HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-12-11, Page 1mew et$ 4 VOL. 42 NO. 24 BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECE')1II3EId 1]. zgx3 New Advertisements lost—TenPu. Purse �1.RPOW. Wendt. (,atter for flnie—Thio P0B1. The Rig Store -11, C ItoNs 13x11+ for .ale—Amon imilh. Xmas Shopping—A. Strnehnn. Sown for sale—John MoRehb. Men's Presents—E, 0 Danford. Xnuts decorations—IT R. Sndth, %mos shopping—G. N. No Laron, t ranlo—A. M ol4wen, re � ttlalta fl fP 0 Christman PRIM—sea, Thomson, Christman prssoononte—H, L. Jackson, aBistrt.ct getts Moncrieff Miss Benet Tarr arm.[ Master Joe spent a week with relatives in Strat- ford, Mies Lizzie Patterson is spending a few weeks with her axone, Mrs, \Vm. Patterson, Munerieff. Miss Minnie Detwiller, of James- town, N. Y., is visiting her mother and sister, Mrs. Detwiler and' Mrs. 11ir,Neught at''Deerbaiik Farm." Last week John Lontittmoved from the 1601 to the 11th run., where he has leased the A. Campbell property. The latter is still in the West. The 100 tune farm known as the Querenges- se1 mill lot, has been purchased by James McKay, who will nlnv° to it. Price was said t0 be $2.200. Wel. Forbes, a well known resident of 1111s locality who underwent an opel'.tiell at Guelph, is making a good recovery we are pleased to state. Mrs, Alex. Fraser is house from [Sisley, Sttsktttcheu'Iu1, where she spent the past 0 months. Mr, Fraser is still there looking after his farm propei't y, BABY Dian.—On November 29th John n of .inn. and Stirling, infant 1 son 1 Mrs, ItaChrrl'ora, of ]llhna, disci. The little lata was 10 months old and was only sick for a short time. 'Teeth. ing troubles was the cause. Funeral took place to Blum Dennie cemetery oil Monday of last week. Mrs. Ballet toed .1s a daughter of Wm. Forbes, of this locality. The bereaved share 111 the *tympaaniy of the community in the loss of their brit h101ittc soil. Win, V. McKay was aW1ty to Strat- ford, on Tuesday attending the rimmed of his uncle, John Welsh, Death came very suddenly of Salm- day 111o'uiclg when he eneemnb0(1 to an attach of heart failure, after hav- ing returned fcon the meeker. Al- though -troubled with his heart for sone time deceased appeared in good health and spirits 0)1 Saturday morn- ing, and his death came as a sad blots to his family and friends. Until pensioned 'u year ago the late Mr. Welsh was employed in the black- smith department of the shops. He ►Oi•.0.4••••O.••♦♦♦O.O••••••4•♦•••••••••••••••N••••• 4. THE SIG STORE• • '11, Ordered Ready-to-wear • e Clothing Clothing • • 4 • o ro Practcal Gifts•• ., • • p • 0 • Should Reach Y--��our Christmas Lists •• • • • • Men are practical and they Rite to receive practical gifts. A gift • f of something to wear will be slue to please him. Just a short time to •• •do your Ohristinas Shopping—late selections ave always hurried and • the stocks •are never so good. Now is the best time to u1 eke your eel- • • eaten even if you are not ready to buy just yet. This list will make •choosing easy and you can be sure your gift will be especially 110- • • eeptable, • • • Suits 8 50 to 25 00 (Dem ()oats 8 00 to 24 00 , • • Hits 1 00 4 00 Cans 25 1 50 • • . Shirts .......... 50 •2 60 Ties 25 1 25 • O Suspenders 25 75 Sweater Coats '75 5 0(1 • • esHose 25 75 House Coats...,..... 8 50 10 001 • • Mufflers25 2 •60 Rain Colt's ...... 7 50 10 00 • - Pyjamas ...... 1 511 3 50 Umbrellas ......... 76 5 00 • • • e, Gift • • Linens as a Christmas 0 Table -Cloths, Napkins, Pillow Oases, Towels • Nothing makes a prettier, 1000e serviceable,o• acceptable gift to A • any woman than,solnething in linen. Our stork of Li1eus include the • eproductions of 1110 largest and best manufacturers in the world. In 0 • any line we 000 give you the best in quality and design, at the lowest • • possible prices. Old Bleach Linens, Shamrock Linens, Gold Medal • • Linens. These •are standard makes and fully guaranteed. You will ♦ •find it to your advantage to hake your selections here. es vowce Ladies' Coat Special for Saturday -10 only • •• • N Saturday we put on sale the biggest • • O bargain in Ladies Coats we ever O offered, all this season's styles, well • p - made ancl-beautifully trimmed, self linedto 0 se ! . ,, Shoulder, Beanie piped, shawl and convett- o able colla('s. Colors brown, tan, greys A (_ and 751)07 tweed mixtna'es, regain i0,so • A �:/v prices, $12.50, .$x5.00 and $18.00, A l f/ stale pence ... O 4 l TOWELS AND TOWELING • 0 Large size Embroidered Towels, hemstitch- 0 • ed ends at .... 50e: to $1 e 0 Large size Fanry Hock Towels at 60c:- to $1 • • 11 Fancy Damask Guest Towels, hemstitched • A 1'144\11 1Galfnn d ends .. ....... .... ..25e and 50e • . Guest• Towelling,fancy damask border at • y.' °' t� Fancy Huck !`Dwelling, wide width ttt per• • yarn ................ 25c to SOe • • \\ , CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS A •• 1 I r',,, We are showing thoustinds of Fanny Christ- • • vv' •ons llandke'011iefs, in, pure linen, liter- • t cerized.cl,tt01,, and silks, both plain and • •• ` initial, hemstitched, scalloped and em- • • 111 bruidered edges, at fron.,.......gi p Co $2 A 4` TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS J • o t Damask Table Cloths with Napkins p 0 to ♦ �_� 111(1101), every pattern new this season, • lit ♦>4�wspecially imported for out. Christmas • 2, -` • e %- J trade, at from ..........................$3 to $6 • • Plain Hemstitched Linens ���sia.,a J.411.r.4.�r ' eGuest Toivele 25c and 35c Something New Full size Towels ...,..250 and 50,1 Tetay Cloths 40e end 600 • Staled covers'... .25e and 60e .Out' moray custnrners are al- • Dresser Searfs -. 25c and 500 ways looking for ''Soulrthing •_ Pillow eases 25e and 85e New." We ate ready for them y : 15c up v with,a full supply of fresh it Os entrePieces, 25e to, 1 lnew Fruit i`oe Ohristntas— ♦New Relent Valencia Rosins' • Sensible. Gift Giving 3 lbs, £nr ........... 250 • Eiderdown Bed Cnrnfovter, made New ,cleaned entrants 3 tbs. • of gond 'quaailty sateen, and .fat . 26e sal in tops, at.... . $2 up hre8ll new Figs 8n per lb. • • All Wool Blankets pink and Fresh new Dates...—. 10e pet lb. 2 • blue bottlers................$3 tip Fresh new. "Dromedary" e► el)1Ltes ...,...•.. 10e perpackage O • Silks For Dresses & Waists ALSO NEW PEELS 0 • We have them in pent vio�lety Lemon; Orange, Citron • o in Platin tli1d Brocaded in. all New S1lelled •Walnuts, 2 • the ry Medial New Shelled Almonds' • the uety shades vc• • ...51 to $2.50 'I-1,-*TInTw1►'•4r'T-r-v. Nlgheae t Price paid for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Fowl. 4 A Square Deal lap lirli �1e�• IX OSS ♦ for EveryMan. • .••••••••••••••••••00••••• 000000••••0•000000•••••••• • • • • 0 • • • 0 • • 0 was well known in the city, particu- larly muting articu-larly'among the rltilrnal men. 13e - sone, John A u1 sides his wife twos u s J 1 and !1 i G. Wul'h of New York city, 'and one daughter, Allem 5/1111110 Welsh, sine vive. Deceased W08 111 1118 07th year. Bluevale TurnbetL'7 enemata) Council will n11et here next Monday, Nomination here for Reeve and 0ounoillors on Monday 20. Mn16'043111 polities are quiet but it may be Elie hill before the star'ul• Interesting . articles on Canadian Poets 1ue appearing in the Farmer's Advocate from the fertile pen of Clayton Dntf, of this place. Walton Louis Blake was in the Queen city this week on at business tl'111. Jos. and Mrs, Bennett spent a few days with friends ht \inghtun. Jas. A.. Rae and Thonas Ifackwell spent Sunday with friends netir At - Dont forget the fawn supper at \Vinthaop next Monday evening MO tr. Miss Mabel Bullard, of Winthrop, wileas a guest of Airs. 51. McSpadden last week. The Public School is preparing for Christmas entertainment to be given in the school on closing day. Christmas snoW and Christmas bells are here. They are most Wel- come and help to snake a 'perry 'nervy Christmas, The Gleaner [Mission Band will hold a Christmas Missionary Enter- tainment in the basement of Duff's church, Walton, Friday night of this week. A. fine program of SOselections will be given. No admission fee and all welcome. Mrs. A. R. Small, of Stratford, spent a few days ander the pa'entol roof and was accompanied back by Mrs. M. McSpadden and daughter Edith. \•VOKEN'S INSTxTu'rl:.—The next meeting of the \Votnen's Institute will he held Wednesday of next ween. 17th Inst., at the home of Airs. (Rev.) Edmunds, when the report of Cho Convention at Toronto will he given. Meeting at 8 p. ni. and everybody welt•onle. The Listowel Standard says :—F, L. Crawford, 0. P. R. agent:, has receiv ed notice of his appointment to the station at Walton for which place he expects to leave in a week or ten days. 51,'. Crawford has been in Listowel fot .0 considerable period during which time he has 1110d0 many friends. 'Their many friends are sorry to lose Air. and Mrs. Crawford Fenn town hilt congratulate Mr. (h'awfo'd nn his promotion and ex- tend best wishes for success in Wal- ton. Rev. Dr. Ramsay, of Toronto, will C0)((10at speclttl Ata livel'ettl'y services iPresbyterian c tn'ch on Sunday Dee, 21,1, at 11 a. ill. 0,11) 7 p, .1n. A special offering of $400 18 requested. Wroxeter ]Miss Ma 1i+tzlewood visited rela- tives in Clifford on Saturday. Miss Florence Ray is able to resume her duties at the school here after 14 week's illness. Nits. Edwards and children, of lnrouto, are guests of the fo'metee Sister, litre. G. P, Jackson. J. J. Davis, of the Royal Bank, is able to be out again, having been we- aned to the 110050 with an attach of la grippe. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church held a very successful 801101 in the basement of the church last Wednesday evening. Jas. Ballantyne has disposed of his livery business to Edward Lowry, Brussels. We understand Me. Bat- lauty ne will continue the dray busi- Items. The funeral of the late Mrs. Robt. McIntosh, who died at Iter home in Blancher. Sask., on Nov. 28th, tools place from the home of her son, Fred. .Ncfutnsh, of Hawick, to the Gerrie cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and -Mfrs. McIntosh formerly re- sided 111 Howick, leaving for the West last Spring. She is survived by her husband, 2 sots and 2 daughlets. Morris Statntoly Omu ei] meeting next Monday. G. McCurdy. of Hewer, Sask., is here on a visit to relatives. . Last week W. R. Mooney was home fora short visit from Toronto. Fred. Armstrong of Rossmer, S+ask., arrived home during the past week. Will. Henderson, Srd line, arrived hack from the West last Saturday night in gnod fettle. Ned" [Nilson, who amtkes his home et S. Walker's Oth line, has been quite poorly during the past week. Dire. Jno. Kellington, 7111 line, has not been having very gond health for the past, few weeks but is some better naw. She is 84 years of age. The Auction sale of cattle„ at Sam- uel Walker's, 6th line, went with a gond swing. High prices ruled de- spite the shortage of feed and a Win ter ahead. Allan and Mrs. Adams, 6th line. were visitirig 1110 latter's father, Wm. AlcKereher, 0 well known resident of Howick township, last week. This wntthy old gentleman is not enjoying his usual rugged health his many friends will be sorry to hear. Mr. McKee cher has passed bis 86th birth- day and has been a wonderfnlly active man who has known little about personal sickness. Naturally You would Buy Men's t'a resents Ate Men's Furnishing Store Ours is the Men's Furnishing Store filled with requirements for Men such as Neck Scarfs Neck Ties Gloves Hosiery Handkerchiefs Cuff links Suspenders Suspender Sets Umbrellas 211th Century Clothing fur Coats rue Lined Coats Barrington Hats Hartt Shoes Coat Sweaters Jerseys Underwear Waterproofs F it -is a Suit or Overcoat you Want, buy it in the 20th • Century Brand, or a pa', of Stylish Sines, bei} the Celebrated Hartt Shoe,noted for its style, fit a,ti wearing qualities. Sold only by: E. @. Danford • lothier and . Furnisher W. H, KERR, Pfop»ietor Ihlnetnl Campbell, aged 68, wlloee death was reported lust week, 1tv08 his wife and two daughters and one son,Mabel Misses b 1i Luelle, L ell w, and Joh\sse , 'Piave brothers 141111 two aistel'e also survive. D0ceesed was a .010m - bar of the Presbyterian Church. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon. Oranbrook ArthurP o en y1 r hasg ens to Strat- ford In attend Business College. Remember' 1)) 'C:hristrnanEntPetain. meta in the Methodist Church 23x0 of Decenhber, We are Berry to report that our teacher, C. R. Turvey; is at present in Winghtun hospital with an attack of Typhoid fever. Hope he will soon be o. k. Miss L. Dark returned to Hamilton 011 'Tuesday atter spending a fete days with her mallets who was hurt in a mintway hitt is getting along nicely. Chris, Jieutber arrived home on Friday last after spending the past ten months partly in Hamilton and partly on the slime of Superior, neat Sault Ste, Marie. Rural Mail delivery cnlnmeneed last Monday. Route goes East on the 12th con. and back to 13rnssels on the 011 Carrier calls here for outgoing mail on the homeward trip. Last Sunday Rev. \R'. Boyle, of Bel - grave preached anniversary sermons in Knox church that were most ap- peopriate. The day was anything but. propitious. 'Thursday evening of this week the Tea meeting will be held, supper being ser ved in Long's Hall. An interesting program will follow in the church. Al extended report of auniveisary will begiven next week. Ethel Ethel L. 0. L. will have a special meeting Monday night next for the purpose of giving the Arch Degree, Would like the members of that de- gree to he present. CARD or THANKS.—W. H. Love and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends for their kindness to them during their recent illness. Their kindness will long be remembered. Ethel Branch of Women's Institute will hold its regular monthly meet- ing on Thursday afternoon Dee. 13th, at the home of Aire. S. S. Cole, Ethel. Program plans for a Social evening in January. "Thoughts on the closing yea'" by Mrs. S. S. 011e. A. good at- tendaltee of the members is hoped for. BA$Y DIED.—Thursday of last week Robert William, Wombat -in of Station Agent and Mrs. Murray, died from an aLttark of pneumonia. He was 5 months and 2 days old and a bright little lad. Funeral service was held at the home Friday afternoon and the remains were taken to Shakespeare Sururrlay -morning, where Mrs. Murray's relatives reside. Burial was made there Sunday afternoon. The +2'++++'p'h+++++++++a+++✓r++++43;+ 0 0 � HI L Jackson. JEWELER „.4. 0 4.+ ,'ig .+t. J UST arrived, our fine 4 New Stock of Goods 1 which we bought for ;4 Cash direct from the .4+ Manufacturers at a big .i*, saving to you on .+i 4 4 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS For Ladies + + Pearl tend Ruby Rings, &e., 4. '' Bracelet Watches + Pearl Set Necklaces + + Chsf1s and Lockets 0 + Toilet Sets + 0 Mesh Bags 'i' Baer Pins and Sets + Brooches 0 H Fancy (locks . + Out Glass 9. ++F' Silverware • s. Souvenir Spoons, &c., tete. 0 4 For Gents4. 1• Gold Watches 4' Silver \Vatches q Signet and Stone Set Rings + Chains and Lockets + 4+ IVatfcin FnI'fs +4++ ,. itis Pius. 7.10 Clips 0 Gold ' Bead Canes • Shaving Sets .1. 4 Safety Razore- Cuif Links, 4' ,+i. Fountain Peens '1' Vinitns 4 Match Boxes, &c., ex., 5' + 4. 0 ,+i. + EE our Stock. - We +t' ' can save you money� 4. ;` on reliable Goods. 4. OUALITY FIRST is our Motto always,4. + +4. i 4. 4. Hr L. Jackson I. JEWELER I ++++�Q+•d•'aai�t + ++++l'++++++++'F t + ,L Diatntond Rings 't+ + + + F Fo°+++ a++++4 ++ e+++++++++++iii'4F+ +++ ++fi*h'h4f ++ i F•'i••• IXmas S Strh c rr S the time of purchasers is now getting short we have pleasure in offering -a few- suggestions which may help -some in deciding on what they might probably get for somebody as a Xmas remem- brance. An excellent range of Dress Goods in Black and Colors at Popular prices. Special value in yard wide Silks for Dresses and Separate Waists in plain and brocaded—Black and colors, at $1.00, $1.26, $1.50 and $2 00 per yard. Silk and Net Waists in Black, White and Cream, at 83,00 and $3.50. Lace Collars and Ouff Sets, at25e, 85c, 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25. Stock Dollars in separate boxes, 28c and 500. The New Mediei Lace Dollars at 60c. Motor and Lace Scarfs in Black, White and Colors at 26e, 86c, 50c, $1.00. $1,25 and $1.35. Belts at 25e and 60e. - Kid and Seude Gloves in Black, Tan and Grey at $1.00 and $1.25. Back Combs 26c and 60e. Set of Back and Side Combs at 76e and $1.00. Hat Pius at 25e and 50e. Bar Pin Sets at 26e and 600. Pearlette Beads at 10c, 15c and 25c, Handkerchiefs of all kinds at Be, 5e, 10e, laic, Me, 20c, 25e, 85e and 50e. Ladies' and Children's Wool Gloves and Mitts15c, 20c, 25c, 35e and 50c. - Child's Oape Kid Gloves at 75c. Ladies' and Men's Mocha Mitts at $1.00. Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats at 76e, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, 82.50. $2.75 and $4.00. Fur Scarfs, Muffs and Caps 111 Alaska Sable—Marmot—Opposum and Gaey Lamb. Special value in Hair Ribbons at 10e, 150, 20c and 25c. Men's and Boy's Ties—a great nanny in separate boxes at 25c, 35c and 50e. Braces, 10c, 15a, 25c and 50e. Brace and Garter Seta at $1.00. Sleeve Holders and Garters separate at 25c. Silk Krait Scarfs at 50c and $1.00. - Wool, Kid and Noche Glovesald Mitts at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and 81.50. Men's and Boy's Sweater Coats at $1.00, $1.25, 81.60,' $1.75, $2.00, $2 75, $3.00 and 54.00. 'I+' Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Boots, Slippers and Rubber('; lib Lowest Prices. d� " +o Fresh Groceries of a kinds for s Baking. 1 Full line f r all r)Ima aki g. ++t- Standard Fashion Sheets and Patterns for Jan., 1914, now to hand. + Wewill doour bast toserve iA Strachan well and goys you satisfactionon.. M + , +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++•4 parents are sympathised with in thej„;:. Archie Barron is home from Ed- loss of their baby boy. We imam stand that the impression has got abroad that the Societies which I, W. H. Love, am a tnember of had furnished and was paying for nurse and other help which we had timing our sickness, While I wish to thank them most heartily for any good intentions which they may have had I also wish to say that such is not the case as we have paid same ourselves. I remain, yours, W. H. Lovx. Henfryn On Sunday next, Dec. 14111 there will be service in the English church at 3 p. m. when the Rev. H. P. West - Aate, of St. Thomas, former rector of twood and Henfryn, will celebrate the Holy Communion and also preach. All are welcome. Collection to be devoted to Mission. Grey Neil McNair is attending the Win- ter Fair at Guelph this week. Township Connell will hold its Statutory meeting next Monday, 16th inst. Chas. and Miss 'Olive Lake, 4th can., were visiting relatives at Lake - let last week. School Entertainment in S. S. No. 1 Tuesday evening of next week. Interesting program. - Chester Amistsong and Jaynes Moses are away this weep to the Winter Fair at Guelph. Mrs. A. W, Beacom and 2 daugh- tees of titillate township, were visitors at Robert Person's, the former's parental home. W. J. and Mrs. Thompson, of Dun- gannon, were visite's at the home of Jas. and Mrs. Almstr0ng, 10th con. The ladies are sisters. Roe's Sunday School Ohl'istmas Tree entertahnnentwill be held next Tuesday evening when a most inter- esting literary and musical bill of. fare will be presented. Last week Jon, and Mrs, Lake were holidaying with Mrs, iv. Bosman, of \Vinghatn. The latter •has just ar, rived home from to visit of 6 months with relatives and friends in the Wee t. Miss Oaunpbell, a gI0ud daugh- ter came l)aok with her. TWO DAVIT/TEAS AND A BON. --On November 1st there Was born to A, A. ami Aire, Harkness, at Vigerville, Alta., triplets, 0 son and 2 danghters. Special interest eel1tres rnnnd this important event from the fact that Mrs. Hat'kuess is a former Grey town- ship, whose maiden Mame was Miss' Belle Pearson, being a daughter of Robert. and Ml's. Pearson, old and well known residents. We are sorry to state that the little son tiled on November' 26th, Mnbher 0101 datlgb- ters are doing well, We wish them , nnonton and will spend a few months here before returning. Geo, is back to Lloydlminster, Sask. Rural mail route No. 3 commenced last Monday. It embraces Cons. 10 and 12, with Brussels as the dis. tributing centre and W. Oakley as mail carrier. A large number of boxes have been taken. Selgrave East Wawalosh township fathers will hold their closing meeting for 1913 next Monday, Miss Plenty, of Win ham, W0. -hO( soliciting members for a proposed Lady True Blue Lodge. The Women's Institute expect to have bliss Campbell. of Brampton, here on a date in January. London Harpers will supply the music for. the Assembly here on Fri- day evening in the C. O. F. Hall. On page 4 of this issue may be real f the interesting report presented tc the recent meeting of Belgrave Women's Institute of the Toronto Convention by Mrs. W. T. Proctor, who was the representative from this Branch. The annual meeting of the "Little Builders" Mission Band of the Pres. byterian church was held on Sat day, 6th 'inst. Officers elected we —President, Miss Tessie llamas Vine President, Mt.'s. W, 11. Ferga- son ; Secretary and Organist, Miss Jean Geddes ; Treasurer, Earl Ander. son. There are 25 membeIs.,..an Band is in good heart. Church Chimes Maitland Presbytery will meet on Tuesday, 16th inst., in Wingham. "The Bible" was Rev. Mr. Mann's theme last Sunday morning .in Melville, church. In the evening "Demes" was the subject, The Junior League will give it Christ- mas program Friday evening of next week, I9th inst., in the schoolroom of the church. The "'Little Stars" Mission Band •,4f 141elvillechurch will hold their annual eutertainmeet Friday evening of tile; week. Good preemie by Use Juniors. Next Sabbath Rev. D. Wren's morin ing theme will be "Something only the `> angels record." In the evening sob- ject will he "A great man's confeesi.n." At the Monthly Missionary servic the Methodist Sabbath School last day afternoon the topic was "Th and Bible Society work," Att ( Ing and well prepared paper ta, rented by Harold Lowry on the'su R, A. Prvne lucidly explained the of the Pocket Testament League quartette by Misses Hingston and Pryers mild A. 1J. Hersey and H. l:ackson1 and an apprwpriate deet )Miss Jessie Ceenitlgham acid Miss It Cavanagh. While afternoon \yeast the uttering was $3 -,ss,