HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-12-4, Page 5IOW
Of Interest
co the Public
It has long been an axiom In the
cornineeeial community that those
who study their enstomers most
mid give the best value for money
always succeed in winning the
greatest confidence of the public
mid in obtaiiiing. the largest meas.
nee of its patronage.
That, and that, only, is he reason
why I have built it fine business,
despite considevable opposition.
I give better value—whilst my
prices ore generally lower than
1 give you an honest, personal
service, identifying myself with
your interest, and ever endeavor -
i lig to give you a better return for
Lite money spent with Inc than
what you could get elsewhere.
Prompt delivery is as essential as
good work. The importance of
this is recognized by me, and I
realize the responsibility when I
accept an order.
Cemetery won promptly attended to.
• Estimate.. cheerfully given.
Brussels Granite & Marble Works
ALLAN E. HERSEY, Proprietor
Yuca I'1.1 clus Items
Bithssime Sehool Board will meet
Friday evening of next week.
DJNF re id the local news on priAe 3.
R. -member we have warned
1104 are your liens laying now that
eggs are selling at top notch prices 7
SINGLE fare on the railways to the
Winter Fair at Guelph which opens
next r.ttesd.iy.
SEND THE POST to the absent member
of your Itutus 01kinsfolk for 1914.
181.00. in advance, Ickes it to any
Canadian address until the ist of Jan -
limy 1915.
'lux I mildly lights in the windows
during the absence ol the elect' ic light
on Lite street were duly appreciated.
Not a few had recourse to the old time
lantern and found it proved a friend in
need. A. Stracitan's acetylene store
lights did Much rin Turnberry !meet to
illuminate the darkness. The latter
was of the Euypt ty pe several nights
WobibakFut. VALUE.—The best dol-
lar's worth offered today is a year's
subscription to The Family Herald and
Weekly Star of Mon' real. Any borne
not now receiving that paper is missing
o treat for every member of the family
—from grandfather or father down to
1 he youngest tot. Try it for at y ar and
you will be convinced. The Publishers
will refund your money if you are not
satisfied. It is certainly worth your
while to try it for one year.
FINE WORK —Tile Myth Standard
Etlye El Hersey. of the 13. tissels
Marble and Granite Works, .erected a
beautiful monument itt Ute Union
Cemetery on Thursdt.y last to the
memory of tile late Richard and Mrs
Corley. The stone is of a blue pearl
cube design, stands upwards of 6 feet 111
height and weighs three tons. The
workmanship is neatly and artistically
execmed. Some fine moimmen•al work
has been placed in the Union Cemetery
derieg the petit year, the major part
being from the M.,rble and Granite
Works of Brussels. •
Paper Hanging
and Painting
John Lunn begs to notify the
pnblie that he is peepared to at-
tend to their wants in Papering
and Pai IL ti ng on short notice and
at reasonable rates. Outlet hoine,
Mora street, or drop 0 note 'to
Box 198, Brussels -P. 0. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed. 20.4
John Lunn
How about that old watch P'
Is it not giving satisfaction ?
Have it exchanged for a
REGINA. and you will always
be sure of the right time. They
are sold at the following Prices :
7 -jewelled 20 -year Banner
Gold-filled Case - -$11.75
15 -jewelled 20 -year Banner,
Oold-filled Case - 13,75
17sleivelled 20.yeat Balmer
Case - • - 16.75
7 jewelled Waterprolif
Nickel Ouse - - 8.20
15 je NV I lied Waterpt ocff
Nickel Case- 10.20
17 - jewelled Wateepfsnif
Nickel Case - 18.20
These Watches ave all gmartut
teed foe three years.
Walton - Ontario
Tax Pos'r gives the news.
WEATHER has been unusually mild,
minty days Almost like Summer.
MONTHLY tiered Fair Thursday of
11115 wesk. NcxL Fair w1,1 be held on
Sth, owlug to the
1 1st l'imrsday being New Year's Day.
I "Amok 10 Wonderland" will be pre.
Sell:ell 11 Brussels selioul pilptllt, ea-
sisted ty others, ill the 'Town Hall
'Thor:ably auti Frailly evenings, Jam
in 186 and cud,
IF 300 have visi ors, have been visit.
Mg, or have any other news that is to -
1610111 Ing, tell us, telephone us, or write
us, We are always pleased to get the
news, Now, send it along, aud sand it
Dun IN SEAPORTH.—IYIre. Rebell Me.
ell old and respected resident
of Sealorth, passed peacefolly away nt
Iter home, Seaford., Wednesday 01 last
week, alter a lung and trying illness
which she bore blare y and with moult
fortitude. The (0 tonal melt # place
Thorstley in her late home at 2 o'cliak
to the Maidandbank cemetery. De-
censt 0 was a loriner resident Of 13 in.
Se15 and it sister in law to Mrs W.
Wilton. She is fillEViVeti by her hus-
band and a sun wit :attire in the
Syn) pet It I of old fi iends it. this ler/tiny.
Mrs, Elision Oardiff and children
were visiting relatives at Wvoxeter
This week Reeve Shoetteed is tit
Goderich doing duty its a Co.'
Frank Beyatis is able to be up and
about and will soon regain his Nieuwe
good health we trust.
WILL BOWIllall, 4611 title, Wee 11 mem-
ber of the GI tmd Jury et the recent
Assizes ttt Ooderich. The Gordon
case came before them.
If you want witch cows, young
cattle in. calves attend 8. NVitIker's
Auction Sale Friday atm noon of this
.week, Oth
There was 110 school in Barrie's
school house last week owing to the
dotal) of Miss McNabb's sister, 114s.
51cLitueliliti, in the West. We tender
the Misses McNabb nue sympathies
in their bereavement.
The 25 acres,, of land being part of
Lot 25, 5th line, owned by Mrs.
Joseph Clegg, has been bought by
Elston Catdiff whose farm it adjoins.
This gives the porch:Leer. a fine ad-
dition. There are no buildings on the
25 acres but there is a nice plot of
WOODEN WEDDINet.—William and
Mrs. Davidson, 4111 line, celebrated the
5t1i anniversary of their marriage on
Wednesday of ,Iaet week. A jolly
party of 30 spent the day and even-
ing at thole home and enjoyed a tine.
soviet time. Presents of furniture,
in the way of chairs, table, etc., were
presented 115 reminders of the in-
teresting event. 'We wish Me. and
MPS. Davidson many happy returns
of the day.
ScHoor.Rproter.—Following is the
report Inc S. S. No. 5, Morris for the
month of November. Exam. in Hist.,
Comp., Grain., Arial. and Spell. Si'.
IV.—Flotence' Procter 80 pee cent,
**Gotclon Ferguson 42. • Je,IV.—Oorrt
Armstrong 83. Sr. III,— Myrtle
Johnson 82. Jr. Ht.—Edwin Martin
70, Maude Bell 66, **Iseeland Procter
42. Sr. IL—Violet Anderecin, Ernest
Martin. Jr. 1L—Willarn Armstrong.
Pt. IL—Mildred Rnssell, Mary Kelly,
Nellie Anderson, Willie Stubbs, *L11111
Procter, **Nora Vancamp.. Sr. I.—.
• Wilbert Procter. Roy Armstrong.
Jr. I.—Anna Kelly, Richie Procter.
Those marked *missed exams.
FLORENCE Istt,AX, Teacher.
Smoot, REIPORT.—Report of S. Si -
No. 6 Mortis for the month of Novenr.
bee. Sr. IV.— Examined in Liter-
ature, Recitation: History,' Art,
Composition, Hygiene, Writing and
Daily Work. Honors 76% Pass 60%
*Irene Wilkinson 82, Jr. IV,—Ex.
omitted in same. Gertie Bone 79, Sam
Yuill 78, Mary Bowman 74, *John
BOWntati 59. Jv. M.—Examined in
same, Harold Sellers 71, *Mina
Wilkinson 65. Sr, IL—Exansined in
Literature, Recitation, Arithmetic,
Art, OomPosition, Hygiene, Writing,
and Daily Work Norman Shaw '713,
Jr, II.— Examined in same Cecil
Bone 74, Lillian Selleis 64, Earl Sellers
63, *3itntnie Hogg 42. Sr. I.— Ex-
amined in Reading, Arithmetic, Spell-
ing and Daily Work Frank Sellers
64. Pr. Excellent—. Sam. Barr.
Those marked *missed examinations.
Average attendance 13,
Anniversary services of the Metho-
dist church will be held Sunday, Dee.
7111. Sermons will be delivered by
• the President of the Conference,
Rev. G. H. McAllister, 111. A., of
Wingham poultry exhibitoft, at the
National Live Stock Show iii Toronto
were very successful. Thos. Bowers
won 7 first prizes, 4 seconds, 3 thirds,
2 Pintails and a fifth on Itis GRID@
Bantams. M. W. A.rnistrong won
first, second, third and fifth on Old
English Game Cockerels. F. W.
Angus exhibited Hondons and won
first and fourth on cockerels ; Best and
fourth on pullets and third on cocks.
A committee of ladies and gentlemeti representing the Methodist
timech in Wingbain waited upon 3110.
and Mrs. Kerr at the residence of
Kill tho germs; Nourish the Hair ilotote
And YOu41 Never Crow Bald—
' Use Parisian Cage.
yont own fault, if you geow bald
at 35 as thousands of men do--yeel
and women mem le you have dan-
druff it is because the germs are al-
ready devouring the vet y life of, the
1)1111 111 ittt r001s,
16111 these gettnit with Parisian Sage
and stop dandruff, itching scalp -and
falling hair in two weeks.
ICs gitaratiteed, you know, this de-
lightful and refreshing Parisian Sage
that is now sold till over Canada, and
it it does not iirove better than any
other, hale Wide you ever used, get,
your money bask. It pots life and
beauty into &Ill, faded hale. Large
brittle at Jas, Fox's and druggists
everywhere, Regular price SO cents,
, • •
While 151111 ning front (I [1 with
Take Notice
Highest Prices paid for
Dressed Turkeys, Geese
and Ducks at
McCracken's Store
theft datighter, Mrs, E. A. Hammond
cut Lite eve of their departure from
Winghatit, and presented them with
tr handsome leather co yered conch in
miesion (11111, accompanied by a suit.
able address expeessing the sincerest
vegeet at their departure, and wishing
them success Mid happiness in thew
new 110100 in London.
Amnia] meeting of the shareholders
of the North Huron Telephone Co.
was held in the Council Chamber on
November 191.11. The reports present-
ed showed that the rompany closed
operations nn the 80111 of September,
1909, with 53 telephones In use and no
1115 30611 of September this year there
were 428 telephones 10 1180, The Com-
pany is riper/J.1111g on 331 miles of
wive and has 135 miles of pole line.
Board of Directors is cormiosed of
following :-.-W. J. Greer, Winglitun
H. T. Thomson, Bellmore John.
Waist er, Ford yce ; George Thomson,
Goderich and Wm, Maxwell, Leam-
ington, was re-elected. Ab the close
of the annual meeting the Directors
met and re-elected 'W. J. Greet. as
President and H. T. Thomson as Vice -
President. H. B. Elliott was re-en-
gaged as Secretary-'freasurer. The
question of increasing the rental of
telephones was discussed but action
was deferred fin another year.
BAD Minn.—Fire of unknown might
Tuesday night of last week destroyed
the offices turd warerooms of Walker
& Clegg, furniture manufacturers,
nem. the Grand Trunk station, Wing-
littin, The building was it two story
frame shut:tore about 90 by 4e and
the loss is $10,000, partially covered
by histuance, The firm has been
rushed with work and the men have
been prittingin overtime four nights
a week peeparatory to the Christmas
holiday. • About 20 men will be thrown
temporarily out of woi k.
The Karn -Morris Piano Co, shipped
0 car load of p1111108 10 Vancouver, B.
G. and Mrs. Forbes and family left
for New York after having spent the
Summer in Listowel.
The large stables at the Queen's
hotel were completed and opened to
the public last week.
Mayor Climbs, who has been spend-
ing. the past couple of months in the
West, has returned home.
Lieut. Votanben has received word
from headquarters that the rifle
gallery at the armories will be finish-
ed at mute.
Plans for the new drill were sent
from the chief Architect's office, Ot-
tawa, to T. Bamford to bo revised to
suit local conditions.
A. J. Vandrick has sold his stock of
groceries'flour and feed and cured
meats triL. W. Sovereign, who has
also purchased the store and fixtures.
Mrs. D. A. Harkness and family
left for Calgary, where they will make
their home in the future. Mr. Hark-
ness has a good position in Calgary.
McIntyre & Gabel, importers of
high class horses, had the misfortune
to lose their fine bay Clydesdale stal-
lion, Salon°. The beast had been
sick only a few days with acute indi-
They Clive Wonderful Health.
None are so healthy, so buoyant
and full of life as those who regulate
with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Even in
one night they work wonders: Fur
and coating they take front the
tongue headaches they relegate to
the pat, biliousness and stomach dis-
orders they prevent and absolutely
cure. Think what it means to have
' the system cleansedand purified by
Dr. Hamilton's Pills 1 A true laxa-
tive, a perfect tonic, hatmlees and
wholly 'vegetable in composition they
will do you good. To feel and look
your best use Dr. Hamilton's Pills,
25e at any dealers,
• Goderich
Mrs. Wm. Proudfoot found in her
garden the other day a beautiful rose.
A lady in Goderich received re-
cently a small package from India,
the duty on which was $9. -
Sunday being the anniversary of
the Sunday School 06 6111 North Street
Methodist chneeh, Rev. De. Dougall,
of St. Thomas, will be the speMal
The many friends of Rev. 3. 13.
Fothethigham, rector of St. George's
church, will be sorry to hear that he
has been laid up owing to running a
rusty nail in his foot.
Robert Oraigie, who bas •been em-
ployed in C. 0. Lee's hardware store
for a number of years left, for Sher-
brooke, Quebec where he has accept -
a position where he will in future
The service in Knox church Sunday
morning was attended by the Sons of
Scotland in commemcwation of St.
'Andrew's y, Nov, 3001. Rev. Geo.
E. Ross deli Tercel 16 discourse 1)11
"S. cot land's Conti ibution to the
While lel m till ig ft m afternoon
tea Mrs. F. J. Pi idham fell 01 tho
sidewalk near the corner or Welling-
ton and St. Patrick streets and cut
bet face badly. neve was a hole in
the sidewalk which she stepped in
and caused bee to fall.
While exercising his horse near hie
oWn icsidence on Victoria street, W.
St ot hers lied 11)0 miSfortune to break
his leg. Ono of the lines of the hae-
nese broke es he was driving along
tool he got out to fix it and in so doing
he tripped and fell fracturing his leg.
with a rather polnini end serloos
eident on the litivon road near the
Victoria public school. Some part of
the harness broke when die horse,
which her fathee was driving, become
refractory sod before he could get
content of 1110 anitind again it kicked
ciiivniebr.the dashboard and struck Miss
1./01w the knee fracturing the
Miss Clara Copp is teaching school
• at, Whighion.
Dodds lifeGowan, of Lite O. P. R,
eat, spent a few days with Toronto
Robt, and Mrs. Young spent a day
with Mos. Myles Young 5/110069 from
New York to their home in Long
Beech, Oalifor ilia.
M 11. McQuarrie hos received
word that her son, Archie, who is
homesteading 111 the 'West, will be
home for Xmas.
The meeting of the Canada Bible
Society in the Methodist church Sun-
day'evening was largely attended and
Was addressed by the local clergymen.
The marl tuition to the Bible ;Society
Fitnii amounted to $65,
• John BRIT hall three head of rattle
at the Toronto Fat Stook Show and
captured 2iicl and 41h prize, which
was exceptionally good considering
the keen competition. It is also his
intention to exhibit at Guelph.
St. Andrew's Bible Glass was re-
organized and oppointed the follow-
ing nfficers ('or the next, six months ;—
President, A. Bider ; Vice -President,
Miss C. Dodds ; Secretary, Miss E.
Leith ; Organist, Miss 3, Steinhoff ;
Asisstant Organist, Miss E. Leith ;
Teaeher, Rev. W. D. Turner; As-
sistant 7`eacher, 11. Somers.
The mistery is solved as to the par-
ty'who has leased the store to be va-
cated by R. H. Robinson on Sanitary
1st. Phe party is Jas. Dodds, who
has been engaged with the Gordon
McKay 00., Toronto, for the past 7
years, previons tosivhich he was en-
gaged with McKinnon & Co., for 9
years and later with Popleston &
Gardiner. He is well known here, .
Blyth having been his home for many
years end hears a noon exemplary
Charnel er. We understand that it le
his intention to earl y a complete line
01 boots, hilUSS And grocerlee.
Thieveirentered the ehickini coups
01 Rev. George Je (1111 and Inane
Brown on 0 recto] t night. and carried
oft 16 considerable quantity of thole
choke fowl »ot ivii Wounding that 111
boll/ 1114(4nel-el the hotiees wet e secur-
ed by looks which had been broken.
'`be Oclafellows at their regular
meeting held in their hall, held their
election of officers for the ensiling
year with Ole following results
W. Philips, N. (3. ;3, Weymouth, V,
0, ;A. W. Robinson, R. '8, ; 0, E.
Mc'Taggitet, R. S. ; •R. H.
Robinson ; 11e. Oltarlesworth, Ph ys)-
eisn ; J. Stothers, S. MtVittie, 16.
Gardiner, Trustees, The lodge is
figuring on moving Into the hall 0Yee
stole, soinetinie in the be.
ginning of the year,
• Atwood
Biwa Council met on Monday.
Mrs, Donald Mum ay gave a thinible
tett in honor of Miss Mau Hanna,
W110 returuing to the West.
Before the gathering dispersed Miss
Hanna was presented with a, -silver
Stanley Fold, who conducted a
_geoeety store in this village for the
past year, disposed of his stock to
Wm. Lambe, who has purchased tbe
baking business fi can C. Beeman.
He had the oven moved' into the
former balte shop and will conduct
both grocery and bakery business,
Rev. A. Henderson, of Kipling,
Sask., and a forme'. pastor of the
Peesbyteriail li111 eh here, has been
appointed Moderator of the Presby-
terial) Synod of Saskatchewan, Rev,
P. A. 'McLeod, D. D„ of Truro, N. S.,
was inducted into the Keniptville and
Oxford Mills Presbyterian church.
Me, McLeod was also a former pastor
of this villnge.
The annual meeting of the mem-
bers of the Gravel Road 001.11 Syn-
dicate WEE held at the home of Adarm
Oth con., Rime. After
general business was found satis-
factory following officers were elect-
ed for 1914 :—President, John
; Vice -President, Geo. Porter ;
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4444+.+••••+.+•+0,14+4014444.
. Cold
: Weath-0
Goods .
Fine range of well made Horse Blankets at various prioes
Sleigh Bells in varietg,
Halters, Curr g Combs, Brushes, &o,
Trunks, Valises and Hand Bags if gou intend travelling
Comfortable Rugs and. Robes
Otte large stook gives customers a good choice. PRIORS
ARE RIGHT. Call in and see OUT goods.
Harness Repairing
Specialty. B. F. CARR, Brussels
Ou Jan. 1st, 1914, the Cash System of doing bust Pess will be adopted.
1.4.•+•44+•+.4.414.4.4.404.•+•+444.4 •+++++++++++++.+++.4.•+++.4.
Secrethey, Win. Simpson ; Manager-
Treas., D. A. Thompson,
Smoot, REPORT.—Following is the
Belgrave School report for the month
of November. Subjects of Ex-
atninations were Arith., Geog., Gram.
and Comp,. Sr. IV.—G. MacKenzie,
T. Wightman, J. Geddes, H. Wilkin-
son. Jr. IV.—H. Taylor, M. Fergu-
son, H. Nethery. 81. III.—M. Arm-
strong, G. Ferguson, IL McLean. Jr.
IIL—M. Budges, M. Wightman, H.
Procter, A, Stonehouse, H. Wilkin-
son. Sr, II. -0. Hill, E. Brydges, M.
Nethery, W. Whaley, • R. Mont
gomery. Jr. IL—L. MacKenzie, E.
McGuire, L. Stonehonse, Pt. II. sr.—
D. Brydges, A. Geddes, L Watson, G.
Brydges, R. McGuire. Pt. IL Jr.—J.
Wightman, L. McDougal, V. Arm-
strong, Pt. I.-3. Hill, R. Mac-
Kenzie, L. Taylor, J. Brydges, 11.
Robertson,S. Whaley, I. McGuire,
E. Stoniouse, R. Armstrong, R.
MacKenzie, C. Scandrett. Pupils 00
the roll 43. Average 40.
Dr, W. 11. Ross tor some time acting
medical superintendent of Byron Sani-
tarium, London, was sentenced ' to
twenty one months in the Central prison
for bigamy.•
To prevent ilsease
resist dise se ge s
ka. .17
SMALLPDX is prevented by vaccination — the injection of vaccine.
DIPHTHERIA is prevented by the injection of anti -toxin.
These enable the body to produce substances which prevent the growth of
smallpox and diphtheria germs in the blood.
There are many other diseases, nearly, if not quite as dangerous, and fax more
common — typhoid fever, the grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, rheumatism,
and a score of others— that can be prevented less painfully and more easily by making'
the body strong to resist germ infection.
Olive Oil
• (With Hypophosphites)
Is designed for the prevention as well as the relief of disease— by enabling the body to overcome
the germs. It, at the same time, strengthens and tones the nerves, tourishes the blood, puts the entire
system into a proper healthy condition to combat and successfully resist disease.
Every person not in perfect health has incipient gertna
of some distressing ailment in his or her system.
Cold weather, over -work, excesses of any kind, aro
liable to bring about just the conditions under which
those latent disease germs will get the upper hand, and
put you on your back " down sick."
You who are run-down, tired -out, nerves—
Yoti who, though not sick enough to give up, dill
don't feel good—
You Who are apparently well, and want to stay well—
Take home a bottle of Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to-
day, and use it as a means to get well and keep well,
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real nerve -food
In this it is different from most other so-called
" tonids " which either have no fOod value and do noth-
ing more than temporarily stimulate you, leaving you in
a worse condition than before or, having food value, still
Sold in this community only at
aro so unploasaat to take that many people can't keep
them down,
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is pleasant to take. The
Hypophosphites it contains tone the nerves. • The pure
Olive Oil nourishes both nerves and blood.
Rexall Olive 0:1 Emulsion strengthens you, puts snap
and ginger and vitality into your system. It makes you
fool better and stronger. It improves your digestion and
your bowel action.
it contains no alcohol nor anj dangerous or habit forming
It is guaranteed to be jest es represented above— to
do all thot is claiined above to satisfy you in every
way, or your money back without quibble or question.
Enough for full two weeks' treatment, $1.00.
Cold only at The Rexall Stores —the World's greatest
Drug Stores—and always with a full guarantee of com-
plete satisfaction, or your money back.
F. R. Smith