HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-12-11, Page 70useestelessaissesewesieeemawel
049-ibiloAreeensees.". lanivevaves.mis ars 0
One of the new wrist straps for
watebes will hold a, watch of any
size securely,
Recent French patents cover
trunk made by welding together
thin sheets of steel.
Muriatie acid will remove oil
stains from cement floors when re-
pairs are to be made.
The government of Paraguay has
contracted for the erection of ten
wireless stations.
That excessive talking is a data -
Tho Birthright of Every Girl Wit
Rich, Rod Blood.
The sad eye that goes with blood
lessness is a sure sign of 'misery and
weakness. Anaemic—that is blood
less—girls and women have dull
heavy eyes with dark lines under
neath. The eyelid is pulled down
looks pale and bloodshot inside
This is not all. Anaemia work
havoc all through the system,. girl
grow painfully weak and irritable
gerous disease is a theory advanced they are breathless and inoapabi
by a Russian scientist. of •much exertion, while older wo
men who are anaemic complain o
being "never really well,"
There is only one way to brighter
Water in which onions have been better health for pale, pining girls
boiled is excellent for cleaning gilt, and wom.en, That way is to invig-
pioture frames and furniture. 1 orate the body with new blood—the
A cold electric process has beenrich, healthy blood that imparts
perfected in England for prated- strength, cleanses the system of all
ing iron and steel from corrosion. ' impurities, and restores the bright
The United States forest service eves and red lips of perfect health.
is experimenting with ammonia Thousands of girls and women
bombs for extinguishing forest fires. know that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
The French army claims to have for Pale People make this new,
the most powerful searchlight in rieh, red blood, and so restore
Europe that is mounted for field health and strength more surely
than any other medicine known.
There would not be an anaemic
woman or girl in the land if those
suffering from this condition would
give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a
fair trial. That .is why so many
recommend these pills to their suf-
fering sisters. Mrs. R. B. Keith,
Steeves Settlement, N.B., says
".At the age- of 13 my daughter
Sadie began to complain of con-
stant headaches, and did not have
her usual good appetite. I went
to a dootor and got some inedieine,
but it did not help her, and finally
she had to discontinue going to
school. She seemed to be growing
weaker every day and wanted to
lie down all the time, and would
continually complain of being tired.
The doctor gave her another bottle
of medicine, but with no better
results. There was not a bit of
color in her face or lips, and I was
afraid she was going into a decline,
A friend who was in to see her
said "if she was any child I would
try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills," and
I decided I would take the advice.
In a couple of weeks we could see
a difference, as her eyes looked
brighter, and she would try to eat
a little. When she began the pill
she could not dress herself alone,
but little by little her strength came
back until she could go for a walk.
She continued the uso of the Pills
several months with the result that
she was again strong and active.
This was over two years ago, and
she has been a strong, healthy girl
ever sin,cc. We have since used 'the
pills for other purposes and find
them a good family medicine."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all medicine dealers, or will be
sent by mail at 50 cents a box or
six boxes for $2.50 by writing The
Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Ib 18 believed that the River Nile
contained more kinds of fish than
any other river in the world,
Asbestos deposits throughout a
region approximately two by four
miles in extent, have been discover-
ed in Natal.
Delicate apparatus to measure
and record the growth of plants has
been invented for the use of plant
Careful estimates have placed the
cost of building the proposed tun-
nel under the English Channel at
$80, 000, 000.
Plea For Legislation Protecting
Producers and Consuiners.
Fifty-five thousand farmers in
, Canada have been making maple
sugar and syrup. In 1891, the na-
tional production of sugar was 212,-
000,000 lbs.—in 1911, only 183,000,-
000 lbs. The average quality of the
product has meanwhile improved,
owing to more general use of better
methods of making, but the price
has not increased. .
Maple sugar and syrup making is
properly the farmers' industry. Yet
they have cut down production in-
stead of increasing it. They have
cut down their maple trees in wide
sections, counting the sweet pro-
duct not worth the while—at the
prices, It is the price on the mar-
ket which is responeible. With
vastly increased demand and
greatly decreased production,
prices have not gone up as you
would expect. There's the trouble 1
Why not Bless your hearb
because the Dominion Govern-
ment for all that twenty years has
done nothing effectual to prevent
the sale of adulterations and imita-
tions of maple sugar and maple
syrup, which were turned out of
factories in Montreal, Toronto, and
elsewhere at low cost and in almost
unlimited quantities!
On April 9th, 1006, in our House
of Commons, Government and Op-
position competed with each other
in quoting statistical proofs that:
1.—The production of maple sug-
ar and syrup was an important ag-
ricultural industry;
2.—The farmers making maple
products needed protection from
the universal sale of adulterated
goods and imitations;
3.—The consumers of such pro-
ducts need that protection just as
badly; and
4.—Whatever legislation was
needed to prevenb such frauds—
Yes 1 They all called it fraud—
should be provided, right aevay and County, North. He was an O'Brien -
Thomas Emery of Cortley, recent-
ly sustained very serious injuries in
a cycling accident near Aghalare.
Happenings In the Emerald Isla 01
Interest to Irish-
The furrier establishment of Mr.
McKeon, Victoria Lane, Sligo, has
been destroyed by fire.
The death is announced of Mr.
Patrick Gurney, M.P. for Cork
rAght up to the limit!
That was exactly seven years,
wen months and seven days ago—
and still the frauds go on just the
same, only much more so. s The newly -established flax mar -
Instead of a little over $2,000,000 kat in Monaghan has noire, been
worth of maple sugar and syrup, opened, and is in every way a suc-
An old woman, aged 75 years,
named Mary Bannigan, of Gilbert
Street, Corybrennan, was fatally
burned through the upsetting of a
paraffin oil lamp.
A large quantity of modern ma-
thinery has been installed for the
development of the Queen's County
will mines.
A sthark, measuring four feet ten
inches, has been caught on the Tor -
bot Bank in'the harbor of Queens -
from coast to coast. Buying cane thwIl'
sages as eye seas the pound and Omagh 'Urban Council has ap-
selling it, in syrup form, at around Plied for a loan of $20000 to en -
ten cents, en a factory basis ee lerge and equip the present Court
twelve months' -
•operneinn, they cil Chamber as a town hall.
could afford to pay two or three
fines yearly each of around $0.00 in
eluding the costal Such cases, nu -
der our preeent laws, are not often
found out. When found out, they
are less often nroeecuted under the
"Adulteration Act" as it stands,
11 prosecuted, they can pay the
fines and costs out of flub: postage
Little wonder miser bushee have
been cub down in hundreds. Leas
wonder that old timers have lost
theirs taste for maple eyrtip, and
ethere are not cultivating a taste
at at —Canadian Conntryina».
'we should produce $8,000,000 worth,
according to reliable statistic. But
to Cie BO it will be necessary to fight,
in parliament, against strong manu-
facturing interests in Montreal, To-
ronto and elsewhere. Thirty-seven
persons or conoerns were proven by
the Inland Revenue Department to
have sold as maple—wine on a
large scale—adulterated goods, and
imitations that apparently had no-
thing of maple about them but the
name "maple" on the package.
Such concerns sell to grocers
Dad Blood—
is the direct end inevitable remelt of
irregular or constipated bowels and
clogged -up kidneys and *In. The
undliested food and other wade mat-
ter which is %flowed to accumulate
poisons the blood and the whole
protein. Dr. Norm', Indian Root Pelle
tee direcihi on the bowels, regulathe
them—on the kidneys, giving Owl
ease and etrength to properly niter the
blood—and on the *kin, opening up
the pores. For pure blood *Ad goOd
health take
Dr. Morse'. I.
indittsa Root Pills
• s
During the past few daye 34-params
of etained glass In the large window
of the Warren Point Presbyterian
church were undiciowsle broken.
A sensational occurrence is re-
ported from the Delvin district
where the house of a man was fired
into, ono window being shattered.
Post o6ioe officials in Dublin late-
ly refused to accept parcels con-
taining newspapers of the Gaelic
Lea,gue that Were addressed in
Jtn Irish bottle axe of the stone
age period has been diticovered by
Francis Eillecly while digging in
one of his fiolde nt Killaley recent-
Mr. MoMordie, M.P., who has
been Lord Mayor of Belfast for
four years, has consented to be
nominated for the office for the com-
ing year.
Mrs. Agnes Craig, of Elm Street,
Belfast, who has reached her 102nd
year, is a native of the Brough-
Ekon° district and is still hale and
A co-operative :store for the stu-
dents et Dublin University has been
opened at Trinity College. It is the
first one of its kind in the United
Claremorris Rural Council has
decided to have all new wells and
-other work of a like nature carried
out by direct labor under the direc-
tion of the surveyor.
It is stated that fully one-third of
the population of Dublin are now
involved in the labor disputa, 100,-
000 men, women and children being
in actual want.
The Congested Districts Board
have made an offer for the pur-
chase of the section of the Gibbons
Estate of Ruehbrooke, Taioneye-
mon, Commies and Ballynacurriga.
The tenants of Lord Ardilaun in
Clonhan and Cong., Galway, have
decided to pay no more rent until
the estates are sold to the Congest-
ed Districts Board.
At Boyle nuarter Seseion, Dia-
triot Inspector Beirne in objecting
to the grouting of an additional
branch of Eplin, said it was the
"most drunken hole in Roscom-
The Lord Mayor of Dublin has
announced that the Chief Secretary
intends to appoint a Departmental
Commiesion to inquire into the
housing of workers in Irish cities
and towns.
Johnny Speaks.
Johnny was putting some ques-
tions to his father on the subject of
economy, in the course of which he
asked if the moon was inhabited.
"Oh, yes," said the parent; "there
are people living in the moon."
"Are there many 7" queried the
youngster. "Yes, lots," was the
reply; "far more than in this
world." "Why, then," said the
youth, "aren't they crowded a good
deal at half-moon?"
Do not get out of patience or
scold or hake your baby for cry-
ing. He does not do that to be
ugly—that is not a baby's nature—
he wants to laugh and be happy,
but when he cries that is the way
he takes of telling you he is in
pain; that his little stomach is out
of order or that his new. -teeth hurt
him. Instead of being cross give
him a dose of Baby's Own Tablets
and you will soon see him laughing
and happy again. The Tablets
sweeten the stomach; make teeth-.
ing painless; break up colds; cure
oonstipation and expel worms. Sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
The Several Hundred Chambers
Aro Small.
A writer in the Scientific Ameri-
can describes the Babylonian exca-
vations, which German archaeolo-
gists are conducting. Of all the in-
teresting discoveries that have been
made, Nebuchadnezzar's palace
may be considered the most ini,por-
Little except the foundations of
the palace remain, and they are of
square burned bricks, each of which
bears on ite lower face the name
and title of the great king. The
several hundred chambers of the
palace are small ; some of them are
scarcely larger than a modern bed.
One chamber, naueli larger than the
rest, had at one side a low plat-
form of bricks. Thab is supposed
to have been the throne -room;
upon the platform the throne of the
king probably stood.
There was a sacred street in
Babylon that, led from the palms to
the temple. Along it the Irnages of
the gods were carried in procession
in time of festival. The pekoe gate-
way that led to the etreet, known
as the Ishtar gate, is most imposs
Ing, and gives the spectator a god
idea of how Babylon must have
looked in its glory, Whatever its
original Ilessight may have been, it
still stands forty feet above the
Its six square towers of Wined
bricks measure emissive feet each
way, and on all their eiders, one
Stops a Cough
A Remedy that Never Fails
It's eimply wonderful to think how
quickly a bad throat or catarrh can
bo mired with Catarrhozone, Its rich
balsamic vepor is carried along with
the breath Into the Innermost reoessee
of the lungs, bronchial tubes, and
chest, malting It irrinossible for the
germ of any disease to live, Thus
soreness In the chest is at once alle-
viated—phlegm is loosened and eject-
ed from the throat, old -standing
coughs are removed.
"I suffered from an Irritable, weak
throat for three years. 1 had a severe
cough, pain over the eyes, constant
bad taste In my mouth, and noises in
my ears. It was chronio catarrh. No-
thing gave permanent relief till 1 used
Catarrhozone. In one hour It reliev-
ed, and In a few weeks drove all trace
of catarrh from my system.
"No. 6 Lopez street, Kingston, la."
Large size guaranteed, costs $1.00,
and lasts two months; smaller sizes,
25e. and 50c. Beware of imitations
and insist on '"CATARRHOZONE"
only. By mail from the Catarrhozone
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
above another, there are beautiful
bas-reliefs of bulls, Ilona, dragons,
and animals of fantastic shapes.
The reliefs are of brick, glazed blue
and yellow and white, and the col-
oring is ass fresh as it ever was.
Each brick of the relief was glazed
separately, and so accurately that
when it was placed in the wall it
formed a part of the perfect pic-
Within the city of Aasur were
discovered the earliest Assyrian
palaces and temples, the home of
the mayor, an intricate system of
water -works and drainage, a busi-
ness street lined with chops and
paved with blocks of marble, the
thickly crowded residential section
of the poorer people, the great
vaulted tombs of the nobles, with
massive doors of stone, which still
swing on their stone pivots, innu-
merable Weapons:" and ornaments
of gold and stone.
He tried for seven years to win
The maiden for his own;
Then, manlike, after he had got
Her consent to share his lot
He sadly wondered why he'd not
Let well enough alone.
Too Much Political Graft.
Many say it can't be prevented, neither
can -warts or corns! but they can be
mired by Putnam's Corn Extractor! it
euros corns and -warts without pain in
twenty-four hours. Use only Putnam's.
26e, at all dealers.
• Bead Tunics Now Shown.
Bead tunics of many kinds are
shown in the shops. They aro not of
the kind that have been on sale for
several months—tunics of net em-
broidered with beads. To bo sure,
these are still sold. But the new
sort are made of strings of pearl
beads, formed into tunics, For in-
stance, there is one, formed of
many strings of beads fastened to
a chain of beads that goes about the
The strands are caught in it at
the waist, then fall loose again to
form a sort of tunic which ends
where they are caught in about the
hips. There is a second tunic, form-
ed by a second looping up of all the
dozens and dozens of strands of
beads—there are some extra ones
put in under the arms at the waist
—and then they hang in a little
loose tunic, at the bottom. Other
tunics are made in different fash-
ione of strings of beads. Some are
double, some are single, some are
in straight and some are in irregu-
lar outline. These tunics must, of
course, be made up over some fab-
ric, for the strands of beads sepa-
rate with every motion. They are
especially effective made up over
has become a houeohold necessity to
therm who have used it regularly for a
time. Many Toronto citizens have writ-
ten es voluntarily, giving us permission 1
to use their names if necessary. Cases
of ECZEMA of years' standing cured;
RITEUMATISM completely gone; Sore feet
elieved; would not be without it as a
isinfeetantt a simple but effective anti.
septic, etc.. ctn. Try it yourself. Brice
60 Cents a bottle, all druggists, or
LIQUID SUI,P1117R, 168 Bay Street,
Father—"You must know, sir,
that my daughter Will get no-
thing from me until my death."
Suitor-r-"Oh,that's all right,
that's all right 1 I have enough
to live on for two or three years."
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak,_Watery Byes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
—Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sell
Murillo Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c,
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic 'Pubes.
25c, 50e. Eye i3ooks Free by Mail.
Illve Toole Good or Alt Syne that Need ome
Murine Eye Remedy Coo, Chicago
Teaoher—"Jimmie, suppose you
had ten apples and ten eranges,
and gave nine-tenthe of them to
soiree other little boys, what would
you have?" Jinimie—"I'd have
me head examined."
Ass sted by occasional use
of' Cuticura Ointment.
Cut ura Soap and Ointment are Bold throughout
thane Id. A liberal tamale of each, with 32 -page
13211112 3k000t vont4rca. Address Foster Drug
Chem. Com., DepL OK, Boston. U.S. A.
Molybdenum Lights.
Nob content with the improve-
ment in the incandescent electric:
lamp .brought about by using drawn
wire filaments of tungsten instead
of carbon, electrical experts are
seeking even more efficient metallic
filament. •Aceording to the Lon-
don Times, ductile molybdenum
may supply the want. Molybdenum
seems to be the most promising of
all the so-called rare metals at all
suitable for use in electric lamps.
Molybdenum has rarely if ever been
melted.; consequently, filaments of
the pure or the alloyed metal could
be used at a higher temperature
than tungsten. That would mean
better lights, for the efficiency of
an electric lamp largely depends on
the temperature to which the fila-
ments can be raised. Molybdenum
is a white metal almost as malle-
able as iron. It can be forged while
hot, and worked up into thin rods,
which in turn can be drawn into
wire. Experts are now trying to
find out whether the wire can be
drawn fine enough to have the ne-
cessary electrical resistance.
Will Quickly Cure
Any Sour Stomach
Relieves Fullness After Meals.
"When 1 Was working around the
farm last winter, I had an attack of in-
tammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins,
of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a
long time, but well enough to work
until spring. But something went
wrong with thy bowels, for I had to use
salts or physic all the time. My
stomach kept sour, and always -after
eating there was pain and fulness, and
all the symptoms of Intestinal indi-
gestion. Nothing helped me until I
used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of
hurting, like ether p1115, they acted
very mildly, and seemed to heal the
bowels. 1 did not require large doses
to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills,
and feel so glad that I have found a
mild yet certain remedy. To -day I am
well— no pain, no sour stomach, a
good appetite, able to digest anything.
This is a whole lot of good for one
medicine to do, and I can say Dr.
Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and
my letter, I am sure, proves it."
Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut,
sold in yellow boxes, 25e. AU dealers,
or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston,
Priest (to Mulligan, who is
standing at doorway)—And is the
family well, Mulligan 7 Mulligan—
Fair, yer riverence—'cept the pig.
He's taken a bad turn.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
The Office Holder.
"You say Jenks has great execu-
tive ability."
"What makes you think so?"
"Because he manages to hold a
job without being competent to
do any kind of real work."
,,,v,._. Ei4,," ii ETA) i•iiii",.1 SE P 701,' iii
II!! ,.. loG; ti T'S D.t-'s A roslit,r,y
-2A ,, Ill'111111
— w"AoP .itot
Mertes Liniment Cures narget in hawk ED.
ISSUE 49—'0.
Ohenile flowers are used for cor-
sage beuquets now. They are made
of strings of chenile, In heavy, teat
quality, looped into petals, and
mounted on green chenile stones,
:stiffened with wire. Brilliant, but
at the same time, et/ft shades of red
and bine and violet and green and
yellow are used. These little floW-
era have a charm all their own, and
are especially effective worn on the
dull, gloomy claya for which Dt3-
oeraber is famous.
Turnbeek Cuffs for Gloves.
Long white gloves are made with
wide, turnback cuff e at the elbow
Or slightly above it. These cuffs
which flare out and away from the'
erne, are made of black velvet,
mounted on kid, and embroidered
with gold or ether beade, applied
in straight lines. The stitching on
the backs of these gloves is also
marked with beads, to match those
used on the ouffs.
.New Embroidered Blouse.
A charming new blouae of elite
chiffon is embroidered with dragon
flies, There are two on each side of
the front closing. They are worked
with beads of silver, pale blue,
mauve and irricleseent green. The
dragon flies are in graceful poses,
and form a decorative touch to the
Gold Lase Belts on Blouses.
On some of the new satin blouses
there are wide belts of gold lace.
The blouses aro worn, naturally,
under the sldrt, and the belts are
so attached to the blouses that they
fall over the skirtbands. The lace
is mounted over gold net or chiffon.
Woman k Pain
For Three Years
Tells of Her Remarkable Cure.
"Very few people could so patiently
suffer for three years as I did," writes
Mrs. M. D Durand, from her home In
Augusta. "Sometimes I did feel very
discouraged, but knew that a remedy
would some day turn up with the pocc,
er to relieve my sufferings. Nerviline
was the one thing that ever did me
real good. It had the power to sink
Into my stiff, sore muscles, and It drew
out the pain and gave me release from
such distress as few people know. My
condition was largely Rheumatic, and
on this account I do urge every person
with Rheumatic tendencies to use
Nerviline—rub it in frequently and
bind a hot flannel cloth over the ach-
ing parts. This is very soothing and
will surely cure."
No home complete without Nervi -
line. Family size bottles, 50c.i trial
size, 25c., at all storekeepers and drug-
gists or The Catarrhozone Co., Buf-
falo, N. Y.
Her Reason for Rage.
Mr. Binks—Why so unhappy 7
Mrs. Binks—I hate that Mrs,
Next Door with a deadly hate, and
Pm perfectly miserable over it.
Mr. Binks—But she doesn't know
Mrs. Binks—That's why I'm so
allnard's Liniment Cures Colds, do,
Working Him.
Kid—Say, mister, if I get half a
pound of butter at 42 cents a
pound, and a half a pound of sugar
at 6 cents, a half dozen eggs at 24
cents, how much change will I
have out of one dollar?
Old Man—Fifty-four cents.
Kid—Thanks 1 that's one of my
problems for to -morrow.
I was cared of terrible lumbago by
was cured of a bad oese of earache
I was cured or sensitive lungs by sm.
%A. Handwriting Expert.
Gabe—Pexirine is a good guesser.
Steve—He ought to be. Ho used
to be a prescription clerk in a
drug store.
Minard'e Liniment Cures Distemper,
After the Sermon.
After preaching a sermon on the
fate of the wicked an English
clergyman mob an old woman well
known for her gossiping propensi-
ties, and he said, "I hope my ser-
mon has borne fruit, You heard
about the place where I said theth
shall be wailing and gnashing of
teeth?" "Well, as to that," an-
swered the dame, "if I 'es anything
to say, it be this: Let them gnash
teeth as has 'ene—I ain't."
Boarder—Why did the landlady
send me two eggs. 1 asked for only
Maid ---She probably thought one
of them might be bad, sir.
The best man sonsetiroes wins by
losing at a wedding.
•Everybody knows that Methuse.
lith was tho oldest man, but oven
the Bible is reticent about the old-
Ost women.
Ready 30 mum ease /leering—emu,
passed for quality and flavour,
Don'twaste your time iu preparation,
—Play "Clerlea..
alai School. Magnificent Catalogue free.
11. W, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street;
.1 Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Palm,
write II, W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90
Colborne Bt., Toronto,
It1 W. DAWSON, Colborne St . Toronto.
7.jEWSPAPER AND Jos °slam IN
Giaveuburet Proprietor being a
druggist, is unable to give the printing
ankle the attention necessary, and offers
it for sale at a sacrifice. No oinmaltion.
One of the beat newsnaper openings • in
the Province for a prautical Anply
Wilson PnbIlehing Company, Toronto.
eltgeelt A NFOI re
s' also dark reds. With to buy 100 pair
of Mink for breeding marneees. Graham
Bros., R. R. No, 1, Sten throy, Ont.
internal and external, mired with.
out pain by our bome treatment. Write
no before too late. Dr. Be'lman Medical
re try,. I f reTlintranmil, Ont
XX der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel,
Lumbago and kindred ailments poelttvely
cured with the now German remedy.
"Renal." price 81.5e Another new remedy
for Diabetes•MeMtne, and Aura oure,41--
"Senors Anti -Diabetes." Priee nee from
druggists or (Brea. The Banal Menefee.
luring Company of Canada, Limited,
Winnipeg. Man.
Just 25 CENTS brings you a "Jinz
Dandy" MOUTH ORGAN, 16 reeds,
highly polished nickel cover, card-
board box, above about one-quarter of
actual size. Be sure your kiddies, get
CO., Dept. W., 729 Dorchester St. W.,
lst Prize $3000 2nd Prize $2000
3rd Prize $1000 4th Prize 5500
6th Prize $250 6 Prizes 5100 ea.
20 Prizes 550 ea. 30 Prizes $25 ea.
100 Prizes $l0 each
This is just a plain business proposition for
advertising purposea and is open to every
person in Canada. There is no catch or false
about it, andeverybody stands anegualchance
of securing one of the magnificent priz,t.
Write to -day and start on the road to fortune.
• Tho Logic of Youth.
'Tether," exclaimed Sohn vigor-
ously, "why don't Quakers take off
their hats?"
"Because, my son, it is their be-
lief that to remove their hat is a
mark of respect that they think
they should pay to no man."
"Well," remarked the boy, after
a moment's silence, "how do they
manage when they have to have
their hair cut?"
Very Proper.
Hewitt—He always sings at his
Jewett—What is his business?
Hewitt—He is in a grand opera
here Is A Remedy Thaf Will Siop It
Do you realize the danger in
neglected cough?
Then why don't you get rid of it?
Ves, you can shake it off, even thotigh
it has stuck to you for a long tittle, if
you go abollt It right,
Keep out in the fresh air as /retch se
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This reliable household remedy has
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the ingredients.
Pet up in 250. aM1 sos. bottles by t
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