates,. A. cordial Invitation to Disease. This is an apt desceipti0n i,1 coneti- pation. Ills an nnllatutal condition. to begin with, and lb's more, because I1 bringsabout blood deterioration, interferes with digestion, tenders you susceptible to infectious diseases and 01411Se0 anaemia. Not So imlell a pur- gative as a natural stimulant to the bowels is what; you 11004. You get it in De, Hamilton's I?ills wltielt increase overactivity, restore the bowels to peef11(1 aolioti and positively 0111.0 constipation 313,11 its atLe ll I1II 11 evils, Iesist 043 having only Dl. 1iarnilton's Pills of Mandealte and Buttermit, 251. pet' box at all de111ees. • DISPLAY OF MOATS VERY TEMPTING,- 1'Ite Chatham Planet speaks as follows of the ChrINI!DAS display of D 13. Mc Don cid, a former Brusselito 1 -•'rile 4(ght'ol 11 well dressedbutcher shop is not duly a pleasing vision lo the eye, but also suggests pleasant tastes to the palate, roast beef ands plum Emrich/1e Inviag been such lifelong friends Any 110 wishing to celebrate iu the good old f8shioned way, the .coming Christmas 01300111 visit the well known butehel shop or D. B. McDonald, Queen street. Mr, McDonald's shop,bOntains every thing good in the meat line and also, OOP 111y of every, kind in libuutiauee Phu supply' of beef. Is else of an ex- ceptionally fine qua'itV, Six Bead 0) cattle weighing when' dressed 3,568 nou11tls, two veal weighing 356 pounds Ind 352 pounds respectively, and a, .gen- erous supply of pork. All these 8nimale. were raised by Wilfred Fleming, 'Lorne aveutto, Mention should be made of two fine lambs, each weighing 85 pounds which were obtained from Wm. Thew', o beleher of this city. Me. McDoeald'e. pbt111ry display in the window is altell As to attract the eye of the passerby (;eeee and turkeys purchased from Mrs, fee Dingle Sill 0011. Raleigh, Mwnlitul ehiolten, strlrrge or gemmed, crisp 00)41 r, nod, emgired merits of all kinds,lcolnplete this (lhr]st1tas displey. All 111 requisi. 44,2 for en excellent d)Due4 36rb to be tteUnd here. Rosa'9 pond was a magnetic point on Cltristruns night. Skating was pat extragood bet that did not make until difference to the boys and girls, NEW :MAN UN 'fits Jos.—Peter Dlli• ligan, of town,'has:takeu over the Con- tract ofmail carrier on Rural 12oete No, Morris township, encompassing the 3rd and 401 lines, arranging with Edward Lowry, who',e tender had been accepted. Mr. Lowry took ,charge fur a week or so and his Successor commenced last week, Mr. Milligan will no doubt give the duties careful attention, Many Ohlldron Sick. - Bet their loet wet, catch cold or. (11131fps, and gi1'('a (11 til LIM'S all 1011X1nns LIMO, - \Vitt the first shiver 01' sneege rub the little one's chest with Nervi. line, gargle the titt'0(11, and give ten drops hi hot wake. 11t bed -time. Next mot mug all is well. No cold, no time hist at school. If Polsoht's Nerviline i(Wl't lit y011 I1011Ili get. it 1.11411'e (11,0(31141.. Dealers sell i{ in large 25c bottles. MITCHELL. Advocate Speaks as follows. of former Brusselite:—W, W, Bur- gess has installed am electric machine for printing photographs. No- matter what the weather is he is able to print a picture every len or fifteen seconds, night or day TIM; is the latest con trivauee in the art of uhotoeraphy and Mr. 13ureess' sh1t1)0 is looked twin] as one of the best in the province and his perseverance and strict attention to business brings many orders from a distance.. His studio is well worth visiting and we venture' to sae that a more profitable and instructive time could not be spent in any other place L.twr Thursday the Toronto Globe makes the following complimentary notice la a former Brussels old boy who has and is making good and is now a candidate for Alderman in the Queen oily; -'rhe election of Walter Harland Smith in Ward Six should be merle certain. Mr. Smith is too good a mart to leave behind. He has been emin- ently successful in his business as terms slutnitlobile merchant. He is propri etor of the Overland Sales Company. He has ileen living in Toronto for so years. When Mr Smith was asked by he Municipal Improvement Association to he a candidate he vas not asked to state his position on the street railway deal or any other question but was chosen 10 view of his general business Ability. BAD COLLISION —A runaway team collided with the automobile of W. Chambers, M P. P., on the road two miles from Harriston Wednesday night, badly injuring Mrs. George Chambers, one of the occupants, anti wrecking the machine. The auto party was return - in n 1 from to Pal merston and consisted of Mr, Chambers, i b hsed n her a aunt 1 e da1,gh1er, Mrs. J. 4004e When they saw the ruuuing team coining hitched to n sleigh, Mr. Chambers quickly realized the danger, 41401 turned his car to the side of the road but not in rime to ovoid a collision, -The horses Clashed into the side of the car badly wreekiug it. Mr, Chambers and Mrs Moore escaped any serious injury, but Mrs, Chambers was severely hurt abnut the head. • Mr Chambers made his way to a farm house where he procured as- sistance and his aunt wag removed to the farm house. A Dr. was summoned by phone and after attending to the in- jured woman had her taken to her home in frrist n During the night she recovered consciousness but she has suffered soverely front shock, The 'earn over which the driver lost control Cluhhing List 1913-14 T,t11'18 POST (1140 made 143 t74ngemell la to Club with the following papers and will be emit to any address (except the United 8tt4les 60 cents exult) at the following Schnell 141011 prices :-- Weeklies POST and T01.011 1.0 ((lobo.: qs1 (10 i 11411 and Empire .,. 1 00 Landon Adverttaer. 1 00 Londont VI cc Preeo 1 80 Family Herald and Star 1 80 - Mon1teal Witness .,. 1 80 lraritete' At1vncate...,2 35 Nor'thol'n Messenger.,., 1 85 Dailies POST and Toronto Star $2 35 Toronto News,......, 2 85 " Toronto Globe 4 50 " Toronto J(t[if+E(rtpire4 00 " Toronto World , 3 50 London Advertiser2 80 Call at the office or - remit the AMOOD 1 by P. 0. Order, Express Oh det- er etor Registeted Letter addressing I'HE P05'11, Brussels, Ont. " and was thrown from the sleigh belong- ed to the Palmerston agency of the Kuntz Brewing Co. When tliev collid- ed with the car they were thrown into the ditch one of the horses being killed and the other very severely injured. 'Phe Injured lade is sn aunt to Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes, of Brussels. TIDY machine shop to lease or for sale In Brussels, with gasoline power. Who is on the look -out for such an opening ? Write the Reeve or town Clerk for. ENGINEER J M, ROUDICK SAVES C. P, R EXPRESS •—The gentleman re- ferred to is well known in this locality and Is an uncle to Grocer Ballantyne, of Brussels, the person referred to being a son of the late veteran Inc, Ruddick, forreerly of the 03th eon. of Grey :— "Running at 65 miles an hour the C, P. R. invited express, eastbound Detroit to Toronto, and due in London at 4 3o a. m„ ran into an open switch at Thamesville early Monday morning, narrowly escaping collision with a way freight that had been sidetracked to al low the flyer to peas. No damage was done, although; the pilot of the engine and the caboose of the standing freight were separated ated byonlY ascent ton feet lel the limited v1, broughtgto a lett e 1 was standstill. Engineer lames M Roddick 562 Central avenue of this city, was at the throttle of thelimited and only hi quick action and steady nerve averted a catastrophe. lite run into Thames- ville from the Eastis a straight acd level stretch with a slight down grade and provided a good opportunity to make up lost time. Many speed records have been shattered here by the fast trains of the company. The limited was running behind its schedule and all steam was crowded into the cylinders to make up time. Orders read for a clear track so that as the train drew near Thamesville, the engineer made n attenl t to slacken speed. The way V N P freight, eastbound also, was on the si'ling melting the passing of the fiver, when the journey into London would 0e044.90•4•044040•41••4•••114•4040•01140044 f••••••••••••••• • a s ry,• qi 0 t S sip: • 4i€;•{ilOgr Z tl l m n. and , tl: . 0 ' t 1,t P O • 0 s .1 • • w 4 • • • yp { . J,'-p , ,}fit F,■7¢ : • O • • 1 • ®'u, iht v t`. • `. a„ • 'a _ , •h w v • . t C ea,r out Sale • Ev 'rythi Must G® a •• O • • A Few Prices to leiou know what we are doing : y 9 •. • AOLOC N A4 U T NCE 1 AIN A r h' e s im won for them) ata i1! sue0e s t by Josephine Johnson, lack year winning l the Rector's prize of a beautiful leather bound bible but this year elle ' teas 28 marks behind the winner. Roe, r. H. Foxe is tile' busy Rector, Ii, Minium Superintendent, Murray J0111190n librarian and Bert l3ritdbetrn See-Treas, ' 1TINrt'.LIoIr.-7,'riniky Church Sunday 88)100) held their 0111.10lwlte ltlrtel'- ti4i1n16nt for' the children in, the Foresters' Hall, Monday evening of last week, The roads anti weather were good and the little folic had a grand time. There were songs, reei- tati0ns and readings by the childierl and others. Songs by Miss Mildred and John Perdue, of Clifford. 34111>o Perdue soul benutfully for us last year and I, ----,(ways welcome at Trinity church. A solo was sling by Mr. Smith, of London, aid G. '\fir. Nichol- son gave several appropriate and beautiful selections on his gram! - phone, all of which wsre very much appreciated. There were games of different kinds and the ladies provid- ed a flue supper for all, in addition to which the children got their prizes, accompanied with a large orange. 11, was not intended to nlalro anything out of the entertainment, just to give the children a jolly evening which was done splendidly, but. a collection Very often we Meet an old friend whose loops have changed so that we hardly know theta• Some look better and some look old and encored for. We always feed badly to see a friend going down hill in appearance for looks count fol' so much these clays 1 18,101 we enjoy seeing the person who keeps young. Being cared for is• the secret of keeping young and Sngetne is the secret of caring for the hair. Sugeiue 0011['8 dandruff, brings life and beauty into 001110e dry and faded .hair and Makes the hair luxuriant and attractive. Sageine keeps men and women young looking and why should anynme allow them - ,e1 vas to become old appearing when they can get Segelne and at guaraniee to find satisfactory results. Sogeine is sold at Jas. Fox's anti if It don't do all that 10 claimed cot' it your money Is refunded. Be sure to go to Jas. Fox's for Sageine as other' stoles can- not stgtply you. Don't neglect your hair another day, Sagelne is only 500 a large hot tle, be 1•esutned. For some unknown reason the switch had not been closed behind the freight and the way was left open for eastbound trains to plow tato the switch. 'Phe night was a clear one and as the express drew near the village the engineer suddenly noticed that a red light on the switch was turned a- gainst hint, when a green light shonld have shown. In an instant hethrew on the emergeucy brakes, and at the same instant the big locomotive swayed and rock': as it hit the points. The train enlere siding. but the "air" had 't t rk,sod the train was sto done itspped almost on the freight. The express was crowded with holiday travellers and had the big locomotive plowed into the caboose the result would have been disastrous Both trains continued their runs into Loudon after a slighttdelay " An investigation is proceeding. Engineer Roddick referred to spent his boyhood days on the old homestead y Y farm 31 miles South East of Brussels, Old iriends will be glad to know of his almost miraculous escape from a serious if not fatal accident THE POST ex- presses presses congratulations. 3* Actually Destroys tho Oauso. That's why Catarrh is invariably nut ed by inhaling "Catarrhozone." The healing vapor spreads to every part of the breathing organs. Geruls infecting the tissues of the nose, throat and lungs are killed. Nothing is left to cause inflltmtnalion. Spots that, are sore are healed. Discharge is cleared away and catarrh becomes something of the past. Use "Catarrh - ozone" and your recovery is guaran- teed. Two sizes, 25o and ,$1.00 at all dealers. Rev. Jerrold C. Potts, curate at Grace church, Brantford, has announced his t the offer of the ' ion to 8,009 ff deers P rectorship of St. Paul's church, Clinton, in succession to Rev. C. E. Jeakins, who goes to St. Jude's church. Brant- ford, at the beginning of the year. Rev, Mr. Potts will not move to Clin- ton inuuediately, but the transfer will he made in the course of the next three months. Molesworth 1. and firs. Cullen, Gall, are visit- ing at Gen Brown's, ea, move Institute will meet in 1 he Orange 11811 on January 8t1, et 2 p, tn. and 7.80. A. Sct inn, Maybee, and 'Phomas i11r:Miiian, of .13ullett, will ndth'ess the meet) 140 anti has several good subjects to choose from so it ehonld be well worth hearing. Miss 14. Campbell, Brampton, will address thi? lad i04011 the some date in the Seehaver Llouse in the afternoon and at 14 joint meeting with the nlen.. in tilt' l'oeIlilig. A11 ladies are welcome at these meetings whether Institute members or not, Ladies' Felt .T3'tls regular $2 25 reduced to 1 55 • Belgrave 0 e 41, • 0• t Ladies' Felt Bais, Deng. foxed 2<0 J1 1 75 : 5 • e Children's Felt Boots 0.75 " 1 00 •• 0 M- u 4 e Men's ,Felt Foxed L,,ong Boots 2.50 1 75 • •• •. iVJen s felt Telescope .11 3.00 2 25 : •• o Gents' Felt 138,10. ` 2.50 (( 1 85 $ • ' s o Men's Overshoes, 2 00 1 25 41 e IVlcn's Rubbers, 1,20 " 90 s • • O N • Ott Sind,ry Dee. 21st the anunal an- nouncement, of the standing of the pnpile in 'lhinity Church S. 8. took place. In the HAM, 3111x84 taught by Miss i\Iabcl Johnson, the possible ilal'lts were 450- and. the first prize tens Iron by Ii, Procter who tool; 400 Vera Ai 1110110ng 392, J. Beydges 814, It.. Armstrong 301, Jerk 13111 203, 11. \Irbtlnm8y 200• • There are eight other' children in this blas none of whom t'raeht'd 1.00, (;lass 2, taught by Aiiss 1i: •W111.SOn, E. llrydges took 893. out ol• a possible 450, G. ' Bl ydt,es 880, &mil D litydges 373 L.McKenzie M 310, at v AVighn1 ttt1 1018, A1ni 1 trt Nh- cry 97. (n Mrs. Armstrong's class out of a possible 400 ;Greta A1•lttstt'tlltg took .128, ,) ,,o'phine Jclhns0n 405,` AmI, • nit 13t'j•dgee 878, M14b01, Ferguson 285. • Everything at Clear-olut Prices Miss i3tadburn'scla400Alit tfapossible M 400 111a3y At'nlstrnrlg and Myrtle John- s• TERMS CASH. son were lies with 304, Harry Arta - strong 332, M', iirydges 815 Oeeil Bili • 281, Al. 'Montgomery I(34 11„ blunt- •, gornery 120. ',I'here are 4 others In • • , this class but all were fonder 100. • In 1,D • Mr. Johnson's.class out of a possible No Friends Like The Old Friends Fro - m girlhood through middle life and right along co old age Chamberlain's Tablets are woman's best friend—feed the nerves, aid digestion, stop headaches, keep the blood rich and assure good health generally. Try them. 25c. a bottle Druggists and Dealers or by mail. 8 Ctamterlala Iltak.tac Co., rorsate. wl4a e t t1,IlG 1 t a which Ilic 11 rn0t• for 1,l t f 1 the lI other 11411Matti After singing "Goal aa e'6e3'ynne went home Wil I: wishes for a 11erry 011'1 (18,0)1 Other, 1,t Does Dure Wpn1 >' ."I feel it toy -fluty" 0 ri Mead, of F1.11.401.144(.., 014.4, k'toov that sometimes' pre Orange of life 1 sulfla•eti 11, ('0nld bell, Neighbors to t•obo(141 wee the only ('enta1 advise wee good. Peer stop to my pain and 4)113 direct ('.011041 p4 my trunbl eyed front 6111411411. .I s(8, the tutu, and now ern health and rest, No un cine cart be betko' Il Instant loll " 1 for female 500 per box at (a`+Am.a - • -in. the a Have thick, hard knitei T heard ougi Bow about cies, 1s 11 1hotg ivi Have it ext REGINA and yo be sure of the i'igil o the folio are sold at L 7 -jewelled 20 -ye Gold -slued ens 16 -jewelled 20 -ye Gold- ed Case 17 jewe. 20 Gold- 7-jew Nick 15 - jewe Nickel 17- jewel 'Wicker These Wa teed fol' • 4 • 4 4 • 800 Hester .tohitson took ib0, A)nle ii nn .9' rat 131 d es 275 no •; w y8, 1 h as T A, y R . r 1, .o it. 11,: l 4 ;A,. s,- ,u til • r f:t x , mthers ttt'Lllug ]i10, ltrnidditinntcllhe class prizes 'Chet ets a special for tuts • O d stand a 10. F. Oarr s Ha,;E'ness Shope. y, 9 • rho sohnnl leen b Geeta. Arnsstx she being nearest to the pot • ...+4,404•••••••4•04•40144,0 04.$i 1'1•Y It 44,4 iltat'lta, only 22 ehort, Thin p1ito MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held in Brussels this season as follows : THURSDAY, JAN. 80.1, 1014. " FEB. 5411, 1014 MAR. 5th, 1914 I APR. 21141, 1914 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be present. The Re Wanton is prepared to nods in Windle • Wooden Pump Fittings, such -as er Bowls fors f 13.opal es Lo., P attended 1,O i (live me t RAYMANN A. Naturally Y wo Men's Pres At the Men's F: arinish.l i 1' h'n Store filled w Furnishing UC isthe S O s g for Men such as :— • Neck Scarfs Neck Ties Gloves Hosiery Handkerchiefs Cuff links Suspenders Suspender Sets Umbrellas 1 111118 7(!ll i F it is a Suit or Overcoat you wain' the `C- ehtear Brand a o1" a }ail' Of elebrated HaatSheetilnoted wearing qualities, Sold only by