HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-12-11, Page 5Of Interest
t•w to the Public
—bIt hbeen an axion 1n the
colmnercial community that those
whu study their CUM. uuers 111061
and give the best value for money
always succeed in winning the
greatest cou}ldenno of the public.
and in obtaining the largest meas-
ure of its patronage.
That, and that only, is the reason
why I have built a Hae business,
despite 0101 ideeable opposition,
give better value—whilst my
prides are generally lower than
1 give you an honest, personal
service, identifying myself with
your interest, and ever endetwol
Ing to give you a better return fon
the money spent with me thele
what you could get elsewhere;
Prompt deliveey 15 as essential as
gond work. The importance of
this is recognized by me, and I
realize the responsibility when I
accept an order.
Cemetery work promptly attended to.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Brussels Granite & Marble Works
ALLAN E. HERSEY, Proprietor
Tamil Rau . tarns
Wuo will compose t914 Council?
5% will be added to all local taxes not
paid by tate close of Saturday, 13th inst.
STATteroay Council meeting Monday,
December x5abl to complete financial
business of the year.
SHERIFF Reynolds went to Kingston
last week with Robert Gordon, who was
sentenced by Judge Britton to six year,
in the penitentnry.
THE PosT solicits your printing
If You want any kind of printing we car.
do it and do it neatly and promptly If
it's a calling card, a memorial card or a
wed ling invitation we have the late t
designs. If it is business stationery, nr
an auction sale hill, programs, annual
statements, tickets, and in tact anything
in the line of paper and printing, we can
give you satisfaction,
gart, of Moron, a graduate of .the R
M. C., is given a commission as Lieu-
tenant in the new 31st Huron Regiment,
in Battery, C. F A., which has its head-
quarters at Goderirli. Provisional Lieu-
tenant C. G Vanstone, 33rd Huron Re
giment, is pet meted to retire. George
Spotton and Harry Clarence McLean be.
came provisional Lieutenants in the
WEDDING BELLS.—'Phe nuptial knot
was securely tied by Rev. J. E. Ford at
the Victoria street oarsonege, Godericlt,
at the early hour of 6 on Saturday morn-
ing. Nov. 24th, when' Miss Lucy Mc -
Crockett. daughter of las, and Mrs. Mc-
Cracken, of Victorias street, former-
ly of Brussels, was united in
marriage to
Albert Edward Bond
on of Jas. and Mrs,
Bond, pro-
of the McDonald hoarding
house, St. David's street, G'oderich.
After' the ceremony the happy couple
left on the 7 05 Grand Trunk train f' r
Detroit, where they probably will make
their future home,
How about that old watch ?
Is it not giving satisfaction ?
Have it exchanged for a
!'' GINA mid yein will always
be sure of the right time. They
are sold at the following prices :
7 -jewelled 20.year Banter
Gold-filled Casd - -$11.75
15 -jewelled 20 -year Banner
Gold-filled Case 13.76
17 -jewelled 20 -year Banner
Gold-HIIed Cense - = 16.75
7 - jewelled Waterproof
Nickel Case - 8.20
15 - jewelled Waterproof
Nickel Case - - 10,20
17 - jewelled Waterproof
Nickel Case - - 18.20
These Watches are all guaran-
teed for three year's.
Walton Ontario
+++++++++++++÷++++++++++++ •FaarM•at+•
++++ ■
+sewn9 Machines 4.
+ 4.
.l' ,
+ Sewing Maelthies Repaired +
• and Cleaned, ftl y asp, /lily make +
—Canadian, Anit(tacatnt English 'I'
111• G.1
✓ German. iJ'.eftll!e't lcea willing- 4.
• ty given.
ro a coed or call at D
• ]IalstsbTeue fn hf 0se Br ssels
1 u
,l, Farmore bring In Machine Heads
"° F. H. Smith
+44444++++ f 4.++ +*4.1.4.+ 4.+++.14
FROM PGR'rAGR 1•A Peal:Mtt.—A letter • 444444 .{.•+•4.0.141.•+•+•+•4444 4,•+•+•+•+•+•+.+•44+40+•+.** NOW TO AVOID COLO
from Geo• Buchanan, B. A., teacher 011 •
the Collegiate staff of Portage le Praise
and a former Brussellte, says t— Tb
weather here has beau perfect all Fall
quite a coutrast to the last 2 yea's. 1
is well above freezing today (Nov. 29th
and autoing is excellent, I enjoy m
work in this town Ane. There ar
tunny advantages here as we are nee
Winnipeg and are consequently oftet
by the best opera traupes
plenty of good water ; many beautify,
parks and lakes and last, but not less
a fine class of residents, Portage,1
Prairie has all the desirable features
a large city with none of its drawback.
Hoping !hat all old Brussels friends are
In their usual good fettle Including
yourself,I am Yours Cordially, etc.
Another groat Discovery.
A well known gentleman in Black
Bay, 0111., Mr. John Cowan, has dis-
covered an absolute specific fur
Rheumatism, and writes 1 "1 wits ia.
feeted with Sciatica told chronic
Rieuulttism which I coot racted years
ergo. The disease had a great hold 111
my blood, and it was hard to 011111'
any impression on `11. 110adiOg of
Fet•rozotto I was convinced of ire merit
and it's ceetaltily Lite best I have ever
tried, Why it just drove away the
Rheumatisut. Even stiffened oid 1111
fevers will experience quick results.
The reason is that Ferrnzone acts
through the blond and thereby les-
t toys the cause of the decease. Price
50c per box at all dealers,
storm period extends from the 7111 to
Ile 13111, being at its centre on the tali
Let it be remembered that this period
is at the annual time of magnetic and
electric excess, growing out of the in-
elinatiol of the'earth's magnetic pole
to the sun's electrical equator. Aurora
perturbations earth-cUrtellts of tlatural
electricity, through the earth and along
all conducting substances, often inter
Tering with telegraphic operations,
reach a maximum activity from about
the 5th to the 15th of Decembel. Such
disturbances will pass a crisis this)
month from the loth to the 15th notablt
on the Lith, zeal x3th and 14th. A
marked earthquake period is also central
on the 13th involving the loth to the 16th.
About the gth the barometer will show
approaching storm conditions which
will increase as they move eastward,
breaking into active storms or wind.
rain and snow on the xoth, Lith, tach
and 13th. These storms will culminate.
in a crisis of snow and blizzard within
Forty-eight hours of Saturday 13111
Prolonged real storms with high and
perilous gales will be encountered on
the Atlantic ocean and coasts, through-
out this part of the month. 1
Patrons No, 3 Rural flail Route, the
tiistribming point being Brussels..
Wm. Rands, John Grant,' Rein.
Tyertnat, Jas. Petiole, Jos. Long, Geo
1,1 Speirat, John Carnonhau, Wm.
Whitfield, Dan. Neabel, Jas. Deinntut,
Hat twell Speirat. Garfield Bak A',
Isaac Lake, 1). E. Sanders, Hugh
Cunningham, John Brown, Robert
11e1ut•y, Wtit. McNair, Donald
Robertson, Andrew Lamina, Jas.
Cameron, John Davidson, Thos.
Davidson. Jae. Bird, 'V. J. Sharp,
\Vin. A. Michel, J. Wilson. Evans,
Richd. Cox, John Dougherty, John
Speirat, John K. Baker, Win. 0.
Stevenson, Mrs. David Doill, Robt:
Baur, Thos. Brown,• Chas. Knight,
1ingh McKay, Robert Hoover, John
Creteu', Alex. McDonald, Robt.
Miller, Jas, Dickson, Alex. Petrie,
'rhos. Bird, Conrad Michael, Levi
Whitfield, Chas. Love, Wm. Buttrey:
Dan. Mitchau, Jas. Greig. Fred.
Oxtohy, Win. Ilollenback, Danl.
Cooper, John K. Brown, John Icing.
John Dark, Jas. Moses, Jas. Arm•
strong. Oliver Hemingway,' Wm. 0.
Li •
Livingstone, and Geo. el. Whitfiel
g d,
Y •
n 4
When Women suffer.
Look out for weakness or disease.
See if there is not et aideache, head-
ache, restlessness and the "blues.,"
'These symptoms indicate that you
need the gentle nssistanctl of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. They are wontttlt'
greatest relief, prevents functional
derangements, renew the life of the
blood, purify anti clean the system
throughout. No tonic so potent, no
results so Marked as follow the use of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Pt ice 25c pet
box at all dealers.
At the meeting of Godericli hockey
association it was decided not to
enter a team 111 the Norther') League.
The ladies of the choir of the
North street Methodist church enter-
tained the gentlemen of their choir to
a small dinner on a recent evening.
Fred, Gould, who has change of the
hydro -electric ..power here, expects
to have the linea connected so that
hydro power may be ntl1ize lefot cariu-
Inereial purposes by Jaunta'y 1st• +.
The Collegiate authorities are hav-
ing all entertainment in the opera
house Friday, December 190h, when
the diplomas fot• departmental ex-
aminations in 1912 and 1913 will be
alis tl'i bat ed, • •
about 50 years of age, who gave his
name as Jaynes Pierce, arrested by
County Constable Thos,Gundry, for
begging among the farmers nem
• here, was found to have over $900 el
his person when seal clued (In en101111g
the county jail. The money was
principally uT bank I'
! y I ills the smallest
1 ..
Ini a$20 bill. P • t
Sev,nl $100
bill found s were etre r cud
noung st the roll.
H is beim held here C NI e. on g avagrancy
charge while Crown Attorney Charles
Seeger investigates his ease. Pierce
011111tis his hurtle its Montreal.
Out of an estate valued at t $9,814.96,
Mrs.Elizabeth Me 1 1
� 1'r vie who
died on Sept. 24th and Whose
has recently been probated, left
$0,100 to churches and ehn, eh tvoi k
the principal berii'fteiaties tlhdee the
will are ; The Missionary Society of
the Methodist rhum•h of Canada
$1,0(10; W. C. 7'1 U of Ontario,
$1,000 ; Superannuation rand of the
Methodist church $1,000 ; Educational
Fend of the Methodist chine:IL Gode-
rich, $500 ; for the payment of salaries
}ti connection with the LV. C. T. U. in
tlie lnmbee canine , $500; Marine and
Gen .cal os 1
e H iia a Aeric., 1
G 1 G00
p �
Children's Aid Society of Ontarico
$600 ; Sunday School of North Street..
rlburth, Godetdch, $100. About 35, -
NO is left to ;•elat(y*e. 41' the he.
Xmas Gifts
Ready for You
tom- o
See the New Ideas in our Holiday Stock
Front $1 00 tip. Large aseort-
ment. ; prices right. Don't fail
to see out, line if in need of
a Watch.
Newest in Small Nancy Clocks,
Cuckoo, Parlor, Bed -room,
Dining -room and Kit-
chen Clocke-
The httesi in Pearl Set Goads, 10 and 14k Brooches, Necklets, Pen.
Actors, Diamond Ringia, Signet Rings, Ladies' and Gents' Fobs. Large
line of 13raeeletst Tie Pins, Tie Clips, Ban Pins, etc.
Fountain Pens, Novelties, Ebony alai Parisian Ivory Goods with and
without rases. Large lice of Xmas and New Yea' Post Cards, Tags,
Seals and Booltlets.
v designs in Silverware, Cut Glass, Pate,Y China, Flared Bags, Mesh
Bags, Pipes with and without eases, A few good Violi118 which are
good value at our prices.
Be an Bp -t1' -date Santa Claus --It's Easy,
No difficulty if you make your Selections from our Stock,
Child mos Joy is all the year Joy when
the Gift is a Kodak. Don't fail to
see our complete line.
Our welcome to buyers --COME.
Articles purchased Engraved free of charge
Wendt's Jewelery Store
quests are mote than the value of the
estate all the benefic.ianiee will have
to take a pro rata share as the be-
quests are all made subject to abate-
At the regular meet ing of Maitland
Lodge, No. 119, 1. 0, O. F., the fel.
having ltiicers were elected : N. G:,
\V. \V. Hough ; V. G., W. 13. Elliott ;
Recording Secretary, J. F. Groves :
Financial Secretary. W. J. lien) •
Treasurer', H. 13. Elliott.
The ruins of the Clegg & Wake'.
I'aelnl•y have ceased smoldering.
The insurance representatives were
here and made satisfactory adjus-
meets, As soon its the debris can be
cleaned up and, taken away a brick
building will beereeted.
Harvey, son of Ben and ilk's. Mason,
15 improving after his severe illness.
Isaac Brown shipped a car of waste
inateriati frust his evaporator to Ham-
burg, Genitally.
Among the fowl received by Mc-
11ililul & Co. dnrit1g the past week
were two turkeys, one weighed 25y lbs
and the other 241 lbs,
Master Lyall, son of 13.. II. and Mrs.
Robinson, had the misfit' tune to have
his colla' hone broken by being shov-
ed by another boy while at school.
The coudlth n ofr Thos. Ms. Llns. C0de
who has been illt'''
t theP est ter
renuriu about the same and
little hope is entertained for her re-
A. W. and Mrs. Sloan left for an'ex-
t ended visi t to relatives in Han iston,
Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie and probab.
y Minneapolis. Mrs, Sloa n's health
has not been the best for some don-
siderable time and they. ore taking
this trip as a means of streugthi')r
Iger. S
The most important business teans-
acted by the Oounty Council, held last
week atGoderieh was the passing of
two resolutions, one to make a
grant of $100 to the Great Lakes
Disaster' fund, moved by Conneillors
Clark and Winter, and the Other 'wets
that the Council ulettloralize the Do-
minion government to finish the im-
provements commenced it., the G'bde.
rich Iiltl bo' should be mach as ranch
its possible a hat bor of refuge. This
was moved by Councillors Nlunni1gs
and Ca')telnn.
A deputation may wait on the
government in regard to this matter
and a copy of the resolution will be
forwat'ded to the Public Wm Its de-
Wardell McKay, of Egnlondville
peesii(ed and the 31 councillors were
In opening the Warden matlee a
short address of welcome to the mem-
bets turd rema'ked that he believed
all the Comity work undertaken had
been roulpleted.
A communication wa
s received from
A. Carman. Sectet,a,ry of the Col-
lP iate Institute ret $t.
g t Marys. stating
that County 3nrinl
V of t 1I1 IIB would
p p t
ire admitted to the Iltstitute there by
paying $10 at' year. It LVae referred.tn
the Education Oomtnittee•
A petition frotu Robert, J.' Holmes
and tout other a was 1 e
It ask
ed that a unlet school section be form
ed of pelt is of the townships of Mot
us ilullett and McKillop, A counter
pmt11un 011.3 also received anti both
were refereed to the. Education com-
mittee for cetsidee'ettinn:
Cnuneillo• Bailie inquh•ed about the
money veceived and disposed of hi the
ease of the late John Dinsley, former-
ly an inmate of the douse. of Refuge.
The Ho
of Refuge Committee f, 1 mites wilt
look into the matter,
Councillors 'Sanders. And Love
tel P
A v t i that 1111' bridge
IiehvPPu the
counties of Huron and Latrnhtenbe
built as early next ,year as possible
and that'i15 be maintained and renair•
epi to hake it safe Until i,t is rebuilt.
Considered to have the Most lnxu
runt euui beautiful hair in New York
M iss Reetur save : "1 find a certair
pleasure in recommending Sageine as
I know Sageiue Co bee Peal benefit to
women. I had a very hard time
ing to dress my hair nice before I used
Sageine. Itdil')'
t matter what le
the hair was being worn w
hair was
always too dry nd lifeless to dress
propeely. I suffered with dandruff
more or less and my hair fell out n0-
111 it was thin and ragged. My
mother urged me to nee Sageine as 0
amebir of petsons had recommended
it to her. I used it finally and was
only sorry that 1 had not learned of it
long before. Sageine has remade Iny
hair just as 11100 and soft and thick
as you see it. I have •been com-
plimented very much on its unusual
beauty. Sageiue is now sold in Brus-
sels, Ont., and costs only 60c a large
bottle. Be sure to go to Jas. Fox's
drug store—other stores don't have
J. Waugh, M. A. Chief Inspector of
public and separate schools for Ontario
was present and addressed the Conn-
ell in reference to improving the
Educational facilities in this county
and advising that additional inspec-
tion should be provided.
A wa•itteu invitation sent by the
Ame'ica 1 Road. Machine Company
inviting the Councillors individually
o' in 0 body to visit their plant was
Since the Twin Conventions of the
Ontario Sunday School .Association
held the ctosiltg days of Oetobee, two
nu het conferences of Olden. Boy
Workers have been held under the
joint, auspices of the Provincial Sum
day School Association and the Inter-
provincial Y. M
. C. A. one n . Week -
t B r cit
vine, and 0115 at Brantford. The
member of those conferencesT
t O
most. t`
st part t wort.
Oldet. Boys (ageses 113-
20,) AtBrockville. 49
5, at Brantford
502, total 1087 were etlrolled. This
enrollment, represented 121 different
points in 83 Counties. One strong
feature of these conferences B C tfel'enree 1
s a Sun-
day afternoon Mass Meeting to which
only boy leaders are admitted.u the
age limit 18 suitfly Shawn at 15, crone
undo admitted., A. covert)] 1res0uta-
tion of life prolanrns and clean living
is trade. At the two conferences 109
pinng inert declared, by .public alp.
pearance, as giving their lives to
Christian service. 775 others, regis-
tered seine forward step in the
direction /`
o of mc. to wholesome" living
It (s conservatively estimated that
these oonfel•enoes throng)) the dele-
gates will reach
g 20,000 boys, directly
and indirectly.
Already font. Intal conferences on as
smaller scale are planned before New
Feats, following up the work of the
To prevent cold weather diseases
put your body into a• proper healthy
enuditiott to successfully resist areal,
Colds, gl'ippe, broutbilis, pneumonia,
catarrh, typhoid Yl hotel levo, theurnaWstu
and other ailments may be escaped in
most caste if this is done Build up
vont itealtit and sttengl11 your
tlr0ves and blood (Ltd entire body—
in to such shape that you can count on
good health all dut'i ng the Wham
months --by (akiltg Rexall Olive Oil
lt;nmlelon,•tll0 ideal 131oo<i, nerve and
body builder.
Thia is a remarkable medicine, but
common-sense one. It doesn't
etilaulate. So-called "tonics" that
stimulate give yon no permanent re.
IirY ; but leave you worse off than be-
fore. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion con-
tains none of these harmful, stilnu-
toting ingredients, such its alcohol
and dangerous and habit-forming
drugs. Its great benefit to you is
through its real nerve and blood and
body.buildittg effects. It nourishes
builds, strengthens. Its merit does
not teat 00 Creaking you feel better
for a few minutes ata time after tak-
ing it, but on making you feel better
as a result of masking you well.
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is the
ideal blood and nerve -food tonic, You
who are weak and run -clown, and you
who are Immo enily well now, but are
liable to suffer from various cold
weather ailments, iise Rexall Olive
Emulsion to get and keep well and
strong. For the tine&out, ran -down,
nervous, emaciated or debilitated—
the convalescing—growing children—
aged people—it is a seueible aid to
renewed strength, better• spirits,
glowing health."
Rexall Olive 011 Emulsion—king of
the celebrated Rexall Remedies—is
for fteedom from sinkness of you and
poor family. You'll be as enthusiastic
about it as we are when yon have
noted its pleasant task, its strength-
ening, invigorating, building -up,
disease -preventing effects, • If it does
not help you, yen. money will be
given back to you without argument.
Sold in this ronlmnnity only at our
store—The Rexall Store—one of more
than 7,000 leading drug stores in the
United States, Canada and Great
Britain. F. R. Smith. Druggist,
Brussels, Ont.
two larger conferences, and it is ex-
pected that before Spring half a dozen
others will be planned and carried
through. The movement is signifi-
cant as a- prophesy of a Twentieth
Century method. Among the many
things suggested by the boys as the
task to he undertaken, in addition
to those who attempt the Christiau
life, are such things as the following :
"Teach English to immigrant boys ;"
"Join the church : " "Train for Y. M.
0. A. Secretaryship 1" "Teach Sunday
School Class ;" •Pronote Pocket
Testanent League ;" "Enter Chris-
tian ministry," while score upon score
indicated; Cut out bad habits ;"
"Clean speech :" and "Clean living."
Between 1905 and 1911 the Sunday
••••(•••••••N•.••••••.$.WY4••!••••• •N•d'$+••WN•+Fe+•f••••••SISIS
• •
1 Goods
Fine range of well made Horse Blankets at various ri
• OLTB � C0s
Comfortable Rugs and Robes
* Sleigh Bells in Variety.
Halters, Currg Combs, Brushes, &o.
$ ▪ Trunks, Valises and Hand. Bags if you intend travelling •
•. Our large stock gives customers a good choice. PRICES •
• ARE RIGHT. Call in and see our goods.
+ Harness Repairing
a B ealait , B. F. CARR, Brussels
p Y
On Jan, 1st, 1914, the Cash System of doing business will be adopted.
•+•+•+0+•4'•+•+•+♦+•+•+•+•4. •+••F•+••14444•••••+••P•+•4011a • t+
School enrolled of North America iu-
eteased 25', ; from twelve to fifteen
million. This does not include of-
ficers and teachers. The secret of
the increase is largely found in the
organized Adult Bible Class Move-
Under the direction of J. Shreve
Durham, Superintendent of the
Visitation Department, International
Sunday School Association. during
thep ast
years ears sever
al visitations
from house to house have been con-
ducted, the purpose being to ascertain
definitely the conditions regarding
the attitude of the people to the
chin ch. Such cities as Toronto,
Chicago, Philadelphia, Montreal,
Louisville and St Louis have been
visited. More than 22 million people
have been waited upon, questioned a11
to their telationship, and invited an
the name of the co-operating churches •
to attend the church of their choice.
The Sunday School Is no longer a
woven and girls' affair. From
Hutchison, Kansas, comps a unique
report of a Sunday School with au
enrollment of 1400. It has more
grown-ups than children mote adults
in average attendance than children,
more risen and boys in regular at-
tendance than women and girls. In
Howard Park Methodist Sunday
School, Tnrouto, on Nov. 23rd, there
were 342 mein and boys and 318 women
and girls. This is a regular oc-
For Headaches
Here's the Reason and the Cure
�" i,;•"1 Most people at some time or another suffer from
headaches—disordered stomach, liver or bowels Is
the cause—any one can be cured—one woman says:
Chamberlain's Tablets did more for Inc than 1 ever
dared hope for—cured headaches—biliousness—and
toned up my whole system -1 feel like a new wo-
man." No case too hard for these little red health restorers. 25e. t
bottle. Druggists and Dealers, or by Mail.
Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 6
40 V410
Look Alive ! Friday, Dec. 12
Get Busy ! Wednesday, Dec. 24 Z
Just lOMorih
9 Days1
within which time you must decide by what gifts you will express the joys of the
Christmas season. During our long service in the Jewellery trade we have found -•It.-.,.,,
amply exemplified that merit is a magnet that never fails to draw. Thus, in prepara-
tion for the Holiday o y trade this year we have placed in stock choice imported goods
such as would be difficult to duplicate at this season of the year. They are on sale now
Until Christmas
after which date there will be no articles left. It never was otherwise. Seeing creates
• • a desire and the desire begets a purchase. That is our experience. Under these cir-
: cumstances let us emphasize the necessity of early buying. Come when the stock is
: complete and make sure that you secure that which you desire.
• What would you like ? If it is Gifts for elderly people, we have them if it is
sPresents for Children, they are in our stock ; if it is something for a Husband or Wife,
• or if it is a token of affection for a Friend, you can obtain what you want
at W. F. Stretton's
We Publish herewith a Classified List which yassistyou in making a choice. of Gifts • may 9
For Ladies
—Toilet and Manicure Sets in Ebony, Ivo'y
and 1 d
i Silver
—Hansi pain - ted
Cuckoo, Quail and Chime
—Small Fancy Clocks in Russian Ivor )+, Sil-
ver and Gold y
—Candlesticks—Nickel and Brass
—Necklaces in Gold-filled, Solid 14 -karat Gold,
Pearl Set, Sapphire Set and Diamonds
Di t
— Combs and Bactettea
—Mesh Bags
--Br atcelels
—Umbrellas—Silk, Gold and Gold -mounted
— Brooches
-Signet. Rings—
till sizes
—Diathond Rings
—Combination Rings, sod)
as Rubies, Pearls
and Diamonds
—Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons
For Gentlemen
--Combination Walking Cane and Umbrella
—A novel device, 1 v c1', nils very latest
—Combination Sets—Gold Cuff Links, Stick
Pin and Tie Clip
Chains e ttCid
Lockets --Gold
d Fined
and Solid Gold
--Watch Fobs
-Signet Rings
—Eye Glasses
—(land Reading Glasses
—Canes—Gold-headed GOild-�PadPd orO -
G ld mounted
Gold or Gold -mounted
—Toilet Sets in Ebony and'Perslatt Ivory
—Shaving Sets
We issue
them and now c tv is an opportune time
to tryone. Ask n
for tirticulars re
ing te double wedding ring method,
Store where Gift selection is Sim l fl
W, f, Stretton's Jeweller Store e.
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