HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-12-4, Page 3OUSINES& CAROL WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER Alm ISSUEB or MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee In the Neal Ontee, Ethel. 30.4 JNO. 8UTHERLANO & RONS �I )�,e �i.,q 7tvA/�7�iUMITED flNS d•FCiYr7V Vii Sfo fv ri"rl phr ammo AUCTIONEERS, ' F8. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• • man, will nett for better pries', to better man in len time and late chargee than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or hewon't;barge apythlug. Dates and orders can a1Waye be arranged at this Mee or by p eraonal applloatlon, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. vITM, BINULAIR- • Barrister, Solicitor, ,Couveyaneer, Notary Public, &o. Oltioo-0 Lowart'9 Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Sank. pllouDF00T, RAYS tit RILLORAN BARRIBTEES, BOLIOI'PUItS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETO, W. Pn013naooT,K.0, R. 0, HAY' J. L, KI4LonAN Ullloes-Those formerly mewled by Menus Cameron A Solt, ONTARIO, A NL NE o LIVERPOO .I,A880W-1.01180N•HM Large, comfortable steamers --'every convenience, every luxury. For inform. ation apply agents, or the Allen Line 12 ; TORONTO ,rM ROYAL HAIL STF,AttSSQ'$ W. H; KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. rva.v.,....6v6.,.,4_,,v.,,,mm.w.6.......6....y.. Winter Term Opens Jan. 5th ./ One Schoolthat hna .. thorough cola- set, excellent equipment, nnpsbleable • teachore, and (alloys n wide -agreed pat- r renege is the popular ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Y�{ rk This institution has a clean cut re• cord for successful work. We amidst A our students to obtain employment. If you intend getting e business educe RI - Eion-ane Tun 3000 -not the oheop, or- FA • (Unary or low gra de kind. td Write to- �( day for our catalogue. It (mutable Oa [yI complete information. '• Cor. Xomtg and pp' W. JU . ELOTT, �l Alexander Sts, f Principal. rd ' Y lY '4i ict�Vic:�Vi^a AVA _ �P � At>a�:' `Y ,c�V�VRVA �st♦x• CENTRAL r // ti fl LSTRATFORD.ONT. g Students may enter 0389909 at any 0 time, Those who enter now will have an advantage over those who cannot 6 outer till the New Year, Our-oouree9 ( in Oommeroial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy departments ere thorough and practical, We offer you advantages not offered elsewhere in the Province. Gay our free catalogue and see if it • interests you, D.V. N A. MaLAONL A Principal. Vie r� r69 v,}9 Wv V.y yby r.iy \'6Y •ray .d. 1„0.. rwaw-ommw&v..4.kay,a3.144 Enter • ■ Business L� trowel Q Oolle e Any time AND Crow with us. For particulars address - SOWN O. MATTHEW$, Prin. SI'Mrs214401910a'Pcvg cste'rela'PAea'0 im ' THE Best Brains ains in Oenade have participated in the $re• parstion of our splendid Home Study Oonreos iu Banking, Beowulf," H1 her Accounting,Oommerctal Art Slow Card Writig, Photography Journal• ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Select the work whioh moat interests you and write tie for particulars, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCNOHI 391.7 Yonge 8t., Toronto ++4 ++++ I +H ++++++++ ++++++ R• Q ._,Y win Machines 9.. REPAIRED 4. I• +n. Sewing Maoltiime Repaired 4. 4. •a i(Steeliest, age, any make 4 --Canadian, Euglisp.1- i+0eGtu- I6&Serences wlng• 4YRiven,. • l se •Deop a cat'dor call at )..+• Heist's boardirig house, Brussels. 9• mors S Far bring b t In Machine Meade 1 F. H . Smi th .4.444.4.+4.+444. Su9fY9ess Onrds JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. 8080eeapr to 130, H, Moore, OtIlae at Ander- son Brom, Livery stable, Brussels, Telephone No, 29, DR, T, T. M' RAE Bachelor of Medicine, Univerolt of Toronto 3 Licentiate and 6redoate of the t ollege of Ph y. aiciana and Surgeons, Out,. • Post -graduate (Allow E e, Ear, Nose and Threat Hospital, Chicago, Ill, Lx•11onap burgeon to St, Minh. eel's Hospital Toronto. Office over P. e. Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone connection with Oranbrook at all hours. DR, F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of blediofne, University of Toronto ; Lioentiata of Oollege of Phy'alorans and Sur. 'scone, Ontario ;.ex-Sonlor Houae0urgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto, Of8aes of lite lir, A. MaliayeSmith nln6k, Brussels. R ph Rural phone 46, ALEX, D. M'KELVEY ' M.B., M.O.P.d S. 0, 108 Blowr street East, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nese and Throat Clinical assistant In Ent•, Nose and Throat de. pertinent New General Hospital, Toronto ; Post Graduate Harvard Modioal School, Bos- ton ; lute Senior Resident Surgeon 01pea, Eye B,Ear Infirmary ; late Clinical assistant in Nose and Throat department 11100... Gen, Hos- pital • late Howie Nuegeon Toroulo General Hospital, Brassete by eppohttment. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL.. ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London tllng.), New York and Chicago Hoe- pitnle, Special attention todlsease of eye,, ear, nose and throat, Eyes tested for glasses.' DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Outerio Veterinary College. Day and night culls.' Oilico opposite Flour 30111, Ethel. MISS ANNIE J. WREN Pupil of Dr. Dickinson ofToronto croneusConserve. tory of Mimic, los i n mbe to sue moso • 1 N , to a limited Methodist of mons. Phone No. 60 or coil a t Methodist Pnrsonnge, Brus- sels. IT•tC MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, MoOormiok medical College, Chicago, Ill„ 1s prepared to test oyes and fit glasses at her °aloe over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Otfce hours 1 to 0 p.' m. Forenoons by appointment, Phone1219. T. R. SENNETT Will give hatter malefaction to both buyer and seller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable. Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. Ptuuyre bred stock sales a • Write or 'phone 2B iWroxeter. 7lis.lfD Teems IBu fb'Er BRUSSELS GOING SOuon GO100 NORTE Afall 7:07 a m I Express 10:56 a m Expreee .11;25 a m Mail..,•„ . 1;59p m Express 2;66 n in Express 8:62 p m CrifNatiLIN idc!Plc WAL.TON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7:52 ami. Express 12;10 a m Express 2:47 p m Express 8:88 p re WROXETER` Going East - 7:05 a. in. and 8:55 p. m. Going West - 12:48 and 9:47 p.m. All trains going Beat connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. statlone. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. • road I1(,ebus Items NE v.items a �Y tem. are always welcome a THE POST, Miss Fanny Hogg was visiting Mrs, Thomas Forbes in Wingliam. Mrs W. Newsom arrived home Mon- day of last week from .a visit with rela- tives in Chicago where she spent the past month. Harold E Hughes, of Grand Valley, has taken a position in the Excelsior Knitting Eactm He will move ills Y familyBr t to t sseisshoal . Y Miss ss Elste Wilton arrived home last week after an enjoyable visit with rela tives and friends in Stratford, St, Mar vs and London. She is very favor- ably impressed with the Forest.city. Tee Ministerial Association of Ber- lin, Ont , has issued h regneet to •tie various public bodies of the city to use their influence so that cite mid -week services of the church shall net be af- fected by other meetings, Editor R. S. Pelton, of the Iroquois News, a former graduate of THA POST and later proprietor of the Atwood Bee has been chosen President of. the St, Lawrence Counties .: Press Association and should fill the ,bill to ti"dot. We wish him a comfortable occupancy of the position. The Public Ie Often Faked, Unscrupulous dealers actuated by large peoflta often recenffnend corn cures " as good as Putnam's " There is only one geuiline Coro Extractor and that is Putnam's Painless; witch is a miracle of efficiency acid peolnpt- .nees. Use no other. Olivet Jewitt, B. A„ a grand, sob of Wnt. ,Jewitt, Mill st'eet, Brussel':, who is the Mathematical matical Master of Chatham Collegiate, was offered a salary of $19do to go to Medicine Hat to fill a similar position, The Chatham Collegiate, rather than lose him. put his pay ul• to $1800. He is a clever young man and is ;son of Rev. George and Mrs, .Jewittt, of Blyth, We with ihim the success lie deserves. WHEN the publisher of a local! news- paper advertises that his paper at $t a. year is the best value to be had in the town do not put him down as a falsifier. Remember that when tureceys were Sr each and eggs eight cents a dozen' every local week) newspaper y pal in the country ems $i in advance and the majority of them have still stuck to the cede doil*r rate. A gfeat m tit y mercIs nts think the expansion of the parcel' post system Is designed solely to •benefit A few great stores iet 'Poronto. Not 00, n certain New York paper says :-"It ought not to take the merchant of a email` town long to find out that in the parcel post, he has a friend and not a foe. Let biro start on energetic advertising campaign in his locet•papers and he will soon learn Statile eau reach a cines of shot before the parcel post came to town. 'Phis means: that tural joufualtsnt will as - sumo all importance - that was novae known before," Wednesdny 'minting of leel week , Garfield Jamieson, of Brussels, left for '8imcce, Norfolk Co„ where he takes ' la position le a bakety. He served his ' apprenticeship in the shop of George Thermo!), Brussels and 111011111 make a competent hand. Tim POST wishes him sli icesy 11) his start out in life and hopes he may meet with nieny true friends f a 81111000 or wherever else his ' lot natty be east, OODees have been issued by the Pest Office Department furl•idding the af- fixingon the face or Address side of let: 1 ters or other mail natter of stamps is• I sued in the interest pl charitable in• stitutious, There is no objections to such stamps being placed cu the bootie of letters or other mail matter as stick- ers. provided they do not resemble post. age stamps ill form and design, end do not bear natnerals or indication of value. With a view to forming an inter- denominational athletic association and organizing hockey, baseball and other leagues a meeting of representatives from Methodist and Presbpterian churches was held in the Y. M. C. A. London and initial steps taken, The question of a joint hockey league was the principal topic of discussion, A committee was formed to receive tip. plications from teams wishing to enter this league. BEWARE nt the prophet of evil win is always belittling his own town and pre- dicating, disaster. Often he is actuated by sinister motives; always he is a dangerons influence, and he end his kind do touch to bring about the evils tvitich they forsee. Generally the work of the prophet of evil is done iu whisper- ed button. holing and in such a way that it is t10t easy to answer and refute him in the open. If you have a real interest In your town meek this man and avoid hima. i sou would V aP estilance Miss Minnie Warren, denghter of fames Warren, Walkerton, leaves for Hunan, China to enter the foreign mission field, The congregation of the Presbyterian uhurcls held a general sleeting of its member's ie honor of the event. Miss Warren was presented with n well. filled club beg by the ladies. After Arriving in China, she will first engage in teaching the children of the missionaries and after sloe has Acquitted the language she will enter reenter Mis- sion work in the interior. Where Does Oonaumptlon Begin ? The first little tickle becomes a oongli,'the cough grows severe, is neg- lected and travels clown t(r the lungs. Treat throat trouble before it gets severe. Oaths rhozoue heals, allays inflammation, cures throat and bronchial troubleuicki . A marvel worker is Oatarl,ozone which pee - emits 'thousands of Catarrh victims from coati acting consumption. Rec- ommended by doctors, proved by time to be unfailing. Oatarrhoznne is just what you need. 25c and $1.00, sold everywhere. CULTIVATING and canning farm products is the method being worked out by Hou, W. 1. HAnna for snaking the Ontario asylums self-supporting, The terms to which the asylums are being transferred are to be worked by the inmates, Some of its produce will be preserved, and, in the opinion of those in charge, ,there will be suflcieut to provide for the 8,000 inmates of the Province's institutions, S. E. Todd, Provincial Farm Director, after prepar- ing the statistics of the amount consum- ed and produced, believes that the self supporting scheme can be adopted very soon. WHAT DID YOU - DO YESTERDAY? -For your own satisfaction suppose you jot clown on apiece of a list s p paper .t of all thilgs Voll did Vester( a V. This mey seem sort of a childish thing to do, and perhaps you will wonder where you can get enough paper on which you can make such a list. But after you get started at the task you will soon see that even a very small piece of paper will suffice, and that when actually Set down in black and' white. the various items which apparently filled up a very busy day are really astonishingly few in number: Tt tmberr i it. Th » The result will sur- prise Y 1 ur rise u. It o,1 also P y y make you a little ashamed cf yourself to think that you are accomplishing so little.' - RHEUMATISM Many people have it but neglect it until they are crippled and without hope c of ever been cured, ed but then is hope for all in Rheumo and no one need have rheumatism now, Rheumo is just what we say it ie. We have re- ceived htuulreda of testimonials tell- ing us that Rhentno has cured old standing cases of rheumatism and when other treatments had failed. Rheum() enriches the blood and drives uric acid from the. system. Don't fail to get a bottle to day at Jas. Fox's and you will soon have your health and strength as in the olden days. Jas. Fox sells tt large bottle for one dotal', or we will mail you a bottle prepaid on receipt of price. B: V. Marion Go,, Bridgebneg, Ont. Clubbing list 1913-14 THE POST has made at rattgenlents to club with the following tapers and will be sent, to any address (except the United States 50 cents extra) at the following subscription prices :- Weeklies POST and'r'oronio Globe ¶1 60 " Mail and ,Empira . ...,160 London Advecti•,et 1 80 London I',te Puss 1 80 Family HLtald and Star 1 80 Moil( eat Wit.uess..... 180 letteineto' Aduocute 2 85 " Not'theen Measenger,,, : 1 35 Dailies POST and Toronto Stttr,,, $2 85 Toronto News,. 2 35' u Toronto Glebe .,,,, 4 50 " Toeonto Mail -Umpire,4 50 Toronto World. .3 50 fe London Advereiser' . '2 80 Call aL the office oe remit the ameant by P, 0, Oecla', Express Order or Registered Letter addressing THE POST, Brussels, Ohl. WHERE TO FIND THIS GIRL The above picture of Miss Hutt Rector of New York is taken feon life and is on the label and carton of evety genuine bottle of Sageine hal ' tonic It is a guarantee of quality and excellence and we tinge our pat eons to be sure to look for this label. Sageine is guaranteed to stop the hair front falling out, to cure dandeutf in two weeks cucl to bring life and beauty into coarse unattractive hair. Sageine brings out the natural beauties of the hair and makes it rich in color. Sageine is nota dye. It is not sticky or greasyand is daintily perfumed. Jae. Fox is agent in Bens - eels, Ont,, for 'Sageine, A large bottle at a moderate price awaits you there. Other stores don't have it. THE DAUGHTERS OF THE WEST The following lines are front the pen of Miss Margaret Blair, of Leigh, Saskatchewan, formerly of Walton locality ;- • You may sing from morn till evening On your silver laurelled lyre, And invoke the gods of musicWith your genius all afire, You may sing of foreign beauty !`ill you burst your itching breast But I'll sing from nsot'n till evening. Of the Daughters of the West, On the barren hills of Northland, You have seen the charming fair, With her sweet and smiling manners, A5id her wealth of golden hair, And you thought if you could win her There world be one mortal blest, But sweeter far and comely Are the Daughters of the West. You have met her in the Rinelancl, With her ruby lips of love, Her eyes like lakes all sunlit, And her gracefulness amove, In the palet groves of Italy, In the vineyafds of old France, On the purple crowned Lusania, You have seen them laugh , and dance. There was rapture in theta bosom, There was music in their hearts, While their (lark soft dreamy eyeballs Spoke a word that nater departs, Till a melancholy madness Caused your heart to feel oppressed, But rein you hearts until yon see The Daughters g a t titer a of the Went, On the shores of clear Geneva, You have seen the beauteous Swiss Making hay to sweetest music, Making home a scene of bliss On her head a homely Tuscan, And a garland round her waist, Yet these are even shadows of The Daughters of the West. Jumping with Nerve Fain. That's ilo v you feel { n with neurK neuralgia. But why lis awake at eight, grumble or complain -get busy with a bottle of Nerviltne. It does act like magic, seeks out the pain and destroys it. Harmless andtarer ' c n instant a nut in effect nothingis popular so p pular ae Nerviline for aches and pilins of all kinds. Try it fort , umbo test it in rheumatism �' c prove it in neuralgia, pleurisy oc oolds. You'll soon acknowledge that Poison's Nerviline beats them all. Sold everywhere in large 25c bottles. HURON FALL ASSIZES POST CARDS HELD LIBIILODS Insulting post cards made more of. fetishes by the addition of a few de- grading remarks written on them were considered libelous by a jury at the Fall Assizes at Goderich Wednes- day of last week and a verdict award- ing $100 to Benjamin Whitmore and $200 to Mts. Whitmore in their snits against Amery MoGie, Platteville, for $5,000 each on an alleged libel was returned by jury. •. The trouble it appeared, originated in the Platte- ville brass band, of which Whitmore was the leader tot a salary of $25 a year, It was stated in evidence that he took two instruments when his salary was not paid. Several little law suits followed this and Whitmore moved to Gociericl. There he receiv- ed the poet cards which were unsay. thous, Two of these were addressed to Mrs. Whitmore. 13y means of a receipt olaitnedto have been signed by McGie he fennel a similarity in the writing aid engaged an expert, who swhr e at the trial that bathw ate wtit•ten by the same hand. MrGie denied it,tncl it \vas ,nt in hie de- fence upe fence that as the needs were nit on enlisted there was no libel. Justice Britton heard the case, The nerds in-. sinuated theft of the musical inetrf• meats. 6 7113.RS AT KINGSTON .. Six years in Kingston penitentiary wits the semen(.e passed 1 ip of . t Rollers Gordon at the Huron Oiunty' assizes foe the killing of ,bis father, I•Iuglt Gordon, it well known farmer of tite township of McKillop, ou Aptil 23rd last. "file grana 51.11,y brought 10 a true bill for mnrderf but by agreement bo• *ween the crowd pseseetttor, Dudley. Holmes, 11, 0., of Wingham, and counsel' for Lin) prisoner, the Indict- ment was changed to ttlauelallglltel', prisoner pleaded guilty, W. Proudfoot, K 0„ on behalf of the prisoner, related the facts and cil'curnstances of the unfortunate affair and pleaded for a lenient judg- 1r ) 10)1L Nal Oclttlly as 1110 health 0 the prisoner 10 not robust, Judge Hiltton, who then passed sentence as above, stated Robert Gordon and his father, Ilugh Gordon, had been plowing on his farm on the clay of the tragedy and on driving hie team into the barn the younger Gor- don struck one of the horses with a strap. This Lingered the father who rushed at the son and the latter pick- ed 017 an iron barn and dealt his Fath. era fatal blow on the head. An aunt and two sisters of the young man are left on the farm with- out a reale relative. The prisoner, who Is about 80 years of age, feels his position keenly, relations between the rather and son having been quite amicable and the family highly re- spectable. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE? A most interesting Lest has. been made by the London Daily Mirror in order to determine whether facts of everyday lcnowledge are retained bet- ter by children or adults. The (pee - None set were: - 1 What book did Daniel Defoe write 2 Who is the Lord Obancellor ? 3 What other names than Edward has the Prince of Wales ? 4 Who is the Viceroy of India? 5 Who is Monsieur Poincaire ? 6 Which i oneshe t second day in the weeit 8 Who is the Lord Mayor of Lon - on? 8 What is the duration of a foot- ball watch ? 9 Wbeu does leap year fall next? 10 What does H2O mean.? 11 Who is the Poet Laureate ? 12 Who is King Peter ? 18 What oceans sloes the Panama Oanal unite? 14 What is the capital of the United States ? 15 What does the Monument com- memorate ? - Five adults and five children were asked to answer these without previ-, ons preparation. An office boy aged 16, stond highest, answering all but 7, 9, 10, and 11. A journalist was second, failingo0 five au svere. A •Londoactor arid a typist tied for third place. Ocompany's secretary gave Tuesday as the second day of. the week. Blyth The farmers have had good crops in this neighborhood and excellent prices, especially for their cattle which have been brought up for American markets and yet the farm- ers voted not to li"ave the advantage of the Aineeicau markets but some of them who voted that way are now getting their eyes opened. The wet dreary weather of recent weeks is rnaking the roads in a bud state andin consequence the farmers ere unable M get into town very much so_that business men ate com- plaining. They mostly want sleigh- ing at this time of the year as it has 0 tendency to make the heavy Win- ter goods sell better. They are also complaining that collections are very poor this Fall but it hard L a d to under- stand the reason for that unless it is general stringency of money all over the country. ,Perth County Among those who have recently passed the final examination of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontatdo is Charles Ed- ward A.ro v n 1 + so of A. ETrow of + 7otoutn formerly f 1Stratford. Y of The flout nulla bylaw .to guarantee tee $50,000 bonds of a company tobe formed by IL L. Rice and others, was submitted at St. Marys for the second time last weekto the retepayera and was defeated on the two-thirds vote by a majority of 57. The bylaw was , voted upon by wards, as follows North ward, for 104,against stoat 90 West ward, for 114, aganst 60 ; east ward, for 106, against 84 ; south ward, for 85, against rib ; total, for 409. against 292, thus being defeated by 67 on the two-thirds vote. There was much bitterness shown in the contest and many voters were sworn. Canadian News Fire at Ste. Marie, Beauce comity, ui., destroyed 37 hooses, Horace tertian, a Montreal fireman was trapped by blinding smoke and died a few hours later. lex-Mayor W. S. Caron, Collector of Customs at Aylmer, Ont., died while undergoing an operation, Prince Holionlohe hes been appointed Vice•Conncil for Austria to Canada, being stationed at Montreal. Dr. W. H, Ross, of London, Termer acting Superintendent of Byron Sani- tarium was found guilty of bigamy. About five hundred youths and boys attended the Boys' Cotiferenceiu Brock• ville for Eastern Ontario and Quebec. 'Phe reward offered for 'rho recovery of bodies from the Lake Huron wrecks has been increased to $z5 for each body. Bow Park Farm, neat' Brantford, is to be abandoned by the, Dominion Canners and will likely be bought by a syndicate. Col, Joseph Patterso,l, of Ottawa, who•obtaitted a government grant for the Fenian Raid veterans is dead of heart failure Stanton,the he tw sive-veer old son of W. j. Kerr, of Wondroffe, near Ottawa, was dragged aroupda field and kicked to death by a horse The schooner, Ada due at Stumm.- side, 1? E, I. from Dalhousie,. N, B., on November 2, has not been. reported since clearing Front Dalhousie. Prince George of Battenburg arrived iu Ottawa on 8 visit ty their Royal High- nesses, accompanied b r Commander (Tnlsev of the bnttie'ship 1Qew Zsalanil. M, W. Rossie, r'2, veers Managing Editor of the London Advertiser, boas. resigned owing to hie intended removal to Port Arthur,-Wellete Lent succeeds hint, • + ; TS to Most women! Oven -tested flour is for sale. Instead of buying ordin- ary flour you can buy flour whose baking ability has been proven in an oven: A ten pound sample is taken from each shipment of wheat at the mill. This is 9 I,, ground into flour. The flour is baked into bread. If this flour bakes into 't bread high in quality and large in quantity we keep the .whole shipment of wheat and 'It it. Otherwise we sell it. More bread and better kread from this flour is a • "More Breaacand Better Bread" and. "Better PaPsti!y Too" 528 */ The '1'he Nationalrt A Gallery at Ottawa i to be open on Sundays from a to 5 p. m The Montreal Tramways Company and the Canadian Autobus Company both promise tubes for the city. Hon 1.?F Foy announced cad last week that the Provincial Government had decided to subscribe $ro,000 to the lake -disaster fund. J. Seymour Blanchet, son of the late ledge J. P Bianebet, of the Court of King's Bench, Quebec, committed suicide in a fit of. despondency. Rev. Hugh Cowan, of Chatham, itas accepted the call to Haynes Avenue Presbyterian church, St. Catharines and will be inducted on Dec, end. Instead of 'eying off employees G. T. R. has shortened the hours of 19,o00 sbopmen at Montreal to nine hours a day. Each will lose five hours a week, Mrs. John Kopec, of Laurel, L. I., left her 4 year.old son to play with his brother, aged 18 mouths. They played woodchopper and three of the baby's fiugers were chopped off. As the result of a vicious attack made on her little pet clog . by a large bull clog, Mrs. John Elliott collapsed roe the porch of her home at mot Willow street. Port Huron. Mich., on Monday and died a few minutes later from heart disease. Mrs. Elliott was 59 years of age and leaves a husband, 4 sons and 2 daughters. s Eugene O'Keefe, or the O'Keefe -- , Brewing Company Limited, Toronto, who died about a month ago, left 5975,000. Of that amount 5390,000 is willed to charities. There is also a bequest nest of Io 000 E E o His Holiness the q , s Po. Meanitoba has recently cancelled, the letters i•atent of some poo companies which were either defunct or had failed to make the annual renewal of their charters and pay the required fees. 1'he regulations in Ontario differ from. those in Manitoba, however, as charters issued 'here are perpetual, while Mani- toba requires renewals annually,' Every year in Ontario, however returns must - be made by companies showing lists of directors and shareholders, and the particulars of the last annual' meeting, number of shares subscribed allotted and paid tip, shares forfeited, anioupes of calls on each share, amount of - *:ref-erence shares, dividend thereupon and so forth. The Provincial Secretary's department has quite a list of delinquent coo, anies which have not filed returns due last February. !'hese companies are al] liable to a fine of $20 unless they disbanded. Some years ago a tnan vaned Bently made a great deal of trouble by prosecuting companies who slipped up on the contraction "Ltd." in their firm name. The contraction may only he used in conjunction with the word "company. For example, "Jones Ltd." is illegal, while "Jones and Company Ltd." may, be used with- in the law. it=iathant Police court Montillus loseph was given three months in the city jail for throwing a stone through the window of the Cunningham home. A charge made by Joseph against Faith. art'aud Cuuningham was dismissed. The three then concerned are related, it being olsimed by Cunningham that Joseph was a too -frequent caller at the Cuuningbam home during the absence of the head of the house. As the result of negotiations which have b:en going on for several®years London is promised natural gas from the Tilbury field in a short time. As announced some months ago, the pipe litres were laid practically to the city limits h theSouthern Gas Com u and nd YCompany all that remained was for on arrange- ment to be completed for distribtition through the City Gas Company's mains in Loudon. That arrangement bas been practically completed Manager Duffield of the London City Gas Company con- firming the agreement. Some time next year a tour of the principal towns in Canada will be made by a train containing exhibits of 'British factory Prod ucts. It is probable that each class of exhibits will group, be , ed in a car by itself. The exhibition train will tray in a town at least two d••ys and in the more important centres a week or longer. With price tickets at- tached to the different exhibits the dis- plsy will be a revelation to Canada consumers. They will then see how much the tariff on British i orts i mp a adding to the cost of living. Quit • Dosing Your Children with strong Cathartics - Chamberlain's Tablets are most effective in regula- ting stomach troubles and con- stipation for the little folk -one tablet going to bed means a sunny face in the morning. Pleasant to take, they never fail. 25c. a bottle, Druggists d an dealers or by mail. Chamherlein Medicine Co. Toronto 4 Manitoba Improved Farms For sale on easy' terms' or will rent tobl des ra e tenants. Vr_lt fo - a- - ticulars to John E. Smith (Owner) Box 1033 Brandon Man. RUPTUIEI Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method' will cure ap- parently hopeless p-parentlyhopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured, Why wait until your rue ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill lump Age . Time ,Rep Single e or Doable Name. Address and return 10 J. S. SMITH. 08 Oaledenia 8t. Dept. A Stratford, Ont. s 4.••••••••••••••••••••••••••..................t 0obe9e*f • 33 SU^ EsFVLIE^• ieGuarantee the thorough courses of Canada's • leading School of Business o • • The Northern fl CoIIege . e • •: } 30 8cropo. otroot, Owen Bound • Line daft of specialists, our own building, ti of an acre of floor s soil' • Only School With Practical Department, p' ' A POSITIONS GUARANTEED TO aRAbUATLa''8 • CATALOGUE FEE•, • 0. A. 1i L])IIING, F. 0. A,, G. D. PLUMING, • Principal for 88 years. Secretary •0.4,0•.••...•i0.4•ei•e•+'e.• *004.0Nl.N.Ae.•.f.ef