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The Brussels Post, 1914-1-1, Page 4
IlI" urad )A'Y, ,i ANTI AR'Y 9', rglq w Year to everybody. Jauttary:20h will be the ling on the Cauada Tem ie Boron Co,' to Nooxe headed the poll for sea.-a'l Calgary. This is a cte being ahead. We wish ime. I not care to issue a life in- icy on the lite of. Huerta, kicker: It would be a k with the probability of sa d . returns. He is h some sa.is- at the cost of ter in England than in f, ourse this fact wont buy eye but on the .principle y 1 kes company," eases up tewbat we suppose. is on foot in the United ern all telepboue and tele- into a government e. President Wood- “dcel•" instead of a a wide difference d recognize it M no nit Is on ferreted `lotto • d constit• pe •,` unseated the ause of crooked lection there the mer member was fierinath of this trade was fined e ,other fellow. ugl>,t• "any ; old_ 'opinion op ons would be (noon program elutes. Almost bee to take a r(ls could -be eskers or a ai16, could be Such a course vale to young men oat e °Ssang of a few prizes ;an falp^, 1/9 to the work. If • al et,fiertence that counts e aldtgthe rigk'liue, has hiked off meeting of the mission, The a month or so, be oue subject imes we ims- ortlt the candle se political pie- heavy .bills are 1(t it. Some g the informa- ublic should be Some of the print - very indiffereut b ,`ale was t'church, o. when Dr, asked cheque ibution plate count the of s about the to but they k. only It was church and is munificent Ing for the ilybury and f imitation. so called n of Beuren Cartwright is to the Pro- "a half e" and if it Richard very different public. The vottr Meng. b ice." Mr. it Richards ed and authority et the writer. n. pec, E ject'or give 1'Osasions of.. cleric of Ibe ugs td, s over re- ' r Whit oa' and will be 10 the Ower is no tl_ to. eon - is physical nes is dis- rtui-down nyborly isbie, iy sad 50 A REMARKABLE REMEDY The most afflicted people o1( earth are those who sail©, twin rheumatism and itbout one-fortetli of our people are afflicted with this terrible, ante racking, bone crippling disease. So many people neglect thetnselves and rheumatism follows 10 one for(( and then another until they iu•e an ex-' tunple of the tortures of rheumatism, Rheum has gained the greatest 'reputation through being a quick and , pertnguent cure for rheumatism in its many forms. Don't put off getting a bottle :of Rhemno today, it means your health and happiness, Rheumo is sold in Brussels, Out,, only at Jtts. ' Fox's drug slue. $1.00 a full size bottle. something worthwhile to say a happy condition would be reached. Our par- liamentary sessioushave not yetatinine.l to it. Grey ScusooL. REPORT. -The following Is the report of the standing of pupils of U. 8: S. No. 12 Grey and MuKillop for the past term. Examined in History, Spelling, Arithmetic, Geogrgpby, Literature and Gi•atnmar. Class V Total 700. Pass 420. -Donald Buchan- an 520. Jr. IV. 'Petal 500. Pass 800. George Ramsay 405, Ella Nee 330. Sr. III. Total 700. Pass 420 Ger- trude McKenzie 589 ; *Nelson Fulton. Jr. III. Total 700. Pates 420. -Lisa - bell Suiten 576, Jimmie Sutter 548. Sr. II. Total 400. Pass 240. -Luella 1 Fulton- 819. Sr 1-iLxanilried in Arithmetic, Spelling, 'Writing, Com. position, Geogqtop11y. Total 700, Pass 420 Jennie Ritchie 840 Ruby McRae, 824, John Sutter 614 I Prem• er (A) Excellent. -Katie Williamson, Angus McRea, I Primer B. -Clifford Ritchie, Mark Hamilton, Willie Sutter, Georga Wtllfatneon. SENNIE B. Ro13B, Teacher, Crafbroolr Annual School meeting Wednesday of this week, A. J. Helie Was on the sick last week but is better again we are pleas- ed to state. Several from here are attending the Huether-Brier wedding Wednesday evening of this week. Miss Alfie Forrest, who ie attending Hamilton Normal School, is here for a visit under the parental roof. GREAT TratE.-1'pesday evening of last week Lhe Methodist Sabbath School held their Christmas entet Lain meat in Long's Hall. There was a good attendance and Our program went oil with a fine awing with Rev. D. Myren in the chair. 1t wits as fol- lows :-Chairman's address ; chorus by little girls, "Old Santa Claus" ; recitation, Barbara Fischer ; chorus by choir' , violin selection, H. Got sal- itz ; recitation, Pearl Alderson ; solo, Mildred Spading i swinging clubs; Misses Rands • violin selection, H. Gorsalitz ; dialogue by two boys reading, Lulu McDonald ;iss Stephen- son violin selec- tion \L•. Rands •solo Mearl P sou address by Red Mr. M000lo01 dialogue, Phu Ruggles Christmas" solo, Rob. McDonald ; violin selection, Henry Gorsalitz; recitation, Arnold Fischer ; chorus by girls, "Little town of Bethlehem"; solo, H. Men- zies ; dialogue, "Mat eying a poetess" ; recitation, Miss Stephenson ; violin selection, Mr. Rands ; chorus - by choir recitation, Maye Cameron duet, Misses Grace Stephenson and Addie Sparling ; dialogue, "Edith • solo,Rev. ,1175 helps things along" Oulloch ; recitation, V. Sperling t solo, Rob. McDonald ; recitation, Johnnie Nichol, The financial pro- ceeds ata small admission fee, were $20.20. Confectionery was distribut. ed at the close of the pt•ogeatn. ' • SILVER WEDDING. -On Wednesday evening, Dec. 24th William Alderson and his good wife celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedding at their home in Cranbeook North. After the guests had assembled they were in- vited to the dining room where a splendid simper had been prepared by the hostess in her usual excellent style. After ample justice had been done to the good things provided Rev. J'. P. Knight, who was master of ceremonies and as toastmaster called on Mrs. (Rev.) J. F, Knight to propose the toast to the bride, which she did in a very neat and spicy speech. Mrs. J, Forest proposed a toast to the groom, which though brief was to the point. R. McKay, Ethel, responded to the toasts to the bride and groom. He being quite Intimate with both parties in their younger days recalled a few of the incidents of the early years, some of which were a little amusing, while others were more grave as he reflect, ed on witot the passing years had brought and acquiesced most heartily in the good wishes for the health, happiness and future pros verity of the bride and groom as ex- pressed in the toasts proposed. Mr. Alderson replied briefly to the toasts thanking the friends for their presence and good wishes. Rev..(, F. Knight responded and all drank the health of bride and groove. This part of the program tieing over all repaired to the parlor ,where the. even- ing was spent in social chat, musical selections and song. By, the way this lttst‘deserves special. Mention for Rev. Mr, Knight, wine is a 110mbey One entertains; and his wife his counterpart, gave some -of their best and never 'Mottled to tire of it but heartily enjoyed it. Out local talent exeelled themselves, the songs of R. McDonald and H. Menzies being worthy If special e t n ci.al m ration, Little Olara Alderson gave a recitation tan 0hristnlas. Mr. and'Mrs. Alderson Ware the recipients of many valuable presents, among the number being a puree of silver from the people; of Cranllrook and vicinity. The family were all present also the grand•ehild. Among those from• a distance were Rev. J. F. Knight anti wife and (taster Harold, of Charring' Cross ; R, Alderson, wife and son' Prow, SNIal• 10(13 the Fortner being the only sou of sty, and Mrs, Alderson, After, all old uined In singing "Auld Lang oornpisny left for their 331 seasonable flim (sotto a seasonable for It . ttltN.. Duffs Pre Duff's (Presbyterian) Church, Walton REV, R. A. LUNDY, Pastor, One of the neatest church edifices in Huron County, Christmas). after wig ping Mr. and Mrs. Alderson many returns of the day. Morrie Mess Mary Grainger, 5th .Ilse, was vieitiug relatives in Molesworth locail- 'ty last week. The light sleighing is being made use of by the farmers and others having teaming to attend to. Alex and Mrs. Wilson, of Atwood locality, were Christmas visitors with 'Phos. turd Mos. Miller, OW line. Tile visitors are the 'parents of IMLs. Miller.. PRIMARY CLASS AT HuarE. Aloes t and Mrs. Howlett, 71.11 line, entertain- ed the P010101 y class of the Jackson Sabbath School, of which Mrs. How- lett is the earnest teacher, on Tuesday everting of last week. Along will • le pan tits, guardians and otherids there was an assembly of ab r(t 00 people. The following lasty„crogrann WAS given,_ the patio:,i+v, Mr. Jewitt, making a jolly chairman :- Chorus, "Joy to the world" prayer, Rev. W. Jewitt ; greetings, Ernest Nivins ; Welcome iecitetiou by class ; chtn•al's address report ot of class.Matie Brown,Seeietlx amens.LileSunbeams" recitation', Char- lie Cnuuingl]t1u1 recitation, Cora Skelton ; chorus by the Bell family ; recitation, Bert Pease ; recitation. by six little snowflakes ; recitation, May Watson • recitation, "Our Dolly by 3 girls 14(34'0 boys ; recitation, Lily Rogerson recitation MaryBurivn • solo \L9 J McElroy • recitation, Dick Wallace recitation •Milda Me- EItoy recitation, 'Good night," " by six little girls ; solo, 'Santa Glaris." A pleasing feature of the occasion was the reading of the following address to the hostess by Margaret Brotvn and Milda McElroy 'presented the teacher with a fine jav(linet a :- DEAR 'TEACHER. -We, the members of your S. Se Class, desire to express a little of the gral.i t ode (incl ,love we feel toward you for your untiring efforts in our behalf. • \Ve thank you for this beautiful Christmas free and Enter- tainment provided for us in your hospitable home and we hope that the kind thought and trouble you have taken for us' may he rewarded by God's richest blessing upon you: Silica you have been ens' teacher nor class has grown steadily in mmmbees, interest Of Interest to the Public It has long been tut axion in the (tontine total' cominunity that Grose who study (13(3133 customers most and give the best value I'nl• stoney always seceee(3 in winning the greatest confldeneo of 1110 pnhiic and in obtaining the 1at'gest meas- ure of its patronage, That, and, that only, is the reason why nave built a fine business, despite coesideradrle opposition. I give better value -1101'4i ray prices are generally lower than elsewhere. 1 give you an honest, porsonal service, identifying self with y g my your Internal, mid ever (.ndeaVol- dng to give you a better return for the innr1Cy spent with ire tirot what you could gel elsetvhel•e. Prompt dei i v5ry is as essential as good work. Tiro illlllfrtane0 of this is recognized by toe, and i realize the responsibility when I accept an. oed('1. Oometeey work promptly attended to. 5s*lmotea ohoerfully gluon. orussels Granite & Marble Works ��ldN f,: llkfl _FYI Poepoleter and attendance and we hope that the New Year (lay find 0 Milted class and you, our teacher, As we want to have w share 111 gieh]g also, we ash you to accept this Jitrdinere ne 11 small token of one love and respect and the ti•aet that you tiny have et joyful Oheisimas awl a bright (1(d happy New Y0141'. Signed in behalf of the class. Margaret Brown, Alice Kirk, Dick Wallace. The recipient made a reply befitting the happy 00(4081011 and thanking the little folk for their ltiodness. Mrs. Howlett is also Superintendent nr the needle Rnll and lira Howlett is Super- intendent of the School. After a Santa Clans (lislrihution of presents from the Ohr•istnts 'Free, candles, nuts and oranges were dispensed. It was carded nnanlim00s)7 that Row- lett hole was tt "boss" place to go to for a good time and the well pleas- ed company left for their respective homes with the explession of Christ- mas greetings and good wishes for one (10(111101'. Social gatherings such as this should be 11e1(d oftener 110 foster the'spirit of friendliness and good fellowship toward church and Sunday School work and workers. Alta and Mrs. Sleir and children from Saskatchewan, ate Isere on a visit with 1elaltves and old friends. The former is a son of Alliin and Mrs. Speir, old residents of the 4th line. P11e visitors have a good farm proper- tyin the Wet. Gilbert Spell-, who I s 1 p MIS so se0iousl y ' bnrlled a short time ago, Is improving slowly bot was not able to make the journey home yet. WO hope he will 50011 be felly re- stored to goad health. Good Oorn Sheller For 250. Atm (vel of efficacy and promptness, a remedy ticat does cure corns and muss. Its name is Putnam's Corn 1+IxtractoL, Contains no acids, never Indus, gives lasting satisfaction, In- sist o, "Putnam's" only, ICs the best. ( women with a hatred ,e for the na 1 Ita c u h me nt t 1 dreadful drink triflic. For the sake of these men, women laid ehildren shall vole fur the Semi Am. 8. 1 shell vole ((t'it, not bec5nse 1 1 1(1 ((1(11 perfect but 1(0411116/ 1 1'311111.1 i1 twill do good raid is a step Utmost I I'ruhibithin. litany pioltihitney laws had serious tlefe(•ts ti halt flits t'na1'ted because Iegislalu;s wouldn't pass a 1 getter law but as the p1 1)11,!) y laW Male good; it was t wended and 'km prove(. Elven this Aet 11) its present condition is It gret1t inlll(uveulenl ell the original The p101011110(7 letWe of Maine (4(111 Kansas nl it sim.ilag ex- Maples. Ont• legislators Will 410 as the want 111(01 if they see the all' in eaiuest•. I1 spite of any.defects it is successful operation en the . mall - thee pr101 1108 for (Iver twenty years. The whole of Prince Edward Island is under the Scol t Act, In Nova S,•olia only 1110 City of Halifa:t Is exempt from its rule, In New Brunswick there Ore only 187 liquor licenses in the whole province. 10 roust surely be a success or it would have been re- pealed long ago. It 1]081 be a gond and workable law. 4. I shall vole rap it because I (181 in favor of prohibition which I believe is the only right way to deal wit li the drink traffic. A peoldbitiou lit Is ' more easily enforced than et license law. As to the right or wrong of [t 'prohibition law, we deem it 115111 when it comes to the prohibition .of the sale of immoral literature and REASONS WHY PEOPLE SHOULD SUPPORT THE CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT To the Editor of Tule Poste : Will you kindly allow me space to tell `you why T will vote for the Cana- tla'lemperance Act in Jaln(1107 1 1. 1811111111n't like to lake the re- sponsibility of voting against it and Was colt Untie the lide1secl bar where strong chink is sold to the great (1eLrilneu1 or many of our people. Not one 111 11 thousand is benefitted by ;t, The late Dr. Benjamin Ward Richardson, the fatuous physician of London, 3 l'gland, need it only twir'e in treating; patients during a long practise. Both tunes at s01a111 portion of brandy wits used to liltOl•y the patient's heart past h critical moment, The (hues when it beneficial are very few indeed. On the (thr,r hand it is very (1 (11bald if there are any (11Lses when ([[lien its a beverage that i1isn't iujnri0(11 13ei0g a p0dson dt injures the health. 11; h[trdens the coats of the capillaries, dilates the blood vessels, causes 1(01(11 trouble, iujnres the digestive organs and shortens the. (irinkel•'s 113(, - Life In- 011111CP 5onitaotes.. prove this last statement, 2. it isn't only the drinker who suffers. 11is wire and family ft egnen 1- lyfeel the pinch of poverty because the money. spent in drink means so 0ttleh 1088 101' the COM rot to o1! home, Yes, often the necessaries of life: Many a child is h111(51y to -(lay because the father spends his caenirigs do strong Li0(. Army ch'iuc ert child is kept out of school because 0f lack of propel rinlhhig, ete, A11 such (((31 1181(diCsp4)I(1 in 1115)1(01 of lire be. 10111se of eln•ly 8t11't•0nnl ltlg9. IL 1(111es the spirit 0(11 of the 'young 11(1ed to know he is the sol of a drinl[er. J 11(nit also of the patient (wife who hits (0M0110(1 faithful dut•i ug all 111080 year's ill spite of negle01, want, Hetet-. 11nn5�51 for amu volution, and frequent ly leh[Ise, buoyed no Wilh the 1101)1) (hal some day the drink will be pro. hdbile(1 and she u+iil agate(have the ('1111y joys 0f home restored. Aa a 100111g Mother 8110 hides 'i• .heart. 43141106 111111W1th the hest sal 14(3 1(1Ust01' tries to train 1(101 l' t111J1t11'en 110 l,nno338 151310 3 none says tt word 1150i1ne1 it except The People's Colunsvl t si 'se, those lutoeate(i 111 tile h t ne `"'" TO Wil councils puss plvhibitnry ba'' ous1C tied 101 for 0100, bonssula South. Ni (((1 rlsble ha119 punct nmol°, 581(533 1t4t1'e alglll 11 Fl I1lliaitllrea, nl•c„ tiled. all nt(+., u5d l.v tr(u'e or hard, lwn,udh]lu possudslun good rl (igen 9 aro saU91ied. ran bs g3vau. A1e(gabi fur svmebndy, Fur 111 oo0(lusiitl t11Ino' nee to 1;'1('1 11llt` fs1'tht+rparllntflnranpply to 1)111(11811 15 11018, ynulltl10(1-"1'btn dv(un'ahzillg ha John Street, Brussels. 1111('(((0nt 1111 03'1' Iwilar 116 1v11 Y. 'NoonShort 11or1Dulls for sale Iroln 5 to plisse or 111,', II1(11 i(11post'a It I'10 (111..1 VA I2 mouths old. Pedigrees larni8hee, 1'or further part i(Inla(wAa1Vtpply to ,On 8111TH Tee wbrith, e, P.0. alts nnolull 111(1(1111 111/1111 the people,' tloVeritor Isui Vises, U. 8, A. 'l'hauIing3ou roe the pi ivilege of: havin; chis iIlse rIell, 1 Veinal!: \`,31tf+( slime l•(I3, 31'. 11, 1UWINSTON, IC1pp011, Oul', Trustees' Notice to Creditors In the estate of John T. Dennison, of the Township of McKillop, i11 the Cuuuty of Durum fainter, an fusel - Notice is hereby given, pursuant to I George V., Ohap, 28, Seet1on 55• end tonen(lblg Ants, that 011 persons having claims against the above estate are requested to sr nil by post or deliver to W. (3-. Neal, 1l,q , Merchant, Wal- ton, Ontario the Assignee of said estate, on or before the 1st of January, 1011, their said olnbne and full particulars thereof And further tithe notice that after the anis first day of January, 1014, the said Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate 0111011; the parties entith d the•e- 1o,having regard only to the claims sr whish he shall 1501, have notice. Dated this 8th day or December, 1918 J. M. BE8'1`. 25.8 Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for said Assignee. 00•100r•••®eer•er•errr••r•r • 0 A ° • ✓ a S aerrerrroeersaeorrrrrerrrra e e • s e n Cutters and Sleighs ALL AT EWAN & Co.'s, Brussels, and you will see something that will please you in the Cutter line, as they have •a large stock on hand in several styles. All are of the best duality and latest styles of Auto Seats. • PORTLAND CUTTERS Nice, Roomy and Comfortable with Trimmings to lift out o BOB -SLEIGHS all made of the best of Oak and our o own build on hand, r r aCall at an early date and get your chuicc its this • stock has got to be sold to make room for 150 Buggies a for the coming season. • EWAN & Co. - Brussels ° e ear seeme0000meeosmameeeaos ocoo©ceos sne®•aestmessossisssega i.e+•+••e••r.e+•+...+•+•+.+.4'• i••i•eir......1••'t'•d••'N......... • .3. Co 1 1 .3. ••o•F1F• _ •033e/ r!!'aK(k;t • q F• ▪ Weather• • M�yr • ..0 Goods. -4. . •F••O • Fine range of well made Horse Blankets at various rices o • P , Comfortable Rugs and Robes• • Sleigh Bells in - •• • g Variety. • Halters, .Curry Combs, Brushes, &o,• e e Trunks, Valises and Haid Bags if you intend travelling q® Our largt wick gives customers sagnod choice. PRIORS • ARE RIGHT. Call in and see our goods. $ •+ 0 2 O Harness Repairing a Specialty, Phone 31x B. F. CARR, russeis On Jan, 1st, 1914, the Clash System of dniog-business will be adolited. $8,000 In Debentures (10hd4Townehip Council is offering 85,OW bridge debentures, oov(11ng (0 Yrnr0, and bowing 5(3 interest. (aids will be received 111 A. 111o13;wart, !l'owns131nuvnier I'. 0. Up• e 111,0401, 00ABLill n.F0l;Grey,E10Tnu1om,'tall elated and wellunde•a1 shied, F, coo house afdtanl( barn, well watered. There Is also of 159150r sale MU nays being Lot 82, 0111 of Gr8y. 50-01 which aro cleared. Bots, (1005011es to he sold to °lose out estate. Apl to 311(11 015a5'GILL. Ethel P. 0. or W. al. 43001.51(1, Sarrister,'Bru9sel5, Ont. Uf, e. 1R5T CLASH FARM FOR. SALE. -The nn- dareigned will sell the South Penh or Po wi eldpt Nro Morris tat otbargain,+(8 1115 11, 90 buyer On Merano is a good modern brick 110500 ted fil•+t-elaaa 101(11( barn and is a well rem od tern], consists of 100 her e9 and is well 81t5114110' markets. Owner now in Wont is Phe rem ]or sale, Alrplyfor further par. Oettlaratn F. 8.8000 r, Brussels. STO118101.7SIC FOR SALE 011 TO RENT. - No. L, Produce warehouse at Brussels station 0, T. R. For S (llieUlll'5 apply ,pplBruSeo FARM FGR SALE. -The undersignedoffers Iris 1(111 farm consisting Unbent 180 acres a(1joi51aglhe town of Olinton, for sale. The farm is inn good state of cultivation and 1189 good buildings, brick house, back barn, driv- ing house,giq pen, etc., ell comparatively new. A flrot'olts young orchard containing all 1(Indo or .finite, and also small fruits, The farm is wellfenced and drained and is tl very de+b•nblo home Fo, further particulars apply on the premloos or address 28.12 I04N TORRANCE, 011n1on. 6L�ICDAE LAWN FARM" FOR SALE.- Thensdersigned offers far Bale his fine MO sore farm being North 13111f Lot 28, Cal, 8, 43(0, 0 s towiolup, Buron 00. Perm is hes good. Hlate of sul9Vtlt105, well fenced and ban on it n floe brick house that.00et 98,004 Good lawn surrounded by cedar bodge Barn 02 x 00 feet on ..tone fonndat(on. Good orchard and 10 Toro. of hardwood bash Farm is only a. mile from the splendid marl(et town of Ornateels and la 134 mike from acbonl, Good commun- ity. Possesplonnt toe For further partiou• Ws, price, tonna. &e. fleets oil the premises ne to JOHN' 500NEY, Proprietor, Brussels P. 0, Manitoba mproved Farms For sale on easy terms or will rent to desirable tenants. Write for par- ticulars t0 John E. Smith (Owner) Box 1033 Brandon Mai, W. H. LOVE Funeral Director .4 ® c and Embalmer Orders 4r'ouquly and care- fully atteudetl to night or Phday.one hone 2.5. � ETHEL, T®T7v®1'�T77r to ONT. o j� ••ata COLI ; G E , AT 1CME Thousands of ambitious young pee. I]le are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, booill(e4Dyore, (elegra- phera, civil servants i1 foot every sphere of netiv It les. Yo(,111ny finish at college if sou so wish. Positions guar- anteed. Enter college sm. day. Ltdi- vid(ral lnstruel 10(3 ICxrlart teachers. '!thirty years' exportation, Largest trainers in Canada. Seaen colleges, Special course 2o• Iencherp, Affiliated with 000,"slois1 Educe. tor'a Aesooin ti on of Caned,. Sunnier Schoolatfamous Spottos 11(9(0008 Col- lege, London, 'Ningbo! Business y College Guo.OPerr'ro(o, W; 7'. 11013814.• O•t•••t+•+.-1..+.+.' 4+O+'AA!i•e+••FO•F4.0••b••1.Od•0&••t'•fi••F•+tr•1�0•t•O merantsmoommezazammtmaPronldeut. ;Pnb,uipnL fps :.,;s'. k!:it ,.:s1 .•11,:,'43'IW .... .a;'`$'$i +rfl•.��,.t':'15llfRw '3". F+' :ettar...xst.,uh.E'0j05°{,. DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATiON OF WESTERN ONTARIO 47th Annual Convention and Winter Dairy Exhibition —W2Li, BE HELD 0N— Wednesday and Thursday, January 14th and 15th, 1914 7i. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON SIoSS(O,N ESPECIALLY- NOR FARMERSSTRATFORD r5 EXCELLENT LIST OF,SPEAKERS. EVERY,. PERSON MADE WELCOME , 9 REDiICED BATES ON' ALL RAILWAYS s. R. FACES!, PIoS FRANK' RERY$, Sec.-'ra080. 1 IIARRI ETSV I LLE L01100N 111. 9',1`i. •.Y. P w -:7.' i;ry _7 x .....^ 11K ...,,, 7Y.in:,7•"-&Y,T;l1a> •ie••••••••.44446•404N•♦44',eeseo*s4a0*•r(e:• ! Is the re -opening Day of ;9 MONDAY, JANUARY 5TH s 0 1 9 ! ! Thi1orthernRusiness CoIIg ! ! Establlehted 1881 OM,'on Sound, Ont. ©• 0 • • '11e11 11 1opiron 00(101d1 lfh0x1 11 ,0 1ge, gFuolalrn0v1a•ssless, 1L1(1(L1i((l11033O(5n1p1y(5i(1(rg-rPo10na9.a(n0d 1 el1xs1w)1r- A• 4 Rolle', Filing -011(1(0e, Shannon, Document, Ve,t hal _Mimeograph, • • Itoti,y, Nenstyle, Beek Dup1151(loe, 13utroughs Adding Machine, AM- A i 01(00(3 41(1(1115 Machine ; 13111105.-CotdeltM•d Bill and 0barge .Type. 0 3 writers, Remington, \Valhi A(1(111(5'I'ype(0(1t01'; Dictating 14,11 ('1(hnes, A t No other schen! 1(110 this (quiplilelt. Gel' the hoot. It is practical, p a1.t4(1(114100g(19191itteed posit tills. Ont talpg(1efree, q1/ 4 46 G.1L1. 1/1bI<G, 4C. ml, 1'Llr1NPG,(FpaOl. fAor.(88years. 46.4SSebr6et6eiy464 ' +16404441.14• 4641.1 ♦•+••+4+4'644 A At your !home, without pain,.danger 00 operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless;Cases ao matter .what your. age is or how long ruptured. Why Wait until your sup turdhiComt:s strangulated Wheel•iu eat) t l ] be y 'cured ? Do not wait Fill In coupon. Age 'rime Rep ....... ... Single or Do uble g t Name ......... ... ...... .....,. Adtli est .,.... all(1 return to JI, S. STM"`' H SS c41Odonia et, Dept, A Stratford, Ont : 1 .1 Aar (rt