HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-12-11, Page 3CUSiNESS CARD,
Glee In the Peel ONuu, Ethel, 80.4
Grze 1oPi M/ av2!° l azo
o nen, will sell for better prises, to
bettor mea, in lues time and lose ohurges
then any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
he won't clime anything. Dates and orders
o uu ulwaye be arranged at thin office or by
p orsouol application,
["t�]' M, SINCLAIR-
Y Barrister, Bolioitor, .Oonveyaneer,
Eatery Public, &a. 011toa-Btewarfe Block
1 door Horth of Central Hotel,
Bolloltor for the Metropolitan 13 nvk,
W. PnoVDrOOT,H.O, 1t 0. HAYS
016008-T11000 formerly 000upled by Messrs
Cameron & Holt,
(3oneaxoe, OnTAMO.
Largest and
fastest steamers on
he St, Lawrence route.
For information apply
13 agents, or
the Allan Line
Agent Allot Line, Brussels.
„ern ra a a ayzs' : '. o a ,• ,. .v4
Winter Term Opens Jan, 5th • yQ
One School that bee thorough emir. '61
.1 sus, excellent equipment, enunble S
N tonchore, anal enjoys n wide -spread put- 1
313 renege 1s (he popnlal'
Sal TOnONTO, ONT, Yte,
This Institution has a clean out re- r`�`
cord for enooesefel work, We nsnist 3
ese our etudents to obtain employment. '-
ee If you intend getting a business educe• el
btvQ tion -One Ttie nese-not the cheap, or-
dinary or low grade ]dud. Write to-
day for our catalogue. It contans 32•
complete information.
Cor. Yonne and j( W. J. ELLIOTT,
Alexander Sts. S Principal.,
eteeeete Petee,e' ; ceereeeeevel to iia' P
r 'P= e'4�'aterete'rar eareeeVeeffeig CseeYa
Students may enter Messes nt any
time. Those who enter now will have
an .advantage over those Who cannot
euter till the New Year, Our courses
in Commercial, Shorthand and Te1e-
grophy depnl'tnneubsnee thorough and
practical. We offer you edvmttnges
not offered elsewhere in the Province.
Get our free catalogue and see if it
• i teres30 you.
�t D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal.
itu3 X2333 _ aVAessAV,9ACh&12A IVAY:d2A'G$ee7See&
Listowel Business
Any time
Grow with us.
For particulars address-
teietR se flea aleas`(aareeea'ssesO;eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei
Best Brains
in Canada have pertioipp'ted in the pro-
ppnratonof our splendid Home Study
courses in Banking, le:enemies, Higher
Aocotu,ting, Commercial Art, Show
Card "`Ti.1tu1 , Photography, Jnmmnl-
ienl, Short Sbory Writing, 811011)hnnd
and Bookkeeping, Soled the words
which most interests you and write ns
for pfrtloalnrs. Adch'ees
393.7 Yonge st., Toronto
.•w.itsA A.®.<4ae..8.42e..4a46,...d&®
made prov141011 for employment dor-
hlg the Ifell m,d Whitey months m' do
YOU. Wish steady remnnoretive work
our agenthrough,
ahtere10. Wet onfer the boa
iu the bueinoee. Pay weekly, free out.
fit, exehtetve territory.
melee cu131313 icn, Eetnblished eyrie
of yeave. A aro
dthton for high h g
creole And fair dealing, e l A 033. We
can manta money sellafur nWo
want an energetic)reliablemain for
r rite
i httt Far term) ew
Brussels lsmldv o y
,Toronto, Onf.
�e eatelogue en eeoet,
3 Fegn
'glrv►'"11rlirle tr4r 11
Business Cards
8noc..601' to A1, 11. Moore. Whin at Ander.
Nell 331'50. !!very eteble, Bruwwi'. Telephone
No, 29,
DR, 7', T M' RAE
Bachelor of.Ihiedloiuo, University of Toronto ;
lioautiote end Graduate of the Coliege or Phy'
Moine and Surgoola, 0111, • Post graduate
Chimp Eye, Ear, Noee end Throat Homan',
011101 o, Int, Ex -House 1 urgeon to St. Miele
non's BOopltal. 'reruns:).
Office over 14, R, Smith's Drug 'tore, Tele-
phone commotion with (.ranorook at all dlouro.
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Phyulu one and stir.
miens, 011103-10 ; ex•80nioe Donee Surgeon of
Western Fluspitel, Toren to. Oiliuee of tato Dr.
ft. kIoReeey, Smith Block, flrusoelu.
Rural phone .15.
M.B., M,C.P..O S. O.
108 Blom oLreef Beet, Toronto
Olsoaeoa Ear, None and Throat
Clinical assistant in Env Nose end 1lrroatde-
par bnlant New (3etieral Hospital, 1'Orunto 1
Poet Grodente Harvard Median' School, Hos.
ton ; late Senior lteoidunt Surgeon Muss, Eye
& Ear Inllrmary t late Ulhllcal imeietluat 1n.
13080 and Throat department Mas (3 en.
1oahto Bonen ul
pitamIIu by appointunt
Phyefeimn end Surgeon: Post Graduntecourse0
London !Mug,), New York and Ohicnge Hos-
and trial attention to (Demme of eat. Eyes tested forglussa0o, ear,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
cue e, Day and night Bells. Office oppoeite
Pupil. of Dr. Dickinson, of Toronto Consel'vn-
tory of Attune, is prepared to give music tea•
sons to a limited 'umbar of pupils. Phone
No. 68 or one at Mothadlat Pnrronagt', Bras -
Personal graduate Department of O1ahthal•
toingy, McCormick Medical College, Chicago,
Ill., Is prepared to teat eyes and 310 ghoyoes nt
tar office over Grower's Restaurant, Braseels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. Online hours 1 to 8 p. nl. Forenoons
by appointment, Phone 1210,
Will give better satisfaction to bout buyer nod
seller than any other A aet0neer and only
charge what le reasonable. Sales conducted
anywhere in Ontario. Pare bred stock sales 0
Write or 'phone 213 Wroxeter.
'oc La�..l'iU"a (-teras
'1'x0 Pose would like to see some-
body take hold of cement machine shop
on Mill street and part "go" Into it.
Miss Norma Steles, 14111 con. of Grey,
is taking up the telephone operating at
the Rnral Central, Brussels, and is clo
ing well,
Nr•.x'r Public Library Concert will he
hold Monday, Februtuy 91.1), when the
Leigh -Smith Company will give the
6 years ago the Laynle'ns' Missionary
movement of Toronto set out 10 raise
half a million dollar's for tvlisslons and
they have passed the 0tmtdar1 set.
THE POST returns -thanks to the
people who are so kindly <quariug off
back subscriptions and scc0uuts.. We
are looking for many others to do the
Rev. D. E. Martin, pastor of the
Methodist church at Kingsville, has re•
calved an invitation to the pastorale of
Wesley Methodist church in Brantford
for next year ns successor to Rev, 113•,
Liddy, stepfather to Rev. H. eV.
Avisou, B. A , of Guelph.
Rev, 0111s. W. Saunders, of 130tult-
ford, a former Huron County old boy
hes been elected Rural Dean of Brant
Deanery as successor to Rev. T. A.
Wright, who had to resigu owing to in
health. 'rue Pose wishes Rev. Mr,
Saunders success in his new wort.
'Pule one farm newspaper that stands
for the farmer in and out of season and
has d'3ue 'so during Phu last tWeuly-
three years is the Farmer's Weekly Snit
of Toronto. II 7013 ar,e mak-
ing a business of fnrmtug you Will
Rud 'Phe Sun, the farmer's onsiuess
paper of greet hell , not- only l0 you but
to every person on the • farm, Let us
send you sample copies.
A Boi'1' the first of the ne,v Year the
London Advertiser will add n morning'
edition to their output. Something
good is promised moll judging by then
evening edition nothing will be left un-
done we feel assured. The Advertiser
has behind it a splendid staff and the
paper takes al fearless stand on all public
and moral issues. More power to it,
J, R. and Mrs. Grant and dnuglltet•s,
of Winnipeg, have gone'California
where they purpose s;;So, 's'cdiug the
Winter, The former has gone Soatl
for years to miss the cold ;weather and
this is the seemed yens' for the fain lie.
We wish them a good time. Mrs. W.
H: Kerr. of Brussels, is a deep:Net. of
the same home,
Thornton Denials, formerly of Kin-
cardine, is making a great hit ns a sing-
er and Scotch dancer according to .the
Cort Frauees Times. He is much in
cleinnud at entertainments tel that
community. Mrs 1. Andrews since go-
ing to La Valle, is also greatly improv-
ed in health. 'rhe former is a oepllew
of ears, 1`. R. 'Thomson of 130110sels,
and the latter her another,
The Doaf Made To Hear..
Deafness, beettuse hugely due t0
Catavele is quite curable. In a thous•
and cases this has proved (3bee111101y
true. Success ib,var1ably aLlencls the
use of Oa1arehozotio winch has en( ed
Catarrhal deafness of 25 years 811(11 l-
i )g PeIAlreLinR
1 the pas -
of the ear, the soothing vapor of
Ot1143r elln3111(0 rohaves tie inila1n111a
3101, deOLtOystite seeds of 00,(31,4.11 and
thereby enables lettelve l,0 t:'e•assist icer -
self. Tey Otttatrt4lozone yourself, 260
and 51.00 sines sold by all dealers.
Tug great jury empanelled et the
3/300111 Assizes were:- William' Hartt•y,
of Seofortll, foremen ; lnhu Maim),
Wroxeter; Albert Brigham, Hallett ;
, Bowm
eMorris mtts ; WI
1 Darroch,
let '
loll t
Henry tl�rauris, iTebnrno ; .John W,
Hunter, Colborne; Martin Stephen,
AshfieldlAshfield1 JohnE
uA. McElwee, Colborne
John McLean, West Wawaaosh pCllnrles
Perkins, lixeter ; Jol1n Sweilzor,
'191e tut keno sight of presenting •
ilcenees to 33 local preacher:. wits
wntiessed iu Elm street 11ethodIst
eintrch, Toronto, lust Fudny evening. '
Rev. flue McNeil, the well known Pres.
InLeriuu Ell vn1Li, ill nn lid arena said the
loud reach were needed. Stich a'
Wise organ would !earl to g19131
lb:n ee. I I:3 paged the new pre:where
not 1,1 t'up)' °thele or let i111.1alien but
adopt 1heir Own style. Ile admonished
them to see wish their owe eyes, God
would give them•n Message. He warn -
tel them against vette t7. Clerical vanity
he said hail tis many lives es a cat, and
the new preachers (1)111 remain humble
if they wished to intros !heli' work to a
great end,
Whon Long Breathe Hurt,
You know that trouble; exist which
(wed gu(elt aticut.iou, Peope0 131313on
c1111ists in a v11;11008 rubbing of the
chest and side with Nat•viline which
sinks into Hie tissues cohere the pain
is seated, And 11te.A relief le a fete
minutes, No• liniment 'so c111311,. so
9t tollg„ an powerful. 1208111 3 0 gueraii-
teed with every 26e bottle 00 Poison's
Nerviliue, Get it today.
1101013 OLD Boyd -The (menet meet-
ing, of the Huron OId l3oys' Association
drew a fair audience to St. George's
hall ou Elm street, Toronto. An
election of officers tools place Sir John
Willison being elected Gen entry Presi-
dent, 'rho new acting President is
Robert Holmes ; viee-Pte: ident Dr.
SIre[hers ; Secretary elected- again was
L. 0loods, and the 'measurer M1.
Crocker. Auditors were J. D. Martin,
F. W. MacLean and Le. W. McTaggart.
The following were elected to the gen-
eral committee;- Major Beck, Dr,
Stanbury, K. McLeod, S. j, Poole, R
S. Shephard, L. L. Scott, W. E.
F lonely, W. W. Sloan,;F. T. Hodgson,
A F, Jollno, W. F. Castleton, F. S.
Hicks; W. C. Buclhnm, C. C. Rance,
D. el, Johnson, • R, Q. Rastell, W.
'1'1mbll•u nnl}'A 0a5010(1, 'In regard
to the curry ilislnry of the County it
was settled that Mesct's. Johns, Grieve,
Sewell, Scott, W. E Rowell and DI'.
Slnnbury should see to the matter.
For November
Form I examined in Spelling, Art,
Book-keeping and Elemental Science,
R Stewart . .., ..Sr I Sieiss .70
f, Antent 8o 11 Bowes 69
L l3urttess •• 77 F Scott ,,.,........ 69
McKay , ,,76 1f McFarlane ,...68
13 Arulstroug 75 L Richmond 68
5 Grant .....-74 1. W right .......65
It Mande ,...,73 t\ McLenclllin...63
A Fie Iron .73 '1' Yuill ,,........63
J Oliver 72 C Sellars 63
fe Terve y ....71 H Campbell -.....6o
A Sperling 7o ET Carrie ...,.,... 57
Fount II. -•Examined in Elementary
Science, Geometry, Latin and Compost -
G Edwat ale ...,8o R Sinclair 58
H Denman 79 13 Kerr 56
1 Elliott 73 Te Wood ......., .,.54
i Rauils 73 1 Scott 51
C3 Speiran 73 G J Wilson . 48
L Jncksom 65 W Harris 47
K McDonald..,,..65 J 11allautyne 42
13 McQuarrie......58
Form III.- Exatoiued in Comp.,
Chemistry, History and French.
G Deatltnan.......87 *A McQua1'r'ie ,76
G McQua rie 85 1''l 1110tlan.. ,,...•72
ARue.,.,.,.,,80 H Lowly ....72
3,"L'rrylor 78 J'McLenunn,.'..70
W Ar,notroug77 W Lott. ..... . ....64
E Lowly .76 11 Work ,...........63
W Hoover 76 I McLnuehlin....61
L Sparliug... •.•.710 L Ballnntyue..,.51
* missed 0x01110.
P, 11cPiesesoe,
PILIN. Htt3lhitesoN,
1(00241 Iv,
'Pealed to Recitation, Written Read
ing, Nature Study and Geography.
Sr. IV.-
D Ross 8r 13 Gerry 55
El Stewart 79 S McLnuchlin .-.49
It Hewitt.... ..... 65'
Jr, IV. -
C Best 72 11 Carte . 53
J Warwick 6S "A Fox 51
ML Shelton 66 1" McNaughtoll.48
F H•iileom .64 lI Pawson ......,46
LI James. 63 W Buchanan..... 31
P Barkley. 38 A Currie 3o
B Wright ...58 A Alttood
JFox- . .• 57
No, oe roll 21, Average atleud0nee 20.
I. G. SBeitalll', Teacher.,
1100)01 i(T ..
Sr. III. -Exam. to 'Gaols.. Writ.,
!list,. Comp., and daily work. Honors
75, Pass 6o.
MI Rose ..... .8o it Cardiff ... ,.,..57
M Danford .....7r V Herds...... 53
0 leeniingwuy,•.68 W Burgess 47
It. Cutrie....,.,..,44
G'1`hompson 63 01Roe 41
5 Me Leuchliu,,,62 '1E eleLmichlin:32
Jr. III. -Exam. in Writ,, Hist.,
Spell., 000111, and daily work, Honors
75. Pas:; 6o,
D Holmes ,.. 86 W lames 57
G 13nelcer 77 D Currie.....,, ....54
(r lare is ..,..72 M Campbell 54
L Hu gess 7t •A Stewart 54
(, Audueuu ,.....67 C Hollinger 47
M Wilton .66 L Cooley ..,,..,,.38
I McNichol 62 *W
V L)wry. 60 *i'**W Bristow...r3
Those marked * missed exams.
13, HBNneesON,
finest It
Sr, 1I. -Exam. in Read„ Ari the
Spelling, Comp. and claily work. Hon.
75. Patio Go,
F Slewaot ,S6 11 Oliver .70
D Walker. .,...,,.,85 J Lowry 58
C'1`hompson 76 11 \Vetod . 53
1. Bm9tlay •••e•..75 NI McCracken., 4.2
E Hollinger 73
•n •n)11
+`e ntieed iu G.1 gt 1
• T i n
1.I ,,
Atith (enr.ipnsllinn and daily work.
Honets 7 Pass bo
T lite gees 97 It it. nl ngwey...75
IC McLaten.,.,.,.87 14 O tvr i ....-,,.73
F Oliver 83 11 hie l,aucllhn.,b5
H 1(eye 79 1. Flail .50
13 ThueIl....,...... 78 G Wilson•,, .,,,.40
' P. l3Ar,cga
ra1MATtVr 1100M Revok1'
ilr A
- I xmtt3uetl
Leek., and daily ;lY work,
r, Holtnes .,. .,...95 C Lott, ... e.68
A 13nilnnlyfe 74 L Snider ,.......6o
IV. 13 eanlined i11 same.
l Walltet ,95 C:
G 34tne8.,,,.,,..... .ga 1. Thue113,,,a. ..7n
KeepitOlean. and Froo From Disease
by Using; Parielan Sage.
If yotl want your cihildre1 30 ;;raw
ml) with »Leong, beautiful and vigor -
'118 hair, Leilcil diem In use 1'ra iefnn
Sage - tee wo1•Itl renowned Hair
Parisian Sage is guartt(Leed t1y Jas,
Fox to (:ate daldruti and el op falling
halo in LWo week,. It 1;1 owe new
hair quieltly in oases where the hair
18 "thinning ant."
It is poellively the most delightful
invigoraling hair dressing all
the market for family use. 'It is not,
sticky oe greasy au111 will 'lake yiml'
hair soft, lustrous and luxuriant. IL
`Iputs life calci beauty into dull, faded
flair. Get ft large bottle from Jas.
Fox and watch its rapid Genion.
Regular price 50 cents.
B Cardiff ,.,. ,,,,.. 91 '13 Jarvis 68
'Al McDowell 88 U Candler .59
I Mill igau.........86 AI'Phompson 59
3rc1, •Excellent, -M, Kennedy, D.
Thomson, E. McLaren, 1',. McKay, C.
Bristow, (r. Ecklnier,
end -Excellent,- K. Ferguson, J,
Keys, W. 11CFademin, C. Anderson, 13.
Salter. Good. -L. Hollinger, le. Oliver
M. Hollinger, E. Dennis.
1st 13, Excellent. -M. Wilson, G.
13est, G. Stewart, S. Ballantyne. Good.
I. McCrrtcken, le, Lowry.
(st, A. Excellent. -K. Candler, N.
McDowell, M. Snider, Good.- K,
Snider, N. Snider, I. Hunter, F. Snider,
le. BUcIl,tN,AN. -
quest into the death of A. F. O'Neil
of Milwaukee, who died suddenly in
Clinton 'Thursday •Nov. 27111 wee
concluded Saturday by the jury Wing-
ing in a verdict of death from natural
causes. i\ past -mortem examination
was concluded and it was foetid thea
thele was e great ileal of fluid on the
brain. The stomach had been sena
to Toronto for examination but the
jury dad not coesidet• from the
evidence produced that any foul play
had taken place and did not further
delay the 3hgne91. (haulier Shaw
rood ueleQ (11,'rltse, ttld WEER 130530teci
lay (.•gown Attorney Sauget, of Godo- •
rich, Nr, O'Neil's two 50115 and
0141i i ;vera 3111110lmquest and in giv-
inti Ih1•ii' evidence staled that the
father 10103 13ddic1ed to the drink
13333,11 ; that since corning to 011)) Lon
la't September he had trot slangj, very
well, with one exception whelp be
went, (0 a neighboring town and in-
dulged too freely. His housekeeper
gave clear evidence and mo foul play
was ey3Jt hilted at. The body Was
taken Lo Milwaukee, Wis., t'or
tluriai where his wife and family re-
The engagement' is announced of
Jean Ferguson. daughter of the late
0mn0110 Ferguson . Nncpbepsoo. and
Mrs. Macpherson of OliuLou, Ont., to
Gentler) \V. Morse, M. A„ Boston.
Mass., the marriage to take place in
Mrs Wm. 'Prowse, of Kincardine
townsh'p, was found drowned in a
The Montreal Reform Clob tendered
a banquet to Hon. W. S. Fieldiug 011
December 9. .
1'he county of Lanark has sold
S4o,000 good roads dellenlures to a
Toronto house at 97.
'rhos. Lindop, a leading citizen of St.
P13011las for many years, died in Loudon
where he was undergoing treatment,
James Pears, of Toronto, was shot
by a fellow -hunter, in .Minto township,
his white cap being mistaken for a rab-
Hon. Dr. Montague was elected in the
bye -election in Kildonan and St.
Andrew's over A. R. Bredin by a large
The bodies of nice sailors drowned in
the recent lake storms, were buried at
Kincardine, Goderich and Sarnia, Two
more bodies from the litdrus-have been
Christopher Sawyer. et Dorset, a well-
haown trapper and guile in the 17 us
koka Lakes district, was found dead of
heart inhere, or the lake shore, 'having-
havingheel ,niesiltg two darts.
Dean le l: Fernow of the University
rfToro11to Faeuhy of Forestry, speak-
ing et 'Pemiskaming 0(111ad1811 Club
criticised advertising matter sent out
about the clay belt.
Your Oven Gains
Oven t
by Ourova Test
PU Bl.
4tr ff
Nloreigread and Better Bread and
11® "Better Pastry Too" 525
Your oven becomes a
certainp roducer of more
bread and better bread:
We can promise that. '
For from each .shipment
of wheat delivered at our mills
we take a ten pound sample.
We grind it into flour. We
bake the flour into bread.
If this bread is high in
quality and large in quantity,
we use the shipment. Other-
wise we sell it.
There is no guess -work
about our promise of more
bread and better bread from
flow` bearing this name.
Navigation on the great lakes is of-
ficially closed.
Barrie is to take a vote ' on Local
Option in Tanuary.
Newmarket Council threw oeta peti-
tion of anti -local optionists for the sub-
mission of a repeal by-law.
Farmers were plowing in their fields
near Winnipeg,
Lewis Wsllanable was drowned from
the steamer Lekeland at Sarnia.
Mrs. Isabella Sanders, of St. 'Phomas,
died suddenly filler returning home
Irom church.
The Farmer's Club of Blenheim, Ayr
and North and South Dumfrieq hes
been asked by the trustees of Ayr
Continuation School to assist in start-
ing a special class in agriculture under
a competent specialist.
Never 811t Your Boots.
That doesn't cure the corn. Just
apply the old standby, Putnam's Corn
Extractor. It acts like magic. Kills
the pain, cures the corn, does it with-
out burn or scar. Get' the best -it's
Is like what you want
your hair to be -
Lustrous, bright and
glossy; soft, silky
and wavy.
To have beautiful
hair like this, use
It's just what its name implies -just to
make the hair glossy, and lustrous, and more
beautiful -just to make it easier to dress, and
more natural to fall easily and gracefully into
the wavy lines and folds of the coiffure, just to
give that delightful fresh and cool effect, and
leave a lingering, delicate, elusive perfume.
Will not change or darken the color of the -
hair. Contains no oil; therefore, cannot leave -
the hair sticky or stringy. N.
Very pleasant to use, very easy toapply-
simply sprinkle aittle on your hair each time
before brushing it.
To thoroughly clean your hair and scalp,
use '
Harmony Shampoo .
A liquid shampoo to keep the hair clean, soft, smooth and beautiful. It gives
an instantaneous rich, foaming lather, penetrating to every part of the hair
and scalp. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking only
a few moments.'' -
It leaves no lumps or stickiness.
- fust a refreshing sense of cool, sweet cleanliness.
-fust a dainty, pleasant and clean fragrance.
Both in odd -shaped ornamental' bottles, with sprinkler tops.
Harmony Hair Beautifier, $x.00; Harmony Shampoo, goc.
Both guaranteed to please you, or your money back.
Sold only by rho morn than 7000 Ro:ell Stores -Tho World's Greatest Drug Storer -and
made In our own hie Toronto Laboratorian, whore all the delightful HARMONY, VIOLET
DULCE and EOUQUET JEANICE Perfumes and Toilet Preparations ora mode.
y only at
Sold in this
F. R. Smith's
IIHmomllllullllggr - �Iptml �Ij3tl.,
li I'
13111IIIII1eStilitelII(lIElleil0M9A1R4ijl nl,,,lr,Illllllliu Ial� 11 4111
IIIMMIggi Ilual)uIIIiI �I
UIW 81tiwWOIIOLIuu .
- el.
OM ,,111...f /
'11,1d 1,1011