HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-12-18, Page 1VOL, 42 NO, 25 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1913
W. H. KERR, Pro/iwtor
New Advertisements
Tontine( -M, Dlaok,
renal --"poker 13ro8,
Lomak -W. A. crown).
Shoe Salo -1, 0, Stehle ds.
Auotlon Sulu -Wm. Cook.
Rendu for You -]i'. R smith,
The Xmas store -James L'ox.
Notice to ereditors-d. M. Drat,
Local -National Supply Company.
Community Silver -W. F. Stratton,
Auction Sale -Smith 6t M9Co(•mlok.
.i. JStr`irt Betz
Harry Harding, ill Denham, ((pont
Friday last In the village.
B. P'. and Mrs. Cher, of Brussels,
called on friends here of Friday.
Peter and bice, Milligan of Brussels
spent Sunday with relatives 1111)0.
Reeve Reis was in Grand Bend 10.81
Friday nu County Council business.
G. \Steaming, of Suud8rllrld, pur-
poses opening a butcher shop here
next week,
W. told Mrs. Rubinson spent two
clays of last weep at Burgoyne where
they attended the funeral of the IaL-
ter's mother.
The Sunday Sc11001, in connection
with the Methodist Church, will give
au "At 110118" in the basement of the
church uuTliday evening.
MRs. EDWARD 131(00)l1TQ (,- An-
other of the land ulul ks 5L' the pioneer
days of I9hua te>wtlalti;l bas fallen ill
the person of Mrs. Ed weed Brought-
on, sr, She hurl been seized with an
attack of pneumonia 8o1n8 days pre-
vious but 11,11.8 re0overing rainy well
until t1 serious relapse set 111 on Satur-
day which rapidly did its deadly
work. Early on Monday 11101 wing it
claimed its vietill at the ripe old age
of 79 yeeu's and 0 nlonl lis. Deceased
was it (1 (lig}Iter of A11i1, York-
shire England d born in thee year
1831 was mart ed to Edward Blo n 1
can of Lincohwhire England,he
w I
year 1858 who predeceased her 10
years ago. After living in England
for some 3 years they emigrated to
Toronto, 01111ada and after retraining
there for one year, removed to W1101
was then known as the Queen's bush,
settling o11 Lot 16, Cott. 6, Elena,
where by their united efforts they
were successful in securing a comfort-
able home for themselves and family.
To them were born 7 children all of
whom survive, a daughter,Mrs. W.
J. Burst, of Mornington ; 6 sons,
Charles, Tolman • Win., \rorningLon
.fames, Albert, Edlvalol, George, all ,
of Elem. The late mfrs. Broughton I
was possessed of a very generous and
hospitable disposition (111(1 ilei' borne
being located adjacent to the Mitchell
and Listowel gravel road, roan • a
weary traveller shared in' the kind -
melees slump hl the shelter 01(61 emit.
Port and refreshments so cheerfully
given. She was a faithful, fndos1110118
i iul1wt0amulet, a desil-
able nemlibo', beloved by all Who
knew her and 1.11ough.now she bets
passed away from our midst we hope
that boys will be 11 bright eternity,
The funetai services on Wednesday
were conducted by Revs. Mr, Moore -
house and Ferguson, of M0tik1Goi and
largely attended, the six sons being
the )pallbearers, interment was made
in Blum cenletory. The sorrowing
friends sham 111 the sympathy of the
(utile community In their sorrow and
Doo` a:d Strachnu Was at Goderioh
last Week serving on the jury.
Miss Minnie 0111.1' spent last week
with her sister, burs. Oenclalr Phip-
pen, of Wi1113111n1.
Last Sunday evening Athol Me -
Quart ie,
e-Quark(, of Brussels, took the service
in Viotorie Ball and gave a good.
add rens.
SHOWER.- On Saturday (wetting
6th inoL., about forty friends of Miss
Christina Snell gathered at the home
of Duncan McDonald and presented
her wish It shower of china, Mies
Snell's Sebba1h school e.lilss gave her
a four -piece dessert set consisting of
an orange dish, a fruit dish, a salad
bowl and bon -bon holder. After a
-happy social time together, lunch was
served and the guests departed wish-
ing Miss Snell a happy tnarried life for
the years to come.
The address from the class was
redid by Mies Bessie Miller and the
presentation made by Miss Alma
We are gathered dere
to -night on the eve of your approach-
ing marriage, to express you our very
best wishes and also nue appreniation
or your faithfulness RS 011. Sunday
School teacher. Yon have done e yogi
utmost; to mould antig ul(1e 00)lives,
both lh bYYCir example your leach-
ing, and
Ing, (old we would ask you to accept
this china as an expression of out'
good -will. May God's richest blessing
go with you and yours to your new
house, is the wish of Yount GIRta.
A suitable reply was made by Miss
PRETTY WEDDING.- A quiet but
pretty wedding was solemnized on
Wednesday, Des. 101.1, at "Clover-
dale Farm," the home of S. A. and
Mrs. Snell, when their thh'd.daughter,
Miss Christina, was united in the holy
bonds of matrimony with Albert
Watson, of Morris, by Rev. Mr.
Wesley, of Wroxeter. To the strains
of the Wedding,Mtlrch, played by the
gentile's sister, Miss Bessie, the bridal
party took their places under
an arch
arranged ecd and banked with
flowers. The bride, who was given
Naturally You would Buy
Men's Presents
AttheMen's Furnishing Store
Ours is the Men's Furnishing Store, filled with requirements
for Men such as :—
Neck Scarfs
Neck Ties
Cuff links
20th Century
Fur Coats
Fur Lined Coats
Barrington Hats
Hit Shoes
Coat Sweaters
F it is a Suit or Overcoat you want, buy it in the 20th
1 ,
Century Brand, or a pair of Stylish Shoes, buy
the Celebrated Hartt Shoe, noted for its style; fit and
wearing qualities. Sold only by
E. @. E unford
clothier and Furnisher
away by her father, was daintily
attired In tan satin de 0118110 with veil
pl' esmhroi(leeed toile, fastenecl with a
Wreath of clstnge blo1So1s, 0101
1a11'ie3 (r shower Memel of white
"(11 )1(11inns told ferns, Mise Dunelda
IlacDunalp nude et charming little
flower gird and ring bearer and was
tressed 111 Alice bine silk. After cnn-
rr(11ullttiole the guests,-uunlbeeiing
bout 20 sal down 10 a 1n010ti211 1.08(1-
111(13 8)1113)01' 11181)01 ('61 by the hostess
n 111)1' 110101 g(111(1 etyyle. Groom's gift
to the bride was a Raymond sewing
machine; to the organist a silk
parasol ; anti to the fin wee gh'I a bible.
l'he presents were costly, beautiful
(4111 useful, (bowing the very high
esteem in which the young ennple is
hold. 41110r. spending the evening in
music and games the guests departed
(o their several homes, wishing the
young couple every success ill their
Tsar( home In 11.forids.
A Morris wedding is said to be cur
I he lapis in the near future:
Taxes have been cloning in fairly
veil but a good many dollars are to be
paid yet.
An auction sale of stock will be held
by Messrs, Smith & McCormick next
Tuesday afternoon at Se Lot 28, Con.
7. Sale at 2 o'clock sharp,
Bert and Mrs. WetSnn are now
netnnane11tresidents of the 5th line.
We extend cougratulatiolle and wish
1 1101 the best of everything.
Levi Farrow, Destro'o, Bruce Co„
was here on a visit with his brother,
Willows MI'row'. The latter return-
ed with him for a visit this week.
Miss Annie and Murray Johnson,
5th line, were visitors at Guelph with
Mr. and Mrs. Bobier, formerly of 13e1 -
grave. They also tools in the Winter
Fair and pronounce 1t o. k.
The local Hoard of Health met last
Monday and wound up the besiless of
o3 cul
Dl Stewart., Medical
Health Officer, presented sealed his report
was adopted, Morrie
has a
good Board who loop carefully and
promptly after their duties,
AUCTION SALE. -W111. 000lc, 56l1
line Morris, will hold an Auction Sale
on Tuesday, 3001 hist„ when he will
offerllis two 100 acre farms and his
farm stock, implements, etc. for sale.
If farms are not sold they will 1u
rented. F, S. Scott is the Auctioneer
The List may be read in this issue of
THE POST. Mr. Conic tanks of seeing
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev, Mr,
Smith, 11. University student, who is
expecting to go to China as a mission-
ary, preached in the JeckSoo (thumb,
from the text "Mee• sheep I have
sink" are not of this fold," St, Jolu1
10-16. It was Missionary day and
the address WPM tenet appropriate and
was reach appreciated. Rev, Mt.
Jewitt, pastor, assisted In the service.
BURNED. -We are sorry to hear
Chat Gilllert, 01deet son of Allan Sprit',
4111 line, who is in Ole West with his
brother Alex„ met with a seekers (10-
01(10t11 which might have easily re -
suited in fatal coneequeuees. He wise
lighting a fire in tile stove and Mis-
took a can of gasoline for coal nil and
poured 80111( of it on the kindling.
An explosion followed in which Gil-
bert was severly burned from which
he has not yet recovered. The house
and fin effete was destroyed
the inmates losing everything. We
hope the patient will soon recover
from the a�3den t.
Sunday, Dee. 21st there will be ser-
vice as usual in the English church at
11 a. m. There will be an address by
the rector on "Doubting Thomas."
Christmas Day there will be service at
11 a, in,
Miss Ood0 is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. (Dr',) Stewart.
Rev. Mr. -Boyle attended Maitland
Presbytery on Tuesday.
East WtiWanosh Council meeting
was held here last .Monday..
Ma•e, Richardson, of Elora,• is visit-
ing'vee the holidays at the manse,
She is Rev. Mr. Boyle's sister.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr,
Farrrector, preached a fine sermon
on "Daniel" which was well worth
Christmas Fn
tertsinruents in
O. O. P. Ball Tuesday v and Thursday
text week by the Pr and
esb terinn .
Methodist Sabbath Schools
Rev. and Mrs. Boyle were at Orart-
hro01( last Thursday where the foenl-
et• gave an add(((s at the anniversary
Tea meeting fu the Presbyterian
On Christmas night the Methodist
Sabbath School will give their annual
ntertainment in the Foresters' Hall
viten a 1311e musical and literary pro -
ram will be rendered that will be
well worth hearing.
the West hence the decision of the g
•0♦♦•40♦4.00.0 00•••♦♦♦♦♦e♦♦••••o•♦••••••
Dur Community
®CommunitySilverL carry a complete♦ stock of"Community ••
• �. •
ZSilver. We have the •
er '' GEORGIAN, in the bright ; • •
• SHERATON, in 111e Gray ; •
•• LOUIS XV'I, in the Getty ; •
u 1 " EXETER' and KI3NWOOD, •
• ` in the Bright; ,01111 LA ROSE a
r - l!1I0illi ( in the Gray. These goods are •
ip l especially suitable for Christ- •
0aR Z Illy nae Gifts. •
° Mora Shop
a s-
p E
Just ;then Xmas
° t i
0 ♦
• •
• For Ladies
• -Toilet and Manicure Sete in Ebony, Ivory•
•and Silver •
°•-Haod-petiuted 01(1110. •
• -Silverware •
•-0lorks-Nickel, Cuckoo, Quail and Chime
•• -Smell Fancy Clocks in Russian Ivory, Sil- •
• vet• 1111(1 Gold .s t ., ',k t •
•-0andle8Lfck8-Niel:el and Brass
-Necklaces fn Gal;} tilled, Solid 14 -karat Gold,
s Pearl 581, Sapphire Set and Diamonds
-0,111119 111111 lla)t etles
-Mesh Bags
-Locke is
-Umbrellas-Silk, 0034and Gold-rnou)Led
Handles s 1. to
-Signet Rings -all eizea
-Dilemma Rings
-Conlbinaticm Rings, such as Rubies, Pearls
and Diamonds
-Sterling Silver. Sonvetlir spoons
have we
such a
variety of
as we
fail to do
to them.
They must
be seen
to be
For Gentlemen
-Combination Walking Cane, and Umbrella
A novel clevl8e, the very latest
-Combination Sets -Gold Cuff Links, Stick
Pin and Tie 011 )
-Watch Chains and Lockets -Gold Filled
anti Solid Gold
-Watch Fobs
-Signet 13111138 -
-1;yC G108010
-Heald Reding Glasses
-Oro ies-GoIt] -It eeded or aeld-motntea
-Uurbullas Silk, Gold or Gold -mounted
-Toilet Seta In Ebony and Persian Ivory
-Shaving Sete
n and new r opine \Seisstethom ni 1 %t issue rallnn. r
li etwe
to try orae. rA.8I( for particulars 1•rgcu•,l-
lug the double wedding ring method,
• ■ In all Optical %york %v1) guarantee perfect satie• _.
♦ faction. We can Supply any style of mount. e
♦ Optical Goads, r,
® i' m�. 13488 tested Ikea, Specialty Reduesd •
, Prloes for the Iiolldity uncle, ♦•,
1 The Quality ♦:
` '. • Fa Stretton Jeweller
•♦••• ••••••••••
♦•+• a•t• •••♦ • ♦••♦•e•••••••• •"
�♦ ♦sea 1)8••••1)1)(
The Hardware and Flour and F
busha'ss of Lou. Wiiliame Isere
been sold to J. and D. McCallum, E
Wawanosh, who get pos8.088ion n
�Iay. Df r. Williams has been here tor
6 years and bas done well. We hope
they will not remove from Beigl•ave
DA they would be greatly missed.
A thiruble tea teas held at the
manse Tuesday afterlr0nn by the W.
F. M. S. who took advantage of the
()eeltsion anti peesentecl Mrs. J, L,
Gerdes, who is about to remove to
Wingham, with a handsome Book of
Praise. Mrs. John Cole made the
presentation after Mts, W. H. Fer-
guson read a kindly address. The re-
cipient made an appropriate reply.
was welted upon by hustlingwaiters
ha in
e 'sG1
fit c see e
C la. Onadjourning
ad o1 •
n i l
sat Cu
11 g
the oh u''t
t c l for
ext aninterleaf
d literary 1,[!1 of faro the pastor,
liev. Mr. McCulloch, presided in a
very agreeable m111111er and hltroduc-
ed the following choice program :-
Anthem by the (Moir; prayer by
'paster; Address, "Reasons for thank-
fulness; Rev, A. I. McKelvey, Ethel;
duet, Miss 13. Whitfield mid R. Mc-
Donald ; resiling, Miss Marxist)), ;
solo, le. McDonald ; address, Rev.
Mr. Boyle, Belgrave, on "Equip -
mens e, 8,110, Miss Harrison ; reading,
Miss Steles ; anthem by choir
solo, Miss Whitfield ; address, "Ex-
pansion," by Rev, D. 'Wren, Brussels ;
solo, R. 510Don11d ; reading, Miss
Telfer ; solo, Mise Harrison ; ad-
dress, "Canada's challenge to the
Church," Rev. R, A. Lundy, Walton ;
music : reading by Rev. Mr. Boyle.
The adds eases were of a superior type,
the readings well given and the musi-
cal numbers very pleasing. A splen-
did time %vas enjoyed. Financial pro-
ceeds of Sunday and Thursday total-
led 111,0111 $150 and the Ladies' Aid are
1m be congratulated as are the con-
gregation and pastor. A social fuse
held for the your people Friday
evening. g P p Y
Mise M. Petrie is visiting relatives
at L1Stowel.
(41)08 0oborne visited her niece, Mrs.
D. Erewn, last week,
Albert Fuerater attended the Fat
Stock Show at Guelph.
Miss .Ethel McInnes spent the
week at the Manse in Arnow.
Sunday School entertainment 011
Elle 230.1 inst., its the Long Hall.
Rev. Me. Wren will preach a special
Christmas sermon (text Sunday at ter-
D. and Mfrs. Brown attended the
Oux-Patterson wedding last Wednes-
day, in Auburn.
Tuesday Rev. Air. McOullueh was at
WIngleun (attending the sleeting o1'
..tlaltltuld Presbytery.
UWing to the 11111088 of Principal
'Purvey the s(mu)t department of the
public school has been closed in the
meant lute.
Next Sabbath morning the pastor
of Knox church, ha's a 0hristmes
message attd musical numbers will be.
along the same litre. -
Notwithstanding the somewhat in-
clement weather a fairly good con-
gte tto
rested Rev. 4t
Boyle, of
End 1•u ,
v1) lutheocc i
a1) al of
g the An-
Itl al's 1
v a Services cea in connection • '
y ecUnu with
Knox church Orailbuook on Dec.
7111. Ill the morning the subject was
"Phe Universal Christ," text being
OI.1 1:19, "For it pleased the Father
that it, slim should all fullness dwelt."
in brief he said to Christ's personality
and uhuracter there are no limitations.
It is possible to read. books and Lail
almost conclusively to what age they
belong and 111 what age they were
written, not so with 011 ist'8 example
and teachings they i11.e suited 1)o any
age and will be the ideal for all time
to come, Let us consider Him lat-
That in so far as the laces are con-
cerned He is not limited "For in Him
w115 neither Jew not. Greek barbarian
riot Scythian
bond 110 u
r force." Soule
have enidh
l at 1.310Oa >e
G 1ofOhtIO
t t
was t
v a n(t aufticfent>
t meet the lee a l d
of the Orient but no better proof
could be given than what has tran-
spired ill almost all Oriental lauds,
parth:newly China, India, Japan,
Korea, Formosa, etc„ of Lhe power of
the Gospel of Ohlist to civilize, ener-
vate and uplift humanity in those
benighted lands of late years. Each
1110e has a distinctive work that
they may be known by. It would be
possible to distinguish the Celt front
'Orion and the Tutou from the
Saxon but no matter what the
distinctive character ally be there is
sufficient in the life and teachings of
Christ to meet the needs. Ill the 2tid
lace -Thera
p ale no limitations to
Christ in His 181111ion to men and
woman. Previous to Christ's time
the manly in man was measured by
strength and prowess in war and
women occupied a very inferior and
degraded position. Since Christ's
time the highest, ideal for roan is to
serve others. Wilberforce lost sight
of himself fu his effort tar serve others
Woman %vas lifted up from a degrad-
ed position in life to be man's equal
She must however, exercise self-
restraint, Meekness and Love. She
may be man's equal but not at the
less of womanly virtues. What is
wanted fu young men is not the cold
eourtesy of the street but a helping
hand to lift up. In ...dogleg the morn-
ing service Mr. Boyle made a touch-
ing appeal to his hearers to accept
the life that, Oheist offers. He said
let lee illustrate in some degree the
anxious:yearninggs of the church for
the wayward and erring by telling a
story. A woman in London, who
had lost het daughter in that great
city, Dame to the famous Dr. Bar-
nardo and asked'ltier if he thought
he could find her'-- daughter who
had left hone and had not
returned. Yes I ha said, I think
10011. Have you any portraits of
yourself 13 he said. Yes, she said.
De, i3tnmardo took the photos, and
nt(g theta tip in places where he
nought the girl *outdate most likely
frequent. The girl saw the picture
her ntnthei- and on the margin in
e1. mother's 'handwriting the words
Come Horne." It meited her heart
id she went home. At the evening
evic0 Ole subject was "The over -
now of E.il,i1 text, Judges 5:20.
od operates fn Providence and in
Mere to defeat the evil purposes of
aeons and individuals. The fol
wing historical incidents" were
entioned in support of this princi-
e, The Armada, Spanish p A oda, Napoleon's
V081Oh OP Russia and others. If
ly might think these were mere
incidences there teas little 'nom for
1)111 in the case of individuals.
1 a roan persist in debauching 11im-
if with lust and the use of cticoholie
noes and the inevitable result will
shatter ed .nerves, shaking limbs
d premature death. Many useful
d practical lessons were presented
both sermons and Illi. Boyle will
hear ti 1y welcomed
co d byKnox
arch congregation to spook to
(1111 on some facture :occasion.
ursclay evening following a fine'
n0 was enjoyed at the Tea meeting,
A I fowl crupper was served in the
ong ball wherethe large 00tnpattp
Ernest Rozell, 9th con., has gone to
Detroit and Hastings, Mich„ for a
holiday visit.
Daniel and Mrs. Machan spent Sun
day at the house of the formet's
parents at 1Nollkton.
A, Buchanan is making favorable
pi ogress after his severe illness and
will soon be o. k. we hope,
James Greig is having a furnace put
in his house this week. Kreuter
1310x., of Ethel are doing the work.
If you clout %vent to split your sides
laughing dont attend the Christina
Tree at Union church on Monday
evening, 221
ld ins
'L'hos and Mrs.
Alcock attended
Winter Fair last week at Guelph and
enjoyed the many interesting features
of that great show.
During the past week Mts. John
Orelar, 9t11 con., has been very poorly
and members of her family were sent
for, We hope a change for the bet-
ter is near at hand.
Dont forget the Christmas Tree
entertainment in Tul'nbull's school
house, 15th con., Friday evening of
this week. Admission fee is small
and a splendid program is prepared.
Silver Corners Cheese factory closed
down on Tuesday of this week after a
very successful season. The Novem-
her and December make of cheese will
be shipped from Karolyn station on
Dec.28rd n
Y+ ext.
Jno. and
Mrs. Lowe and family Y
m 1 are
Macke from the West where they spent
the past Slimmer and have once 0101.0
!liken possession of their farm on the
9th eerie. Jas. Cardiff had it leased
daring the past season. We welcome
them back to Grey.
Robert Carr is home from Fielding,
Sask., where he has spent the last 5
years. He has 160 acre farm and is
getting along nicely. The coming
Winter will be spent at the old home
in this township. Without any doubt
the West agrees with the visitor.
The new church at Union appoint.
meet is nesting completion. First
chat of plaster has been put on and
this week the
men are bus
the basement to' have it ready forthe
Christmas Tree Monday night, Dec,
22nd, when a first-class program will
be given, consisting of dialogues,
recitations, music and defile. Every-
body copse and have a good time.
Mrs. Wm. Logan, of Waterloo, and
her daughter, Mrs, John Shiels, of
Minot, North Dakota, were renewing
old friendships. They were former
residents of the I4t11 con., 28 years
ago and were heartily welcomed back
for a visit. The first mentioned lady
is 81 years of age but remarkably
smart for her years.
GOOD TIME. -Following was the
program of the Christmas Entertain
merit at Roe's church, Tuesday even
ing t -Opening hymn "Joy to the
World ;" Prayer, Rev. I. A. McKel-
vey ; Selection, by choir ; Recita-
tion, Miss Pearl Payn ; Chorus
"Waiting up for Santa ," Duet by
Clarence and Marie Berths ; Recite,
lion, Alex. King • Christmas Drill ;
Solo, Miss B. Flood ; chorus "Holes in
Our stockings ;" Dialogue, "A matri-
monial advertisement ;" Recitation,
Eva Balfour ; Chorus by bliss Lottie
Jarhson's class; Speech, Geo. John-
ston ; Recitation, Lila Ames ; Xmas
Star Exercise.;' Chorus "The Sunny
South," by Roe's Jubilee Shiers ;
Dialogue "Life et our house " Reci-
tation, Miss Elia Pearson ; Ohnrus
by Miss Eva Beyans' Class ; Recita-
tion, Edna Hamilton ; Instrumental,
Messrs. Frain and Garr. About 80
bags of candy were distributed to the
boys anti girls. The Ohristuras Tree
looked fine with its bells, artistic
draperies and the large 1101n11er of
Presents. The church was packed and
the program was eecellent, Ptoo00118
3185.00. Rev. I. A. McKelvey ocoupled
the c hair.
A wedding is of the tapir.
Statutory 00011011 meeting was hold
here on Monday.
Robert• Barr attended the Presby'
tory at Wfngharn last Tuesday.
Public School will close Friday of
this week for Christmas vacation.
Miss Rebecca Speuoe was visiting
Miss Mina McCrae at the Atmow
The chopping mill is being put in
first -61118e shape by the naw propeietor
1.111 Smith. -
Chi Warms sernme and special music
at the Ptesbytet'tan chareh next Sab-
bath aftelh0on,
George and Alex. Kerr aro away to
their old house in Mayo, Irel11061) tor
a yleit of a NWIlleethe,
Sabbath evening next Christmas
wIll be thetheme
of but )
h sermon of std
song in theIeutiket church,
Coat Sabbath evening Miss
of Listowel, sang a Choice solo in the
Metho1let church here, which wee
Monday evening Secretary Slept -
mon of the Winghttrn District Ep-
worth League, %veetlt Kiltrateline
dressil)g the League,
Thele was a good turn out at the
Royal Melt meeting. Monday even-
ing, Visiting, brethren Were present
from Atwood, Trowbridge, Brussels
and Walton.
J. and Mrs. Kreuter have moved to'frt
Brussels where we hope they will en-
joy life and prosper. Mr. Kreuter
will engage in the implement business
associated with Zech, McCallum form-
erly of this locality.
At the Endeavor service Iaat Sun-
day evening Mise Margau'et Turnbull
gave a good paper on Lessons from -•
Men and Women of the Bible." Rev.
Mr. McCulloch sang a choice solo, and
music was rendered by the choir.
Misses Stella Dunbar and Miss
Sanders, who were collecting for the
Bible Society, made their returns this
week. Thanks to the liberality of the
people of this locality the neat figure.
of $20 40 was seemed. It is compli-
mentary to the contributors and col-
lectors to say this is the best report
for the past years,
The Canadian Club will meet on
Friday, Dec. 191 h, when some import-
ant Bills will come up for debate,
Rev. Mr. McKelvey and Rev. Mr.
Medullooh were introduced by the
Government at the last session and
both of these gave interesting ad-
dresses. G. el. Mitchejl also gave an
address on "Home Rule in Ireland."
'lite Navy plebiscite bill will come up
for debate on Fi iday evening and an
exciting time is expected. There will
also be a Bill respecting the Tariff.ancj,.-
respecting ectii
g Th
Rural Mail. e
SP eake will be in
the chair at 8
o'clock shat p.
People We Talk' About
Jno. Cunningham took a business
i(ip to Toronto during the past week.
George Crooks was at Clinton last
week visiting his daughter, Mrs. Mc-
Chris, Grimoldby, who was here for
the past mouth, has returned to Owen
Sound. -
Rev. Jas E. Hunter, of Dungannon.
was visiting his father and sisters in
town for a few days,
Miss Maly Ross was under the doctor's
care during the past week but we hope
she t
will soon bes
a well as ever.
3. T. Wood, of the Excelsior o Knitting
Factor isaway V w y this week on a busi-
ness trip to Montreal and Quebec,
Rev. D. Wren teas one et the speak-
ers at Knox church Ladies' Aid Tea
meeting Craubrook, Thursday .evenigg
of last week,
Messrs. Black, Farrow and Kearney
were here last week canvassing this
district in the interests of the London
Miss Muriel Brothers, who is attend -
Ing Collegia'e in Toronto, will go to
Chicago to visit relatives for the Christ-
mas vacation.
Walter Lowry was in Guelph last
week visiting his mother at the hospital.
Weare pleased to state
that Mrs Lowryt
is getting along nicely,
Russel and Mrs, Lowry have taken up
residence in Toronto, moving from
Windsor. 'rbe former is a son of A. J.
and ,Mrs, Lowry, Brussels.
Mrs Wm. Newsom, Queen,street. bas
been quite poorly during the Pia, we -0v
with lagrippe and pleurisy but is some -
v hat better now we are pleased to state.
Thomas and Mrs Bona left Thursday
of this week on a visit to their daugh-
ters for a month in Toronto. We wise•
them an enjoyable stay and a safe re-
Arthur McCrae, of. Lumsden, Sask.,
is visiting his con -ins, Mrs. Jno: Fer-
guson and Dr. T. T. McCrae, of town.
He is farming on a big scale he the
West. ,
Mrs, Will. Baeker arrived home Iron
the hospital, Toronto, Wednesday, ac-
companied by Mr. Seeker, She is
mekiog good progress we are pleased to
Miss Kathleen Wilton, of town, was
leader of the negative in a debare,at t
Stratford Normal School ou "Reso
that capital punishment should be
Encouraging reports come from Mrs,
0, A. Deadman regarding theimprov-
ing condition of Roser Deadman's
health. He .may visit at the parental
home here later.
Tim POST is pleased to state that Miss
Mina Hunter, who has a position in
Stratford postoffice, has passed the
necessary Civil Service exam, for an
office of that clsss,
Harry Keys, who spent the pa
season in the West, is back to Brass
and will spend the Whiter with his
and children, He is engaged i,
iog in Saskatcbewan.
Mrs. McIver Craig, of, Hamilton,
visiting Mrs. D, M, Scott, Eliza
street, while . en route to Lucke
where she %yes singing at a Scott
Concert last Friday evening, T
visitor is a fine 'vecalisl,
Tun POST welcomes l and M1
Kreuter 8ucl Z. stud Mrs. NfoCellum _.
residents of Brussels. Theygot mover
during the past week. The iniplelu
business will engage the Sttentfon of
mei They have leased the lergt
element show room at the iron b+
fiurnberry street.
381 Ns Zetta Ferguson, 04110 has rel
ly completed her course 0f training
nurse in a New York hospital,
visiting re
natives inBrussels this wee)
Nurse Fergueoe is a dnhghiar of Dote
old and gra. Verguaoti, of 1'oeswat
formerly of this place, and we Ira
pleasure 111 extending colagralnln
and wish her success its the
of her choice,