HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-12-25, Page 41.
"tirusskis Voot
T'iva iDAY, DEOfiIMBER 35, tete
Mutest Christmas to every reader of
Now wonid be good time to shape
tip the good resolutions for ripe Per-
haps lest year's outline could be turned
up and on scoount of not being badly
worn could be ruled again by changlug
the date,
POSTMASTER GENERAL is authority for,
the statement that parcel post will come
into 0Perat
f n in
Camila duringrlug
month of January. There'll be some
ane y.
doings after the inauguratiou of this
new order of things and the postmasters
and mail carriers wilt have troubles of
their own.
JTIDOIN• by the thousands of dollars
being paid out .to the Fantail raid tie -
fenders it would•,appear as If Ontario
bad an army uf large proportions in
z866, It is said the papers of some of
the applicants are spurious and con-
equeutly seek the $roe as swindlers
instead of loyal men and true. They
should be presented with a quarter of a
cord of basswood.
•Husos County leads the van in the
production of butter, according to
Provincial statistics.
There are
to and anoutput 1
of 88
factories.79 1 3
pounds, valued at $476,908. Ontario
farmers made cheese worth $x6,457,532.
By a.move•up on the part of Huron Co.
farmers who are not now patronizing
eitherthe butter or cheese industry the
quantity might be easily doubled.
A new- movement known as the
Ontario Young Manhood Association
recently organized in Toronto, to fight
forProhibition of the liquor traffic, is
operating in Welland County where the
Canada Temperance Act will be sub-
mitted. Between 1,500 and 2,000
young men have been enrolled. The
slogan is "No Booze." Huron' County
will ro
babl) get busy along the same
line in
HAURIS•rON town Council has increas-
f ed billiard room licenses from $25,oo
and $to,00 to $100,00 and $75.00.
The license necessary for the sale of
cigarettes is $75 0o in that town. Some
people lose sight of the fact that no one
under 18 years of age has any right by
law to be supplied with tobacco or
cigarettes. Adults who purchase and
then supply minors are else liable. If a
few lawbreakers were taught a lesson
by a Magistrate it would do good right
here in Brussels.
IT looks as if the prodding of the
Dominion Grange is likely to stir up
s a aseessirat•g 1' d prove very bene-
ficial to the farming coni:iri) +ted a
share of it would indirectly do a goo
turn to people not eugaged in Agri-
culture. The day of class legislation
and running governments for purely
party purposes has about run its race
and men of independence and broad
.,horizon will come to the front in answer
to a call from electors who will demand
fair play and service to the country in.
stead of always taking account of
political favorites or large contributors
the election fund.
THE Entrance Examination may be
bolished 1 y the Provincial Education
epartment. It does not appear to be
lued very highly by a good many
colonists. If the anormaly of ask -
ng people to be at the expense of
tiding the Model Schools and at the
e time tie thein up with restrictions
to securing schools, were removed
•.would take away a regulation that is
meaningand discouraging to the
teachers ; an injustice to Trustees when
io great a shortage of instructors is
',Vent ; and mostunsatisfactory to
'• its and guardians. A Model
of certificate should be good for
years straight tesouing with the
vilege of teachers and trustees doing
siness without reference to Normal-
s or Inspector's permits. If some of
the fellows who make the rules had to
hent their job by the sane route there
I be some very vigorous kicking.
a's Moet Artistic and Peddle...
44* 444444 44.46+•'1••+•+O'1',+,+ ht••+•+++••4+4.4. +0+o+J+• 1.4•.
This le honest advice for you who
are run down and alak-don't dope
with alcoholic "tonics." We're back- I
ing this advice with out' personal
h t
guarantee of satisfaction tc yon, 01 • +
yourtneney back.
There are a lot of so-called "tonics"
on the market that do not, depend for
their abort -lived popularity ou any
real merit they possess; but upon the
fact that the alcohol lu most of there
and the dangerous or habit-forming
drugs in some of thein give a tew
motnenta' exhilaratiou and liveliness
after a dose is taken. After awhile,
even this effect ceases to take place,
1unfortunate atleuC w
orae off
than rrelief n before turns for elf to some-
t g e
bin else.
Dunt daps yourself with such stuff
Take veal medicine that will do yon
real good, that will supply to your
system the strengthening, disease.
relieving and disease -resisting • in-
gredients it needs. Take Rexall
Olive Oil Emulsion and get well and
keep well, It is a real blood and
nerve -food medicine, It contains no
alcohol nor any other dangerous or
habit-forming drugs, but is made
entirely from ingredients heeded to
build up the strength and health of
the ailing.
You who are weak and run-down,
and you who are apparently well now
but are liable to suffer from various
cold weather ailments, use Rexall
Olive Oil Emulsion to get and keep
well and strong, For the tired -out,
run.dn n, nervous, emaciated or
debilitated—the convalescing—grow-
ing children—aged people—it is a
sensible aid. to renewed s
1 en th
better spirits, glowing health.
Rexall Olive Oil Eruulsion-king of
tate celebrated Rexall Remedies—is
for freedom from sickness of you and
your family. Pleasant-tasting—un-
like the cod liver oil preparations—
you'll be as enthusiastic about it as
we are when you have noted its
strengthening, invigorating. building -
up, disease -preventing effects. If it
does not help you, your money will
be given back to you without argu-
ment. Sold In this community only
at our stnre—The Rexall Store—one
of more than 7,000 leading drug stores
in the United Slates, Canada and
Great Britain. F. R Smith, Drug-
gist, Brussels, Ont.
his elegant magazine delights the
while it instructs the mind concern.
the picturesque doings of an interest-
and highly entertaining world.
ach issue is literallycro w with
blithest quality of photogravures,
oyof them worth framing...
to the most popular "Pick•-me'up"
he waiting room tables of the ''lead-
sthroughout t
he Dominion:
in the bigP ublic libraries it is liters
Vs"naed up" ter the ninny who are
ht;- by its entertaining and beattti-
"dnve at sight" publication and
departmental features of great
tb the young woman and the
just to quote one man's praise
oily thousands --elle Canadian
ntnissiouer in Lontlon—the Rt.
rd Stratheona, wrote 1—
Cenedfpilrijictorial ie.a publics -
tion which, if I may be permitted to say
so, is a credit to Canada." (Signed)
new subscribers— twelve
months for only 65 cents.
is published
The "Canadian Pictorial"
by the "Pictorial Publishing Co ,"
Witness Block, Montreal, Can. Try it
for a year.
Every little while pea read in the pa err
that so many persons have died from Con
It is all very far-off and matter of fact
and possibly it scarcely arrests your etten
Do you ever realize that each one of
those ' eases"—mere items in a1 official
record—is a black tragedy to samehody
that behind each one of them lies long,
hopeless days of pain, feverish nights of
despair, lifetime plans that must be laid
away, grinding poverty, perhaps a wife tc
fight her own way afterwards or childrer•
who know hunger now h
g ^ that the father el is
genes -... -•
Just su ose it - eea your tragedy
Suppose it wevre your father,your mhr,
your brother, sister, husband, wife, your
child, or perhaps your sweetheart, and you
with the hospital doors shut in your face,
wringing your bands in utter helplessness
while the crowds hurry by, engrossed in
their own affairs.
But no! You are in that crowd and Yon
don't hear either because you are busy.
Bub wouldn't you give—and gladly—if
you knew that what meant so little to you
would go far to bring back the glow to
somebody's wan face or the laughter to
somebody's lips?
Just sit down and think of the one you
love best in the world. Then say "If she
lay there--" or "If he lay there—"
and see how it sounds. What would be.
come of all your plans and your busy days
then ?
For eleven years now the Muskoka Free
Hospital for Consumptives has cared for
those whom others love best, and hundreds
of them have gone home again well and
happy. It keeps its doors open because a
few busy people like you stop for a moment
and remember.
Are you going to remember this Christ..
Don't put it off: Use the attached form
in sending your contribution.
To help the 11fuskolea Free Hos-
pitalfur Consumptives continue its
life-saving week, .1 gladly enclose
the sum of $
0.00 will provide maintenance for a week,
20.00 will pay for four weeks.
250,On will endow a bed for a year.
Since the need is such anemia:tent
one, Iskould alsolike to subscribe
bl Register my ne45e accor•d.
Contributions may ba soot to W. J. Oago, 14,9.84 knoll's(
Ave., Toronto, or to n. Dunbar,. Somarens r,attn10 Saul.
tur5um Anoelatlon, 317.1Cing St W., Toronto,
Brussel$ Oounoil
Statutory meeting' was held Mon-
day evening, 1 I
15th inst. S
t. NIenbel's
present except Geo. Muldoon; who
was 0111 of town.
Minutes of the last meeting read
and passed. Accounts were ordeted
110 —
to be paid as follows
Jno, Roger, Engineer's fees ,.....$ $ 00
P. S. Stott, Clerks salary.. , 54 00
" miscellaneous .. 46 00
R. Oliver, salary.......,. .. 40 00
-n araC
14 26
Richie work n
R, Hendertlon, mieceltaneous 50
Inc, Long, selecting jurors 4 00
De. T.T, ,McCrae, Health officer 20 00
Chas. Psllard, rnfsoellaneone 1 60
I, Leckie, selecting jurors. Stn7 00
Application was made for tax re-
duction byA,
duction on rink, It was m
i MoOdire, seconded by EL A. Pryne
A Full Line
Christmas fruits
r Ready Xmas s Comin We
Try S. C. Wilson
`.1 1
are fresh a
• r Goods r l
1•next Grocery olds Our GU I
.. With 'ou
owe can supply you with all kinds of Christmas Groceries,
+ Peels, Selected Raisins, Currants, Icing Sugar, Spices, Etc,
And Line
A eat
'" Oranges The flrwt N+tvrtl Olangcs n)' th0 raw() me here told me sweet
and juicy. Expect a big shipment in a few days and prices
ore lute.
Crockery and Fan
At -4PRIN---
Geo. Thor
,•+••+•+•+•+O+•+•'1 •+9+•+0.4 0+0+044640+0++0G 0.0+++•3.•+
that a rebate be made of $25, the total
tax being $93.00. parried,
No 0011011 was taken concerning B.
Gerey's business tax,
Jno. Meadows was charged with
o h was an error,
taxes arc
t4 w
be rebated.
Letter was read from Jas. Sharpe
relative to Electric Light plant.
Report was presented as 10 amount
of taxes paid by close of Dec. 13th.
By -Law was read 8 titnesand passed
fixing polls and Deputy Reluruieg Of-
ficers fur the next Municipal Eleetiou.
N. F. Gerry will be in charge at
Town Hall and P. Scott at Public
Library audience room. Nninivation
nn 29th at 7.30 p, m. and Election a
week later.
Council then adjourned.
(fust Rouwx No. 2.— Following
are the patrons of Rural snail route ,
No. 2 running out of Bluevale, with I
D. Miller as the obliging carrier I—
• blathers,R. !lathers G. Glut h
• 1Johnston,Robb,
ass t1 Sellers, L. JolruslJ
C. Tnrvey, W. Robinson, W. Fraser
Arthur Shaw,Jos.u J. John -
Snaffle, illie ,
ston, G. Johnston, G. Peacock, D.
Ramsay, J. Peacock, 0. Forest jr., T.
Smith, R. blesser, H. Muses.
T. Wilson, W. Willis, A. Pollock, W.
Holt, S. Burke, D. Breckenridge, G.
Parks, W. Hamilton, A. Jaeklin, E.
Jaeklin, Gen. Johnston, J. McEwan,
E. 13ryans, 3. McLennan, M. Fraser,
J. King, R. McAilistev, F. Balfour',
A. McDonald, Jno, McDonald, W.
Fraser, Jos; McDonald.
I• Campbell, John Pearson, Jas.
Pearson, W. J. Jaeklin, Joe Jacklin,
F. Sellers, L. Frain, D. Jaeklin, R.
Carr, Mrs. A. McDonald, Jas. Turn.
bull, B. Wheeler, Thos. Strachan, C.
Straohau, D. Strachan.
H. Do k t V. Moses, U. B Forests ,
W. Jermyn, A. Shaw, 3. Grasb A.
mnregia. MustardV. S. Davidson,
11IcVettie, G. W. Turvey, \\7,
Tuevey, Geo, Turvey, J. J. Fell, 0,
Agar, J. 3, Sellers, H. Bosman.
Miss M. Pollock left Thursday on a
visit to her sister's, Mrs. 5, J. Smith,
at• Petoskey, :Mich.
regret we announce the death of one
of our esteemed rosidetts in the per-
son of Mrs. Thomas Code, who depart-
ed this life on Wednesday, Dec. 10th
after an illness covering a period of a
nutnber bf weeks. Deceased, whose
maiden name was Annia Rathwell,
was born in the County of Lanark,
Ontario, in the year 1841, she being
one of a family of 8-4 sons and 4
daughters born to Thomas and Sarah
Rathwell. Of this Isige family only
2 are living, namely, Samuel, of Witte -
ton, and William, of Perth, Lanark
Oounty. Deceased was married to
Iter now bereft husband, Thomas Code
40 years ago, and for some time after
their mai riage they melded on a farm
near Carleton Place, coaxing to Morris
township 28 years ago, whine they
lived until ` moving to Blyth
about seven years ago.
The Family left to mourn her loss, be-
sides bel' beruaved (husband till
Mrs. \V, U. Laallaw anti Mrs. Roles
Powell, of !Morris ; airs, Alex. Porter-
field, of East 12L
Ieal; anti Ales.
P all
,r 'all t' Ont., U.
1. Kennedy, U1 )lett. C
of whom were with her ler smile
weeks prior to her demise, which was
not wily a great privilege, but cunt-
fovt to the deceased !o bee illness.
The hate airs. Code was a woman of
excellent qualities, a good ueighbut
and kind £raced euj,yiug he esIee i
and respect of a large eitele of friends.
She was a n ewber of the A,iglieat
Chine!' at which service was heli.) on
Friday ttiLelssuun prier to ititermeli5
in the Uuiou cemetery. To fir. Code
and the family is extended the
sympathy of the community in the
loss uf a loving %vire and kind and
affectiuuate mother.
Auction Sales
AUCTIONCALE 01? 35145 se00X.—F. 0.
Scutt, Auctleloel', has rethlttn to tlu0•
Mona from the uauersl •neo to Nell by Paine
Morris of Tee. -
. 2 IAA 28, 1, sl. 7 141
Auction S
u 35
stock ;— 28hd at era
0 5 ram y the meowing1nfue
stuck •-1 l: are.he un Olnua4yt uh old in fuel,
2 Heavy Draft Fillies Habig s scar' 15 gotta
Dairy (Joe's nl calf, 7 stuck Piga weighing a-
bout 126 lbs. eech,1 Be ood Sow. The sale will
be without reserve, Terms ;-7 months credit
given on furnishing Approved Joint Notes.
6. per cent. per annum allowed off for cash.
8115115 & Sl00enlnoK, - Proprietors, F. S.
800T9l, Ana.
a10550 AND Iwer.nttsOT.—F. 8 Scott,
Auctioneer, has been instructed by the under-
signed to Hell by publio auction at see bot 10,
Oon, 4, blorris, on Tuesday, December, 80th, at
1 o'clock, the following property t-1 mare 18
years old In foul, I mare 12 yeas old with Dolt
))month+ old et foot, 1 draft mare in foal 8
years old (cal be registered), 1 draft marerle-
Ing 4 yea's aired by Scotland's Hope (Mao be
registsrtdb I draft horse rising 9 years sired
byBu, 1 drat mare in from rising 4 Sears
sired by Sunlight, 1 draft borne ricing 8 years
sired by Drumburhe, t dram hones rising 8
years sired by Bursar, 1 draft hol•oeeolt rising
2 years sired. by Bursa', 1dyer thorse colt ris-
ing 2 years, 1 driving mere raping 0 yea re iu
foal, 1 driving Spring horse colt sired by Nap -
lin, 1 heavy Spring mare colt, 1 row due to
,• arch 16th
1cot clue to t
Salve Feb. 1 th.nave M
8 yleo,odue tocalve i art 20th heifer rising
0 years, 4 !teflon rising 2 SanrR,'2 steers I year
old, ()Spring calve 1 young brood How. 1
13aaeey-B0rris. 1)155655 7ft,. cut needy new,
with truck and slheaT on eller and -tongue
truck, 1 Deering mower 7ft. cut nearly new,
1 Maeaey'Eerris Reed dril118-hoe nearly n ew,1
horse rake, 1 Sipe Harrow, 1 muffler, 1 double
plow. 1 gang plow, 1 set iron harrows, 1 land
roller, 1 (Newham relining mill and bagger, 1
tnrnl sower, 2 plows one nearly new, 1 set
10001, scales, 1 hay fork n11 complete with
new ropes, 1 fence wire eeretdle• with ropes
nearly new, 1 set plow harness, 1 set of heavy
teen ho•nees nearly new, 1 set Riegle rubber
mounted hempen.. 1 string of belle, 1 top bog-
gy nearly new, 1 cal Iter, 1 wagon, 1 see of 1(4-
aleiaim, 1 pig box, 1 gravel box 1 Horn Din nter;
60 thorn' bred T3lanlc .Minorco hens, 25 _thorn
bred young OolntnInen Wyandotte bens with
rooster, 10 cords dry hardwood 20 inches, 80
cords dry softwood 20 Nebo%, 1 nrw irons -nut
saw, 1onalheater with oven attached., 1 new
Standard cream RelereEar. 500 bus, of onts. 20
ins, alms, 15 bags of hnotcwhent, •20 tons of
good straw, 8 tone 5ree0 feed, 8 tens of hay, 20
grain bags, env thee, forks- obpine nod elm Pr-
l me•-
Oue other nl'tlelea- PAM\IR—GA) 100 erre, br-
ing R% Lot 19, tion 4 Morris, on whieb there
1a a brink horse and bank hare, 8 n0ree 9nnnitg
e'ahad. 8 pores wheat ,Moir) PO arras 15o11
plowing done, nail 11Ole ee in !instil re I 55,4
miles from Brunets with gnnd read. 12nd1100.
00x00 being T of 18, 0011 5 Morrie, 0110.101? of
which is eulfivated and the billnnre peeded
down, Thi'+ IR n toad; farm, 41.0 mites from
BM:NINO a and nn n gond 5004temente will .he
rented for tom of vette. if not mold Teems
—All Roma of 90 and under nnol) ; over that
amount 10 months 0 'dib will be given on fur-
nishing approved ,jmnt notes, be,
cant, off
for cash m) 01.0rlit amounts
WILLIAIM 000X, Proprietor,
Fine range of wellmade
Horse Blankets
Comfortable Rugand Robes
Sleigh Bells in varietg.
Halters, Curry Combs, Brushes, &o.
Trtnke1 Valises and Hand Bags if you intend travelling
Otte large stdek give snet uneva a good choicePR1015
ATM' 301r. Oa!►in andx000111 goods.
Specialty, palrlogPhone 31x B. F. A Brussels
On Jan. IsI,1014,,tho Cash System of 'doing business will be adopted.
•04+4+06•446 44+ 4'44.0)•64,04.44+ 40100 184'•+i•6604 •d•46 4 4'o+N
At the Candy Counter you will !hui
the le
est and best
,ol to and see
-• our Chocolates 8
n u a, in Brussels, 11 a (.
WWI ant F lu it .
e )Ito 0
to ,2.00
from 60 'F
1 n ilea I )
1's sBinB us ritu'inrlu 1
ren snrunenloC011t lino
out` huge s !, 6 l
and twee. Always a full line of Fry's, Webb's and Nasnlith'5 celebrated Choc-
olates on hued.
B105F '1'l A Toswro GOOD QUALITY
Thanking our friends for their liberal patronage Eluting the past year we
wish all a Merry )Solidity Season.
Phone 7S ' y 11 S® fl
Special Attention to Phone Orders, S. • ��L/�ir/
0•+•00.•.++•++.+••+•4+4+4••0•0•••0••0e6040'' np4. 4,
le the re -opening Day of
The North
ern Business CoIIee••
• Established 1881 - Owen Sound, Ont.
• The pructieal school, regular classes including list) action and expor-
• ience in Card Indexing, Fullow.nps, Letter Copying—Press and Rapid
• Roller, Filing—Cheque, Shannon, Document, Vecticnl ; Mimeograph,
• Rotary, Nenstyle, I3eck Duplicator, Bnerouglss Adding Machine, Aur
• erican Adding Machine ; Billing-Oonclensed Bili and Chtu•ge Type•
0 writers, Remington, Wahl Adding Typewri10t•, Dictating 1laehilies.
e No other school has this equipment. Get the best. It is practical.
• Graduates guaranteed positions. Catalogue free,
• 0, A. FL1EMING, F 0. A.,
Peiu;ipal for 33 sellas, Secretary.
gas = W1AGWAR'i
Confectionery and Fruit Store
Luscious and Juicy California Seedless Oranges
25o, 80c, 40c, and 500 per doz.
Malaga Grapes, Table Raisins, Bananas
New Figs, Dates, Nuts, Raisins, Currants.
Our Confectionery is all New and Fresh.
See our Grand display of Tub Goods
�e Exclusive Gifts for men who smoke. �j®sy11����
� That's what 1'!! give—a Pipe 1
Bandy for ehristmas Giving CianEly has long been the
foundation gift file Chriet-
utas giving. The Christsntts seasuu is here again with all its perplexities as to
what one should give. Our stock of Confectionery was never more replete
with endless varieties, suitable for everyone, from the oldest person down to
the tiny tots. For stocking filling and tree decorating our Candy Count
era offer inviting ayndattractive items to Candy and Novelties.
Boxes from 50 to $1.00. See them.
Oysters Place your order early for them,
Cheese Good Old Oheese.
+•+•4'e 1••4••+•+• 4••4 4+•40+•'x0+0+0+++•44+0.0
a •
Xmas Gfts
Ready for You
0 o Stock
Nee the New Ides in our Holiday t it
Ter0n1 .y,1 00 up. Large assort-
ment ; paces right, ]) oti't fall
to see our line if in need of
a Watch.
Newest, ill Small Fahey Cloaks,
'i1 Mini
Ctttu1 c ,1 13�c1•rn, t cul,
Dining-roosn and Kit-
chen Clocks. •
'Phe latest in Pe eel Set Goods, 10 and 1410 13r0nches, Necklets, Pest.
Snots, Dian, lid Rings, Signet Rings, Ladies Lunt Gents' Fobs, Large
line of 131 aociets,'1'ic Pins Tie Clips, Bat Pins, eta,
Fountain Pens, Novelties, Ebony and Paeisiatl Ivory Goods wills and
without oases. Large line of Xmas and New hear Past Oarda, Tags,
Seals anti 130015 lets,
NOW designs in Silverware, Cut Glass, Teasley Chine, T-Ittnd 1311 rs, Mesh,
Bugs, Pipes Willi and without case~ A few good Violins w�Neh RIP
good value at our prices.
Be an U
, -to-)lata Santa Claus --It's Easy,
No difficulty if you make your Selections from our Stock.
Isrial ulna Joy is 'ill t +
U I r t t,t.mar . 1nY y
V then
the Gift is a Koichi, Don', WI to
see lint complete line.
OuWellcome to
Artloloo purchased Engraved free of charge
Wendt's Jewelery Store
r64/+4•04,14,1••••!1.••t•••3••0+114 /++..1.••t•044+ 0+••l+•60044•••t•••t464
The Peoplo'a 0olu9nri
GOOD Short flora I11SIle ters ale from 8 to
VI 1: months old. Pedigrees fruvished,
For further pert/entitlA Cott' eMfTH,
lrewbridge, l'• u,
$8,000 in Debentures
Morris Township (Monet) is effusing 90,000
I'' ani
'el ln' '9 Oila, 1
bridge deb lot res, cot t Y
bonrin • Sy'o Interact, Bldx will lie r000lved"
by e0 1510105118, Town0Bluevnlekl3, 0,
part Lot 2.4, Uoi. 0, Grey, 70 lumen, all
oleered end wellnnderdreine0, Frame bonne
• d There i also
owell orae b
is and hullo barn,
0fferod for sots 100 wren bring Lot 82, 0th
il, of Grey. 60 of which Incmnloa•ad, Both
properties to be Fold t0 01090 out estate,.
01 Sli8an0155,, d MARY
1Oo,sosela, P.
15 W
E Rhe un-
iRS`l U A
Half f
F will 11 the South' H o
dersigned nod 0vl 15 h t
do a g
t , the 0 h enc( sial .
1 1 t U s
Farm Lothip No, 0
r tothe Melt
et bargain, t s
Morrie, b
Township t of 8 g
buyer, do the 'also 19 a good modem brick
home and dm,it-olaas beak earn and 19 n well
fenced farm, consists 01100 Acres and le wall
situated for merkete, Owner now in West le
tate reason for ails, Apply for further par.
tloulars to S. 8, 80011, 1'1189018,
rOREHOUS10 10010 SALE OR To R10NT.—
No. 1, Produce warehouse at Bruoseie
Statin) G, T• R. For JpL1s0sls, Brussels,
i° AR5I FOR 8Ar.111,—The andereigned offers
his floe farm oonsieting of abeut. 185 acres
adjoining the town of Clinton, for sale. The
farm is in a good state of oultivatlon, uhd has
iicod buildings, brink (house, bunk barn, dt•iv-
ng house, pig Pen, etc., all oon parativoly now.
A first -einem yocn8 orchard. containing all
kinds of fruits and also Small fruits, The
farm lo well Penned and drained and is a very
desirable home, For further particulars apply
on the premises or eldd rase
28•t1 JOAN TORRAN010, Clinton,
6d r r o i line
The mlda):glgned offs era sal his
100 acre Yarm being North Half Lot 20, Oen, 0,
Morris townshipp Buren 00. Perin; is: inn good
Matte of cultivation, well fenced, and keg on It
a flee Malt lu•nse tart cost , 98,600 0 Good lawn
1 a - Bern 6 x 00 feet
d ) cedar I
ant•rol n Cd v K S 2
on .tone foundation. Good orchard ieoil lad10
acro+ of Hardwood bush Perm ie only a otic
from the eplendid =riot town of Bruaeele
nnd,ls lyy miles. from school. Good commun-
ity. further articu-
lor price,
ter s noe o p
tort, pro 4 terms. Bo. apply to the pr nOsele
or 10 JOHN MOON10Y, Proprietor, Brussels
P. 0.
Trustees' Notice to Creditors
In the estate of John '1' Dennison, of
the Township of McKlltup, in the
Cuunty of Huron, fernier,, an Insol-
Notice la. hereby given, pursuant to I George
V . tamp.20, Section 56 and anunding Acte,
that all peraoeo bsvmg claims against the
above eatete are rrg00sted to el nd by poet or
deliver to W.(4 Neal, E•q, Merchant, Wei.
ton, Ontario, the Assignee of Rad estate, 0n or
before the 1St of Jeuuori, 1014, their said
nu fall i. mr ticulars thereof
Online d e 1 I
i t r the said
And terrace. take notice that of e
] !4 n id AAsf •neo
willJanuary, 0 the ix
first, day of JI 6
iptribnl'the tweets of the
,,I6 proceed to d o a
s )ere- -
,•t et till d there- slid r'atflte
loan the parties 1
g p
t0,having regard only to the claims of which
Ile (Mall then have notice.
Dated Mlle Oth da : oI Degenber, 1610,
J. nl. BEST
26.8 8enfarth, Ontario,
Soltoitorfor said Asslguee.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Charles
Wheeler, late of the '1•owuship oC
Morris, 1n the County of Huron.
Farmer, deceased,
Notice Is )hereby given,.pursuant to Sec. 56.
Chap 28,05 the Statutes of Ontario, I George
, that all oredito a and others having claims
against the estate of tato said Charles Wtheel-
er, late of the Township of Morris, in the
(minty of Baron, Partner, who died at the
Township of Motels in the Oonnty of Bur-
en, on or about the Thirteenth day of
()Moline. 1018, are required m1 or before the
fifth day of January 1014, to Fend by po't pre•
pqaid or deliver to the undersignedfullpa•-
tieulare of their elaimx, duly verified by Mil -
davit, uud the Ill tura of the seo,,rity, if any
held by them,
And fmrtlrer take. notice that utter. such )apt
mentioned date the onsets of the estate of the
said demented will be dietribnted -among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to the ceding of which.00tieo shall then have
been given.
Dated this let day of December, A. D. 1010,
Manne511 WussLRs, 5Belgrave P. 0,
For sale on easy terms
or will rent" to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033 Brandon Man.
0 .`� .iaAJLlrAJ.1►J.,A. •
4 . ,
and Embalmer
+ Orders promptly and care-
fully attended 0) night or -
0•. day. Phone 228
o OT'T sib
7rT 'T7TY
Funeral Director
R asp.
Thousands or onrbitlots young POO'
lc. aro feet preparing 10 hely Own
1111 nx
110m ON ) cum tr I))L'PtlliVn 10e1tbilN 1
Ii i
air • o '1olegrip
sal, 1 re 9)ese bunt to a n 0,f e.
6 1 I
sphere of ll 91.1 (5hnis 119 fact every
l f yety oire. , Positions
'9 1 'n ' guar-
•e f Y nu so )leg any
6 9 b
victual forumr.on. Gey day, ltao
victual inxtructi on Ex,)iee t t1 or est
Thirty years' experlonoe, Largest
trailers in Oalada Seven oollogea,
Special course for Iamb ore,
AtBOnted with Commercial
toe's Association teln1mer
School atit feda SpotorBeahtoas
Winghani Business College
1l0 135815135r W. T. 5011811,
• Prelidetit, Erinoipnl. --440,41110V
. 0i,y,yAte.