HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-11-27, Page 5Aseli Ilk BUSINESS CAROL WM, SPENOE bo NDXAL'li� N NC AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Ikea in the Post Office, Ethel. 80.4 JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED e ma ieSHrr1'xe GFANFP.6➢ 0,vreneue, AUCTIONEERS. 1 'r 8. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - .ii • EBB, Will bell for better prloes, to butter man in lees time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in Fast Boron or Ile won't charge anything. Dates and orders eau always be arranged et this otiloo or by p emu mal application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. lii‘j M. SINOLAIR- V I • hurrleter, 8olloitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, ho. Cale* -8 tawart's Blook I door North of Cell tral Hotel. Solioltor for the Metropolitan Bank, HOUDFOOT, SAYS & KILLORAN BARIt1S1ER8, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIO, ETU. W. PnouraMOT, K, C, li 0. Hexa S. L. ISILL0aAN OU)uee-Those formerly occupied by Mooers Cameron 44 Holt, if minion, Urrramo. IIfilsaS4 FICt,To LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONFine, modern rn steam - ers te m- P�* ers - equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or 14 the Allan Line, Taranto W. H. KERR, Agent Allan lone, Brussels. Winter Term Opens Jan. 5th 4h Ono School that las thorough c0ur- l sea, excellent equipment, minable Vteachers, and anioys n wide -Spread pat- .N I soilage la the popular moo; ELLIOTT Y' TORONTO, ONT. ; •d Thls lustitutioa hes n olefin cut re - ,F',, cord for successful wo lc. We assist tl - nor students to obtain employment. 9' V If you intend getting n business educa- tion -e8)' via 0080 -not the oiteap, or. dinnry or low grade kind. Write to- i>,., day for our 0atei0gn0. It contains complete Information.. yr Alexander. ana ZZSta. f W. d� Princ ELLIOTTpal. ti ArVila4c. r r a'a sla'Ys'te'7st`Pslg %a � J/ CENTRAL ST T RA FORD • ONT. 10) 1 3 g Students may enter classes at anyy time. Those Who enter now will hav• an advantage over those who cannot 0 enter fid the New Year. Our coursed in Commercial, Shorthand and Tele. grnphy departments ere thorough and practical, offered We offer you advantages . not n our free oatalo In the Province, 0. Qat our Pree oatnlog11e and nee it 1E interests you. g D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. g "..OWI.vrv'A'ral'oruratvV rlvi.tvavtav:nay8&%trv'� a re-v.IY.A.5>=9WAzgAVIO,W4,triaSJA% Enter ca \ a Lit l oBusiness S owe College Any time AND Qrow with us. �Ei1 a' 1 iVy`: iRt>aP,ttaPst's`P' .tical. sr'a tm sta'Pst>r'V,ma'P.ma 1seaP�1 Forarlioulare add - p rasa RDWINA W q M TTHE 8, Prin, THE Best Brains In Cannon have participated in the pre- paration o8 our splendid. Houle Study 000(80s in Banking, Economies, Higher Accounting Oornmeroial Art Show' Ord Writing. Photoggraphy, Art, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and. Bo0kkeepiug, Select the work whit)); most interests you and write us. Por partieular0. Address THE SHAW CORHESPOHHENCE SCHOOL a91-7 vong;e 8t., verges° talemussemaratemm P'1'''1•+•a"G•,I•a••I•.1.•G•�.•G••G•4"c a•4•a"1 . i.. e• ■ a I Sewmg Mac a REPAIRED a• Sewing Mai:holes Repaired se and Clammed, any age, any make r g --C alnaclfan A , met•ican Ltl lisle. ]t .f 'cocas villin -" or gerrnau, a alt g �+ • ly glycin. .e 1)rnp a curd or nail at D i Haisb'sboaLrding houle,l31'0800*. 4�. Farmers bring in Machine Heads Fr R. Smith iPt+04+ bpi++44++++444.1'4' N+++ Business Cards DR. R. F, PARKER L STOWEI-, ONT, Osteopath, Bye SpeoballeG, Food Solon t•Ixt Chronlo and Nervous Dleensos• At Dlrs. 0, as .Plum's BrusselsWednesdays 7 to 8, rn, to 11 0.111. Waimeagelentlaenlly llttetl. JAS ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. 811000.1001' to DI. H, 1Stuore, OWoo at Ando• - son OMR. 14 very stable, Brussels, Telephone No. e0. DR. T. 7. M'RAE Bachelor 0f Medicine, University of Toronto ;. Licentiate and G udunte of the Oollegoof P117- ,380118110 and Surtuonx, .Out - Post -graduate Chicago Bre, Ear Nose mud 'Throat Hospltell, OMosbe° 111. Ex aouee Surgeon to St. Mich. sot's Hospital, Toronto. 0111oe over 1+',18, Shcith'a Drug Store, Tele- phone oonnection with Orenbrookatall hours. -DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of D edlel110, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of Oullege of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior Benue Shrgcon of Western Hospital Toronto, Offices of late Dr. A. M^Hovey Smith Block, Br)1us01a. Rural phone 41, ALEX, 0, M'KELVEY M.B., M. C.P.G S. O. 188 Bl on street East, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Olh;tonl as -extant In Bar, Nore end '1Must de- portment Now General Ho0pitel, Toronto ; Yost Graduate Harvard Medical School, Bos- ton ;Into Senior Resident Surgeon DHSS. Eye &Eur Infirmary late Clinical 1)0616)0118 1n Nose and Throat department Mass: Lice. Hos- pital;late House Surgeon Toronto General Hospial. LTLn Brussels by appointment, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chiango Hos. Otitis. Special attention to disease ofeye. ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MISS ANNIE J. WREN Pep11 of Dr. Dickinson, etTorontoConserve• tory of Musk:, is prepared to give music les- sens to n limited number of pupils. Phone No, 08 or cell at Methodist Parsonage, Brus• selx. 17.88 MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, Ma0olm ick Medical College, Chicago, Ill., is prepared to test eyes and 48 glasses at her office over Grewse'a Resta avert t, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours Ito 0 p. nl, 13'uronoone by nppoilltmelt, Phone 1210. T. R. BENNETT W)Il give better satisfaction to both buyer and stiller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what is reesoueble. Sales conducted anywhere In Ontario. Pure bred stook Bales a Heeoialty, Write or 'phone 28 Wroxeter. Jistzirt ffeips Belgrave FART WAWANOSH CloUSo L.- 1linutes of Council meeting held on Nov. 10111. • lletnbees all present. Minutes of last meeting read and con- drlued. Aioved by 1l.5La'. Irwin second- ed by Mr. Stonehouse that Peed. Toll be granted the privilege of putting in 35 o1.40 feet more of tile so that i portion the tile p t G n will then extoll a- round the bend on the Toll Drain as advised bythe Dn iueer in his re )art on the sace,-0acrled. The usual 13y -Law for appointing place of nomi- nation. places of election, D. R. 0. LLl Poll Omits was tai and massed.. A number of accounts were ordelud to be paid. Council then adjourned to meet according to Statute 011 December 16th at 10 a. in. Morris Miss Edith Jackson, 81.,h line, left on Monday of last week, on ai visit to her sister, Mrs. AlcDonatld, of Brigden. SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the report of S. S. No. No, 12 Morris and Hallett for the month of October Senior IV -Carrie Dempsey, Dave Watson. Junior IV -Elva Rich- mood. Senior III -Kenneth Taylor, Maggie Wells, George Watt, J. Young. Junior III-Iihu•old Wallace. Senior II -Clifford Wallace, Merium Richtnood. Senior I-Arel)te Young. Junior I -Jean Pate, Willie Wells. Baroid Taylor, Edna Brown, Katie Laidlaw, Dorothy Bryant. 0. EDDIEBTON, Teaches'. Whon Ohlldron Aro Sick. They eat something that disagtees, catch cold, have camps or colic. If there is a pain just apply Neeviline, rubn for in- side nod to11 d fo a c h side eta most contorting. Effective and pleaeent, you can't find a house. hold panacea to equal Poison's Nerv- dine. Used with satisfacjot for half u century and in better.dStnand every day because it dons stop pain, ease suffering and °nee the thousand and one ills than constantly arise in the family. Lai go bottles at all dealers for 25c. Atwood Municipal Council of Enna will meet at the usual place Monday, Dec. 1st. 'L. Pelton left for Detroit having been called there on account of his son being dangerously ill with I)11811111011ia. 'fife following officers were elected for the year ineolnuection with Elms Sunday School Association 1- Presi- dent, 'Thos, Hammond ; Vice -Presi- dent, Harold Peter; Sec, lreas., Luke Lucas ; Temporance, L A. Turnbull ; Missionary, 18. W. Vipond ; 'reacher' Training, Rev, W. A. Antos ; Women Missi,n,u'V, Miss I. Parker ; 1lemen. Lary, Mee, Luke Lucas t Secondary Dept., C. i ILlles Adult„lae. Ilalding, Shams RING. -The 14th annual meet- ing of Mt. Pleasant Beef Association. was held at 'r. 1E. Iiatnlnond s 0888• 11111100 wheel, it 101ow0(1 by the reports that 22 beeves haul been slaughtered diming the season which had lade an aggregate amount of 11,180' lbs. of dressed meal, an average of 613 lbs. lper beeve and en average of 23 '7-22 bs, per share per week. Lightest ah•essed beeve for season 448 lbs t10 llen,'iest 023 lbs. and it was thought that• the aVefage bad, been the (pest Owe the illatitetlon had been in operation. Company organized for another season.. All the old oflicere Were appointed except Thoe, Belo* mood, who after thanking them for Justin Arrived in DL their Confidence 4800 ]doilies whichwhichWOMEI � 110 hard so long eojoytd, deohued the Ito0ol' of re-appointn1011 1100111g been constantly t1y hemmer] a8 Secretary for 14 consecutive years thought 11e was entitled to 1a rest, and the (Hatter of securing a1 butcher tont Secretary for 1014 was left in the 13 mill ss Colmnittee'x hands to be dispnstd of Those appointed are :-- Thos South President ; 'IVa# 13x11, 74•ealsurer 4 Rhi'h and Hem 1V. , lilies, Insptcloes ; Jos, L, Hoon 11. Ronnenbur'g told I/. J. Love for bust. 1(8)0* 0011(1))itlee, and joint111clienzie ) auditor. i ttl i It Creeps Like A Serpent. Steals through the system Bice a thiefln the night. 'I'Clilt'o 110(1' 01811011) acts. Don't ttifle with such aecnufgge, Don't experiment, with it doubtful treatment. Time and expel.ieaee prove that Oatarl'hozo to tines cure, that it gives quick relief and so thoroughly destroys the disease, that it dies fin ever. (let Caturrhozome in the Hest place, and your 11111 a i8 assur- ed. 111 2511 and $1 00 sizes at all deal- ers and gnalalteed in every case. Fordwich Rev, Mr. 001.1111, of Toronto, was!a guest at Rich. Pettis' and with other ftiends-hel•e, Sohn Melmughlin is steadily proving in health. Town Ball has been ie -opened by %Vn1. 13eow11 and 1s again at the ser- vice of the public. Win. Lambkin and son, Roy return- ed front Howell, Mieh., where they had gone with a car of thoroughbred Hoist e111 1188110. They disposed of their entire bunch. The claim agent of the 0. P. 11, was in town and made a settlement with Joe. Davidson, whereby he received $800 00 for the mare he had killed on the track last Summer. Alex. Gibson also received remuneration for Ills fences which were destroyed by fire. Both parties are well satisfied with the settlements. Blyth W. Fleffeom left for a visit with Buffalo friends. John 131onr and children, of Mt. Forest, visited with relatives here. Miss Janet Hood, of Morris,.street, has gone on a1 visit to her brothers in Saginaw, Mich. Airs, Kennedy, Florence, was called hone owing to the serious illness of her mother, Mrs, Thos. Cade. R. R. Sloan wash) attendance at the Provincial Horticultural Stock and Ft nit Show held in'rorontn last, week. AL's. King, who las been visiting with friends in several cities in the Eastern Stales, returned home hast week,. The Standard says : Blyth muni- cipal pot 10 beginning to boil and rumor has it that Conn. Garter will nnntest, the Reeveship against all confers. J. Wheatley shipped his light stallion to a purchaser at Lawrence, Ont. Jno. Thiel, who has been work- ingfnr 'Win, Johnston accompanied the horse. • Aliss Verne Bennett, Toronto, visit- ed at her home here dining the week. She will shortly leave on a trip to Paris. Praline i1 the interests of the tient with (P11001 she is employed. Airs. R. B. McGowan, of East 1Vawannsh is tendered sympathy in the death of her mother, whose death n11c)u red nn Tuesday, Nov. 11th at her home at Denfield, Mrs, McGowan wits with her to prior her for death. It Imparts Strength. Jostof hink 1 1 the power Ferrnzone possesses,- consider what it did for H. V. Potter. well known in Kingston, "I was subj. eat to spells of dizziness. For eight months I had intelnse pilin in my right side between my shoulders. I wits al- most incurable with weakness and lack of vigor, Often I scarcely ate any breakfast and felt miserable all day, Nervous, easily excited, troubled with heat weakness, 1 was fn bad shape. Ferrozone restored and nourished me back to health in short order." Whatever your weakness may a ) y be F ue8) n z ne will cure. Price 50c per box at all dealers. Listowel Dr. H. Livingstone is opening an office Ju Listowel. The anniversau•y services of the Listowel Baptist church %vile be held nn Sunday, November 80111. S. L. Kidd has sold his faun within the corporation, East of Fah'view cemetery to George Holtzman. ). M. H. Monte, V. S., has removed his office to his residence, Wallace street, in the Matti,' property, opposite Dr. Nichol's residence, The partnership existing between White & Hotves, hardware mei chants has been dissolved, Mr. Bowes is re- tiring from the firm. R. Iintchison, a well known resi- dent of Listowel, suffered a slight stroke of paralysis on Nov. 141h, His condition is improving. J. AL Campbell, manager of the local branch of the Bank of Hamilton, has returned from Toronto. His many fftiends ate pleased to note that he has. recoveted from his recent ill - * As. Huebert Jackson, farmer of Wal- lace street, Listowel. with Jiunes Lawrence was Opel(L811 g a ;attest, cutter aid in a cramped position. Me, Jackson was altenipting to oil the machine when his 01othes were caught in the cogs of tile gearing and only prevented him quick action p being severely injured. As it was it large portion of his eon 1, vest, and miler clothes W('( e 101'11 from his body. The new .e,fflrers of the 1veal Sunday School Association etre as follows 1- President, S. L. Adolph ; Vice-presi- dent, E, G. McDontld ; Secretary Treasurer, E. G. Matthews 't Superin- tendents of departments Ele'men tory (up to 12 years) -Ml's, M. F. Zltr )rigg; secondary, W. J. Mol'I-is0111 adults, M.. P. Zurbrigg ; hone depart- loath J. S. Gee ; teacher braining, T. L. Hamilton ; tniseiouary, 2', G. Anderson ; temlIleratrce, Oarl laude. The Nueva'. o1 the tete W. 0. Kidd 'took mace from hie late residence on. Wednesday afternoon of last week. Rev, Dr. Barber conducting tine fune- ral, eervttiee, Whit* Were largely et. i OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs.DoucetteTells of her Dia. tressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. Belleville Novo Scotia,Can.-"Three yoars ego 1 was suffering badly with what the doctors tnglli;'�, called Chan g e of 18 Life. I was so bad III that I had to stay in r•:; bed. Some friends told me to talce Lydia t rn j E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and it helped me from the first. It is the only medicine 8 took that did help me and I recommend it. You don't know how thankful and grateful I am. I give you permission to publish what your good medicine has done for me." -Mrs. SIMON DOUCETTE, Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes,headaches,back- aches,dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu- larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in life whenwoman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak- ened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this crisis. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Piukhanl Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. tended, t being c many t euig present from out- side points. During the service at the hone Miss Thompson sang Tenny- sol's "Grossing the Bar." lllternlelt at Fairview cemetery. As a mark of respect to the deceased and 110 a token of sympathy to the bereaved the business places in town were closed Wednesday afternoon. They All Failed. Many have tried to devise a corn cure equal- to Potnaln's, but after fifty years nnthhig has come upon the market that so painlessly ccres corns and warts, Don't expetitl]elt, nese the best, and that's "Putnam's." Huron County. Exeter tax rate is 27 mills on the dollar. $72 vmeth of books have been r added to 13rueetield library, Several Ripley citizens report that their chickens are disappearing from the hen coops. Potatoes in Ripley district seem to be an 1 exceedhn 1 nod r exceedingly g crop this year particulally 11)ualit . q Y Jitines Fair, formerly of Clinton, )s 110(0ra1 t,vel' hn forWestern firm and has his headquarters a adqua iters in Winni- peg. Ella Harrison, Ripley, had the misfortune to have the end of a finger taken off %while pattitlg up a stove. B. Brown, of Crediton, hail the misfortune to fall down the cellar steps, and seriously braised his eye making it necessary to get in few stitches. - Paper Hanging and Painting John Lunn begs to notify the public that, be is prepared to at- tend to their wants in Papering and Painting on short notice and at . v Pa8011ab1e'Lies. to Oa] l.aL home, Flom 8) a street,tiro) note o• a OL to BoxT3'� ' 108, Brussels P. 0. 7LL)SfaC- Lioi guaranteed. 20-4 John Lunn esessemosu The - Regina Watch How about that old watch ? Is it not giving satisfaction ? Have it exchanged for a REGINA and you twill always be sure of the right time. They are sold at the"following prices 7 -jewelled 20 -year 'Bannsr Gold-filled Case - $11.75 15 -jewelled 20 -year Banner (4n10-fllicdLs' (h c - 13.76 17 jaw oiled 20•yea r Banner Gold-filled Casa - 10.75 7 - jewelled,, 1Vaterproof Nickel Case s - 8,20 15 - jewelled Wateepx oaf Nickel Case . - 10.20 17 - jewelled Waterproof Nickel Case - - 19,20 These Watches aro all guaran- teed for three year's,, L. BLAKE Walton Ontario ell�nilrMlliril Brussels, nnt.I *+4441.110+0+401..+40#4+414.411,14.14.1414.1014•40114+f s.tw • 4.• 4. fold • O Wcather- - . her • 'N Gaods The Sage'ne girl is to be seen it Jas. Pox's Drug store and on every bottle of Sageine- hair tonic that is genpiee and sold tinder a positive guarantee to stop falling hair, eradi- cate dandruff and to grow the most lifeless, coarse, dry hair ill thick soft and luxuriant. Sagei to is a clean scientific hair tonic composed of the most modern hair producing and beautifying agents ; 1l. is free from greasy substances, is not a dye and is daintily perfumed. Sageile is the favorite' of particular people and is sold in Brussels Ontario only at Jas. Fox's Drug store. Sageiue is only 60c so as to bring it within reach of all, John Wiseman, Clinton, received a wire informing him of the death of his Sister-in-law, Mrs. James Wise- man, Chicago. (Rev) Mrs. A1cAlister atidleased the James Street Sunday School, Exeter, on Temperance. She also addressed the Young Men's class. I•Iis Lordship the Bishop of Huron will preach it 101flrinaton sermon in St. Thoma's church, Seaforth, on Sunday evening Nov, 23rd. Henry South South of Dashwood, met with a1 painful aceident. He was working around the horses when one of them kicked him breaking three ribs. Mr. Mertens formerly of the Donde- ion Bank staff, Seemed), and w110 tuns seriously injured in a shooting. accident has nom iletelyrecovered and is visiting in Seaforth. On less than 31 of an acre, J. J. Irvine, McKillop, raised 75 bushels of potatoes, 00 bushels of ulangolds, 3 bushels of beans and 2 bushels of tur- nips, bdsides pumpkins, and corn. In connection with Huron Presby- terial the old ofllcers were reelected as follows ; President, Airs. F. 11. Lark- in, Seafoeth ; 1st Vice, Mrs. E. F. McL Snaith, Hensen ; 2nd Vice, Ales. D. Carswell, McKillop; 3rd Vice, Mrs. 1V. Gann, Clinton ; 4111 Vice, Mrs. S. F. Sharp, Exeter; Treasurer, Mrs. Ellen Scott, Seaforth ; Ree. Secy., Mrs. H. 1. Graham, Seaforth ; hng Secy., u OoreeHp o Mas. D. K. Grant, Clinton ; Sec. of Literature, Miss Strang, Godericll ; Sec. Mission- ary Bands, Miss AlcLean, Seaforth. Meeting was held at Exeter. Cause for Alarm Loss L of appetite ordistr PP ass after eatin - a symptom 8 that should not be disregarded. Itis not what you eat but what you digest and assimilate that does you good. Some of the strongest, health- iest persons are moderato eaters. Nothing will cause more trouble than a disordered stomach, and many people contract serious maladies through disregard or abuse of the stomach. We urge all who suffer from indi- gestion, or dyspepsia, to try Rexall. Dyspepsia Tablets, with the under- standing that we will refund the money paid us without question or formality, ;t Y, tf after Inc you are not Ot perfectly satisfied with results. We recommend Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets to customers every clay, and have yet to hear of one who has not been benefited. We believe them to be without equal. They give prompt relief, aiding to neutralize- acidity, stimulate .flow of gastric juice strengthen the digestive organs, and thus promote perfect nutrition and correct unhealthy symptoms. Three sires, 25 cents, 50 cents, and 51.00. You ca buy Boxall Dyspepsia Tablets in this community only at our store: K. R. SMITH. Brussels Brussels 718. J•�CS. sfon Ontario There is a Rexall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Groat Britain. There to'a different Rexall Remedy for nearly,every ordinary human ill- eooh especially .designed for the portio)llar in for which itis recommended. The Rexall Stores are America's Create¢ Drug Stores Perth County Eggs areselling in Mitchell at 40 cts, a dozen. Six Mitchell young leen bagged 20 black squirrels on Monday. Dr, Spelling,of Batlleford, is visit- ing the old ovie, James street, St, Marys. A mock town council was given at the St. AJarys Epworth League last Monday night, Chicken pox is prevalent in the West Ward St, Marys and has shown itself in the school roost. Baggegewan Donnie of the 0. P. it, is on m111101 es these clays as the resell; of spiel 'ring his trickle, `.Phos. Sell, a formes . cl l 7 -goods tneichant of St. Marys,rvas in that• town on Ninna;ay of last week. Roy Matheson, Wm. Billings and R, J. Teskey, of St. Marys, were show- ing poultry at the Toronto Pat Slodk and Ponitey Show. Dr;Wnn. Briggs, of Toronto, preach ed laet Sunday 1n the Methodist church, St. Marys, It is the 06th anniversary of the church, AJr, Berlet choir leader and super• iutendeut of the Linwood Lutheran ehurcit, was presented with a Silver smoking set on a quarter oat Balt stand, • Y 40 • • �. • • • • On Jan. lot, 1914, the Cash System of doing business tvi11 be adopted. 04.4.1••dr•+04.40+••A•4 04.04.•+•+••F ••1••4••+•4.44 +At•4'•il.••i'•4.4.444. Fine range of well made Horse Blankets at various prioes Comfortable Rugs and Robes - Sleigh Bells in variety. Halters, Curry Combs, Brushes, &o, Trunks, Valises and Hand Bags if you intend travelling Our large etock gives customers a good choice. PR10ES ARE RIGHT. Call ie and see one goods. Harness Repairing B. F'. CARR, 41. 1-: 4o • A year ago he couldn't eat Today he can eat three square meals and sometimes one "extra" because Chamberlain's Tablets cured Stomach Troubles and gave him a good digestion.. You try them, 25c. a bottle. All Druggists and Dealers or by Jo Mail. 3 f CDamterlatn 81841 in* C•., Toronto Thos. Oameron, of Farquhar, has purchased the Wm. Hackney farm, consisting of one hundred acres, with good buildings. The following officers were elected in connection with St. Marys Hockey team Manager, W. Bisbee ; Secre- tary, W. Wheaton ;I Managing Com., L. Patterson, A. Benham, E. Myers ; Rink Com., N. Tovell, H. Dunsith, R. Rundle. The case of Michael Kajorik, the Austrian accused of stabbing in a recent fight came up at Police Court before olice Magistrate Lawrie. County Crown Attorney McPherson appeared pp i for the Crown the, prisoner being defended by R.,S, Robertson, of Stratford. The magistrate sent the accused up for trial at Stratford on December 9111. It is with sincere regret the many friends of Aiisea Mbel Robinson 8)l] nson of Toronto, to daughter of Mrs. B. llobin- son late of James St. South St. Alarwill We 1 leaxhn that while a pas- senger on a Toronto street car she was badly injured in a collision both shoulder blades being broken and other injuries received, Dr, It. A. Thompson, principal of the Hamilton Collegiate Institute, a St. Marys Old Boy, has made a sug- gestion to the Board of Education in regard to school hours. As many come a distance to the school and bring their lunches with them, he suggests that they all do that during the Winter and that instead of the school hours being from 9 to 12 and 2 to as t 4 L a Iesellt they be from 9 a. m. to 2,80 p. in. with half an hour at noon for lunch. According to a despatch from Ot- tawa permission has been granted to. John Dunbar, the well known Downie farmer, to complete the homestead duties begun by his brother James, of Southern Albetta, who disappeared mysteriously in March of last year. The relatives of James Dunbar sus- pect that lift hee aH II • w )ordered but no clue hasen foundto ba the mystery. The last time he Was Heen as on March lith when he was performing the duties of the farm. On the fol• lowing day he had disappeared. The fano is of 820 acres partially under cultivation. Of Interest to the Public 40 It has long been an a tie.e.:,iu elf; commercial community that those who study their customers most and give the best value for money always succeed 11) winning the greatestcoefldenco of the publie and in obtaining the largest meas- ure of its patronage. That, and that only,. is the reason why I have built a fine business, - despite considerable opposition. 1 give better value -whilst my prices are generally lower than - elsewhere. I give you an honest, personal - service, Identifying myself with. your interest, and ever endeavor- ing to give yon a better return for the money .spent with me then what you could get elsewhere. Prompt delivery is'as essential as -t gond work. The importance of this is recognized by me, and I realize the responsibility when I accept an eider. Cemetery work promptly attended to. Estimates cheerfully givr�n, Brussels Granite & Marble Works ALLAN E. N ERSEY Proprietor In the year 1857 John Walkom, of Fullerton, assisted at the raising of the barn on the McPhail farm, note owned by Nelson Heal. Some weeks ago Mr. Walkom'assisted in placing a bent under the same building, ,just fifty-six years later. and, notwith- standing his advanced years, he is still hale and hearty. "Skidoo" For Your Hoadacha,-'' Ascertain its cause and the cure isn't hard to find. Look to the stomach and bowels. Aren't you corts. et3�ated, lent your liver sluggish, isn't the stomach failing in its mis- sion ? What you need is the cleansing tonic influence of Dr, Hamilton's Pills, Their effect is lasting because they aid all the ailing organs flush out, el unhealthy n atter and foie upt• Cf stomach. With Dr.- Hamilton's Pill your stomach gets a chance to r cnperate, and does so quickly, F real buoyant health use Dr. Hamil ton's Pills. regularly. mice 1 , g Y 250 Pet box all dealers. IP you already take Tux' why not subscribe for it for a year have it sent to you0 absent son o daughter ? He or she will appreciate it,' From now until the end of 1914 for $0, Buy this oven -tested flour PU • • • The baking quality off flour ur o, A tgld under this name is thereff ore r. azul exact certainty. 13u? and ben t! More Bread a• nd Better•. Bread" � and: "Better‘Pastr;r Too" •%e Your oven will certainly pro- duce more bread andbetterbread as a result of our oven test. From each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills v r n els we take a ten -pound s .m_,1c. It is ground into flour. IrVe bake bread from this flour, If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity we use the shipment of wheat frowhich it came. Otherwise, We sell it. 627