HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-12-4, Page 4'la YOUR ll4I MAY YOUR FORTUNE TUNE u THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 191h 'tNitar1Plt, Pair at Guelph opens on Tuesday next week and will con- tinue r-tipue throw I the three following days. Arrange- to take at leant part of the Fair in, If you 'have never gone you dont know what yon are missing. It Promises to be better than ever this year, so dont miss It; EAST Middlesex re elected a Con- eervative iu the person of Mr. MnF'arlin, batt by a redaction of about Coo over *the last election. It was about the first straight battle on the Rowell policy of. "Banish the bar" and tans an .educative• campaign that will gave a ,vide influence on many a constituency is Ontario. A"xTHUC HAwxss, the British torn apostle, bas placed Himself in the field as an independeut candidate in South Lanark, the seat rendered vacant by the death of Hon. Jno. Flaggert, A merry war is on as there are now three stand- erd bearers In the fight and a bot time Is on the progratn, Old time party lines are receiving a bad wrench these days but no doubt good will come out 1.l0 f r - it in greater independence Pendence of thought t and action. PRAT ".Huron County Business Men's ''Association,' with headquarters at Clinton, should revise the Ten Com- njandments at once as they are fairly crowded with ''Shall note" and con- sequently an interfareuce with personal liberties. We wonder they have not : not noticed the necessity of amending thein long before this. Quite a num- ber of people bave been kicking about the arbitrary character of these Com- mandments, WE look for some practicaloutcome out o e - fit -the report rt Pre e uteri to the Co Council by the Engineer who covered the proposed route of a radial Electric Road in Huron Co. •lie County is in pj,opd shape financially and it is tame a forward stride wits made if we expect to keep old Huron in .the van of progress long with other of the enterprising !' T '1.1 ounties of Ontario. The fact that we are a border County is one reason for a more than usual "get up" in public movements for the general welfare. There may be a few Counties just as good as this but there are none better either for people or lands and tine proof is not far to seek. WOULD youbelieve that n Soo child- ren were helped last year by the Child- ren's Aid Society of this Province 2 iilcYet these figures are supplied by J. J. elso, the well known Provincial i J npertnte❑d eat. The work that is being done is not only restrictive but also constructive and is giving many a obex and girl it second chance to make something -cif their lives instead of going down and out. It is a work that com- mends itself to everybody as it may mean the saving of thousands of dollars now spent in looking after criminals and law breakers. Let us lend a band. THE Pon, believes Huron County should have a Home or headquarters for this Mass of work in the care of a good level „headedmatron. '1`Hs old-fashioned and often badly r worked system of road making, known often as "Stupid” labor, is gradually living off and newer and better methods ,being initiated. This is a question that should come up at Municipal Nomina- ions, Farmers' Institutes and Farmers' tabs as the farming community are iu ose touch with the1 t acticai end of n ' t. here is no excuse for a mudr hole in the iddl e of the Kings ulgiltvay or au old uroy log that has been bumped over t the past ao years. Broken stone on yell drained roadway wilt work wou- d t year or two and will solve the aril of good roads iu a satisfactory neer, The work will not be done bout help and it is up to the Mnuiej- Councils and Pathmasters to lead RTER'SWORTHY BEQUESTS. it•'tement that a bequest of one encf thousand dollars to establish it school scholarships throughout , province is contained in the will of late 7. I. Carter, of f3arnia, and merlyof Seaforth, and whose re- ins Weee interred at the latter u a few weeks ago. This is the ;scholarshipfoundation to be re- ed by the Department of Induce - so there ate 1(0 precedents to Induce- -, the manner in which the money alt be spent, During his lifetime (tarter subscribed liberally to de for the establishment of scholar - pe. FIe wits a rrtanrtfactnrer in int, and the scholarships which he tl in T,atubtan, tureen, Petah adlesex:and \Vellingto, conn - i r�+ e taken as models for those Main anted on tbe income i'rntm unet. Ilach acholansbip is to Led for within the limits ,of my for which it le granted. fididatewho obtains the high - Inmate mttk s on up p tt achn 1 Vet, entrance into the faculty con oe honor oi�'st•holatshrip ll ienlattons In arts), within the y rp which he is cowpeth:or, gWttl1 led a s011o1atehlp of one Beautiful hair liar Made tbe fortune of many a woman, by eddiug charm and loveliness tc all otherwise globi lace; Nothing means more to good looks than beautiful hair. Itt t f tadds to Lite attractiveness Of every. feature. \Vithout it you can't be beautiful l with It you will beat least pretty, To have beapptitil hair,. nee 13armtzay,..Halr-sBeau•tifler, It Will Ituprave the beaut • of your hair, tak. ing away the dull hareiiness-and Stringiness, softening and polishing every, hair in your 'head and making It soft, silky, glossy, easier, to put up and keep in place, and at the came time giviug It a rich and lasting rose fragrance that will delight both you and those around you. Very easy to apply-simplysprinkle a little on yam. hair each time before brushing it. It contains no oil, and will not change the color of the hair, nor darken gray hair. To keep your hair and scalp dan- druff -free and clean, use Harmony Shampoo, This pure liquid shampoo gives „an instantaneous rich lather that immediately penetrates to every part of hair and scalp, insuring a gnick and thorough cleansing. Wash- ed off just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Both preparations come in odd - shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier$ 1.00. Harmony Sham - PCO 60c. 'Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or your money back. Sold in this community only at one store -The Rexall Store -one of the- more] 1 tl a t 7,000 leading drug stores of the United States, Canada and Great Britain, which own the big Harmony laboratories, Toronto, where the celebrated Harmony Per- fumes and Toilet Preparations are made. F. R. Smith, Druggist, Brus- sels. hundred (lollai's ; the candidate in the said county who ranks second shall receive a scholarship of sixty dollars, and the candidate who ranks third shall receive a scholarship of forty dollars. dol 1 t No candidate shall dtdate be eligible to write for any nf these scholarships who has not attended one of the Collegiate Institutes or high Schools in the county in whieli lie is competiug for at least one year immediately previous to the examin- ation, and no candidates Who have been awarded one of these scholar. ships shall be eligible to compete at any subsequent examination. There are devises and bequests to former employees. The residue of the estate is to be paid over to the Treasmer of the province of Ontario, to be invest- ed by hila in Ontario Government stock, and the interest paid over in perpetuity to the Hospital for Sick Children. The estate amounts to about $130,000. The Totouto General Trusts Corporation is named as executors. Grey Township Council next Monday at Ethel. Last week William Armstrong was at Goderich serving King George as a juror at the Assizes. Reeve,Livingston and g Deputy Reeve Blown are attending Comity Council at Goflerich this week. An auction sale is announced by Robt. and Elizabeth 11,1cOutcheon, on Si Lot 37, Oon. 1, Grey township, for Tuesday afternoon next, F. S. Scott, will be the Auctioneer, Dont forget Zach. McOallum's auction sale of farm stock, imple- tnents,.etc. on Lot 34, Oon. 3, Wed- nesday next. List may be read in this issue of THE PosT, Mr. and Mrs. McCallum will remove to Brus- sels. They will carry with them the good wishes of the community. Gorrie Miss Edna Stinson is spending a few weeks In Toronto visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wilmott. T. H. McLaughlin continues much in the same condition of- health, not showing much improvement. Alex. Hamilton has returned home front Toronto and we are pleased to report that he is steadily recovering from his recent operation. Normanle O gg, who luta been in Tor- onto receiving eceivin treatment for his ail- ment, ment has returned lit ed bane and we are sorry to sayis not improving. Y MCKiIhOp TowNertin COUNCIL. -The Council met on Nov. 10111 at Seaforth. All members present. Minutes of last meeting confirmed. Eckart-Archi- bald-That the request of the petition- ers of the McKillop Telephone System that the supervision of the said system be placed under the control of a Board of Oommissionees be granted on condition that the requisite num- ber of signatures are obtained. Mc- Quaicl--Eoluar't-Thal• the Reeve and R. Archibald belt committee to meet the Hallett Council for the purpose of agreeing on the amount to be paid for collecting etc., the Telephone rates. Atchtbald - McQuaid- That the Reeve and C. Eckert be a com- mittee to interview R. Pethick and R. Govenlock for the purpose of re- moving the hedge fence nn the West side of the grave] road cot. 7. Ac- conets to the Minima of $827.47 were paid. Next meeting of Onuucil et. Walton on Thursday Dec, llth at 10 o'clock a, in. M, MURDIE, Ole) k. Leadbury ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.- Prio^ In the departure of Mrs, M. E. MoEwen for Toronto, some of the ladies of the vicinity called at her home nu Saturday of last week raid presented bete with a beautiful' man- tel clock' and silver dish aeeorjitpanied by the 'following address :- DEAR Mits. MOEWEN,--As you ere about to leave tis, we take this opportunity of showing a little of the esteem r in You Xmas is Camng q We I �"�' •�t•�'�'Y'P®"11"x,. �.�,. `11„ Ready Tr S. C. Wilson soon No trace as yet beet] dlscovete.i of Pitref, C. P, Leven, trite dissppbarr0 h1Voleriousi0 n. 11ani11ton.. Aro I 'lea and ecft •r imported into Canada last year tutullttl time million dollars tat wholestderti imp,red .prhes. Turnberry rn y Council • Mint -dee oe is 1 ales oN catwci) nieethng Kehl lu Bluevele Muu(lay, No vein bel 170. Members all prestalt ; Reeve in the °hair, Dl litres of last. Meeting laud and adopted ori motion of -t1essrs. 'Wheeler and McBurney, Moved by Mr. Wslltvond, seconded by Me. 'ltuthetl'otd, that the annual report of the Secretary of the local Board of Health, also the report of the Medical Officer of • Health be adopted and that a copy of each be forwarded to the PeoviuciUl: Board of Health. Carried, On mobinu of Wellwood-McBurney amended I3y-Law No, 0, 1918 re Bolt (train ions rend .8:times and, fluidly passed. McBurney-Wellwood- Thal. 13y - Law No. 17. 1918, be passed for the holding of a, public meeting in the Foresters dull, Bluevale, on Monday, December 29th, 1913, at 1 o'clock p. f11. for the nomination of candidates for the officers of Reeve and Councillors for the year 1914, Oarried. A number of accounts were passed. Conned adjourned, to meet in Blue-. vale December 16th, at 10 p, •n1, With your next Grocery order, Our .oder. : Y Goods .are fresh and weit ca supply.ou with alt kinds y 1 11 ds of Christmas Groceries, Peels, Selected Raisins, Currants, Icing Sugar, Spices, Etc,, LEMONS, BANANAS, ALMERIA CRAPES FIGS, DATES, PRUNES, PEACHES Oranges The fret Naval Oranges of the season are here and ore sweet and juicy. Expect a big shipment, in a fete Clays and prices nee low. Bandies At the Candy gaunter volt will find the largest and best as- sartment of Candies in Brussels. Try our Chocolates and see our huge assortment of Christmas Bon -Bons, ranging Inrice from 6e to $2.00 and over. Always a full line of Fry's, 1Vebb's and Nesruith's oelebiat'pd he- olates on hand, HOT DRINKS OOI;'FER COCOA BEEF TEA HOT SOUPS FRESH OYSTERS , OYSTERS and Toot t o GOOD QUALITY " Thanking our friends for their liberal patronage dining the past year we wish all a Merry Holiday Season. • • Phone 73 a. Special Attention to Phone Orders. s. e.Yet . .11 S 0 n many years and lastly you have the virtue ofn honest u teat and industrious neighbor. We ask you u to accept this mantel clock and silvev dish as a token of our friendship and trust as you are about to move into another sphere of life that God will bless yon and yours, and that you may always have a kindly remembrance of pint Leadbery friends. Signed of behalf -of the Methodist Ladies' Aid and neighbors by Mrs. S\ r 1' G v U. lie a 111 g Mrs, Albert Dundas, Mrs. Fred. Scarlett, Mrs. McEwen replied in a few words, thanking the ladies for their kindness. Fordwich Jas. Rowe had daisies blooming in his garden last week. John'Tilker, jr.,-and family moved 'from here toa iatn last week. Miss 'Moses, of Jamestown, and Miss Rands, of Go•rie, were gnests at the paasnnage. Mrs. Rich. Faille, although still confined to her bets, is somewhat im- proved in health. Mrs. Nelson McLaughlin, of Winni- peg, accompanied by her brother, Wo,. Wright, of Toledo, Ohio, paid a flying visit to relatives here having borne down from Seaforth where they had been attending the funeral of their mother, John Barber, who has been work- ing with a bridge gang near South- ampton, is spending some time at the homes of his father and sister here recovering from his recent serious injnry which he sustained by falling a distance of 20 feet from a bridge. Although able to go about, it will be some time before he is fullyrecovered. Clinton SUDDES DEATH.- Mystery sur- rounded 'the death here Thursday afternoon of Alfred O'Neil, e1 aged 50 who came to" Clinton 8 weeks ago from the Western States, An inquest has been ordered to clear up the case and the dead man's stomach was sent to Toronto for the Provincial authori- ties to analyze, O'Neil was apparent- lyin splendid health until a short time before his death. He was seized suddenly with very violent pains in' the abdotnen and although a Dr. was called and did everything possible, O'Neil died soon afterwards. As soon as possible after his death the authors- ties weee notified and the coroner and a jury under Foreman Major Rance viewed the body and then adjourned until Wednesday afternoon of this week. Coroner stated that no marks of violence had been found upon the body. He said he was completely at a los t s U account t Inc1 1 (1 O'Neil's l's suds c i Ne n 1 end but texamination ed that t tie of the stn uach by the Provincial nuthotities would solve the puzzle. O'Neil is survived by his wife. CLOSE CALL, -A remarkably close call frau a double shooting occurred at the grounds of the 'local gun club Thnrsdry, when F. Kopp, aged 18, fired at one of the bit ds. In some waythe charge went wide, and part of it penetrated the arm of Percy Fleming, aged 10, who was standing in the crowd, and another portion passed through the hat of James Garter, just above his right ear. Young Fleming was quickly attended by a doctor and his injuries are nob serious. Huron County. Y Kippen Methodist Parsonage was sold to Richard Blatchfo,xl, of Hnron- dale.IN b'ED $3010. -For having in his pos. session 169 skins of muskrats anti other animals shot during close sea- son, W. Goodman, a Lncknow fur dealer, was fined $800 and ordered to pay 381 costs or prison for three months. The charge was laid by Game Warden W. B. Elliot, of Wing - ham, and the evidence was heard be- fore Magistrates McBeth and Gra- f ton. Perth punty STABBED WIFE. -Because it is said, he wanted his child to be sent to a Protestant school and wife wanted the child sent to a separate school, Jacob Knoblauch, of Hesson, about 5 miles from Millbank, Is alleged to have stabbed his wife in fourteen places about the farer 1 a d arms or n Saturday, Nov. 22nd. i i9. Kno- blauch who was in a serious condition at her home, world not lay an infor- mation against nfor-mationagainst her husband. Her sister swore out an information Inc his arrest before W. Freeborn. • Canadian News ,Fire destroyed a block of the Grand Trunk shops et Port Huron doing dam- age estimated at a million dollars. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and N W. Rowell, Federal and Provincial Liberal leaders - were teerlered a great banquet at Haniil. ton by the Federation of Liberal Clubs, They also addressed a large gathering of Hamilton ladies in the afternoon. ••.14+♦+♦a•♦+41+•+•+♦+♦+♦rd•♦+4H.404.♦+♦+♦•t•♦•1•♦•L•♦•t•♦•1•♦a•♦•i•♦•Ae'1. • + • HolidayPresents 1• . s • + + + • Buy s ftr t he .. Futori••• • ♦ + 4. d• ♦ HE Custom of sending useless Presents is out of date. The gift most appreciated T is one that not • only gives pleasure asp a Christmas present but 2 gives pleasure all the year round as something useful ♦ and good. We can only give you a few hints. Come i • 1n an We Will show ... .................L._- __ Furniture. + + :, Cabinets Tables Chairs Carload 4. • • Parlor • Parlor Morris v Music Library • Reception+ ♦ China 4. Dining Rattan of • • Kitchen Kitchen Japanese Rockers o e + •MODERN SHAKE -DOWN would be accept- • ♦ p able toD an house-keeper—a — use-ke +e e r a con l c] b Y day,a ♦ comfortable bed byp e +' A night ; a handsome Buffet, + A +• Sideboard or Combination. Or something all will enjoy • B •4. Groat Speelallete In -Stomach Catarrh: Though the. c f ei fail C t to ive e'veii• g Y g temporary r(ief, Me. W. e P Y t V. S ynlnur of "Huntsville, Ont., cured himself with Ferrozo,e. "My trouble" he says "was chronic catarrh of the 110111a011. There was constant bad taste .in my mouth, I was costive and usually nauseated before and after meals. I also had a gnawing sensation it, the stomach• Ferrnzoue gave rue great. relief, and I _also used Catarehozc n which is good .for. catarrh. Although,., it took a number of boxes of Ferro- zoue, I got back toy health and today Mu quite well." For stomach q vo uach uatarrl, incligestimi and kindred disorders nothing excels Ferrozone. In a thousand cases it has proved a won. dsrfnl success. Try it yourself, 50e per box at all dealers. BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY Following is the !let of new books planed noon the shelves of Brussels Public Library :- Dave's Daughter. Cole Land of the Spirit Page Partners , , ..Deland Awakening of Helen Richc....Delaud Ever Alter Tompkins Looking Forward. Pedley Notwithstanding ..., Cholmondeley Heart of the Night GViud."........Roo Part of Dreams. Alexamiel Tatler of Scarlet Crockett Port of Adventure.. ..... .-..'Williaurson Westways ....... Mitchell Burden of a Woman ....Pryce Canadian Bank Clerk ..Buschleut The Main Road Warren T, Tembaron; . „ Burnett Ohief of the Ranges.....:...... Cody Harbor Master.... .......... Roberts Fool and his money Mc0utcheon When I was a little Girl Gale Little Thank You X ,.O'Connor In Search of e Husband. -.,.....Harris Unforgiving Offendee...............Scott, A Living Legacy ' Underwood SVititstili Banters-, ...........Wiggin Peg 0' MyHettet ..Manners. Both sides of tbe Road Ohtck Mary All Above .................Oxenheirn The Keeper of the Viueyard..,Stauley Otherwise Phyllis Nicholson Prescott of Saskatchewan Bindloss Ranchingfor Sylvia Bindloss Beidge Building Swan Kilmerny of the Orchard ' Montgonety Mrs. Red Pepper Riebthond The Way Hoole ...:.. .........Ring Nagar Job it on White Linen Nurse ,... Abbott Greyfriar's Bobby. .Atkinson The Challenge ..... ....Begbie Rising Dawn... _ ;• Begbie Rosalind O'Hat a . , Hocking Inside of the Cup..,...........,.. O.hurchill Laddie' Porter Judging Live Stock Graig Fertilizers and Otops.. VattSlyke Fruit Growing .. .... -How to make Poultry Pay Jacob Sheep Feeding and Farm Managemeltt Doane Vegetable Gardening ionto ...Rockwell ii g e .. R { e Electrical Electricity and 1 Dleatr]cal tial Ia... Y g Johnson Bee Culture Root Gasoline Engine nn the Farm .Putmau Germany and Lite Germans Colier Silo Construction Houghton Stevenson's Edinburough Days .., J UVENILES- SatllatlLli 0n the. \Vonlan Question, ..Holly Boy Scouts 13eyound the Sea ..... Baden Powell TIM Stettin Shrivel illtul .... .Payne Pollyanna, Pokier Dave Porter on Cave Island • Staternteyor The Golden Road ... Moltgtinlery Faith Palmer tet Fordyce Hall Wooley Patty's Sorin! Seasons ., Wells Patty's Pleasure Trip ,.... Wells Patty's Success' ... Wells Patty's Motor Oat ,,. ...Wells 3arjoehne llaytinne ..• .,.... Wails Marjorie in Command . Wells. • se African Clamp Fives IPI 'White Dick Among the Miners .... ,..Dirnoek trike Three. ,. .... Heyliger round the End Barbour How thePeunypackete kept the Light Serelt ulkerfiy and Both Book Rob("rtsot' Jlliller A Piano or Organ 4. A New Rug or Carpet ♦ A New Suite for Parlor or Dining -Room • + ' Order your Xmas presents early, We will deliver where and ' when you dir'eet. Our special feature, --Moderato Prices. •• • + 4, • • Waiker Black + k + • •+b4''Fi•F!•i'!•MA+.............•'N,►•N.4...44•!t:•+b'F+.•• ... + • which you tart, e held in.t113a -con- + nluni1y. 1st -•In the church, Sunday - School, and Ladies' Aid you have been a gealtine worker, 2rrd-You have [served the public so faithfully for so Winsome \Vottanhood .. i3aatigslet' SL Geoege for 17ngland..: Hrnly 1.?t•ngnn and 1heRaven. ..... ,.....Ileuty 1 h l.jnnpf the Norlh Heinty Bonnie P, ince Ohatlie.... ........ henry Hrtvest of the Brave Ileniy ItENDWate Jane Ortble ,:...,.. ...... ...... . ..,., Shepherd of the Ilius. . ... Lord Loveland Diseovere America Tito Handicap Anne of Green Gabl(,s Anne of Avnnlea Two Little Savages .. , Girl of the Lirttberlost. Freckles ,,;;,,,,,,,,,,, Red Pelmet 13ttetta ...t, ..... .... ...t,..... tt l( tl e hittc ( the I \Velah Singer . Mercy of bet Ins Vi giltittu . Tillie Janet l \\ tu•d Notice to Creditors ,. in the matter of the estate of Chttrles Wheeler, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Heron, Partner, deceased, Notion in hereby given, pursuant to Seo. 66, Ohap 2,1 of the Afntu ten of Ontario, I George V., that all a, editors and others having claims agalnet the 081ntt•of, the said Charles Wheel- er, hate of the .Township of Morris, in the County of Homer, Penner, who died at the Township. of Morris 1n the Connty of Hur- on, en „• ,bolt 1 he Thirteenth tiny of October, 1910, aro required on or before Ilio fifth day of ;January 1018,tosend by post pre• paid or deliver to the undersigned 0511 Per• Maulers of their claims, duly verified by iP nay davit, and the nature of the seenelty , held by them, And further tape notice that atter sue)) lost mentioned date the negate of the estate of the said deceased will distributed among the Parties entitled thereto, haying regard only, t0 the elahna of which notice shall then have been given, Dated this let (ley of December, A, D, 1918. ANORRW TAYLOR, Hnanen'r Wnssasn, Belgrave P.0. MAn' ANN WnesLon. Auction Sales 17UInI°N SALE OP 100114n oar OATTt.e. A• F. 0, Scott, A uotrottner, lies been ia snne ed by the e, t ned tn sell by Public nuct• ttbl'nGN. Half Lot '29, Loh1Im•ri9 aNii- - day Dec, 5th, IOW, at 1 o'clock, the valuable etonk.-26Caws and Boilers suppos- ed uppoa-ed in calf, 76 yearling Steerad Heifers, cud 20 Rrett:lass eel vee. 'Ali of the foregoing Stock is in thrifty condition and is a eeleeted lot, hence will afford nn opportunity to those dee Ming to purohaee good animate et their own pieces. Sale will be without reserve. Terms: -Six menthe credit will be given on furnishing approved pintt rates.4 per cent oft for cash. SAMUEL WALKER. Proprietor. AUCTION SALE OF PARIS STOCK, IM- PLattaNTe, 860.-P S. Soott, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the under• signed to sell by Public .A tuition at Lot 88,. Oon. 8. Grey on Wednesday, Dec, 10, et 1 o'clock, the following property: -1 general foal 9 yeare oldt,l 11 light amara 111 years old,mare i1 light maf•e7 vents old, 1 draft colt rising 2 years old, 1 light colt rising 1 year old, 1 Peralteron colt reefing 1 year, 0 mileh cows in ani[ .0 sows date to farrow In March, 10 pigs 8 months old 76 hens, 1 hay faire, 1 Frost 4 Wood binder 7 ft. ant good RR new, 1 Dinssey' Harris mower 04 ft, out, 1 Noxon spring tooth cultivator„] disc harrow, 1 1e-1,eo seed drill, I eat dimnond harrows, 1 Frost •,% Wood walking'ploly, 1 sepiller, I set scales 12"O Ths., 1 wagon and wagon box, I set bobsleighs, 1 top buggy. 1 jurnper•.entber, 1 set double hrnmess, 1 set ,tingle harness, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 new DeLnval oreaut separator, 1 Daisy churn, 1 waehIng machine, 2 milk cane, 600 Mutilate turnips, 160 bushels oats, 1 gent robe, 9 tons hey and numerous other articles. All. must be sold as the proprietor is giving up finning. Telenet-Allsunrs 9500 and under cash; over that amount 10 months °,wilt will be given on ftirntshing approved joints. 0 per cent off for dash on credit amounts. • ZAox, MoCAr,LuN, Proprietor. The People's Column HOUSE and 'lot forsale, Bre/teals South. Comfortable home good stable, cellar etc , and 13 acre of land, immediate possession can be given: A bargain for somebody. For further particulars apply to RICHARD 1000, John Street, Brussels, TORET HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO REN - S No. 1 Produce warehouse at Brussels Station G•11'. R. For particulars apply to J, Leekre Brussels. 9819. %ADDABLEPAR9r FOR SALE, -Tire South part Lot 24, Con. 9 Grey,0 acres, ell Cleared and well underdrahnd, Frame house and bank barn, well watered. There is also offered for tittle 100 acres being Lot 82, 9th 0 .n. of Grey. 00 of which are °leered.. Both properties to be sold to close out estate. Apply.to MRS, MARY GILL,Ethel P. 0. or W. M, SINOLAIe, Barrister, Brussels, Out. td, FIRST GLASS FARM FOR SALE. -The un- dersigned will sell the South Half of Farm Lot No. 10, in the Ottt Concession of the Township of Morris, at n bargain, to the first buyer. On thefarm is n good modern brink house and 21, tt-class Hank barn and is s well fenced farm, conalats of 100 acres and is well situated for markets, Owner now in West is the reason for sale. Apply for further par- ticulars to F. S. Seo2T, Brussels, FARM FOR SALE,-Theunderetgned offers hie fine farm ooneleting of about 185 acres adjoining the town of Clinton, for sale. The farmfa in a good state of cultivation, and has good boildhtgs, brick house, bank barn, drly tog house, pig pen, etc., all comparatively new. A first•class young orchard containing all kinds of fruits and also small fruits, The farm be welt fenced and drained and 1s a very desirable home. For further partienlars apply on the premises or address 28-tf ' - JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton, iiiMEDAR LAWN FARM” FOR SALE, - The u de• 100 acre farm, being No, offers h Half 7 et 20 his Rue 0 Morrie township, Huron Om Form le inn good• state of cultivation, well f 9c ] e e, and hes n fine brick house that Host B $00 God Loren eurronndedv b nein, hedge. RB Barn 622 x00 feet ac atone hardwood foundation.Good n is and 10 acre of splendid hush Farm iv f 13 a silo from the splendid snarler town of Brussels and is 1y utiles from school, Good commun. Lty, Possession at once. Fot further partiee- lare. price, terms, &o.. apply en the ;mien ., or to JOHN MOONEY, Proprietor, Brw.esitt D A Hog for Service vv. H, LOVE Fneral Director ,and Embalmer ' '.� Orders promptly told care- fully attended to night or Phone 228, I 9ET4-1EL,' ONT. Pr MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Muuthly horse Fairs will be Veld in Brussels this season as follows 11IIRSDAY, JAN, 8111, 1914 11'11313, 6511, 1014 MAR. 60, 1914 APR. 21151, 1914 Leading Local and Outside Buyers •wilt be present. . . a A. w .®s m,.m.®®®.A.-+►416.466 1 HAVE YOU made proviolon for employment dot•• tog the Pall mut Winter months or do you wish needy remunerative work the year throngh• Write us and secure our ngtn t e forme. We offer the best in the business, Pay weakly, free out - 11t, exclusive territory. OVER 600 ACRES under ettlttvettotl. Established over r 86 years' A reputetion for high grade green and for deeding. A salesman elm want make money selling for us. We Gg want an energetic reliable man for add Breese leandvicinity. For termstvrite 1 18 grequest, PELHAM.-NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. N. B. Free catnloue on 181®-wwrPKr®7'4,`119",""V" . HAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Icon and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Witt- er Bowls for stock, Rc. epairs Lo Pumps promptly ,attenclecl to, Give me 0 call. A. " MINN, Cranbrook tl®titin COLLEGE AT HOME Thousands of ambitions young pec- plc are Post prepariuga iu their own st enog,e occupy ook lucrative s, positions as' stenographers, bookkeepers, f to every sheer, of activities. geryasrta, in feet ovary college i f you 00wYou may fi gs r- aollegenteed. Enter ott ro wieg, Py day gunr- viduot struc college any day. hexa. Thirty instruction. Export ranchero. Thirty yn O experience. Largest trainers in Canada. Srvenoollegee. Special course for tenoltnre. Militated with Commercial Educe- ; toes Association of Canada. Summer School at famous Spotton Besinesa Ool•. lege, London. e Win ham Business College 9 Glto. SporwoN, W. T. mons, President. Principal. •A•+♦A••+•+••R 04.41.+0+4.,..+•+•+. • • • + ♦ + + • TIM undersigned will keep ter ser vine en Lot 10, Oen, 18, Grey township, a there' bet d • Yorkshire hew. Terms, 9100, 10 le paid at 4 - time of service with ptivllee of totdif • Now is the Time to Buy guuag necessary. 1942 0, teJ. McNABB,ir Proprietors. •••••••••••+•♦•••••••♦••••'♦+ s + Hato are Waltham, Elgin, °. Regina, and other SUPER- • 1Ol1 \VA1OICh1S, prised rata- i 'tenably at from $8,00 up. + Oases111 Nickel, Silver, Gold • Filled and Solid Gold, For + i I,aclies there is do way as 4., convenient as the • + • • We have Jt 11iOE' selection to d choose from. Your waLeh- buying 01mo-stonily le now. • • Also have a nnnthier of Ohioan ♦ • Lu1 us show o (1111' 'Inez Painting Mills ready.ready. •Anyone A • u ',vary rg•gttaeanteed- ..•p wattling Lite hest Alill' made • + to give entire ;tatisi'actiou, - O should ring up Rhone 854, s •I• +, ' ,tzrHave a.lc,t of small accounts• + see®1 • some of them 8 or':! years � •+ rrld, and „,„„id lake Cham 2 • J. R. Wendt settled at once, •I• , • •51 K e• + Tt+wellai seri bingtavar ♦ Sa S. Cole e '+ • Wroxeter ' •••••••••••••+••••••e•••+♦ 44114.0.1!'*+•*•+s+♦+♦•S••4'♦'M4++ •n. • • • • • • • 2. * ♦ • a •• ••• i • • • o • ,1, • ♦ • .y • ♦ • • • ♦ + \Vehave nnhand At good stock + of No.1 Tile, all sizes. Call up • • Phone 856 and you will find the `• •1' pt ices are towee than anywhere A else Quality guaranteed, ,to Climax Bracelet ' Watch aT r. 1