HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-12-4, Page 6LIYS
Restores GRAY Hair to its
NATURAL Color, makes
It grow, and cores :Datldruf j`.
Satisfac tiu71
ps to
Fit and
• Durability
is assured
by purchasing v 3.3.ra
At leading dealers, everywhere.
Ingenious Manner in Which the
Stock Is Kept Up.
One of the latest additions to un-
usual industries is the eel -farm that
an enterprising citizen of Copon-
-----laagen has established on the coast
of Denmark. The journal of the
Department of Agriculture and
Technical Instruction for Ireland
describes it
A dam was built on a fiord in
Zealand with the intention of re-
claiming some land for agriculture.
The scheme fell through, and Mr,
Nielsen oonceived the idea of mak-
ing the plane an eel -farm. Within
the embankment there are three
hundred acres of water, most of it
about two feet deep. The surface
of the water is a few feet above the
level of the fiord, which lies on the
other side of the embankment, and
which has practically no tidal
changes. The water of the lake is
fresh, and the fiord water is fairly
salt, 1 havinga i
Irlrar ne
fauna and
4l� flora,
Meek u The owner keeps up the ook of
is .peels in the lake by the introduction
of elvers, which he catches in an
ingenious manner, When the eel -
fry put in an appearance in the
fiord, at the end of their long jour-
ney from the breeding -grounds in
the Atlantic Ocean, he lowers a
rough crate heaped full of wator-
weedc across the front of the sluice-
gate. He then raises the gate so
that a stream of fresh water flows
through the crate and down a slop-
ing channel to the fiord. The elv-
ers, in search of fresh water, make
their way up -stream into the crate,
-sad remain entangled among the
weeds, which every now and then
are lifted, spread out, and shaken
over a piece of very fine -meshed
Mr. Nielsen collects the elvers in
this way, instead of letting them
have a free run to the lake, in or-
der that he may know exactly how
many he puts in every year.
Even more ingenious is the meth-
od he employs for capturing the
full-grown eels. That also makes
use of the migratory instinct that
drives the ;nature eels to seek salt
- ''water, Slang from a framework of
rough poles is a box or chest about
4welve feet long, round the sides of
which are openings nine inohes
,square. To each of these holes is
attached a small conical eobnet of
-the ordinary shape, that opens into
the box. There are also rows of
holes that permit; the circulation of
water and .the escape of undersized
eela, The central part of the box is
r' carried up so as to be above water
when the rest of the box is sub-
merged, and a hatch in the side of
this related part gives access to the
Iiy means of a windmill and a
wooden chute, salt water is pumped
into the lake in front of the box for
a day before a consignment is re-
quired. This attracts the eels,
which want to migrate to sea. At
night tho strearn of salt water is led
through the box by means of the
Rubbers and
Over -Stockings iia Otte.
gooyy to ;mien met tees ee, Fn wan
-Lockrelt-weer welt All ems for
woman and meanie
any thorn and patset yourself and
Nally hem wtaterafa, e
. tweets to,ieollikkg HAWS*,
Melia, Merlin' I.
Try Borax.
Borox is, literally, almost as
"cheap as dirt," The extraordin=
ary variety of uses to which it can
be put is astonishing.
An old and faded carpet can be
brightened and cleaned by being
rubbed with warm water and am-
monia in which a tablespoonful of
borax has been dissolved
raisins (stoned) and currants, i2 lb.
each of butter and sugar, 3-4 lb.
Hour, 6 eggs, 2 ozs. mixed peel, 1
teaspoon each allspice and cinna-
mon, % nutmeg (grated), % cup
good molasses, r cup almonds
(shelled, blanched and chopped),
small teaspoon baking powder.
Cream the butter and sugar to-
gether, add the well -beaten eggs
and molasses, sift some of the flou
over the fruit and peel. Into th
balan -
put elle powder
and spices and sift several times
Mix all together and bake from tw
to three hours in a moderate oven
Christmas Short Bread, -1 lb
butter, 1 Ib: sugar, 3 lbs. flour, 4
ggs. Cream the butter and sugar
together, add the well -beaten eggs,
lir in the flour, roll out S inch
hick, cut into diamond-shaped
ieees, break the edges around with
knife. Sprinkle with comfits
tiny colored candies) and bake a
gale brown.
Vince Meat -Two bowls of finely
hopped meat, Four bowls of apples,
wo bowls of raisins, one bowl of
urrants, one bowl of sugar and
ire -half bcul of suet, one-third
pound of citron, one-half cup di
New Orleans molasses, two tea-
spoons of mace and two of ground
cinnamon, one teaspoon of cloves;
two nutmegs, salt. Mix all together,,
th,e aAnh►wawaas
Varicose Veins.
A varicose vein is an enlarged
and twisted. vein, generally in the
leg; ib is caused by stagnation of
the blood. Often the patient has an
hereditary predisposition to vari-
0 case veins or lie has a weak heart,
with a consequent tendency to slug.
gish venous circulation. Anything
that interferes with the flow of
blood through the veins may bring
on an attack. Pressure from a
tight garter and very severe Mus-
cular elterbion are often exciting
onuses. Persons who are obliged
to stand for -several hours at a
time, like policemen, washerwomen,
and saleswomen, are often subject
to this trouble. Under ordinary
conditions, the blood in the legs
inust run up -hill constantly, in or-
der to regain the heart, In the ease
of those who stand most of the day,
the blood has to work hard hour
after hourin order to overcome
the force of gravity, acl'as a result
the veins gradually enlarge and
to the rinsing water of harulker- e
chiefs it will give them a delightful
semi -stiffness. Cockroaches and s
beetles will retreat in a panic. be-• t
fare powdered borax. Added to
the last rinsing water it imparts a a
snowy whiteness to clothes,
For children's teeth, a little dis-+j
solved in warm water; will keep .
them clean and sound. A teaspoon -1 e
ful added to a gallon of hard water't
will snake it beautifully soft -•a t,
boon to those with tender skins,
Thrush in children can be treated
by wiping out the mouth with a
camel's-hair brush dipped in borax
Scars (not old, or Iarge) and
blemishes, can be removed by a
mixture of borax 114 ounces, sari
cylie acid 12 grains, glycerine 3
drachms, rosewater a ounces, being
applied on lint for a short time
daily, It removes freckles. Add to
3- drachm of powdered borax 1
ounce of lemon -juice and V drachm
of sugar. Mix this, let it stand for
three days, and then rub on the
face occasionally.
It is the best cleaner of a hair.
brush. Add to a teaspoonful of bo-
rax a tablespoonful of soda. in a.s-
ter. Dip the brush up and down in
this—nob touching the back, of
course—then rinse and dry. It is
an excellent and proved preventive
of "hair falling out," An ounce of
borax and half an ounce of camphor
mixed in a quart of boiling water
should be rubbed gently into the
roots of the hair, once a week,
When washing sateen, or any of
the new cotton materials with a
satin finish, always rinse in borax
water to get a gloss. A soothing lo-
tion for sore eyes is,one grain of
borax in one ounce of camphor wa-
ter. Apply with a lint pad several
times daily.
Cracked lips can be quickly cur-
ed by being frequently moistened
with a mixture of : borax half a
drachm, glycerine one ounce, rose-
water one ounce.
A powder, which will clean teeth
and net hare the enamel,'
Is made
as follows: 1 ounce of boax, pre-
add cider, and cook -thoroughly
-• This recipe has been used lay many
good cocks and has been found to
be an excellent one. The "bowl"
referred to holds one and one-half
Relics of Past in H- eart of City to
London's (England) last farm-
houso, which ebandA within a mile
of Charing Cross. is about to be
pulled down and with it will diarist.
pear one of the most interesting
landmarks of the metropolis. So
far as can bo ascertained, the
house was built about 17;0, but re-
cords show that the farm was there
much earlier, for the London Ga-
zette of October G, 1093, contains
references to Christopher Capper,
who grazed cattle on the laird,
which was known as Capper's farm.
The house was called Cantelowe
The C'apper'e were tenante of the
Dukes of 13odford, and their farm-
lands strotohed northward to Tot-
tenham Court Road and were
bounded on the oast by what is now
Bloomsbury Square, The original
lease was granted by Gertrude
Dowager Duchese of Bedford; and
it contained a clause that the ten-
ant she
t dr '
p ovide sheds For at
east forty cows, This eamb clause
stands in the lease to -day, although
he time of •keeping cattle in
Bloomsbury is far pooh, The farm
changed hands about the middle of
idle eighteenth century and came
ata possession of the Misses Cap
er, two maiden ladies, who wore
vidently of peculiar habits, Kites
/ad bathing appear to have been
the bane of their lives. 'Whenever
boy was seen flying a kite one of
these women would, it seems,
mount a horse and, armed with a
large pair of dears, set out to cut
the kite strings. The ether sister's
peeialty was to seize the clothes of
he boys who trespassed on their
remises to bathe.
But farming was soon to be
roweled out of the Tottenham
ourt Road district, and the cow -
keds became livery stables for the
•adesmen who rode or drove fn to
usiness daily from their country
homes. More recently the farm-
ouse was built around and hidden
y shops,
olpitated chalk 2 ounces, myrrh X
ounce, orris root 34 ounce, . Gums, t
teeth, and breath all benefit from
Every housewife, of course, uses
it when she makes her starch, A i
toilet water which can be made up p
cheaply, and which prevents black- e
heads and greasiness, and effaces a
the marks or scars of burns or
scratches, is as follows: % ounce of a
powdered borax, 19 fluid ounces of
orange -flower water, and 1 ounce
of glycerine. Mix and shake well,
and apply.
Not a bad list of uses for borax, s
alone, or in combination I
It is a good plan to get some of 0
e Christmas baking done ear-
Iy in December, as there is always
plenty of other work to do as the tr
holiday season draws near. The : h
Christmas cake, the mincemeat and
the pudding may all be made sever.
al weeks before needed and will be
all the better for being kept.
Christmas Pluns Pudding. -1
suet chopped, 1 lb. sugar, 1 lb: each
of raisins and currents, % lb. mix-
ed peel, 8 eggs, 34 lb. bread crumbs,
34 lb. flour, 1 teaspoon each of gin-
ger, cinnamon, cloves, rose-water,
vanilla, lemon and salt. This
amount will make three small pud-
dings. It is well to put part in a
cloth, and the rest in dishes or
bowls and cook for six hours. The
pudding in the cloth can boil in the
pot below the steamer while the
others steam. On the day requir-
ed, steam for two hours more.
Carrot Pudding.—A good substi-
tute fur Christmas plum pudding,
and does not require eggs. One
cup each of suet, sugar, raisins,
currants, grated potato, and grated cr
carrot. A little mixed peel, one fo
and a half cups of flour, teaspoon no
each of salt and soda. Steam or
boil three hours. A little ginger, ta
cinnamon and cloves may be ad- no
ted,. to
Christmas Cake. --i lb, each of Po
Grape -Nuts a Perfectly Balanced
No ehcmist's analysis of Grape -
elute can begin to show the real
value of the food --the practical
value as shown by personal experl
It is a food that is perfectly bat-
anced, supplies the needed ele-
ments for both brain and body in
all sbages of life from the infant,
through the strenuous times of ac-
tive middle life, and is a comfort
and support, in old age.
"For two years I have used
Grape -Nuts with milk and a Little
ram, for breakfast. I am coin
rtably hungry for my dinner ab
"1 use little meat, plenty of voge-
bles and fruit, in season, for the
on meal, and if tired at teatime,
kA Grape. -Nuts alone, and feel
1Feetly nourished.
` orv.e and brain power and
poetry aro much improved since
ing Grape -Nuts. I am over sixty
ct weigh 165 lbs. My son and
.band seeing h.ow 1 had improved.
e now ,using Grape -Nuts.
`My eon, whois a traveling
an, eats nothing for breakfast but
ape -Nuts and a glass of milk,
aunt, over 70, .seems fully pour-
ed on Grape -Netts and oroam,"
There's a neaten,"Name given by Canadian Poatum
• Windsor, Ont. Read "Thead bo 'tlCxellville, , 111 pkge,
ver road the above 'letter? A, new
neo 'ayponrom
one limo to thee. They
are genoe, true, and fall Of hnmdn
chute, and thus sntic,es the cels to me
enter. The box is then hoisted out ns
of the water by a geared winch, and an
the eels are removed. hit
The lake appears to contain pion- aa•
ty of natural frond, hut Mr, Nielsen
also gives artificial food to the eels. m,
He buys gobiea and rather unmar- Gr
kebable fish at a low rate, minces An
them in a machine ,worked by tete fall
windnti 11, and throws thiam, :into the €,
lake loose. The market prion of
eels at Copenhagen varies from ten Co
to twenty-eight, 00048 d pound, and Ro
in 1011 Mr, Nielson's catch amount• a
ed to over thirteen thousand
In mild eases of varicose,. especi-
ally in young and othsrwise'hoalthy
people, the symptoms are • very
slight. There is a, feeling.of weight
in the leg and a dull ache toward
the end of the day. The ache is
soon relieved by the patient's rest=
ing with the leg somewhat raised,
su that the blood can flow back
more easily. Sometimes painful
cramps complicate the trouble, and
the cramp is likely to return again
and again, until life becomes a
More serious complications are
thrombosis (or the clotting of the
blood in the vein) and phlehitia (or
inflammation of a vein). Often a
form of eczema appears in the skin
of the log, or an ulcer may arise.
When varicose veins are very
troublesome, surgical treatment is
advisable; but the milder cases can
be much relieved by rest and pro-
per bandaging.
Your Bad Taste
In The Morning
Is Due To Catarrh
Destroy This Poisonous Disease Be-
fore Your Health le Seriously
/s yon haven't thought 1 y ti u Stt of call-
ing those unpleasant symptoms that
affected your nose and throat by any
particular name—but it's Catarrh just
the same,
When the attack is severe, your
eyes are watery and look weak, Your
breath is offensive, due to inflamma-
tion in the nose and throat,
At last scienoe has discovered areal
remedy, a new scientific marvel which
¢pts like no other Catarrh remedy on
earth, "Catarrhozone" operates on a
new plan; It is a direct remedy, goes
instantly to the source of the trouble.
Its rich, fragrant essences and healing
balsams are breathed in vapor form
through a special inhaler and give in-
stant relief.
Catarrhozone doesn't stop at the re-
lief stage—it goes further—keeps on
going till a cure le effected. Bad.
eases are cured, as you can judge from
the following letter: "Every morning.
for six months last winter 1 awoke
with a bad taste, an awful breath and
stuffed up feeling in my nostrils,"
writes Rob E. Rutland, of Regina. ''It
was simply an awful case of chronic
Catarrh, Relief first came from Ca-
tarrohozone. I used that inhaler twen-
ty times a day and took it to bed with.
me at night, I am cured, and by the
use of Catarrhozone stay well. Now
2 am free from, Irritable throat trou-
ble, coughs, colds, headache, or ca-
No medicine on earth is so certain
to cure every form of. catarrh or
throat trouble as "Catarrhozone," Get
the large $1.00 size, lasts two months
and is guaranteed; -medium size 50c.;
sample size 26c„ all storekeepers and
druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co.,
Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada,
In making soup, if it has been
over -salted, the addition of one or
two raw potatoes will remedy the
difficulty, The potatoes will absorb
the extra salt.
If ane has not the bags of dried
lavender, pub a IOW drops of oil of
lavender on blotting paper and slip
among the linen. This will give a
delicious fragrance.
Would you like to know how to
clean knives? Here is an excellent
method: Mix a little common bak-
ing soda with the scouring brick,
and you 'will find the knives clean'
much easier,
Bishop Moore, at a luncheon, told
a story about one of the clergymen
of his diocese, a divine noted for the
large offertories he could always
raise, Lawd, said tho Bishop—let
us Call him Lawd—was addressing
last month a Sunday School, In
his address Lawd likened himself
to a• shepliercl, and his congregation
he likened to the sheep. Then he
asked the children I And' what, i
dear children, what does the shop-;
herd do for the shcepi" An urchin
pilled shrilly : "Shears 'anal"
lt:,Sa:`i. at; - i •t' 4 ea4 bier t.
i"M9 f1(ONT0.O��'rlie,e
Doings in ,Europe-
Poincare Visits Naturalist and Poet.
President Poinoaro, of France, returnf;
from Spain, visited Henri .Fabre at Seri
can. The aged naturalist satin his gt
don. The President, standing, called Iii
behaved and great .master, and said:
"You have given so passionate attontl
to 'the study of the humblest ereetnr
that in the smallest things you • ha
shown us very, great ones, and at ever
page of your work we feel a sensation
looking into the infinite."
Febre was 90 moved that he could not
'reply. Ilia nephew thanked the Peosident
for him.
M. Poincare also visited Frederic MJ
tral, the famous poet of Provence, thin
at the village of Maillamo. The poet ren
AIL iddrese to the President, who in r
piyhig quoted Lamartino, who fifty year
neo acclaimed Mistral as 'another home
Both Mistral and his wife wept, and who
the President finished. Mistral threw h1
self Into M. Volumm
Volum'e's ars and embrace
Portuguese Royalist Killed,
saw the Rusalan Cosonolre ernes rho efrent.
ler chasing. the French back. lledwlg
Stavne was born at Plesehon, on the lies.
sign frontier, on Opteber 15, 1704, the
,g daughter of a email innkeeper. llodwig
g- remembers, therefore, the passing ofm
Jerne's right wing of the Grand Army, 1
She says the trcope behaved very well, but
"the beggar; wouldn't eat black bread,"
mi and her, mother killed geese. and chlekmis
for them. On the other hand, she remem-
ve bees with terror the paesler of Cossacks.
y Her father lied with all ]tie cattlo into a
of neighboring forest to escape them. and
t.fhoar re, days Iledwig earned food to her father
Use of Aicehel,10 Prance,
The Frogch minletry or 1lnanee•has just
e• enbli,hed some interesting statieties eon
5 renting the production and use of alcohol
d in Prance. The total produetiarl in 1912
e- woe 87,440,420 gallons, as compared with
o 63,797,165 gallons in 1911. In spite of this
r, enormous production, France received
n from foreign countries 4,913,671 gallons of
m- pure aleohol and lieiuue. On the other
d hand, there was it total export trade of 8,-
321,370 gallons.
Wedding Gifts in Miniature,
'o A pretty custom hes been introduced at
recent weddings in Palle. Miniature re-
v productions of the presents that are too
Uig to be shown at the reception ere
0 placed among the other gifts, Tbue at a
y reeont reception there 11119 a tiny crater
ed ear, an accurate model- of a villa whleh
d had been presented to the bride and bride•
witgroom, and a delicate reproduction of a
grand piano.
a 2'
e P.1.CKAGES 311;S'I13:E STRONG.
n dust llIeot Requirements of Cann-
a Freight Classification.
The Canadian Lines notified their
Agents at various points to refuse
a all freight in fibreboard, pulp -
board, or double faced corrugated
Items J'roln Provineey 'Where Mane
Ontario Boys and Girls Are
"Making blood."
At a recent convention held in
Pilot Mound, Man,, o*r 100 school
teachers were present.
A dairyman at Kilclonan,, Man.,
was fined $10 anti costs for selling
milk which was 45 per cent. water.
R. J. 34ePhereon, of Winnipeg,
will remombor Hallow4'en of 1913,
for on that clay his wile presented
flim with triplets.
Mayor Deacon of - Winnipeg has
announced that he is willing to ac-
cept another nomination for the
mayoralty of that city,
Winnipeg business mon are jubi-
lant over the foe t that for the
month of October their bank clear-
ings exceeded those of Toronto by
The secretary- of the Associated
Charities of Winnipeg is of the
opinion that there will be mach
difficulty in finding work for the un-
eluployed this winter.
• Under the guise of a gas inspec-
tor, a man has been going round
Winnipeg rifling prepayment gas
meters, and has cleaned up much
At the Brandon annual city tax
sale, held receubly, 200 lots were
sold, The cheapest was 25 feet for
$1, and the dearest $2,900 fora lot
on Seventh Street,
The Regina street railway system
will next spring instal an electric
device which will show, by electric
sign, the, name of the next street
at which the ear will stop.
Regina school teachers, have been
instructed to open school with the
Lord's Prayer after this. This has
been optional in the past, but will
now be made compulsory.
Ald. Skaletar, of 'Winnipeg, has
a schema to place cottages on pro-
perty belonging to the city for tho
use of laborers and poor people.
He says the city owns lots suitable
for that purpose which are worth
A constable of Edmonton was dis-
missed by Chief Carpenter because
he was late at the hearing of a case
in which he was to give evidence.
The dismissed malt sued for wages
in lieu of notice, a.nd was awarded
The Alberta Government will
stn moving vin picture shows r
P o s foto
B p
operating on Sundays. Licenses
will be issued, ono of the conditions
of which will be that the license will
bo cancelled if the show opens on
the Lord's Day,
Paul Gerlach, a farmer, of Allan,
Sask., Won a $1,250 separator at
the'Tusla, Oklahoma, Dry Farming
Congress, for having the best bush-
el of prairie wheat. It was in open
competition with the farmers of the
An amusing ease was heard in the
Edmonton Police Court. A Pole
complained that a clothing dealer
grabbed and tried to hustle him
into his store by force. He resisted,
and then the dealer slapped his
face. The case was dismissed.
There was considerable uneasi-
ness in the Winnipeg City Hall over
the fact that a largo number of
cheques' for large amounts had dis-
appeared. Payment of the cheques
was stopped. The cheques were
eventually found in a roll-top desk
in the Mayor's oflioe,
An eastern firm has placed a con-
tract with bhe.Wabanmu, Man.,
Power and Coal Company, Limited,
with headquarters M Walla Walla,
Wash. It will. establish a branch
there owing to the power facilities.
The•- •company 1llanufaebures agri-
cultural implements.
Things 11'oith Knowing.
To clean the inside of a silver
teapot, mix together equal quanti-
ties of soda, vinegar, and flour.
Paste this areund the inside of the
pot and let it stand overnight. It
will make the inside as bright as
possible with very little labor.
Many professional cooks cook
getablea in salted water from
n to fifteen minutes and then boil
uiokly for two minutes in fresh un-
ited water. -
If brass is very much tarnished ie
ill be found wise. to wash it thor-
ughly .in warm, soapy water, to
doh ammonia has .been added.
en polish it with a tried metal
When preserving sprinkle some
hes on the stave lid beneath the
ttlo of boiling fruit, This pre-
nts standing over the stove to
r the fruit. It will not burn or
ek if this method is followed,
When whipping cream, cover rho
wl with a piece of paper with a
t in the top, the shape el a malt-
e crass. Insert the, egg beater
to the slit, and the cream may be
hipped Without danger of spatter -
It is a good idea to make button
les on both sides of a lingerie
aist, Sew Allo buttons on a tape,
d button than tc ono side of the
fit, Wllcn the waist buttons,
d the same tape of but,torts can
used on several. w-aista„
A grim incident of the rising iu Port
gal was narrated by a French sculptor t
a Parrs paper, •
A peasant's cart filled with straw deo'
up at the Spanish -Portuguese frontier, Th
officials glanced into it; one, to satire
himself, thruet his sword several time
among the bundles,.. "Pees on," he sal
caroleesly. An instant later be utters
an exolamation of horror. .Blood- wt
trickling from the straw.
Pilo ti.river sprang from the cart an
fled, followed by revolver allots from th
customs officials. Overturning the cart
the officials found beneath the straw
dead wan. The sword had Duette throng
his heart ae he lay hidden. Ile Nits
Royalist leader, trying to smuggle hi
self into Portugal for tho rising,
You Live Longer In Bulgaria.
Oflloial statistics just issued show Aha
despite her small population nulgarl
pooseesese by far the greatest number o
centenarians of all the countries o
Among her 4,500,000 people there are 388
persons of at least 100 yearsofage. Othat
countriee return the following figures
Roumania, 1,074 centenarians; Servia, 673
Spain, 410; France, 213;, Italy, 197;. Eng-
land, 92; Rueela, 89; Germany,, 76; Nor•
way 23; Belgdum, 6; Denmark, 2, and
&witzerland, 0,
The longevity of the Bulgarians le sup
Mead to be aeseeiated with the eating of
3aurt," a sort of solidified emir milk or
curd obtained
by fermentation.
• Test for Farm Maohinory.
strawboard packages, unless the
3 packages are fully strong enough
to parry' the contents. Complaihts
1 have been received from time to
time, indicating that these pack-
ages are reaching destination in a
damaged condition, evidence that
shipments are being sent to the
railways in packages that are not
of sufficient strength to safely
transport their contents. Agents
have therefore, foe been
e n notified that
henoeforward they must positively
refuse to accept shipment of any
nature p
in fibreboard, pulpbvard or
double-faced corrugated straw -
board packages that do not comply
fully with the requirements and
specifications provided in the Can-
adian Freight Classification. In
the.past ,agents have lead the right
to accept such packages at an in-
creased freight rate of 20%. From,
now on_agents have no option in
the matter, and must refuse' such
M. Clemente', s the French ooh minister of
A rloul nr
t e has as decided to institute g
monster ,agricultural competition lasting
three years, which ie to determine the
merits of the various French agricultural
machines Tun by steam, oil, or other en-
The competition wdll take'place at the
agricultural school at Grlgnon and will be
Judged by a jury of agricultural experts
from the French agricultural eooieties, A
detailed report will be drawn up from the
point of view of economy, as well as re-
sults, which is likely to give impetus to
the movement in favor of motor agricul-
tural in France,
The use of motor machines is espeelally
marked in the neighborhood of Meaux and
Soissons, where fourteen sections of the
district are using motor machines on the
cooperative system.
- Losing Weight by Solonee,
Wee. Emmy Deetinn, the • opera singer,
of Berlin, has .been reducing her weight
by the potato sure, by meane of which a
friend of here lost fifteen pounds lu a
month without injury. Their diet le the
Tea or coffee without sugar,. one dry roll
and fruit ad lib. In the morning; for
luncheon no soup, light ash, five largo
potatoes In their alma, no batter, but ear -
dines or anchovies and whatever rose.
tables you like,•freeh but uncooked fruit
and no dessert; at 6 o'clock, fruit the same
as at noon and two potatoes Instead of
five. After keeping this up for eight days
drop it for throe and then take it up
Giant Aqueduct for Italy.
Rapid progress is being made with the
gigantic Apulian aqueduct which will
carry the water from the springs of the
River Sete In the province of Avollino
right through the Appennines to the
southern end,of Italy, distributing it over
a territory of nearly 12,000 square miles,
with about 2,500,000 inhabitants.
The quantity of water available at the
springs ie stated to be about 1,200 gallons
per second, or over 100,000,000 gallons every
twenty-four hours. The coat of the work
ie eetlmated at .$25,000,000. The length of
the main pipe line will be 125 miles, In ad-
dition to Which there will be several hum
drool miles of .aide lines.
Sato Army of Napoleon.
The Frankfurter Zeitung, of Berlin, has
unoasthod at the village of Doemowo, in
the dlatriot of Meserits, Prusoian Poland,
en old woman who can prove by undeni-
able o9lsial papere that she was 120 year.
old on October 15. She ie doubtless the
only living person in Germany - who a0•
Wally saw Napoleon's army meroh
through on ito way ,to Moscow. Later ahs
Juno weather will prevail in California,
the land of eternal 1owore, the ideal Win-
tering place, reached comfortably and
conveniently by the Menge 'Union Pacific
se North. W setorn Lino, via the fleetest and
most direct-' routes, amidst the luxnrioue
surroundinga of the comprrtlnent, club
and observation parlor, or' the more reo-
deride priced and homelike Tourist car.
Three splendid trains dally—Tho Over-
land Limited, fastest train to San Fran-
cisco—The Los Angeles Limited, three
days to the Magic Oity of the - Land of
Sunshine, via Salt Lake City—and the
San Francisco Limited. Double track,
electric block signal proteotlon, rock bal.
lasting, finest dining oar service. Rates,
llluetrated matter and full particulars
on aeplieation, E. K. _Bonnett, General
Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont,
The schools of Winnipeg are cost-
ing that city $2,000,000 a year.
Crust for Mince Pie. -1 lb, flour,
34 lb. lard, 2 teaspoons baking,pow-
der, 1 bcgetspoon:salt, Sift the flour,
powder and • salt together several
bimes. Work in the lard lightly,
Web with cold water to make a stiff
dough. Just before putting the pie
in the oven, wash the top crust over
with milk, using a pastry brush or a
pisco of cloth. This' gives' the con-
fectioner's appearance.
That Nagging Pain in the , ack
is caused by just one tiring—weak, strained, irritated kidneys• And
there is just one way to stop it.
strengthen and heal the kidneys --
neutralize the urine—stop those scald-
ing passages—and quickly relieve the
pain in the back and Plebe, Gin
Pills are also the recognized cure for
•ibllenniatism and Sciatica, 5oc. a box;
6 for $2 so. At all dealers or sent on
receipt of price.
Sample free if you mention this paper,, 180
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High Class 5.Year Bonds that are profit -Sharing. Series—$Imo, $5o0, $Io0o
1NVit88M14ST umethe withdrawn any time attar one year,
en 80 days' noble. nnetnosa et back of these bonds astab
ltahed 10 years, Send for spaded folder and full particulars,